Programme Sept Oct Nov 2014

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Institut français du Nigeria 52 Libreville Street, off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja (beside Mr Bigg’s) +234 805 947 8456 Director of the Institut français du Nigeria: Patrick PEREZ Attaché for cooperation in Education: Daniel RIGNAULT Director of Studies: Cyriaque AIDASSO Coordinator of studies: Dounia KARIM Cultural Attaché: Jacques MONTOURCY Cultural Program Officer: Alice O'REILLY Promotion of higher education in France / Campus France: Sébastien CARTIER Financial Manager: Olga DURONEA Accountant: Jean-Marc BOUAZO Librarian: Martina ADET SYLVANUS Receptionist: Ahmed MUSTAPHA Our teachers: Chika, Emmanuel, Folly, Jeff, Joel, Kevin, Loky, Musa, Mustapha, Nathalie, Olivier, Rebecca, Paulinus, Youssoufa Design & contenu: Alice O'REILLY Design & Publisher: Rashidealkreations +234 805 904 2127

Chers amis, L'Institut français du Nigeria est heureux de vous faire parvenir le premier programme d'activités. Ce programme s'adresse à tous, de nos apprenants de français au public général mais aussi à nos partenaires culturels, économiques et institutionnels. D'une manière générale, ce programme s'efforcera de présenter l'ensemble des activités de l'Institut (la culture, l'enseignement du français et la promotion des études supérieures en France) mais aussi vous informera de l'actualité de la coopération franconigériane dans les domaines de l'éducation, du développement, des sciences… La programmation s'articulera autour d'actions de diffusion, de formation, de coopération, de coproduction ou tout simplement de sensibilisation, de collaboration ou de mise à disposition. L'Institut français du Nigeria s'efforcera non seulement d'être un actif révélateur ainsi qu'un partenaire privilégié pour la promotion et la diffusion de la langue française, de la culture française et nigériane en focalisant notre soutien à la jeune génération mais il aura aussi pour ambition d'être un passeur, un transmetteur qui donne à voir et à comprendre. Le premier semestre de l'année 2014 a été riche d'événements mais nous avons préféré donner « un coup de projecteur » aux cours pour enfants qui se sont déroulés cet été. Ces sourires nous ont procuré beaucoup de plaisir et nous avons souhaité le partager avec vous. Je souhaite au nom de toute l'équipe de l'Institut Français du Nigeria que ce programme soit un support utile et agréable pour mieux faire connaître nos activités et nos actions au service d'une coopération fondée sur des liens de confiance et d'amitié. Patrick PEREZ, Directeur Dear friends, The French Institute of Nigeria is very pleased to present its first program of activities. This program is for all of our French learners, the general public as well as our cultural, economic and institutional partners. In general, the program will attempt to present all the activities of the Institute (culture, French teaching and promotion of higher education in France) but also inform you of the news of Franco-Nigerian cooperation in the fields of education, development, sciences ... The program will consist of actions of diffusion, training, cooperation, coproduction or simply sensitization, collaboration or provision. The French Institute of Nigeria will strive not only to be a developer and an active partner in the promotion and diffusion of the French language, French and Nigerian culture by focusing its support on the younger generation but it will also aim to be a transmitter that will allow us to see and understand. The first semester 2014 was eventful but we preferred to place the spotlight the on French classes for children and teenagers that took place this summer.. The smiles of the kids gave us a lot of fun and we wanted to share it with you. I wish on behalf of the entire team of the French Institute of Nigeria that this program will be a useful and enjoyable tool to publicize our activities and actions in the service of a cooperation, based on trust and friendship. Patrick Perez, Director


Calendrier culturel / Cultural calendar Flashback - Summer Camps 2014

P3 P4

Cours de français / French Classes: pour adultes / for adults pour enfants / for children pour le secrétariat / for personal assistant pour les affaires / for Business pour les entreprises & cours privés / corporate & private classes Examens officiels / official certifications Service de traduction / translation services Nos professeurs / our teachers Devenir une école partenaire / How to become a model school

P5 P6 P7 P7 P8 P9 P9 P10 P10

Evénements culturels / Cultural events : EXPOSITION - Art of Friendship DANSE & MUSIQUE - Our Quest... CINEMA - Fête du cinéma d’animation DANSE & MUSIQUE - Retro Ivoire MUSIQUE - CAB CIRQUE - Ïopido (ou l’inverse) CINEMA - Mois du Film Documentaire EXPOSITION - Expressions of Thought THEATRE - Festival Wole Soyinka ATELIER - Arterial Art Fundraising Workshop FOCUS ON - Alliance française d’Enugu - LIMCAF Finale

P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21

Les rendez-vous culturels / cultural rendezvous CINEMA - Wednesday French Night CINEMA - Saturday Kid Movie ACTIVITÉS CULTURELLES - Classes de dance, piano & théâtre ACTIVITÉS CULTURELLES - Abuja Literary Society (ALS) ACTIVITÉS CULTURELLES - French Club Le Clézio

P22 P22 P23 P23 P27


P24 P25 P26 P27 P28




23rd 24th 25th


7th to 12th

EXPOSITION / EXHIBITION 10am-6pm Art of Friendship


9th 10th 11th


P12 P12 P12






Launch of Culturethèque 10am-5pm Arterial Art Fundraising 10am-5pm Arterial Art Fundraising 10am-5pm Arterial Art Fundraising

7pm 7pm 7pm

Our Quest… Our Quest… Our Quest…

4 movies per day Cinéma d'animation 6pm









Retro Ivoire

P24 P20 P20 P20

P13 `

4 movies per day Cinéma d'animation

P14 P13

LIMCAF Award Night



- CAB -



ÏOPIDO (ou l'inverse)



Mois du Film Documentaire


Expressions of Thought


Wole Soyinka Festival I Jos Repertory Theatre THEATRE 20th 7pm THEATRE 21st 7pm THEATRE 22nd 7pm

The trials of brother Jero The trials of brother Jero The trials of brother Jero

P19 P19 P19

27th 28th 29th


7pm 7pm 7pm

Madmen and Specialists Madmen and Specialists Madmen and Specialists

P19 P19 P19

4th 5th 6th


7pm 7pm 7pm

The Lion and the Jewel The Lion and the Jewel The Lion and the Jewel

P19 P19 P19

10th to 15th CINEMA 18th


Children & teenagers having fun at the Summer Camps !





Next session: 13 September to 20 December 2014 Pour des enfants de 6 à 12 ans / For 6 to 12 years old children 2 heures tous les samedis / 2 hours every Saturday: 9:30am - 11:30am ou 11:30am - 1:30pm Prix / Cost: N13,200 per session Si vous souhaitez valider votre niveau de français, vous avez la possibilité de présenter les examens français reconnus internationalement.

DELF PRIM (8-12 years old): Designed for primary school children with lots of illustration, this is the very first international diploma of French certifying that your child can express himself basically in French and talk about himself. DELF JUNIOR (12-16 years old): If you learn French in school and you wish to have an international diploma in French, DELF Junior is made for you. Confirm your basic communication skills with the DELF Junior A1 and test your ability to deal with most daily situations with the DELF Junior A2 or DELF Junior B1. Calendrier pour le DELF Junior et le DELF Prim / Exam Calendar: 5th- 6th November: DELF PRIM 19th- 20th November: DELF JUNIOR Prix / Cost: N6,000 per exam


Please contact us for external training on DELF Junior and DELF Prim.



You need flexibility? This course is targeting professionals who wish to improve their French and their ability to communicate, translate and manage professional interactions in French. It is specifically designed to cater for the needs of bilingual French/English PA, highly demanded in Abuja. You will need to master French up to B1 level.

You have a busy schedule? You are a company and want to organize a customized training for your staff?

Timetable: 120h in 3 months – Monday to Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (10h/week – 40h/month) Cost: N98,000 New session start on 8th September 2014 and will finish 5th December 2014 For more information: 0805 947 8456 I

In the context of globalization and in order to enable the Nigerian public to be more competitive in the job market, the French Institute of Nigeria in collaboration with the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry will soon launch French for Business course. This course targets professionals or non who wish to improve their French in the economics and business field. It is specifically designed for professionals who wish to have an international certification and wish to improve their ability to communicate, negotiate markets, manage human resources and professional’s interactions in French language in the field of business. Initiated by French institutions within the French cultural network, this certification is adopted by many foreign educational systems, and recognized by prestigious international universities and institutions. The international value of the DFP-AFFAIRES CERTIFICATION represents an added advantage for those who wish to pursue a carrier in a French business environnement, in France or other parts of the world. Session will start on 15th September 2014 and will finish on 12th December 2014

The French Institute of Nigeria can provide tailored French classes for individuals or groups at your home or at your office. For more information, please contact the Coordinator of Studies :

For more information: 0805 947 8456 I



These diplomas are awarded by the French Ministry of Education in 154 countries and are valid for your whole life ! 5th- 6th November: DELF PRIM (8-12 years old) Designed for primary school children with lots of illustration, this is the very first international diploma of French certifying that your child can express himself basically in French and talk about himself. 19th- 20th November: DELF JUNIOR (12-16 years old) If you learn French in school and you wish to have an international diploma in French, DELF Junior is made for you. Confirm your basic communication skills with the DELF Junior A1 and test your ability to deal with most daily situations with the DELF Junior A2 or DELF Junior B1. nd

One of our lecturers, Monsieur Musa Abdulrauf, has attended the annual international summer training program, BELC (Bureau d’études et de liaison pour l’enseignement du français dans le monde), organized by the Centre International d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) in Nantes, France, for professionals of French language. Watch out on how to learn French through TV5monde, social networks and new information and communication technologies.



2 – 5 December 2014 : DELF / DALF (adults) DELF and DALF were designed to accompany the teaching and learning of French, by proposing the validation and certification of an internationally recognized level of competence, at the end of training.

Monsieur Kevin Voda, one of our lecturers has been awarded with a grant by the French Embassy to attend a training course on French for Business from the 30th of June to the 19th of July in Paris. The French Institute of Nigeria in conjunction with La Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (CCI) de Paris organizes this training in response to the large demand of Nigerian public of French for Business. Starting from 15th September 2014, our classes of French for Business will be opened for everyone who desires to learn French in the business field.

Not only the teachers of the French Institute are absolutely fluent in French but they also get trained every month on classroom methodologies and teaching techniques. Their last seminar took place in August on the theme “games as a speaking medium”. The French Institute is the centre par excellence, where to learn French in the federal capital! Soyez les bienvenus !

Pour toutes vos traductions de l’anglais au français ou du français à l’anglais, merci de contacter: For all your translation from English to French or from French to English, please contact:

The French Institute also provides training on the international French exam (DELF Prim and DELF Junior) for the teachers of Abuja “Model Schools”. These schools follow the communicative methodology promoted by the French Embassy with whom they have an agreement. The next training will be beginning of October at the French Institute of Nigeria. For more information, please contact: Français Anglais

Anglais Français





Pascale Bigot, Tentations, 2014


Art venant de l’Est, de l’Ouest et d’Afrique Art from the East, West and Africa Du mardi 7 au dimanche 12 octobre de 9h à 17h From Tuesday 7th to Sunday 12th October from 9AM to 5PM FCT Archives and History Bureau, Peace Drive, Area 11, Garki L'exposition Art of Friendship est une exposition collaborative entre le Nigeria, représenté par la National Gallery of Art et les pays avec lesquels le Nigeria a des relations culturelles bilatérales. L'exposition est une célébration de l’art au service de l'amitié entre les peuples. Conçu comme un événement annuel, elle présente dix œuvres d'art de chaque pays participants. Des documentaires seront projetés tous les jours à l’Institut français du Nigeria et au Centre Culturel Coréen. Le calendrier des films sera publié en temps voulu.



SPECTACLE Que la musique commence... NIGERIA

Let the music begin...


Jeudi 9, Vendredi 10 et Samedi 11 octobre à 19h Thursday 9th, Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October at 7:00PM Institut français du Nigeria L’Institut français du Nigeria encourage les artistes talentueux nigérians et leur offre la possibilité de s’exprimer. Cette fois-ci, African Renaissance Theatre nous propose un spectacle de danse au rythme des tambours traditionnels. ‘‘Au sein de notre quête quotidienne, regardons au-delà de nos différences et travaillons pour un objectif commun. Chantons à l’unisson la même chanson et dansons à un rythme commun à l’aide de tambours et de gong!’’ In our daily quest, let's look beyond our differences and work for a common goal. Let's sing the same song and dance to a common rhythm from our drums and gong. Give me a good treatment because I deserve a good treatment and not because we come from the same ethnic group. Know me as a Nigerian and not as a Northerner, a Westerner or an Easterner...

The Art of Friendship exhibition is a collaborative exhibition involving Nigeria, represented by National Gallery of Art, and countries with whom Nigeria have bilateral cultural relations. The exhibition is a celebration of friendship employing the medium of the visual arts. It is designed as an annual event showcasing ten works of art from each participating countries. Films will be screened daily at French Institute and the Korean Cultural Centre. The schedule of the movies will be released in due course.

African Renaissance Theatre Dancers: Williams Obasi, Glory Obehi and Arrey Michael Production/Manager: Egbuche Pope





Celebrating French animated movies !


Samedis 18 et 25 octobre / 4 films par jour Saturdays 18th and 25th October / 4 movies each day Institut français du Nigeria


FRANCE English subtitles N

Samedi 18 octobre / Saturday 18th October SPECIAL SHORT MOVIES 1:30pm: Selection of 8 short movies by Folimage for children (72 mins) 3:30pm: L'œil du loup / The wolf's eye by Hoel Caouissin (1997 – 26 mins) Le père Frimas / Father Frimas by Youri Tcherenkov (2012 – 26 mins) Ma petite planète chérie / My darling little planet (1996 – 9 x 5mins) 5:30pm: Selection of 8 short movies by Folimage for teenagers and adults (80 mins) 7:30pm: Aya de Yopougon by Clément Oubrerie and Marguerite Abouet (2009 - 84 mins) - for teenagers and adults



Samedi 25 octobre / Saturday 25 October 1:30pm: Le Tableau / The Painting by Jean-François Laguionie (2011 – 76 mins) 3:30pm : Ma maman est en Amérique, elle a rencontré Buffalo Bill by Marc Boreal and Thibault Chatel (2013 – 75 mins) 5:30pm: Une vie de chat / A Cat in Paris by Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Feliciol (2010 - 62 mins) 7:30pm: Le Chat du Rabbin / The Rabbi's Cat by Antoine Delesvaux and Joann Sfar (2011 - 100 mins) - for teenagers and adults

Jeudi 23 octobre à 18h / Thursday 23rd October at 6PM Institut français du Nigeria L’Institut français du Nigeria met à disposition du groupe Djolé ses infrastructures pour vous donner un aperçu de la richesse culturelle ivoirienne ! Un dîner traditionnel ivoirien sera servi dans les jardins à partir de 18 heures. Vous pourrez goûter au poisson et poulet braisé, l'attiéké, la sauce graine, l’alloko etc ... Des boissons seront également disponibles. Puis, à 19 heures, des musiciens tels que Hervé et Claude du groupe Djolé se produiront pour vous et vous feront découvrir la musique traditionnelle, le zouglou et le rap ivoirien. Enfin, des groupes de danse se succèderont sur scène au fil de la soirée !

If you are a primary school interested in having, at the French Institute, a private showing of some of these films above between Monday 13th and Friday 24th, please contact

Traditionnal Ivorian food will be served in the garden from 6pm onwards. You will enjoy braised fish and chicken, attieke, sauce graine, alloko etc… Drinks will also be available. Then at 7pm, the show will start ! Musicians such as Hervé and Claude from the groupe Djolé will perform for you traditional music, zouglou and rap. Several groups will also dance for your greater enjoyment! Groupe Djolé Director: Laure Bouazo





Rencontre entre l’Afrique, les Caraïbes et le Brésil When African, Caribbean & Brazilian music meet th

Jeudi 30 octobre à 19h30 / Thursday 30 October at 7:30PM Transcorp Hilton, Congress Hall


CAB c’est la rencontre entre l’Afrique, les Caraïbes et le Brésil à travers le pianiste martiniquais Mario Canonge, le chanteur et guitariste camerounais Blick Bassy et le jeune et très talenteux percussioniste brésilien Adriano Tenoriodd.


Cerceaux & Jonglage Hula Hoop & Juggling Jeudi 6 novembre à 19h30 / Thursday 6th November at 7:30PM Transcorp Hilton, Congress Hall Ï, c'est ce jongleur manipulateur d'objets, cet homme anguleux à l'énergie débordante, ce dompteur de cerceaux ! Les cerceaux de hula-hoop tournent, flottent, volent, roulent, cognent et disparaissent. Ïopido (ou l'inverse) est une réflexion sur le sens de la vie, un spectacle profond et désopilant à la fois. Co-fondateur de l'association CAKTUS, le jongleur Sylvain JULIEN a approché le monde des chorégraphes, des marionnettistes, des conteurs et présente aujourd'hui un spectacle qu'il a écrit et qui rencontre un grand succès !

A unique project and singular musical trip : when Caribbean meet Africa and Brazil. Featuring Mario Canonge, one of the most famous Caribbean jazz pianist ; Adriano Tenoriodd, a Brazilian master of percussions and from Cameroon Africa the unbelievable sensual voice from Blick Bassy.

Ï, he is this juggler conjuror of objects, this toned man with overflowing energy, this master of hoops! Hula-hoops are turning, floating, flying, rolling, bumping and disappearing. Ïopido (or the reverse) is a reflection about the meaning of life, a serious and screamingly funny show at the same time. The juggler Sylvain JULIEN, co-founder of the association named CAKTUS came close to the world of choreographers, puppeteers and story tellers. He presents today a show he has written himself which meets a great public success!

Jazz pianist - Mario Canonge Singer and et guitarist - Blick Bassy Percussionist - Adriano Tenoriodd

Juggler: Sylvain Julien


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Theme: commemorating the Arts!


WORLDWIDE Lundi 10 au Samedi 15 Novembre à 19h tous les jours FREE ENTRY Monday 10th to Saturday 15th November at 7PM daily English subtitles Institut français du Nigeria L’Institut français du Nigeria célèbre le film documentaire en présentant des films primés ayant pour thème l’art que ce soit les arts visuels, la danse, la musique ou encore le cinéma !


th ARTS VISUELS Monday 10 November at 7pm WASTE LAND

par/by Lucy Walker (UK/Brazil – 2010 – 100min) Uplifting story of artist Vik Muniz who travels to the world's largest landfill outside Rio de Janeiro, to collaborate with a group of pickers of recyclable materials, who find a way to the most prestigious auction house in London via the surprising transformation of refuse into contemporary art.


A 15 years old’s perspective


Du mardi 18 au lundi 24 novembre From Tuesday 18th to Monday 24th November Vernissage le mardi 18 à 18h / Opening on Tuesday 18th at 6PM Institut français du Nigeria

th DANSE Tuesday 11 November at 7pm EVERY LITTLE STEP

par/by Adam Del Deo et James D. Stern (USA – 2008 – 96min) Follows the plight of dancers as they struggle through auditions for the Broadway revival of “A Chorus Line".



MUSIQUE Wednesday 12 November at 7pm TANGO NEGRO par/by Dom Pedro (France/Argentina – 2013 – 104min) It explores the expression of Tango's Africanness and the contribution of African cultures in the creation of the tango. This rich movie combines musical performances and interviews from many tango fans and historians including the renowned Argentinean pianist Juan Carlos Caceres. th

MUSIQUE Thursday 13 November at 7pm AMANDLA par/by Lee Hirsh (South Africa/USA – 2003 – 108min) Through a chronological history of the South African liberation struggle, Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony cites examples of the way that music was used in the fight for freedom. Songs united those who were being oppressed and gave those fighting a way to express their plight. th CINEMA Friday 14 November at 7pm NOLLYWOOD BABYLON

par/by Ben Addelman et Samir Mallal (USA – 2008 –74min) Nigeria's film industry, Nollywood, is the third-largest in the world, an unstoppable economic and cultural force that has taken the continent by storm and is now bursting beyond the borders of Africa.The movie presents an electric vision of a modern African metropolis and a revealing look at the powerhouse that is Nigerian cinema. th MUSIQUE Saturday 15 November at 7pm BENDA BILILI !

par/by Renaud Barret et Florent de La Tullaye (France – 2010 – 85min) "Benda Bilili" - in English "See Beyond", is the name of this Kinshasa band which has acquired a global following. Chances of success were slim at first for these homeless handicapped artists who struggled to survive on the streets of their dilapidated capital.


L’Institut français du Nigeria est heureux de soutenir deux de nos écoles partenaires qui enseignent le français, en mettant à disposition nos locaux pour une exposition de photographies par de jeunes et talentueux lycéens. How does one get a 15 year old to express him/herself? Give him/her a camera and wait for the results. With the introduction of trade skills, by the Federal Government through the Ministry of education at secondary school level, the perception of photography will change. This collection of photographs, are the visual interpretations of SS3 students for their final WAEC and NECO examinations from Glisten International Academy and Ladela School. Though not “perfect”, it is hoped that these photographs being exhibited will give exposure to the students and provide the impetus for better things to come within the photographic industry. These young people are the future of the industry, and they should be encouraged.

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Jos Repertory Theatre Du 20 novembre au 6 décembre à 19h From 20th November to 6th December at 7PM Institut français du Nigeria


Venez célébrer les 80 ans du premier Africain à recevoir le Prix Nobel de Littérature !


Art Fundraising


Mardi 23, mercredi 24 et jeudi 25 Septembre de 10h à 17h Tues. 23rd, Wed. 24th & Thurs. 25th September from 10AM to 5PM Institut français du Nigeria


L’Institut français du Nigeria prête ses locaux à Arterial Network afin de permettre à des jeunes artistes de se former professionnellement. L’atelier s’adresse à des artistes confirmés uniquement.

THE TRIALS OF BROTHER JERO / Jeudi 20, vendredi 21 et samedi 22 nov. à 19h Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd November at 7PM A light satiric comedy that takes aim at religious hypocrisy in the form of a charlatan named Brother Jero.

CORA/Arterial Network Nigeria, in collaboration with the French Institute of Nigeria, invites artists and creative entrepreneurs based in Federal Capital Territory Abuja and its environment to participate in Art Fundraising Workshop, part of the Pilot Phase of the Arterial Network Toolkit Training Programme on Art Fundraising, Advocacy, Marketing and Project Management.

MADMEN AND SPECIALIST / Jeudi 27, vendredi 28 et samedi 29 nov. à 19h Thursday 27th, Friday 28th and Saturday 29th November at 7PM Bero,a medical doctor is going to war and found the cult of As - which is a cult that believed in cannibalism. Soyinka wants to draw our collective attention to the evils of war and the aftermath.

Purpose : The workshop is designed to support emerging artists and creative entrepreneurs with appropriate tools that will empower them to successfully develop winning fundraising proposals, attract investment and sponsorships for their projects using The Fundraising Toolkit for Arts and Culture developed by Arterial Network.

THE LION AND THE JEWEL / Jeudi 4, vendredi 5 et samedi 6 décembre à 19h Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th December at 7PM It chronicles how Baroka, the lion, fights with the modern Lakunle over the right to marry Sidi, the titular Jewel. Jos Repertory Theatre Director: Patrick-Jude Oteh




Dans le réseau culturel français au Nigéria : ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE D’ENUGU


Theme: Less is More


20 au 25 octobre : Exposition / 20th to 25th October: Exhibition 25 octobre : Cérémonie de remise de prix / 25th October: Award Ceremony Nike Lake Resort Hotel, Enugu


Films francophones à l’affiche !


Toute l’année, chaque mercredi à 19h Every Wednesday all year round at 7PM Institut français du Nigeria

English subtitles


With the support of the Alliance française network, Life in My City commenced in 2007 to encourage artistic creativity and awareness of environmental issues. Life in My City Art Festival is an annual celebration of creativity and fresh talent in the Nigeria art landscape. This is the 8th edition of the Competition and the largest annual gathering of artists and stakeholder of visual arts in Nigeria, featuring exhibitions, talent contest, symposia and workshop.

Theme: Life in my City ! PHOTO th

10 au 31 octobre : Exposition / 10 to 31st October: Exhibition 25 october : Cérémonie de remise de prix / 25th October: Award Ceremony Nike Lake Resort Hotel, Enugu



Films d’animation pour vos enfants !


Toute l’année, chaque samedi à 13h30 Every Saturday all year round at 1:30PM Institut français du Nigeria


Photo Africa is an international photo contest for African photographers below the age of 35 years old, living and working in Africa. Submitted works are expected to portray interesting current living conditions in the African city as seen through the lens of a photographer.

Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour avoir la programmation cinéma mois par mois. Pour cela, contactez






Classes de piano, danse et théâtre Abuja Literary Society

Abonnez-vous à notre nouvelle plateforme numérique ! Subscribe to our new French digital library!


Institut français du Nigeria

Piano Classes

Dance Classes

? Saturday 1:30pm to 3:30pm ? Saturday 2:30pm to 4:30pm

? Thursday 4pm to 5pm ? Saturday 4pm to 5pm

ON REGISTRATION For more information on piano, dance and theatre classes,

Thursday 4pm to 6pm

Saturday 5pm to 7pm

please contact Institut français du Nigeria

Theatre Classes

Lancement : Lundi 1er septembre ! / Launch: Monday 1st September! Accéder à vos journeaux quotidiens préférés, téléchargé des E-Books, lisez des BD en streaming, faites des jeux, apprenez grâce à des didacticiels, regarder des concerts et des émissions. Plus de 400 magazines, 1000 livres, 200 BD, 300 vidéos et 370 didacticiels. Un accès 24/24, 7/7 de votre ordinateur, tablette ou smartphone. Grâce à Culturethèque, restez connecté avec la culture française ! Culturethèque is an online multimedia library offering a wide range of French cultural content such as ebooks, films and audios, carefully selected and accessible from the comfort of your home. French at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere!

Thursday 5pm to 6pm Tuesday 5pm to 6pm Saturday 3pm to 5pm

Abuja Literary Society (ALS)




Every 2 Friday of every month at 7pm For more information, please contact Dike Chukwumerije +234 705 635 7491 or


Either come to the French Institute to register or sign in by going on, click on CONNECT, then on SIGN IN and follow the instructions. With your temporary login, you will have a FREE access to Culturetheque for 3 weeks ! After that time expired, you will need to register at the Library of the French Institute. See prices and conditions on page 25.

FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC: You provide 2 photos You pay 5,000 Nairas

Institut français du Nigeria 52 Libreville Street, off Aminu Kano Crescent Beside Mr Biggs, Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria +234 805 947 8456

YOU GET: Membership card valid for 1 year date to date Free consultation of books & magazines in the library Free Wifi Access to Canal+ programs For 2 weeks you can borrow: ? 2 books ? 1 magazine ? 1 DVD APPRENANTS DE FRANÇAIS You are registered for a 6 weeks session of French classes You provide 2 photos

APPRENANTS DE FRANÇAIS French learners, if you want to borrow DVDs: You provide 2 photos You pay 3,000 Nairas

YOU GET: Student card valid for a 6 week session Free consultation of books & magazines Free Wifi Access to Canal+ programs For 2 weeks you can borrow: ? 2 books ? 1 magazine

YOU GET: Membership card valid for 1 year date to date Free consultation of books & magazines Free Wifi Access to Canal+ programs For 2 weeks you can borrow: ? 2 books ? 1 magazine ? 1 DVD

Monday to Friday 9:30AM - 6PM Saturday 9:30AM - 6PM

Follow us ! institutfrancais.nigeria InstitutFrNga To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please contact

Join the Club Le Clezio & practice your French ! Le French Club a été créé pour les apprenants de l'Institut français du Nigeria. Son but est d'aider les élèves à améliorer leur français oral, de servir de forum pour améliorer l’interaction, d'organiser diverses activités culturelles ainsi que des excursions dans les pays francophones.

NEW ! Subscribe to Culturethèque, the French e-library !

The French Club was created for the student of the Institut français du Nigeria. Its aim is to help students improving their oral French, to serve as a forum for interaction,organise various cultural activities as well as excursions to francophone countries. The French Club meets twice a month, the 2nd and the last Saturday of every month at the Institut français du Nigeria.

Pour les membres et les apprenants de français / For the members and French learners: You pay N3,000 you have access to Culturethèque for 1 year date to date

For enquiries about registration, contact Madame Eunice on 0803 308 6805. Pour les non-membres / For the non-members: You pay N5,000 you have access to Culturethèque for 1 year date to date

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L’Institut français du Nigeria remercie chaleureusement ses partenaires, sans qui, rien ne serait possible. EMBASSY OF FRANCE IN NIGERIA

Promotion of higher education in France International student services International mobility Lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h Monday to Friday from 10AM to 6PM Institut français du Nigeria The main goal of Campus France's office is to welcome prospective students and assist them as they consider studying in France. In such a way, we orientate students in identifying suitable programs, scholarship programs and to comply visa regulations and other administrative requirements prior to their arrival in France as well as organise pre-departure sessions and various activities intended for students. France counts among leading educative countries. The excellence of its research, the reputation of its companies and the quality of life makes France an attractive place to study. French schools and universities offer more than 900 programs designed for English speaking students. One of the main event is the French Education Fair organized yearly by the French Embassy in Nigeria, this event is a unique occasion for prospective Nigerian students to meet representatives of French schools and universities. For more information, please come to the Institut français du Nigeria or contact If you are based in Lagos and the south, please contact







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