The Ballad of Maria Marten
The story revolves around Maria Marten, a woman seen in two states: the dead woman (as narrator) recounting the events up to and after her death and the girl/woman reliving the past. It is based on a true story which shook the country when Maria was found buried in The Red Barn under a pile of rocks. She had been murdered by her lover. This play is to tell her story rather than the story of the murderer, William Corder, which captivated society at the time. The support of her friends is present throughout and we see the power William has over her when he separates her from them.
SummaryThe Red Barn was at the heart of the play so in my design I wanted it to be present on stage, almost like another character. The AUB Production was a more sensitive account, with a focus on the victim instead of the fascination of the murderer.