4. Internationales Kinder- und Jugendkurzfilmfestival Berlin - KUKI 4

Page 1

Zum goldenen Hirschen Berlin, Fotograf: Lars Borges. Mit freundlicher Unterst端tzung des bat-Studiotheaters der HfS.

Content / Addresses, Service Centres & Prices / Sponsors & Partners / 1

/ Inh alt / Content 01 Addresses, Service

06 K U K I 25 K U K I 27 K U K I 29 K U K I 31 K U K I 32 K U K I 34 K U K I 35 K U K I 36 K U K I 37 K U K I

Centres & Prices Sponsors & Partners 02 Welcome 03 Schedule A Seat for the Kids 04 KUKI Jury KUKI Short Film Awards 05 Kids Make Shorts! Sponsors & Partners

ab ab ab ab SP Sp Sp SP SP sp

6 Competition Programme for Children (ages 6+) 8 Competition Programme for Children (ages 8+) 1 0 Competition Programme for Children (ages 10+) 1 2 Competition Programme for Youth (ages 12+) 01 “Kindergarten Programme” (ages 4+) 02 “Food for Thought” Environmental Programme (ages 8+) 03 “Watch the World” Documentaries for Children (ages 10+) 0 4 “What´s Up?” English Language Programme (ages 14+) 05 “¿Qué onda?” Spanish Language Programme (ages 14+) 0 6 “Quoi de Neuf?” French Language Programme (ages 14+)

/ Adre ssen, Serv ice-Zen t ren & Prei se / ADdresses, Service Centres & Prices V ERANSTALTUN G EN EVENTS

V e r a n s ta lt u n g s o r t e LOCATIONS

Eintri t tsPreise Prices


Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Bötzowstraße 1-5 / 10407 Berlin T 030 42 84 51 88 www.yorck.de

KUKI Opening Matinee 3,00 € Awards Ceremony Box office only 6,50 / 6,00 €

Opening Matinee – KUKI, 4th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth Berlin Sun 13.11. / 3pm Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Awa r d s C e r e mo n y Sun 20.11. / 7:30pm

Passage Kinos Karl-Marx-Straße 131 / 12043 Berlin T 030 20 22 11 15 www.yorck.de

Babylon starting 10pm – open end: A b s pa n n – F e s t i va l C l o s i n g Pa r t y

Roter Salon

G e f ö r de r t du r c h Supported by

Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Passage Kinos

3,00 € 3,00 €

Catalogue Poster

5,00 € 3,00 €

Babylon Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30 10178 Berlin T 030 242 59 69 www.babylonberlin.de

P r e i s g e be r / P r og r a mmpat e n Award / Programme sponsors

Pa r t n e r Partners

me di e n Pa r t n e r media Partners

/ Her zl ich W il l kommen ! / Welcome ! L i e be K u r z f i l mf r e u nde ! Dear short film fans !

In diesem Jahr findet KUKI, das Internationale Kinder und Jugend Kurzfilmfestival Berlin, bereits zum vierten Mal statt. Aus über 900 Einreichungen aus allen Teilen der Welt wurde ein tolles Festivalprogramm zusammengestellt.

Get ready for the 4th edition of KUKI the International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth! We have put together an amazing, entertaining and thoughtprovoking programme from more than 900 entries from all over the world!

Am Sonntag den 13.11. geht es um 15 Uhr mit einer großen Eröffnungsparty im Filmtheater am Friedrichshain, unserem großartigen Festivalkino, endlich los. Neben einer bunten Mischung aus dem Gesamtprogramm wird in einer Uraufführung auch der Film des Drehbuch- und Film-Workshops Kinder machen Kurzfilm! gezeigt, in Anwesenheit der Kinder, die den Film geschrieben und gedreht haben. Bei KUKI kann man viele Leute die hinter einem Film stehen kennen lernen. Nach jedem Programm gibt es eine offene Diskussionsrunde, teilweise mit den anwesenden Filmemachern, Fragen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht! Alle Filme laufen in Originalsprache und werden bei Bedarf live deutsch eingesprochen. Neben dem Wettbewerbsprogramm für alle Altersstufen, dem Dokumentarfilm-Programm und dem Themenprogramm „Essen und Umwelt“ gibt es dieses Jahr zusätzlich zum englischen und spanischen auch ein französisches Sprachprogramm. SALUT!

KUKI kicks off at 3pm on Sunday the 13th of November with a big opening party at our fabulous festival cinema, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain. Apart from presenting a colourful selection of shorts taken from this year’s festival programme we will also premiere the latest offering from the children’s writing and filmmaking workshop, Kinder machen Kurzfilm! Many of the children who worked on the screenplay and production of the film will be present at the screening. KUKI offers young audiences numerous opportunities to get to know the people behind the camera, as every festival programme is followed by a moderated discussion with attending filmmakers. Please feel free to bombard us with questions! All films will be shown in their original versions and given a live German voice-over when required. Alongside competition programmes for various age groups, the documentary programme and KUKI’s environmental focus “Food for Thought“ we are happy to announce a new addition to our foreign language screenings: Next to Spanish and English we will also have a French programme. SALUT!

Zum Abschluss des Festivals wählt die Kinder-Jury einen Gewinner aus den Wettbewerben. Aber auch die Zuschauer sind gefragt: Für den Wettbewerb ab 12 Jahre bestimmt das Publikum den Gewinner. Alle Preisträger werden bei der Preisverleihung von ­interfilm, dem 27. Internationalen Kurzfilmfestival Berlin am 19.11.2011 im Kino Babylon gekürt. Am letzten Festivalsonntag sind alle Kinder und Familien herzlich zur zapf-Familienvorstellung mit dem Wettbewerbsprogramm für Kinder ab 6 Jahre und einer großen Party eingeladen, der Eintritt ist frei! Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Filmeschauen und Festivalluft-Schnuppern! Das KUKI-Team

As the festival week draws to a close the children’s jury will select their competition winners, while audience members are required to choose the winner of the 12+ Competition Programme. All award winners will be announced at the ceremony given by interfilm the 27th International Short Film Festival Berlin on 19.11.2011 at Kino Babylon. On the last festival Sunday, we invite children and families to join in the merriment of the zapf-sponsored screening where we’ll show the Competition Programme for ages 6+ and crown it with a wonderful closing party. Entry is free of charge! Here’s wishing you a great time at the coming festival! The KUKI team

Welcome / Schedule / A Seat for the Kids / 3

/ Progr ammübersich t / Schedule

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n S o 13.11.

15:00 H

16:00 H

Op e n i n g M at i n e e

Kuki 6+ C omp e t i t i o n

Cinema 1 Mo 14.11.

10:00 H

12:00 H


Kuki 6+ C omp e t i t i on

K u k i S P3

Cinema 1

Watch the World Cinema 1

9:30 H

10:00 H

12:00 H


KUKI 8+ C omp e t i t i on


Cinema 2

¿Qué onda? Cinema 1

9:30 H

10:00 H

12:00 H


KUKI 10+ C omp e t i t i on


Cinema 1

Quoi De Neuf? Cinema 1

9:30 H

10:00 H

12:00 H

10:30 H


K U K I 1 2+ C omp e t i t i o n


K u k i S P3

Cinema 2

Food for Thought Cinema 1

10:00 H

12:00 H

Food for Thought Cinema 1 Mi 16.11.

¿Qué onda? Cinema 2 DO 17.11.

What´s Up? Cinema 1 F r 18.11.

9:30 H

K U K I S P1 K i nde r g a r t e n P r og r a mme

Cinema 1

SA 19.11.

10:00 H

K u k i S P3

Watch the World Cinema 2

K U K I 1 2+ C omp e t i t i on

11:00 H

13:00 H

KUKI 8+ C omp e t i t i on

Cinema 1

What´s Up? Cinema 1

Cinema 2

KUKI 10+ C omp e t i t i on

Cinema 2

/ Dein Si tz für die K ids / A seat for the Kids K u k i d a n k t a l l e n S e s s e l pat e n ! Kuki thanks all chair Patrons!


15:00 H

K U K I S P1 K i nde r g a r t e n P r og r a mme

Cinema 1

S o 20.11.

Cinema 2

9:30 H Quoi De Neuf? Cinema 2

Di 15.11.

Pa s s a g e K i n o s

15:00 H

KUKI 6+ C omp e t i t i o n

Cinema 1 (zapf-sponsored screening)

Watch the World Cinema 1

/ KUK I Jury / KUKI Jury K i nde r w e t t be w e r b Children Competition 1 B estes Kinoerlebnis Best cinema experience 2 Figur/Rolle aus einem Film, die du gerne für einen Tag wärst. Film character you would like to be for one day 3 Welche Hauptrolle würdest du deinem besten Freund geben? Which main role would you give your best friend?

F e l i pa G olt z (1 2)

C h i a r a L i V i s c h e r (9)

1 „ Exit Through the Gift Shop“ im

1 Teufelskicker



Freiluftkino. "Exit Through the Gift Shop” at an open air cinema. D as kleine Rattenmädchen (Rango) oder Mr Darcy (Stolz und Vorurteil). Oder Balu. The rat girl (Rango) or Mr Darcy (Pride and Predudice). Or Baloo. C aptain Hook oder Sabrina (Sabrina) Captain Hook or Sabrina (Sabrina)

W i l l i a m B r a nd t (1 0)

A lwin und die Chipmunks 1, weil er total lustig war! Alvin and the Chipmunks 1 because it was so funny! 2 Winnetou 3 O ld Shatterhand, ist ja dann trotzdem noch mein bester Freund! Old Shatterhand of course. He’d still be my best friend! 1

2 H arry Potter 3 I da (Kletter-Ida)

Fa n n y R oc h a B ay e r (1 0)

ände weg von Mississippi H Hands off Mississippi 2 Grace (Plötzlich Star Monte Carlo) 3 H annah Montana, weil Elise genauso ist wie Miley Cyrus. Hannah Montana because Elise is just like Miley Cyrus. 1

Kol j a Br a c h h a u s (9)

ick & Doof, Harry Potter D Laurel and Hardy, Harry Potter 2 E in Schlumpf, weil er so klein ist. A “smurf” because they are so small. 3 A sterix, weil er so schlau wie Ruben ist. Asterix, because he’s just as smart as Ruben. 1

/ Kuk i KURZFILMPREISE 2011 / Kuki Short FIlm Awards 2011 Bester KUKI Kinder-Kurzfilm Best KUKI short film for children

1. Preis / 1.000 € von Zapf Umzüge 1st prize / € 1.000 from Zapf Umzüge

Bester KUKI Kinder-Kurzfilm Best KUKI short film for children

2. Preis / 500 € von Ampelmann 2nd prize / € 500 from Ampelmann

Bester KUKI Jugendfilm (Publikumspreis)

ntertitelung in bis zu drei Sprachen in einem Wert U von 1.000 € von Samson & Fritaud Text Best KUKI Short for Youth (Audience Award) Subtitling in up to three languages valued at € 1,000 from Samson & Fritaud Text

Jury / Short Film Awards / Kids Make Shorts! / 5

/ K inder machen Kur zfil m ! / Kids make Shorts ! Kinder machen Kurzfilm! ist eine jährliche Initiative von Bewegliche Ziele e.V. in Kooperation mit interfilm Berlin und VISION KINO. Das Projekt beinhaltet einen Schreibwettbewerb mit anschließendem Drehbuch-, Doku- und Produktionsworkshop für verschiedene Berliner Grundschulklassen. In diesem Jahr beteiligten sich insgesamt neun Klassen mit über 120 Geschichten zum Thema „Stadtmärchen” am Schreibwettbewerb. Gewonnen hat die Geschichte „Die magischen Boxhandschuhe“ von Cihan Topal aus der 1. Gemeinschaftsschule Neukölln (ehemals Franz-Schubert-Grundschule). Die Geschichte handelt von einem Jungen, der von einer Räuberbande bedroht wird. Da schenkt ihm die Putzfrau seiner Schule geheimnisvolle Boxhandschuhe, die ihn unbesiegbar machen – aber nur, wenn er sie zu seiner Verteidigung einsetzt... In den Herbstferien wurde diese Geschichte von Kindern verfilmt. Das Ergebnis präsentieren wir bei der Eröffnung von KUKI und im Rahmen des Wettbewerb­ programms ab 10 Jahre. 2011 wurde Kinder machen Kurzfilm! als „Bildungs­ idee" im Wettbewerb „Ideen für die Bildungsrepublik“ ausgezeichnet. Dieser wurde von der Initiative „Deutschland – Land der Ideen“ ausgelobt und wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in Kooperation mit der Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland gefördert.

Kinder machen Kurzfilm! is an annual project organised by Bewegliche Ziele e.V. in cooperation with interfilm Berlin and VISION KINO. It consists of a writing competition and follow-up workshops in screenplay, documentary and film production for classes at diverse Berlin primary schools. This year a total of nine classes participated in the writing competition, entering more than 120 stories relating to the set theme of "city fairytales". The winning piece “The Magical Boxing Gloves“ was written by Cihan Topal from 1. Gemeinschaftsschule in Neukölln. In the story, a boy is threatened by a gang of robbers and the school cleaner gives him a mysterious pair of boxing gloves that make him invincible – but only if he uses them for self-defence. A team of children turned this story into a film during the recent autumn school holidays. The film premiere will take place at the KUKI Opening Matinee and will also be shown in the Competition Programme for ages 10+ during the festival week. In 2011, the Kinder machen Kurzfilm! project was distinguished as a valuable “educational idea“ in the national competition “Ideen für die Bildungsrepublik“. Tendered by the initiative “Deutschland – Land der Ideen“ it is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with the Vodafone Foundation Germany. w w w.kindermachenkurzfilm.de

w w w.k inderm a chenk ur zf il m.de

/ D a n k e für die Unterstützung von Kinder machen Kurzfilm!: / Thanks for supporting Kinder machen Kurzfilm!:

KUK I a b 6 / We t t be werbsprogr amm KUKI ab 6 / Competition Programme

f ür K i nd e r a b 6 J a h r e n for children Ages 6+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / S o 13.11.2011 / 16:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Mo 14.11.2011 / 10:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / S o 20.11.2011 / 15:00 H

P r e mi e r a Premiere Russian Federation / 2010 / 5:30 min Animation / No dialogues / dir Stepan Birukov / script Rose Khousnoutdinova sound Lev Zemlinskiy / animation Julia Datchinskaya

V o r o be y ko t o ry i ume l de r z h at ’ s l o v o The Sparrow Who Kept His Word Russian Federation / 2010 / 6:00 min Animation / Russian / sub English dir Dmitriy Geller / script Rose Khous­ noutdinova / dop Alexander Petch sound Artem Fadeev / animation Fazil Gasanov, Anna Karpova

Eine kleine Maus träumt davon, ein Star in der Manege zu werden. Als der Elefant aus Lampenfieber alle Kunststücke vergisst, kommt die kleine Maus ihm zur Hilfe. A little mouse dreams of becoming the star of the circus ring. When an elephant gets stage fright and forgets its tricks, the little mouse comes to its rescue.

Eine Geschichte über einen kleinen Spatz, der hält was er verspricht und dabei auch noch für gutes Wetter sorgt. A sparrow keeps his promise, even in the driving wind and pouring rain. Will it be worth his while?

Contact: Vladimir Mouat “PCHELA” Studio lingve@gmail.com

Contact: Vladimir Mouat “PCHELA” Studio lingve@gmail.com

Tre vor France / 2010 / 3:00 min / Animation French / sub English / dir, script, dop, editor Matthieu Saghezchi / prod Ecole Emile Cohl

Das Licht ist gelöscht und Trevor liegt im Bett. Doch seine Vorstellungskraft hält ihn für Stunden vom Schlafen ab... The lights are out and Trevor is in bed but just can’t fall asleep. His powers of imagination are keeping him awake... Contact: Matthieu Saghezchi Ecole Emile Cohl matt.saghezchi@yahoo.fr

M at t h i e u S a g h e z c h i

S t e pa n Bi r u ko v

Dmi t r i y G e l l e r

Stepan Birukov is a film director, artist, animator and member of the Russian Cineastes Union. He graduated from an advanced course in screenwriting and film directing in 1995. .

is a Russian artist, animator and director. Starting out as an assistant at the animation film studio A-Film in Yekaterinburg, he later studied directing and screenwriting in Moscow and began focusing on his own animated productions.

was born and raised in Paris and started drawing at a young age. He quickly fell in love with animation, and mostly all things related to Disney. After working in the computer graphics industry, he studied animation at Ecole Emile Cohl in France. Trevor is his graduation film and was selected for numerous festivals.

KUKI Competition Programme 6+ / 7

KUK I a b 6 / We t t be werbsprogr amm KUKI ab 6 / Competition Programme

D e r g r o s s e Br ude r The Big Brother Switzerland / 2010 / 6:00 min / Animation No dialogues / dir Jésús Pérez / prod, dop Gerd Gockell / script, editor, animation Jesús Pérez

K e s h av r z va R o b at The Farmer and The Robot Iran / 2011 / 21:00 min / Animation No dialogues / dir Adollah Ali-Morad prod Mohammed-Reza Karimi-Saremi script Ebrahim Fourozesh / dop Mohammed Rakim Bakhtiyari editor Mohammed Nasseri sound Mehrshad Malakout

Zwei Zeichentrickfiguren entwickeln ein Eigenleben und demütigen die dritte, noch nicht fertig gestellte Figur. Die anfängliche Überlegenheit kehrt sich um, als sich diese als ihr starker großer Bruder entpuppt. Two cartoon characters come to life and mock the unfinished drawing of a third figure. Their initial superiority vanishes when the character is complete.

Ein technischer Defekt zwingt einen Roboter zur Landung seines Raumschiffs auf der Erde. Dort kommt es zur Begegnung mit zwei Unbekannten... A technical fault forces a robot to crash land on Earth. An unexpected friendship develops...

Contact: Gerd Gockell Anigraf Hannover gerd.gockell@anigraf.org

Contact: Abdollah Ali-Morad Kanoon intl_affairs@jamejam.net

Jésús Pérez

A bdol l a h A l i-Mo r a d

was born in Bolivia in 1954. He has been working in animation since 1977. Since 1995 Pérez has made diverse films for German and Swiss schools with themes relating to migration and globalisation. He took up an animation lectureship at Lucern Academy in 2002.

was born in Tehran in 1947. He enrolled at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts and after returning to Tehran enrolled at the Kanoon School of Animation. Since graduating, Alimorad has worked at Kanoon, where he has produced his entire body of work.

f ür K i nd e r a b 6 J a h r e n for children Ages 6+

P u g Dog S ta nd by England / 2007 / 1:00 min / Animation Englisch / dir Lester Mordue, Terry Brain cast Dawn French

Ein kleiner Hund kann einfach nicht einschlafen. Aber wovor hat er Angst? Something terribly annoying is keeping this little dog awake all night. An amusing clip for environmental awareness. Contact: Christian Schmied Discovery, München Christian_Schmied@discovery.com

KUK I a b 6 / We t t be werbsprogr amm KUKI ab 6 / Competition Programme

P ol a r B e a r B ul b s England / 2007 / 1:00 min / Animation Englisch / dir Lester Mordue cast Dawn French

Warum sind Energiesparlampen besser? Ein Eisbär und ein Pinguin erklären es! Why are energy-saving lightbulbs better? A polar bear and a penguin demonstrate! An amusing clip for environmental awareness. Contact: Christian Schmied Discovery, München Christian_Schmied@discovery.com

B a r ko USA / 2010 / 7:30 min / Animation No dialogues / dir, script Allison Craig animation Allison Craig, Edward Artinian, David Gerhard, Mike Roush, Parker Simmons

Barko ist ein ausgestoßener, einsamer Hund, der unfreiwillig mit einer Horde Pudeln im Zirkus arbeiten muss. Findet der Kleine irgendwann sein Glück? Barko is an outcast and lonely dog who has to work in a circus with a bunch of bothersome poodles. Will he ever find happiness? Contact: Georgette Perna festivals@titmouse.net

f ür K i nd e r a b 6 J a h r e n for children Ages 6+

Froschwe t ter Frog Weather Germany / 2011 / 6:00 min / Animation German / sub English / dir, script Pauline Kortmann / prod Laura Machutta / dop Matthias Hofmeister / sound Michal Krajczok / animation Pauline Kortmann, Ulf Grenzer, Marc Arnull, Christian Retzlaff

Es ist heiß. Der Wetterfrosch klettert auf seiner Leiter immer höher. Wenn es stimmt, was die Kinder sagen, können schlimme Dinge mit dem Klima geschehen! Was, das erfährt der arme Frosch am eigenen Leib. It’s hot and the weather frog is alarmed: What if the kids are right about the climate change? Contact: Cristina Marx / HFF – Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf” distribution@hff-potsdam.de

All ison Cr aig

is an animator currently working in Hollywood. Allison received her BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio with a focus on traditional animation. After school, she worked in Boston, animating and storyboarding children's programmes for television.

Pa ul i n e Ko r t m a n n

was born in Berlin in 1980. She studied Animation at the HFF and works as a freelance animator, director and illustrator. Her animated Western Chicken Wings was screened at many festivals, winning several awards. Frog Weather is her graduation film.

Foto: Hanns Joosten

Moderation Petra Gute


22:15 UHR


Mehringdamm 20-30, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg Reichenbergerstr. 37, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg Kollwitzstr. 17, 10405 Berlin-Prenzlauerberg Kaiserdamm 12, 14057 Berlin-Charlottenburg BouchĂŠstr. 12, 12435 Berlin-Treptow Hauptstr. 78-79, 12159 Berlin Friedenau


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in/compatible 31/01– 05/02 Berlin

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. A project of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

N.e.G.,w.d.D. s.g.i.d.S.k Noch ein Grund, weshalb die Deutschen so gern in die Schweiz kommen. 15. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, 9.-13. November 2011.

shortfilm.de is the joint short film portal of

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>> Interessenvertretung für den deutschen Kurzfilm representational and lobbying body for German short films >> Servicestelle für Kurzfilmemacher, -produzenten und Kurzfilminstitutionen service centre for filmmakers, producers and institutes involved in short film

www.ag-kurzfilm.de www.shortfilm.de www.kurzfilmtournee.de

>> Ansprechpartner für Politik, Filmwirtschaft, Filmtheater und Festivals contact source for political bodies, the film industry, cinema businesses and festivals

Die Berliner Kinder- und Familienzeitung Die Berliner Kinder- und Familienzeitung

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28. inTERnaTiOnaLES




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Program and catalog are available as of October 24, 2011.

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Gestaltung: stereobloc, Berlin | Foto: sint / photocase.com

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O D E R B E ST E L L E N U N T E R W W W. DA S M AG A Z I N . D E & T E L . : 0 3 0 / 4 8 4 9 62 3 0


58. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 26. April — 1. Mai 2012 Oberhausener Manifest 1962 — 2012 www.kurzfilmtage.de Lichtburg Filmpalast

KUKI Competition Programme 8+ / 25

KUK I a b 8 / We t t be werbsprogr amm KUKI ab 8 / Competition Programme

f ür K i nd e r a b 8 J a h r e n for children Ages 8+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / Di 15.11.2011 / 10:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / S o 20.11.2011 / 11:00 H

L a P e l o t e de L a i n e The Ball of Wool Belgium, Morocco / 2010 / 13:00 min Short fiction / French, Arabic / sub English, French / dir, script Kadijla Leclere dop Federico D’Ambrosio

Aya, ein achtjähriges Mädchen aus Casablanca, soll in der Schule etwas stricken und steht vor einem Problem. Denn ihr fehlt das Geld für die Wolle. Eine Lösung muss her. Aya, an 8 year old girl in Casablanca has to bring wool to school for a knitting project. Therein lies the problem. Her family is extremely poor and she feels compelled to find a solution. Contact: Sevara Irgacheva sevara.irgacheva@gmail.com

Marijn Netherlands / 2010 / 16:30 min Short fiction / Dutch / sub English dir, script Lilian Sijbesma / dop Paul Caspers / editor Jan van Gorkum sound Bashel de Vries, Peter van der Velden / cast Eva den Hartogh, Mattijn Hartemink, Liesbeth Kamerling

Marijns Mutter hat Zauberkräfte. Immer wenn sie etwas isst, das sie besonders mag, passieren wunderbare Dinge. Bis plötzlich etwas geschieht, das alles verändert. Marijn’s mother has magical powers. Whenever she eats her favourite food wonderful things happen. However an unforseen tragedy changes everything .

Signs Ireland / 2010 / 3:00 min / Short fiction No dialogues / dir, prod, script, editor Vincent Gallagher / dop Stevie Russell

Wer genau hinschaut, kann die alltägliche Magie und ihre Zeichen erkennen. Hier werden Schildermännchen zum Leben erweckt. Those who look closely enough will see magic wherever they go. Here you’ll see sign figures come to life in a wild urban adventure. Contact: Vincent Gallagher pullthestrings@gmail.com

Contact: Lilian Sijbesma liliansijbesma@gmail.com

V incent Gall agher

K a di jl a L e c l e r e

graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Dramatic Art in Brussels in 1997. After working as an actress for several years she became a casting director and also directed her first short Camille. Leclere just finished shooting her first feature The Bag of Flour which recounts a rather personal story.

L i l i a n S i j be sm a

lives in Amsterdam and was born in 1983. Throughout the years Sij­ besma has gathered a great deal of experience in working with children on various projects. Marijn is her graduation film and won 5 awards at the Eindhovens Film Festival in 2010.

When Vincent is not fighting wild otters off the coast of Dublin, he makes films. An alumni of the Berlinale talent campus, Vincent has directed music videos, commercials and short films. His films have screened at numerous festivals and have won awards.

KUK I a b 8 / We t t be werbsprogr amm KUKI ab 8 / Competition Programme

Q u e p e r s o n n e n e s a c h e ! Nobody knows ! France / 2011 / 10:00 min / Short fiction French / sub English / dir, script Lydia Castellano / dop Joachim Villain / editor Benoit Delbove / sound Pascal Bricard cast Gilles Trinques, Caroline Klaus, Audrey David, Gael Palomo

Die neue Mitschülerin Luna erweckt großes Interesse in der Klasse, auch bei Sébastien, der ein kleines Geheimnis hat – sein Hörgerät. Everyone likes Luna, the new girl at school. So does Sébastien, but he’s busy hiding a secret from the rest of the class – his hearing aid. Contact: Régis Ayache Ekla Production regis.a@ekla-prod.com

D a s Bi l d de r P r i n z e s s i n Princess’ Painting Germany / 2010 / 6:30 min / Compute­r­ animation / German / sub English dir Klaus Morschheuser, Johannes Weiland / script Marcus Sauermann animation Michael Herold, Harry Fast, Elmar Gutmann

Eine kleine Prinzessin versucht sich als Künstlerin und porträtiert eine Kuh. A spoilt princess declares herself an artist and expects to be admired by all her subjects. An insolent gardener dares to defy her will. Contact: Carsten Bunte contact@studiosoi.de

K l a u s Mo r s c h h e u s e r J o h a n n e s W e i l a nd Ly di a C a s t e l l a n o

is a Spanish director living in Paris. After attaining her degree in cinema studies at the Sorbonne, she currently works in international sales for documentaries. Beyond that, she has intensified her love of fiction films by directing Nobody knows!.

studied at Filmakademie Baden Württemberg. Weiland has worked as a director/animator and has directed many award winning films. Morschheuser started freelancing as an animator in 2001, later cofounded Studio Soi, where he has since animated and directed shorts and commercials.

f ür K i nd e r a b 8 J a h r e n for children Ages 8+

J ody d e l l a G i o s t r e Merry-go-round Jody Italy / 2011 / 13:30 min / Short fiction Italian / sub English / dir, script Adriano Sforzi / dop Massimiliano Pantucci editor Paolo Marzoni

Ein in Italien auf dem Jahrmarkt lebender Junge, wächst zwischen der Vielfalt seiner Umgebung und dem Problem des „Anderssein” auf. A young boy grows up in a family of travelling fun fair operators and is tired of being the outsider in every new town. Contact: Serena Gramizzi Videoinflussi serenagramizzi@videoinflussi.org

Adri ano Sforzi

studied at DAMS (Bologna). He attended IpotesiCinema and was involved in making documentaries. In 2003 Sforzi made his directorial debut with La Delizia Del Parco, winning several awards. He wrote and directed Merry-Go-Round Jody in 2010.

KUKI Competition Programme 8+ / 10+ / 27

KUK I a b 10 / We t t be werbsprogr amm f ür K i nd e r a b 1 0 J a h r e n KUKI ab 10 / Competition Programme for children Ages 10+ F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Mi 16.11.2011 / 10:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / S o 20.11.2011 / 13:00 H

The Lost Thing Australia / 2010 / 15:00 min Animation / Englisch / dir Andrew Ruhemann, Shaun Tan / prod Sophie Byrne / script Andrew Ruhemann, Shaun Tan / sound John Kassab animation Leo Baker

Ein Junge entdeckt am Strand eine bizarr anmutende Kreatur und macht sich auf die lange Suche nach seinem Besitzer oder einem Ort, an dem das Wesen zu Hause ist. A boy discovers a bizarre looking creature on the beach. Realising it is lost, he sets on to find a place where it might belong. Contact: Sophie Byrne Passion Pictures Australia sophie@passion-pictures.com.au

Mi n n i e L o v e s J u n i o r Australia / 2010 / 13:30 min / Short fiction / Englisch / dir, script Andy & Matt ­M ullins / cast Wyntah Shaw, Lartrell Stuart

W h at ‘ s Up Finland / 2010 / 5:30 min / Animation No dialogues / dir, script Meruan Salim editor Suvi Ryhänen / animation Meruan Salim, Antti Ripatti

Wie kann Minnie bloß Juniors Aufmerksamkeit erregen? Der Junge scheint sie gar nicht wahrzunehmen – bis die unerwiderte Liebe eines Tages sein Leben rettet. What does a girl have to do to get a boy’s attention? Minnie lives in a seaside fishing village. Junior lives there too. Little does he realise Minnie’s unrequited love will soon save his life.

Eines Morgens löst Huuhaa, der alleine auf seiner Insel lebt, zufällig eine überraschende Folge von Ereignissen aus. Huuhaa lives on an island floating in the emptiness. One morning he accidently sets off a surprising chain of events... Contact: Heidi Ollikainen heidi@nickdorra.com

Contact: Andy Mullins andy@sandhillroad.com.au

Me r u a n S a l i m

A ndy & M at t Mul l i n s A ndr e w R u h e m a n n

was born in 1962 and is founder of Passion Pictures. After producing animation films, features, ads and music clips Ruhemann managed the documentary division and produced Oscar winner One Day in September. His directing debut The Lost Thing was made with S h a u n Ta n and took home the 2011 Oscar for Best Short.

are brothers in their 30s who live in Australia. Together with their film partners, they have been making films for 10 years, including Kanyini. Kanyini, which was awarded with several national and international awards.

born in 1976, this is Salim’s directing debut. After studying animation at Camberwell College of Arts in London, he has worked in animation since 2004, for Anima Vitae studios among others. Salim is currently working on a television series in Helsinki.

KUK I a b 10 / We t t be werbsprogr amm f ür K i nd e r a b 1 0 J a h r e n KUKI ab 10 / Competition Programme for children Ages 10+

T h e F i r s t P h o t o o f A f ta b The First Photo of Aftab Iran / 2009 / 13:00 min / Short fiction Persian / sub English / dir, script Jafar Nourmohammadi / dop Adel Zolfi / editor Yones Nourmohamadi / cast Zinab Khosravi, Lia Heidarian

Aras’ Großmutter ist krank und hat einen letzten Wunsch. Sie möchte, dass ihr Foto neben dem des Großvaters an der Wand hängt. Doch einen Fotografen zu finden, ist gar nicht so einfach. Aras macht sich auf die Suche. Aras’ grandmother is ill and her last wish is to have her portrait taken so that it can hang alongside that of Aras’ grandfather. Photographers are hard to find in their remote area, but Aras sets ot to find one.

T h e B oy W h o Wa n t e d t o be a L i o n England / 2010 / 8:30 min / Animation Englisch / dir Alois Di Leo / prod NFTS script Jérémie Dubois / dop Benoit Soler editor Erben Bwask­g aard / sound Luis Fernandez Garcia

Ein Schulausflug in den Zoo und die Begegnung mit einem Löwen verändert das Leben des siebenjährigen Max radikal. On a school trip to the zoo, seven year old Max encounters a lion for the first time. It will change his life forever.

Contact: Juan Pablo Zaramella contact@zaramella.com.ar

J u a n Pa bl o Z a r a me l l a

A l oi s Di L e o

was born in Iran in 1968 and works for Kanissun Film Co. His filmography includes twelve films.

Eine besonders herzbewegende Nacht in der Oper... A particularly moving night at the opera...

Contact: Alois Di Leo Polly Stokes aldileo@sinlogobr.com

Contact: Jafar Nourmohammadi Seminar für Iranistik kanissunfilm@gmail.com

J a fa r N o u r moh a mm a di

E n L a Op e r a At the Opera Argentina / 2010 / 1:00 min / Animation No dialogues / dir, script, dop, editor, animation Juan Pablo Zaramella

was born in Peru and grew up in Brazil, where he co-founded the animation studio SINLOGO. Later he studied at the National Film and Television School. The Boy who wanted to be a Lion is Di Leo’s graduation film and has played at many festivals and won several prizes.

graduated at the Instituto de Arte Cinematografico de Avellaneda as an animation director. He started out by making animated ads and then worked as a newspaper illustrator. Zaramella now makes independent short films and has won many prizes.

KUKI Competition Programme 10+ / 12+ / 29

KUKI ab 12 / Wet tbewerbsprogr amm f ür Jugendl iche a b 12 Ja hr en KUKI ab 12 / Competition Programme for Youth Ages 12+ F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / Do 17.11.2011 / 10:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / S a 19.11.2011 / 15:00 H

S ome t h i n g L e f t, S ome t h i n g Ta k e n USA / 2010 / 10:30 min / Animation English / dir, script, animation Max Porter, Ru Kuwahata / dop, editor Max Porter / sound Greg Sextro

H a i e n Komme r Shark Bait Norway / 2009 / 10:00 min / Short fiction / Norwegian / sub English dir, script, editor Toni Nordli dop Kim Sletback Groustra

Ein Pärchen kommt in San Francisco an und steigt in ein Taxi, das von einem Mörder, dem sogenannten Zodiac Killer, gefahren wird. Oder etwa nicht...? After arriving in San Fransico, a couple take a taxi that seems to be driven by the notorious murderer, the Zodiac Killer. Or could they be wrong..

Die anderen Jungen aus der Schule nutzen jede Gelegenheit, um Erlend zu zeigen, dass er nicht dazu gehört. Sein älterer Bruder verlangt von ihm, seine Probleme mit Gewalt zu lösen. Erlend is bullied at school, and his older brother implores him to use violence to solve his problems.

Contact: Ru Kuwahata Tiny Inventions ru@tinyinventions.com

Contact: Nini Castaneda nini.castaneda@gmail.com

M a n ol o Germany / 2010 / 18:00 min / Short fiction / German / sub English dir, script, editor Robert Bohrer / dop Max Preiss / sound Hannes Gwisdek cast Branco Saciri, Odine Johne, Eric Klotzsch

Im Freibad erwartet Manolo eine Bewährungsprobe: der Stubenhocker soll auf dem Sprungturm gegen den Arschbombenkönig Mike antreten. On a sunny afternoon at the pool, 12 year-old Manolo has to face his fears: Will he stand up to his big cousin Mike, the notorious splashdive-hotshot? Contact: Erica Margoni margoni@dffb.de

T o n i N o r dl i M a x P or t e r R u K u wa h ata

Known for their playful and humorous mixed-media animations, Porter and Kuwahata combine handcrafted art, photography and digital techniques. Their work has won numerous awards and screened in over 200 festivals worldwide. In 2011, they began a two-year residency at the Netherlands Institute of Animated Film.

was born in Northern Norway and became interested in filmmaking after creating documentaries at high school. He studied at Nordland College of Art and Film and also studied psychology at the University of Tromsø. Nordli is currently working on a variety of film projects and writing screenplays.

Rober t Bohrer

was born in 1979. To call him passionate would be an understatement. The topics Bohrer chooses for his films absorb him entirely. He loves to lose himself in his work and eventually resurface with authentic images and stories.

KUKI ab 12 / Wet tbewerbsprogr amm f ür Jugendl iche a b 12 Ja hr en KUKI ab 12 / Competition Programme for Youth Ages 12+

O r s olya Hungary / 2009 / 7:30 min / Animation Hungarian / sub English / dir, script, animation Bella Szederkényi / prod József Fülöp / editor Judit Czakó

Eines Tages erlebt Orsolyas Körper eine unerwartete Wandlung. Ab dem Zeitpunkt steht ihre Welt plötzlich auf dem Kopf. One day, Orsolya discovers a sudden change in her body that turns her world upside down. Contact: Bella Szederkényi Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest bella.szederkenyi@gmail.com

Di r k j a n H e e r s t ! Dirkjan Rules! Netherlands / 2010 / 2:30 min / Animation No dialogues / dir Remco Polman, Wilfred Ottenheijm / script Remco Polman, Wilfred Ottenheijm, Mark Retera animation Remco Polman, Wilfred Ottenheijm, Bas Hesen

Dirkjan, ein Außenseiter, wird der Führer der Welt. Woher kommt bloß plötzlich sein Hunger nach Macht? Dirkjan is an outsider who suddenly becomes the ruler of the world. Just where did this sudden hunger for power come from? Contact: Ursula van den Heuvel Netherlands Institute for Animation Film ursula@niaf.nl

Ik Be n E e n Me i s j e ! I Am A Girl! Netherlands / 2010 / 15:00 min Documentary / Dutch / sub English dir, script, editor Susan Koenen dop Reinout Steenhuizen / sound Bouwe Mulder

Joppe ist ein selbstbewusstes, hübsches Mädchen, das ein Auge auf Brian geworfen hat. Doch Brian weiß nicht, dass Joppe als Junge geboren wurde. Joppe is a bubbly and attractive 13 year old girl who has a crush on Brian. What Brian doesn’t know is that Joppe was born as a boy. Contact: Susan Koenen Komedia ikhebeenplan@xs4all.nl

B e l l a Sz e de r k é n y i

studied Visual Communication at Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design. Orsolya is her graduation film. In 2010 she joined the Animation Section of Hungarian Filmmakers and in 2011 has attended workshop-based training programmes at three prestigious European media schools (Wales, Budapest and Paris).

R e mc o P ol m a n W i l f r e d O t t e n h e i jm

Polman is an animator and Ottenheijm works as a cartoonist and illustrator. Together they founded the animation production company Mooves.

S u s a n Ko e n e n

is a documentary filmmaker, born in Den Haag in 1974. Intrigued by subjects who can be a rolemodel to others, Koenen’s work has screened at numerous film festivals worldwide, and has won numerous awards.

KUKI Competition Programme 12+ / KUKI Special Programmes / 31

KUK I SP 01 / K ITA Progr amm f ür K i nd e r a b 4 J a h r e n KUKI SP 01 / Kindergarten Programme for Children Ages 4+ F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / F r 18.11.2011 / 9:30 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / S a 19.11.2011 / 10:00 H

K t o j e ta m ? Who’s There? Slovakia / 2010 / 9:30 min / Animation English / dir, script Vanda Raymanova dop Michal Struss / editor Marek Sulik sound Tobias Potocny, Martin Merc, Michal Pekarek / animation Vanda Raymanova, Michal Struss, Gabriela Klaucova / cast Mona Marshall, Petra Polnisova

Zwei Jungs beschließen ein Haus zum Schutz vor dem Wolf zu bauen. Eine abenteuerliche Geschichte über Mut und Freundschaft. Two boys decide to build a house that will protect them from the wolf they fear. An adventurous story about courage, solidarity and friendship. Contact: Vanda Raymanova / plaftik, s.r.o. whoistherefilm@gmail.com

L a v i e de P ox y Poxy ’s Life Belgium / 2010 / 6:00 min / Animation Short fiction / Swahili / sub English dir Louise-Marie Colon, Benjamin Vinck, 15 enfants Congolais / script, dop, animation 15 enfants Congolais / editor Benjamin Vinck

Die Armut zwingt Poxys Mutter das Mädchen zu ihrer Tante zu schicken, wo das Leben alles andere als einfach ist. Extreme poverty forces Poxy’ mother to send the young cow away to her aunt, where she finds her new life terribly unfair. Contact: Sarah Martin / Camera-etc sarah.martin@camera-etc.be

T i g e r i s Tiger Latvia / 2010 / 8:00 min / Animation No dialogues / dir, script Janis Cimermanis / prod Production Film Studio AB (Animacijas Brigade) / dop Evalds Lacis animation Maris Brinkmanis

Eine düstere Karawane erreicht nachts die Stadt. Am nächsten Tag finden Kinder eine große Kiste auf der Straße, aus der seltsame Geräusche kommen. Das berühmte Rettungsteam eilt schon zur Hilfe... A circus caravan reaches the town in the middle of the night. Next day, several children find a huge box in the middle of the road and hear strange sounds coming from it... Contact: Janis Cimermanis / Film Studio AB (Animacijas Brigade), Maris Putnins ab.studija@apollo.lv

L e s Me t i e r s Jobs France / 2010 / 4:00 min / Animation French / sub English / dir, sound, animation Florian Landouzy

Bäcker, Chirurg, Anwalt: Drei Berufe in drei Geschichten aus der Sicht von Kindern erklärt. A baker, a surgeon and a lawyer: three professions explained from a child’s perspective. Contact: Florian Landouzy / Supamonks contact@supamonks.com

KUK I SP 02 / KUKI SP 02 /

„ Z um F r e s s e n g e r n ” D a s E s s e n - u nd Um w e lt p r og r a mm “Food for Thought” Environmental Focus for ages 8+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Di 15.11.2011 / 9:30 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Do 17.11.2011 / 12:00 H

Pa ol a p o ul e p o nde u s e Paola the Good Layer Belgium / 2008 / 5:30 min / Animation Short fiction / French / sub English dir, editor Louise-Marie Colon / script, dop, animation 50 children

Der Arbeitstag in einer Legebatterie ist lang und schwer. Als das Huhn Paola Post von ihrem Cousin bekommt, der auf dem Land lebt, entscheidet sie sich für die Flucht. The working days are long and hard at a battery farm. When Paola the chicken receives a letter from her country cousin, she decides to escape to a better life. Contact: Louise-Marie Colon / Camera-etc info@camera-etc.be

Lezare For Today Ethiopia / 2010 / 14:00 min / Short fiction / Amharic / sub English / dir, prod, script Zelalem Woldemariam / cast Yemeserach Gembero, Binyam Teshome

Abush hat Hunger und möchte helfen. Am Baumpflanztag führt seine Kurzsichtigkeit zum Drama. Abush is hungry and wants to help. On tree-planting day his shortsightedness is the cause of a dramatic scene. Contact: Zelalem Woldemariam Zeleman Production zelalem.woldemariam@gmail.com

Supermarke t Bags England / 2007 / 1:00 min / Animation English / dir Lester Mordue / cast Dawn French

Warum sich an der Kasse immer neue Einkaufstüten geben lassen? Tiere geben Tipps für ein umweltbewusstes Leben! When clever creatures go shopping, they go prepared! An amusing clip for environmental awareness. Contact: Christian Schmied Discovery, München Christian_Schmied@discovery.com

Cow Gas England / 2007 / 1:00 min / Animation English / dir Lester Mordue / cast Dawn French

Hier wird verraten, warum die Umwelt geschützt wird, wenn man weniger Fleisch isst. Hört auf die Kühe! How can we help the planet by eating less meat? Listen to the cow, she knows! An amusing clip for environmental awareness. Contact: Christian Schmied Discovery, München Christian_Schmied@discovery.com

Tegan the Vegan Australia / 2010 / 13:00 min / Animation Short fiction / English / dir Marisa Martin dop Michael O’Rourke

Tegan findet raus, wo Fleisch herkommt und entscheidet sich für ein veganes Leben. Gar nicht so leicht, wenn man gegen die Meinungen der Freunde, Lehrer und Familie ankämpfen muss. Tegan just found out where meat comes from and decides to become a vegan. Everyone around her thinks differently however and give her a hard time. Contact: Belinda Barancewicz / EoR Media belinda@eormedia.com.au

KUKI Special Programmes / 33

KUK I SP 02 / KUKI SP 02 /

„ Z um F r e s s e n g e r n ” D a s E s s e n - u nd Um w e lt p r og r a mm “Food for Thought” Environmental Focus for ages 8+

Sl im Pickings Australia / 1998 / 4:30 min Animation / No dialogues dir Anthony Lucas

Der alte Mann ist hungrig, doch die Tomatenpflanze auf der Fensterbank wächst nicht und trägt keine Frucht. Da glaubt der Mann plötzlich eine Lösung zu finden... An old man is hungry and the tomato plant on his windowsill doesn’t bear any fruit. He thinks he has found the perfect solution... Contact: Bronwyn Kidd / Flickerfest director@flickerfest.com.au

A r r o s e z l e s bi e n ! water generously France / 2008 / 7:00 min / Animation French / sub English / dir, script, dop Christelle Soutif / editor Nicolas Stretta

Gustave versucht seinem RaupenProblem mit Gerblo-Getreide ent­ gegen zu wirken, das laut eines Vertreters eine wahre Wunderwaffe gegen die Plagegeister sei. Leider greift es nicht nur die Raupen an. A farmer tries to control his caterpillar problem with a new grain that promises to act as a wonder weapon against pests. Unfortunately, caterpillars are not the only thing it attacks... Contact: Christelle Soutif christellesoutif@hotmail.com

Z e b u a nd T h e P h o t o F i s h Uganda / 2010 / 12:00 min / Short fiction English / dir, script Zipporah Nyaruri prod Maisha Film Lab / dop Jean Claude Ingabire / editor Godwin Otuoma sound Robert Nkambo / cast Benjamin Abemigisha, James King Bagyenzi, Kaya Kagimu Mukasa

Der zehnjährige Zebu schlägt einen Geschäftsmann mit seinen eigenen Waffen, um seiner Familie zu helfen. In order to help his family out of debt, 10 year old Zebu beats a business man at his own game. Contact: Zipporah Nyaruri Visual Asili Limited info@zippynyaruri.com

KUK I SP 03 / KUKI SP 03 /

„ S c h a u a u f di e W e lt ” Do k ume n ta r f i l me f ür K i nd e r a b 1 0 J a h r e n “Watch the World” Documentaries for Ages 10+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Mo 14.11.2011 / 12:00 H Pa s s a g e K i n o 1 / Do 17.11.2011 / 10:30 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / F r 18.11.2011 / 10:00 H

L i t t l e Mi s s N e u köl l n Germany / 2011 / 13:30 min Documentary / German, Turkish / sub English / dir Stepan Altrichter / script Stepan Altrichter, Stefan Höh / dop Anja Läufer / editor Francis Kamprath sound Johannes Repka

Aleynas großer Traum ist es, Bollywoodtänzerin zu werden. Weder ihr Gewicht noch ihre Nervosität sollen ihr bei ihrem ersten Auftritt im Weg stehen. It is Aleyna’s great wish to become a Bollywood dancer. In the weeks leading up to her first big performance she struggles with nervosity and talks candidly about being bullied at school. Contact: Cristina Marx / HFF – Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen “Konrad Wolf” distribution@hff-potsdam.de

S i k i t i ko – de H a nd va n de Ko n i n g Sikitiko – the King’s Hand Belgium / 2010 / 9:00 min / Documentary Short fiction / Dutch / sub English dir, script, editor, sound Pieter De Vos dop Sebastiaan Beysen

Eine mysteriöse Gruppe raubt die Hand eines Monuments des Königs Leopold II. Politischer Aktivismus mit etwas unwirklichen Folgen – ein Mädchen rekonstruiert! In 2004, a mysterious group of activists abducted the hand of a statue honouring King Leopold II, setting off a surreal chain of events. Contact: Pieter De Vos pieterdvs@yahoo.com

AmAr India / 2011 / 9:30 min / Documentary No dialogues / dir, dop Andrew Hinton

Dol p h i n S mi l e Israel / 2009 / 14:30 min / Documentary Hebrew / sub English / dir Gil Lesnik prod Adriana Segal Witting / editor Vika Shor

Um das Leben von Delfinen zu schützen, nimmt eine Gruppe von Kindern den Kampf gegen die Verschmutzung eines Riffs auf. A group of children fight to protect the dolphins living near their local reef from industrial polution. Contact: Tal Argaman / IBA zap.iba@gmail.com

Ik b e n e c h t n i e t b a n g ! I’m never afraid! Netherlands / 2010 / 20:00 min Documentary / Dutch / sub English dir Willem Baptist / dop Dirk-Jan Kerkkamp / editor Albert Markus

Amar ist 14 Jahre alt und der Hauptverdiener seiner Familie. Neben der Schule hat er zwei Jobs. Amar is 14 and top of his class. Someday he’d like to be a professional cricketer, but for now he’s the family’s main breadwinner.

Mack ist acht Jahre alt, Motocrossfahrer, clever und zu erwachsen für sein Alter, denn er wird ständig mit dem Tod konfrontiert. Mack is 8 years old, motocross rider, clever and wise beyond his years. In contrast to children his own age, he is constantly confronted by death.

Contact: Andrew Hinton / Pilgrim Films ah23@me.com

Contact: Mete Gümürhan / Kaliber Film mete@kaliberfilm.nl

KUKI Special Programmes / 35

KUK I SP 04 / KUKI SP 04 /

„W h at ‘ s u p ? “ Sp r a c h p r og r a mm E n gl i s c h a b 14 J a h r e “What ’s Up?” English Programme for Ages 14+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Do 17.11.2011 / 9:30 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / F r 18.11.2011 / 12:00 H

Mam England / 2010 / 15:00 min / Short fiction / English / dir Hugo Speer / script Vivienne Harvey / dop Sam Care / editor Josh Levinsky / sound Brian Gray / cast Ronan Carter, Josie Lawrence, Paul Barber

Wenn Dannys Mutter nicht aus dem Bett kommt, muss sich der 12-Jährige um seine Geschwister kümmern. Dabei versucht er ein Geheimnis zu wahren, damit die Famile nicht auseinander bricht. When mum doesn’t get out of bed, twelve year-old Danny must fend for his brothers and sisters – whilst trying to protect a secret that threatens to break up the family forever. Contact: Rob Speranza / South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network speranza@btconnect.com

S ome t h i n g F i s h y Australia / 2010 / 14:30 min / Short fiction / English / dir, script Ben Young dop Richard Kickbush / editor Alex Smee

Zwei unzertrennliche Freunde: Nick, ein weißer Junge und Trev, ein Aboriginee. Eines Tages geht einer ihrer Streiche schrecklich schief. Nick and Trev are best friends who do everything together, including getting up to trouble! The fact that their skin colour is different means nothing to them until the day something goes terribly wrong. Contact: Dan Wood / 17° South Films dan.wood@17south.com.au

Vovô Wales / 2010 / 2:30 min / Animation English, Portuguese / sub English script, editor, sound, animation Luiz Lafayette Stockler

Ein etwas eigenbrötlerischer und doch ganz normaler Junge berichtet von seinem Opa, der plötzlich stirbt. A somewhat eccentric but otherwise normal boy talks about his grandfather who suddenly died. Contact: Luiz Lafayette Stockler luizstockler86@gmail.com

W i s h 143 Ireland / 2009 / 24:00 min / Short fiction / English / dir Ian Barnes / prod Samanta Waite / script Tom Bidwell editor Sam Williams

Ein 15-jähriger Krebskranker bekommt von der „Dreamscape Foun­­­dation” einen Wunsch frei. Was er will? Seine Jungfräulichkeit verlieren! A terminally ill 15 year old is granted one wish from the Dreamscape Foundation: He wants to lose his virginity! Contact: Ian Barnes ian.barnes1@blueyonder.co.uk

S ome t h i n g L e f t, S ome t h i n g Ta k e n USA / 2010 / 10:30 min / Animation English / dir, script, animation Max Porter, Ru Kuwahata / dop, editor Max Porter / sound Greg Sextro

Ein Pärchen kommt in San Francisco an und steigt in ein Taxi, das von einem Killer gefahren wird. Oder etwa nicht...? After arriving in San Fransico, a couple take a taxi that seems to be driven by a killer. Or could they be wrong... Contact: Ru Kuwahata / Tiny Inventions ru@tinyinventions.com

KUK I SP 05 / KUKI SP 05 /

„ ¿Q u é o nd a ? “ Sp r a c h p r og r a mm Spa n i s c h a b 14 J a h r e “¿Qué onda?” Spanish Programme for Ages 14+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Di 15.11.2011 / 12:00 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / Mi 16.11.2011 / 9:30 H

Q UIEN ES ECHE G OYEN ? Who is Echegoyen? Argentina / 2010 / 14:00 min / Short fiction / Spanish / dir Sergio Nicolas Teubal / script Carina Catelli

Ver llover Mexico / 2006 / 13:00 min / Short fiction / Spanish / dir,script Elisa Miller dop Jimena Montemayor / editor Ares Botanch

Ein Bankangestellter ist 1978 für den Verkauf der WM-Tickets verantwortlich und beginnt persönlichen Nutzen daraus zu ziehen. Ein Dilemma! Through chance, a bank clerk is made responsible for the sale of the 1978 World Cup tickets. When it transpires that he has kept the best seats for himself he finds himself in a tortuous dilemma.

Zwei Teenager leben in einem Dorf in Mexico. Sofia will das Leben hinter sich lassen. Jonas muss sich entscheiden: Mitgehen oder bleiben? Two teenagers in a small Mexican town. While Sofia can’t wait to leave and take Jonas with her, he has a hard time weighing up the options.

Contact: Sergio Nicolas Teubal sergio@metropolisfilms.net

N o c o r r a s ta n t o Take it Easy Spain / 2008 / 4:30 min / Animation Music video clip / Spanish / dir, prod, script, dop, editor, animation Cesar Diaz Meléndez

Contact: Iván Gutiérrez Araico Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía International Film Festivals difuinte@imcine.gob.mx

A f u e r a Outside Mexico / 2011 / 11:00 min / Short fiction Spanish / dir, script Carlos Godínez / dop Arturo Muñoz / editor Manuel Gonzalez, Cesar O.G. Valdez

Allein aus Sandkörnern schafft dieses Musikvideo ein wunderbar verträumtes Lebensgefühl. Grains of sand convey a wonderfully dreamlike attitude towards life in this animated music video.

Das Baby Adolfo kommentiert unsere Welt und beschließt im Bauch seiner Mutter zu bleiben... After contemplating the tragic state of the world Adolfo, an intelligent baby, decides not to leave his mother’s womb...

Contact: Cesar Diaz Meléndez cesarlinga@gmail.com

Contact: Paola Villa / Box Set paolavilla@gmail.com

L o s 4 Mc N i f i ko s Spain / 2010 / 5:30 min / Short fiction English, Spanish / dir, script Tucker Davila Wood / dop Peio Arizmendi

Vor 30 Jahren finden drei Jugendliche zusammen, die auf der Straße die New Yorker Breakdance-Bewegung der späten 70er etablieren wollen. 30 years ago, the Breakdance movement was born! At least that’s what the aging hipsters from Los 4 McNifikos claim. Contact: Tucker Davila Wood / Mankuso tdw@mankuso.com

L a H u i d a The Runaway Spain / 2010 / 11:00 min / Short fiction Spanish / dir, script Victor Carrey / dop Bet Rourich / editor Martí Roca, Israel L. Escudero

Kaugummi. Eine Hundeleine. An der Wand ein Fleck in Form von Australien. All diese Dinge haben eine eigene Geschichte und doch formen sie zusammen einen neuen Plot. Chewing gum . A dog leash. A stain shaped like Australia. Each of these elements has its own story, but together they create an entirely new plot. Contact: Lita Roig / Escandalo Films lita.roig@escac.es

KUKI Special Programmes / 37

KUK I SP 06 / KUKI SP 06 /

„ Q u oi de n e u f ? ” Sp r a c h p r og r a mm F r a n z ö s i s c h a b 14 J a h r e “Quoi de neuf?” French Programme for Ages 14+

F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 2 / Mo 14.11.2011 / 9:30 H F i l m t h e at e r a m F r i e dr i c h s h a i n K i n o 1 / Mi 16.11.2011 / 12:00 H

Agl a e e France / 2010 / 20:00 min / Short fiction French / dir, script Rudi Rosenberg / dop Regis Blondeau / editor Emmanuelle Pencalet / sound Remi Gille, Frederic Le Louet, Julien Perez

Eine verlorene Wette zwingt Benoit die körperlich behinderte Aglaee um ein Date zu bitten. After losing a bet, Benoit’s friends dare him to ask to ask a physically disabled girl out on a date. Contact: Rudi Rosenberg rudirosenberg@gmail.com

S a i n t e-C é c i l e : L o u Canada / 2010 / 4:00 min / Short fiction Experimental / French / dir, script Alexandre Dostie / dop David Leblanc, Benoit Paillé / editor David Leblanc, Martin Saulnier / animation Martin Saulnier cast Gwendoline Côté

C a pp u c c i n o Switzerland / 2010 / 15:30 min / Short fiction / French / dir, script Tamer Ruggli dop René Schönenberger / editor Julie Lena / sound Nadja Gubser / cast Benjamin Décosterd, Manuela Biedermann, Anton Ciurlia

Der schüchterne Jérémie trägt seine Homosexualität als Geheimnis mit sich herum. Zwischen Damien, seinem Schwarm, und seiner überdrehten Mutter versucht Jérémie seinen Weg zu finden. Jérémie is a shy teenager who keeps his homosexuality secret. Between the crush he has on Damien and the antics of his loving but over-the-top mother, Jérémie tries to find his way in the world. Contact: Tamer Ruggli tamino1@gmx.ch

Amsterdam France / 2010 / 19:30 min / Short fiction French / dir Etienne Philippe / script Etienne Philippe, Yves Caumon / editor Christian Cuilleron

Bruno muss eine Reise nach Amsterdam absagen, um in den Weinbergen zu arbeiten. Dort freundet er sich mit dem jungen Algerier Hakim an, der ihn mit einer völlig fremden Welt konfrontiert. Bruno has to cancel a planned trip to Amsterdam and work in a vineyard instead. There he meets Hakim, an Algerian who inadvertently con­ fronts him with an entirely new world. Contact: Karine Blanc distribution@takami-productions.com

T ou t l e monde di t je t ’a ime Everyone says I love you France / 2010 / 6:00 min / Short fiction French / dir, script Cecile Ducrocq / dop David Chizallet, Damien Maestraggi

Die Straßen von Sainte-Cécile sind Lous persönlicher Spielplatz. Nur draußen fühlt sie sich frei. Eines Tages entdeckt sie eine abenteuerliche Tür. Outside, on streets of Sainte-Cecile is the only place Lou can feel truly free. One day she discovers a door that leads to a new adventure.

„Ich liebe Dich”. Die Bedeutung dieser drei Worte muss sofort mit der besten Freundin ausdiskutiert werden. “I love you.” The meaning of these three words is immediately dissected and discussed with her best girlfriend.

Contact: Catherine Thériault / Travelling info@travellingdistribution.com

Contact: Stéphane Demoustier / Année Zéro jeannedemoustier@hotmail.com

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