Youthpass in Context: the (Potential) Impact of Youthpass in EuroMed Youth work, employability, recognition, self-directed learning, validation, mobility, competences, personal and professional development, lifelong learning, nonformal learning are all keywords that refer to a single instrument: Youthpass.
certifies the participation and describes the event in general terms; the second page includes more project-related data, such as aims, objectives and people responsible for the project. Those two parts are signed and stamped by the legal representative and organisers coordinating the activity. Definitely, so far there is nothing far from
What is Youthpass? Youthpass is part of the European Commission’s strategy to foster the recognition of non-formal learning. It is a tool for those participating in most activities of the Youth in Action Programme to certify participation, validate learning outcomes and identify competences from the learning process. Youthpass aims at supporting reflection upon the personal non-formal learning process, fostering active European citizenship, strengthening the social recognition of youth work, and finally supporting the employability of young people and youth workers. Youthpass is relevant to Youth Work because it is the only certificate on EU level that validates nonformal learning in the Youth sector by following the principles of NFL (voluntary, learner-centred, context-related, experiential and self-directed). In practical terms, Youthpass is both an oldfashioned paper certificate that tells people that a young person or youth worker has participated in a learning activity within the framework of the Youth in Action Programme (training course, European Voluntary Service (EVS), Youth Exchange, etc.) and an innovative learning tool to assess and document the competences acquired throughout the learning process. It is divided in 3 parts: the first page Le Reseau