I don’t know if I’ve honestly felt this embodied | Institute of Integrated Intimacy

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I don’t know if I’ve honestly felt this embodied. Embodied Intimacy​Integrated Intimacy​Love​Relationship​Sacred Sex​Sex​Sexuality​Tantra​Tantric

I don’t know if I’ve honestly felt this embodied. #Sensual​. In my body. Feeling her every breath. #Alive She is reawakening. Slowly she emerges from her soft Cacoon.

#Reconnected In a new way, a different way. The ​#yonimagick​ has begun...


I woke up today and instantly felt something was different. Still. Calm. The past 5 days I’ve been leading ​#rituals​ in the online group experience with 16 other women. It’s been nothing short of intense and yes it’s been playing out in my external reality as well. I forget how much magick is in ritual and intention. I forget how much power we hold in our ​#womb​...until I create space to feel. Space to dive in. Space to stop the noise. And damn what I find is incredible. I want to thank all the women that have shown up in this container ​@elinuntz @yogi_bhagavati​ ​@suazz​ ​@gracegaia_1111​ ​@electriclady_em​ ​@codixhale @findkaela At least for me I can say it’s been a wild and powerful journey. I’m so grateful for this gift and sharing this magick with others who are ready to receive more ​#pleasure

Source​: ​https://www.instituteofintegratedintimacy.com/blog/sensual

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