Festival of Fundraising Innovation 2013 programme

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Wednesday 27th November Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd London E1 6LA

#iofinnovate Speakers:

Main Sponsor:

Assosciate Sponsor:

Supported by:

Rob Alcroft

Fundraising Strategy & Performance, NSPCC

David Black

Director, Google UK

Janine Chandler

Head of Innovation Development, Cancer Research UK

Simon Gillespie

CEO, British Heart Foundation

Tracy Griffin

Director of Fundraising, Shelter

Joe Jenkins

Director of Fundraising, Communications & Activism, Friends of the Earth

Sue Kershaw

Development Director, SOFII

Joe Morrison

Strategic Innovation Manager, Save the Children

Meredith Niles

Head of Innovation, Marie Curie Cancer Care

Laura Preece

Digital Fundraising Manager, RSPCA

Polly Shute

Fundrasing Project and Campaign Director, British Heart Foundation

Vanessa Simmons

PROGRAMME The Festival of Fundraising Innovation will showcase some of the most innovative organisations in the sector. There will be the opportunity to listen, learn and interact with sharpest minds from the UK’s leading charities and understand how they are embedding innovation into their fundraising strategy and organisational culture. This special event is for anyone who wants to improve their fundraising through innovation - the sessions will be interactive, engaging and bring real learning value. You will have opportunities to build skills and knowledge, explore best practice and network with other like-minded professionals. 9.30

Opening remarks from the Chair – Sue Kershaw, Development Director at The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration (SOFII), Mike Walters, Director - Head of UK Corporate Payments, Barclays & Kevin Waudby, Partner, Good Innovation


Plenary Presentation – Simon Gillespie, CEO, British Heart Foundation


From zero to innovation – re-introducing innovation at the NSPCC

In the last few months, the NSPCC innovation programme has been re introduced and a solid development pipeline has been established with senior buy-in, and a recognised and accessible process. From structure and process through to stakeholder management, this story provides practical ideas for how to overcome hurdles, using tactics and your own determination, to put innovation back into your operation.

Rob Alcroft, Fundraising Strategy & Performance, NSPCC


Stage 1 – Campaign Show case The St Rocco’s Hospice Corporate Challenge

Corporate Fundraiser, St Rocco’s Hospice

Cassy Smith

Major Gifts, THT

Similar to an ‘Apprentice’ style challenge - the idea is simple; to encourage companies and their employees to turn £50 into as much as they can over the course of 12 months. Its primary aim is to encourage employees to think ‘outside the box’ and come up with innovative ways of raising funds. St Rocco’s Hospice will look at how the challenge has made a huge boost to their fundraising in a number of areas.

Ruben Steains

Fundraising Innovations Manager

Lynda Thomas

Director of Fundraising, Macmillan

Sonya Trivedy

Director of Fundraising, THT

Mike Walters

Director - Head of UK Corporate Payments, Barclays

Kevin Waudby

Vanessa Simmons Corporate Fundraiser St Rocco’s Hospice

Partner, Good Innovation

Martyn Weeds

Fundraising Manager, United Response


Excellent fundraising for a better world

Coffee and Networking

Stage 2 – Culture Innovation Champions The ‘Champions’ are made up of 6 members of the fundraising department who will promote, encourage, prod and drive innovation in the fundraising team. They’ll do this by supporting teams to deliver better, faster, cheaper improvements and transformative refreshes to existing fundraising products. THT will share tips and guidance to allow you to make your team champions. Cassy Smith Major Gifts, THT Sonya Trivedy Director of Fundraising, THT


Love Installation

Online Fundraising Platform

Winner of the IoF Innovative Campaign of the Year, this project was driven by both consumer and business insight to find a new product for the Valentines market place. The campaign raised more than £31,000 for National Heart Month, but also supported the BHF’s brand and PR objectives and has since been rolled out to other venues across the UK.

RSPCA choices, allows supporters to fundraise or donate to the projects closest to their heart. This project integrates across all areas of fundraising, community & events, high value giving, individual giving and corporate giving and across social media. RSPCA will share the learning’s they have taken from the project.

Polly Shute, Fundrasing Project and Campaign Director, British Heart Foundation 12.20

Give Where You Live (www.givewhereyoulive.org.uk) Give Where You Live is a brand new interactive web platform developed by United Response with funding received from the Cabinet Office Innovation in Giving Fund, managed by Nesta. It seeks to address some of the challenges currently facing fundraisers, such as a decline in public trust, concerns about transparency, and the adverse financial climate by promoting positive, transparent and local fundraising. Whilst still in the final stages of development, the platform is now live and the first donations are starting to come in!

Laura Preece, Digital Fundraising Manager, RSPCA

Making the Case for Innovation Marie Curie Cancer Care will guide you through how they are working to make their existing products deliver greater value by embedding innovation. This session will look at what made them realise they needed to create a Head of Innovation role and the business case behind it. Meredith Niles, Head of Innovation, Marie Curie Cancer Care

Martyn Weeds, Fundraising Manager, United Response 12.50

Lunch and Networking


Sue Kershaw, Development Director at The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration (SOFII)


***Pecha Kucha*** – Fast paced presentations on enterprising new products Barclays | Good Innovation | Please Fund Us | PLAY MOB | Wishgenie | instaGiv


Open Space


Coffee and Networking


Panel discussion – Every new venture contains unknowns

Every charity wants to innovate but many don’t know where to start. Like any profession, it’s all too easy to talk our way out of trying a new venture; we can always find a reason why an idea won’t work. This session will argue that the key to long-term success is not a particular process or structure, but simply a willingness to try new things that may or may not work. Our speakers will share with us their experience of launching new initiatives. They all faced doubts but they did it anyway. The focus will be on innovation outside the charity sector with the purpose of identifying lessons we can draw on for fundraising. How did they overcome the fear of the unknown? What risks did they accept? How did they learn from failure?

Joe Morrison, Strategic Innovation Manager, Save the Children Mike Walters, Director - Head of UK Corporate Payments, Barclays


Strategy Discussion: Embedding Innovation Strategy

Joe Jenkins, Director of Fundraising, Communications & Activism, Friends of the Earth Tracy Griffin, Director of Fundraising, Shelter Lynda Thomas, Director of Fundraising, Macmillan Janine Chandler, Head of Innovation Development, Cancer Research UK


David Black, Director, Google UK


Closing remarks from the Chair – Sue Kershaw, Development Director at The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration (SOFII)

Room 1 Kevin Waudby

Excellent fundraising for a better world

Room 2 Janine Chandler

Room 3 Reuben Steains

Room 4 Meredith Niles

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