Report Representing Business Concepts

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Stage 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Target group..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Reason for concept ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Gaps in current process .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Process for generating ideas ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Preliminary ideas .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Stage 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Techniques used to generate creative ideas and their effectiveness ................................................................................................... 6 Evaluation of ideas for concept......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Selection of suitable concept ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Presenting the proposed concept ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Stage 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Feedback ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Availability of similar services in market and comparison .............................................................................................................. 11 Advantage and disadvantage of concept ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Constraints ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Changes in concept as results of feedback and analysis .................................................................................................................. 12 Stage 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Action plan for concept .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Acquire the superb quality business assignment writing services from expert writers, who have years of experience and provides the top quality assignment assistance.

Feedback received on specification ................................................................................................................................................ 13 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

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INTRODUCTION In the current report business concept is prepared for the courier company under which an attempt is made to fill gap that exist in the market. In this regard, lot of information is gathered and by analyzing it, the gap that exists in the market is identified. By preparing a brief business proposal, an attempt is made to fill that gap. Business model is developed in such a way which will help the firm is making effective use of the time period. Thus, it can be said that business idea will be help firm in treating customers in better way.

Stage 1 Target group Business firms of small, medium and large size will be target customers of the business firm. This is because relevant business firm is operating in manner like FedEx and DHL operate their business. There are two sort of customers that are currently served by the business firm retail and corporate house. It must be noted that courier companies earn higher amount of revenue from the corporate rather than retail customers (Nel, 2010). This is the reason due to which business firms are the primary target customers of the business firm and retail customers are secondary target customers of the business firm. Reason for concept There few reasons due to which it is decided that innovative technology will be used to upgrade business operations. Up to this time in the courier company most of the operations are performed manually. Means that job time and generation of invoice and other operations are not automate (Nelson, Courier and Joseph, 2011). Hence, one needs to consider lots of things and require to plan activities of the individual who deliver courier to the relevant entity. Sometimes it become hard to do such kind of planning in the business. This problem will be solved by the development of the web application. In this application all operations will be scheduled automatically and automation of invoice will also be done. Apart from this all entries will be recorded in excel automatically. In this way introduction of concept in business will innovate business operations. Acquire the superb quality business assignment writing services from expert writers, who have years of experience and provides the top quality assignment assistance.

Gaps in current process There is a gap in the current process as services are delivered by the courier companies at fast pace (Bilton and Cummings, 2010). In case of most of courier firms it is observed that customer receive an information about courier very late or on the day when employee of the courier company is going to deliver same to the relevant entity. Sometimes due to busy schedule one failed to receive important courier on time from the customer. This is the big gap that is observed in the services of the courier firms and customer’s needs and wants. In order to solve this problem idea of development of web application is generated. With receipt of courier due to automation automatically message will be received by the customer a day before delivery in morning. Thus, by doing so it will be ensured that courier is received by customer on time (How technology is improving the courier industry, 2017). Business firms will be able to track their courier from the firm web application and will time to time get information about the place up to which courier reached. This will ensure that customers are served in better way by the business firm. Process for generating ideas In order to generate business idea, contact is established with the stakeholders like banks and business friends. Detail information about market and the way in which most courier firms provide services to the customers is gathered. Information obtained from these stakeholders have huge impact on the ideas of the concepts. Preliminary ideas 

Job time card: Under this facility in the web application there will be option of login of firm personal and customers. Employee will login in relevant dialog box and will determine the time on which employee will depart from premises to deliver courier and time by which job needs to be completed.


Driver schedule for work: Single person will deliver courier in multiple locations. By using this application the time by which each parcel must be delivered will be determined and accordingly targets will be set for the employees. This will make employees more productive.

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Generation of invoice: Through Web application officers of the business firm will generate invoice and will give same to the employee.

Computation of rate and transit times: Customers will be able to identify and fix the rate of transportation of courier and transit time by choosing best available option. When customer will choose any option details will be automatically fetch by the excel sheet which will be self-generated by web application. In this automation of operations will be done.

Giving receiver an opportunity to communicate delivery receipt time: Through web application customer can determine the day by which it wants to receive parcel. Entry of same will automatically happened in excel. Same will be used by the firm to prepare courier delivery plan.

Stage 2 Techniques used to generate creative ideas and their effectiveness Secondary research was carried out to generate business idea and to identify areas in which work needs to be carried out. It is effective because in the secondary data, lots of things are mentioned about restaurant business. On the basis of secondary data analysis business concept is prepared. Evaluation of ideas for concept 

Suitability for target customers: Proposed business ideas are suitable for target customers and FIH courier both. This is because on web application lots of information and option are available to the customers. Firm will be able to get data on real time basis which will help in preparing a plan in respect to courier delivery in proper manner.

Technical feasibility: Ideas are technically feasible as cost of development of application will not be so high.

Possible social, ethical and environment impact: Current proposal have no relevance with social factors. It is necessary for the FIH courier to provide correct information to the customers. If same will not happen then firm image will tarnish among customers.

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Resources required: Human resources will be required who will time to time download data in excel that is automatically generated by application. Apart from this, application developer will also require who will create application.

Time constraints: Three month time will be given to application developer to prepare relevant thing.

Selection of suitable concept Out of all preliminary ideas job time and automation in excel are the two options that are selected as suitable concept. This is because by using web application start and end time of job will be determined by the software by considering number of units of parcel that one needs to deliver on specific day. It will depend on the employee that how much time it take to deliver each parcel item. Main target for the parcel carrier will be to delivery all units by end time of the job. Automation of excel generation by so ftware will provide information about order received from customers on real time basis. Thus, better plan in respect to delivery of courier in short time period can be prepared by FIH courier employees. Presenting the proposed concept 

Concept map: Innovative features will be available application of FIH courier on the smartphone

Brief for consultant: From application customers will be able to obtain each sort of information about courier service of FIH courier. Moreover, from same platform employees will be able to download real-time data which help them in making sound business decisions. Thus, multiple benefits will be derived by firm and stakeholders from single application.

Prototype for a product

FIH courier

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Figure 1: First image of application

FIH courier

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Figure 2: Details of transit time

Figure 3: Excel sheet database prototype

Job time card (Only for employees) Acquire the superb quality business assignment writing services from expert writers, who have years of experience and provides the top quality assignment assistance.

Figure 4: Job time card

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Stage 3 Feedback Summary of feedback Most of stakeholders advised that job time card must be modified. It is possible that at end of the working hours employee failed to deliver all parcels to the customers. There must be contingency management system under which in case of happening of such kind of situation there must be availability of extra employee. This strategy will ensure timely delivery of parcel to customer. Response on feedback Modification will be done to the current list of the product prototype and under this new column of extra employee will be added in the job time card. Availability of similar services in market and comparison Similar services are also provided by the other courier firms but they are not doing real time planning (Kim and Min, 2015). In case of rival firms it is observed that they receive customer information in bulk and thereafter start making planning. Hence, many times their courier delivery get late. This thing will not happened in case of _________________ because in case of the relevant business firm with receipt of real time data immediately all decisions will be made in respect to time of delivery of courier and automatic message will be generated. In this way firm service will differ from rival courier companies. Advantage and disadvantage of concept The main advantage of the concept is that by following same timely delivery of the parcel to the customers will be ensured. This is because on the basis of receipt of information immediately day by which parcel will be delivered to the customer will be determined. Information about same will be communicated to the relevant entity. Thus, on time and at fast rate parcel will be provided to the customers and it is its major advantage. The disadvantage of this concept is that automatically delivery time is not assigned to

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each parcel. Hence, if one will make wrong estimation then wrong delivery time can be assigned to the specific parcel which may negatively affect the order delivery management of the FIH courier. Constraints Less availability of skilled personal is the big constraint for the business concept. Those who are specialized in web application are usually employed in large and medium sized firms. Hence, it is difficult to find out skilled application developer for the business. Because proposed business is new startup it is very hard to obtain bank loan at cheaper rate when world economy moderately is in depression. Changes in concept as results of feedback and analysis Some changes are made in the business concept and under this modification will be done in the prototype and column of extra employee will be added in the excel sheet. By doing so it will be ensured that in each and every condition product will be available to the customer on time. Thus, change in the concept as result of feedback and analysis are positive and it can be said that this strategy will help firm in addressing customer needs in better way.

Stage 4 Action plan for concept As part of action plan application developer will be asked to develop application and make addition of proposed by stakeholders. A system will be prepared under which extra employee name will be automatically suggested by the system to the specific emplo yee. Factors like location of employees and its proximity to the location where parcel need to be send and percentage of work that had been completed by the specific employee will be considered by the system to suggest name of specific employee as extra candidate for doing a pending work. Resource allocation in the business are as follows. 

Human resource: Application developer will be hired to develop application for the courier company.

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Financial resource: Under short term working capital of £10000 and long term capital of £50,000 will be allocated in the business. This £50,000 amount will be classified in to different type of capital investment.

Physical evidence: Some furniture’s will be purchased will be equivalent to seating capacity of 30 people in single time. With passage of time period new furniture's and fixtures will be purchased in the business by considering the growth rate of increase in number of customers.

Feedback received on specification Most of stakeholders are satisfied with the changes that are proposed in the prototype of application.

CONCLUSION On the basis of above discussion it is concluded that business idea is successful because it help in filling a gap in services that exists in the market. By following this concept better services will be provided to the customers. Thus, it can be said that business idea is successful. It is the business model that will help firm in making effective utilization of the available time period. This business model will make business firm successful in the competitive business environment. Further, making a decision on the basis of

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available real time information will help firm in gaining competitive advantage over competitors. Thus, it can be said that firm will tough new heights in its business.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Bilton, C. and Cummings, S., 2010. Creative strategy: Reconnecting business and innovation (Vol. 3). John Wiley & Sons. Kim, S.K. and Min, S., 2015. Business model innovation performance: When does adding a new business model benefit an incumbent?. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9(1), pp.34-57. Nel, F., 2010. Where else is the money? A study of innovation in online business models at newspapers in Britain's 66 Cities. Journalism Practice, 4(3), pp.360-372. Nelson, K., Courier, M. and Joseph, G.W., 2011. Teaching tip: An investigation of digital literacy needs of students. Journal of Information Systems Education. 22(2). p.95. Online How technology is improving the courier industry, 2017. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 28th January 2017].

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APPENDIX Evaluation grid Variables

Risk score (1=High, Moderate=2, Low=3)

Target audience


Technical feasibility


Social, ethnical and environmental impact


Resources requirements


Time constraints


Total risk score


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