Instant Essay Writing
Steps to Discard Workplace Discrimination
Aim and Objective Aim: “To prepare an action to eliminate workplace discrimination” Objectives: To analyse the phenomenon of workplace discrimination To review strategies for eliminating workplace inequality To prepare an action plan so to help in completing the research Toll Free No:+1 2139295632 E-mail: Instant Essay Writing is one stop solution for essay writing service for college and university student.
Research Methodologies Research approach- In the present study, deductive approach has been used where hypothesis is developed on the basis of various theories.
Research type- Qualitative research is carried out in this study in which the information collected has been presented with the help of various themes.
Sampling- The data has been collected from focused group and the sample size is 12 people.
Ethical issues- The researcher has taken care of privacy and security of the information in best possible manner. The data collected wont be revealed to any other party and will be destroyed after use.
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How Primary research was carried out The primary research was carried out with the help of a semistructured interview of 12 people. The findings are presented in the form of various tables and the researcher has also interpreted the information collected.
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Findings of secondary research Discrimination occurs when one person is treated unfairly because of certain factors
Employee discrimination takes places in areas such as recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training and development.
Discrimination at workplace has become a major issue and productivity of all workers gets suffered by discrimination.
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Comparison of primary and secondary data collected Both primary and secondary data reflects almost same kind of results.
From the primary data it has been found that majority of the time discrimination is based on the gender. The results of secondary data also shows the same thing in which various authors has stated that majority of time male employees are provided with better opportunities as compared to female staff.
The results of primary data highlights that disable person also suffers from discrimination. Secondary data also highlights the fact that disabled person are being discriminated at workplace.
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Evaluation of results of similar pieces If the same research would have been carried out then the results would be different.
The respondents would not have provided with same kind of effective information which they have provided in this study..
Very less data or information would be received with secondary sources also as there were not many researches carried out years ago.
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Conclusion ď ŹFrom the above research it can be concluded that workplace discrimination is one of the major problem which employees are facing. Further the discrimination is not restricted to recruitments and selections but it has also started to happen at workplace. ď ŹFrom the above study, it can be concluded that that businesses needs to promote equality in order to create satisfaction among all employees. Human resources are considered as one the most important asset of any organization.
The employers are required to make sure that they do not promote any kind of culture or environment which consist of discrimination.
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