Aspects of contract and negligence

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Aspects of contract and negligence

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................. 1.1 Essential elements of a valid contract.................................................................... 1.2 Impact of different types of contract.....................................................................1 1.3 Terms applicable in contract.................................................................................... 4 TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................5 Business scenario 1............................................................................................................. 5 Business scenario 2............................................................................................................. 6 Business scenario 3............................................................................................................. 7 Business scenario 4............................................................................................................. 9 TASK 3........................................................................................................................................ 10 3.1 Liability in tort vs. contractual liability...............................................................10 Similarities............................................................................................................................ 10 3.2 Nature of liability in negligence............................................................................ 11 3.3 Vicarious liability.........................................................................................................12 TASK 4........................................................................................................................................ 13 Business scenario 5...........................................................................................................13 Business scenario 6...........................................................................................................14 Business scenario 7...........................................................................................................14

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Business scenario 8...........................................................................................................15 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 17

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INTRODUCTION Legal aspects are formulated so that every activity within an economy is performed under certain code of conduct. It is essential for individuals and business units to be abided by laws and regulation prevailing within the country. Law is the field of study that determines duties and obligations of different related parties. The report herewith deals with various aspects related to legal rules and regulations (Palmer, 2014). It is through analysis of various business cases that applicability of laws is determined. The report provided a deep understanding of valid contract and its essential element. It also develops learning of scenarios in which parties can be made liable and situations when no liability can be established. Henceforth, the report generates a complete picture of various aspects related to contract and negligence within business unit.

TASK 1 1.1 The contract is said to be valid only with the existence of various elements. Essential elements of the contract which are required to present for validity and enforceable by law is as listed below. As an illustration, Mr. Collins lost his dog and desire to find him back. For same he has given an advertisement offering ÂŁ 50 to a person who finds the dog. Finally, Mr. Bridge the dog and availed the offer given by Mr. Collins. The valid contract can be established in the case through satisfaction of following terms and conditions. Offer and acceptance: In order to establish valid contract it is essential that one of the related party put forward an offer that is accepted by another 1| Page Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

party. Therefore, two aspects are considered to be necessary for formation of contract. In the case discussed above Mr. Collins is giving an offer to public. Mr. Bridge who finds dog accepted the offer by accepting ÂŁ 50 in return of the dog. Intention to create legal relations: Another element that is necessary to form valid contract is an intention of parties to enter into legal relations. Till the parties are not interested in creating legal relations valid contract cannot be established between them (Middlemiss, 2012). It is therefore necessary that both parties are willing to create legal relations. The valid contract between Mr. Collins and Bridge can be established when they both are interested in creating legal relationship. Mr. Collins by giving advertisement signified that he is interested in establishing legal relations. Consideration: Every contract provides some or other benefits to related parties that motivate them to enter into contract. The value created by contract can be in monetary or non-monetary form. Henceforth, in order to make contract valid there should be some value associated with it. The consideration is necessary for both parties; in present case consideration for Mr. Collins is Dog and same for Mr. Bridge is ÂŁ 50. If Mr. Bridge would have returned back the dog without accepting any monetary value; the valid contract between parties would not have been established. Free Consent: It suggests that valid contact can be established only when both parties are entered into contract without external influence. This implies that no party should be influenced to agree on terms and conditions prevailed in the contract. In present case none of the parties were forced to

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enter into contract. Mr. Collins advertised for his personal benefit and Mr. Bridge also accepted offer without any external influence. These elements have importance since it assist in determining whether contract established is valid or not. It is through these elements that one can judge the validity and reliability of contract. Moreover, in case of discrepancies these elements helps in determining the parties suffered and one against which liabilities can be claimed. Henceforth, understanding of various elements of contract is essential not only to establish valid contract but also solve discrepancies that are expected to arise.

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1.2 There are various types of contract that can be established between business units or parties into consideration. Following are the kinds of contract:

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Verbal contract: These are contracts that are established by way of verbal communication between two parties (Gulshan, 2012). The contract have no legal evidence in written format henceforth it is difficult to set liability against defaulter in case of loss or damage. Written contract: It is the contract that is formulated by way of valid documentation and signed by related parties. These documents can be utilized as evidence in cases of discrepancies and negligence on the part of parties. Unilateral contract: This contract is established on the basis of promise made by an individual or business unit. In this type of contract the single party promise is considered to be an offer that can be accepted by any of individual. The proof of contract can be established in form of written promise offered by one of the party. The kind of contract and its nature determines impact on relation that existed between parties. As in some contracts claim against default party can be established easily while in other it requires lot of efforts to establish liability (Kidner, and Richard. 2007). Moreover, some of the contract generates valid outcome for parties into consideration. Henceforth, it is the kind of contract and nature of value associated that determines its capability to set claim against the parties. 1.3 The range of terms needs to be defined by parties so as to enter into valid contract. Some of the terms form an implicit assumption of the contract

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whereas other terms need to be expressed for entering into contract. All kinds of terms that form part of contract are described below in brief. Express terms: are expressed specifically and agreed between both the parties during the formation of contract (Shavell, 2009). The terms are specified clearly either in verbal or written form before entering into contract. Implied terms: These terms are not specified by the parties to be entered into contract but form an integral part of contract. The terms are not mentioned specifically but are considered by court as included in the contract. Contractual terms: The terms that are to be essentially incorporated into contract are referred to as contractual terms. They can be integrated into contract in the form of conditions, warranties and intermediate terms. These terms whether specified verbally or implied as a part of contract needs to be documented while formulating an agreement between parties (Plimpton, 2007). Contractual terms help in creating all kind of evidence for solving disputes that may arise in future.

TASK 2 Applicability of contract in given business scenarios Business scenario 1 The case brings forth fact that Miss kaur has suffered loss due to negligence of auctioneer since she travelled a distance of 264 kilometers from London. She has also suffered loss due to Harry action. But in both of cases she cannot claim for damage caused to her as per essential elements of contract: 5| Page Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

Auctioneer has published an advertisement for auction of fountain pens and was an invitation to offer instead of an offer. Invitation to treat refers is a request to other parties for submitting their proposals; it cannot be considered as an offer. In the case offer is made by Miss Kaur that is not accepted by auctioneer. Henceforth, element of acceptance is absent from the contract (Alkhamees, 2012). There is a valid consideration from point of view of both the parties that suggests presence of one of an important element in the contract. Another aspect or element that is free consent on part of both the parties is absent in the case. This is due to reason that auctioneer has advertised that auction will be open for two days and one can find luxuries pen for both of days. However, on second day Miss kaur was unable to find pen required by her indicating that free consent on part of both the parties is not present. The valid contract between parties is not established due to absence of certain element. Henceforth, Miss kaur cannot claim for her damage to the auctioneer. In other case Harry offered to sell fountain pen to Miss kaur whereby she counter offered to buy at lesser price. However, it is consent of Harry that can form the contract. The valid contract cannot be established without free consent of both the parties. Therefore, in this case too valid contract is not established (Ramanathan, 2014). Miss kaur henceforth cannot claim for damages caused to any of the party. Business scenario 2

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The given situation represents issue between Charles and Murphy for extra payment of £10,000 which is determined by them. Modification in contract is made by mutual consent of Charles and Murphy, for extra payment for completion of work at time. In the case precedent Christy v Row (1808) there was agreement for transfer of coal from England to Germany but due to war. Claimant was unable but defendant asked for modification and asked him to deliver coal with distinct port. Performance was done by claimant. Further defendant refused to pay. It was held by court that due to partial performance by claimant, defendant is require to pay. Similarly Charles is required to pay Murphy amount of £60,000 on the following basis: There was valid offer between them with appropriate consideration for renovation of building. Initial amount determined for contract were £50,000 which were further increased by £10,000. Hence according to section 2 to 7 in both contract and tort

there is

business liability from things done or to be done by a person in the course of a business. Modification was done after argue but at the end they both agree on it. Hence now obligation for payment which is required to be paid by Charles. Business scenario 3 In the given scenario Mia started a business as a self employed builders so his cousin and friend offer him for work. After the completion of work Hakim and Jane have failed to pay. For recovery of money for two projects by Mia following clauses can be applied: First project is offered by his brother Hakim who ran a retail estate agency business, said he would give him £2,000 if he repairs the bathroom and a 7| Page Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

roof in one his properties. There is no legal intention by Hakim to enter into contract work was given by him to Mia to provide him start in his career (Hollingsworth, 2014). Hence there is no contractual obligation between parties. Therefore Mia cannot recover amount from his brother. Reason is acceptable that he would not pay anything as he had only offered the work to help his brother out to gain more experience. Second project is offered by his friend Jane to do work for her business for a fixed price of ÂŁ1,000. It is legal offer on which acceptance is given by Mia. Hence they are bound under contractual obligation for performance. Work is done by Mia so now Jane is under obligation to pay amount of ÂŁ1,000 which was pre determined by them. Reason is not acceptable that she had only given her work to do on the basis of their friendship to help him gain more experience.

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2.2 Applicability of law on terms in given contract In the case precedent of Hutton v Warren [1836] EWHC Exch J61there was tenancy agreement between claimant and precedent. It was farming agreement but due to harvesting it was repudiated. Further the bill of expensed was submitted for payment which was incur by claimant. Defendant refuses to pay, by giving reason there was expressed term on this. For this situation decision was taken by court that hence it is farming agreement it is implied term that it includes clause for compensation if there is termination of contract. 2.3 Evaluation of effect of different terms in given contract Business scenario 4 In given situation there is contract between Mr. X and Mrs. Y for 3 years. Mrs. Y was employed by him as research assistant at a salary of ÂŁ25000 under a written agreement. Their agreement was comprises of clauses that research assistant will dress smartly at all times and it was clear that trousers will not be acceptable under any situation (Harpwood, 2009). Next clause was she had to work no matter how much hours she is required to complete projects given to her. Project was given to her on 1st June which is required to be completed on 2nd June. She tried her best but got terminated. In given case scenario breach is made by Mrs. Y for both the clauses first she did not complete her work. It was clear in agreement that she will work whatever hours are necessary to complete the projects. Which was no done it will not considered how much efforts was done at the end; point to be noticed is that project was not completed.

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Secondly she was wearing trousers in next morning which was clearly restricted in her agreement. Hence termination of contract is valid by Mr. X he is not responsible for condition of Mrs. Y.

TASK 3 3.1 The Tort law is a law that is applicable in case of negligence. As per tort law the liability can be established against an individual whose negligence caused loss or damage to other party. This law is based on domestic rules and regulations and does not take into account international torts. Majority of times tort law between parties arises only in case of breach of duty that forms an essential element of contract. According to contractual agreements valid contracts are based on certain essential elements (Padhi, 2012). However, tort law allows claiming for damages caused not on the basis of pre-defined terms and conditions. It has certain fixed norms that are to be abided by parties into consideration. Contractual liability on other hand can be established on the basis of pre-defined terms and conditions that form a part of valid contract. As per the contractual liability if any of the party is unable to perform its obligations the contract is considered to be breach. The contractual liability sets against the person who has not satisfied terms and conditions agreed upon at the time of contract. It is based on evidence and facts established as per the agreed conditions of contract. Similarities The laws under consideration are applicable to civil wrongs. 10 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

There is a right with victim to claim for damage or loss due to behavior of other party (Brand and Davenport, 2012). The person into default needs to settle claim established against him under all circumstances. Dissimilarities The contractual liability and tort liability are distinct from each other on the basis of nature of duty. Tortuous liability can be established even in the cases when no previous relationship existed between the parties. This implies that in scenarios when no contract is entered into the sufferer can claim for its damage under law of tort. The contractual claims or liability can be established only on the basis of pre-defined terms and agreement stated in contract (Rush and Ottley, 2006). Tortuous liability is said to be stricter in comparison to contractual liability. 3.2 The liability according to negligence act can be established when it is the ignorance or carelessness of one party resulted in loss to another party. The negligence is considered in cases of breach of duty that is exercised in certain specific circumstances. However, it is in the scope of tort liability but does not take into account international torts. The negligence liability is applicable only to civil cases. Other kinds of cases such as criminal cases are not covered under scope of negligence liability. The negligence liability is based on certain principles; namely duty of care, breach of duty, causes of damages and injuries, remoteness of damages for legal causation and type 11 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

of damages and harm. These principles lay down foundation for liability as per negligence act. One of the most important principles for negligence liability is duty of care that suggests each party to ensure sufficient amount of care to another party. Responsibility of care is that precept in which one party bears a duty of care towards another to ensure around that there is no damage and losses due to their activities. The liability also takes into account the breach of duty which suggests that in case defendants are going wrong to meet decided standards for duty of care as per the law (Apme, and et al, 2004). On that point is no negligence liability when there is no direct clause for defended for the hurt and damages. Moreover, certain set rules are defined to determine remoteness of damage. This is due to reason that remoteness of damage that helps in deciding the claim to be set against the party into fault. The claimant also needs to prove that loss or harm is caused due to negligence on the part of another party. Once defendant is proved to be liable for the harm or damage caused; the liability or claim can be set against him/her. The sufferer or party that has to claim is requires to be abided by all negligence principles and other rules and regulations as per the law. 3.3 It is the liability that can be set or established against persons for offence committed by any other third party. The vicarious liability is claimed many-a- times in cases of superior-subordinate relationship that is employeremployee relationship. Vicarious liability is a position in which one party is deemed liable for the loss, damages and injuries of claimant due to the misdeeds of any other party. The liability can be established only in cases of 12 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

valid legal relationship between parties (Goldman, 2013). As an illustration in case of employer- employee relationship; employee tends to be responsible for actions and activities of its employees. It is employer responsibility to provide secure working condition with decent pay scale. Any misdeed on part of employee due to employers’ action makes him/her liable for losses or damages caused to third party. The employer henceforth can be claimed vicarious liability so as to prevent all kind of unlawful actions of employees. The liability henceforth can be raised in cases of legal relationship majorly employer-employee relationship. It can be claimed in cases of employees’ misconduct and liability is set against its employer.

TASK 4 Business scenario 5 In the given situation oil was taken by UK Ship in Sydney harbor. Oil was spilled onto the water and it drifted to a wharf 200 yards away where welding equipment was in use. Work was in continuation by owner of the wharf. He carried on working because he was suggested that sparks were unlikely to set fire to furnace oil. Safety precautions were taken. Later a spark fell onto a piece of cotton waste floating in the oil, thereby starting a fire which damaged the wharf. In the case there is no fault of both the parties as precaution was taken by them. Owner of wharf was not required to take as there was no contingency for fire with combination of fire and oil. Hence owner of wharf cannot sue the chatterers of the ship.

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Business scenario 6 In the given situation issue is between Bell and Shell. Bell was employed by Shell for maintenance of vehicle. Sight of one eye is already lost by Bell. During the work chip of metal flew into Bell’s good eye and blinded him. For injury of Bell business cannot be held vicarious liable as it was a normal practice to issue protective goggles since the risk of eye injury was small. Precaution was required to be taken by Bell. As he was already injures he should do such type of work which can cause danger to his other eye.

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Business scenario 7 In the given scenario Alf is employed by Safe Care Homes ltd. It is a company which provides shelter to vulnerable children in London. She is 14 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

warden there and has been accused for sexually abusing boys under his care. In the given situation company can be sued by parents for sexual abuse done by Alf. In the case there is vicarious liability of business, as offence was committed during the period of Employment by Alf. It was obligation of company to take care of environment and on work of their employees (Giliker, 2010). Due to negligence of business Alf which is employee of Safe Care Homes ltd crime was done by her. Hence Safe Care Homes ltd is vicariously liable for the act done by Alf of sexual abuse to boys under his care. Obligation will not be extinguished from Alf; she will be punished for her criminal act which is prohibited by law. Business scenario 8 In the given situation Amos Bridge is a pump attendant employed by AB and Sons garage ltd. on duty he argue with customer and blame on him believing that he wanted to drive off without paying for the diesel. Then there was physical violence committed by attendant. In this case business is vicariously liable for the act of Amos Bridge. The offence was committed during term of employment (Faure, 2009). It is responsibility of owner to train their employee that how should behave their customers. They should take care that any violence should not take place. Employees are not eligible in any situation to commit physical violence with customers. On the behalf of manager of AB and Sons Garage ltd it can be concluded that company is vicariously liable for the torts of Mr. Bridge. 15 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

CONCLUSION From the present project report it can be concluded that contract is agreement between two or more parties which is enforceable by law. It is required to have essential elements to be validated by law (Cooke, 2009). Breach of terms can lead to termination of contract at the choice of aggrieved party. Business can be held vicariously liable for the offence committed by his employees during the term of employment. The reason behind it is that there is responsibility of owner to take care of such act as he was in position to control it.

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REFERENCES Alkhamees, A., 2012. Private action as a remedy against market manipulation in the USA", Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. 20 (1). pp.41 – 55. Apme, and et al, 2004. Business Aspects of Optometry: Association of Practice Management Educators. Elsevier Health Sciences. Brand, C. M. and Davenport, P., 2012. Adjudication in Australia: An analysis of the amendments introduced by the building and construction industry Security of Payment Amendment Act 2010. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment. 4(3). pp.189–202. Cooke J., 2009. Law of Tort. Longman Faure, M., 2009. Tort law and economics. Edward Elgar publishing. Giliker, P., 2010. Vicarious liability in tort. Cambridge University Press. Goldman, A., 2013. Business law: Principles and Practices. Cengage. Gulshan, S. S., 2012. Business law. Excel book publishing. Harpwood, H. V., 2009. Modern tort law. Routledge. Hollingsworth, G., 2014. Vicarious liability lawyers. [Online]. Available through: <> [Accessed on 27treMay, 2014] Katter, N., 2004. "Who then in law is my neighbour?" - The Tort Law Review 12(2):pp. 85-97. Kidner, and Richard. 2007. Resiling from the Anns principle: the variable nature of proximity in negligence. Legal Studies. Blackwell Publishing 7(3). Kidner, R., 2008. Casebook on Torts. Oxford University Press Middlemiss, S., 2012. The legal impact on employers where there is a sham element in contracts with their workers. International Journal of Law and Management. 54(3). pp.209–221. 17 | P a g e Get Assignment Help from Professionals Assignment Writers

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