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The nutritional requirements of your froggy friend

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For those interested in keeping exotic pets, frogs are ideal. They can live happily in a relatively small space and do not require too much attention; however, they are a long-term commitment and it is still important to know your stuff when it comes to specific nutrition and care.

Wild frogs are facing a population decline and distinction as a result of human activities, therefore you should only buy frogs from places you are sure are locally captive-bred and tested to be free of disease when possible, so avoid catching wild frogs to keep as pets!

Different croaks for different folks

the right research for the type of amphibian you acquire is essential, to gain a better understanding of their specific nutritional guidelines and requirements. frog varieties range from semi-aquatic and aquatic, to terrestrial and tree frogs.

he most popular species of frog to keep as a pet is the african bullfrog. other popular species include the white lipped frog, the burmese chubby frog, the white tree frog, the bumblebee dart frog, the waxy monkey frog, the african dwarf frog, the tomato frog, the green and black dart frog, the red-eyed tree frog, the american green tree frog, the gray tree frog, the amazon milk frog, the oriental fire bellied frog, and the pacman frog/horned frogs.

Wild frog’s vs pet frog’s

Domesticating any wild animal, it is imperative to know and understand their natural habits, especially when it comes to eating preferences and hunting behaviour.

In the wild, frogs are carnivorous and eat a variety of insects. They are not scavengers, but predators and opportunistic hunters that will generally only eat something that is moving such as live

by Niamh Cassidy,

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