Current situation of imprisonment

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How useful is the concept of 'crisis' in explaining the current situation of imprisonment?

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How useful is the concept of 'crisis' in explaining the current situation of imprisonment?

ESSAY Prison is one of the sanctions available with the court of law to deal the person who had committed criminal offence. In present era, imprisonment is one of the harshest sanction in UK. However, this is not in matter of fact of present search. Present study is focuses on the significance of concept of 'crisis' in explaining the current situation of imprisonment. From the very beginning there were certain issues in concept of imprisonment (The Rationale for Imprisonment, 2015). Thus, for the better justice parliament of UK is continuously focused on the improvement in this concept. In 20th Century development of prison has been continued by making valuable amendments in criminal law. Despite of these improvements there are certain crisis in imprisonment such as high population, inappropriate management, traditional system of rehabilitation etc. According to the certain researches, it has been proved that prison system in UK is facing severe crisis. Britain is on the verge of its worst position due to overcrowding since 2008. According to the statement of Mr Grayling regarding sanctioned emergency measures, there were only 265 free spaces left out from the capacity of 85,800 across the England and Wales prison estate. In comparison to past four years, this was the highest number since the coalition took power (Zimmermann, 2009). In addition to this, hostage incidents and disturbances are continuously increasing in society which is intensifying the fear that prisons in Britain are in crisis. It has been noticed by mounting unrest, there is correspondent increment in the figure of deployment of specialist teams convicted for the imprisonment estate to quell riots and Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

protests. Initial crisis was identified in 1860 regarding problem of recidivism. To resolve this issue, idea of penal sanction was applied by the Court of law. However, outcome of this idea was more pessimistic and negative. Thus, due to inappropriate management of crisis adverse impacts are also enhanced due to which government has faced severe issues. Similarly, in present era inefficient strategies to resolve issues in prison is leading to the situation of crisis. This is most crucial aspect required to be considered by Parliament of UK.


system of UK regarding prison is not able to achieve core aim (Lurigio, 2002). Approach of prison or imprisonment was introduced to reduced the crime and to provide fair chance to criminal for rehabilitation. By considering the previous data of sentencing in UK, it can be noticed that in 19th Century there were nearby 300,000 people in prison and data of 20th Century shows that over 2 million people are facing conviction of sentencing. This data shows that, instead of reduction of crime and criminals it is continuously increasing.

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In accordance with the Criminal Justice Act 2003, main purpose of conviction of imprisonment is to provide justified punishment to the offender, reduction of crime, protection to the public, making of reparation by offenders Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

to persons affected by their offences and reform and rehabilitation of the criminals








represents that imprisonment is provided to the offender for the purpose of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, punishment and rehabilitation. However, these objectives are not achieved by the process of sentencing. This aspect depicts that, there are certain issues or loopholes in the system of prison management due to which this concept is not working. Green paper of Breaking the Cycle: Effective Punishment, Rehabilitation and Sentencing of Offenders, says that Criminal Justice System in Britain is “an expensive way of giving the public a break from offenders, before they return to commit more crimes�. Another issue that is faced by parliament of UK is Crisis of management regarding governance of prisons. System implemented for the management of prison is not appropriate. Due to this aspect, problem of overcrowding is continuously increasing (Britain's prison overcrowding crisis surges 'close to the brink', 2014). In present era, condition of prisoners and prison is adversely affected by severe inadequacies such as poor physical health, high congestion, sanitary conditions, rehabilitation programmes, restricted connection with the outside world and large percentage of awaited trial. To resolve this issue, approach of privatization was implemented. According to the government, approach of privatization will assist them in better management of prisons. However, issue of inappropriate management is still not resolved by private entities (Kurtis, 2004). Recently, so many scandals were identified for embezzlement of funds provided for management of prison. This aspect can be evidenced by the news that, managers of 14 private sector prisons including Serco and G4 were at the centre of such scandals last summer. Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

Facilities are not increasing in prison in accordance with the increasing population. As per

the recent data of prison, population in prison has been

double in past 20 years but there is significant difference in the infrastructure and other resources. Increasing population in prison is adjusted in the limited space. Due to this aspect, there are no opportunities for education, employment and rehabilitation for prisoners. Due to the lack of facilities, prisoners has to squeeze themselves in the overcrowded population.

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In addition to the above described issues, inappropriate psychological and material conditions of imprisonment also leads to the crisis in prison. Cases of sexual harassment and physical violence is not new in prisons. For better management of prison environment, policy of separation of adult and young prisoners was implemented by authoritative parties. Main objective of this policy was to resolve issue of overcrowding in prisons. However, kids and youngsters are leaded to the world of drugs and violence due to inappropriate environment in prison. Along with this, they have to face sexual assault by the adult prisoners or inspection. Due to this issue, there is continuous increase in cases of suicides in prison. According to the British statistics, more than 85 prisoners are committing suicide (Grodin, 2013). In accordance with the recent Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

study of researchers, it has been noticed that two prisoners are surviving on the space of each prisoner because of the limited facilities and increasing scandals and population. As per the above description, prevailing crisis in imprisonment can be clearly noticed. Such deplorable situations of the prisoners had adverse effect on the social and behavioural factors of individual. There are so many factors on which statutory authorities are required to focus to provide better system in prison. If these will not be resolve in proper manner then government and society has to face severe consequences.

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Issues associated with concept of prison is not new to the British society. These problems are continued from past four decades which can be noticed by increasing number of cases in the cells. Rate of punishment related to imprisonment is increasing day by day which is leading to the overcrowding in jails of UK (Emenyo̲nu, 2010). As a consequence, facilities provided in prison is not justified to the increasing population. In addition to this, there are some recurring issues in management of prison which are not appropriately resolved by authorities or statutory parties. In present era, these issues have become part of culture or environment of prison. Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

From the past four decades, it has been observed that the prisoners are facing recurring issues due to injustice. The conditions have become even the worst due to ill treatment and insecurity of the prisoners under imprisonment. In order to solve the current serious issue, the prison authority have to provide social contract of well treatment and produce protective environment within cells (Wakefield and Wildeman, 2011). Under these cage, the cons are bounded to live a restricted life due to their own faults, but they should be provided with safe environment under cells. The current policy have lost its existence in the current period due to which the present conditions of these culprits have become even more worst. Even the basic right of providing education and employment has been restricted due to increase in the number of culprits into cells and their time to move out of the prisons have been reduced down and strictly supervised in order to avoid any kind of outrageous breakdowns and insecurity to the public (Maruna, Wilson and Curran, 2006). The authorities of prisoners have been made more strict due to which they are facing immense degree of frustration. Since, the number of culprits have been increasing rapidly, the basic time for taking bath and food have also been reduced in order to manage the population. Out of the total time spent in a day, the culprits under cells are living as if their life has been seized which eventually leads to hindrance and anger among people inside cells. With such negative conditions inside cells, prisoners make attempt to run out of the prison by the way of outrageous breakdowns which have been noticed in large number since long time (Carlen, 2013). Also, the health factors and hygiene conditions have been deteriorated because of the number of prisoners increased in cells. The prison staff is unable to handle such a huge crowd due to which the quality of services to prisoners inside cells were becoming worst Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

and health security is not offered to them. The young culprits are captured under vulnerable conditions and forced to kept under dark with least degree of care to them. These worst conditions also leads to many mental issues due to torturing culture under cells. As a consequence, the old prisons have dominated the regulations of the cells and they are exploiting people including new and weak prisoners through violence. Such conditions have now become the part of culture under prisons leading to high level of tension among culprits under cells (Wildeman, 2009).

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The basic routine of prisons have also disturbed due to exclusion of common and basic activities which have earlier been part of the culprit's life under cells. Acts like reading books under library, gymnasium and other mental exercise activities have also been restricted. As these activities have been stopped, the conditions inside cells have become even terrible. In order to maintain the security, new norms were formulated where social visits of outsiders and meeting with family members and relatives have also been stopped. Such restrictions lead to high degree of violence inside cells and destruction of rules and infrastructure as well which results to increase in cost of maintenance too (Berger, 2009). Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

In the prison, there is also problem in basic amenities such as food and medical facilities. Unhygienic and tasteless food is provided to prisoners for several weeks due to which health issues are continuously enhancing. In addition to this, basic medical facilities such as daily check ups and routine medicines are not up to the mark (Daly, 2006). Issue related to basic amenities has been continued from 1950 and till now it is remained unheard. Policies implemented by management of prison was temporary in nature and thus it had not provided suitable remedy for the issue. Major issue that has to be faced by the management of prison is that, they are not able to achieve core aim from their strategies. Imprisonment or sentencing is provided to the offenders for the purpose of reformation of their lives in order to provide better vision. However, strategies implemented by internal system of prison has no effective impact on the lives of the criminals. In the research of Aday, it has been concluded that 80% of the prisoners continue their routine life after completion of the period of sentencing. Results of this study, reflects that system of prison is not effective for the purpose of reformation in the life of criminals in accordance with the expectations (Aday, 2003). Most of the studies related to the crisis in prisons is focused on repetitive issues which is not resolved by government and authoritative committees. Inadequacies in basic resources is leading to the situation of increasing injustice to the prisoners. In addition to this, issues in prison cannot be resolved by










improvements in the living conditions of the jails (Berger, 2009). Continuation of these issues reflects lost of humanity in prisons because prisoners are not able to fulfil their basic needs. Above mentioned unsolved issues had created Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

terrible environment in prison. To identify the cause and consequences of crisis in prison, several studies has been done by criminologists. Most of the studies shows similar conclusion that major issues in prisons are continued from very beginning and it is not new to the people and society (Carlen, 2013). Management of prisons are also aware about such scenarios but still they are not taking any proactive steps to resolve these issues. In order to develop suitable reports, criminologists had analysed the nature, extent, impact and solution of prevention of issues in crime sector. For this purpose, crisis in imprisonment are closely observed by them and they had identified several factors which are cause for the crisis in prisons. In accordance with the study of criminologists, primary reason of crisis imprisonment or sentencing is sexism, discrimination and racism in the British Society. These factors have adverse impact on the minds of offenders or criminals. Moreover, these factors are influencing or provoking them in commitment of criminal acts (Britain's prison overcrowding crisis surges 'close to the brink', 2014). People are engaged in wrongdoing because either they want to promote discrimination or they want take revenge for discrimination. However, in both the situations' crime is increasing and society has to face severe issues as innocent people are being victimized. Thus, population in prisons is continuously increasing and issue of overcrowding is created. Other reason for increase in crime is concept of victimization. Collective force of adverse psychology has also leaded to the increase in act of crimes and violence. Concept of victimization deals with the cultural and social theory of criminology. According to this theory, cultural and social exposure of individual has significant impact on criminal activities. In addition to this, if Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

individual has to face adverse conditions of living then they will easily get attracted to the criminal activities (Maruna, Wilson and Curran, 2006). As per the above study, it has been noticed that management of prison is not able to fulfil the basic needs of the criminals due to which prisoners as drastic experience in prison. Such environment provokes them to get engaged in violent activities to achieve their rights or to get their needs fulfilled. Due to this aspect, innocent and new prisoners are victimized and they took out their anger through revenge on other prisoners. This circle is continued and issues in prisons get unsolved.

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According to the report of disturbances in prison, it can be noticed that improper hygiene conditions and poor physical facilities is increasing issues in jails. Due to inadequacies in necessities there is regular contradiction between the prisoners and management. As a consequence of these contradictions, statutory parties are not able to achieve their objectives in efficient manner. Similar results are generated with the poor management of infrastructure. In comparison to prisoners there is inadequate infrastructure ((Wildeman, 2009). Thus, staff of prisons is not able to provided proper services continuously. Moreover, basic rights such as social meeting and healthy regimes are also not Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

provided to prisoners due to which they are not satisfied with the policies of prison. High level of dissatisfaction lead to the stress and violence in prisons which also enhances crisis in imprisonment. To provide suitable environment to prisoners, government is required mainly work on improving accommodation facilities in accordance with the increasing overcrowding. From past few decades, regulatory authorities had promised to provide better facilities to the prisoners but they had not taken any effective step for the same. In addition to this, crime rate of UK is continuously increasing and this aspect can result in severe issues in future time. Thus, this is high time for governing party to take proper measures to resolve issues in imprisonment. Growth policies of government is required to be developed for improvement in safety and health conditions of prisoners (Wakefield and Wildeman, 2011). This strategy will also be helpful in the reduction of injustice done with the prisoners. Further, there should be proper supervision on the activities of prisoners so act of exploitation can be prevented against the innocent parties. By implementing these suggestions, management of prison will be able tor provide proper environment to criminal for the rehabilitation and reformation of their life. In addition to these benefits, regulatory party will be able to achieve their objectives in effective manner. From the present study, reasons of increasing crisis can be reflected. In present environment, imprisonment is one of the unpleasant sanction in UK. From the very beginning there were certain issues in concept of imprisonment. Thus, to provide better justice to prisoners parliament of UK is continuously focused on the improvement in this concept. Imprisonment is provided to the offender for the purpose of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, punishment and rehabilitation. However, these objectives are not achieved by the process Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

of judgement of conviction. Britain is on the verge of its worst position due to overcrowding since 2008. Condition of prisoners and prison is adversely affected by severe inadequacies such as poor physical health, high congestion, sanitary conditions, rehabilitation programmes, restricted connection with the outside world and large percentage of awaited trial. To resolve this issue, approach of privatization was implemented. However, issue of inappropriate management is still not resolved by private entities. It is because, so many scandals were identified for embezzlement of funds provided for management of prison. Issues associated with prisons is continuous from past few decades. Rate of punishment related to imprisonment is increasing day by day which is leading to the overcrowding in jails of UK. Most of the studies related to the crisis in prisons is focused on repetitive issues which is not resolved by government and authoritative committees. Inadequacies in basic resources is leading to the situation of increasing injustice to the prisoners. Thus, regulatory authority is required to resolve these issues else they have to face severe consequences.

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REFERENCES Books and journals Aday, R., 2003. Aging prisoners. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Berger,















of and

society, 11(4). pp. 491-510. Carlen, P., 2013. Women and Punishment. Willan. Daly, R., 2006. Prison Mental Health Crisis Continues to Grow. Psychiatric News, 41(20), pp.1-30. Emenyo̲nu, E., 2010. New novels in African literature today. Ibadan, Nigeria: HEBN. Grodin, M., 2013. Health and human rights in a changing world. New York, NY: Routledge. Kurtis, B., 2004. The death penalty on trial. New York: Public Affairs. Lurigio, A., 2002. Book Review: Prison Madness: The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About It. The Prison Journal, 82(2), pp.285-287. Maruna, S., Wilson, L. and Curran, K., 2006. Why God is often found behind bars: Prison conversions and the crisis of self-narrative. Research in Human Development, 3(2-3). pp. 161-184. Wakefield, S. and

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Policy, 10(3). pp. 793-817. Wildeman, C., 2009. Parental imprisonment, the prison boom, and the concentration of childhood disadvantage. Demography, Get Assignment Writing Service Australia from professionals writers at reasonable price.

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