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Smart Cities PortugaL IN BARCELONA


Portugal in the world’s biggest Smart Cities




Smart Cities Portugal brings together companies, cities and knowledge

Portugal and Spain united with intelligence in cities



Inteli news Brief news Events Suggestions

Advanced technology at the service of the territories


16 Smart cities share knowledge

Facts: Smart Cities in numbers


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Portugal in the world’s biggest Smart Cities event 9,000 participants, 300 cities, 80 countries, 160 companies and 320 speakers got together in Barcelona for the world’s biggest smart cities event - the “Smart City Expo World Congress”, held between the 19th and 21st of November 2013. “Smart Cities change the World” was the motto for the meeting, which addressed areas such as energy, governance and economics, mobility, sustainable construction, security and urban resilience, technology and innovation, intelligent society and collaborative city.

The Portuguese participation occurred in several stages, with communications in conferences, presence at the fair, the launching of publications and the organization of international meetings. Two important events, which were organized by INTELI, are worthy of note. The first was the meeting of the Iberian Network of Smart Cities, which brought together mayors from RECI - Spanish Network of Smart Cities, and RENER - Portuguese Network of Smart Cities, in an initial meeting to discuss opportunities for collaboration in the area of smart cities, after formalizing the protocol between the parties.

Portugal was present at the debate, with a delegation consisting in municipalities, businesses and clusters of the Smart Cities Portugal platform. INTELI, CEIIA - Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the Automotive Industry, the Competitiveness and Technology Pole for Energy, companies like Oracle, Indra, Magnum Cap, Conteúdo Chave and Prio.e, and the cities of Cascais, Porto, Coimbra, Aveiro and Torres Vedras joined forces to take part in the global movement of smart cities.

The second was the release of the briefing “Roadmap Smart Cities Portugal”, a catalogue of the skills and capabilities of national R&D centres and companies operating in the market of smart cities. Visibility was given to the products, systems and innovative urban solutions developed in Portugal, which are capable of being replicated worldwide. The overall outcome was positive in the opinion of cities and businesses. In November this year we will be in Barcelona again for the 2014 edition of the “Smart City Expo World Congress”!


Smart Cities Portugal brings together companies, cities and knowledge


The Smart Cities Portugal platform attended the world’s largest congress on smart cities, in Barcelona - the “Smart City Expo World Congress”. The Portuguese delegation included municipalities, companies and clusters, marking the country’s position in the smart cities movement. Companies, clusters, universities, R&D centres, municipalities and other economic and social stakeholders operating in the smart cities market joined forces to launch the Smart Cities Portugal collaborative platform. Under the coordination of INTELI, the alliance seeks to assert Portugal as an exporter of technologies, products and high value-added systems for smart cities at global level, as well as to be a living laboratory for the development and testing of innovative urban solutions in a real context.

Aggregate supply; boost demand The platform aims to build synergies between the different stakeholders working in the field of smart cities, in areas such as energy, mobility, environment, buildings, governance, tourism, health or safety, to promote the structuring of supply and its valorisation in international markets. It’s about inducing the development and demonstration of integrated solutions, capable of responding, in a creative and innovative way, to urban needs and problems with potential for replication in cities around the world. This is the approach advocated by the European Innovation Partnership “Smart Cities and Communities” promoted by the European Commission, which is linked to the funding programs for research and innovation in the programming period 2014-2020.



But it is not enough to develop and aggregate supply. The Smart Cities Portugal alliance also aims to act on the demand side, contributing to the elimination of market barriers in areas such as public procurement, standardization, business models, financing and stakeholder engagement. Citizen participation is crucial in the processes of urban transformation, being a critical success factor for the definition and implementation of smart city strategies in terms of co-creation and open innovation. Not least because Smart Cities Portugal privileges a ‘smart city’ concept focused on people, appealing to a new environment for collaboration between cities and companies providing technological solutions. Roadmap Smart Cities Portugal The Roadmap Smart Cities Portugal – In Brief was launched in Barcelona in November 2013, at the “Smart City Expo World Congress” with the objective of presenting the skills and capabilities of companies and R&D centres operating in the smart cities market, in order to give visibility to innovative urban solutions developed in Portugal, within the international market. It is a base of intelligence, promoted by INTELI, which aims to fill a gap in the market of smart cities, asserting itself as an emerging sector whose actors are often scattered and disjointed. To achieve this goal, some 80 companies and R&D institutions collaborated in the process of generating information and knowledge about the cluster associated with smart cities.

But it is not enough to develop and aggregate supply. The Smart Cities Portugal alliance also aims to act on the demand side.

In preliminary terms, the findings point to a market where companies operate mainly in the areas of governance and public participation, mobility and energy, followed by the area of tourism and culture. The roadmap is a sample of these products, services, applications and projects, acting as a catalogue of national supply. In May 2014, a 2nd edition of the roadmap will be published, with additional and in-depth information about the stakeholders that make up the Smart Cities Portugal platform.


Smart Cities Portugal - Specific Objectives - To promote the development and production of innovative urban solutions for smart cities in an integrated manner - To encourage the replication of smart city concepts and models tested in Portugal, in other cities of the world - To encourage the creation of new companies associated with the smart cities market - To promote national incorporation in projects of direct foreign investment associated with smart cities - To encourage cities to develop smart urban projects in line with their regional specificities - To encourage the evaluation of the impact of smart strategies and projects on quality of life of citizens - To affirm Portuguese companies and cities in the smart cities market, establishing synergies with international networks - To promote participation of Portuguese companies and cities in the 2014-2020 funding programs

Smart Cities Portugal - Intervention Fields

Funding ------











R&D and innovation








Governance Mobility Energy Environment Buildings Quality of Life

Partners INTELI – Inteligência em Inovação, Centro de Inovação (Coordinator) RENER Living Lab – Portuguese Smart Cities Network Competitiveness and Technology Pole for Energy - EnergyIN Competitiveness and Technology Pole for Mobility Pole for Communication and Information Technologies - TICE.PT Sustainable Habitat Cluster CEIIA – Innovative Centre for the Automotive Industry University of Minho Center of Competence for Future Cities of University of Porto Oracle Portugal Siemens Portugal Indra Portugal


Portugal and Spain united with intelligence in cities 12

Barcelona was the meeting point of the intelligent networks of Portuguese cities (RENER) and Spanish cities (RECI). The meeting formally marked the Iberian cooperation for the development of projects in the areas of energy, environment, social innovation, urban regeneration and governance. The mayors are focused on increasing the critical mass and promote sustainable development so as to ensure the proper positioning of the Iberian cities in the ranking of global competitiveness. RENER, the Portuguese network headed by INTELI, and RECI agreed to initiate work meetings of the sector, aiming to position their cities ahead on the starting grid for access to European funds. The meeting held under the World Congress for Smart Cities, in Barcelona, was attended by representatives of Porto, Coimbra, Torres Vedras and Cascais. Noteworthy was the participation of the Mayor of Águeda, Gil Nadais, even as just an observer. The municipality is part of a new group of Portuguese cities that want to join RENER. On the Spanish side, the entry of eight cities was also approved. This “movement” around a new paradigm of cities development is mobilizing politicians, companies and universities. At the meeting in Barcelona, the Portuguese-Spanish agreement, signed in Cascais on November 13th in the presence of INTELI administrator Alexandre Videira, president of RECI Iñigo de la Serna, and president of the host municipality Carlos Carreiras was reinforced. The partnership of the Iberian cities backs the creation of a platform for testing and experimentation of technology solutions and reinforces the strategic positioning and ability to negotiate with the European Union and South America.



About RENER The RENER Network was formed originally as a Pilot Network for Electric Mobility, under the National Programme for Electric Mobility. Managed by INTELI and member of the “European Network of Living Labs�, the network comprises 25 national municipalities. In 2012, new paths are opened to develop RENER, with the implementation of the Smart Cities Index by INTELI in 20 of the 25 municipalities of the network, for assessing urban intelligence and proposing concrete projects to be developed in cooperation. Given the results achieved, on November 12th 2013 the RENER members approved the extension of the network with the inclusion of new areas of cooperation in addition to electric mobility (energy, environment, buildings, government, social innovation, etc.). One also expects the integration of new municipalities that have been expressing interest in participating in this movement.

About RECI RECI - Spanish Network of Smart Cities is an initiative headed by the Municipality of Santander, which includes 49 Spanish cities, and whose aim is to create a knowledge exchange between the cities, implement tools to identify technology areas and detection of opportunities, and promote networks of scientific and business cooperation. The network operationalizes its activity through a series of thematic work groups, each led by one or more municipalities: social innovation, energy, environment, infrastructure and housing, urban mobility, governance, economics and business, which meet regularly. It is also actively involved in the Technical Committee of Standardization for Smart Cities (AENOR), which aims to establish technical standards for smart cities, in line with international and European works.


Advanced technology at the service of the territories


By Vitor Pereira | Conteúdo Chave

The “Welcome Guides” platform, already implemented in several Portuguese cities, is part of the “Roadmap Smart Cities Portugal”, which was recently presented in Barcelona at the World Congress of Smart Cities, a publication with businesses, technological infrastructures and R&D centres with skills and capabilities in the area of smart cities. It is a briefing of a comprehensive study that will be released in March 2014. This publication was coordinated by INTELI - Intelligence and Innovation, manager of the Portuguese smart city network.

The application, which focuses on Cities and Destinations, besides geo-referencing through Augmented Reality, also includes a scanner of Augmented Reality which will work with various images, for example: posters, billboards, museum boards, flyers, restaurant menus, logos, etc., presenting diverse multimedia content (videos, 3d elements, audio, buttons, etc.), enriching promotion media and also the interaction with visitors and users. The application is ready and should be available later this month for the Android and iOS platform. Conteúdo Chave will also launch within days a turnkey solution for city and town applications, with the most basic mobile solution at a low cost and resourcing to partnerships and sharing of resources. During the “Smart City Expo World Congress” held in Barcelona (19-21 November), the “Welcome Guides” project was also selected to be presented at the “Smart City Open Innovation Marketplace”, arousing huge interest from investors.

“Welcome Guides” is a project developed by the Conteúdo Chave Company Ltd. The mere fact that this platform, which uses technology in Augmented Reality, was selected as an example of excellence in the intelligent management of tourist destinations represents a huge stimulus for Conteúdo Chave and a great incentive to continue working, combining the most technologically advanced solutions with communication. Through the “Welcome Guides”, the user in possession of a smartphone has immediate access to all existing Points of Interest (POI) in a given territory, with specific information on each one, images, videos, contacts etc., and even routes defined by the GPS, to help the user find each location without the slightest difficulty.

The World Congress of smart cities brought together government and political decision-makers, business owners, entrepreneurs, researchers and various global thought leaders. The future of cities in areas such as technology and innovation, mobility, energy, development, urban security, environmental sustainability, among others, was discussed there at the highest level. 80 countries and over 3 thousand delegates representing various cities across the world participated in this congress. Conteúdo Chave Company Ltd. annually participates in this Congress, this year taking pride in being, for the first time, part of the intelligent solutions presented and recommended there.


Smart cities share knowledge


By Sandra Pedro | Torres Vedras Municipality

The “Smart City Expo World Congress” brings together leading experts and leaders in the area, allowing sharing, discussing of ideas and solutions for smart cities. Several cities/municipalities present their dynamic projects and their main results. In this context, many companies also present their solutions to make cities smarter, for both the public sector and the private sector.

Participation in this event enables technicians to have contact with these new solutions and projects, and also to benchmark their city in comparison to others. The environment at the event challenges and motivates for change and for implementation of new projects and initiatives.

The high number of participants and speakers, the diversity of projects submitted and the amount of information available at the “Smart City Expo World Congress” reveals the dynamics that this area presents today and its importance to those who manage cities. It is an essential event to understand how this ‘Smart City’ concept is crucial to increase economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and promote cultural development, social inclusion and quality of life of the populations. Also worth mentioning was our participation in the meeting between the RENER Network (Portuguese) and RECI (Spanish network for smart cities), where an agreement for an Iberian Smart Cities partnership was signed, with the clear objective of developing networking across different sectorial areas, which will enable the development of integrated projects, the sharing of experiences and possible joint applications for European funds.

The possibility of listening to great experts like AMORY LOVINS, RICHARD FLORIDA and KENT LARSON, who inspire audiences, inspires us to do better, to innovate and to try new solutions and strategies to solve the problems of our cities and urban areas.



Smart Cities in numbers

Smart City Infrastructure Investment by Industry (approximate values in thousand million dollars)

Smart Government

Smart Building



Smart Transport

Smart Utilities

Source: Navigant Research 2013

Top 10 – Smart Cities Suppliers

Source: Navigant Research 2013



Smart Cities in numbers

Number of Smart Cities in the EU

Governance Economy Mobility

Smart cities areas

Environment People Living

Source: European Parliament 2014

Percentage of Smart Cities by country in Europe

76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25 0


Source: European Parliament 2014


Smart Cities Portugal Roadshow 2014 Throughout 2014, the Smart Cities Portugal platform will carry out a roadshow of workshops on topics related to smart cities. In several cities of the country, the areas privileged by the “European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities� of the European Commission: mobility, energy, ICT and sustainable habitat, will be covered under the coordination of the associated Competitiveness and Technology Poles and Clusters. The roadshow will end with an international conference, organized by INTELI, which will feature the participation of experts from Europe, Latin America and Africa. It is intended that these events lead to projects and specific actions to be submitted to Horizon 2020 or the 2014-2020 national and regional programs.


Atlantic Axis invites INTELI to training on Smart Cities INTELI was invited by the Peninsular Northwest Atlantic Axis, an association of Portuguese and Galician cities, to provide training under the ALD (Local Digital Agenda) project, funded by the POCTEP, which took place on October 29, 2013, in Galicia. The theme of the event was smart cities, with Catarina Selada from INTELI (and RENER -Network of Smart Cities in Portugal) and May Escobar (RECI - Network of Smart Cities in Spain) heading a portion of the training. Several municipality technicians from both sides of the border, such as Porto and Matosinhos, participated as trainees. Subsequently, INTELI had the opportunity to participate in a similar event aimed at political representatives, held on December 11th in Porto, under the theme “building cities of the future”.

INTELI presents Smart Cities Portugal at ALTEC The workshop on “The Future of Cities, the Cities of the Future: Challenges and opportunities for innovative urban projects in the Latin Ibero-American context” was held on October 31st 2013 in Porto, under the 15th Ibero-Latin American Congress for Technology Management, ALTEC2013, with the collaboration of INTELI and CEIIA. The event aimed to stimulate debate on challenges and opportunities for the development of innovative urban projects, with emphasis on the Latin Ibero-American context. In that sense, INTELI presented the collaborative platform Smart Cities Portugal as an arena of projection for Portugal as an exporter of solutions for smart cities worldwide. The contrast between a more “technological” and a more “human” vision of smart cities marked the debate, which included participants from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, etc.


INTELI participates in the project “Growing with Efficiency”

Bioatlas project approved, coordinated by INTELI

In December 2013, INTELI began the development of another project to promote energy efficiency in the country. Continuing the partnership with the Centre for Research IN+ of the ‘Instituto Superior Técnico’ under the PPEC, this new initiative called “Growing with Efficiency” has a target audience of 40 foster homes for children and youngsters, to be selected via an open tender scheduled to be launched in March.

To create a system of digital geographic information that is user friendly, illustrating the market potential of bioenergy products made in Portugal, is the aim of the new project by INTELI: the Bioatlas. This initiative, approved under the SIAC Support System of Collective Actions (NSRF), will combine, in an innovative way, the scientific research conducted in Portuguese universities, national geographic information systems and data and the Portuguese bioenergy industry.

This project includes not only the development of individual plans for improving energy efficiency, based on a diagnosis previously designed for each of the institutions involved, through audits, but also the awareness of residents and staff of the home towards the topic at hand. In this sense, each institution will be challenged to meet a variety of educational activities, appropriate to the various age groups of children and youngsters involved, whose success will be rewarded with a variety of awards tailored to specific needs. The different activities of the “Growing with Efficiency” project will be developed over 24 months and may be monitored through a portal that will be launched soon.


The project will provide geo-referenced information on forest and agricultural biomass availability, processing centres that integrate the supply chains of several national bioenergy products, as well as estimates of the volume of potential production and their operating costs. Algorithms for estimating energy and emissions associated with these production chains will also be included. The tool’s target audience will be national SMEs which will be invited to participate in its development process. This participatory approach will, on the one hand, ensure appropriateness, relevance and feasibility of its use and, on the other hand, promote a dynamic cooperation between the scientific community and companies, and among the corporate world itself. Besides INTELI, the Bioatlas project also has the support of the University of Aveiro, the Regional Agency for Energy and Environment - AREANATEJO and the Technology and Competitiveness Pole for Energy - ENERGYIN.

INTELI integrates network to promote post-carbon cities INTELI is a partner of the POCACITO project – “Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow”, supported by the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission, under the leadership of the German Ecologic Institute. The consortium also includes prestigious universities, institutes and research centres in 11 different countries (Germany, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, Croatia, France, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic and Sweden). The initiative aims to define a 2050 roadmap for the transition of European cities towards a post-carbon economy through participatory scenario processes. In Portugal, Lisbon was the selected case study. Besides the Portuguese capital, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Malmö, Istanbul, Litomerice, Milan, Turin, Offenburg and Zagreb are also part of this network of cities that act as a living laboratory in search of innovative proposals for sustainable urban development. Although the European territory is the starting point, the ambitions of POCACITO go beyond European borders. Aware of the potential of the so-called BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China), the partners plan to create an online “marketplace of ideas”, encouraging the exchange of ideas, solutions, best practices and the creation of partnerships with various institutions in those countries, particularly Brazil and China. The kick-off meeting of the project took place in Berlin last January 15-17, 2014, with the participation of a team from INTELI.


Calls for Proposals on Smart Cities in Horizon 2020 are open

Portugal beats record of production of clean electricity

On December 11th 2013, calls for proposals were launched under Horizon 2020, the great program for research and innovation in Europe between 2014 and 2020. The calls, specifically dedicated to smart cities, are announced in the work program “Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy”, including two types of initiatives.

The year 2013 was, by far, the most renewable of this century in Portugal in terms of production and consumption of electricity. The production of electricity from renewable energy sources in the country accounted for 58.3% of total electricity consumption, an increase of 20% compared to 2012.

On the one hand, we have the so-called “lighthouse projects”, which translate into demonstration actions of solutions at the intersection of the fields of energy, mobility and ICT, in a selected number of European cities. Each proposal should include 2-3 leading cities and 2-3 follower cities in partnership with companies, research centres, universities and consultancy companies, with an available budget of EUR 92 million for approving about 3 projects in 2014. On the other hand, we have a set of horizontal initiatives that intend to act in the creation and promotion of markets, in the areas of public procurement, standards, indicators, urban entrepreneurship, etc.

brief news 26

Based on figures published by REN earlier this month, considering only the national energy production, renewable energy contribution in 2013 amounted to a record value of 61.7%. As a result of increased production of renewable energy, there was a reduction in the amount of imported electricity of 2.8-fold, which in practice translates into a decrease of 10% of total consumption.

Portuguese cities compete for the Mayors Challenge Award The “Mayors Challenge” contest is launched by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the philanthropic division of the media group founded by businessman and former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg. As happened in 2012, the year where the first edition of the contest was reserved for cities in the United States, the Mayors Challenge 2013-2014 proposes to distinguish “visionary”, “shocking”, “feasible” and “replicable” ideas by European municipalities with 100,000 or more inhabitants. Europe has about 600 cities that meet this requirement, and Portugal has only 20. The Portuguese cities vying for the “Mayors Challenge” are Braga, Cascais, Coimbra, Lisbon, Odivelas, Porto and Sintra - five million euros for the winner and one million euros for each runner-up: 2nd to 5th place.

European Commission launches 2014 edition of Enterprise Promotion Awards

Future Cities 2014 Conference highlights good practice in the City of Porto

In the end of January, the European Commission launched the 2014 edition of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards, a competition to reward the most creative and successful initiatives of public bodies and public-private partnerships of the EU that support entrepreneurship, and Small and Medium Enterprises in particular.

The Future Cities 2014 Conference - Porto: Living the Future, took place in Porto last January 28th, with over 400 participants.

The national competition begins in May, with the Portuguese winners being selected to compete internationally. The ultimate goal of the participants is to win a Grand Prize of the Jury, in Naples, in October. The six entry categories are: Fostering entrepreneurial mind-sets; Investing in skills; Improving the business environment; Supporting the internationalization of companies; Supporting the development of green markets and resource efficiency; Responsible and inclusive entrepreneurship.

The six finalists of the European Capital of Innovation are announced Barcelona, Espoo, Grenoble, Groningen, Malaga and Paris are the six finalist cities of the first edition of the European Capital of Innovation Award i.e. iCapital. The award, in the amount of 500,000 euros, will be used to develop the city’s efforts on improving their “innovation ecosystems” - linking citizens, public organizations, universities and companies. The winning city will be announced in the 2014 Innovation Convention taking place on the 10th and 11th of March in Brussels.

Future Cities is a capacity-building project led by the Centre of Competence in Future Cities of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, which is being implemented in a living lab model, with the city of Porto as a stage for testing innovative urban solutions. Several examples were presented at the conference, showing that the Future Cities project is turning Porto into a living laboratory of solutions for cities, such as: the largest moving network of communication in the world, designed for installing network points in 400 STCP buses. The coordinator of the Centre for Competence in Future Cities, João Barros, believes the Future Cities project can attract the attention of technology giants to the city.

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events 03 02 Innovation and Sustainability in the Cities of the Future Lisbon – Portugal 27 February 2014 Organized by the Green Project Awards (GPA), the conference on “Innovation and Sustainability in Cities of the Future”, held in the Grand Auditorium of Culturgest, headquarters of CGD in Lisbon, also marks the launch of the seventh edition of the GPA Portugal. The event aims to promote debate on the role of sustainable cities in building a competitive country, focusing on the topics of mobility, urban metabolism, innovation, governance and cooperation, among others. “The Role of Sustainable Cities in the construction of a Competitive Country” and “The Challenges of Cities of the Future: Economy, Society and Environment” are the two panels that comprise the debate.

Smart Cities International Exhibition Sofia – Bulgária 5 - 7 March 2014 The first smart cities event in Southeast Europe focuses on the fields of energy, mobility and transport, emergency management, waste management, and information and communication technologies. The aim is to show solutions that will help urban systems provide better and more efficient services to its citizens.

05 Smart City Event Amsterdam – The Netherlands 13 - 14 May 2014 This is one of the biggest smart cities events, where for 2 days some of the most successful projects in Europe are shown. Cities and companies around the world share their knowledge and experience on projects for the development of smart cities. With over 450 delegates in the 2013 edition, the event was a great success. The focus of this edition is the sharing of knowledge to achieve climatic objectives and energy transition.


events 04 Smart to Future Cities 2014 London – United Kingdom 29 - 30 April 2014 This is a big smart cities event which in the 2013 edition focused on the way the market is at an inflection point between talking about what is a ‘smart city’ and understanding how to implement it. In 2014 the focus will be on moving smart cities onto the mainstream, with increasing attention of governments on the development policies of smart cities, the implementation of protocols and operating platforms for smart cities and the acceptance of smart technologies as the norm in distinct areas of the cities, such as transport, energy, security, etc.

09 Pluris 2014 – Re(inventing) the City in Times of Change Lisbon – Portugal 24 - 26 September 2014 This conference addresses the theme “A Changing World” and the implications for cities and territories. The focus on (re)inventing aims to retake known connections with new raw material, to design connections and experiences with the memory of what one knows and respects, but with creativity and ingenuity at the service of the future. Moreover, change is necessary to recognize limitations and potentials, and preferably to have control over the actions and decisions so that there are no disruptions, both in personal and in collective terms. Understanding and reflecting on this change that is announced, but which is taking time to materialize, is the aim of this congress.


suggestions Books & Articles

Smart Cities: Best of the Best Smart Cities Council, October 2013

The document presents a compendium of rankings of smart cities, giving answers to questions such as: Which are the most competitive cities in the world? Which are the most creative? Where are the best cities for technology start-ups?

Smart Cities Readiness Guide Smart Cities Council, November 2013 This document was a collaborative effort between several entities, including large companies from several areas covered by smart cities and more than 50 independent experts in the development of smart cities. The Guide is a conceptual roadmap for addressing growth strategies, focusing on universal principles that bring together key areas such as energy, transport, water and public safety. A global knowledge base of practices and policies provides cities with a mandate for informed action and a foundation for success. The Guide is used to focus and structure a path towards a 21st century city.


Strategic Implementation Plan European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, October 2013 The plan describes the ideas of the “European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities� on how best to leverage technologies, financing mechanisms and public-private partnerships in the creation of smart cities. The document highlights the actions needed to create the right conditions to make cities better places to live and do business, to reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and congestion.

Using EU funding mechanism for Smart Cities Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform, November 2013 The purpose of this document is to provide information on the opportunities offered by EU funding instruments for the period 2014-2020, supporting regional entities in the preparation of the programming documents. The report presents new tools and provides guidance on how to integrate the investments of smart cities in the programming process, taking the opportunity to combine regional funding with other sources.

Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia Anthony M. Townsend, 2013 The book by the city planner and expert in technology, Anthony Townsend, takes a historical look at the forces that shaped the planning and design of cities and information technology since the rise of great industrial cities of the nineteenth century to the present date. Smart Cities considers the motivations, aspirations and needs of all stakeholders of the new paradigm of smart cities, offering a new civic education to guide everyone’s efforts towards the joint construction of the future.

10 Year Rolling Agenda Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform, Dezembro 2013 The purpose of this agenda is to present the ideas of the “Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform�, embodied in a practical vision of how to move forward in accelerating the deployment and integration of technologies that are required to turn European cities and communities into smart cities and communities.



SMART CITIES and Communities

Smart Cities Council

Smart Cities Portugal



TECHNICAL DATASHEET FEB 2014 | N°11 Edition and Coordination INTELI Editorial Team Catarina Selada, Maria João Rocha, Ana Luísa Almeida, Diana Reis e Anthony Malhado Collaboration Sandra Pedro - CM Torres Vedras Vitor Pereira - Conteúdo Chave Graphic design Mónica Sousa


INTELI is a think-and-do-thank that operates in the area of integrated development of territories at an economic, social, cultural and environmental level, by supporting public policies and the strategies of local agents. It operates in the areas of culture and creativity, energy and mobility and social innovation, seeking to contribute towards the affirmation of more creative, sustainable and inclusive cities and regions.

Edition: INTELI – Inteligência em Inovação, Centro de Inovação Av. Conselheiro Fernando de Sousa, 11, 4º 1070-072 Lisboa – Portugal Tel: (351) 21 711 22 10 Fax: (351) 21 711 22 20 Website: E-mail:


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