Interclean Newsletter 8

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Thanks again for taking the time to stay updated with Interclean News. In this issue, we will be introducing you to the next big step for us here at Interclean, a new branch of our business, Interclean Managed Services (IMS). IMS is something that has been in the works for quite some time and it’s our hope that it will better enable you to bring a higher quality of cleaning to your facility for a lower cost. For more information about IMS be sure to check out the article on page 6. We’ve also spent time recently with Nationwide working on customisable cleaning management solutions which we look forward to sharing with you. Every company and facility is different, and has different needs and different challenges.




It’s our endeavour to help you achieve your company goals and overcome your challenges, including the quality of clean, safety, auditing, training and cost. Thanks for your ongoing support and involvement with Interclean. We couldn’t be more excited about where we are heading and truly believe that our best days are ahead of us. For more information about IMS, Nationwide or any articles in this edition of Interclean News please don’t hesitate to contact any of the Interclean team. Bill Bassett

Managing Director of Interclean



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Over the last 6 months our trainers have been very busy rolling out implementations at hundreds of sites across Australia. Nationwide Aged Care Services, with over 1,200 cleaning staff are currently in the process of moving from the traditional mop and bucket system to their new iClean microfibre system. The Nationwide system includes their own private label microfibre, a new grey and white trolley and their own auditing app, called the iClean Auditor. The app has been developed to allow every site to have their own customised audits, and sends any action items from audits straight to the right staff or management, ensuring that all issues are followed up correctly. The key to the programs success is not the trolley or cleaning products, although they are important. The real key is the retraining of staff at the operational level. Some sites have taken a little longer than others, but overall we are seeing lots of favourable comments from staff and facility managers. 2

Nationwide have a team responsible for the roll-out and they work hand in hand with Claire Dale, our IMS manager who coordinates the trainers on a daily basis. Being involved in the process of delivering the change to over 1,200 cleaning staff is a new experience to me. It has its challenges but the Nationwide leadership and local area support have been great to work with, and together we are bringing about change and leadership in the cleaning industry.


1,000 Scrubs Per Mintute

Got hard to clean floors that need a bit of scrubbing? Call Interclean today and request a demonstration of our new Vibrascrub

Newton’s Law of Motion is applied to bottom plates

VibraScrub covers get right into edges like around toilets

VibraScrub Pads available in:

Scrub-E Available in Red or Blue

Scrub & Dry Available in Red or Green

Scrub & Clean Available in Blue Only

Mix and match for a better scrub and finish depending upon floor type and dirt levels Uses 2 x 30cm pads

VibraScrub • Easy to use • Works on all types of flooring, vinyl, laminate, non-slip, marble and tile • Small automatic scrubber gets into hard to clean places • Bottom plates move backwards and forwards over 1,000 times per minute

• Cleans floors 10 times better than microfibre mop only • Does not require effort from the operator • Uses 1/10th the power of auto scrubbers • No power cords to trip over • Battery lasts 60 minutes of continual use • Spare batteries fully charge in 2-3 hours 3



C.H.I.P. CLEANING COURSE Learn how to create a Best Practice Cleaning System for your facility C.H.I.P. Healthcare Cleaning Managers Course Interclean Training Centre

$695 INC.GST


9th March 2016 Register online at Call Interclean for more information or email | 4


I’ve been traveling for the past six weeks in Europe, looking for the world’s best outbreak cleaning programs. Recently, some of our nursing homes have been questioning their own outbreak cleaning programs, and what best practice looks like when it comes to managing Norovirus and C. diff. Some facilities simply use our yellow bleach resistant microfibre from the infection control range, when they are performing infectious or outbreak cleaning. These yellow microfibre products work fine when used with a 1,000 ppm bleach disinfectant, but the question remains, Is 1,000ppm bleach sufficient for dealing with Norovirus and C. diff? I began asking questions about what germs, bacteria, viruses and fungus need to be cleaned. I looked into what the infection control standards or guidelines state we should be doing. And also, when they were written. These germs become harder to kill over time and have become stronger, making them even more difficult to clean. Bleach seems to be the obvious answer, but what strength is needed for what germs? Does the surface need to be cleaned before applying the disinfectant? And does it need to be rinsed? Norovirus and C. diff are problems to infection control managers worldwide and many managers are looking for Best Practice when it come to infection and outbreak cleaning.

The first is a launderable microfibre outbreak cleaning program that can withstand the required amount of bleach and can be laundered adequately. To do this, we may be seeing microfibre in the future that can withstand 10,000ppm bleach. The second is a disposable 3 stage microfibre cleaning program where you can have the same high level of cleaning you can get from properly moistened microfibre, but in a disposable system that doesn’t require laundering. Step 1: A premoistened disposable wipe could be used to pre-clean surfaces requiring disinfection Step 2: A bleach solution or premoistened wipe could apply the bleach solution in the correct ppm for certain kill claims Step 3: Another disposable microfibre wipe moistened with pure water to rinse the surface. I will be working on these product options over the next few months so stay tuned.

In order to create Best Practice in outbreak cleaning, I believe we need two options: 5


Interclean is thrilled to announce the launch of it’s supporting company, Interclean Managed Services (IMS). IMS is a branch of Interclean which operates as a rental for the FULL Interclean cleaning system including products, auditing, visual instructions and on-site training. Traditionally, the best cleaning systems come with the highest price tag. Interclean Managed Services exists to make the best possible cleaning system accessible to you, regardless of your budget. By implementing a rental structure, IMS gives you access to the complete system for a monthly cost, removing the initial outlay of capital and ensuring that you have everything you need to keep your facility clean. With a nationwide team of Implementation Specialists who’s entire role is to assist your facility with the system roll out, run training with your cleaners and conduct regular audits of your facility, it has never been so easy to effectively keep your facility clean. Two rental structures are available to choose from over a 2 or 3 year implementation, with the option to continue the rental at the end of the term.


The great thing about this, is that you are guaranteed to always have the latest products, training and audit results available to show management. Since it’s commencement in May, Interclean Managed Services has seen massive success, particularly in regards to it’s customisable systems, and auditing tool.

For more information about Interclean Managed Services be sure to head over to or call us at the office on 9838 7740.


Anne-Maree Lewis

Jennifer Pereira

Kate Derer

Anne-Maree has many years experience in both the hospitality and healthcare sector and is passionate about helping people improve their quality of life through safe and high quality cleaning.

Jenny is our Training and Implementation Specialist in Queensland and Western Australia with a lifetime of experience in healthcare.

Kate is our Training and Implementation Specialist in Victoria and has extensive experience in sales in the cleaning industry giving her expert knowledge on products across the range, what works and what doesn’t work.

Training and Implementation Specialist NSW

She conducts training with all healthcare and aged care sites in NSW and is well loved for her friendly approach in her one-onone training.

Training and Implementation Specialist QLD & WA

Jennifer’s eye for detail makes her the perfect person to train cleaners who know exactly what to look for when they clean a room, and understand the best way to use their products.

Training and Implementation Specialist VIC

Kate is not only an excellent presenter, but also great at helping cleaners one-on-one get the most out of their products. 7

INNOVATION AND BENCHMARKING CONFERENCE 2016 2016 TOUR DATES Perth Adelaide Melbourne Hobart Brisbane Sydney

Mon 22nd February Wed 24th February Fri 26th February Mon 29th February Tue 1st March Thur 3rd March

• Spend the day with leading cleaning managers in your state wanting to be involved in the benchmarking of best practice • Learn about innovations in outbreak cleaning • See how our best facilities are going with the trial of the digital cleaning manager • Use it as a day out to build your team • See 10 new innovative cleaning products • Hear from facility managers about their online auditing experiences

Save $75 with early bird registration until 31st Dec


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