Ottos Brave, Bedtime Routine.

Written and
illustrated by

This book belongs to:

To my Mum, Dad and Ted for always keeping me safe and being my heros.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Contact information: Name: Ellie Perez

When the sun sets low and the stars twinkle bright, I snuggle in bed, ready for the night.

But before my adventures in Dreamland begin, I follow a routine to help me settle in.
First, I brush my teeth, bright and clean,

Then I pick out a story, a magical scene.
In my cozy pyjamas, snug as a bug,

I get all ready for a bedtime hug.

With Ted by my side, my faithfulfriend , I start to tell him, beginningtoend .

“Tonight, my mind will take me on a ride, In dreams so wild, with no need to hide.

“When I go to sleep, mydreamsliketoroam,

Intheskyor under the sea, far from home.

Butsometimes, Ted,mydreams aren’t kind, monsters

lurk , andmyfriendsaren’t nearby.
“Then I wake up, I see you near,

holding you close,
knowing I’m safe now you’re here,
'It was just a dream,' I say with all my might,

'I'm awake now, all is alright.'

"Sometimes, I turn on the light, to check my room, that everything is right.
No monsters hiding, nothing to fear,
Just toys and books, all near and dear.

"Then back to bed, with you by my side,
Feeling safe and warm, no need to hide.

But sometimes, even with all that might, I just need Mum to hold me tight.

"Her gentle touch, her soothing voice, Helps me relax, knowing no monsters will come back.
I know my dreams aren't real, it's true, But even then, they can be scary too."

So, with Ted by my side andMum’slovesonear , I drift off, withoutany fear.
Dreamingofadventures, in lands far and wide, WithTed andMum, right by my side.
Ifyou ’restruggling with scary dreamsjustlikeme

remember they’re not all theyturnouttobe
the monsters aren't real, you're safe in your bed
You have so much bravery, now rest your head.

Repeat three times with all your might,
It was just a dream, I’m awake now, all is alright
It was just a dream, I’m awake now, all is alright
It was just a dream, I’m awake now, all is alright
hug your friend close and take deep breaths in you're safe and sound now no monsters have been.

Hello readers,
I'm so glad you joined Otto for his bedtime routine!
Did you enjoy the story? I hope it made you feel cozy and safe.
You know, sometimes even grown-ups like me get scared of bad dreams.
But guess what? I have a special friend who helps me feel better. Do you remember Ted in all the pictures? That’s my friend, he’s strong and brave just like yours.
So, as you close this book and go on your own journey into Dreamland, remember how important love, friendship, and bravery are.
And if ever you find yourself facing a scary dream, know that your old friend, like mine, is right there beside you, ready to offer bravery and strength.
Hug them close and hold them tight. Sleep well and sweet dreams,
Ellie and Ted

“It was just a dream, I’m awake now, all is alright”
Join Otto on his special nighttime routine to help him get ready for bed and face his nightmares.
Learn with him that even in the darkness, there is always light, love, and courage to guide us through the night.

The Guardian – “A wholesome bedtime story for kids of all ages to help them sleep”.
Evening Standard – “A deep and meaningful lifelong message”.