Sample on introduction to management

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Introduction To Management

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The term team development states that it is essential for individual to learn through understanding the team roles and thus through examining the patterns of change and continuity in groups over time. Thus, in order to effectively understand the process of team development, individual should undergo various stages










development theory that helps in overcoming the conflicts during the process (Gallagher, 2013). However, team effectiveness is increased through developing team’s sincerity to reflection and an current judgement. Thus, in every organization teams go through phases of growth. Therefore, stages of development adopted by firm and used a common framework given by Bruce W. Tuckman includes Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing that helps in successful development of team. During the Forming stage in business the individuals are usually excited a concern of the group and also anxious to work along with others team members. While, at the same point of time they will feel anxious that how they will set in the team because of differences in culture and ethnicity. However, it is essential for team members to overcome such anxiety and focus on the principal work to create a team with clear structure, goals and direction and thus accomplish the task. In the stage two it involves Storming which states that the groups starts to move forward and attain objectives it discovers that the group cannot live up their expectations (Tuckman and Harper, 2012). Also, their direction may change from the concerned tasks to another that can lead to disappointment or anger within the team’s advancement or process. Thus, in order to overcome the conflicts it is

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essential for team members to respond effectively to the differences and handle the problems well in a significant manner. In the stage three during the Norming stage of group improvement it involves the team members to get resolving the discrepancies they felt between their respective demand and also the actuality of the team’s expectations. However, if the team is prosperous in setting more negotiable and expectation of team members it would experience an increased sense of comfort in order to express their innovative opinion and feelings. It assists in resolving conflicts among members and thus they start feeling part of the team and help in developing group connection. Furthermore, it includes the members who are making a conscious effort to resolve problems and attain group harmony. In this stage, team member’s increases willingness to share ideas or help each other. In the Performing stage of group advancement individual feel satisfied with the progress of the team (Kock, 2007). Also, they are assured in their respective quality and also of their associates. However, fluctuation among team members are rewarding and also used to increase the groups action. In this stage team becomes united and work together for accomplishment of organization goals.

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Illustration 1: Tuckman Roles (Source: Stevens, 1994) Furthermore, the Belbin's team roles also help in improving the business performance. The members of the team seek out certain roles and thus perform it effectively in order to identify the capability and weaknesses in the workplace. Furthermore, it assists business to develop effective working relationships among team members. Also, developing mutual trust and understanding among team members assist in attaining the desired goals for business. It is essential for team members to develop effective understanding and mutual consent to raise self consciousness and personal potency so that team can work effectively towards success (Belbin, 2010). Furthermore, the team should work together for a specific purpose of team development and also overcome any arising conflict. As per the Belbin's team roles individual team member should be selected in order to ensure

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that the correct balance of skill and behaviour can be attained. However, it does not states that that business need nine individuals each one possessing one strong team role but individual should be capable enough to play two or three team role and learn to adapt to fulfil the team's objectives. Plant is the individual who is the creative thinker of the team. It helps in providing innovative ideas and also delivers surprising solutions to complex problems. Another role is of resource investigator which is cheerful, extroverted individual with lots of connection both inside and external the team. Thus, it helps in bringing new ideas and opportunities within team and thus solves the conflicting situations. Monitor evaluator is sensible and thoughtful individual. The person analyses the team and is a poor motivator who reacts to the events rather than investigating them. Coordinator is the person who coordinates the task of the team and also looks for the procedures to investigate and helps the team members to clarify their intentions. However, the individual belongings others and delegates the work easily but sometimes has a inclination to leave too much work to others (Belbin, 2012). Implementer is the person who plays a role of practical organizer within the team. However, they convert groups concepts into practical actions and plans. While, completer finisher is the person who has the talent to determine that what things could go wrong and thus provides lots of attention in details like checking and rechecking the tasks. Also, they ensure that there should be no mistakes or omissions and thus pay attention to the work done. They have the responsibility to finish the task within stipulated point in time and also push the team to make

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certain that work is accomplished on time. Team worker is the person who is focused towards the team goals and thus develops effective relationship with every team member in order to make harmony. Shapers are the individual who challenge the team to change. They are impulsive and thus make sure that deadlines are met on time and thus goals can be attained (Colombini and McBride, 2012). The specialist is the team role which has immeasurable source of knowledge. They have their own ability and knowledge in order to contribute to the team goals and thus attain desired results. Thus, being a team member it is essential for me to adopt complete finisher, team worker and shaper to attain maximum outputs in business.

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Illustration 2: Belbin's team roles (Source: Aritzeta, 2005)

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Illustration 3: Thomas Kilmann Model (Source: Funk, 2012) Furthermore, there are various methods that are provided by Thomas Killmann model that assist in conflict resolution. For instance, avoiding option helps

in overcoming

the conflicts

through simply withdrawing

from any

threatening situation (Uzun Ă–zer, SaçKes and Tuckman, 2013).

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REFERENCES Books Belbin, R. M., 2010. Management teams: why they succeed or fail, 3rd edition. Oxford: Elsevier. Belbin, R. M., 2012. Team roles at work. Routledge. Gallagher, K., 2013. Skills Development for Business and Management Students,

2nd edition. Oxford: OUP. Tuckman, B. W. and Harper, B. E., 2012. Conducting educational research. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Journals Colombini, C. B. and McBride, M., 2012. “Storming and norming”: Exploring the value of group development models in addressing conflict in communal writing assessment. Assessing Writing. 17(4). pp. 191-207. Funk, C. A. and Kulik, B. W., 2012. Happily Ever After Toward a Theory of Late Stage Group Performance. Group & Organization Management. 37(1). pp. 3666. Kock, H., 2007. The team as a learning strategy. Journal of Workplace Learning. 19(8). pp. 480-496. Stevens, M.J. and Campion, M.A., 1994. The Knowledge, Skill and Ability Requirements for Teamwork. Journal of Management. 20(2). pp. 503-530. Uzun Özer, B., SaçKes, M. and Tuckman, B. W., 2013. PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES Are you Stressed with Assignment Writing work. Contact


Psychological reports. 113(3). pp. 874-884. Online Aritzeta, A., 2005. Team Roles: psychometric evidence, construct validity and







March 2015].

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