Design Journal

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Take this cover off. To see the book ‘Visual Experiments’,

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ed f r i p s in



What is design?

This book mainly contains personal, experimental art and design works

To see the design experiments, go to the back cover.

The woodtype poster, Gail’s type class


The environmantal poster, Victor’s design class


The self portrait, personal work


In class, Frank told me that the introduction of my book for type, is cold. I agreed, and started to think what is cold and warm in terms of design. (I prefer to make my work as warm.)

Digital painting study, personal work


The creative practice that James Victore suggested in his online design class

Make the funniest face that I can. I know that I’m good... hahaha!!!

The break free poster, Frank’s design class


Everytime I work, I prefer to be alone. I switch off the music, video, smartphone; After I erase the distractions... I am able stay focused and calmed A delicate pleasure greets me.

The experimental design work, Frank’s class

I like Mona Lisa painting only because she looks great without any fancy accesorries.

From the last semester, in Frank’s class, he liked my plan for the concept book. His little praise made me do more, in other words, greedy. So I put many ideas into my book. After a week, he said there is too much going on my book. I got angry at first. Maybe because I was embarassed. I kept thinking why my idea got ugly and how to solve the problem. All of a sudden, I said, ‘Oh!, he said there is too much going on in my books which also means that there are many ideas in it. What if I break them apart and make a book each?’ I made 8 books from the last semester. This experience made me challenge to make six books for the review.(Removed two books from eight)

Ex-libris for my family, Koen’s design class


Queensu, personal work


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+ + + + A





A+ + +





A+ + A


Being a good student in school I am not a good student in terms of attendence, being good in every classes, being great for all times. But I spent a lot of time to think what I am, what I could do, and why I am here in New York: I try to think beyond my environment. (And also how to make a greak work too.)


A+ + +


T-shirts design for electronic musician, Victor’s design class


Most people I see in my school, try to get some inspirations from others especially the celebrity designers or some hot images from those sites below.

For me, I try to get inspired from other senses like sound, taste, touch, seeing other than design works or from my personal experience. I guess I am the black sheep.

Swatch design for the Bronx Zoo, Victor’s design class



I am for this side


The experimental design work done by hand, Frank’s design class


Conversation with some art medium #1

1. Pen Me: Hey Pen: Hello! Me: What are you? Pen: You are kidding right? I’m with you everyday. Me: I know. I am asking you because I am interviewing you for my book. Pen: Oh... kay :). I am pen and people often use me to write or draw. Me: Right. How can I use you for design? Pen: Not like computer generated works, I am free, flexible and emotional especially in writings. Me: I understand. Do you have any advise for me?? Pen: Use me wisely. I am only good in certain conditions like you won’t wear colorful clothes in the funeral.

Conversation witn some art medium #2

2. Printed matter Me: Hey PM: Howdy! Me: What are you? PM: You are seeing me right now! I’m a printed matter. Me: Oh yeah. I want to know about you. Can you tell me what you are and your charming points? PM: Okay. I’m printed matter and like what pen said, I am also everywhere! For designers like you, I often transformed as a collage. Some people use me to make some textures too! Me: Anything want to say to the people who are reading this interview? Paper: It is hurt when you rip me off. Please be gentle....



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The type landscape, in Gail’s type class


Conversation witn some art medium #3

3. Paint Me: Hey Paint:Hi! Me: What are you? Paint: I’m paint. I am everywhere in artwork, houses, roads, signs etc. Me: As a designer, I wonder how you can be as. Tell me little more about yourself. Paint: Okay. Unlike ink, I can create textures, I am flexible in mixing colors and I work great with brushes. If you want to use me as graphic materials, You need to take photo of me first. But I prefer to stay as I am rather than being printed in CMYK... Me: I’ll use you as print because people need to know your presence. :)

Conversation witn some art medium #4

4. Computer Me: Hey Computer:Hi! Me: What are you? Computer: I am a cumputer. You cannot make print or website without me unless you use the silkscreen. Me: Yes you are right. I often forget how important you are. Computer: Thanks for telling me that Me: Any advise for me? Computer: Since a lot of people use me to design, it is easy to be generic. I’d like to call myself as plain. To make your work tasty, bring other mediums like pen or paint. In short phrases, It is on you master chef!


The crying woman, personal work


Sometimes... I try not to think much about design.

Just doodling often helps me

to get refreshed. :)


The subway woman, personal work

March 29, 2015 In my room

I’ve learned...

That staying with the computer for a long time won’t help much.

walk in I went out for a the morning...

and fell asleep with the problem.

National Geographic, Ignacio’s drawing class


I don’t see others works in social media If I just look through others works quickly, I subconsciously copy theirs. I prefer to deconstruct one great work to learn, to steal.


The experimental design work(cropped), Frank’s design class


I did lots of experiments today. The best idea for today was ‘Collage jam on scanner.’

The Jazz, personal work


Although I did not get a good grade in Visual Literacy class, I have been trying to expand some idea of them. I believe that what makes me special and original is just continue mand do what others won’t do rather than being good in everything.

The experimental work, Frank’s design class


Things that I have learned in each classes

The queen, personal work


“Don’t think about making art. Just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” -Andy Warhol

Sometimes I often wonder what people might think about my work. Unlike other student’s portfolios, I focused more on the concepts rather than showing the best works done in class. It is so hard to go against the majorities and to take the risk. I did not go to class today to fight against the doubt in myself. I looked up for some quotes to get some advice from others. Andy Warhol’s quote made me to continue my works. My worries have disappeared.

The experimantal work(cropped illustrated work), Frank’s design class



The day number designs and thoughts on music are Inspired from the sound problem and design 101 in Visual Literacy by Richard Wilde.

This project will be continued... Thank you for seeing! :)

To see the design experiments, go to the back cover.

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