surface tension
you were embryonic, as if prior to life you never reached the womb. translucence felt like crying to the moon as you cupped waxen ambition into a palm's upheaval, waned a glossy breath before the unfolding. the millisecond sorrow pooled to your figure, praying to know your shape before the strike-down, the bubbly ascendance like prayers soft-spoken into a pillow. in a moment,
you will burst through this lucent skin as it crawls, the layers will back-crawl to your heartbeat into a final, crying breath to be grasped tightly. the blow will soften to a motion, rest upon your cheek, the surface tension will clasp you, entirely.
Olympic swimmer Tyler Clary, captured by Adam Pretty at the FINA World Championships, July 29, 2011.Is this the last time?
All at one, her voice, her eyes,2 Her hopeful refrain Meets my turning denial. Just say it. Aloud. Her name-
fingers intertwine with one's own hand unspoken sepia sky, plucked1 resting upon corners bare, his quiet promise, never shared.
Her hands, poised to love, Sepia drains from her touch.
From quiet corners,
From shame I tell and sinking trust: 'I do not know how to love'.4
turned melancholy. tears fall, his drowning body3 my secrets submerge,
i watch him, unspoken, an unread letter dissolving -
1 i pluck the hairs from his uniform, to know him before he wakes.
2 her voice, honey-dripped to its own viscosity. i melt in envy.
3 his drowning body unlike mine, a compliment, a freshwater spring turned waterfall, river, sea. the teardrop from a man's cheek.
4 i become the wake. we converge, our rivers meet. our love, endlessly allowing ourselves to flow from sepia sky to sea -
he speaks aloud. he loves me.
Fingers intertwine between two hands, outspoken. Secrets now unplucked. Resting upon corners bare, undrowned, he comes up for air.
he becomes flower �
after being held for so long, an acceptance bloomed like mycelium and i inhaled its sporadic love
as the shower wetted our skins, as he forgave my self-pollination, as we became something else -
we are the delicate ones we are the delicate ones we are the boys of blessing and mettle
as our nails turned into soft pink petals, your delicate eyes shared a pretty glare before our cherry-lips locked into heaven,
as my anther became our ethereality, an immaterially rinsed emotion, our own tender passions as i opened my heart to photosynthesise, we became
flowers. we became flowers. we became the spill of the shower, your body became
a garden i could soak within for hours, a douse in the swell of a sticky date, your light eyelashes of oxeye, i imagined
our capillaries bursting into the cerulean climbs, a rainbow blossoming from your touch like an arch over the morning rays, you say -
we are the delicate ones we are the delicate ones we are the boys of blessing and mettle
as we became bare-threaded angels towered high above this eternal room, he becomes flower, i conclude.