Angel's lesson plan week #5 feb 16 20

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Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: Feb 16 – Feb 20, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __5____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week

Monday Holiday


WEEK ______5______

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Work on associating the previously given vocabulary words in today’s context.



Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before

Wednesday Identify the differences between peaceful resistance, non violent civil disobedience and “retaliative” military type activism.

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Tuesday The students will work an exercise of different scenarios in which there have been incidents of discrimination & they will have to indicate which incident shows discrimination & why. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After





Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Exploration Application Before


ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will watch short clips on youtube. This clips will feature different allocated scenarios in which a person is mistreated. These aren’t always easy to spot. They will find and identify racist or slightly suggestive slurs that they deem are discriminatory.

Developmental: The teacher will play two short clips. One from a Speech given by Malcolm X & another a Speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. A handout will be given in order to place them in situations and they would react.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Exploration Application Before

Friday See the effects of racism in today’s age. A Movie will illustrate how racism is found and affects us today. Universities & schools are still affected. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Closing: As we draw the class to a close, the teacher shall wrap up by briefly summarizing the classes focus & what the resolution to those situations could be.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: A handout will be given with the proper explanations of how to pair the given vocabulary words with a contextual scenario from today in age. The students will read some of the examples in the paper and share their answers.

Closing: The teacher will play a song about MLK and the Civil Rights via YouTube

Closing: Sentences will be constructed by the very students with the previously discussed vocabulary words.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: Showing the Film Higher Learning

Closing: The teacher will be making a Briefing of the Film & discussion.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time


Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________



Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Listening 


L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: As of the third week of class I am slowly, but surely getting the hang of things. I am more familiar with the students & though I’m incredibly bad at learning new names, little by little I am learning all of their names. Every day I greet them in the door entrance. Those whose name I know, I put it to good use. Those who I haven’t learned quite yet, I simply welcome them in a “no name” fashion, but the same enthusiasm. As of this week I’ve began to notice the challenging match I am going to be having with a certain student. There’s three challenging male students, of which one of them is extremely challenging. He’s clearly got a problem with authority figures. I’ve noticed a significant difference when this student isn’t around, even the two other challenging students aren’t so much challenging anymore. So there’s a key observation. I began showing the students some video clips to start exposing them to different types of speeches. I already showed them some MLK, so now I would show them a bit of a contrast with Malcolm X. Both MLK & Malcolm X made incredible speeches. And that is what I want to focus on. The content and the style/elegance in which they were written. Given the fact that these are somewhat complex speeches with much metaphor and allegory, I will give only extracts of the speech via video. By the end of the week I decided to show the movie Higher Learning. Though it’s a mid nineties film, it shows far more relatable aspects in the “nowadays” context.

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