All the lessons

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Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: Feb 2 – Feb 6, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __3____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week


WEEK _____3_______




Start introducing informative styled writing. What the goal is when we decide to write informative writing. It’s differences from the other styles of writing we’ve previously discussed in class.


Start reading the “I have a Dream Speech” from MLK. Start extracting & highlighting the things that we find stand out from the speech. Find why these make the speech a concise & persuasive one.

Take them from the paper to the film. I’d like for them to experience the full MLK speech from Washington DC 1963. They can then see the crowd, the facial expressions, the banners, the tone & all these essential elements of the times that are relevant to contextualize the speech.

After reading the speech & seen it. We would go back to the speech & start pointing out the allegorical, metaphorical language of the speech.

Teacher will be Absent






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before


Exploration Application

Developmental: The teacher will discuss the characteristics that best describe an informative essay. Will write them on the board so they could copy them on their notebooks. What type of media is out there, in which we could find informative style writing. Closing: The students will read aloud & request participation from the students as to what media & with what purposes would we find this type of styled writing. They will then anticipate what the following class will consist of in continuation of what was discussed today.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will take turns reading paragraphs from the “I have a dream” MLK speech. After this, small group discussions will occur to highlight what got their attention & what they think those points mean to them. Discuss why they think there’s so much repetition in MLK’s “I have a dream speech”.

Developmental: The teacher will play the first half of the video for the students & enter into open discussion & commentaries from the students about that half of the speech.

Closing: As the teacher draws to a close, we’ll have the class come to a close & leave the rest of the speech for the next class. (Because there probably won’t be enough time to finish the speech today).

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Closing: The teacher will play the last half of the video & enter into open discussion with the students & commentaries from the students about that half of the speech. What particular things did the students observe in the crowd shots? What were the signs in the crowd reading? What was the tone of the speech in general? These are some of the questions to end the discussion




Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will point out paragraph by paragraph, specific words in form of metaphor or poetic tone that captured our attention. Also, discuss what we think he is trying to say & why he uses these forms of expression.

Closing: The students will start writing possible words for vocabulary. These are words that are to be selected by the students themselves. And, from the reading.











Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.



Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading

Listening 


L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

formulate closed and open-ended questions.

word or phrase.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: The student’s seemed not very interested in the topic at hand. More than that I think it’s more a matter of the approach I took. They didn’t seem to be engaging with the questions I’d ask. At best some would simply say: “Es que no entiendo mister”. I’m new here, I’m still trying to read into their legitimacy & find out if it’s really true some of them really don’t understand. Some of them did ask questions. However, it was more about going to the bathroom or drinking water than it was about the topic being discussed. I have to try & see what next week will be like. This is my very first week, so I suspect I’m just getting adjusted to things. At least so far the students have been pretty much respectful & there hasn’t been any incident. Hoping things remain as such, but with greater involvement from the class. The class as a whole. Not just two or three individual students. That’s something that it slightly frustrating. When you only see 3 or 4 pairs of eyes looking at you. Meanwhile the rest are having a gossip session.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: Feb 9 – Feb 13, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __4____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week



Expose the students to the contextual reality of the African American in the 1960s’ USA.


Revisiting the segment of the “I have a dream” speech. This will be a quicker, but thorough read to extract vocabulary words that’ll help us better understands it.


The vocabulary will be properly discussed. The students will name associated words to the vocabulary. Will construct sentences with these words in order to better relate with them.

Teamwork will be enhanced in a way that appeals to them. Creativity, imagination, and communication skills will all take part in a Charades activity that will be played with the class.





As a Pre- Valentine’s Day, knowing things will be quite “feasty”, I want to use the day to have a Q&A. Since I haven’t had a chance to properly introduce myself and allow an organic chance for students to get to know me, I figured this day would be perfect for the students to ask me any question they’d like to. It’s up to me whether I answer them or not. But I don’t want to miss this opportunity to open LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking



Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization


Exploration Application

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The teacher will how a 5 minute clip of the introduction of the film Selma. The film clip shows Martin & his wife Coretta getting ready for his Nobel Peace Prize award. Martin is then seen giving his acceptance speech as the film simultaneously introduces us to a scene with 4 little girls going down a church’s stairs having a conversation as they are suddenly a bomb goes off, killing all of the girls. This was referencing the Birmingham Baptist Church bombing. The visual impact this should have on the students will help the whole class have a vivid


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will take turns reading paragraphs from the “I have a dream” MLK speech. It is via this activity that the vocabulary words will arise. It is then I will proceed to help them find words. A total of 15 words will suffice to have a wide array of options.

Developmental: The teacher will play the first half of the video & enter into open discussion & commentaries from the students about that half of the speech.

Closing: As we draw to a close, the teacher will have those vocabulary words assigned for homework, in order to better develop the class for tomorrow.

Closing: The teacher will play the last half of the video & enter into open discussion & commentaries from the students about that half of the speech. What particular things did they observe in the crowd shots? What were the signs in the crowd reading? What was the tone of the speech in



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Th Developmental: The teacher will have the rules of charades explained & the students will use the knowledge acquired from previous discussions of the vocabulary words. They will be divided in two groups

Closing: Start writing possible words for vocabulary. These are words that are to be selected by the students themselves. And, from the reading.







___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL experience of what it was like in those days. One thing is to read it, its another to see it.

general? These are some of the questions to end the discussion

Closing: The teacher will share some concrete information concerning the events shared on the video. Dates, locations/geographic locations will be written on the board to have them copy.




Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.


Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions. information.

Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better


 


Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

word or phrase.

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended


7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.


ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

 

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: With videos I attempted to illustrate and have the students be able to relate with the situations going on the in the 1960’s up in the USA. Specifically the situation with African-American citizens & how they were really second class citizens at the time. A relatively good class discussion span out of these illustrations. Via photographs & videos the students were able to see what was going on in those times. I attempted to have them relate this with their everyday lives. I would ask them what life would be now like if they couldn’t all play together in the same playground. Some of the students reacted with a level of indignation. Other students were wondering why such things would be normal in those times. During one of my lessons I heard one of the students making negative & joking negatively about Dominicans. I took the opportunity to ask the students if they thought there was still racism todayspecifically in Puerto Rico. Most of them said no. I proceeded to give the example of what I just heard, without giving away who I heard it from. With a strong sense of authority I made it very clear that the every country & every human has worth. None is above no other. None is under no other.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: Feb 16 – Feb 20, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __5____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week

Monday Holiday


WEEK ______5______

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Work on associating the previously given vocabulary words in today’s context.



Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before

Wednesday Identify the differences between peaceful resistance, non violent civil disobedience and “retaliative” military type activism.

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Tuesday The students will work an exercise of different scenarios in which there have been incidents of discrimination & they will have to indicate which incident shows discrimination & why. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After





Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Exploration Application Before


ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will watch short clips on youtube. This clips will feature different allocated scenarios in which a person is mistreated. These aren’t always easy to spot. They will find and identify racist or slightly suggestive slurs that they deem are discriminatory.

Developmental: The teacher will play two short clips. One from a Speech given by Malcolm X & another a Speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. A handout will be given in order to place them in situations and they would react.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Exploration Application Before

Friday See the effects of racism in today’s age. A Movie will illustrate how racism is found and affects us today. Universities & schools are still affected. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Closing: As we draw the class to a close, the teacher shall wrap up by briefly summarizing the classes focus & what the resolution to those situations could be.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: A handout will be given with the proper explanations of how to pair the given vocabulary words with a contextual scenario from today in age. The students will read some of the examples in the paper and share their answers.

Closing: The teacher will play a song about MLK and the Civil Rights via YouTube

Closing: Sentences will be constructed by the very students with the previously discussed vocabulary words.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: Showing the Film Higher Learning

Closing: The teacher will be making a Briefing of the Film & discussion.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time


Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________



Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Listening 


L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: As of the third week of class I am slowly, but surely getting the hang of things. I am more familiar with the students & though I’m incredibly bad at learning new names, little by little I am learning all of their names. Every day I greet them in the door entrance. Those whose name I know, I put it to good use. Those who I haven’t learned quite yet, I simply welcome them in a “no name” fashion, but the same enthusiasm. As of this week I’ve began to notice the challenging match I am going to be having with a certain student. There’s three challenging male students, of which one of them is extremely challenging. He’s clearly got a problem with authority figures. I’ve noticed a significant difference when this student isn’t around, even the two other challenging students aren’t so much challenging anymore. So there’s a key observation. I began showing the students some video clips to start exposing them to different types of speeches. I already showed them some MLK, so now I would show them a bit of a contrast with Malcolm X. Both MLK & Malcolm X made incredible speeches. And that is what I want to focus on. The content and the style/elegance in which they were written. Given the fact that these are somewhat complex speeches with much metaphor and allegory, I will give only extracts of the speech via video. By the end of the week I decided to show the movie Higher Learning. Though it’s a mid nineties film, it shows far more relatable aspects in the “nowadays” context.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: Feb 23 – Feb 27, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __6____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________


WEEK ______6______




Objective of today shall be to start reviewing for this theme’s exam for Friday. The main objective will be to cover the vocabulary.

Work on associating the previously given vocabulary words in today’s context. Along with the parts of speech and purpose of persuasion.

MLK Test.






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended Exploration Application

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: During

Exploration Application Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After



Initial Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will continue to watch the film Higher Learning

Developmental: The students will finish watching the film Higher Learning.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises

Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Closing: The teacher will provide discussion questions that will be written on the board in order for the students to analyze and apply the overall message of the film.

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Closing: As we draw the class to a close the teacher shall take 5 minutes to find out where we all are within the film and make sure we are keeping a pace of the film and give it continuity.



Finish watching the movie Higher Learning




Continue watching the movie Higher Learning.



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will collect the words themselves and cooperatively will try to apply these vocabulary words into the MLK I have a dream speech. As we re-read the parts of the speech that the words were filled in, the context and meaning of each word will be discussed in the context of then and in the now as well.

Developmental: The teacher will give a handout will be given with the proper explanations of how to pair the given vocabulary words with a contextual scenario from today in age. The students will read some of the examples in the paper and share their answers.

Developmental: The Test

Closing: The teacher will show a 3 minute video on the present effects & evidence of racism still present in todays age.

Closing: Sentences will be constructed by the very students with the previously discussed vocabulary words.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises

Closing: Closing by wishing them a good weekend and anticipate the upcoming and exciting new topic.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises


Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________



Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.


Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources. and audience.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: As a preparation for the exam week, we have closed the film “Higher Learning”. The students seemed to have appreciated the sharing of the film. I think it’s partly because they didn’t have to partake of the traditional class type setting. This was a matter of rejoicing for them. I think they made it very well known. Every time one of them would ask me, “hey mister, when we going to watch another film”. Another thing they usually keep asking me is when are we going to play charades again. They seem to have interpreted that the charades game we played was a total success. I have to very respectfully & with a smirk on my face, disagree. Certain students were not very willing to follow basic instructions to have a great game. The review for the test was done via Slides/Projected. For the main part, they seemed to be somewhat interested as they knew this would be what they would be examined on. The results of the test say otherwise. I was slightly surprised, but at the same time this gave me an insight as to where these students really are at. Fact of the matter, most are not at seventh grade level. It’s a sad thing to admit.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: March 2 – March 6, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __7____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week







“Out of sight out of mind”. The title of today’s class. The objective will be to touch & get insight into the background knowledge the students have of Space related themes. The topic of this chapter is “Space Junk”.

Vocabulary words from the “Whats Happening” book Space Junk reading will be extracted by the students.

The vocabulary will be properly discussed. The students will name associated words to the vocabulary. Will construct sentences with these words in order to better relate with them.

Teamwork will be enhanced in a way that appeals to them. Creativity, imagination, and communication skills will all take part in a Charades activity that will be played with the class.

Application of everything previously discussed will be measured via a vocabulary matching handout. It will be a form of assessment.






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization


Exploration Application

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: The teacher will show a 5 minute clip of the introduction of the film Selma. The film clip shows Martin & his wife Coretta getting ready for his Nobel Peace Prize award. Martin is then seen giving his acceptance speech as the film simultaneously introduces us to a scene with 4 little girls going down a church’s stairs having a conversation as they are suddenly a bomb goes off, killing all of the girls. This was referencing the Birmingham Baptist Church bombing.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will take turns reading paragraphs from the “Space Junk” reading on Whats Happening book. It is via this activity that the vocabulary words will arise. It is then I will proceed to help them find words. A total of 15 words will suffice to have a wide array of options.

Developmental: The teacher will show the first half of the video & enter into open discussion & commentaries from the students about that half of the speech.

Closing: Play the last half of the video & enter into open discussion & commentaries



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The teacher will have the rules of charades will be explained & they will use the knowledge acquired from previous discussions of the vocabulary words. They will be divided in two groups

Closing: Start writing possible words for vocabulary. These are words that are to be




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The teacher will provide handout with vocabulary words will be handed out to the students. With cooperative effort- among with their peers they shall complete it.

___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL from the students about that half of the speech. The visual impact this should have on the students will help the whole class have a vivid experience of what it was like in those days. One thing is to read it, its another to see it.

Closing: As we draw to a close, the teacher we’ll have those vocabulary words assigned for homework, in order to better develop the class for tomorrow.

Closing: The teacher will be sharing some concrete information concerning the events shared on the video. Dates, locations/geographic locations will be written on the board to have them copy.




Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

selected by the students themselves. And, from the reading.

What particular things did they observe in the crowd shots? What were the signs in the crowd reading? What was the tone of the speech in general? These are some of the questions to end the discussion

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Closing: If there’s time at the end the teacher will go ahead and use the same vocabulary words to play a brief game of Pictionary. This will help them associate the words and better remember them with the game.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

Listening 

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant

Speaking 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

 questions.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.


7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

 

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

information, and paraphrase key ideas.

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended


7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning. 7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.


ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: The new topic concerning space junk was successfully introduced. It was successfully introduced, not so much because I believe they comprehended everything that was shared. But because some of the students – including some typically disruptive one were able to get involved in the discussion. The topic of space and what’s out there in the universe seems to be an exciting one for the students. Also I think its because it was a very visual class.


I’m still having trouble with how to give a class fully engaged in English when half of the students (that’s a modest estimate) are still either looking at me with googly eyes, or are simply chattering it up with their “compañerit@s”. There have been several attempt of seat switching & I’ve been successful at keeping some of the chatty ones close to me. But it seems that “unchatty” ones are now taking over the vacant positions those others left over. Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: March 9 – March 13, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __8____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week


WEEK ______8______




Watch Film Space Junk 3D. Help give visual aid and contextual information concerning the topic of space junk in an appealing and motivating way. Part II.

As a result of the immense amount of students absent on the first test I will be giving a review for the first test for those students who didn’t take it.

MLK Test #1 for those who didn’t come that day.






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended Exploration Application

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: During

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Closing: As a very brief closing the students will complete page 26 to strengthen and refresh their reading comprehension.

Adapted Teaching

Exploration Application Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Developmental: The teacher will start a great class discussion concerning the different concepts and words they can relate with anything space related. That would be an exercise from page 27.



Watch Film Space Junk 3D. Help give visual aid and contextual information concerning the topic of space junk in an appealing and motivating way. Part I.




Work pages 26 & 27 from the Workbook. These will re-visit their background knowledge as well as their reading comprehension from the Space Junk Article from their “What’s Happening”.


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will watch the first part of Space Junk 3D Film. . The students will write down at least three remarkable facts they find interesting or they didn’t know from the film.

Developmental: The students will watch the second part of Space Junk 3D Film. The students will write down at least three remarkable facts they find interesting or they didn’t know from the film.

Closing: Will discuss, the teacher alongside with the students the three interesting facts.

Closing: Will discuss, the teacher alongside with the students the three interesting facts.

Adapted Teaching

Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Adapted Teaching

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended




Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The teacher will review Presentation of MLK Test #1

Closing: The teacher will answer any questions there might be in relation to the test.

Adapted Teaching

Exploration Application Before



Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The test shall be handed out and briefly explained

Closing: The teacher will Collect the tests..

Adapted Teaching





Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Listening 

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

Speaking 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

 

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through


events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

word or phrase.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.


ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: This week was somewhat of a mess. This week consisted of some Workbook exercises to strengthen the vocabulary application to the reading & it also consisted of a movie I spent a good part of the day downloading- thinking it would be a great attention grabber for the students. The movie turned out pretty well, but at the same time it didn’t. The movie “Space Junk” had some intense sound effect, meaning it was pretty loud. I want to highlight this because no matter how loud, one could still hear a great amount of chatter among some students. There were some students that moved seats. They went closer to the screen. It seems they might’ve been trying to avoid the chatter in the other areas of the classroom. Another part of the week consisted in briefly giving a re-review for the MLK test. Though I was making an exception with this, it seems some weren’t as considerate as they should’ve been. The review for the Test was not completed. This second time around, I had far more disruptions than the first time around. My case study student, though how close I have him to me, he’ll find a way to distract himself & others with remarkable conversation. Still trying to find a way & workarounds with him.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: March 23 – March 27, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __10____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week





Review of all the Space Junk Material so far, as we had a whole week of interlude.



Will be discussing the parts of speech. Students will learn or re learn to identify the parts of speech in a sentence. Sentence construction based on the vocabulary words that mostly stood out on the article Space Junk. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking



Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before HOLIDAY

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After



LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Friday Space Junk Test #2

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Thursday Review for Space Junk Theme Test.



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: A review of where we left off. This will include the vocabulary. The main idea of the article. The possible solutions for the space junk problem

Developmental: The students will do exercises on the book from page 33 & 35 as this will reinforce the area of the parts of speech which they need serious work on.

Developmental: Review of the Material Covered thus Far

Closing: A re-assignment of the drawing of the Space Junk Cleaner for Thursday & Exam

Closing: Will write sentences with the respective words discussed on page 33 & 35.




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The test shall be handed out and briefly explained

Closing: Answer any questions there might be in relation to the test.





Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Closing: Collect the tests..

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

Listening 

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Speaking 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended


7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to


7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution. Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


Interpret cause and effect relationships.

produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.


Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: This was a tough week to start. For starters it was following a long weekend & the relatable “off” week prior. So it was a little bit harder to get those engines revving again. It seemed like we had a mini vacation. I felt it was necessary to revisit some of the exercises we had done in the workbook to start refreshing the material for the students. The topic, according to the student’s faces seemed like it was long expired. Just like they were getting tired of the Martin Luther King topic, given that after two weeks we’re still on the same topic, it seems like we’ve been at it for longer. So as a teacher I’ve realized that one doesn’t just have to be weary of facts, but also be weary of seeming facts. And the length of this Space Junk Topic is not a fact , but a seeming fact. This plays out as though it were real for them (the students). Another dilemma with the time gap is that assignments are long forgotten. I had to re-assign the space junk cleaner drawing project. Overall, given the circumstances, they went a bit more smooth than I’d thought they could’ve span out.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: March 30 – April 3, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __11____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________



Monday The teacher will hand out a copy of instructions for the final writing project. The objective is to distribute the 4 different writing types of papers expected from each student. Each student will get one topic. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Reading-Writing: Before







Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Exploration Application Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Thursday HOLIDAY

ECA: Conceptualization

Wednesday The students will start selecting the specific type of writing styles they will choose for their papers. Upon selection they’ll start brainstorming ideas for their specific topics.

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Tuesday N/A School Trip


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will read the handout point by point. With each point the teacher will further explain and give examples of the differences between each style of writing. Entertaining, Persuasion, Teaching, Inform. All of these will be thoroughly explained.

Developmental: The students will be split into small groups to start working collaboratively the brainstorming process for their final papers. The teacher will give one example of each type of writing

Closing: The teacher will take 10 minutes to



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After




___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL Closing: The teacher will round up a session of questions and doubts the students might have regarding the assignment.




Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

go over each of the student’s work progress and affirm or amend the course the student’s topics have taken.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.


Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and


.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions. Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


 

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell,

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed


Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

setting, and make connections from personal experience.

explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

 

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: During this week we spoke about the Author’s Purpose Final Writing Paper Assignment. A re-visitation of the prior topic. The handout was given to all the students. The 4 different types of writing in author’s purpose were evenly assigned to each student. Each student would be assigned to one. The start of the week was marked by a lot of talk. The thing is that on Tuesday there was going to be a field trip. This field trip was coordinated by the teacher & the social worker & I was invited as collaborator. The teacher said that I could utilize this as my special field trip for my practice. I agreed to do it. The field trip was scheduled for the Bowlera in Caguas. This might seem like not an educational trip, but indeed it was. One of the main purposes of the trip was to key in on the value of teamwork. That was an overlying theme during the trip. Of course it was a fun trip, but transversally the teamwork & teammate factor was present altheway through.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: April 6 – April 10, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __12____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week



Go back to English Week and write 10 sentences about the experience.

Start working on their newspaper articles. The newspapers will be handed out & the students will select at least two articles.

Coop Teacher Will be absent

Coop Teacher will be Absent







Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization


Exploration Application

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.



Exploration Application

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will go back to their most memorable experiences of English Week. In doing so they will write ten sentences on their notebooks in order to prepare for a scrapbooking exercise.

Developmental: The students will be selecting two articles from the newspaper. The will be highlighting the most important details of the articles.

Closing: The teacher will round up and verify

Closing: The teacher will recollect the



Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Before Initial:

Friday Scrapbooking Friday. The students will entail what were their most memorable experiences from English Week. With decorations & colorful paper, they should complete this in class. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Level of Thinking Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: The students will get a colorful piece of paper to scrapbook on. This paper will be for them to write the sentences they wrote on their notebooks. These sentences will then be decorated with stickers to later hand in.





the progress the students made with their sentences.

newspapers as they will need to use them again eventually. No newspapers should be going home.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Closing: The teacher will round up & collect the scrapbooking English Week Memories Masterpieces.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.


Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show


.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions. Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


 

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell,

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed


Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

word or phrase.

comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

 

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.



Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: During this week we began to do some of the scrapbooking exercises the students had been so eager to get their hands on. The students commenced with their reflections of their experience during English Week. This was a memorable week for the group, not only because of the activities going on, but because they were a vital part of the staff that helped out during the preproduction & production of the event. There’s something special that happens when you bestow responsibility & trust to your students. They are somewhat grateful & feel special for it. During the week we had a newspaper article rundown scheduled, but that didn’t happen as the last paper writing instructions were handed out & required most of the class’ time to further explain. So the newspaper article project will be moved for the following week. Not everything that is planned & set will go forth. I think there’s a name for that. Oh yeah, life.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: April 13 – April 17, 2015 . __ Unit: _____________________________ Week # __13____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week







The students will start reviewing for the PPA test. Two readings will be covered.

The students will continue reviewing for the PPA test. Two readings will be covered.

The students will continue reviewing for the PPA test. Two readings will be covered.

The students will continue working on their news article summaries and analysis.

The students will continue working on their news article summaries and analysis.







Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: The students will be assigned two short readings. After they read them, they will answer a few questions that are on that same worksheet that’ll be handed to them.

Closing: The teacher will discuss along with the students the questions in a group form manner to make sure the students understand what they are meant to be doing.


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: The students will be assigned two short readings. After they read them, they will answer a few questions that are on that same worksheet that’ll be handed to them.

Closing: The teacher will discuss along with the students the questions in a group form manner to make sure the students understand


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After




Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will be assigned two short readings. After they read them, they will answer a few questions that are on that same worksheet that’ll be handed to them.

Developmental: The students will continue summarizing their newspaper articles & answering the worksheet questions.

Closing: The teacher will discuss along with the students the questions in a group form manner to make sure the students understand

Exploration Application

Closing: The teacher will go student by student 7 minutes before the end of class to see what the progress of their work has been.




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students & briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class & bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today & for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.Then ending with 5 minutes of meditation. Developmental: The students will continue summarizing their newspaper articles & answering the worksheet questions Closing: The teacher will go student by student 7 minutes before the end of class to see what the progress of their work has been.





Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

what they are meant to be doing.

what they are meant to be doing.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.


Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.




Language Arts


7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly,

Listening 

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

Speaking 

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

 

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal


.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


 

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

Reading 

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Writing 

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a


Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

word or phrase.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


Interpret cause and effect relationships.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.


Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

 

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: During this week we began to do some readings and exercises for their upcoming PPA tests. I was surprised in some aspects. I saw a group of students that seemed far more willing to complete their work than in previous months. However, according to the results of their work, some of them seemed to have answered their worksheets in a mediocre manner. I really hope this isn’t the way they will go into their PPA tests. As of Thursday of this week I had to stay off School because I had a situation at Univ. that needs to be settled. Still to the day it hasn’t been fully resolved. I did meet with the Chancellor and things are looking to be heading the right direction. What scares me is, not knowing when everything will be in order again. Until then I can’t resume my School Visits.


Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: May 4 – May 8, 2015 . __ Unit: __7.5 Debate and Persuasion_______________ Week # __16____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________





The students will be introduced to Debate and Persuasion. They will be seeing examples of Political Comic Strips.


The students will analyze the “Where is the Love” song from Black Eyed Peas. They will try to find social and political issues that the song addresses.

The students will see a series of political comic strips and will analyze them to later discuss them collectively.

The students will watch a brief documentary called Stripped-about Comic Strips.

The students will create their own political comic strip or political Cartoon.






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization


Exploration Application Before


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today. Ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today. Ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today. Ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will look up and define a few concepts that will enhance their understanding of the topic. Political cartoons will be at the heart of today’s class. Sarcasm will be emphasized as one of the characteristics

Developmental: The students will watch a Black Eyed Peas video a couple times in order to grasp and take notes of what details of the songs message got their attention. They will take notes

Developmental: The students will make critiques and analysis over a series of political comic strips.



Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After




Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today. Ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today. Ending with 5 minutes of meditation.

Developmental: The students will watch a documentary about comic strips.

Developmental: The students will start creating and manufacturing their very own version of a political cartoon.

Closing: The teacher will take 5 minutes to


Closing: The teacher will discuss examples of political cartoons that will relate with Puerto Rican culture and recent happenings.




Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

Closing: A hand out will be given to the students by the teacher. This handout will have guide questions to best interpret the Black Eyed Peas “Where is the Love” song.

Closing: The teacher will discuss along with the students the questions in a group form manner to make sure the students understand what they are meant to be doing.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

round up a summary and get feedback from their impressions of Stripped.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Closing: The teacher will give some additional time to make sure they finish their comic strips/cartoons. Also, the teacher will be collecting those who finish their work.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate topics.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas.

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.


Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions. information.

Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better


 


Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.

Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

word or phrase.

Answer and formulate closed and open-ended


7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”).

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

and audience.


ACTIVITIES: Effective Difficult Not Possible to Carry On

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

OBJECTIVES: Met Partially Met Not Met

 

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.


organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

MATERIALS: Useful Complicated the Activity Difficult to Use

ASSESSMENT: Appropriate Feasible Wasn’t Effective

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Discipline Problem Students Were Not Receptive No Water Unsanitary

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

SITUATIONS AFFECTING THE CLASS Students Were Not Alert Parent Interruption School Personnel Interruption Electric Power Went Off Students Didn’t Bring Materials/Homework Emergency / Mother Nature Other: _____________________________

Teacher’s Reflection: The student’s were quite interested in what the week’s topic was, which was Political Cartoons. Looking at old comic strips of two centuries ago and seeing their reactions was some substantial evidence to prove that no matter how old some of these comic strips were, they are still relevant today in age. There were elements of classism and racism that the students rather quickly caught grasp of. Class participation this week was relatively good. The fact they were looking at a cartoon I think made the class far more relatable and entertaining.


Some students were able to convey political cartoons with their very own creations. They weren’t out of worldly-like, but they exampled a somewhat easy attempt from their part to put together a political cartoon. In this case one of the students was able (with extra time) to put together her very own comic strip- very loosely based on politics though.

Canditate Teacher: _Angel Huertas_______________Coop Teacher: _Joretssie Viera_______________________ Grade: _7th_ Date: May 11 – May 15, 2015 . __ Unit: __7.5 Debate and Persuasion_______________ Week # __17____ Theme/skills:___________________________________________

Days of the Week








The teacher will introduce the topic of bullying in order to create ground for the students to understand the rest of the activities. This will be done by discussing healthy relationships and how to cultivate them.

The students will be examined on the political cartoons theme discussed last week. Also we shall conclude making our tree by establishing core/trunk ways to enhance our friendships via online communities (facebook, twitter). Then we shall bush up the trees with many leaves that’ll speak of the fruits of friendship.

The students will have a last get together with the teacher to sum up the teaching experience. There will be refreshments music and pizza for all of them.

Classes are officially finished

Classes are officially finished






Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended

ECA: Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: Before

Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.

Initial: Class introduction, which consists of greeting the students and briefly asking them how their day was. Recount briefly where we left off last class and bridge that to what we’ll be discussing today and for the rest of the week. Give a brief description of what we’ll be talking about today.

Developmental: The teacher will define bullying in a way that is relatable to the students. The students will sit around in a circle

Developmental: The students will have a quick examination on political cartoons. Then, we shall continue and finish making the tree


Memory Procedural Strategic Extended


Exploration Application

ECA: Conceptualization

Reading-Writing: After



Exploration Application


Reading-Writing: After

Before Initial:



___HUMACAO__ REGION ____LAS PIEDRAS__ SCHOOL DISTRICT PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA__ SCHOOL & will participate by sharing stories in which they recognize bullying and share what they learned, did and want others to know about. Relationships are at the core of bouting bullying and the students will fill out the roots in a tree exercise in order to best visualize the important qualities of friendship.

Closing: The teacher will round up a reflection about the topics that were discussed in class by the students themselves.




Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: _____________________________

flourish. Briefly discuss core values of friendship found in the trunk. How these translate to the online world and result in good fruits- which will be the leaves on top of the tree. Closing: The teacher will round up a reflection based on the different parts of the relationship/anti-bullying tree we all harvested together and this will basically conclude our school year.

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Adapted Teaching Divided Exam Explained Instructions Several Times Fragmented Work More Time Provided Examples To Do The Exercises Read Exam/Exercises Seating Arrangement Other: ____________________________

Reading/Writing INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________

Days of the Week

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: ______________________________

INTEGRATION WITH TRANSVERSAL THEMES: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Technology and Education Education for Peace Environmental Education Education for Work Other: _______________________________






Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Computer, Projector, Board.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.

Complete Daily Task.


Language Arts








7.LA.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar.


Explain the function of phrases and clauses and apply

L -Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions in read-alouds, oral presentations, and a variety of grade-appropriate

7.S.1 Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn‐taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas from read texts or presentations/discussions/performances.

.S.2 Respond orally to closed and open-ended

7.R.1 Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts.

7.W.1 Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc.

Express and clarify viewpoints and opinions, take


Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences when speaking and writing.

7.LA.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Use punctuation to separate a series of adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie.).

 


Memorize, analyze, and follow increasingly complex instructions and directions.

Ask relevant questions, add relevant information, and paraphrase key ideas. Follow turn‐taking and show consideration by concurring with others in discussions.

Spell correctly.

7.LA.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

7.LA.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a variety of strategies.


Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a

Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to show comprehension, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections from personal experience.

Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.

Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”). Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

 

7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution.

and audience.

Adjust language choices according to purpose, task,

Distinguish character traits (internal and external).

Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in an informational text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

 

Interpret cause and effect relationships.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

and defend positions.

7.W.2 Write informational texts to examine and analyze topics and convey ideas independently using appropriate text organization.

7.W.3 Write paragraphs, short essays, and literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events, using literary elements like narrative structure, theme, mood, plot, setting, moral, etc.

7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.

7.W.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

7.W.6 Conduct short research projects to write a report that uses several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

7.W.7 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

7.R.4 L. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

Value Clarification Creative Writing Technology Integration Brain Based Learning Read Aloud Other: ______________________

7.R.3 L. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot and setting unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

7.S.4 Reach an agreement or persuade others in conversations using learned phrases and creative or original responses.

7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.

Reading Comprehension Cooperative Learning Development of Concepts Problem Based Learning Resiliency Curriculum Integration Other: _____________________________

 

7.S.3 Use a growing set of academic words, content‐specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to tell, retell, explain and analyze stories and experiences with increasing precision and differences in meaning.


Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.


Answer and formulate closed and open-ended

Make predictions and inferences, as well as draw conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources.

7.R.2 L. Determine a theme or main idea of a literary text and how it is conveyed through particular details.

Determine a main idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments

word or phrase.


Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize


INTEGRATION: Math Spanish Science Social Studies Music Theater Vocational Gym Other:____________________________

VALUES Integrity Courtesy Loyalty Self –Esteem Love Responsibility

Friendship Sincerity Courage Caring Tolerance Discipline

Equality Sharing Compassion Solidarity Justice Honesty

Dignity Respect Other:

Reflection: This was the concluding week for my semester long practice experience. It was somewhat bittersweet. Bitter because regardless how hard and challenging and frustrating of an experience it was, I reckon I made a connection with many of these kids. Kids I saw five days a week and got to know them little by little. So as I get ready to finalize my practice experience I have plenty to contemplate about from all the daily anecdotes I learned from each one of those kids. For the final gathering some of the students expressed in simple words what their experience with me had been like. In their simplicity I was deeply touched. With their few words and few expressions of care and gratitude I felt very humbled and honored. Honored because the experience was a mutual one. The students are a great part of the learning experience. Of my learning experience.


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