Colaboradora - Enterprises for Change - A Methodological Path

Page 51


Clockwise: the colabs at the Red Bull Station, Museu Afro Brasil, and the Forum for Impact Enterprises of the Peripheries

Time Bank Put yourself to an exercise of imagination. Think of something you have accomplished or learned and of how many people were there to make that happen. Try to draw a map of the resources involved. Every time we do this exercise, it becomes evident that there is an invisible layer of support that doesn’t include money, but which allows us to exist, work, achieve things, and learn. And by giving visibility to the abundance of these resources and multiplying this web of exchanges and affections, the Time Bank came to be an essential element to our Colaboradora. After all, it is no coincidence that our free, open school has in its name the word colaborar (to collaborate). 2019/2020

What is it? In economy, a time-based currency is an alternative currency or exchange system where, instead of money, the unit of account is the hours of the people involved. The Colaboradora Time Bank is a mechanism to stimulate and record exchanges of services, collaboration, collective productions, and mutual support initiatives promoted by the colabs, measuring them through the time that was offered and received by each person. It gives support to the educational process of the program.


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