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Table 2: Summary of key Kuunika achievements at endline

Table 2: Summary of key Kuunika achievements at endline


● Development of key ‘business domain services’ such as the Logistics Management

Information Service (LMIS) and Health Management Information Service

● Development of key Registry Services such as the Terminology Service and Facility


● Development of a generic Application Programming Interface (API) for linking any system to the Interoperability Layer, including validation of core metadata during exchange, system tracking and error logs, and routine exchange between two core sub-systems (the

HIV/AIDS Management Information System and OpenLMIS)

● Development of HMIS dashboards and a ‘Health Situation Room’ platform

● Development of a mobile Supportive Supervision Application for collecting District

HIV/AIDS data and technical support for data use initiatives in Zomba District

● Technical leadership for COVID-19 products including the One Health Surveillance

Platform (OHSP), Surveillance Community Tools, an Incident Management System and a

COVID-19 Website

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