interior new york issue 5

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A True Expression of Beauty.



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living and more

TABLE OF CONTENT Sleek and Shiny Stainless Steel Kitchens A Modern look with ease to clean.

Ellis Island Gateway to America Tracing your roots from the first step on Ellis Island

The Club At Cloves Lake Park

Rub a dub dub.... What kind of a tub? Your bath is probably the only place you have any solitude,pick what will make you feel luxuriously.

Hassle-Free Kitchen Remodeling It’s Hip to be Square Choosing that great tile look may look simple but with all those choices, it may not be so easy

Ingredients for a Successful Kitchen You’ll find it here so, get ready to start mixing!

Ice Skating in New York City. There’s one near you and the two new rinks make it easy to get up and go.

Get Organized Setting the perfect table. Where does that bread dish go again?

NYC Factoids So you think you know it all? Not so fast, read this trivia.

Advertisers Directory 4 INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008

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his months feature article; Ellis Island, Gateway to America is all about family... ours, and traces the historyof this tiny island in the East River that is connected to somany of us. Kitchens, kitchens, and kitchens!! Whether you like them sleek and shiny, traditional, or rustic, we’ll guide you through the maze. This month we take a look at the materials available, and how to select the right components to make your dream kitchen come true. If your winter project is remodeling the bathroom, then you already know that choosing the right bathtub is more than just a white tub against the wall. We’ll explore the recent breakthroughs in materials and design to make your evening soak a truly enjoyable experience. If you’re like me, when setting the table I’m never quite sure where the butter knife goes or which fork goes where. This months Getting Organized solves this age old problem, and even explains where the sea food fork goes. New York City is a winter wonderland, chock full of places to go and things to see. When was the last time you took to the ice for a spin or spinout ice skating? With so manyrinks in the city, there’s one near you. We’ll show you where they are. Come on and join the fun! Wishing you the peace that comes from watching snow fall without a sound.

living and more



The joy of having favorite friends and loved ones gathered round. The hope that’s born on winter nights when stars shine bright and clear... And happiness to fill your home throughout the coming year!


CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Interior New York has openings in its sales department. Commissioned sales are offered at a competitive rate in a great work environment. Please contact Carole Delmonico at (718) 854-3773

Sleek and Shiny Stainless Steel Kitchens


henyouthinkofaroomfurnished entirelywithstainlesssteel,what’s thefirstimagethatcomestomind? It’sprobablysomethingcoldandsterile, like a doctor’s office. Hard cold steel may not seem like the mostinvitingmaterialtouseinyourhome,

but it has found a place in recent years, particularly in our kitchens. Even a cursory bit of channel surfing willshowtheunprecedentedpopularity of stainless steel kitchens - they appear everywhere from the Food Network to MTV’s Cribs. However, the popularity


of the former can not be overlooked in thedevelopmentofthislatesttrend.With peopletakinganincreasedinterestinfood and cooking, they are looking more and moreforthecommercialgradeappliances that they see on television. These appliances,whicharetheheartandsoulof

thekitchen,areprimarilyconstructedof stainless steel. But the popularity of stainless steel has gone beyond its ubiquitous use in refrigerators and stoves. Virtually everythingyoucouldpossiblyconceiveof puttinginyourkitcheniscurrentlybeing madeofstainlesssteel.Therearestainless steel counter-tops, islands, cabinets, dishwashers, mixers, coffee-makers, sinks, pots, pans, utensils, and storage containers. Whyisstainlesssteelsopopular?Partly because it is - stainless! Let’s face it, kitchenscangetdirtygivenallthecooking thatgoesoninthem,andthereisnothing

betterthanasurfacewhichlendsitselfto easy clean-up. The sleek and clean appearance of stainlesssteelisparticularlyappealingin acultureobsessedwithgermsandkeeping thingssanitary.Cleanlinessisextremely important in the kitchen, where crosscontaminationoffoodisalwaysaconcern, and people like the idea of a substance throughwhichgermscannotpenetrate. Besidesbeingstain-resistantandeasyto clean,stainlesssteelisalsoverydurable and hard to damage. Theoretically, stainlesssteelcanlastforever,oratleast decades. The only potential problem withstainlesssteelisthedevelopmentof

scratches,whichcanbehardtoremove.If yourstainlesssteelcountertopsbecome excessively scratched, the good news is thatstainlesssteeliseasilyreplacedand 100% recyclable. Stainless steel is also very costeffective when compared to other materials commonly used in kitchen remodeling.Materialslikegraniteand marble,commonlyusedforcounter-tops, can be costly. If you are not interested in remodeling the entire kitchen, these materialsmayalsobelesscompatiblewith featuresofyourkitchenyouwouldliketo keep, like your cabinetry. Aside from these more practical



Stainless steel is also very cost-effective when compared to other materials

concerns,therealappealofstainless steel kitchens are their modern and sleek appearance. A stainless steel kitchen can be designed to fit any home or choice of décor. From the ultra-modern to the ultra-rustic, stainless steel appliances, countertops and cabinetry can be designed tofitanylook.Toavoidtheantiseptic andsterile look of a doctor’s office, trypairingstainlesssteelappliances, counter-topsandcabinetrywithrustic woodflooringorwood-grainedwall panels.Or,addcolorortrendymodern furnitureintoyourdesignschemefora more contemporary appearance. Anothergreatbenefitofstainless steelappliancesaretheirvarietyand versatility. While everyone may be familiar with giant stainless steel refrigerators commonly seen on television,thereisactuallygreatdiversity inthetypesofstainlesssteelrefrigerators that are currently available. To avoid havingamonster-sizedrefrigeratortaking up space in your kitchen, consider using severalsmallrefrigeratorunitswhichare designedtofitunderneathyourcountertops. Whenchoosingstainlesssteelappliances and cabinetry for your kitchen, keep in mind that there are two basic types of stainless steel. Commonly referred to

as the “300 series” and the “400 series,” these two types of stainless steel have slightlydifferentcharacteristicswhich mayinfluenceyourdecisionaboutwhat kindofstainlesssteelisrightforyou.The “400series”isnotascorrosionresistantas the “300 series,”butitismagnetic,which may be important to those of us who are fond of refrigerator magnets. Inaddition,themagnetic“400series”is alsomorecompatiblewiththemagnetic utensilholderswhicharereallyalltherage these days. Gone is the need to scrounge


through a drawer to find your favorite knife.Withamagneticutensilholder,you cansimplystickittoyourwallanditwill be ready for you the next time you need it.Therearealsosmallmagneticcanisters designedtosticktoyourcabinetrywhich canbeusedtokeepfrequentlyuseditems, like spices, close at hand. Soifyouarethinkingaboutremodeling your kitchen - go sleek and shiny! The timelessqualityofstainlesssteelreallyis the wave of the future!

Ellis Island Gateway to America


powerful symbol ofAmerica’s heritage as a nation of immigrants,EllisIslandwasthe answertoLadyLiberty’scall to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddledmassesyearningtobreathefree.” Over twelve million immigrants passed throughEllisIslandfrom1892-1954,and todaynearlyhalfofallAmericanscan tracetheirancestrytoatleastoneperson who passed through the island. EllisIslandgetsitsnamefromSamuel

Ellis, a NewYork merchant who owned asmalltavernontheislandthatcatered tofisherman.AfterEllis’deathin1808, hisrelativessoldtheislandtoNewYork State, but the name “Ellis Island” has stuck with it to this day.The following yeartheFederalGovernmentpurchased the island for $10,000. Theislandservedasanarmoryanda militarybarracksduringtheWarof1812. Infact,anarsenalof20batterygunsand powdermagazinesremainedontheisland


until1890,frighteningnearbyresidents ofJerseyCity,BrooklynandManhattan, who feared explosions. In 1890, the U.S. Congress appropriated $75,000 to build the first Immigration Station on Ellis Island. A 1,250footchannelwasdredgedandnew dockswereconstructedtoaccommodate theincomingships.Thesizeoftheisland wasdoubledwithlandfillthatlargely camefromthediggingofNewYorkCity’s subway tunnels.

During construction, 80% of the nation’s immigrantswereprocessedattheBargeStationonthe Battery,whichwaslocatedonthetipofManhattan. In1892,thefirstImmigrationStationatEllisIsland officiallyopened.A15-yearold“rosycheekedIrish girl,” namedAnnie Moore, was the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island. She came to NewYork City,alongwithhertwoyoungerbrothers,tojoinher parents who were already in the country. 700immigrantspassedthroughEllisIslandonits opening day, during which time three ships landed. Although this was an impressive number, it was INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008 13

nothing compared to the sheer volume ofhumanitythatwouldpassthroughthe islandinlatermonthsandyears.Nearly 450,000immigrantspassedthroughEllis Island during its first year alone. The original Immigration Station at Ellis Island, which was constructed of wood with a slate roof, was completely destroyed in a fire on June 15, 1897. The cause of the fire is not known, but is believedtobefaultywiring.Fortunately,

therewerenofatalitiesinthefire,butmany immigrationrecords,especiallyfromthe year 1855, were destroyed. Theprocessingofimmigrantsreverted back to the Barge Office while a new, fireproofImmigrationStationwasbeing constructed. On Dec. 17, 1900, the current Main Building of Ellis Island opened. A mammothFrenchRenaissancestructure ofredbrickwithlimestonetrim,themain


building is most notable for its four cupola-styletowersandthecavernous second-floor Registry Room.The airy and open Registry Room features a dramaticvaultedceilingaddedin1918. The Guastavinos, a family of Spanish immigrants, constructed the ceiling usingavaultingtechniquethatallowsthe ceilingtosupportitselfwithouttheneed for a central scaffolding. The Main Building is 338 feet long and168feetwide.Theentirefirstfloor was used as a baggage receiving room (whichiscurrentlypreservedaspartof themuseum)andarailroadticketoffice. ThesecondflooristheRegistryRoom, andacatwalkabovetheRegistryRoom houseddormitories.Otherroomsinthe MainBuildinginclude:administrative offices, records rooms, inquiry board hearing rooms, and a money exchange. TheEllisIslandImmigrationStation cost $1.5 million and was added to two times.First,anewthree-acreislandwas addedtoaccommodatehospitalwardsand anadministrativebuilding.In1910,athird 5-acreislandwasaddedwithadditional hospital facilities so immigrants with contagious diseases could be isolated. All told, more than 12 million

immigrants passed through Ellis Islandontheirwaytofulfillingthe American Dream. President John F. Kennedy put it best in his book, A Nation of Immigrants, “There wereprobablyasmanyreasonsfor coming to America as there were people who came.” Althoughimmigrant’sreasons for coming were numerous, the importance of one primary motivating factor can not be overlooked-economichardshipand the promise of a better life. For most families, the decision to come toAmerica was not an easy one.Inmanycases,theentirefamily wouldscrimpandsavetopayforthe passage of a single family member, usuallythefatheroreldestson.Once in America, this family member would then work to save money to purchasepre-paidticketsfortherest of the family to join them. ThejourneytotheUnitedStates

wasanarduousoneandoftentook months,ifnotyears.Justgettingto theportwasamajorundertakingfor many immigrants, some of whom had never even been out of their home-town before. Immigrants wouldtravelbytrain,wagon,horse, donkey,orevenonfoottoreachthe port.Oncethere,theyoftenhadto waitdays,weeks,orevenmonthsfor theirpaperworktoclearortheirship to arrive. There were three classes of tickets that immigrants coming to America by ship could purchase: firstclass,secondclass,andsteerage. Almost all of the immigrants who passed through Ellis Island were steerage passengers. Passengers who could afford first or second classticketswereusuallyprocessed onboardtheshipand,consequently, did not have to pass through Ellis Island. To say that the conditions INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008 15

in steerage were deplorable would probablybeanunderstatement.Steerage accommodations were so crowded and unsanitary that the average passenger moralityratewas,atonepoint,about10% pervoyage.Toquotea1911reportfromthe United States Immigration Commission: ”The ventilation is almost always inadequate,andtheairsoonbecomesfoul. Theunattendedvomitoftheseasick,the odorsofthenottoocleanbodies,thereek offoodandtheawfulstenchofthenearby toilet make the atmosphere of steerage suchthatitisamarvelthathumanflesh

can endure it.” But endure it they did. The transcontinentaljourneytookanywhere between10daystoamonth,dependingon theshipandtheweatherconditions.With tears of relief and joy streaming down theirfacesastheycaughttheirfirstsightof LadyLiberty,thephysicallyandmentally exhaustedpassengers’journeywasstillnot over. Whilefirstandsecondclasspassengers were usually given a cursory on-board medicalexaminationbeforebeingsenton theirway,steeragepassengershadtoruna bureaucraticgauntletbeforebeingreleased


from the island. Wearingalargenametagwiththeship’s manifest numbers, steerage passengers wereassembledintogroupsof30andtaken, bybarge,toEllisIsland.Onceondryland, aninterpreterledthegroupsofimmigrants upthefrontstairstotheRegistryRoom.As theypassed,doctorsstoodbylookingfor signsofphysicalormedicaldisabilityand illness.Eachdoctorheldapieceofchalk withwhichtomarkimmigrantssuspected of having some defect. Usingasystemofshorthand,doctors markedtheclothingofimmigrantswith suspectedmedicalconditions.Passengers suspectedofmentaldefectsweremarked withalargeXhighontherightshoulder.A circledX(thinktheyoungDonCorleone intheGodfatherPartII)meantthatsome disease or defect had definitely been detected.Othermarkingsincluded:Bfor backproblems,Cforconjunctivitis,Lfor lameness,Hforheartconditions,andPg for pregnancy. Chalkmarkedimmigrantsweresentto roomssetasideforfurtherexamination, which included medical exams or tests meant to determine mental aptitude. Unmarked immigrants passed to the next series of doctors known as the “eye men,”wholookedforsignsofthedreaded

eyediseasetrachoma.Trachoma,which caused blindness and could be fatal, was the reason for over one half of the medicaldetentionsatEllisIsland,andits discovery meant certain deportation. Immigrantswhohadothercontagious diseases,disabilities,ormentaldefects wereeitherdeportedorheldintheisland’s hospitalfacilitiesforextendedperiods oftime.Overthreethousandwould-be immigrantsdiedwhilebeingheldonthe island’s hospital facilities. Althoughonlyabout2%ofimmigrants weredeported,EllisIslandwassometimes known as “The Island of Tears” or “HeartbreakIsland”becauseofthemany families who were separated when one of them failed to gain admission to the country.Sickchildrenundertheageof 12 had to be accompanied by a parent if theyweredeported,whilethose12could simply be put on a ship and sent back to their port of origin. There was many a tearfulsceneonthedocksasfamiliesof sickchildrendecidedwhowouldstayin America, and who would return home. Those immigrants who passed their physical examinations were next sent ontothe“primarylineinspectors,”who would review their paperwork before issuingthemtheirlandingcards.Before enteringthecountry,immigrantswere

requiredtoansweraseries of 29 questions including their name, age, gender, occupation, etc. This information was recorded in the ships’ manifest and passed onto the line inspectors. There is a popular urban myth that theselineinspectorsfrequentlychanged thehard-to-pronouncenamesofincoming immigrants.Infact,thereislittleorno evidence that this actually occurred. Passenger lists were provided by the steamshipcompaniesandgenerallytaken at face value. If a name change occurred, it was morelikelythannotanerroronthepartof thesteamshipcompany,aslineinspectors wereunderstrictbureaucraticsupervision and more concerned with preventing inadmissiblepersonsfromenteringthan changingtheirnames.Mostimmigrants’ informationwasreviewedforlessthan two minutes before they were sent on their way. Once they received their landing cards, immigrants moved to the Money Exchangetotransfertheircurrency,gold, andsilverforU.S.currency.Afterthat, theypurchasedtrainticketstotheirfinal destinationandwentontotheBaggage Roomtoarrangetohavetheirluggage forwarded. Unfortunately, corruption was rampantatEllisIslandbeforePresident TheodoreRoosevelttookactiontofightit in1901.Lineinspectorsdemandedbribes from immigrants who appeared to have


money; immigrants who refused to pay could be detained. Employees of the Money Exchange liedaboutexchangeratesinordertopocket thedifference.Pricegougingwasrampant at ticket offices and some immigration officialsissuedfakecitizenshippapersin exchange for a fee. In April of 1902, Teddy Roosevelt appointed William Williams the new commissioner of Ellis Island and the corruptionabruptlystopped.Hisreforms included forbidding special favors, forbidding workers from drinking on thejob,andharshadmonitionstotreat all immigrants with, “kindness and consideration.” Immigration through Ellis Island peaked in 1907, with 1,004,756 immigrantsprocessed.Withtheonsetof WWI in 1914, immigration to America allbutcametoahalt.Travelbyseawasa perilousundertakingduringthewar,and many European countries closed their borders. EllisIslandcontinuedtoprocesssome immigrants during this time, but it also served as an internment camp for 1,500 Germansailorsand2,200suspectedspies. The island’s large hospital was used to careforabout700woundedsailorsand soldiers. AseconddisasterstruckEllisIsland at about 2 a.m. on July 30, 1916. German saboteursexploded14bargesloadedwith dynamiteandmunitionsatnearbyBlack Tom Wharf. The resulting explosions were so massive that almost every windowontheislandexplodedinstantly.



The shockwaves were so powerful that they could be felt 90 miles away in Philadelphia.Sectionsofroofscollapsed anddoorsjammed,butmiraculously,just asinthefireof1897,noonewasseriously hurt. After the Great War, immigration rapidlyreturnedtopre-warlevels,with 500,000 immigrants arriving in 1921. Unfortunately,1921wasalsotheyearthat the U.S. passed strict new immigration laws at the behest of the public. Even stricterimmigrationlawswentintoeffect in1924,greatlyreducingtheamountof immigrants to pass through the island. DuringWWII, the island once again servedasaninternmentcenterforsome 7,000 Germans, Italians, and Japanese who were suspected of being spies. The islandwouldremainprimarilyadetention anddeportationprocessingcenteruntilit was eventually closed in 1954. After the Immigration Station at EllisIslandclosed,severalunsuccessful attempts were made to redevelop the island, which remained abandoned for almost 20 years. PresidentLyndonJohnsonofficially

proclaimedEllisIslandpartoftheStatue of Liberty National Monument on May 11,1965,andtheislandwaslistedonthe NationalRegistryofHistoricPlacesthe following year. In 1982, the Statue of Liberty-Ellis IslandFoundationwasformedbyPresident RonaldReagantoraisethe$230million needed to restore the two monuments. The main building of Ellis Island cost $170 million to restore and reopened as theEllisIslandImmigrationMuseumon September10,1990.Alsounveiledonthat datewastheImmigrantWallofHonor,on whichindividualscanhavethenamesof theirimmigrantancestorsinscribedfor posterity. Therehavebeenmorethan20million visitors to the Ellis Island Immigration Museum since it opened. It is accessible, byferry,fromBatteryPark.Theferrystops atLibertyIslandfirstbeforeproceedingto Ellis Island.Admission is $12 for adults and $5 for children, with an additional $4 charge for an optional audio tour. If you would like to visit both islands, it is advisabletogiveyourselfatleastfour hours.

Besides the Registry Room and the Baggage Room, other rooms open to the publicincludeahearingroom,amental testingroom,theMoneyExchange,anda dormitory.Exhibitsatthemuseumareselfguidedandincludeartifacts,photographs, prints,videos,interactivedisplays,oral histories, living theatre, and an award winningdocumentaryentitled“Islandof Hope, Island of Tears.” Among the island’s most exciting features is the “American Family Immigration History Center,” which opened in 2001. This family research facilityprovidesvisitorswithadvanced computerandmultimediatechnology,as wellasprintedmaterials,inordertohelp them trace their immigrant ancestors. In order to fully take advantage of thisfeature,youmaywanttodoalittle research ahead of time. Knowing your ancestor’snameoryearofarrivalwould beagoodplacetostart,butotherhelpful informationincludes:age,maritalstatus, manifestnumber,lastknownresidence, the name of their ship, and/or the names ofotherfamilymemberswithwhomthey traveled.


T HE C LUB The Club at Clove Lakes Park


ecause it is such a desirable community, many Staten Islanders have lived in the same homes for 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years. As they get older, however, these homes no longer meet their changing needs. Stairs become impediments and many of these homeowners are unable or unwilling to perform the increased amount of maintenance the aging structures require. It also is difficult simply to lock and leave with any degree of peace of mind. These same Staten Islanders love the neighborhoods they call home and do not want to leave the borough to find housing that is more appropriate for their current lifestyle. Yet there is virtually no reasonable alternative in the market. Now, this so-called “housing gap” just became a little bit more narrow as twenty-four discerning Staten Islanders will have the opportunity to choose a residence in Staten Island’s only age-exclusive, boutique luxury condominium called The Club at Clove Lakes Park. “Active adult communities are something in very short supply on Staten Island,” said R. Randy


Lee, CEO of Leewood Real Estate Group. “Previously, Staten Island residents 55 and older who want to live in this kind of amenity-rich luxury community needed to head for suburbs like New Jersey – and that means leaving your friends and family behind and finding new stores, doctors and dentists. The Club at Clove Lakes Park provides the opportunity for Staten Islanders to stay in the neighborhood they know and love, the place they have lived a large part, if not most of their lives, yet gain the advantages of a secure, maintenance-free, stair-free, lock and leave home.” Located on Clove Road near the YMCA and the Zoo, with Clove Lakes Park as its backyard, the 24-unit age-exclusive boutique condominium is exclusively for buyers who are 55 or older. The property will impress buyers with its quality, which is apparent as soon as they approach the


community: grand entry monuments, Andersen premium windows, and a striking Grand Entrance Lobby. The quality continues when you look at the exceptional amenities included in your purchase of a residence in The Club at Clove Lakes Park. If fitness is high up on residents’ lists, they can enjoy a stimulating workout in a 40-foot lap pool or enjoy some cardio exercise in the fitness room, complete with a ceramic infrared sauna, shower and room for stretching in the privacy of this exclusive condominium. If relaxation is on the agenda for the day, you can take the elevator to the rooftop terrace and relax in one of the many lounge chairs. At the rear of the property, residents can make use of an eyepleasing gazebo while being next to beautiful Clove Lakes Park. The Monarch Club provides an elegant space for a number of activities or private affairs. Whether it’s watching the Super Bowl or soap operas, neighbors can do it together and enjoy it more on a 52-inch widescreen high definition LCD TV. In the mood for a little live music? The Baby Grand Digital Player Piano can provide it, even if you’ve never taken a lesson in your life. The computer station allows visitors to The Monarch Club to check their e-mail or surf the Web without going back to their apartments. It also contains a beautiful full-sized kitchen to help host community parties or provide a place for visiting chefs to share their cooking secrets with you. The Monarch Club also will be the venue for the widest range of activities imaginable, including visiting guest professor classes, computer lessons and even personal trainers demonstrating the latest fitness techniques. And the Library and Games Room provides a quiet place for residents to read, reflect or play their favorite card game. Services also will be in abundant supply at The Club at Clove


Inside, the

plethora of finishes of the residences will be nothing short of breathtaking

Lakes Park. A virtual concierge will see to virtually your every need from restaurant reservations to trip planning. Can’t clear the snow from you car or need help with large packages? The on-site Resident Assistant will take care of it for you. The Club at Clove Lakes Park also houses a package room monitored by video where you can securely leave your dry cleaning for pick-up, or pick up your dry cleaning or other deliveries. Security is a top priority at The Club at Clove Lakes Park, with state-of-the-art systems protecting residents and their possessions. An intercom system with video enables residents to both hear and see who is calling and a virtual doorman monitors the lobby and other areas of the property 24/7. The gated premises and parking area is accessible only by residents’ key cards. With three stories in the front and four in the back, the building contains 24 mostly two-bedroom residences of up to nearly 2,000 square feet. These residences include a dining room and a living room, and many have balconies. In addition to many closets and storage areas within each individual residence, additional storage rooms are provided for items such as skis, and bicycles. Inside, the plethora of finishes of the residences will be nothing short of breathtaking and include: Granite countertops and a full ceramic decorator backsplash;

Stainless Steel GE range, dishwasher, and microwave oven; Full wood, extra height cabinets and pantry with a built-in crown molding; Kohler faucets and a GE garbage disposal unit; Granite breakfast bar; Volume ceilings, raised cathedral panel doors and pre-finished hardwood flooring; Individually controlled thermostat for heating and air conditioning in each room; Pocket offices in most units; Floor-to-ceiling glass shower with a Carrera marble bench; Wood vanity with a granite top; Whirlpool tub in second bathroom; Accommodations for a washer and dryer in every unit in addition to heavy duty washers and dryers in the common area; Pre-wired for cable TV, high speed Internet and telephone. Although The Club at Clove Lakes Park will blow you out of the water with all these amenities, activities, and finishes, its prices certainly won’t, with residences offered at $500,000 to $900,000. The 24 buyers at The Club at Clove Lakes Park will enjoy a 25-year real estate tax abatement, and extremely reasonable maintenance fees of around $600 per month, which not only pays for all the amenities, but provides a carefree environment that allows residents to just lock and leave whenever they desire – whether it’s for a day, week or several months. For more information on The Club at Clove Lakes Park, visit the Welcome Center a short distance away at 1277 Clove Road, Staten Island, visit or call 718-448-5500.


Rub a dub dub.....

What kind of tub? T hereisnothingmorerelaxingthan soakinginalong,hotbathaftera stressfuldayofwork.Findingthe perfectbathtubforyourhome,on theotherhand,canbeanythingbutstressrelieving.There are so many materials, styles and features to choose from that simply navigating these options can be enoughtoleaveanyonesaying,“Calgon, take me away!” Ourconvenientguide tofinding the perfect tub will take you through the optionsandmakeiteasytofindthebathtub of your dreams. Materials Oneofthefirstthingsyouwillwant toconsiderwhenshoppingforabathtubis thematerialusedinitsconstruction.There aremanyoptionstochoosefromthatvary greatlyintermsprice,durability,weight,

size, and function. For our purposes, we willlimitourdiscussionofmaterialstothe mostpopularandtrendytypes,including: acrylic,fiberglass/gelcoat,porcelainon steel,castiron,copper,andstone/marble. Acrylic Acrylic bathtubs are made from vacuummoldedsheetsofacrylicwhichare reinforcedwithfiberglass.Thefiberglass coatingmakesthemresistanttochipsand cracks,althoughIwouldn’trecommend, let’ssay,hittingthemrepeatedlywitha hammer. Theprimarybenefitofacrylicbathtubs aretheirprice.Theyareamongtheleast expensivematerialsavailableforbathtub constructionandidealforthoseofusona budget.Theyarealsolightweight,easyto install,andavailableinawidevarietyof colors, shapes, and sizes.


Acrylicbathtubsarealsoeasytocare for,requiringnothingbutamilddetergent cleaner.Neveruseanabrasivecleaneron this type of bathtub or you will scratch it. Thatbeingsaid,Ifindthatthebiggest drawbacktothesekindsoftubsisthatthey needtobecleanedfrequently.Theyarea magnet for soap scum, and I personally have found that they could stand to be washed after just about every use. Theotherdisadvantagesofacrylictubs includetheirsusceptibilitytodiscoloration over time, as well as scratching. There is not much that can be done about the discoloration,whichisreallyjustafading that happens over time, or a result of staining.Scratches,ontheotherhand,can be buffed out with a minimum of effort. Fiberglass/Gel coat Fiberglass/Gelcoatbathtubsaresimilar

toacrylicbathtubsintheiraffordability,weight,andcare.The primarydifferenceisintheirconstruction:aprocessthatinvolves sprayingpolyesterresinintoamoldandisdecidedlymorelabor intensivethantheconstructionofacrylicbathtubs.Thebathtubs thatresultfromthisconstructionprocessarethinnerandless durablethanacrylictubs,buttheydohaveasleekandstylish look. Mostbathtub/showercombinationsaremadeoffiberglass, asaremostwhirlpoolbathtubs.Fiberglassisprobablythemost popular material for bathtub construction in the U.S. Themaindisadvantagesoffiberglassbathtubsarethesame asacrylic.Theyrequirefrequentcleaningwithanon-abrasive cleanser,andaresusceptibletoscratchesandfading.Theyare alsolessdurablethanacrylictubs,withashorterlife-expectancy, and have a slightly duller finish. Porcelain on Steel (POS) Porcelain on Steel (POS) bathtubs are among the most common types of bathtubs found in U.S. homes, and the most durable.PorcelainonSteeltubsareconstructedasthename suggests,withathinpieceofsteelstampedoutandsandwiched between heat-fused porcelain.The porcelain coating is nonporous which makes clean-up easy, and also makes them stain and abrasion resistant. POStubsarealsocolorfastandwillnotfadeorbedamagedby acidsorhouseholdcleaners.Theonlyrealdangerwiththesetypes


oftubsischipping.Iftheporcelainchipsthesteelunderneathcan rustifimmediateactionisnottaken.Theotherdrawbackistheir weight,whichisconsiderablyheavierthanacrylicandfiberglass, but not nearly as heavy as cast iron or stone. Cast Iron Thefactis-castironremainsthegoldstandardinbathtub

Style Afteryouhavechosenamaterialforyour bathtub,theotherprimaryconsideration youneedtomakeiswhatstyleofbathtub isrightforyourhome.Doesyourbathtub needtofitintoacornerorcanitstandin themiddleofyourbathroom?Therearea lotofoptions,soIwillgothroughthemas briefly as possible. Alcove Bathtubs The most common style of bathtub in the U.S. is the alcove bathtub. This type ofbathtubisidealforsmallerbathrooms withlimitedspace.Itisenclosedonthree sidesandopensonlyinthefront.Aperson mustbeabletostepoverthebathtub’srim togetintothistypeoftub,soitmaynotbe idealfortheelderlyorthedisabled.Most bathtub/showercombinationsarealcove tubs.

construction.Ifyouarelookingforabathtub thatwilllastalifetime,youcan’tbeatcast iron.Byvirtueofitsconstruction,acast ironbathtubisvirtuallyindestructible. Cast iron bathtubs are created by pouring molten iron into a mold. The surfaceisthen“firepolished,”resulting inadeepglossfinish.Castironbathtubs, althoughtraditionallywhite,arenow available in vivid color finishes in just about every color of the rainbow. Theonlyrealdisadvantageofcastiron tubsaretheirweight.Theyareextremely heavy, which can make installation difficult.Theweightofcastirontubsalso usuallyprohibitsthemfrombeingusedfor large,two-persontubs,buttheyareideal for people who like deep tubs in which they can really soak. Copper Copperisanextremelytrendymaterial forbathtubconstruction.Thestunning beautyofitscolor,andthemyriadshapes into which it can be molded, make copper bathtubs among the most artistic and aestheticallyappealingtubsonthemarket today. Copper also has the added benefit of being the only material used in bathtub constructionwhichactivelykillsgerms.

Infact,whereothermaterialswillallow germstogrowandthrive,copperbathtubs willkillallofthegermspresentafteryour bath within about four hours. The primary disadvantage of copper bathtubs are their price.They can cost thousands of dollars (I’ve seen models that go for as much as $7,000), which maybeprohibitivetoallbutthewealthiest among us. Stone/ Marble Stoneandmarblebathtubsare,like copper, very trendy today, primarily becauseoftheirbeauty.Theyalsoshare copper’s disadvantage of being rather expensive. Stone and marble tubs are availableinawidevarietyofshapesand sizes,althoughstonebathtubsareusually oftheshorter,deepervariety.Theyare alsoveryheavy,difficulttoinstall,and relatively hard to maintain. Stone and marble bathtubs are extremelyporous,whichmeansthatthey staineasily.Theycanbedamagedbyhard waterandcleanserswithanacidicbase. They are also susceptible to “thermal shock,” a condition caused by sudden temperaturechangeswhichcouldcause them to crack.


Drop-in Bathtubs As the name suggests, this type of bathtub is dropped into the floor. A person climbs down into this type of tub as apposed to climbingovertherim.Thistypeofbathtubisbyfarthemostdifficult and expensive to install, and usually has a deck surrounding it. Drop-inbathtubsalsogenerallydonothaveashowerbecause theyarenotenclosed.Thefaucetsarenormallymountedonthe deck. Freestanding Bathtubs Therearetwobasictypesoffreestandingbathtubs:claw-footed tubsandpedestaltubs.Bothtypesoffreestandingtubsdoastheir namesuggests,standingfreelywithoutbeingbuiltintothefloor or enclosed in any way. The faucets of these types of tubs can be mounted on the side of the tub, or to a nearby wall. Claw-footedtubsarebyfarthemostrecognizabletypeoffree standingbathtub.Althoughtherearemanyantiqueclaw-footedtubs available,newmodelsarebeingmadeinjustabouteverycolorofthe rainbow, and with more modern shapes and designs. Theothertypeoffreestandingbathtub,thepedestaltub,sitsona pedestalasapposedtoclawedfeet.Pedestaltubsaregenerallyoval in shape and very deep, which makes them ideal for soaking. Most stone and copper bathtubs are pedestal tubs. Whirlpool Bathtubs Whirlpoolbathtubs,A.K.A.Jacuzzibathtubs,havejetswhich propelwaterthroughthetubandoveryourbody.Theyaregreat forhydrotherapy,workingtiredmusclesandminorachesandpains. Whirlpoolbathtubscomeinvarioussizes,fromsinglepersontolarge


hottubsformultiplepeople.Theyareusually made of fiberglass or acrylic. Walk-In Bathtubs Walk-inbathtubsarespeciallydesignedfor theelderlyandthosewithdisabilities.Thesetubs usuallyfitinanalcoveandhaveadoorwhichthe personopenstogetin.Afterclosingthedoor,the tubcanbefilled.Thesetypesoftubsareusually smallandalmostalwayshaveaseatforadded comfort. Other Considerations Finally, when shopping for a bathtub, consider your body type. I know this might seemstrange,butthecomfortofyourbathing experiencedependsgreatlyonpickingatubthat isrightforyouandyourfamily.Largerpeople willneedwidertubs.Shortpeoplemaynotlikea tubthatistoolongandencouragesslipping.Tall peoplemaywantadeepertubinwhichtheycan submergewithoutcontortingtheirlimbs.People withlowerbackproblemsmayneedatubwith contoured back support, or even arm-rests. Whengoingtotheshowroomfloor,itmight notbeabadidea,howeversillyitseems,toclimb intoafewofthebathtubandseehowtheyfeel. Just remember- you are going to live with this tub for a very long time, so choose wisely!


Hassle-Free Kitchen Remodeling



or many of us, the idea of remodeling our kitchens can seem just about as appealing as root canal. We picture our kitchens gutted and useless for weeks or months on end while an endless parade of carpenters, construction workers, plumbers and electricians trounce in and out of our homes with no end in sight. In fact, the sheer amount of time and effort involved in the remodeling process can seem so overwhelming that it may be the primary reason that most of us do not give our kitchens the make-overs that they so desperately need. There are simply too may decisions to be made and workers to be hired. Bob Sampson, a homeowner I met in Brooklyn, put it best, “It’s not that I


don’t have the money. It’s just that I’m not really sure what I want or how to go about getting it. I also don’t like the idea of being without a kitchen for such a long time. We like to eat in my family, and we like to cook. I just can’t see how it’s feasible for us to start such a big job. It’s such a hassle.” The good news for Bob,and the rest of us, is that kitchen remodeling does not need to be a hassle. When you choose Artistic Kitchen Designs they work with you every step of the way to make your remodeling experience as rewarding, and hassle-free, as possible. Artistic Kitchen Designs, a Brooklyn based company with over 34 years of combined experience in kitchen remodeling, is dedicated to providing the highest quality home renovations with a minimum of headaches.

Artistic Kitchen Designs dedicated and professional staff works with the homeowner stepby-step to ensure that the remodeling process runs as smoothly as possible. From the initial meeting in which design ideas are discussed, through the demolition and construction phases, and to the finished product, Artistic Kitchen Designs coordinates every aspect of the job to minimize the time and effort involved in kitchen renovation. The team at Artistic Kitchen Designs begins by sitting down with you and discussing your vision of the perfect kitchen. Would you like a modern, contemporary kitchen, or a more traditional design? Do you prefer the sleek and modern appearance of stainless steel or Cesar Stone, or the classic look of wood-grained cabinetry? What types of appliances, countertops, and cabinets are you interested in? Do you have a large family which might necessitate a more open design with lots of cabinet

space? Would you like to include any environmentally friendly features or Energy-Star appliances? Is your kitchen usually cold? Do you want to insulate the walls INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008 33


or include in-floor heating? What is your budget and how can we work with you to ensure you get the most for your money? All of these decisions need to made, and no one is better than Artistic Kitchen Designs at helping you make them. The good news is that once these decisions have been made and the plans for your new kitchen finalized, you can take a hands-off approach to the rest of the process. Artistic Kitchen Designs stays on top of everything so you don’t have to! Utilizing their extensive management experience, they take it upon themselves to ensure that


every aspect of the remodeling job gets done when they say it will get done. By employing their own carpenters and construction crew, and working closely with our plumbers and electricians, Artistic Kitchen Designs can streamline the entire kitchen remodeling process so that a project that would normally take weeks can be done in as little as a few days. Of course, some large scale remodeling projects which involve severe demolition and construction may take longer, but no matter what the scope of the remodeling project, there really is no company out there that can guarantee faster or more efficient service. We emphasize providing kitchen installations that aspire to the highest level of craftsmanship and professionalism. We work with only the best and the brightest in the industry, and the end result is almost too stunning to be believed. Our suppliers include: Quality Custom Cabinetry, one of the few companies still producing hand-crafted wooden cabinetry; Saxton Cabinetry, a leading producer of ecofriendly wood products; and Composit, a supplier of european kitchen designs; among others. The sheer beauty of Artistic Kitchen Designs

creations will make you the envy of your friends and neighbors. Whether you want a rustic style kitchen, or a gleaming Lacquered or stainless masterpiece, we have years of experience in installing all types of kitchens throughout Brooklyn and Upper Manhattan. To get a better idea of the types and styles of kitchens that are available, please visit our Brooklyn showroom at 1908 Coney Island Ave. If you’re still not sold on the idea of remodeling your kitchen- keep one last thing in mind. Although kitchens can be the most expensive room in the house to remodel, the initial investment is worth the price because of the increased value to your home. For example, an investment of $15,000-$20,000 in kitchen renovations can mean an increase of $50,000 or more in the value of your home. So by simply installing the kitchen, you have already made a potential profit. It just makes mathematical sense.


So what are you waiting for? Contact Artistic Kitchen Designs today! We can be reached by phone at (800) 521-2904, or take a look at our website at INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008 35

It’s Hip

to Be Square


nstallingkitchentilecanbeamajorinvestment.Thereare someaffordableoptionsoutthere,butonceinstalled,tilecan becomplextochange.Youmaybestuckwithyourtilefora long,longtime,soit’simportanttoexploreyouroptionsbefore committing to anything. Itisalsoimportanttoconsiderthefunctionalrealitiesofyour kitchen.Howisyourkitchenused?Isitahightrafficarea?Are therealotofchildrenorpets?Whatkindoftilewillworkbest withtheflooringintheroomsadjacenttoyourkitchen?Howwill your new tile work with your existing décor? Therearealotofoptionsoutthere,sowenarroweditdown a bit. 36 INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008

Ceramic Ceramictileisprobablythemostpopularchoiceforkitchen tileonthemarkettoday.Itisrelativelyinexpensive,easytoinstall and maintain, and extremely durable. It is ideal not only for flooring,butforwalls,backsplashes,andcountertopsaswell. Thepopularityofceramictileislargelyduetothestaggering varietyofavailablecolorsandstyles.Ceramictilesareavailable, pre-made,injustabouteverycoloroftherainbow.Theycanbe installedasasinglemassofasolidcolor,orby combiningtiles of different colors to make designs. Ceramictilescanalsobecustommadetomatchaparticular color,ortodesignmurals.Customceramicmuralshavebecome

increasinglypopularinrecentyearsforuseinbacksplashes,walls, andevenflooring.Hand-paintedceramicmuralsaredecidedly moreexpensivethanthosemadefromatransferpattern,butthey alsotendtohaveagreatervibrancyanddepthofcolorthantheir manufactured counterparts. Ceramic tile is formed when talc, clay, and other materials arefiredunderextremelyhightemperatures.Thisfiringprocess meansthatceramictilescanwithstandhightemperatures,making it a perfect choice for countertops, as it will not be damaged or deformed when hot pots and pans are placed on top of it. Theonlydownsideofinstallingceramictilesisthattheycan crack or chip over time. The good news is that they are easily replaced. In fact, installing ceramic tile is a relatively simple processthatjustaboutanyonecanhandle.Instructionsforinstalling ceramic tile are readily available on the Internet. Porcelain Porcelain tile is actually a subtype of ceramic tile. The manufacturing process is similar, but results in an even more durableanddamage-resistantproduct.Likeceramic,porcelaintile isavailableinawidevarietyofstylesandcolors,andcanevenbe INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008 37

manufacturedtomimicthelookofstone (due to its similar texture). Themaindrawbackofporcelaintilelies intherelativedifficultyofitsinstallation. Porcelaintilewasoriginallymanufactured forcommercialapplicationsbecauseofits strength,butitsnon-porousnaturemeans thatitrequiresaspecialcompoundtoset it in place. The installation process is,

consequently,ill-suitedforhomeowners wholikedo-it-yourselfprojects,andshould reallyonlybehandledbyprofessionals. Glass Glasstile,whichwasonceextremely expensive in a cost-prohibitive kind of way,hasrecentlybecomemorereasonably


priced. It is still best suited for use as anaccent,particularlyinbacksplashes. Aflat,solidcolorglasstileisbyfarthe leastexpensive,butthesevarietieslack theluminescencethatmakesglasstilesso appealing.Moderatelypricedtempered glassmuralsarealsoavailableforfloor and countertop applications. To keep costs low, glass tile should be used sparingly as part of the overall designofyourtilelayout.Theycanframe the border of your design, or reside in thecenterasafocalpoint.Theiridescent qualityofglasstilemakesitparticularly appealing for use in mosaics, which can beabstractormadeintospecificdesigns. Glasstileisrelativelydifficulttoinstall and should be handled by experienced professionals. Slate Slate tiles are a very popular option foruseinbothflooringandcountertops. Forcountertopsinparticular,slatetileis a more cost effective option than large slabs of slate, which are decidedly more expensive.

Whileslatetilelacksthediversity,in termsofcolor,ofporcelainandceramic tile,itisavailableinawiderangeofearth tonedhuesincluding:gray,brown,black, beige, red blue, green and purple. The multicoloredEuropeanstyleisparticularly attractive,withstreaksofgoldandbrown over black or dark blue. Slate is generally considered very durable, but as a metamorphic rock it is comprised of layers which can, and may, split or crack over time. Granite Granitetilesaresimilartoslatetiles inthattheyaredecidedlylessexpensive to purchase than buying the stone in slabs. Used primarily in flooring and countertops,granitetilerivalsporcelain asthemostdurablesubstanceusedintile manufacturing.Unlikeslate,graniteis anigneousrockthatformsunderintense heatinvolcanoes,makingitpractically indestructible. Granitetilesarealsoeasytoinstalland makegreatdo-it-yourselfprojects.Justbe suretogetatintedgroutthatwillmatch thecolorofthestone,orthegroutlines

may be visible.Also, make sure the grout is properly sealed and re-seal it once a year. Graniteisalsoanexcellentchoicefor countertopsbecauseitisoneoftheeasiest surfacestocleanandmaintain,requiring nothing more than quick wipe-down. Althoughgranitemaynotbeavailable inthemyriadcolorsusedinceramictiles, itsmulticolored,speckledappearanceadds depth and beauty to any surface. Marble Unsurpassedforitsbeauty,thewhirling patterns and subtle shading of marble makeitamuchsoughtafter,ifexpensive, tileoption.Unfortunately,thepatternsthat makeitsodesirablealsomakeitdifficult to match from one tile to the next, and almost impossible to match from one batchoftiletothenext.Therefore,marble tileshouldalwaysbepurchasedinasingle batch, and the designed should be laid outinitsentiretybeforeitisinstalledto ensurethatthecolorsandswirlingpatterns flow together for a natural effect. Thetwobiggestdrawbacksofmarble are its expense and high maintenance

requirements. Marble is porous and can readilybeetchedandstained.Thismeans it is not ideal for countertops, as even a glasscarelesslyleftonthecountercould causearingtoform.Itisalsopermeableby grease,whichmeansitprobablyshouldn’t be installed too close to the stove. Marbletileisbettersuitedforusein flooring, but even here maintenance is key.Marbleshouldbecleanedregularly andresealedonceeverysixmonths.Only mild detergents or products designed specificallyformarbleshouldbeused,and anyspillsshouldbecleanedrightawayto avoid etching and staining. Terra Cotta TerraCottaisoneoftheoldestbuilding materialsknowntoman.Originallysunbakedratherthanfiredinanoven,terra cottawasfirstproducedovertwo-thousand yearsago.Stillpopulartoday,terracotta tilesaregenerallyonlyavailableinthe traditionalreddish-brown,soit’simportant to be mindful of how this color may or maynotblendwithyourexistingdécor.Its rustic,weatheredlookismostsuitablefor traditional, old world style kitchens.


Terracottatilescanbeusedinflooring, countertops,backsplashes,andwalls.They areverydurable,butshouldberesealed every six months or so. They also vary widely in quality, so be sure to purchase them only from a knowledgeable and reputable purveyor. Terrazzo Unique in its beauty and elegance, terrazzotilecanbefairlyexpensive.That beingsaid,youmayfindthatitisworththe price.Theuniquespeckledappearanceof terrazzocomesfrommarblechipswhich aresuspendedinconcreteandthenpolished to a high-gloss finish. It is available in a wide variety of colors and styles. Althoughterrazzocanbeusedinfloors, walls,countertops,andbacksplashes,itcan be slippery when wet, so it may not be an idealflooringchoiceforhomesinhabited by the elderly or small children. Metal Oneofthelatesttrendsinkitchentile, theuseofmetaltileinwalls,backsplashes andevenonceilings,hasexplodedinthe lastfewyears.Copper,tin,andstainless steeltilesarealltherageforthosepeople interestedinaretrolook,orsomethingnew anddifferentthattheirneighborsdon’tyet

have. Althoughmetaltilesarenotpractical for use in flooring or countertops, they madeourcountdownbecausetheywork justabouteverywhereelse.Metaltiles oftenconsistofapatternordesignwhich repeatsitselfwhenthetilesareinstalled together.Anotheroptionwouldbetouse onepatternfortheborderandaseparate pattern for the interior of a design. Tin tiles look particularly great on ceilings,wheretheycanreflectlightdown andmaketheroomappeartobelargerthan itis.Theclassiclookofcopperworkswell inalmostanykitchen,butisparticularly magnificentinatraditionalkitchenwith lots of copper cookware. Concrete Availableonlyinshadesofgrayortan, concretemaynotbethemostcolorfulor glamoroustilematerial,butitisamongthe mostdurable.Becausethecolorofconcrete tileissubtle,itwillblendwellwithmost otherbuildingmaterials,andworkswell on kitchen floors and countertops. Concretetileisalsoidealforoutdoor barbeque and dining areas because it is weatherresistant.(Itisevenresistantto being cracked by hailstones.) There are two main disadvantages


tousingconcretetiling.First,installing concretetilerequiresspecializedequipment and training, and should therefore be handledbyatrainedprofessional.Second, concretetilesareheavy;youmustensure that the surface you wish to cover can withstand the weight. Honorable Mention- Vinyl/Linoleum Ifyouarestrappedforcash,youcan’t go wrong with vinyl or linoleum tile. Admittedly, vinyl tile is only tile in the broadest sense of the word. It is small, rectangularandusedtocoverfloorsand walls,sotechnically,forourpurposes-it is tile. Vinyl tile is a practical solution for those on a tight budget, as well as those withunevenordamagedflooringwhich mightcrackothertypesoftiles.Because itisamanufacturedproduct,vinyltileis availableinthewidestarrayofcolorsand patternsofanyflooringtile.Theycanbe mixed and matched to make practically anydesignyoucanthinkof,andtheycan alsobecutintotriangleordiamondshapes for a unique look. Onecaveat-avoidusingvinyltilesin wetenvironments,likebehindshowersor tubs,asmoisturewillseepinthroughthe seams.


Do your homework first. Know what you need, want, can fit and afford.



itchendesigniscomplexdesign.Youmighthaveallthe rightingredientsbutitishowyouputthemtogetherthat yields the best and most memorable product.

Kitchensarebestdonebyorwithaprofessional.Thechoice ofwhototurntodependsuponthescopeoftheproject,andyour personalpreferences. It helps to have someone who will help younavigatetheseresources,chooseandcoordinatethevarious elements.Theywillneedtohaveanintimateknowledgeofhow youlive.Theywillmakecertainthatyouhaveapersonalized, functional,layoutandthattheproductsyouchoosewillbe reflectiveofyourlifestyle.Theywillcarefullylistentoyourideas ofadreamkitchenandbasedupontheirexpertise,willimplement those fantasies into a working model. Ifyouarealtering,reconfiguring,orupdatinganexistingspace youmightturntoaCertifiedKitchenDesigner,kitchencabinetry showroom,contractor,interiordesigner,orthecountlesshome improvementcentersthathavedependedonournestingtrend.


If, on the other hand, you are expanding, renovating, or relocatingyourexistingkitchenyourprojectwillprobably requireanarchitect.Theycandetermineplacementofwindows, doorways, ventilation systems and basic mechanical and structuralrequirementsbeforeaddressingotherfunctionaland aestheticoptions.InbothcasesIwouldadviseyouseekthehelp ofaprofessionalinteriordesignerwhocanhelpyouprioritizeand makefinalchoicesthatarereflectiveofyourtasteandlifestyle. Kitchen appliances Doyourhomeworkfirst.Knowwhatyouneed,want,canfit andafford.Itisawasteofeveryone’stimetolookata$10,000.00 Le Corneau oven if it does not meet anyof your criteria. New appliances and finishes are introduced regularly. Many of these have options that are often costly and superfluous. There is no way an appliance salesperson or any otherprofessionalcandeterminewhatisrightforyou.Itisyour responsibilitytonarrowthoseoptions.Measureyourlargebaking


panstoinsuretheywillfitintoyournewoven,aswellas the space the oven and other applianceswilloccupy.Doyouhavedelicatestemware andchinathatyouuseregularly?Ifso,lookforadishwasher that can accommodate that need. Do you freeze or buy everythingfresh? Letthesethingsinformyourchoices. Kitchen cabinetry Manywillofferarangeofprice,design,interiorfittings, andcustomorsemi-customcapability.Thesalespeoplein theseshowroomsareexperiencedindirectingyoutowhat servesyourneedsandlook,inadditiontoyourbudget!Be clearaboutwhatitisyouarelookingfor.Behonestand realistic.Doyouwantanoldworldlookoranoutofthis worldlook?Willthoseglasscabinetsshowcaseanorderly assemblage of dinnerware or an assorted array of sippy cups? No one really needs a junk drawer and if you do, youwillultimatelydesignateawelllocatedspace.Doyou need shelving? If you pour over recipe books with a cup ofcoffeeatthekitchentableyoumightconsiderthisas partofyourplan. Bringtearsheetsandphotosofdetails incabinetryandfunctionthatappealtoyou. Bringyour overallmeasurements. Mostkitchenshowroomswillbe able to give you a preliminary projected cost. Flooring and countertops Flooringandcountertopswillconsistentlydominate the look of any kitchen. I try to have my clients choose

these first or at the very least in conjunction with cabinet and appliance choices. These are limitedinoptionssuchascolor,textureandprices. Ioftentellthetruestoryofaclientwhoresearched herfloorandcountertopoptionswithonebageach ofchocolateandvanillacookiecrumbs.Hercriterion wasthematerialinwhichtheseshoweduptheleast! Cabinetchoicesarealmostlimitless,andappliances can, if desired, be covered with cabinet panels. The choices can, for the layman, be limitless andoverwhelming.Myprofessionalmantrainall spaces is consistent. Good design is about solving problems.Welldesignedspacesarethesumtotalof elementschosenonthebasisofscale,balance,and appropriateness.Add an extra dash of inspiration andcreativity,mixwellwiththepersonalitiesofthe inhabitantsandyouhavetherecipeforasuccessful kitchen.

Celia Vogel is the principal designer of CV Design Associates, Inc. She has worked since 1979 on numerous projects in the Metropolitan New York area, Long Island, Florida and Texas. She has participated in a dozen show-houses and has had her work published extensively. She can be reached by e-mail at




IN NEW YORK iceskatingrinksthisyear,oneofwhichis located(believeitornot)attheAmerican MuseumofNaturalHistory.Butnomatter whatboroughyouarein,youarenotfaroff fromagreatplacetolaceupthoseskates and get into the spirit of the season. Polar Rink- American Museum of Natural History


hether you’re a first-time ice skater or a regular Kristi Yamaguchi, NYC offers a plethoraofplacestoenjoythisgreatwinter pastime.Infact,Manhattanboaststwonew

Oneofthetwobrand-newiceskating rinkstoopeninManhattanthisyear,Polar Rinkislocatedinwhatprobablythemost unlikelyplace-adjacenttotheMuseum of Natural History. In keeping with the museum’s intention to educate as well as entertain, the rink is encircled with displaysexplainingfactsaboutpolarbears andthethreatsthattheycurrentlyface,as wellasinformationabouttheearth’sPolar Regions,globalwarming,andtipsabout howtolivea“greener”lifestyle.Visitors totherinkaregreetedbyitsmascot,a17foot polar bear statue which serves as a reminderoftheplightofthisendangered species.


Those visitors looking for a respite fromthecoldcanvisitthenearbyNorth Galleria, a glass enclosed structure featuring snacks and hot cocoa. Seaport Ice- South Street Seaport Manhattan’sotherbrand-spanking-new iceskatingrink,SeaportIce,couldn’tbe locatedinamorebeautifulspot.Thisnew 8,000squarefootvenue,locatedatSouth StreetSeaport,offersstunningviewsof NewYorkHarborandfeatureslivemusic andentertainmentthroughouttheholiday season.An adjacent tented area houses lockers,abag-check,skaterentalsanda snack shop. Wollman & Lasker Rinks- Central Park Therereallyisn’tamorepicturesque localeforiceskatinginNYCthanCentral Park. Giving visitors the opportunity to almost that they are in a city at all, WollmanandLaskerrinkshearkenbackto thoseearlierdayswhenchildrenskatedon

frozenlakesinsteadofman-maderinks. Rink at Rockefeller Center- Midtown NolistofNewYorkCity’siceskating rinkswouldbecompletewithoutashoutout to what is perhaps its most iconic rink- the Rink at Rockefeller Center. Featured daily on NBC news during theholidayseason,thisquintessentially NewYorkstructurebasksintheglowof theRockefellerTreeduringtheholiday season,buttherink’sseasonlastsquitea bitlongerthanthatofthefamoustree. There really isn’t a more romantic place to skate in NewYork City, and we nativesshouldreallygiveseriousthought totakingadvantageofit.Afterall,why should the tourists have all the fun? Abe Stark Rink & Wollman Rink- Brooklyn

Those of us living in Brooklyn have twogreaticeskatingoptions,thefirstof which being theAbe Stark rink located in Coney Island. Open on Saturday and Sundayduringthewinter,thisrinkgives BrooklynitesagreatexcusetovisitConey intheoff-season,andpickupahotdogat Nathan’s while we’re at it. Brooklyn’s other ice skating rink is, likeitsManhattancounterpart,named Wollman Rink. Located in Prospect Park,thisWollmanRinkmaybethecity’s biggest.Thestaggering26,000squarefeet oficemeansthatskatersenjoyplentyof room to skate without having to worry about constantly bumping into other people. Wollman Rink also features a snack barnamedKate’sCornerwherepatrons canenjoyfreshbrewedcoffee,hotcocoa, and piping hot bowls of soup and chili.

War Memorial Ice Skating Rink- Staten Island ThisiceskatingrinklocatedatCloves LakeisopenFriday,Saturday,andSunday duringtheafternoon,withsomeevening hours.Theyofferaskatingacademyfor peopleatallskilllevels,frombeginnerto would-be professional. World’s Fair Skating Rink- Queens AlthoughiceskatingoptionsinQueens may be somewhat limited, there is one greatplaceforfigureskatingenthusiasts, theWorld’sFairSkatingRinkinFlushing. Notnecessarilythebestoptionforthose wishing to bone-up on their skills early intheseason,thisrinkdoesn’topenuntil early December.


GET ORGANIZED Setting the Perfect Holiday Table


ith so much to do during the holiday season, we thoughtwewouldtaketheguessworkoutofat leastoneholidaychore-settingtheperfecttable! Frankly, it’s amazing how many people do not know the basics of table setting, so we thought we would break it down for you. Formal and Informal Table Settings Therearetwobasictypesoftablesetting:formaland informal.Astheirnamessuggest,thesetwostylesoftable settingreflectthekindofmealyouareplanning.Informal tablesettingsareappropriateforgatheringsoffamilyand closefriends,andforservingmealswithalimitednumber of courses. Formaltablesettings,ontheotherhand,areappropriate when your dinner party includes not only family and friends,butacquaintances,businessassociatesandpeople, in general, whom you would like to impress. This is not tosaythataformaltablesettingisnotappropriatefora familygathering.Infact,itmaybeidealifyouareplanning aholidaymealwithmanycourses,orifyoujustreallylove your family and want to do something special for them. Informal Table Setting Informaltablesettingisreallyquitesimple.Itstartswith thedinnerplate,whichisatthecenterofeachplacesetting. The napkin (no paper please) can be set directly on top of the plate, either in a napkin ring or simply folded. Nextisthecutlery.Thegeneralruleofthumbforplacing allcutleryistoimplementan“outside-in”order,meaning thattheseitemsshouldbeplacedintheorderyouneedto usethem.Cutleryshouldbeusedstartingwiththoseitems



furthestfromtheplateandworkingyourwayin.For example, if you are serving an appetizer or salad beforethemaincourse,thanthesmallforkusedfor thatcourseshouldbeontheoutside,andthelarger fork for the main course should be closest to the plate. Forksgototheleftofthedinnerplate,andspoons andknivestotheright.Theknifeshouldbeclosest totheplateontherightside,withthecuttingedge facingtowardtheplate.Spoonsgototherightofthe knife,followingthe“outside-in”principal.Ifyouare servingsoupasafirstcourse,thisspoonwouldbeon theoutside,withthesmallerdesertspoonnexttothe knife. Alldrinkingglasses,whethertheyareforwater, wine,orsoda,shouldgoatthetoprightofthedinner plate above the knives and spoons. Options Ifyouareusingasaladplate,thisshouldbeplaced totheleftoftheforks.Asaladplateisnotnecessary, however,ifthesaladisbeingwiththemeal.Youmay decidetosimplyservethesaladonthesameplateas the main course. Ifyouareusingabreadplate,thisshouldbeplaced abovetheforks.Ifyouaregivinganindividualbutter knifetoeachguestthisshouldbeplaceddiagonally ontopofthebreaddishwiththehandleontheright and the blade facing down. Formal Table Setting Thegeneralrulesforaformaltablesettingarethe sameastheyareforaninformaltablesetting.The maindifferenceissimplythatthereareusuallymore courses involved, and therefore more cutlery. Aswithinformaltablesettings,forksgoonthe left and spoons and knives on the right. The only exceptiontothisrulewouldbeifshellfishisbeing served. The “sea food” fork used for this course is settotherightofthespoonsandistheonlyforkever placed on the right side of the plate. The cutlery is placed using the “outside-in” method, and keeping in mind what course will be served in what order. No more than three of any implement (i.e. forks, knives, spoons) should be placed on the table, with the exception being the aforementionedseafoodfork.Ifyouareservingfour courses,thelastforkshouldbebroughttothetable with the last course. Therearealsousuallymoreglassesinvolvedin formaldining,andtheseshouldbeplacedsothatthe smalleronesareinfront.Thewatergobletshould beplaceddirectlyabovetheknives.Ifchampagneis beingserved,thechampagnefluteisplacedjustto therightofthewatergoblet,followedbyaredand/or whitewineglass,withthesmallsherryglasspulling up the rear. The other big difference between formal and informal place setting is in the plates. While the placementofthebreadplateandknifearethesame, alloftheothercoursesareusuallybroughttothe table on a separate plate. Formaldiningalsousuallyinvolvestheuseofa mysteriousandoftenmisunderstoodplateknownas acharger.Thislarge,andusuallycolorful,plateis 50 INTERIOR NEW YORK DECEMBER 2008

strictlyornamental.Itsitsundertheplates holding the food, and is often swapped outfortheplateholdingtheentréewhen thiscourseisserved.Itsonlyfunctionis tolookprettyandaddcolortoyourtable arrangements. Centerpieces Whetheryourtablesettingisformal orinformal,centerpiecesareagreatway to set the mood for your party. If your partyhasaspecifictheme,orcelebratesa specificholiday,yourcenterpiececanbe tailor-madetofittheoccasion.Or,ifyou prefer,yourcenterpiececansimplyserve toaccentuatethecolorpalateofyourtable cloth or dinnerware. Ifyouareusingasinglecenterpiece,it shouldbeintheexactcenterofthetable and provide a focal point for the meal. But keep in mind that it should not be so

largethatitobstructsyourguest’sviews of each other or access to the food.You may wish to remove it from the table if youareservingafamilystylemealwhere you bring platters of food to the table. Anotheroptionwouldbetouseseveral small centerpieces. In terms of style, odd numbers usually look better from a visual standpoint, so try using three smallcenterpiecesasapposedtotwo.You might alsoconsiderusinganindividual centerpieceforeachguest.Thesecanbe as simple as a candle, or a single flower, floatinginasmalljarorglassofwater. In fact, centerpieces can be made anythingfromjustaboutanything.They canbepurchasedfromaflorist,butthey also make a great (and not to mention inexpensive)do-it-yourselfproject.Some common items used in centerpieces include: fresh flowers, produce, silk

plants,treebranches,pinecones,candles, fall leaves, gourds and berries.A quick searchontheinternetwillgiveyousome greatideas,sotakealookaroundandget inspired! Final Thoughts Just remember- it’s your party so have fun with it! Plan ahead so you don’tgetoverwhelmedwithlastminute preparations. Do everything you can ahead of time, so when the time for the meal actually comes, you will be able to sit down enjoy it. There is nothing worse than inviting your family over foraholiday,andthennotbeingableto spend any time with them because you arestuckinthekitchenthewholeday.If possible,getyourchildrentohelpinthe preparations,andteachthemtheproper way to set the table.




he 1660s New York City’s “skyline” was dominated by a two-story-high windmill.

When the Dutch still controlled the region, Wall Street was the city limit and there was actually a wall there.

Why are New York Yellow Cabs yellow? Because John Hertz, the company’s founder, read a study that concluded yellow was the easiest color for the eye to spot. The VerrazanoNarrows Bridge is so long, 4,260 feet to be exact, that the towers on either end were built a few inches out of parallel to accommodate for the curvature of the earth. The Bayonne Bridge is almost identical to the world-famous Sydney Harbour Bridge, but it is actually two feet longer. Completed a few months beforehand, the Bayonne Bridge was the world’s longest steel arch bridge. Rumor has it that the only reason for those two extra feet was to beat the Australians.

M a n h a t t a n ’s Chinatown is the largest Chinese enclave in the Western Hemisphere. The vaults 80 feet beneath the Federal Reserve Bank on Wall Street s t o r e more than 25% of the world’s gold bullion (and you thought it was all in Fort Knox!).

Cleopatra’s Needle, a 3,000-year-old Egyptian ruin, can actually be found in New York’s Central Park. In 1879 it was given to the city as a gift by the Khedive of Egypt. The 220-ton, 66foot-high monument took a decade to be fully transported. The Manhattan grid pattern produces an effect known as “Manhattanhenge” (like Stonehenge) as, on two days - around May 28th and around July 12th - sunset is directly aligned with the street grid pattern. This means the sun can be seen setting exactly over the centerline of every Manhattan street. A similar effect occurs during sunrise on two winter days, understandably less popular.

The Outerbridge Crossing, connecting Staten Island and New Jersey, is actually named in honor of Eugenius Harvey Outerbridge. its nutmeg.


The Dutch traded New Amsterdam (a.k.a., New York City) to the British in the 1667 Treaty of Breda in exchange for Pulau Run, an obscure tiny Indonesian island once known for

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