Sexuality Wound
� #thesexualitywound The amount of disapproval, disgust, and shame that comes up when one begins to bring up the subject of sexuality publicly is a KEY indicator that something is inherently off when it comes to our ability to embrace all aspects of our humanness. S ​ ex magic The amount of guilt, fear, and trauma that is often lodged in a rather large amount of human's bodies (most particularly when it comes to their sex centers) is another KEY indicator that something is undeniably off when it comes to our relationship to sex and sexuality. The fact that men and women are still shamed against experiencing pleasure, love, and intimacy with their same-sex... The fact that we choose to see our separateness rather than our oneness. The fact that instead of indulging in what feels good we go to the aspect of our minds of 'right or wrong and good or bad' is again a KEY indicator of our inability to accept all aspects of ourselves. And the fact that in order to learn about one of the most sacred and exquisite
acts of humanness there is... LOVEMAKING, the most widely available resource is porn (Which also happens to be often one of the most distorted.) Another key indicator. It's painful to me that there is so much potency that lies in this aspect of our humanness and yet, for the majority of people bringing up this topic creates contraction, resistance, and fear. Being afraid to lose family members connections (the very connections that are 'supposed' to practice unconditional love) because of exposing this societal wound is yet again another key indicator that something is off when it comes to our practice of accepting ourselves fully and wholly as the human beings that we are. The act of SEX is the most sacred act of living in this dimension as it is the very thing that brings life into this world and yet there is so much distortion, confusion and contraction around this subject it pains me. The number of women who have come to me and shared their pain about the trauma they have experienced makes my heartache. The number of men who have shared their vulnerability around not ever being shown how to fully connect with and harness this powerful life force moving through them having made poor decisions because of it creates a heaviness in the pit of my stomach. THE SEXUALITY WOUND may be the linchpin of what keeps us separate rather than one. What keeps us disconnected rather than connected. What keeps us in pain rather than in pleasure. When we can finally talk openly and honestly about all aspects of ourselves; our pain, our pleasure, our fears, our sex... Maybe then we can feel our true humanness and from that EMBODY what it means to see each other as one.
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