Business Environment Sample Of Nestle

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Business environment of Nestle

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................1 1.1

Purpose of different types of organizations.....................................................1

1.2 Extent to which NESLE meets the objectives of the different stakeholders:..........................................................................................................................2 1.3 Responsibilities of the Nestle as an organization and strategies they incorporated to meet them:............................................................................................. 3 TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Effective allocation of resources in different economic system................. 4 2.2 Impact of Fiscal and Monetary policy on Nestle:.............................................. 6 2.3 Impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanism on the activities of Nestle:.............................................................................................................. 7 TASK 3...........................................................................................................................................8 3.1 Market structure and determination of the price and output decision of the Nestle:............................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Response of the Nestle to the market forces:................................................... 9 3.3 Business and cultural environment of Nestle:................................................... 9 TASK 4........................................................................................................................................ 10 4.1 Evaluation and significance of international trade, economic integration to Nestle:............................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Impact of Global factor on Nestle:....................................................................... 10 4.3 Impact of the policies of European Union over NESTLE.............................. 12 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................12 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 13 2 | Page

INTRODUCTION The present report is about the business environment of Nestle.

Business environment can define as distinct sources or surroundings which influence the business operations and functions of the organization. It comprises internal and external factors, such as customers, competitors, suppliers,







employees etc. Business environment has positive and negative impact on organization. This research comprises distinct objectives and market structures of the company. It spotlights on Nestle and its strategies for attaining its strategic objectives. The study describes the responsibility of the Nestle towards the stakeholders for completing their expectations. Including this it also includes fiscal policy and monetary policies and their impacts on organization’s financial performance. Along with this, market structure of Nestle, distinct market forces, international, treads, economic integrations and policies of European Union are also describing in the following paragraphs of the report. Nestle is a food and beverage company, management of the company focuses on the organization’s objective and market structure of the Nestle. It offers distinct baby food, chocolates, breakfast cereals, confectionery, bottled water, ice-cream, pet foods and snacks, etc. This company is using their products in the global market for international treads, so it needs appropriate environmental analysis of various factors which have and positive and negative impact on the business operation and functions of the Nestle (Half-Yearly Report, 2013).

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TASK 1 1.1 Purpose of different types of organizations

Objective of an organization can define as the overall goals, purpose and mission of the company that have been developed by the management of










performance of the association. It focuses on the long term planning for operating the business. Overall policy, rules and regulations are based on the objective of the corporation and it can provide effective guideline for employees for better performance. According to the objectives, organization can divide in five types (Paswan and et. al., 2011):

Sample on Business Environment Nestle For Full Assignment Help Kindly mail us at: 1. Commercial organization 2. Public sector organization 3. Non-Profit organization 4. Cooperatives 5. Nom- governmental organization

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commercial organizations. This type of companies uses distinct type of skills,

knowledge and experience of the employees for optimum utilization of the available resources for increasing the profit of the organization. Main objective of the public sector organization is providing special benefits or advantages to the public, society and intact commune. It offers equal chances for every single individual of the nation. Police and military are best example of this type of organization. Charity and welfare for society is the main purpose of Non- profit organizations. It does not focus on maximizing profits. It provides a valuable offers and benefits to their stakeholders. Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are based on a specific objective which includes granting some special services, resources and facilities to every single individual of the society for distinct political and societal agendas (Afilmohhamad, 2012). Services of NGOs include control over pollution; take action









development of the entire society, etc. At last cooperative organizations have some hybrid objectives; these are maximum profit, efficient quality, customer’s satisfaction and effective communication between different departments of the organization. 1.2 Extent to which NESLE meets the objectives of the different stakeholders: All those individuals and cluster of people, firms who may affect and can change the operations and functions of the business are known as stakeholders of the Nestle. Stakeholders can divide in two parts; these are internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are employees and Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

shareholders of the Nestle and external stakeholders are customers, employees, supplier, government and society. As per the purpose of the Nestle it falls in the public sector organization its major objective is providing benefits to stakeholders of the organization. For attaining this objective Nestle uses distinct planning and strategies with effective management. Nestle has different extent to meet the expectations of the stakeholders, which are as follows: For offering effective dividend and return Nestle uses appropriate dividend policy and stock appreciation for the investment and funds of the shareholders. Nestle provides efficient salaries, reward, compensation, bonus, working environment and job security for their employees (The NestlĂŠ Corporate Business Principles, 2010). It offers appropriate training and development programs for enhancing the skills and knowledge of entire workforce. For satisfy the customer Nestle provide high quality food product and services with competent price. Nestle uses effective price mechanism and policies which is fruitful and advantageous for all customers. For maintaining effective relationship with supplier Nestle do payment on time to their supplier for the delivery of material. It grants resource full and pollution free environment to the society. Nestle offers various employment opportunities in different fields for every individual of the society. Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

Nestle follows all rules and regulation which are made by the

government for different tax and interest payment (Galbreath, 2009). It provides perfect competition to the whole market and maintains the deco random of the perfect market structure. Therefore, Nestle utilizes valuable and effective strategies to assemble the stakeholder’s objectives as well as organizational purposes. 1.3 Responsibilities of the Nestle as an organization and strategies they incorporated to meet them: As per the above discussion Nestle is a public sector organization, so it has different responsibilities towards the market and society which helpful for maximizing the profit of the organization and attaining its objectives. Some responsibilities of Nestle are describing below (Half-Yearly Report, 2013): Management Responsibility: Organizational success is totally depends on the management, so Nestle has some responsibilities towards the management of the company. There are various departments in the management of the Nestle, these are personnel, finance, operation and production and marketing section of the organization. For finance department Nestle is liable for the effective financial management, allocation of the financial resources, and taxation and dividend policies of the company. For human resource management, company is responsible for the efficient working environment, training and development programs for employees. Nestle is accountable towards the qualitative inputs for operation and production department and healthy food Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

product for customers of the organization. Thus, Nestle has various management responsibilities for attaining the organizational objectives

(Davies and Ormosi, 2013).

Sample on Business Environment Nestle For Full Assignment Help Kindly mail us at: Ethical Responsibility: Objective of the Nestle is long term and for attaining these purposes they needs to accomplish various corporate social and ethical responsibilities. These accountabilities include effective relationship with the stakeholders and corporate governance. Nestle uses its products and services for the international trades so it needs to follow the culture, beliefs and values of each countries, thus it is accountable for some international ethical issues which are relevant to the international trade, environment, culture, standards of the organization. Environmental Responsibility: Nestle is a food and beverage organization so it’s all products are based on the natural inputs so it has various environmental responsibilities. Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

Nestle utilizes cocoa products as an input for manufacturing numerous merchandises (Fernando, 2011). World cocoa foundation produces some policies for every cocoa farmers and it deals with the process of farming and their







responsibilities of Nestle include the exercise of bets techniques for cultivation of cocoa crop. Including this it is responsible for the development of the ecological and communal programmes which are very useful for the environment of the organization.

TASK 2 2.1 Effective allocation of resources in different economic system All those organisms by which Nestle is manufacturing and producing distinct goods and services with optimum allocation of the available resources of the organization are known as economic system. Major functions of the economic system of the organization are economic progress and stability and allocation of the resources. Overall production of the Nestle is depended on different resources, such as labour, land, natural resources and other sources of the company (Ghannadian, 2006). Some decisions are also based on the economic system of the Nestle, these decisions are: what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. On the basis of the decision making process and allocation of the resources there are four type of economic system and all these system are describing below: Traditional economic system: This type of economic system follows by the primary companies and it utilizes distinct traditions and customs. Its operations and productions are based on the farming and hunting. It major decisions, what, how and whom to produce are taken by the Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

background and civilization of the association. All decisions are obtained by the superlative leader of the organization. Tribal areas in South America and Asia are the best instance for this type of economic system. Traditional economic system has variety of benefits and drawbacks, such as each element of this system is separate form their own task and work. Public networking and communication are strong, safe, conformist and constant. On other hand habitual systems are ineffective in managing change and updating technologies. This system does not utilize their resources and skills effectively in producing goods and services (Gottheil, 2013). Market economic system: It is based on the self production of the companies and allocates the resources on the basis of the demand and supply and distinct market forces of the organization. Obtaining higher profit is the major objective of this type of economic system. Market economic system uses effectual price mechanism system for pricing decision of the organization. There is no real life instance for this type of system it is only working in the economic theories. Advantages and disadvantages of the system comprises that it is very free for producing different product and services. It does not involve the government policies and rules for any decisions and all decisions are taken by the single and responsible authority. Whereas, organization can blemish the customer trust because there are no obstruction of the government.

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Command or planned economic system: In this type of system government play an important role (Shaikh, 2010). All operation, activities and functions of the association are monitored and controlled by the government of the nation. Government uses the integrated planning system for distributing the resources and various decisions making of the company. North Korean organizations are a suitable example for this type of economic system. Objective of the planned economic system includes the pleasure of all individuals, effective use of scare resources and maintain perfect completion. This system majorly focuses on the quality of the products rather than quantity of products and services. In his type of system customers have very less choices for buying any product. It has a rigid production process which can not capable for change management. It requires high paperwork and complete data base management which is very time consuming. Due to centralize planning organization does not use its personnel resources effectively. Mixed economic system: according to the name this economic system uses the planned and market economic system (Haigh and Brubaker, 2010). Allocation of the resources is based on both approaches planned and public. Every decision is taken by the equal participation









organization. It is a mixed economic system so their main objectives are enhancing the social interest and higher profit. United states are most appropriate example for this type of economic system. This type Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

of system produces

some rules


regulation for preventing

customers from unfair prices and practices. Some drawbacks of this system are that it is using too much of government participation which may reduce the potential of the company and increase the monopoly in environment.

Sample on Business Environment Nestle For Full Assignment Help Kindly mail us at: Therefore, every economic system has their own tools and techniques for allocating the resources, making decisions and operating the whole business for attaining different objectives of the company (Jones and Vagliasindi, 2013). 2.2 Impact of Fiscal and Monetary policy on Nestle: Main features of the fiscal and monetary policy of the financial system of the organization: Fiscal policy: it helps government to decide the rat of tax on borrowings and landings, expenditure level of capital and distribution of the revenue.

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Monetary policy: Monetary policy of the organization is very useful for the government authorities for control over the money supply of the country. High supply rate increase the inflation and low supply rate deals with the decreasing of the economic growth (Riley, 2012). Monetary and fiscal both policies influence the operation and functions of Nestle. Monetary policy affects the money supply of the Nestle. High interest rate increases overall expenses of the business and decrease the revenue, sales and profit of the organization. If interest rate of monetary policy is low then it will increase the sale, revenue and profit of the company. Fluctuation in interest rates of monetary policy affects the currency exchange rates of different countries which influence the international trade, export and import of the different products and services of the Nestle (Hall, 2013). Fiscal policy influences the taxation policies and level of tax of Nestle. Low tax rate help in generate more money and cash for the Nestle which increase the capacity of the investment. It assists in the attaining the demand of the customers. Due to the high tax rate Nestle will face the cash problems which increase the price of the product and decrease the demand of the company. Therefore, fiscal and monetary policies both impinge on the various decision of the business, such as recruitment and selection of the personnel, obtaining funds from different financial resources, export and import cost of distinct products and services of the Nestle.

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2.3 Impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanism on the activities of Nestle Nestle is Swiss multinational food and beverages company and it is a biggest food firm in the world in terms of revenues. In the present time, the food industry is a most competitive industry and most of the organizations invest their huge amount of investment for taking the competitive advantages as well as good return of investment (Diehi, 2012). Competition policy helps in promoting the competition and improve the efficiency of Nestle. It gives the assurance to the enterprise about the customer choice, new innovation in technology, effective price competition between the suppliers and distributors (Davies and Ormosi, 2013). There are policies on which competition policy is based market liberalization, merger control, antitrust and cartels and state aid. With the help of these it easy to make the restriction on pricing and remove the monopolistic market strategy for open the new ways to enter the competitors in the market in front of Nestle. (Galbreath, 2009). On the other hand, regulations are formulating and imposed by the government









performance of market and its outcomes on the basis of customers buying Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

behaviour (Fernando, 2011). In the context of Nestle, regulations of the government for firm are such as standard product quality, fair trading, better

customer services, environmental policies etc. These all are used to monitor the pricing in the market and level of competition between the competitors. The list of competitors of Nestle is large and to expand the business at international level, it is required for the firm to follow the regulation of government (Shaikh, S2010). Impact of competition policy on activities of Nestle: Increase the market share by lower down the prices, Increase competition level by improving the quality of the food products and services to attract more and more customers, Create a balance between the supply and demand of the food items in the market, (Manning, 2013) Brining the new innovation in product or establish the new product line, Improves the performance of existing machines and production volume.

TASK 3 3.1 Market structure and determination of the price and output decision of the Nestle: Market structure includes the different similar companies, sellers, buyers, new entrant and exists in the market, products, services and different decisions of the organizations. There are different types of market structures,








monopolistic market. Whole market structure of the company influences the pricing and output decisions of the company. Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

Nestle is a public sector organization and its market structure is perfect. This market structure includes large number of buyer and seller so price taking is the best strategy for these organizations. As well as there are no costs for entering into the market and exist form the market so it has faire and strong competition. Information about the products is equally communicated to the all buyers and sellers of this market structure. Different decisions are describing below (Shaikh, S2010): Determination of the price of NestlÊ’s products in the perfect market: In the perfect market pricing decisions are completely based on the demand and supply of the product in the market. This company is price taker not maker. It is based on the competitor’s price and demand and supply of the product. Nestle can increase the price of their products in only one case when its competitors are facing loss. Price equation for Nestle: Price= Average Revenue (AR) = Marginal Revenue (MR) Determination of output of Nestle in the perfect market structure: By considering the market price of the products and services Nestle can improve the capability of the output. The pricing mechanism of the Nestle comprises the average and marginal cost which influence the total cost of the company. At the equilibrium stage Nestle will get the maximum profit and at this level the marginal revenue is equal to the average cost of the company (Market structures and pricing and pricing decisions- an overview, 2013).

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3.2 Response of the Nestle to the market forces: Market structure of the Nestle is perfect and due to the competition policy it has competitive market. There are different market force which influences the demand and supply of the organization and price mechanism of the company. These forces are: 1. Huge number of buyer and seller 2. Perfect competition in the whole market 3. No cost on the entry and exit from the market. 4. Homogeneous product 5. Every buyer and seller has perfect information about the market. Nestle responses very positively in case of each market force. Its production volume is varying as per the demand and supply of the products. For following the all market trends Nestle follows each and every pricing policy and taking the price form the market. As per the above discussion Nestle is facing the perfect competition in the perfect market structure. It differentiates their products by using the new innovation and makes a distinction their products from the competitors and develops perfect competition in the whole market (Diehi, 2012). 3.3 Business and cultural environment of Nestle: Business environment of the organization comprises internal and external environment and culture of the organization. Nestle uses effective strategies for managing its internal and external environment of the company which provide perfect competition to the overall market. Every single










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organizational behaviour of the Nestle. Nestle provides efficient and qualitative products to the customers for satisfying their needs and expectations.

Sample on Business Environment Nestle For Full Assignment Help Kindly mail us at: It uses the international trades so culture of different countries affects the business operations of the organization. It includes taste and preferences of different customers, traditions and customs of distinct nations, beliefs and values of different regions etc. Therefore, the entire production process is affected by the production process of the organization (Global Factors Affecting Business, 2011). Competitors of the organization can be regarded to play a very crucial role towards environment and culture of any firm. Hence, it is the competitive strategy of firm which aids in attaining the competitive advantage. It can thus be defined as the manner in which firm is able to compete with the competitor in order to attain the competitive advantage. Nestle has been regarded as a well known food and beverage company. Here, the belief is that effective leadership is the key area of competitive and corporate strategy. Hence, Nestle has focused on some principles that are required to attain competitive advantages. Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

Provision of safe products to the consumers. Ensuring for effective communication between consumer and sellers. Provision of leadership and training for employees. Providing for Safe and healthy environment in workplace setting. Creation of Nutritious and healthy product. Optimum resource allocation. Provision of human rights and well defined labor practices to the employees. Ensuring towards maintaining Perfect and honest relation with supplier (Davies and Ormosi, 2013).

TASK 4 4.1 Evaluation and significance of international trade, economic integration to Nestle: International trade refers to exchanging finished goods, capital and services of a firm at an international level and market. Greater competitions will be confronted by Nestle in the global market on account of international trade. As a result of the prevailing perfect and high competition, Nestle is allowed to expand its markets of goods and services. This type of trade gives results that clearly indicate that a competitive pricing strategy is being followed by nestle. This strategy allows it to provide products at low price to its domestic as well as international customers. Efficient coordination is maintained between the fiscal and monetary policy of nestle owing to economic integration. This trade also serves as a Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

means for the organizations such as nestle to reduce barriers for international trade. Along with this, nestle is also allowed to make

arrangements regarding the traffic between different countries. Significance that economic integration carries for nestle can be elicited in many ways. It performs the function of enhancing opportunities for international trade for nestle. It also helps in reducing the cost of the product of the concerned organization (Fernando, 2011). 4.2 Impact of Global factor on Nestle: Owing to the impact of factors present globally, every organization makes use of different ways that are employed in running operations of the business, planning for activities, production processes and strategies form one country to another. Global factors can be categorized in to the following two parts: Controllable or internal factors Uncontrollable or external factors The performance, operations and culture of organizations such as nestle are affected by both the internal and external factors. Controllable factors are those that can be controlled. These include labour, land, capital, location of the business, employees, internal policy, available resources etc. Uncontrollable factors are those on which the organization has no control. These are inclusive of demography, technology, legislations, rules and regulation, competitiveness etc. Global factors have an influence on various aspects of NestlĂŠ such as economic, technological and social (Galbreath, 2009). Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

Economical impact: Among the economic factors of nestle are included money supply, monetary policy, fiscal policy, etc. These are uncontrollable factors for the

organization. Goods and services are traded by nestle in the international market. Its market share in the internal trades is high. Hence, the economic stability of the company is affected by the economical factors. There is no need for nestle to bring any inputs from other countries for its production processes. It has belief in self producing the goods in the manufacturing country for low cost of the products. Thus, more profit will be generated by nestle through its production processes that will lead to economic stability. It will also help in obtaining additional customers who will use NestlÊ’s product. Technological impact: High and latest technology is used by the international market for complete production process. It is for this reason that marketing policy and strategy of nestle will be impacted by technological factor. Latest internet and mobile technology can be used by nestle for promoting its products, increasing its sales and market share. Social impact: Among the social factors of a organization are included tastes, behaviour, life style, preferences, gender, age and educational background f the customers. These are relevant with respect to the demand and supply of the products of company in the market. The buying behavior of the customers Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

will be impacted by the change in social factors of nestle. Marketing strategy needs to be changed owing to changes in buying pattern. In this way, great effects are caused of social factors on nestle (Manning, 2013.). 4.3 Impact of the policies of European Union over NESTLE For controlling the business

activities, the following are the rules,

regulations and policies of European Union: ➢ Inflation policies ➢ Education and training policies ➢ Employment policies ➢ Taxation policies ➢ International policies ➢ Regional policies Free international trade is done by nestle across the European Union regions. This is because every policy of the international as well as national trade developed by EU is followed by Nestlé. With internal policies, regulations and rules, the operation and production policies are made easier and flexible. But, a very important part is played by these policies in the increase of market share and profit of nestle when it operates in various countries of Europe. However, some negative impacts are being faced by nestle on its operations due to the limitations imposed by these policies (Galbreath, 2009).

CONCLUSION The present study concludes that Nestle is one of the leading organizations in food and beverage industry. It is a public sector organization and major objective of this organization is offering healthy and qualitative Business Environment Sample from Assignment Help Australia

food products to their customers. It also finds out that company has a perfect market structure and facing the perfect market competition. Along with this fiscal and monetary policy influence the financial management and money supply of the organization. In addition, Nestle has some management, environmental and ethical responsibilities for attaining the organizational objectives.







environment and culture influence the production and operation department of the Nestle. At last European Union and its different business policies increases the market share of the Nestle.

Sample on Business Environment Nestle For Full Assignment Help Kindly mail us at: REFERENCES Books and Journals Alcidi, D. and Gros, D., 2011. Great recession versus great depression: monetary, fiscal and banking policies. Journal of Economic Studies. 38(6). pp.673-690. Fernando, C. A., 2011. Business Environment. Pearson Education India.

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