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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2 TASK 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 The different types of management styles used in the working of an organization ............. 2 1.2 The leadership characteristics required for an organisation ................................................. 4 1.3 The communication process required in the working of the organisation ............................ 5 1.4 The analysis of organisational culture and change in an organisation.................................. 6 TASK 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Assessment of own management skills performance ........................................................... 7 2.2 Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats ................................................... 9 2.3 Prioritization of objectives and targets to develop own potential ....................................... 10 TASK 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve an agreed goal or objective at Thomas Cook Group 11 3.2 Managerial decisions for goal achievement and recommendations for improvements ...... 13 TASK 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 How own managerial and personal skills will support career development ....................... 14 4.2 Career and personal development needs, current performance and future needs to produce development plan ...................................................................................................................... 15 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 16 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 17
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INTRODUCTION One of the most essential tasks for business organizations nowadays is to keep their employees happy and satisfied so that they can enhance their productivity. Further, managers play a vital role in motivating their employees. It is the top most responsibility of the manager to motivate all their workers so that they can give their best (Custรณdio, Ferreira and Matos, 2014). In this regard, the present study will carry out comparative analysis of two organizations i.e. of hospitality and tourism. For this purpose, Thomas Cook and Hilton hotel has been taken into consideration. It provides all the information about potential manager as well as their skills and competencies. Different leadership characteristics and management styles are also going to be presented in this research. Further, the whole study is based on personal development and the career of managers in the field of management. It explores a range of management behaviour principles and practices and various personal development skills required to achieve the growth.
TASK 1 1.1 The different types of management styles used in the working of an organization Each and every manager adopts a method to manage and control his/her employees. The management styles depend upon the existing culture and structure of the company. Also, the nature and mind-sets of the workforce affects the working of management styles. There are mainly four types of styles which are briefly described below: Autocratic Style: Here the managers, superiors and leaders have the sole responsibility to take decisions without considering ideas and suggestions of the subordinates (Wang and Poutziouris, 2010). The guidelines and policies are formulated by their bosses for the subordinates in a steady manner. This develops lack of confidence and motivation in the employees and hinders their creative and innovative ideas to benefit the company. The system becomes monotonous and lethargic.
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Democratic Style: Democratic style of working develops employee-friendly environment in the workplace. In such style, 'feedbacks' from the employees are crucial element. Thomas Cook, a global British travel company follows this style. There is an effective and healthy communication between management as open discussions is e held to analyse new ideas, plans and innovations.
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Laissez-Faire Style: In such type of style, the managers are hired but
they do not
contribute much in the organisation (Goble and Horm, 2010). The employees take their decisions on their own and manage the tasks accordingly. This style has a demerit that the employees may not have the knowledge to decide what is right or wrong and ultimately some inappropriate outcomes arise. Management by walking style: Hilton Hotels is an example of this style, where the managers are not only good mentors but efficient listeners too. The managers interact with their subordinates more often to find their suggestions and concerns (Arnold, Fletcher and Molyneux,
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2012). Instead of being in their respective cabins they walk around to know whereabouts of the environment of the company. 1.2 The leadership characteristics required for an organisation Managers react to change while Leaders create change. The two organisations can be evaluated to study the characteristics of leadership qualities that are given below: Hilton Hotels The largest hotel brand in the world covering the major cities of the six continents isHilton Hotels. Herein, the leaders share five essential skills and traits to function: vision, inner values, inspiration, communication and innovation. Under the proactive leadership of Cristopher J. Nassetta, the company follows combination of short term execution plans and long term strategy and direction (Wholey, Hatry and Newcomer, 2010). As it is a hospitality industry, strong family-values are performed in the work-culture along with knowing and nurturing inner strengths. The employees are inspired by their mentors that build confidence and empower them to work effectively. Being a good listener they are able to communicate in a proper and better manner. They deliver the messages of the orator in a very persuasive way. Every time they look forward to new ideas and innovation to find out solutions to the loopholes occurring in the work environment. Thomas Cook The group possess number of tour operators as well as charter airlines in UK, Scandinavia and Belgium. It is working as global travel company. Harriet Green, the leader of Thomas Cook believes that adequate researching, resourcing and leadership contribute in the success of tourist destinations. The leaders clarify the roadblocks that cumber creativity and initiative of the employees working in the company. There is two way communications in the organisation as the leaders provide guidelines and on the other side the followers give their feedbacks to function effectively (Prantor, 2014). This also creates a supportive environment, coordination and teamwork feeling among the employees. The most basic features like calmness, enthusiasm, Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
good orator and listener are qualities the leader must possess. These qualities of the leaders help to lead the people and obtain the desired outcomes. 1.3 The communication process required in the working of the organisation Within an organisation, sharing and communicating information, plans, procedures thoughts and ideas are done every single minute. This critical process is applied according to various elements given below: According to the organization structure: On the basis of organisational structure, there are two sub-types which are - Formal Communication and Informal Communication (Bolman and Deal, 2014). The above mentioned companies follow the formal channel of communication. Here, the flow of communication is smooth, timely and accurate. It enables the information to travel in standardize form and in routine manner. But also obstructs free and uninterrupted flow of information. Informal communication helps in clarifying what the subordinates think and feel about the working culture of the company. Though the chances of inaccurate and half-truth and misinterpretation communication too occurs which is a severe disadvantage for the company.
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According to Direction: The use of downward, upward and horizontal communication makes the communication process clear and coordinating. Firstly, the downward channel where objectives and plans flows from the superiors to subordinates. Secondly, the upward channel travelling reports, suggestions and grievances from the subordinate to the superiors. Last, the horizontal channel exchanging thoughts and experiences among the subordinates of the same level and post. Thomas Cook and Hilton Hotels perform and are benefited by all the mentioned type flow of communication among its organization. According to Way of Expression: Expressions are stated orally and in written form. In the oral communication exchanges are done through face-to-face, mechanical or electrical devices. On the other hand, communication is reduced to paper work including in form of manuals, notes, circulars and magazines in the written mode. Both the companies are evolved with this type of channel for communication.
Certain barriers restrict the smooth and on-time communication in these companies on the ground of psychological, organisational, personal and semantic nature. 1.4 The analysis of organisational culture and change in an organisation The specific environment which governs how the workforce behaves in an organisation describes its culture. It can be better understood by examining the organisational culture and change in the two eminent companies considered as follows: Hilton Hotels: Hilton'ss organisational culture highlights the clients-oriented services depending more on people than the policies. Each and every personality that enters has different nature and preferences. There is multi-cultures enacting in a single organisation. The Hilton Hotels have detail-oriented culture primarily and also have service, team-oriented and people-oriented Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
culture. In the detail-oriented culture the advantage of differentiating one from the others is used. The feedbacks are saved in the computer systems, services are provided accordingly resulting in possibility of comeback the customer soon or later. In the organisation, the managers and staff are trained to serve the customer and empowered to resolve their queries. The culture of the company is collaborative emphasizing teamwork. The mangers are required to maintain positive relationships with the co-workers and subordinates. In the company greater emphasis is led on the expectations of the customers with dignity. Therefore, the hotel group pays good amount of wages with incentives for health, training and accommodation. Thomas Cook: The dimensions of Thomas Cook in developing organisational culture vary like other companies. It has innovation based culture featuring flexibility and adaptability. The new ideas and thoughts are most welcomed. Being a global tour operating company it is always in search of exotic tourist’s destinations and more and use of technology providing better options for its tourists to be entertained. The managers encourage their research and development team to offer acute and depth knowledge for a place. It also has a people-oriented culture as the tourists, historians; educational institutions and sports-lover are their major clients. These groups of people require a good amount of management and staff support to make their trips fruitful.
TASK 2 2.1 Assessment of own management skills performance At the time of working within the hospitality as well as travel and tourism sector there are various management skills required by each employee. For the position of manager, I need to perform various business operations in a more effective manner which requires several skills: Communication: It is considered as most important parts of any organization which must be carried out in an appropriate way. Within hospitality industry I need to have better communication skills. For the same, I possess this ability through which I am able to Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
communicate with all my subordinators as well as customers in an appropriate way. It is all about the verbal communication and appropriate spoken language (Mujtaba, 2014). Further, it is the best management skill through which my co-workers can easily share different ideas with me. Decision Making: It is another most important skill which is required by the manager of each and every organization. I possess this skill in which I can take right decisions at right time. Manager is responsible for all the important decisions regarding employee management, motivation, strategic development, change management etc. (Briggs, Morrison and Coleman, 2012). Here, I can take such decision carefully at the time of requirement. Problem solving: While managing a whole organization, manager must have appropriate skill through which he/she can easily resolve any type of queries or problems regarding their employees or company as well. I can derive a best solution of different problems as I have a great problem solving skill. I always consider every problem as an opportunity and try to develop best alternative from this.
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Leadership skills: Lastly, leadership is also considered a most important skill which helps me in leading all my employees and motivating them. I possess this skill and work with some basic rules (Hirschi, Niles and Akos, 2011). It is considered as a most important skill required by the manager of any organization. I have gone through the assessment of my own management skills which helps me in achieving the best results and my target such as: Skills Communication
Rating I have very good communication skills and it is rated as No. 1
Skill Decision Making I have very good decision making skills and it is rated as No. 2 skill Problem Solving
I have a great problem solving skills and it is rated as No 3
Leadership skill
I can take better decision and motivate them to perform better. It is rated as No 3.
2.2 Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats As per my own assessment I have found various personal strengths and weaknesses such as: Strength: The main strength which I possess is my management skill through which I can carry out all my tasks in an effective way. It provides me wide range of opportunities for the growth and development of the organization. Here, I am having a management skill with appropriate communication. It is the most effective skill through which I can easily communicate my ideas to supervisors. By this, I can give training to the entire fresher’s which leaves my positive impression on them (Gold, Thorpe and Mumford, 2010). Further, I can gain the trust level of my co-workers and motivate them to perform all the tasks effectively. It is my major strength due to which I can manage the entire work appropriately and learn more about the Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
particular field. My leadership and better decision making skill is my another strength through which I can complete all the tasks on the given deadline. By leading all the employees effectively I am able to create a friendly working environment (Turner, 2014). Weaknesses: At the position of manager within an organization I must have all the skills through which I can better lead my employees and manage all the work. At this time, I have faced several difficulties such as: low confidence level and public speaking. It is my major weakness which demotivates me sometimes and I am not able to speak publicly. In this regard, I require various skills at the time of managing whole organization (Paglis, 2013). For this, I need to adopt various factors through which I can speak publicly. Due to the lack of confidence I face so many issues and miss various important deadlines as well. Opportunities: At the time of managing the functions of organization I am able to learn several new things. It helps me in giving better training to all my colleagues so that they can perform more effectively. It provides me several opportunities as I am able to develop my knowledge and information in the different fields. It boosts my professional and career growth and provides me several solutions as well. Threats: Lastly I have assessed my performance and find out that there are various threats which I face. In this, due to the low confidence level I am not able to speak publicly which might become a biggest threat for me (Hallinger and Bryant, 2013). It enhances my stress level through which I can’t work properly and meet out the given deadlines of the work. 2.3 Prioritization of objectives and targets to develop own potential One of the most important tasks for the manager is to set different priorities which need to achieve first by me. For the same, I have developed so many objectives and targets which I need to achieve in upcoming year i.e. Deadline: It is quite essential for me to meet out all the deadlines so that I can enhance the level of productivity within the firm and also develop the positive brand identity in the mind-
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set of customers. For this, I have set my deadline for upcoming 1 year in which I have to complete all my pending works. Research: Another most important target is on the research work through which I am able to set better future directions and enhance my skills as well. It provides me a chance to enhance my knowledge and expertise within the different areas of field (Janeiro, 2010). By this, I may take several new initiatives which are quite beneficial for my company. Here, in this regard, it can be determine that it is another most important objective which I need to achieve within the set time frame. Practising: Among different priorities it is also my most important priority to carry out the effective practices. By going the regular practising I am able to connect with all the things and easily learn and grow. Due to this factor, it is important for me to go through the practising on regular basis and it is becoming a most important objective for me. I have already set some targets for next 1 year which I have been given here and it needs to be achieving as well.
TASK 3 3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve an agreed goal or objective at Thomas Cook Group As per the given scenario, I have recently joined as the position of assistant manager at Thomas Cook. For this, I am having appropriate skills and capabilities which help me managing my work as well as employees appropriately. Further, there are some set objectives and goal of Thomas Cook which they require to achieve (McGurk, 2010). Here, in this regard, I have noticed that there are some major issues faced by company regarding the performance of employees and productivity. As per my position, I have taken several decisions to overcome with these problems and improve the overall performance of Thomas Cook.
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Proper set alignment of goals and objectives: It is quite essential to set appropriate goals which company needs to achieve. For the same, Thomas Cook requires to set personal goals for their employees so that they contribute in this more effectively. Workers try to achieve such personal goals more appropriately on a given deadlines as it hampers their overall performance as well. Appropriate motivation theory implementation: There are various motivation theories such as Frederick Herzberg motivation hygiene theory, Maslow's Hierarchy need theory etc. Here, in order to overcome with the existing problems Thomas Cook can achieve Fredrick Herzberg theory by which they can retain their employees more effectively (Lunenburg, 2011). In this type of motivation theory, company can motivate their employees by including several non-monetary benefits. Through this, workers feel motivated and try to give best contribution towards the productivity of company. Through this, company can reward their employees in a best manner and motivate them to perform all their tasks effectively. With this, they can achieve their set objectives and goals. Friendly work culture: It is quite essential for Thomas Cook to develop friendly work culture within an organization (Kor and Mesko, 2013). By this, all the employees can easily coordinate with each other and share their ideas. It boosts their confidence level to work together Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
and motivate them for the completion of tasks on a given deadline. Further, it can be determine that it is the most effective measure through which Thomas Cook can easily overcome with the present issues and enhance their productivity as well. 3.2 Managerial decisions for goal achievement and recommendations for improvements As per the above discussion, it can be determine that all the above given managerial decisions are made to support achievement of agreed goal or objective. For achieving set goals and objectives of company I need to put more emphasize on active listening. Through this, I can take several ideas from my team members as well as senior management team. At the time of reviewing strategies of Thomas Cook it has been founded that customers are key part of company (Wholey, Hatry and Newcomer, 2010). For the same, it is essential to provide high class customer support service by motivating all the employees. In this concern, they must involve their employees in the decision making process so that they feels motivate and contributes highly towards the production in company. They can provide high quality services to all their customers and enhance their satisfaction level as well. It helps them in gaining their consumer base by effective utilization of business resources. In addition to this, I can achieve my goals in several other ways with the help of incorporating these recommendations in this process. For this concern, there should be a close monitoring of all the employees under which work record of all the employees should be tracked (McCaffery, 2010). On the other hand, there must a proper performance management system which helps in tracking performance of workers on the basis of numerous factors such as deadline, earned points, client meeting, successful completion of projects etc. These are some parameter’s which helps Thomas Cook in goal achievement.
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TASK 4 4.1 How own managerial and personal skills will support career development The personal and managerial skills improves and carters career development of an individual in today's competitive environment. The personal traits like attitude, behaviour, sincerity and dedication towards the work glorifies the career. While the communication skills, thinking and learning process are components of managerial skills. The following are the outcomes achieved when one engrosses these qualities: 1. Growth and Development: The individual is benefited by its personal growth and improved skills. As a psychological fact growth and development provides the core satisfaction in the mind of a person with the increment and promotion in the salary and post. 2. Learning Outcomes: Learning brings self-actualization in the person. The person is able to realize his/her potential and capability to perform any task. Also, to deal with problematic situations in wiser manner (Briggs, Morrison and Coleman, 2012). The experiences not only support in learning process but it also brings in innovative ideas in the individual's life. 3. Good decision-making: As it is known, experience brings in good decision-making power. When an individual works in an organization for a longer period of time he/she becomes aware of the internal and external factors affecting the company (Gold, Thorpe and Mumford, 2010). Therefore, the person is able to identify and manage the tasks given by the managers effectively through good decision making power. 4. Improves leadership qualities: The leadership qualities like sharp perception, selfassessment, team building and better motivation skills form a better leader. The person is able to acquire more and more opportunities not only in the personal context but in the business scenario too.
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5. Efficiency: Strategies that makes optimum use of resources through maximizing returns are the results of efficiency of an individual. Efforts are made by the individual to increase the productivity of the organization. Hence, one is able to acquire quality product for the company.
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4.2 Career and personal development needs, current performance and future needs to produce development plan It is quite essential for me as the position of manager to measure my current performance so that I am able to go through the appropriate development. By producing an appropriate development plan I am able to identify my career and personal needs current as well as future needs. With this I can easily achieve my short term goals but it also requires by reviewing the current performance. By this, I can develop efficiency of working by learning different new aspects. In addition to this, there are some important aspects which are where I lack are highlighted by my supervisor (Hallinger, 2013). They can guide me about my career development track and all the ways in which I can improve my performance. I am not able to Toll Free No: +1 213-929-5632 E-mail: Get best Essay Help by the subject oriented experts of Instant Essay Writing, we provide best writing services to students at an affordable price.
speak in public and hesitate sometimes due to the lack of confidence level. In order to overcome with these problems assigned by my supervisor I have prepared a personal development plan which shows all my future needs. I need to achieve all the tasks given below within the time period of 6 months. My personal development needs are as follows: Career and personal development needs
Development plans
Public Speaking
By attending Conference and seminars
Conflict Management
Social outings and team events, Group meetings
CONCLUSION From the above whole study it has been concluded that there are travel and tourism as well as hospitality organization can grow with the best managers. They require to adopt best leadership styles and take managerial decisions appropriately so that productivity can be enhanced. Moreover, comparative difference between leadership and management styles of Thomas Cook and Hilton Hotel has been identified.
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Lunenburg, F.C., 2011. Leadership versus management: a key distinction–at least in theory. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration. 14(1). pp.1-4. McCaffery, P., 2010. The higher education manager's handbook: effective leadership and management in universities and colleges. Routledge. McGurk, P., 2010. Outcomes of management and leadership development. Journal of Management Development. 29(5). pp.457-470. Mujtaba, B., 2014. Managerial skills and practices for global leadership. ILEAD Academy, LLC.
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