A Sample On Supporting Significant Life Events
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 life changing events and their impacts ............................................................................. 1 1.2 Possible group responses to significant life event encountered by a staff member ......... 2 1.3 Supporting residents and other staff members after the death of long term and very greatly liked resident .......................................................................................................................... 3 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Evaluating the effectiveness of an organization's policies and procedures for supporting individuals affected by the death of a closed one .................................................................. 3 2.2 family and friends / their religious community offer support to an individual who has just experienced the death of a long term partner ......................................................................... 4 2.3 external sources of support for individuals experiencing the significant life events ....... 6 TASK 3 ............................................................................................................................................7 3.1 organizational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life event ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing specified significant life events...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Making recommendations to bring more efficient support system in the organization ... 8 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................8 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTION Since early childhood, every individual experiences many events in life. In the course of time, daily regular events are sometimes accompanied by combination of expected and unexpected events. In those events some imparts significant impact on life, personality, perception and working of an individual. Favorable events change life in positive perspectives whereas some imparts negative impact in lives of individual by inducing stress, psychological pressure and personal problems. A person experiencing change requires support to overcome the problems he is facing. Help is provided in the form of family and social support and by professional care services. It enables them to cope up with the event and experience and also deal with the change and stress (Arhant� Sudhir, Arhant� Sudhir and Sudhir, 2011). Report is prepared to outline different life changing events and support offered by health and social care services.
TASK 1 1.1 life changing events and their impacts While moving in different course of life, there are some important events which changes life in a very significant manner. It fills the life with anticipation and excitement. These are the changes that move an individual a step forward. It can be anything new career, expanding family or something which brings positively in the form of big push. On the other hand, there are some unexpected and unwilling changes that changes course of life in considerable way by dawning down the working of life such as death of a loved one, an accident, diagnosis of a malignant disease, marriage terminal or something a person is not willing to step in. So far there are three such events that have changed my life in a very significant manner. 
Transfer in other city: One such event that has impacted significantly in changing my perception and molding my personality is when our family was moved to another city when I was in fifth grade (Bale and et.al, 2010). My father is working in bank as a branch manager. The organization has opened another branch in suburban region of London. For that we had to shift in that area in the middle of session. It brought change in every aspect
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of my life; change in school, city, friends and neighbor. I had faced many difficulties to adapt into new life style. Being introvert, I could not make friends easily that make me fall into isolation. It has also impacted on my academic results. There was fall in my grades. But gradually with the help of family support I managed to cope up with the situation. 
Close friend diagnosed with malignant disease: Among all the relations, friendship with one of my close friend has been the most important part of life. The close and friendly relation with him had created a non breaking bond between us. During first semester of graduation course he was diagnosed with a malignant disease. This news has shaken me completely. As a friend I had to support him in at the time harsh and tough treatment and at the same time I was experiencing a deep grief. It has brought significant changes in my personality. It broke me immensely (Cohen, 2004). A support was detaching from my life gradually. I had identified the development of many traits in my personality such as responsibility towards friendship, sensitivity towards matters and the ways to deal with them.
Sample Report On Supporting Significant life events
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Job opportunity in different country: After passing a professional degree course, I was offered a very nice job opportunity in a country in another continent. Seeing the possibility of career progression I had accepted this offer. Going to country with totally
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different culture has brought significant transition in my life. Initially I faced problem to adjust in that area but gradually became familiar with the environment and culture. 1.2 Possible group responses to significant life event encountered by a staff member Working in a health and social care service center I had identified that support and help given by colleagues and friends at the time when he is facing some problems in personal or professional grounds plays a significant role to cope up with the situation and come out of that. A Staff member was undergoing financial crises due to some unexpected expenditures and events in his family. For that purpose he was doing work for extra time as well. This will enable him to get extra money and will improve financial condition. External support is provided to him to get him out of this challenging time. Many organizations function to grant financial help to the needy employees on low interest rates. Further, motivational and inspiring sessions by expertise and specialists helps to deal with this and keep oneself motivated. All these methods have helped him to come out of state of depression and anxiety (Bremer and et.al, 2004). The mutual support given by surrounding is the crucial factor to deal with these situations and come out of this. 1.3 Supporting residents and other staff members after the death of long term and very greatly liked resident Staff working in a residential home with persons suffering from different mental health issues is required to deal with the patients in a very precise and sensitive way. They encounter the patients with variety of mental health problems. Staff members are engaged in the treatment of patients at all the stages (Cohen, 2004). Dealing with and providing intimate care to the patients with psychiatric disorders, medical mental conditions and the one substance to abuse problems. While undergoing the process of their treatments a bond of care and sensitivity is formed with them. It involves performing various task such as providing them the prescribed treatments, intimating them proper care, motivating them to make them feel early cure, taking care of their daily tasks and many other related. After all these efforts and a bond created when a patient dies it affects the staff members of resident care significantly. Being a staff member of a
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residential care unit for mental health patient, it is a very crucial task to console other staff and residents on a death of patients. To help them to come out of that situation and deal with the situation various steps was adopted. 
Initial consolation to the staff members and residents is a very crucial task. Handling at the time just after the death of patient becomes very difficult. With the help of consultants and psychiatrist, physical and mental state is assessed and accordingly steps were taken.
Immediately a team of expertise and specialists were called to help them in dealing with the grief. Components such as making them feeling about malignancy of disease and inevitability of event. It helps to cope up with the situation (Cooper and et.al, 2007).
2.1 Evaluating the effectiveness of an organization's policies and procedures for supporting individuals affected by the death of a closed one To bring out the employees who have undergone the grief of losing a patient or closed, organizations have different policies and procedures. Post effect of losing a closed one is very crucial for the organization. It affects the working of organization in various aspects. It brings down the morale of employees. Efficiency and productivity of employees largely get affected. Working of staff members of health and social care is not limited to themselves only. Horizon of their working is very wide as they are supposed to deal with large number of patients undergoing mental health treatments. So death of a patient and its post affect is to be immediately controlled by the organization (Dais and et.al, 2008). It includes conducting consultation sessions and programs for the recovery of staff members and other patients. It is conducted for the recovery of staff members from the grief and sadness. The effectiveness of policies and procedures adopted by organization is assessed on various grounds. 
With the help of multi-professional team, formal and informal discussions are organized to develop a robust understanding of the degree of coping of staff members from that unexpected and unwilling incident happened in the health and social care unit. The process is undertaken by the individual or a team who knows the family and person very closely (Fein, 2004).
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Assessment is done that families and relatives of staff members are intimately connected in the process to make staff to cope up with the situation and come out of it.
The evaluation is made about the process adopted by the organization to offer support to the staff members and relatives. Step by step evaluation is made. Pro-activity is assessed on the grounds of degree of involvement of the management of organization. Administering the process plays a key role in assessment of process adopted.
An interactive session is organized to check the pre bereavement and post bereavement condition of individuals. Policies and procedures to make staff members cope up with situation have to be started just after the death of patient. Further, by checking the gap of time duration between the implementation and projected time, the relevancy of process is assessed. Further, with the stated methods, a comparison is made about the mental and physical state before and after bereavement to check the effectiveness of steps adopted by organization (Hareven, 2013).
2.2 family and friends / their religious community offer support to an individual who has just experienced the death of a long term partner A person experiencing the death of long term partner is a very crucial condition for to deal with. It leads to fall in various other psychological problems. Not only psychological it also affects the health of a person mentally and physically. For that person to come out that situation
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and cope up with the circumstances become extremely difficult. In that condition, family members, relatives and friends play vital role in supporting them. They offer them help in various aspects and dimensions. Only through this help a person is able to get back to its previous and normal life (Harrison and Vannest, 2008). To make them adapt to the unwilling and unexpected situation, these steps are adopted by the closed ones:
Time just after the death of long term partner is very crucial for a bereaved person and his family. At that time it is the prime duty of loved ones to check if this incident is affecting very rigorously to the person. In case of emergency, immediately medical treatments is required to be seek by family members (Huebner, 2004).
Time is very good healer. Realizing the significance of giving time to need to understand so that the bereaved person gets time to come out of the situation in natural manner. But this is to be adopted in the vigilance of a person so that at the time of need help can be offered.
Financial help is offered by relatives and family members so that the unexpected incident does not affect them on monetary grounds. Family and relatives understands the sensitivity of the issues and offers help.
A practical way is also adopted by loved ones to get them out of the situation. Consultation and interactive sessions are organized under the supervision of expertise and specialists to help them deal with situation psychologically.
Religious community also plays a significant role in supporting a bereaved person. They spiritually awaken them about the inevitability of such incidents and help them realize the fact (Johns and et.al, 2004).
Offer support to an individual who has experienced a life-threatening heart attack A person experiencing life threatening heart attack needs help in various aspects. Immediate help and support is required to be given to avoid tragedy and mis-happening. Not only an individual experiencing attacks, it is also required to offer support and help to their families and relatives. Support is offered in two grounds like medical aid and moral support.
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Immediate medical aid is given to the patient so that any delay does not occur. To avoid any mis-happening with the patient the precise treatment is to be given by the professional doctor. This part includes that with any requirement of any formalities such as filling of forms and details, the process of treatment is started (Litvinov, Kotowycz and Wassmann, 2009).
Along with this morale support is also provided to the patient and family and relatives.
2.3 external sources of support for individuals experiencing the significant life events In order to support the person experiencing certain life threatening or serious diseases, support is offered in the form of various methods with the help of external and other sources. 
Terminal illness of a child: When a child is suffering from a terminal illness, the family, relatives and friends face very crucial time to deal with. They are required to be offered support in various forms. Giving support to the young child is a very sensitive matter because it inculcates various factors such as considering the illness of child, the problems and circumstances child is undergoing, helping them to come out of the situation and helps him to undergo the treatment in a very easy manner (Lucas and et.al, 2004). Support to the child offered in the form of three external sources: Family and relatives; support from doctors and lastly through the team of professionals such as consultants.
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Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration is a commonly occurring disease in upper age people in which person suffering with the disease experience severe vision loss. This is a very delicate and sensitive matter to deal with for family members of patient. When a person had live his life on his own and suddenly he loss vision, his dependency of family increases to the large extent (Murgatroyd and et.al, 2009). This affects patient significantly leading to psychological distress and depression. To help the patient and support him three external sources play a crucial role such as family and relatives, financial and employment providers and psychiatrist consultation. Fundamentally support provided by family and relatives to make them feel independent play a vital role in it. They make feel self dependency and confident. Further, the policies and procedures adopt by government to help physically challenged people to make them feel confident and independent are provision of certain fixed composition of appointment in organizations. It makes them financially independent (Pariante and Lightman, 2008).
3.1 organizational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life event When an individual experience life changing event, it affects the productivity and efficiency of the employees in the significant manner. Employees working in a health and social sector are required to provide the intimate care to the patients by offering them full support and proper treatment as prescribed by the doctors of the organization. Patient undergoing the treatment of malignant of non benign diseases face many problems. Staff is trained to give them the best treatment and care in all respects. Further, at the time of emergency also they are trained to take crucial steps and methods (Polkinghorne, 2007). Realizing the need organization take different steps to overcome the problem when a staff member experience a life changing event and undergoing many problems related to that. Organization is prepared in this respect in a very efficient manner such as different policies are made in this respect like financial assistance is given at the time of need, morale support is provided to the staff member so that he come out of the situation in very efficient manner and recover fast, recreational methods are adopted to deal
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with the situation. Financial assistance provided and psychological support given to them helps the employee in a very significant manner. 3.2 personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing specified significant life events To support an individual who had experienced a life changing event it is very important to deal in a very precise and effective manner. My experience in dealing with the situation when a person is undergoing grief of such situation or incident happened in his life was very difficult. I had an experience in the following regard when I have to deal with the person experiencing life changing events (Pollitt, Rose and Kaufman, 2005). When I was working in an organization, one of my colleague was suffering from a very serious life threatening disease. At the time when we came to know about the incident it was very unexpected and shocking for all of us. Just after the intimation of his disease several steps were undertaken to help the person and provide him the support such as financial help and moral support. Apart from this, I had various contacts with professional in that field so ttried to help him by providing the best medication for the treatment (Pruessner and et.al, 2004). 3.3 Making recommendations to bring more efficient support system in the organization In-spite of having very efficient support system in the organization, there is the requirement of certain amendments in these aspects: 
Policy: Need to bring changes in the policy such as to increase the number of leaves granted to the persons experiencing life changing events such as providing financial help.
Organizational structure: There is need to bring changes in the organizational structure such as inculcating one more department dealing with these issues.
Accommodation and facilities: There is the requirement to make some facilities for the persons experiencing such events. By arranging a separate place or compartment for the stay of persons experiencing such events (Robertson and et.al, 2004).
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CONCLUSION From the above study prepared it can be inferred that there are many lives changing event experienced by persons which impacts significantly on working and efficiency. For that purpose, support and help is granted from various sources such as family, relatives, friends and various organizations which help them to deal with the situation and cope up with that.
Sample Report On Supporting Significant life events
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REFERENCES Books and Journals Arhant�Sudhir, K., Arhant�Sudhir, R. and Sudhir, K., 2011. Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk reduction: supporting evidence, conflicting data and underlying mechanisms. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 38(11). pp.734738. Bale, T.L. and et.al., 2010. Early life programming and neurodevelopmental disorders.Biological psychiatry. 68(4). pp.314-319. Bremer, B.A., Simone, A.L., Walsh, S., Simmons, Z. and Felgoise, S.H., 2004. Factors supporting quality of life over time for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the role of positive self-perception and religiosity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 28(2). pp.119-125. Cohen, S., 2004. Social relationships and health. American psychologist. 59(8). p.676. Cooper, S.A. And et.al., 2007. Mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence and associated factors. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 190(1). pp.27-35. Dais, A. and et.al., 2008. Introducing a public agency networking platform towards supporting connected governance. In Electronic Government (pp. 375-387). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Fein, D.J., 2004. Married and poor: Basic characteristics of economically disadvantaged married couples in the US. MDRC.
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