part 1
The Santos-UK connection by CATHERINE ROGERS,
director of Haarlem Artspace Towards the end of 2018, I went to Brazil on a DICE scoping visit in search for partners and, there, I met the directors of Instituto Procomum. We shared a beautiful moment over breakfast: as we talked about our personal goals, as well as those of our organisations, we realised that we wanted the same things in a deep and connected way. Together, we decided to apply for one of the DICE collaboration grants so we could co-develop a project to share stories, expertise and learning across the ocean, connecting Brazil and the UK.
I run an initiative that supports creative enterprise in the Midlands and I am a co-director of Haarlem Artspace, which opened in 2017 as a rural centre for contemporary art with studios spaces for creative businesses. It is housed in a beautiful 18th-century mill in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, and the walls, ceilings and floors of the building reflect its fascinating history. The space attracts artists and creatives who are looking for community in what can be a lonely profession. The last couple of years have seen us grow exponentially: we now offer public exhibitions and events as well as support to the development of our studio holders. Through these we continue to exchange knowledge across disciplines and encourage collaboration, inviting our audiences to engage with us in dialogue about what it means to create rural contemporary art in the 21st century. Colaboradora - ENTERPRISES FOR CHANGE