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Putting Your GIS to Work on the World Wide Web

by M. K. Vander Werff Ms. Vander Werff has reported on business, economic, and technology issues for Nation’s Business, Entrepreneur, and a variety of trade journals.

Oh, what a tangled Web they weave:


ob and Sue Jones want to build a house on what they believe is an ideal site. But could it be in a flood plain? A county commissioner is called to an impromptu meeting about the current status of water utility capital improvement projects. She wants data asap. A business is relocating out-of-state. The owner needs to know the availability of water/ sewer infrastructure in selected areas. The Joneses, the county commissioner, and the relocating business owner don’t have to call, write, or travel to a myriad of local government departments for answers. Via the World Wide Web or an Intranet, they immediately get the geographic information system (GIS) data they need to answer their questions. continued on next page

Water/Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water

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