Brochure institut français du Nigéria February/March/April 2017

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Nursery by Ifeanyi Ugwu Bede

programme / feb / mar / apr 2017 +234 805 947 8456


Editorial Dear friends, In 2017, why not learning French? A good resolution, if you visit us at the Institut français du Nigéria and discover our broad offer of classes, designed for children and for adults. For your company staff, we have specific professional courses adapted to the business world. In 2017, we offer for the first time a conversation class as well as three months session for all levels, which will allow you to take the DELF official exam at the end. On the cultural side, here are the highlights of the programme: the francophonie week in March will include a creative writing workshop with a francophone writer, a closing concert, educational animations for students, and the second edition of “Goût de France/Good France”, to discover French cuisine and even have a French cooking lesson! The 4th French Education Fair will take place at the end of February in Abuja and in Lagos: a unique opportunity to meet representatives of French Universities and ask all your questions about studying in France. At the national scale, the French cultural network, composed of 10 Alliances Françaises (in Enugu, Ibadan, Ilorin, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri, Owerri, Port-Harcourt) and of the Institute for African Research based in Ibadan, will continue to work together to offer nationwide events to the Nigerian public in 2017. First event: “My French Film Festival” a festival of French cinema at the end of February. The team of the Institut français wishes you a very happy new year, and is looking forward to meeting you at its events or in its classrooms! Arnaud Dornon, Director

Cher(e)s ami(e)s, Et si en 2017, vous appreniez le Français ! Une bonne résolution facile à mettre en œuvre en vous rendant à l’Institut Français du Nigéria et en découvrant nos différentes offres de cours développées en direction d’un public enfant ou adulte, à visée personnelle ou professionnelle. à noter cette année l’ouverture d’un cours de conversation et de sessions de trois mois pour tous les niveaux, à l’issue desquels vous pouvez passer l’examen du DELF. Par ailleurs, notre programmation culturelle vous proposera en ce début d’année différents temps forts pour vous familiariser avec la culture française : la semaine de la francophonie en mars comprendra un atelier d’écriture avec un auteur francophone, un concert de clôture, des animations pédagogiques et la deuxième édition de l’opération « Goût de France » : découverte de la gastronomie française et cours de cuisine dans de grands restaurants ! Le 4ème Salon français de l’éducation fin février aura lieu à Abuja et à Lagos, et vous permettra de rencontrer un grand nombre de représentants d’universités françaises et de poser toutes vos questions sur les études supérieures en France. à l’échelle nationale, le réseau culturel français, composé de 10 Alliances Françaises (à Enugu, Ibadan, Ilorin, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri, Owerri, Port-Harcourt) et de l’Institut de Recherche Africaines à Ibadan, continue son action culturelle et linguistique commune en 2017. Première action : « My French Film Festival », un festival de cinéma français dans tout le Nigéria fin février. Toute l’équipe de l’Institut français vous souhaite une excellente année 2017 et espère vous retrouver lors de ses événements ou en classe ! Arnaud Dornon, Directeur



Table of contents Sommaire Cultural Programme ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������page 7 Cinema ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 8 Francophonie festival ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 10 Quarterly talks ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 14

Calendar Calendrier february Adult French classes – session 2 20 21 French exams – DELF Prim 23

French classes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 17 Adult Classes ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 18 Examinations / Private classes / Professional services �������������������������������������� page 19 Professional courses �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 20 Children and teens ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������page 21 Study in France ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 23

French Education Fair

24 My French Film Festival Short films night 25

25 My French Film Festival The New Kid

march 7

French Education Fair ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 24 Campus France activities �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 25

21 French cuisine – Goût de France

Library �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������page 27


New spaces / resources / activities ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 28 Become a member / culturethèque / IFN box ���������������������������������������������������������� page 29


25 Francophonie festival – Closing day

French exams – DELF Adults 30


Quarterly talks & cinema Tomorrow 3


French exams – DELF Junior


Francophonie festival

Contact us / partners ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� page 30

23 My French Film Festival The French Minister

Adult French classes sessions 3 & 3bis


French cultural network The French cultural network in Nigeria is composed of one Institut franรงais in Abuja, 10 Alliances franรงaises all across the country, and the Institute of African Research in Ibadan.








ibadan lagos

enugu owerri

port harcourt

Centre for French Teaching and Documentation




Programme of public screenings

My French film Festival, for the first time in Nigeria!

at Institut français du Nigéria, Abuja is an innovative concept aiming to throw the spotlight on the new generation of French filmmakers. From January 13th to February 13th, 2017, film lovers around the world will be able to access films from the 7th edition of world’s first online French film festival.

Thursday 23rd February – 6.30pm est un concept inédit qui a pour but de mettre en lumière la jeune génération de cinéastes français. Du 13 janvier au 13 février 2017, les internautes du monde entier pourront partager leur amour du cinéma français. In Nigeria, public screenings of two feature films and three short films will be organised by the Institut français in Abuja and Alliances françaises across the country. Come and enjoy a quality cinema experience in one of the following cities: Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Port-Harcourt, Kaduna, Enugu, Jos, Ilorin and Owerri.

Au Nigéria, des projections publiques de deux longs-métrages et trois courts-métrages seront organisées, à l’Institut français d’Abuja et dans les Alliances françaises du pays. Venez profiter d’une projection de qualité dans les villes suivantes : Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Port-Harcourt, Kaduna, Enugu, Jos, Ilorin et Owerri.

Opening ceremony followed by a cocktail The French Minister / Quai d’Orsay (Comedy, 2013, 1h54)

Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is tall and impressive, a man with style, attractive to women. He also happens to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the land of Enlightenment: France...

Alexandre Taillard de Worms est grand, magnifique, un homme plein de panache qui plait aux femmes et est accessoirement Ministre des Affaires Étrangères du pays des Lumières : la France.

Friday 24th February – 7pm Short Films Night Soirée courts-métrages - à la française - La chair et les volcans - Le dernier des céfrans

Saturday 25th February – 7pm The New Kid / Le Nouveau Benoît, the new kid at school, is bullied by a gang of arrogant boys. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoît organizes a big party, but only three students turn up. What if this bunch of losers was to be the best gang ever?

La première semaine de Benoît dans son nouveau collège ne se passe pas comme il l’aurait espéré. Il est malmené par la bande de Charles, des garçons populaires, et les seuls élèves à l’accueillir avec bienveillance sont des « ringards ». 8




FRANCOPHONIE FESTIVAL From Monday 20 to Saturday 25 all around Nigeria! th



GOûT DE FRANCE 20th-23rd March – 20-23 mars


A unique opportunity to enjoy the taste of French gastronomy! Une occasion unique de déguster la gastronomie française!

The francophonie festival is a good opportunity for the Institut français students, to reflect on the different ways the French language is spoken around the world. This year, the teachers will offer activities around the word “Emoticône” (smiley).

Every year, Goût de France/ Good France celebrates French gastronomy in various locations worldwide. Dinners served simultaneously in participating restaurants honour the merits of French cuisine. In Nigeria, five restaurants participated in 2016 across the country. This year, food lovers in Nigeria will have the opportunity to try again some French/Nigerian cuisine fusion.

All week long

La fête de la francophonie est une bonne opportunité pour les étudiants de l’Institut français de réfléchir aux différentes facettes de la langue française dans le monde. Cette année, les enseignants vont proposer des activités pédagogiques et ludiques autour du terme « Emoticône ».

Chaque année, Goût de / Good France rend hommage à l’excellence de la cuisine française dans le monde entier. Au Nigéria, cinq restaurants ont participé en 2016 dans tout le pays. Cette année, les amateurs de cuisine au Nigéria auront à nouveau l’opportunité de goûter les saveurs d’une cuisine fusion France/Nigéria. -

Chez Victor, 7 Ganges street, Maitama Zuma Grill, Transcorp Hilton, Aguyi Ironsi street Helene’s bistrot, Thomas & Ray, 3 Blantyre crescent, Wuse II Grand Square Restaurant, Muhammadu Buhari way Central Area

Book your table! Réservez votre table! Goût de France will also be in Lagos! Check the restaurants and menus on our website.

Goût de France sera aussi à Lagos! Liste des restaurants et menus sur notre site web.


with a francophone writer Monday 13th to Friday 24th March

2 hours a day at Institut français du Nigeria Apply now! Francophones only. Interested in developing your writing capacities in a creative way? Inventing a story, developing characters, improving your style... you will learn all this and much more in this workshop, lead by a francophone writer.

Vous voulez développer votre talent pour l’écriture? Inventer une histoire, développer des personnages, améliorer votre style... vous apprendrez cela et bien plus, lors de cet atelier mené par un écrivain francophone. E-mail for further information.







Saturday 25 March

Saturday 25th March


Abuja Schools Competition, in partnership with Air France



All day long

Competitions of theatre, dictations, singing, and a special quizz... all in French! By the students of the Institut français partner schools.

Twice a year around the world, hundreds of schools, universities and cultural centres set up clothelines and use them to showcase different creative works: drawings, paintings, collages, poems… the participants of the francophonie activities in Nigeria will be able to showcase the results of their activities. Deux fois par an, dans le monde entier, des fils à linge sont installés à de centaines d’établissements scolaires et centres culturels, etc. Ce jourlà, chaque participant est invité à accrocher une réalisation plastique à deux dimensions à l’aide de pinces à linge. Les participants à toutes les activités de la francophonie organisées au Nigéria pourront y exposer les résultats de leur travaux.

Compétitions de théâtre, dictée, chant, et un quizz spécial... tout en français! Par les élèves des écoles partenaires de l’Institut français.

INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIR 1pm-4pm Come and taste different traditional meals from francophone countries! In partnership with the embassies of francophone countries in Abuja.

Venez déguster des plats traditionnels de pays francophones! En partenariat avec les ambassades de pays francophones à Abuja.

© Tobias Strahl


Closing concert



Flashback in pictures Retour en images

DEMAIN by Mélanie Laurent and Cyril Dion In the frame of the “One Environment” festival – dans le cadre du festival “One Environment” In partnership with the French Agency for Development – En partenariat avec l’AFD

In April, date and venue to be confirmed – en avril, date et lieu à confirmer. Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story, this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried out an investigation in ten different countries to figure out what may lead to this disaster and above all how to avoid it. During their journey, they met the pioneers who are re-inventing agriculture, energy, economy, democracy and education… Followed by a discussion with members of the Nigerian civil society, check our website for further information and name of the panelists.

Et si montrer des solutions, raconter une histoire qui fait du bien, était la meilleure façon de résoudre les crises écologiques, économiques et sociales, que traversent nos pays ? Cyril Dion et Mélanie Laurent partent avec une équipe de quatre personnes enquêter dans dix pays pour comprendre ce qui pourrait provoquer cette catastrophe et surtout comment l’éviter. Durant leur voyage, ils rencontrent les pionniers qui réinventent l’agriculture, l’énergie, l’économie, la démocratie et l’éducation... Suivi d’une discussion avec des membres de la société civile nigériane, consultez notre site web pour plus d’informations et connaitre le nom des intervenants.



french classes

cours de franรงais


Adult classes

Adult classes

French official examinations

Group classes

Join a class matching your level and learn French through a communicative based approach. Our trained teachers will make sure you develop your 4 language skills (listening, speaking, understanding, writing) and culture knowledge.

levels and fees Learning hours

Price of the examination

Learning hours



9 January – 18 February 9 January – 1 April 20 February – 1 April 3 April – 13 May 3 April – 24 June 15 May – 24 June 26 June – 5 August 26 June – 3 September 14 August – 3 September 25 September – 4 November 25 September – 16 December 6 November – 16 December


DELF A1 7 000 ₦

Discovery stage


DELF A2 7 000 ₦

Basic user


DELF B1 9 000 ₦

Independent user

I can speak about myself and my immediate environment.



Price of the examination

DELF B2 10 000 ₦

Independent user

I can communicate in basic French and exchange informations.


I can understand and maintain a conversation and give my opinion on daily life topics.



DALF C1 13 000 ₦

Advanced level


DALF C2 13 000 ₦

Proficient user


I have a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions; I can defend my opinion, explain my point of view and negotiate. I can apply to an academic program taught in French in France.

I can express myself fluently and spontaneously. I can produce clear, well structured discourse without hesitation.

I can speak with precision, appropriateness and fluency. I can use French for academic and advanced level purposes.



Timetable and fees 6 w e e ks new

Conversation class

5:30pm – 7:30pm

2h 12 hours / session

N 7,000

Saturdays only

9:30am-1:30pm 2 pm-6pm

4h 24h per session

N 10,200

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

11am – 1pm 6pm-8pm

6h 36h per session

N 13,000

Mondays to Thursdays

10am - 12noon 5:30pm – 7:30pm

8h 48h per session

N 15,500

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays


12h 72h per session

N 20,000

Mondays to Fridays


20h 120h per session

N 29,000

Tuesdays: A1 Thursdays: B1

10am – 1pm 4:30pm-7:30pm

6h / week

Mondays to Fridays B1/B2 levels

9:30am-12pm 5:30pm-8pm

12h30 / week


28 – 31 March 20 – 23 June 5 – 8 December


28 February – 21 March 23 May – 13 June 7 – 28 November

Private and customized classes Private tuition Designed to be effective, stimulating and practical, the content of each class is personalized to the individual and focus on your specific needs.

Customized classes for corporate

1 2 w e e ks : g e t r e a dy fo r yo u r f i r s t F r e n c h D i p lo m a

Tuesdays & Thursdays A1/A2 levels

DELF / DALF Tous publics 2017

N 20,000 (72h) N 36,000 (150h)

A French language training tailored to provide a real added value to your company: flexibility, latest teaching methods focused on your specific needs, certification and excellence. Fees

1 person / N 3,650 / hour 2-7 people / N 2,000 / hour / person 8-15 people / N 1,000 / hour / person

Materials: Text book & Workbook + CD // Cost: N 6,500 (+ 2 photos)



French a vehicle for new opportunities

Children & Teens CHILDREN & TEENS CLASSES Register your kids and teens, age 6 to 17, in our Saturday classes: they will learn in an interactive and playful environment with audio and video materials. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

21 January – 6 May 13 May – 26 August 2 September – 16 December


The DELF examinations are recognized around the world and your child will receive a diploma valid for the rest of his/her life. The tests are adapted to the children and teens lifestyle and correspond to their interests. DELF JUNIOR 7–10 Mar. DELF JUNIOR 6–9 June DELF JUNIOR 7–10 Nov.


21–23 Feb 23–25 May



French Courses

Every year, the Summercamp welcomes more than 150 children and teenagers at the Institut français. From 6 to 17 years old, the kids will enjoy a French immersion with French classes and activities (danse, art, music, sport).

Recognized by companies and adapted to the modern business world, our professional courses will meet the requirements of your employers or future employers. They are built on the day-to-day activities specific to your professional domain. The specific certificates will also help you on your path to more job opportunities and higher responsibilities.



FRENCH for business

FRENCH for diplomats


KIDS CORNER With membership, your offspring can access dedicated resources and participate in activities and workshops : movies, games, readings…. You can check the schedule at the library.


study in france

campus france


Campus france campus france Nigeria France is the third destination for international student mobility in the world with about 300,000 foreign students joining French higher education institutions each year! Moreover, nowadays, France offers more than a thousand English taught programmes. On a daily basis, Campus France supports students at each step of their education journey to France: initial information gathering, guidance in choosing programmes and institutions, financial aid (scholarships and other sources of assistance), applying for admission, requesting a visa and even preparing for departure. Each year, Campus France organises regularly: > Pre-departure sessions to ease students’ arrival to France, > CV & cover letter workshops to empower students and help them develop their full potential, > Special events to strengthen the Alumni community and to promote the French Higher Education system. Contact in Abuja: Institut français du Nigéria /

Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h Contact in Lagos: Alliance Française /


Campus france REGISTER ON FRANCE ALUMNI AND SHOW US YOUR TALENT! France Alumni was officially launched in November 2016. To have access to all the services offered by this platform, don’t forget to create your online profile. Campus France Nigeria is already preparing the next big event and we are looking for entrepreneurs that have created their company after their studies in France to showcase their talents! Please contact us if you wish to take part to this event:

Come and join us to a workshop on how to draft the perfect letter of motivation and CV Drafting a letter of motivation or a CV can be stressful and sometimes unsuccessful because one is not capable of highlighting his talent and his achievements. It is a technical exercise that can easily be mastered with the correct tools. To help you out in this difficult exercise, Campus France will be organising a monthly workshop. To apply, please send an email to the following address:

Campus France will continue to travel, want us to come to your school or your university? Since February, Campus France has travelled throughout Nigeria to meet with pupils and students in Secondary Schools and Universities and promote opportunities to come and study in France. If you want an agent to come, please do not hesitate to send an email to the following address:

The French Education Fair is a unique opportunity for you to meet with representatives from some of the best Higher Education Institutions in France. Don’t hesitate to come and meet with these representatives who will gladly answer all of questions regarding the opportunities of studying in France. For those, who do not speak French, no stress, France offers more that 1,500 programmes exclusively taught in English and adapted to international students! This year the Fair will take place in:

Abuja on February 23rd at the Sheraton Hotel (10am – 4.00pm) Lagos on February 25th at the Eko Hotel (10am – 4.00pm)

after you studied in France...

join our network France Alumni, for foreign alumni of the French education system


For more information and FREE registration








The library focuses on providing adapted resources for students of the Institut français du Nigeria. Using the library regularly is essential to succeed in learning French! We also provide spaces to study as well as a multimedia space and regular animations. Check the programme on

Become a member!

Opening hours Tuesday and Friday / 9: 30 am - 6: 15 pm Wednesday and Thursday / 9:30 am to 5:45 pm Saturday / 9: 30 am- 2: 00 pm Resources > For Institut français students: literature, educative books, audio-books, board games, DVDs and CDs, tablets with Biblio box. > For French teachers: resources to teach French as a foreign language. > For children: Albums, novels, short stories in French, games, DVDs. > “The French corner”: French bestsellers, French literature, French cuisine, arts and culture books, French classic films, magazines. Spaces > A multimedia centre with e-learning : Internet, laptops, computers for self-learning. > An animation space for children and adults.

• Students of Institut français du Nigéria Provide 1 passport photo and get: > Free library registration during the time of your session > Free consultation of books and magazines in the library > Free consultation of French resources on our tablets > Free WIFI on our systems > For 4 weeks you can borrow: 2 books + 1 magazine + 1 DVD > Access to culturetheque and bibliobox • General Public For 5,000 Naira (for 1 year date to date) and 2 passport photos you get: > Membership card valid for 1 year date to date > Free consultation of books and magazines in the library > Free consultation of French resources on our tablets > Free WIFI on our systems > For 4 weeks you can borrow: 2 books + 1 magazine + 1 DVD > Access to culturetheque and bibliobox

CULTURETHèQUE Online 24/7 access from your computer, tablet or smart phone. French culture at your finger tips, anytime, anywhere! Access over 400 magazines, e-books, 300 videos, 370 learning materials and 200 comics, watch concerts and shows, listen to lectures. How? Go to and login.

BIBLIO BOX / IFN BOX No need for internet! Come to our library and enjoy quick browsing! In our multimedia library, you can now access French digital resources: more than 3.000 French e-books, videos, tales for kids and much more, on our laptops and tablets, and more importantly, on your own gadgets (laptop, smartphones, tablets) without Internet. At the Institut français library, connect to the IFNBox wifi and access Bibliobox.



CONTACT US NOUS CONTACTER 52 Libreville Street, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Besides Mr Biggs’s, Wuse 2, Abuja

+234 805 947 8456 / Reception open from Monday to Friday / 9.30am to 5.30pm To subscribe to our monthly newsletter visit our website or e-mail: Pour recevoir notre lettre d’information mensuelle, visitez notre site web ou contactez : FOLLOW US! SUIVEZ-NOUS ! Facebook: Institutfrancais.nigeria / Twitter: InstitutFrNga Director of the Institut français du Nigéria / Arnaud Dornon Deputy Director Culture / Aude Urcun Education attachée / Fanny Dureysseix Director of studies / Cyriaque Aidasso / Coordinator of Studies / Anastasia Kratchkovsky / Cultural Program Officer / Léa Granados / Promotion of higher education in France / Campus France / Saranne Comel / Financial Manager / Nicole Laguerre Accountant & General Secretary / Jean-Marc Bouazo Librarian / Martina Adet Lawrence / Public Relations Officer / PA / Ahmed Mustapha / Our teachers / Chika, Loky, Rebecca, Olivier, Paulinus, Joel, Folly, Kevin, Emmanuel, Nathalie, Jeff, Ugonne, Sulaiman, Anne-Marie, Marie, Tayo, Ekanem, Séraphine Design / Stéphane Bothua Printing / Rash Ideal Kreations

our partners

embassy of france in nigeria


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