Ortac Resources Redesign
Route One
Route One - Branding Evolution With this approach we have moved the current brand forward, using a strong customised typeface and a simpfied mark. This modernises and strengthens the current brand while still maintaining a strong resemblence to the original.
Headline Typography Web & Print The headline typeface is Museo 300. It is at the heart of the identity and is the foundation of Ortacs branding. Clean, distinctive and legible, it is available in a variety of weights to meet specific communication needs across both screen and print environments. Body Copy Web & Print Online and in Print Helvetica Roman is used for body copy, it is suggested online that a generous point size and spacing is used to aid readability but not too big that it looks clumsy. Point Size 16 is recommended. Offline a smaller point size can be used, such as 10pt. Colours & Colour Combinations Route one uses a combination of muted blues and an off white to create a strong corporate feel. The use of green is restricted and reserved only to indicate interactively or as a highlight colour, for example it is used as a ‘read more’ text link, or to indicate an interactive image gallery. Examples of this can be seen in the visuals.
Museo 300 - Used For Headlines
ortac headline ortac headline ortac headline
Helvetica Roman - Used for Body Copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis euismod enim vulputate cursus. Duis consectetur nisi eget diam ultricies mattis quis sodales dolor. Maecenas eleifend, nibh at imperdiet venenatis, eros urna auctor lectus, vel convallis nulla ligula non mi. Colours
Colour Combinations
ortac ortac
Route One - Mobile & Desktop Overview The goal of this approach is create a bold home page which makes great use of negative space, creating an uncluttered visual with bold headlines with easy to read content. Simple navigation provides easy access to site information. This visual is eye catching with a strong clean and concise corporate feel. The mobile version is slimmed down to present Ortacs information suitably for the smaller screen space, prioritising the most important information on the home page.
Home page Overview The home page features Ortac projects in an easy to use scrollable picture gallery. RNS news and investor information such as investment graphs and gold / silver prices are prominent but not cluttered. Subtle use of the colour pallet with a strong leading blue, resessive grey and a vibrant green for detailling highlights help present information in a strong and clean style.
Project Overview A project detail page follows the same structure and layout as the home page, while focusing more on written content. Pull quotes and bold headlines are an important part of this design, with a picture gallery that is available, and can contain a number of images relating to the project The operation map would be available down the page in a similar style the Operations Gallery.
Operations Directors Overview Detail Thethe On board operations of directors detail page page, the photography shows the Executive willDirector becomeas the main the main focus shot, of the with header. the key With board maps and positioned members technical details below,being each relegated board member to theisside given column. space for a short bio about their role in the The information is clearly company. accessible with bold headlines and easy to read information.
Mobile Version - Project Detail. Within the mobile version all written content is displayed in a single column for maximum readablity, but the distinct design style is not lost. Content is displayed in a quick and easy to digest style to cater to the “on the go� nature of the mobile reader.
Mobile Version - Board of Directors
Applying The Brand Shown on the following pages are an example of how the branding could be used in print material such as corporate brochures.
Applying The Brand Shown on the following pages are an example of how the branding could be used in corporate presentations such as PowerPoint. Shown here is a cover page
Applying The Brand A clean and professional title page.
Applying The Brand Shown is an example of a page that contains text and image, including pull quotes and captions.
Applying The Brand Shown is an example of a page that contains bullet point information and corporate graphs.
Ortac Resources Redesign
Route Two
Route Two - Branding With this approach we have taken the Ortac logo and simplified it to it’s bare minimum, by incorporating the arrow within the ‘a’ we have created a strong clean brand identity that hints to the Ortac of past, while driving the branding forward.
Headline Typography Web & Print The headline typeface is Museo 300. With this route, the headlines work best when using a combination of the two colours, with the warm yellow being used as a highlight colour. This distinctive colour change will help to keep the brand consistent and familiar across multiple uses such as web and print. Body Copy Web & Print Online and in print Helvetica Roman is used for body copy, it is suggested online that a generous point size and spacing is used to aid readability but not too big that it looks clumsy. Point size 14 is recommended for use in this route. Offline a smaller point size can be used, such as 10pt. Colours & Colour Combinations Route two uses a restricted colour pallete to striking effect. The combination of dark grey and warm yellow help to create a distinctive brand that is recognisable and consistent across both web and print applications.
Museo 300 - Used For Headlines
ortac headline ortac headline ortac headline
Helvetica Roman - Used for Body Copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis euismod enim vulputate cursus. Duis consectetur nisi eget diam ultricies mattis quis sodales dolor. Maecenas eleifend, nibh at imperdiet venenatis, eros urna auctor lectus, vel convallis nulla ligula non mi. Colours
Colour Combinations
ortac ortac
Route Two - Mobile & Desktop Overview With this approach we have created a bold modular feature header that incorporates headlines, share price, operations and investor information. On internal pages this modular header could be used to present related information, for example on the operations page it could display operations photographs and maps. Key information such as latest videos, RNS news are displayed below the header in a clean and professional way. The mobile is a slimmed down version of the desktop visual suitable for the smaller screen space, we have only used the most important information on the home page.
Home Overview The home page acts as a gateway to the entire site, giving snippets of information from different sections, the Operations are scrollable allowing the user to jump straight to an operation of interest, and investment information such as share price is clearly displayed.
Operations Overview The featured header is very adaptable, within an operations the header is used to display the title, a scrollable operations gallery and operations map. On internal pages a right hand navigation becomes available to easily move around within the sub section.
Mobile Version - Project Detail. Within the mobile version all written content is displayed in a single column for maximum readablity, but the distinct design style is not lost. Content is displayed in a quick and easy to digest style to cater to the “on the go� nature of the mobile reader.
Mobile Version - Board of Directors
Applying The Brand Shown on the following pages are an example of how the branding could be used in print material such as corporate brochures.
Applying The Brand Shown on the following pages are an example of how the branding could be used in corporate presentations such as PowerPoint. Shown here is a cover page
Applying The Brand A clean and professional title page.
Applying The Brand Shown is an example of a page that contains text and image, including pull quotes and captions.
Applying The Brand Shown is an example of a page that contains bullet point information and corporate graphs.