09 september - 13. septembe Julie Snedker Ankjær, Dilja Rannveig Bóasdóttir Sindri Thorkelsson, Natascha Weiler, Rebecca Warnich Anna Brøns, Mark Korfitz, Simun Louis Jacobsen, Hendrik Lyberth, Victor Josefsen, Lasse Deichmann, Gustav Christiansen, Jonathan Rosenørn, Thomas Vestersøe.
MAINSTREET 2 The ideea of mainstreet 2 is that you on the way to the naigbourhoods experience different volumes and perception of the room. With the use of the hill the street opens up and narrows in towards the dome, so that you come from a very small and almost claustrofobic space and into the big dome.
PROCESS During the process of making the street we experienced different problems, the elevations in the terrain made the joints between the 3 elements difficult. We also had a challange in making the opening into the dome so that it would air tight and still easy to acces.