Sample D&T Portfolio #1

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UP! Colour key Project proposal and management section

Project development and realisation

Project evaluation - this colour appears throughout the folio where ONGOING EVALUATION occurs





Without urgent, immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon pollution, our atmosphere and our planet may not be able to recover. Cities have a critical role in addressing climate change. They cover two per cent of the Earth's land surface, have over 50 per cent of the population and cause 80 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions. Cities around the world often suffer:

The average person working in CBDs around the world will begin work between 7:30am and 9:30am - This often does NOT leave enough time for busy people to have a decent breakfast.

Eating breakfast is the secret to staying healthy, according to evidence unearthed by doctors in the US. They believe skipping the first meal of the day increases the chances of becoming obese, developing diabetes or even having a heart attack. Martin place - clear need for sustainable action to take place in the city of Sydney

TARGET MARKET: Business people & city goers o ages 10- 70, o would be in the city on weekdays (workers) or weekends (shoppers) o may have high profile/demanding professions & experience the 'serious' nature of the corporate o world may be shoppers or users of public transport A dutch study shows that getting people involved in the planting process of community gardens makes societies happier, more civil, and increases their appreciation for the environment

Create a 'Fair Trade' breakfast cart which can align with the 'pop-up' trend. The cart could sell cheap, healthy and easy breakfast options for busy business people, and use fair trade certified products and processes (and whilst doing so, promote the use of such products).

Research studies indicate that people who eat breakfast perform better on cognitive tests and in work environments.

o pollution o large amounts of people going to, from and around it o vast grey, ugly and unused spaces. A Dutch study suggests every 10% increase in green space can postpone health complaints in communities by five years.

Create a 'green' pop-up experience to be constructed in city centres. People in general public assist in planting a garden, which becomes a permanent part of the city scape once the 'pop-up' structure leaves.

"Plants make us better, more civil people," says Virginia Lohr, botanic

therapist. "Humans feel better when viewing plants rather than inanimate objects"

I have a good knowledge of sustainable designing I am incredibly interested in this field, and am passionate about the environment I can fuse all the fields of designing that interest me: architecture, industrial design, landscaping and the use of plants Could include different methods of final display (eg. vector works drawings, sketches, models, walk through videos, material samples) Benefits the greater society: - educates the public on environmental issues, gardening and sustainability - creates a more aesthetically pleasing environment for people in the area Good for the environment - more plants Addresses the huge trend in sustainable living and gardening Addresses the upcoming pop-up trend Could collaborate with 'Green City' programs, eg. Sustainable Sydney 2030

make swot for

each need/app




Investigate the


Busy business people don't always have enough time for a healthy breakfast


Sustainable Sydney 2030 has a vision of a Green, Global, Connected City. Green with a modest environmental impact, green with trees, parks, gardens and linked open spaces, green by example and green by reputation...

Identify need"

IN THIS SECTION: the exploration of 3 separate needs and possible opportunities for each. Also, the final decision for which need and opportunity will be undertaken for the MDP.

Not enough greenery in city spaces and lack of awareness of issues regarding sustainability


Exploration of needs

A study by Harvard Medical School was conducted where the eating habits of 2831 people were analysed. Over 45% of people said they skipped breakfast on a regular basis. IMPACT STATEMENT . All this evidence clearly displays the importance of 'breakfast' as a meal, and that despite the fact that it if very often - skipped, it should not be overlooked.

Don't have a huge amount of skills in vector works - would have to learn the basic skills Need to conduct extensive research on processes and materials that I would use

councils may not permit the construction of the structure and the temporary stay within their council areas legal issues may prevent the construction/stay of the pop up structure may not be well received by the target market

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MY PROJECT: This is all extremely clear evidence that there is an obvious need for greener urban spaces and for increasing the general public's aware ness of sustainability. The idea that I have explores will address this need, and there are many different opportunities to explore within it

I have a passion for fair trade I would be able to design a popup structure (a concept which I am very interested in) I could fuse my knowledge of architectural elements with other areas of design Strong an easily accessible target market

strong and easily accessible target market promotes fair trade products and raises awareness of the issues involving the exploitation of workers around the world. proceeds raised by the cart could go towards fair trade organisations


Don't have a huge amount of skills in vector works - would have to learn the basic skills Need to conduct extensive research on processes and materials that would hypothetically be used wouldn't be able to actually make a physical product

legal issues revolving the transportation of food and safety of transporting working appliances e.g. ovens and microwaves. may not be well received by the target market

make swot for each need/opp



Not enough space in small apartments to grow fresh produce

According to the 2011 census in Australia, 1,056,236 people are currently living in flat, unit or apartment housing (13.6% of the population), and this number is rapidly increasing. New studies taking place in Melbourne have shown that the average size of a 2 bedroom apartment is just 73 m2, while the average size of one-bedroom apartments is 51 m2 and studio apartments 34 m2. These small apartments leave very little space for gardens, and have extremely tiny kitchens.

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Research by the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council has found that indoor plants help people relax and increase speed on tasks involving mental concentration and higher level cognitive thinking. It also shows that indoor plants reduce dust and increase relative humidity, and improve the quality of air. Many research projects have been conducted into the psychological effects that plants have on humans, and the conclusions that have been drawn reveal that plants do, nfact, make people happy.

RODALE Houseplants Can Make You Happy ft

Devise brief

Green pop-up experience

PROOF OF NEED: With populations around the world increasing at rapid rates, more homes are required to house more people - and the solution to making more homes with the finite amount of space available, is appartment-style living.

Final Selection of need and opportunity

Gets the public involved. Increases awareness for issues surrounding the environment. Makes public spaces more aesthetically appealing. Can increase the air quality of the area, and the happiness of people experiencing the garden.

Need to determine how the garden will be maintained once the structure has left. Won't be able to physically build the structure — project will have to be highly technologically based.

I am passionate about the environment and raising awareness of the issues surrounding it. I am also keen on the idea of fusing my interests in architecture with my interests in agricultural design. I think this will be an interesting project and one that will sustain me the length of the year.

Provides a healthy and ethical breakfast alternative to people with little time. Benefits the producers of the fair trade coffee (etc.).

Done before - with the Sydney Food Carts - so would struggle to come up with any original ideas.

There are many other things out there so I feel like I would just be replicating some other projects. I am interested in the pop-up element, but the actual concept is not entirely inspiring to me.

Makes home gardening accessible for people with very limited space. Could be hung in kitchens and used for herbs and other produce for eating.

Not sure of the technology involved in suspending a pot from the ceiling and have the plant hang upside down (possible idea).

I am interested in plants and the utilisation of small spaces, however I will probably get bored of this project as the scope is fairly narrow in terms of possible opportunities to undertake.


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Fair trade breakfast cart

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betyefterost boy y *a. c tor boos+, THECETAILS: Owsobb ',borers bytyyrbbet 13 ...yob..., modern o t oto s Jyy. boys rye, oos•ws otos...b.:sour "I sot ebY , bro. sbenOr Os' boors yrs....cosi bee ors obi, r Or, obt e rye ft eft. aft oft. ftftftar v.ft ar, Wry bor-wor cone Snowy ey, s* sio-O obrt Ursa now rya bats be,a bsorby Art ...boa bbar re...cyan. Swe. -orbs lobo bo c.o.= ■ st , mows-ars ftft. iftefterweaftftft■. ,r.ftwl y nO, O way , assyscro rob-b.-Sys •y•YS .,_.yfr* OSSON, -arr s proof, rop , boos no..., bob -.yrs b- bro. yoworo- fby rosby co. b., O.* So7b-b,

Create a VESSEL/POT/THING for plants to be planted in which can be suspended form the ceiling, to save space on the ground.

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POSSIBLE IDEA - Upside down hanging garden? Have an interest in and knowledge of plats the need is an extremely justified one

There are many projects and products which address need similar to this.

Ceiling garden

JUSTIFICATION OF FINAL DECISION: After comparing the three ideas, the project I have decided to undertake for my MDP is the Green Pop-up experience, to address the need of there not being enough greenery in city spaces and a lack of awareness of issues regarding sustainability. I found that this is the area that has the most opportunities to be explored, and the most scope in terms of what can be achieved for a school based design project. I am extremely passionate about issues surrounding the environment, which means I am confident that this project will be able to sustain me the entire duration of the year. (3-63-0— • I

0,4 St.


Benefits the greater society: - educates the public on environmental issues, gardening and sustainability - creates a more aesthetically pleasing environment for people in the area Good for the environment - more plants Addresses the huge trend in sustainable living and gardening Addresses the upcoming pop-up trend Could collaborate with 'Green City' programs, eg. Sustainable Sydney 2030


may not be well received by the target market


c,k Av-e

May not physically work `n ■,1".:

Original sketches and idea generation

To design, create and evaluate a temporary structure to involve the

POSSIBLE BRIEF: BRIEF. general public and leave behind a garden in s place, •

Final Selection of need and op-

Divise brief



After thinking about the idea and completing a bit of research, the direction of the final MDP idea has some minor changes.

Over the holidays I began researching my MDP (research included in Areas of Investigation section) and realised that the original idea of 'a pop up space to leave behind a garden in its place' was a little broad and direction less. I found that I had lost motivation with the project, and was unsure how to hone in on the important features to begin researching. So, I looked into other possible ideas, within the same direction. IDEA: A 'take away food' styled pop-up nursery - styled in the way of a take-away restaurant, gimmicky idea to address home planting . GOOD: fun, creative, addresses need of more plantlife in the home. BAD: would just be re-designing a garden shop, but on wheels.... not very innovative. IDEA: A versatile, temporary, fully-recycled garden in which people can sit and enjoy. GOOD: Could promote a message of sustainability and recuclability through "leading by example", addresses the need for more places to sit and relax in urbanised spaces, could physically build some components of the garden-pots. BAD: Not very interesting, could just be designing a boring garden to sit in, wouldn't sustain me the whole year.

A temporary and interac tive environmental space where business FINAL FINAL IDEA.• people can opt partake n the planting of a plant.

After alot of thought and careful consideration, this project is defiantly the winner, and the one that I will go with for the duration of the HSC. This idea is the most inspiring to me, and I feel that although I will be presented with some challenges (eg. use of technologies and time restraints) I will be able to overcome them and learn new skills and processes whilst doing so. I think that this project has the widest scope in terms of what I can do and what is achievable for a school based project, whilst maintaining a high level of creativity and utilising innovative design practices. This will be a highly hypothetical project, as I will not be able to actually construct the entire structure. It has innumerable advantages and positive impacts for the environment, and for the general well-being of people that participate in the experience (more detail into these benefits and the research behind the physiological impacts of plants can be found in the Areas of Investigation section of this portfolio.)

To design, create and evaluate a relocatable, interactive environmental-

NEW BRIEF : experience for urban professionals to partake in during their break times.


IDEA: A relocatable and interactive environmental-experience for urban professionals to participate in during their breaks. The 'interactive' component could involve planting plants. GOOD: Interesting, lots of potential directions to take it and ways of presenting it (i.e. model, graphics, sketches, CAD etc), can involve the public, adds an element of increased aesthetics to urban environments, benefits the environment by possibly planting plants (highly ethical, environmentally), benefits individuals by increasing their general well-being by spending timpAk\ around plants and away from work (highly ethical, socially). ())


An green escape from professional daily life

PROOF OF NEED: Work people, or 'urban professionals', work from anywhere between 7 - 9 hours per day, often more. This time is divided between many hours spent on a computer, several in meetings, and minimal and OPTIONAL slots allocated for breaks. In these break times, if they are even taken and not spent working, the majority of professionals don't even leave their work place. A study completed in 2009 showed that over 60% of people eat lunch at their desk more than once a week. recy<In fact, some large corporations around Australia and the US are pushing to make longer lunch breaks MANDATORY, as the benefits of getting out and about for an hour or so a day are astonishing.

Create Time Plan


IN THIS SECTION: Individual time plans for each term, and the justification of why the time plans are used.
















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This time chart) will assist me to manage the tasks required for my major design project and the time taken to complete them. I created it because graphic organisers such as a Gantt chart are essential when planning design activities. They allow me to see where I am up to in a project and what I need to do next.



Items to consider within this time plan are:

I am quite an involved person so always have many other commitments such as work, family and extra' curricular activities that need to be addressed as well as other assignments and exams for other subjec t which will occur within this time chart. I hope to provide as much time necessary to each task due for this project, in order to complete the entire project to the best of my ability. Over the summer holiday: break, I will be in Italy on exchange for 6 weeks. However, during this time, I anticipate I will have a lo of free time whilst attending the Italian school, in which I plan to complete as much of the research an initial design development as possible. This is to ensure I do not fall behind and instead, keep on top o (and if possible, ahead of schedule) the tasks depicted in my time plan. I will use this time chart to assis in motivating me to achieve and to keep on top of the tasks and their due dates.












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Junk yard, reverse garbage, old shed



TERM 2 2





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m o c ear flexible.. lastic tu cif






Bunnings, timber dealers



Barne's Rubber


















feedback from show C4S Evalu-on 4 IN 0 N


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Planning Investigation Proposal Research & Experimentation iEvaluation (ongoing) Innovation Realisation Documentation (MDP prep) Prep and revision .Assessments & BOS deadlines

TOTAL: $86.90

ACTION PLAN (.....Project development and

Exploration of needs

realisation Create Time Plan

Based on


Identify need]

C4S and ini-

[ Idea genera- -1 tion & origninal ' sketches

tial research Investigate the opportunities

make swot for each need/opp

Based on feedback

Test & experi-1 ment with initial < ideas


Target market research


take conclusionsdrawn from tests & apply to designs


Final Selection of need and opportunity

construct CAD drawings of possible_.dLsk.i . . . . . . . lb

Choose final idea Divise brief Secondary research (existing, similar, , materials)

Identify and evaluate possible resources and I materials

Areas of investigation


Document final concept & show where the conclusions from tests & research have been applied


Criteria for success

Resources list

[Create finance] plan

Ongoing documentation: Photos, sketches, video etc.

Begin project




ollect market feedback

Consider factors affecting design


Secondary research

(existing, similq


Areas of investigation

materials) WI





What sustainable/ eco friendly materials that can be used to make the structure?

Extensive online research into materials, make a trip to reverse garbage and view the possibilities of recycled goods, research past designs.

These materials will form the basis of the structure, so the research undertaken to ensure that the materials are sustainabl e eco-friendly and fitting for their purpose is crucial to the success the overall design.

How to use technologies that: transform 2D structural forms into a 3D format (CAD programs such as VectorWorks) communicate with eachother (vectorworksIllustrator-Lasercutter) can be used to visually apply the design to real locations

Watch online tutorials, ask for help from my teachers, have lots of practice over the summer holiday break.

This project will be mainly hypothetical, and will not consist of many physical components, so the use of these programs will be vital to communicate the designs in a graphic format.

Skills in model making.

Online tutorials, advice from teachers and professionals with model making experience, books.

To convey the final ideas on a smaller scale, and how it would look and work in a 3D context.

What pop-up/temporary events already exist in Australia and the world?

Visit a pop-up event and take photos. Look online for past pop-up cafes (etc.). Researching print and online media, such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

This will help me to gather ideas and inspiration for my own design, and to figure out how I can make my own design better than the ones that already exist. It also helps to prove that there is a opportunity for pop-up events, and that they are well received by the public.

What garden projects already exist? (e.g. guerrilla gardening movement).

Information about technology involved in the drip-filtration system applied to some small sustainable gardens.


This technology and systematic idea of a drip-filtration used in plants could be applied to this design project, and if so, the information on how it works would be vital in ensuring this design would function well.



Who is the target market (TM)?

Visit the areas in which the structure will be placed — observe the people, ask them questions one request that they complete surveys.

The TM are the people who will be using and enjoying the design, so it is vital that I know who they are, as this knowledge can help to determine the criteria for success and ensure that the project's reception by the public will be positive.

What information can be gathered from the TM about their work life and attitudes towards the environment/ gardens? e.g: Proud to be involved? On going commitment? How many work breaks? Enjoy spending time in nature? How much involvement?

Conduct surveys, questionnaires, and make observations on the target market in regards to their interest, behaviours and attitudes towards the environment one their daily life.

This information (again) will inform the criteria for success and the direction that the project will take. It will also determine how much public involvement will take place, and whether they would benefit from such a project.

What urban spaces would create the best possible reach to the identified TM, and the best location for a "POD" type environment?

Ask/observe/use internet to research the target market in different city environments — se( which are most enthusiastic about the environment & which areas are more accepting of public movements & where there is a need for public awareness on eco issues. Observe areas that are lacking ir areenerv life.

What psychological impacts do the presents of plants (in the home, work place, community, outdoors) have on humans and their well-being.

Conduct experiments on humans, find existing research on the internet, conduct surveys/questionnaires on the target market and analyse their responses to the presence of plants.


Watch the 'Guerrilla Gardeners' This will help to build on the TV show (channel 10). Research knowledge of what already exists online, visit some gardens (and takE i; and how this project can be photos) that garden movements completed better. have produced.

Research online, email designer for any technical information that she can disclose about the system, try and create one myself.

Permissions necessary to cons trust a structure on public land. ,i.e regulations from the council around temporary structures.

To have a deeper

understanding of the benefits that my MDP will have on the target market, and knowledge to base criteria and other elements of the design.

Make contact with council officials, conduct online research. '

For this project to be considered legitimate outside the realms of the HSC, such permissions would be required and regulations would have to be followed. Therefore, it is vital to research this area.

Secondary research (existing, similar, materials)


Target market research

Areas of investigation

IN THIS SECTION: Documentation of the results of the research undertaken on the different areas of investigation. OF INVESTIGATION - RESULTS

The target market is the group of people whom the project will be aimed at, as they will be the ones using and hopefully enjoying, the interactive environmental "POD" experience. This means it is crucial to undertake market research, to discover their preferences, thoughts and experiences with and regarding the project.





WHO IS THE TARGET MARKET? The target market are people identified, for purposes of this project, as 'Urban Professionals' - i.e. workers in an urbanised city centre, who work for numerous hours a day. They get limited breaks, for lunch and recreation, and spend the majority of their time indoors and on computers, with little access to plant life, nature and the outdoors. They are usually between the ages of 25 and 55, however these can vary.










Further validates the need for breaks and the impact they have on the psychological wellbeing of the TM when returning to work.

FOR YOUR LUNCH BREAK, DO YOU.... Stay at your desk


Stay Within the building


02. 31% (12,

More psychological validation Showing that currently, the TM do NOT utilise their break times effectively, and the need to change this. Proving that the TM WOULD participate in an activity or some form of experience if it had a genuine benefit to them.

Meet friends

METHODOLOGY: A selection of people belonging within the said target market completed a number of surveys and questionnaires (included in appendix). Respondents varied in age, ranging from 25 — 55, occupation (including stockbroker, secretary, lecturer, journalist and more) and place of residence from both Australia (e.g. Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne) and overseas (e.g. Rome, Rovereto, Hong Kong, Singapore). Observations were also taken, focusing on the behaviour of work people within cities/communities, their working practices and how they responded to their environment. These methods proved highly successful in gathering relevant and useful primary data. Secondary research was also undertaken on the internet to source extra information through the use of the Internet.

RESEARCH FINDINGS (a selection):


PEN D. Plants and nature TURE


Go fore walk outside your workplace



Eat out restaurant or cafe

The structure/experience should only be temporary.

Sit in a park

don't have lunch breaks









Yes, I want to take my mind off m...


The structure should incorporate an experience to help the TM feel energised and satisfied when returning to work - possibly the planting of a plant.

Yes. if it had some benefit to me


The structure should include a place for people to relax and enjoy the environment that it creates.

temporary involvemen

Maybe. depending on the day

buildings/man-made structures

I don't have breaks

Shows the TM's willingness to be involved. Helps to determine the time-span of the project and can be used to validate the trend and of 'temporary' and 'pop-up' in today's society.


III 13%





Displays the TM's desire to spend time amongst plants, proving the need and the fact that work-people will appreciate and benefit from the project. HOW MANY DAYS A WEEK DO YOU GO TO WORK? 1-3 days a week


Show the TM's current work patterns 3-5 days a week


snore than 5


0 1.&






The experience should be targeting the breaK times of the TM, to encourage them to get outside and do something productive, yet benefitting to them.

1 On

These results will be used to develop criteria for success and as recommendations for what to include in the design.

If there is a 'dirty' activity (i.e. planting of a plant), there should be necessary facilities provided to ensure the cleanliness of the TM before returning to their workplace.

Areas of investigation

PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACTS OF PLANTS ON HUMANS: A great deal of research has been conducted over the past several years to determine if plants indeed have an effect on the psychological and physical state of human beings. It was already known prior to research, through general observation, that plants can make an environment seem more lively and fresh, and that humans respond positively to the presence of plant life on the whole. However, throughout the research, its been found that plants can have many different positive effects on human health, emotions, and general well being, depending on where the plants are situated (indoors, outdoors, etc) and what is done with them (i.e., looked at, planted, cultivated etc.).

fikco)4-14W vj

Could be used for... plant holders, lights, decorative elements

VISIBLY recycled people can see that they have been re-used



REDUCE STRESS: When spending time around, and more specifically, cultivating and nurturing

plants have the ability to: improve reaction times; increase attentiveness, concentration and memory; raise productivity, increase feelings of compassion — and hence the ability to forge closer and better relationships, (this research shows that plants in and around the workplace can have extremely positive results on the efficiency of employees).

INCREASED RELAXATION: An experiment was carried out by the Texas A&M university, which found that when surrounded by vegetation and plant life, people emitted more alpha waves (a physiological measure of a person's degree of wakeful relaxation) than those exposed to any other scene. [Source: Dr. Robert Ulrich of Texas A&M University].

BEAUTIFY SPACES: Humans are hard-wired to respond positively to aesthetics, and feel more

Could be used for... seats, walls of the structure, doorways, benches etc.

Could be used for... Plant holders, structural elements of the POD Milk bottles

Cigarette Fighter 6 pack ri ngs i 1.2%

1.4 % \ \

INCREASED COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Within his experiment, Dr. Tove Field also found that

Could be used for: seats, benches, storage units, wall structures

Old fence posts

plants, humans experience reduced stress, as they can channel their frustrations into helping a living thing flourish (which also brings great satisfaction and accomplishment) - [source:" Literature Review of Documented Health and Environmental Benefits Derived from Ornamental Horticulture Products" issued by the George Morris Centre in 2007.1

BETTER PHYSICAL HEALTH: According to an experiment conducted by Dr. Tove Field in 2002, the presence of plants saw the decline of health problems such as fatigue, headaches and sore throats and even lowered blood pressure. [source: 2002, scientists Dr. Tove Field and his teaml.

Plastic bottles

Meier Sources or Rubbish


Food containers


Other 8.5%

Chips 8 confectionary bags

1.7% Cups / utensils 2.2% ' Water / soft drink bottles 2.6% Fruit juice bottles 3,4% Cli tsvtkrap 11111


Bottles/caps Aids 11,9%



Food bags 5.2 %

Polystyrene 5'.

Packaging 6.7 % Garbage bags 6.7 %

PET Battles 10.0% Straws 70%

Supermarket / Retail bags 7,4 %

Riess 14%

comfortable and at ease when in attractive environments. Plants have the ability to bring life, colour and happiness to a space, which benefits the human state of mind.

IMPROVE AIR QUALITY: The presence of plants, both indoor and outdoor, improves the quality of air that humans breathe in, allowing higher order brain functioning and increased energy levels. BENEFITS COMMUNITIES: Parks and plants provide an aesthetically pleasing environment, encouraging more pride in the community, more outdoor physical activity and as a result, healthier and happier citizens, and closer community members. Communities with an abundance of plants and parks even tend to experience less crime. [SOURCE: Report by the Texas A&M University].

SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY: Nurturing and caring for a plant engenders extremely positive effects according to experiments by the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, because humans are able to experience the responsibility of taking care of something other than thpmcelvpc


As can be seen from these pie graphs, the most common rubbish material is plastic. And of the plastics, the most common source of rubbish is chips and confectionary bags. Ti Hs research can he tricorpot otett into tile findl decision oi materials chosen to make the structural components of the temporary POD structure.

Once plastics are made, they remain on this planet forever, as most are not biodegradable, or cannot be melted down to be reused. The only way to address this problem is by recycling and reusing plastic materials in other products. Plants can be used as the materials themselves, for instance, chamomile and thyme can be used as natural comfortable seat tops. "Chamomile seats - Once it was discovered that sitting or stepping on chamomile released a delicious aroma and that the herb didn't seem to mind being trampled upon in the least, it was quickly put to use to create seats and lawns. Today, gardeners often use bricks, timber, or stones to frame the bottom of the seat and then fill it in with soil topped off with chamomile."

These results will he used to develop criteria for success and as recommendations for what to include in the design.

INTERESTING POINT! Can defiantly use this...

Areas of investigation





PIRA" Guerrilla Gardening Movement '

To effectively visually convey (in a technological format) the design ideas, skills need to be developed in the following Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) programs: GoogleSketchUp and VectorWorks. Evidence of initial research. AIM=

SIMILARITIES Guerrilla Gardening is gardening land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to, focusing on food crops or plants intended to beautify the once unpleasant area. This movement originated in America, and has recently been a very 'on trend' way of provoking change through direct action, and ‘7 making public political ii statements about the r environment.

The practice of Guerrilla Gardening is an interesting an effective way of raising awareness about issues in terms of the environment, and improving the general aesthetics of an area. These are two key factors in which this MDP is based around, so in this regard, the projects are relatively similar. The Guerilla Gardening movement also includes the interactive component of planting plants, however it is carried out in different manner, and isn't aimed at continuous involvement in the project.

Although both projects aim to achieve the common goals of environmental awareness and beautifying spaces, they differ in the manner in which they are carried out. This MDP will focus on the temporary/popup trend, as opposed to a permanent garden, and would eliminate the 'illegal' aspect present in the guerrilla movement, by receiving permissions from local councils. It also differs in the fact that there is often no designated place to sit/chill out in guerrilla gardens, but this is another key factor essential part in the MDP.

The Guerrilla Gardening movement has been effective in showing that such projects actually can succeed within communities, and that people in the public respond well to them.

A seasonal floral display that occurs annually in and around the city of Sydney. Designers grow flowers and plants and arrange them in different locations around Sydney. The display lasts for about 2 months, and is then dismantled.

Living Colour brings life, colour and energy to different locations around Sydney, a vital feature of the MDP. They are temporary, only lasting a few months and occur in more places than one. They are versatile in their arrangement, as that is how the floral designs are produced.

Living colour only addresses a few of the important features of the MDP — to make city spaces more beautiful, and to be a temporary installation. Otherwise, it does nothing in the way of providing an interactive activity involving planting plants. It also doesn't promote the ideas of environmental sustainability.

This project has more differences than similarities with the said MDP, however whilst focusing on the aesthetics, it could be very inspirational.



These plans for a drip filtration system using recycled plastic bottles could easily be applied to the POD design, and would address the possible 'visibly recycled materials' criteria, and be .4 sustainable in its approach to re-using the water and nutrients from the top plant, all the way to the bottom plant.

Living Colour Floral display




These res


ill be used to develop criteria for success and as recommendations for what to include in the design.

Areas of investigation


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Work people, or 'urban professionals', attend their workplace from anywhere between 7 - 9 hours per day, often more. This time is divided between many hours spent on a computer, several in meetings, and minimal/OPTIONAL slots allocated for breaks. In these break times (if they are taken and not spent working) the majority of professionals don't even leave their work place. The market research report stated that an alarming 10% of the people surveyed chose not to take their breaks, and if they did 53% would not even leave their desk. In fact, some large corporations around Australia and the US are pushing to make longer lunch breaks MANDATORY, as the benefits of getting out and about for an hour or so a day are astonishing, and increase productivity by substantial amounts. Research suggests that if 40 mins per day are spent outside, you experience huge benefits not only to your mental health but also your physical health. Time spent around PLANTS has even greater physical and psychological effects on humans. These include: reduced stress, increased cognitive function, increased relaxation and a greater sense of happiness due to aesthetically pleasing environments. All these add to improve general productivity, and have long lasting benefits on 'urban professionals' when they return to work. Fusing the need for more employees to take breaks from their work, and the need for more people to spend time amongst plants and in the outdoors, creates an umbrella need and great opportunity for possible design solutions.


FUNCTIONAL C RITERIA Must incorporate an easy and quick gardening activity for urban professionals to partake in.

This makes up the crux of the entire design project, and is specified in the brief as it is incredibly important. The activity must be engaging, to distract the professionals from their work, but also easy and quick so as to not consume too much time or effort.

Once the design and activity involved is finalised, practice/experiment runs can be done to determine the level of difficulty and amount of time which is required. The results can be presented to the target market, to see their thoughts on if it meets the criteria or not.

Must contribute positively/ enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding urban environment.

If a beautiful environment is to be created, it is vital that people have the space to enjoy it. This allows people to further relax and rejuvenate before returning to work.

This will be tested by observing and evaluating the availability of space in which people can appreciate the environment created by the design. Also, by asking the opinions of the target market for the aesthetic qualities and if they think this

Must create an environment that makes people feel good.

This is a significant ethical factor underpinning the design, and is evident in the research undertaken within the areas of investigation and market research. This is vital to achieve, to ensure that the TM return to work energised, happy, and in a more productive state of mind for working.

This can be tested by running tests on the target market, to determine their emotions and feelings before and after participating in/ being surrounded by the final design.

Must provide appropriate WHS standards for participation and clean up of gardening activities.

The activity should not hinder the cleanliness or appearance of the workers, so it is essential that the TM participating in this project can return to work clean, fresh, and in a good state of mind.

To test the safety of each individual part of the design and the process that goes with it, I can run tests to see the suitability and effectiveness of each safety design salutation.

Must have the ability to be transported to various locations with ease.

The design must be relocatable and easily moved from location to location, to fulfil the brief of being a "relocatable structure".

Test how easy it is to put up and take apart.

Design must be appropriate for small/densely populated urban spaces. Model must fit within a 1m3 area Materials for the MDP must be accessible in a school context Working-part prototypes must be functioning correctly.


wow Destgn must use as many visibly recycled materials as possible.

rust contribute positively/ enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding urban environment.




Criteria for success

IN THIS SECTION: Justification of the NEED/SITUATION in which there is an opportunity to design, the BRIEF statement, the SPECIFICATIONS which the design must include, and the CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS.


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criteria is key in ensuring that a message of environmental sustainability is promoted through the project. The target market is more likely to take on board eco-friendly ideas and practices and use them in their own lives if they can see them in action - a "lead by example" approach to encouraging sustainable ways of living.

The test if the target market can tell that the materials used to build the structure are VISIBLY RECYCLED would involve interviewing the TM to determine their observations. Interviewing of the TM to test the effectiveness of the environmental message and if they feel inspired to change aspects of their lifestyle to adopt parts of the message are other ways of testing the effectiveness of this criteria.

Improving the overall aesthetics of the surrounding environment is a major component of this design project, as it contributes to the psychological well being of the people using/partaking in the environmental experience (which is another important criteria). Therefore, it is vital that the design of the structure is highly aesthetic.

Information on the success of this criteria can be gathered from the TM also. This can be conducted through questionnaires about whether they consider the structure an aesthetically pleasing design, and if it agrees with their tastes and preferences.

criteria is fulfilled.

. To design, create and evaluate a relocatable, interactive environmental-experience for BRIEF • urban professionals to partake in during their break times.

10,Based on ‘d4S and ini-


tial research



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Consider factors affecting design

IN THIS SECTION: Concept development and evaluation of initial designs.


Idea generation & original sketches


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Based on

Consider factors affecting design

Idea generation & original sketches

C4S and initial research


IN THIS SECTION: factors affecting design, the original ideas of the process and an evaluation of the PSE.

Here is a consolidated list of aspects that the final design must incorporate. They include some points from the criteria, and some of the specifications, and act as a general guide in the process of idea generation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Some sort of human interaction Somewhere to house unplanted seedlings Somewhere to house planted plants Somewhere for participants to actually plant the plant (i.e. a workbench etc.) To include a watering system for the plants For the plants to have adequate access to sunlight It should educate the users on the environment/home growing It should create a pleasing environment for TM to enjoy Adequate storage for extra parts, soil, equipment etc.

At this point, the MDP has turned into more of a system as apposed to a product or environment. However, a product and environment are still incorporated into this system. That is:

PRODUCT the structure which offers a home for plants and the opportunity for the TM to plant their own plant. SYSTEM: the structure is assembled, the TM plants a plant, the nurtures the plant, the TM can decide to take plant home or donate to a community garden. A SYSTEM will also be involved in the structure itself, as the structure collects, stores and uses water, assisted by human interaction. ENVIRONMENT the entire structure (including both the system and the product) create an environment (as required in the breif) for the TM to enjoy. • Sk"0456.Nre rkS




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There are many factors to consider in this project which can affect the overall design.


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APPROPRIATENESS: - climate (sun, water, too much wind/rain), space, time restraints and interests of the workers, consider appropriateness for the end user ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES: - what materials/resources (no energy, reused materials/eco friendly, minimum water usage), the effect of the life of the system (plant a plant = good for envi) , the long lasting effects (educates people, creates more green in public spaces), sustainable energy alternatives e.g. human energy as opposed to coal powered energy.

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THE PROCESS (at this stage...)

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TIME: - time restraints cause by school deadlines and classes, and in terms of the actual design, the time available for workers to participate in the system. pc' COI? jteeir-Oe

FUNCTION: - Must work effectively

Ir•COTA. cOr Vroz, kikk.

WHS: - This design must consider safety on a number of levels. 1. The design of the entire pop-up structure must be stable, safe and secure for the use of the target market, in the interactive components and for passers by. 2. The structure must be safe to set up. 3. moving elements require extra attention is terms of safety, as it can cause added strain on parts, making them weaker, and also peoples fingers can get caught (e.g. in a bike chain). 4. the design requires the use of some heavy machinery, such as scroll saws, laser cutters, hack saws, files, angle grinders, drill press, band saw etc. so appropriate precautions are necessary to be taken to ensure safety in the production phase of the design.


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REMEMBER!!! This project is about providing an interactive environmental experience to the target market.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MY PROJECT: All the items discussed above are vital to be considered in the final design. The 'checklist' above, depicts the essential parts of the design. which can be used as another set of criteria to evaluate the success of the final design, at the end of the project.

Based on C4S and ini-

Consider factors affecting design

Idea genera& original sketches


tial research

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Final concept in ser i6ov d exchickUi ENTEV__ tru dostl. ,

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EVALUATION: I compared this concept against the C4S, and realised that there were several things that it didn't address. For instance: Must contribute positively/enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding urban environment - NOT FULFILLED, as this design is in fact extremely ugly, even if it is functional. Must have the ability to be transported to various locations with ease - NOT FULFILLED, as this design would require too much work to set up and make functional. Must create an environment that makes people feel good - NOT FULFILLED, as it's just way too UGLY.


The rotational system could be developed further, as it enables varied water attainment for the plants, is an interesting feature, and means that all plants are accessible. - Bike parts (as explored in THIS concept) have the potential to be carried through to other concepts, as they are a good means of adding both an interactive component and a functional rotational system



Identify and evaluate possible resources and materials

MATERIAL BRAINSTORMING: At this sta g e, it is necessary to consider some materials that could be applied to the final desi g n, to help with idea generation, as the materials and their reused characteristics will form a prominent part of the aesthetics of the desi g n. HOWEVER, this desi g n is NOT about the materials used. It is about providin g the tar g et market with an interestin g , thou g ht-provokin g , interactive ENVIRONMENTAL experience. Therefore, the materials pla y a role in facilitatin g for this experience, but will not dictate the outcome of the desi g n.

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WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MY PROJECT: - Bike parts could be explored further and incorporated into the design, due to their functional qualities (such as the rotating of the bike chain), its strength and durability, and interesting forms - packing crates will also be incorporated into later designs, as they are in high abundance, reused, sturdy and have an interesting 'rustic' appeal, which could add to the overall aesthetics of the design.

Based on

Consider factors affecting design

Idea generation & origninal sketches

C45 and initial research

CONCEPT 3 sok:Lir

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I really liked the rotational system on which the plants were attached that I had developed in my previous designs. So I decided to take it further.





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This idea was inspired by packing crates. Packing crates are made of unfinished timber, and are used in the transportation of goods. They come in many different sized cube-like-containers, which means little manipulation of the material would be required, if the design incorporated this cube-like form.

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Here, the packing crates are stacked on top of each other and a bike chain with plants attached rotates around each surface created by the structure. e,s,c.k c_1/4(\ekior\

II II e ac an compare t is esign against t e C4S, an rea Ise t at t is sesign as move, too ar away rom t e origina EVALUATION: I oo need and brief, and the recommendations provided by the TM. For example, "an escape from daily work life" is not adressed. For this to be a successfully achieved, the design really needs to be a structure in which a person can enter and truly 'escape' the surrounding environment. Otherwise, people will just walk past and not be inclined to participate in the activity of planting a plant. It must DRAW PEOPLE IN!


Based on C45 and ini-

Idea generation & original sketches

tial research

Due to the nature of my MDP being based around plants, a watering system is required to nourish and encourage healthy growth of the plants included in the design. Therefore, many different systems and processes for water catchment, usage, drainage and storage were researched and developed in idea generation and pre-production, in order to find the most effective and suitable method for this project.

1 - none

3 — The TM could be involved in using watering cans etc.

4 — TM are required to use the water bottles to water the plants

5 — TM are required to turn the handles operating the arch. screw to make the system work

5 — requires no human input, as it could be activated through a timer system

1 — system depends on human input

1 — system depends on human input

1 — system depends on human input

1 — the system of piping and pumps won't actually be seen at all, and are not recycled or reused

2 — could be a reused watering can

4 — the plastic bottles are very noticeably recycled

3 — parts of the process could be reused; e.g. piping, channels, handles etc. but not all that visibly

The possibilities: Council water A sprinkler system would be attached to the council water mains, and electrical pumps would be used to distribute water amongst the plants.

Consider factors affecting design


Hand watered The volunteers working at the structure would use hoses and watering cans (filled with water from taps) to hand water the plants once every day. -


Water bottle tank Water would be collected in gutters on the top of structure, and run into a tank-likeobject on which recycled water bottles are attached. The water bottles fill up with water collected in the tank. Target market (TM) unscrews the bottles, and use to water the plants. -

Tank with Archimedes screw Water is collected in a tank. A handle is turned by the TM that rotates an Archimedes screw that carries water up from the tank and into a water channel running along the top of the panels. Water falls through deliberately placed holes in the channel, and waters the plants situated below. Water is then caught in a trough below the plant arrangement, and fed back into the tank. —

To test initial suitability, the ideas were rated according to their appropriateness for each of the necessary conditions that the system must fulfil. Each idea was rated between 1 (extremely inapplicable) to 5 (extremely applicable).

Effe wene in watering' the pla

Tank + Arch screw

Council Water


Water ottle ta k

1 — not easy, electrical parts would be hard to set up

5 — no set up needed

3 — not too hard, but still some set up required

3.5 — more difficult, but there is are no electrical parts so it consists of only fitting pieces together

2 — a series of pumps can pack up fairly small, making transportation easy

5 — not a lot to transport - only watering cans etc

3 — the bottles and tank (etc.) would be more of an effort to transport

3 — the arch. screws and the tank would be harder to transport, but can pack up quite easily

1 — uses all coal-powered, council energy, therefore, it has adverse environmental impacts

5 — human input

5 — human input

5 — human input

4 — very effective, as the sprinklers could be set up specifically to water each plant

2 — little control over how much water each plant receives

2 — there would be little control over how much water each plant receives

5 — The system would involve a channel with purposely placed holes to distribute the water effectively and evenly

After comparing the 4 watering systems, it was decided to further develop and research the archimedes screw option. This system successfully includes a strong element of TM interaction (vital for the success of the overall design, and stated in the project brief), as well as being extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly, thanks to its potential to be made from recycled/reused materials and its use of human kinetic energy as opposed to coal-powered energy. This means that it addresses the ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES factor affecting design. It does, however, mean that the success of the growth of the plants is left up to the TM. I think this is an interesting concept, because not only does the TM start the life of the plant within the structure through planting, it is also somewhat responsible with maintaining the life of the plants within the structure. However, volunteers can also step in to ensure each plant receives adequate water, if the appropriate levels are not reached by the input of the TM. This system also adds an interesting element to the AESTHETICS, which is another factor affecting design, and is an important part of the criteria for success. The other systems were too complex, too easy, or simply not suitable for this project. The watering system that was the most closely rated to the Archimedes screw was a simple hand watering system. Hand watering requires no coal-powered energy, it is extremely easy to transport and there is no setup required. However, this was decided against as I figured that as a major design project, this system would be the easy option out, and the huge array of interesting opportunities to explore in this area were too exciting to ignore.

TESTING THE ARCHIMEDES SCREW Testing of the archimedes screw and its functionality/appropriateness for this product is visible in the project development section, and also in the film.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MY PROJECT: The archimedes screw is the watering system that will be incorporated into the final design.

Based on

Consider factors affecting design

Idea generation & origninal sketches

C4S and initial research

k-krofi(s ot\ -k-V\ ()JO


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Drawing on the ideas developed in the previous concepts, original sketches were drawn up.


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Possible layout options

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This design was the one chosen to develop for the MDP. It ticks the criteria that the other design ideas did not, such as "must create an environment", "must have the ability to be transported with ease"and "must contribute positively to the surrounding environment" and "must be used of as many recycled materials as possible". This design include three interactive components adding to the "environmental experience"; planting a plant, watering the plants (with the archimedes screw) and turning the plants on the bike wheel. There is also scope for interesting design additions such as sinage and seating.

Given it fulfils all the criteria and is interesting and interactive in its nature, concept design 4 is the design for the pop-up garden structure that will be researched and developed in the future.

Idea generation & original sketches


Test & experiment with initial ideas

take conclusions drawn from tests & apply to designs

IN THIS SECTION: A series of tests have been carried out to determine the most suitable materials, tools and techniques. This section includes final decisions made, and future steps to apply those conclusions to the designs.

HINGES AND JOINING MECHANISMS: Part of the design includes an arrangement of small pot plants that are attached to a bike wheel. As the bike wheel is rotated (as an interactive component of the design), the plants rotate with it. For this to work, the base of the plants must remain horizontal to the ground, in an upright position, as to ensure the plants do not fall out. To allow for this, a gimbal pivot has been investigated to keep the pot plants upright during the rotation. A gimbal is a pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a single axis.

AIM: • •

To determine an appropriate joining mechanism between the bicycle wheel and the pot, and to ensure that it does the following things: Attaches the pot (plant) to the wheel at a 90-degree angle Is able to hold the weight of the plant, pot, and soil

Allows the wheel to rotate, whilst keeping the plants horizontal to the ground and doesn't tip over icrke-15

AN 0:314zi.Nt —5krfrt-fr.

METHOD: A mock-up-gimbal was created out of a piece of dowel and an old plastic water 'bottle. The bottle is free to rotate around the axis created by the dowel. The plastic sits comfortably in a little 'nook'/'dent' in the dowel, meaning it can't move forward or back/slide off all together. To keep it at a horizontal angle, another piece of dowel was added to the original piece, and stuck on at a perpendicular angle. This will prevent the bottle from tilting forward.

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A-Nrcare _


The ring gimbal is similar in concept to the standard gimbal, however, it has a different point of pivot. For instance, using the above experiment as an example, the standard gimbal is made of a fixed piece of dowel, upon which the plastic bottle is able to rotate (or 'pivot'). Whereas, the ring gimbal is made of a ring that the pots (or in the above example, the plastic bottles) can fit within. In this instance both the ring, dowel and bottle would rotate around a pivot on the end of the bike wheel.

tok-d Ulkke (tiurz : „\pt,-.)"' viNls A-6A- g'A, tle-t etit's cad,

CONCLUSION: I In all, this experiment probably wasn't the most effective in showing the ACTUAL type, shape and size of the real gimbal pivots that will be used in the final design. However, the experiment was successful in demonstrating how the gimbal pivot works, and what measures need to be put in place to ensure the pots remain parallel to the ground, and attached with ease. Future .; will be required to fully determine the final details included in the gimbal pivot mechanism.

CONCLUSION: The ring pivot is more suitable to this MDP, as it will enable the pots to be taken on and off the rotation cycle with ease. With the standard gimbal, the pots must be fixed to the wheel, and cannot be changed or taken off at all.


The outcomes of this experiment are in actual fact, extremely important to the success of the final design. If the pots cannot turn and remain upright, they cannot sufficiently house the plant, and therefore will hinder the interactive process supplied by the rotation of the wheel. Idea 2, the ring pivot gimbal, was the most successful and suitable for this design, as it facilitated easy usage and ticked all the required criteria. Further experimentation is necessary to decide on shapes and sizes of the 'ring' element, however this must be determined after the decision on the types of s ots.

Idea generation & original sketches zeWNW& -



AY. it.' FA ge-diiikilik


AIM: to determine a suitable plant holder that has the following characteristics: • Durable enough to withstand weather conditions and the effects of constant watering • Light enough to be suspended from a bike wheel at a 90 degree angle • big enough to fit a seedling within it • Small enough to maximise the number of plant holders that can fit on one wheel • Perforated to allow water drainage • Reused/recycled material • PREFERABLE (but not compulsory) - Biodegradable, so it can be planted directly into the ground


take conclusions drawn from tests & apply to designs


scallik la&


Test & experiment with initial




THE POSSIBILITIES: Plastic _ 21 water/soft drink bottles PLUS: lots of them c plastic is the biggest contributor to global rubbish transparent, so you can see all the roots relatively sturdy f,-MINUS: 0 ugly not a very creative design solution

Handmade recycled paper pots PLUS: biodegradable - they can be planted directly into the ground they make use of recycled paper MINUS: o not sturdy o will disintegrate when in contact with water


Hessian Sack/jute


Composite paper, plastic, metal milk c ons PLUS: lots of plastic global rub paper qualities = the biodegradabl MINUS: 0 ugly 0 not stur4A,,q


ntributor to unity to explore es further

'100% biodegradable and recyclable' and thus environmentally friendly..., they can be planted directly into the ground . ' cheapest vegetable fibre good insulating, and has holes to allow for water drainage

Initial hessian sack made. After testing, it was decided that this one was too big.

MINUS: 0 not sturdy 0 decreased strength when wet

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was conducted to test the effects water had on milk cartons. The cartons were left in a tub of water for 2 weeks. showed that the outside layer of paper began to peel away, leaving the plastic and aluminium behind. CONCLUSIONS DRAWN were that it was not a suitable solution to the need, as it is not durable enough, will lose shape and rigidness, and will look displeasing to the eye.

was conducted to test the suitability of the jute material for its intended purpose - as a vessel in which to plant seedlings. Soli was placed within a small hessian bag, and water was pour over the top. showed that the water drained through the small holes in the material, taking only a small proportion of the dirt with it (i.e. Not enough soil was lost for alternatives to be explored). CONCLUSIONS DRAWN: the jute material has the desires characteristics of being biodegradable and porous, creating the most suitable material from which to make the plant holders.

Second and final hessain-sack pot that was made. This one was small enough to fit several on the same bike wheel, big enough to fit a proper size seedling and perfect weight to be suspended on the wheel. A perspex frame was cut using the laser cutter, and then melted on the strip heater to allow a perfect right angled bend. In the real thing, perspex would not be used, as it isn't biodegradable, and prevents the whole pot from being planted in the ground. Instead, strong paper binding or wood would be explored for the production of the frame.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MY PROJECT: e hessian sack material was decided upon to create the plant holders out of, based on the above tests and characteristics.

The final plan holders were made accordingly


IN THIS SECTION: the plan of action for the production of the design, divided into relevant sections representing the different aspects of the design that will be produced.




Consolidate final design Determine dimensions based on wheel size and packing crates Obtain drawing materials

Commence handdrawn render




Learn new software (Vectorworks)


Determine scale

Decide on what to include


Determine scale large enough for human interaction, small enough to allow for 3D printing

Determine scale


Learn new technology

Construct parts on Illustrator

Build individual components

Source available components from resource libraries wheel, archimedes screw, hinges (etc)

Must represent the systems: archimedes screw, wheel rotation + gimbal pivots - to show the human interaction

Obtain materials

Construct complete design - fit all parts together Finalise/render the drawing

Graphically apply to different scenes e.g. Sydney CBD, shopping centres, building lobbies etc.

Decide on parts to make in model form

Create Illustrator file of parts to be cut by laser cutter

Hand make simple parts

Cut those parts on the laser cutter

What materials are most suitable? Balsar Foam Cardboard Paper Plastic Metal

Decide on software to use for animation

Film scenes of movie

Get printed Learn how to use editing software

Photoshop Screen captions in video editing Flash layers animated

Edit and put together the film

Make 3D CAD graphics of some parts to be made on 3D printer

Capture the movement of individual parts of the system

Export and prepare for display

Print those parts on 3D printer

Turn the movement into an animation

Export file Assemble pieces

This action plan will be a guideline as to what must be done during the production stage of the project, and will work in conjunction with the time plan to ensure everything is completed on time and to a high standard.


Learn new software (Vectorworks)

Determine scale

IN THIS SECTION: A step by step process of the production process, problems encountered, the solutions developed and the application of conclusions drawn from research and testing/experimentation.



The basic structure consisting of the 4 panels, the water tank with the table top sitting above it, and the initial archimedes screws.

The archimedes screw. This one, has 2 plates at the top and bottom, which would not work to carry water.

Side angle. The Archimedes screws looked too thin and fragile, and seemed disproportionate compared to the rest of the structure.

The screws were adjusted by increasing the diameter. This helps to give the impression that the structure is more stable and secure, and also carries more water.

The renderer' structurp pc

or the basic -



Original joint Initial design for the universal joint. 2 cylinders with 2 'arms' in which a ball sits to enable movement.



A spherical shape was added to the centre, to form the 'ball' that the rest of the joint pivots around.

P0 CT:

Build individual components

Close up of the mechanism. This was 3D printed, and found that the rods too thin and snapped.

The 2 cylinders were shortened, the rods thickened and extra support was added to the 'arms' to ensure strength.

Final joint

After printing, it was found that the 'arms' on the original joint were too short, and obstructed the movement of the universal joint. As such, the arms were lengthened, making it more mobile and effective.

The final rendered graphic of the universal joint.


e vectorworks representation of the structure helped to communicate the design idea more fluently, and also to develop my skills in vectorworks.


Construct complete design - fit all parts together

As" N.







The structure anc the points of human interaction.

THREE POINTS OF HUMAN INTERACTION 1 The Work bench - Where the target market can participate in the planting of a seedling into one of the biodegradable hessian sack-plant holders, which is mounted onto one of the bicycle wheels. 2. The Handle - The handel (or pedal) is turned by the target market, which rotates the bike chain and then the archimedes screw. The screw collects water as it spins, and brings it to the top of the structure, where it is caught by 'channels'. The water falls through deliberately placed holes in the channels, and waters the plants beneath. 3 The Wheel- The wheel can be turned by the target market to enable even water distribution amongst all the plants attached.

Finalise/render the drawing

Determine scale - larg e enou g h for human interaction, small enough to allow for 3D printing



(that is, the parts that would actually be used in the final structure if it were really made), or close representations. Bike parts:

1. The workbench - where the target market can participate in the planting of a seedling into one of the biodegradable hessian sack plant holders, which is mounted onto one of the bicycle wheels (with a gimbal pivot). 2. The handle - is turned by the target market, which rotates the bike chain and in turn, the archimedes screw. The screw collects water as it spins, and carries it to the top of the structure, where it is caught by the 'channels'. The water falls through the deliberately placed (and spaced) holes in the channels, and waters the plants beneath.

Front wheel fork

Gear cluster

3. The wheel - can be turned by the target market to assist with even water distribution amongst all the plants attached. It also adds and element of fun and interest for the target market. As such, these are the aspects that the final production will convey. These sections of the design will be , constructed real size (or there abouts) out of the real parts and materials (where possible) that the actual structure (if it were really made) would comprise of.

Part 1 of product:


- the prototype to communicate the interactive component (listed as number 2 above) including the transfer of motion and the flow of water.



PARTS: all materials used in the construction of the archimedes screw prototype were either the real parts

Given the scale of the design (over 2m tall, and 4m+ wide), it is not possible to be made completely and to have a fully resolved, fully working, full scale prototype. So, the important parts of the design (those that are vital to be communicated) are the three points of interaction.

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Decide on parts

to make in model

Bicycle wheel tubing

WHY BIKES?? The initial idea came from the criteria to evaluate success, being "Design must use as mar. visibly recycled materials as possible." ... And... "Design must include an interactive component for TM to partake in." Using bike parts would effectively fulfil these parts of the criteria for stiff , , „ will is allowing for interesting form with a highly functional purpose. Aside from the structural and mechanical elements offered by the bike, it also aligns with a popular trend today. Bikes are becoming a more and more popular 'preferred means of travel', and the 'trendiness' of bikes, that has been fuelled by media and the online world, has promoted the growth in this industry. Therefore, to align this project with this trend could appeal to the target market, and help promote the image of a sustainable, environmentally friendly lifestyle. FACTORS AFFECTING DESIGN Aesthetics: Bike parts, although fairly unattractive, add to the overall 'rustic' aesthetic of the design. Given that a majority of the design is made of parts from the same bike, it also creates a sense of aesthetic unity. Function: Given that bike parts are designed with a functional purpose, and that the design takes advantage of these predetermined functions, they work extremely well for their intended purpose, and add to the function of the design. Environment: Old bikes usually get chucked out or turned into scrap metal, whereas this project works to reuse these old parts and give them a new life, making it more environmentally friendly.



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Recylced timber x 2 in the real design (if it were really made), recycled steel or something of similar properties would be used, as the extensive pressure from the turning of the pedal/chain caused some of the nails and bolts to tear out of the wood, making it an unsuitable material for use. However, for purposes of this demonstration, the recycled timber is sufficient.



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**PART FROM GRINDER** This part was reused, as it was originally a part of the *** of a hand grinder tool. This part replicates the role of the universal joint, explored in testing and experimentation, and was used instead of the universal joint because it is made from metal, not plastic, therefore being stronger and more stable, and more suitable for this project. Also, considering environmental factors, the re-using of this part means less wastage, and the conservation of energy and materials that would be required to 3D print the universal joint. Perspex for the gear protector -

bulks koknokairs (310-Cre-

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Recycled PVC Piping


for the inner tubing of the archimedes screw

siotkvv-t skeuld

35mm dowel for the extension of the screw -

Assemble pieces

Part 1


BULDONG HE ARC I SOURCED THE MATERIALS - from junk-yards, workshop scraps and reverse garbage stores CUT UP THE BIKE - required parts of the bike were cut up and prepared for use.

TOOLS & TECHNIQUES - hack saw for cutting the bike frame - files for sanding off the sharp metal edges - grinder for cutting through the tougher parts of the frame

PROBLEM #1 Once all the parts were cut up, there was the issue of how to align the gear mechanism (including the chain and grinder part) with the 45 degree angle of the archimedes screw. After much testing of different alternatives with the aid of a mock up version made of foam, it was decided that the best option would be to cut the top of the vertical piece of timber on a 45 degree angle, and place the grinder part on a plank of wood on top. However, this meant that the model would not precisely communicate the design of the entire structure, as the model would not be able to compensate for the channels. SOLUTION: As such, the final product of this working prototype does not effectively communicate the flow of water between the top of the archimedes screw and the channels, but to do so, would compromise the function of the screw, and given that this working prototype is designed to be a representation of the point of human interaction (ie. the screw). this issue was over looked.


FRAME - the grinder part was screwed onto the angled timher

OPPORTUNITY The angled plank of timber on which the grinder is attached, was fitted to the 'main frame' in a way that created the opportunity for movement, in order to tighten or loosen the bike chain. Bikes too have a mechanism which allows for this movement, to ensure the correct chain tension is maintained. In this design, this was achieved by cutting slits in the timber where it is nailed into the 'main frame' timber, as visible in the image. Angle grinder was used to cut the perfect angle of the 'main frame' timber.

SAFTEY CONSIDERATIONS - eye protection to avoid shards of metal getting into the eye - apron - ear protection

PROBLEM # 2 Throughout the construction of the archimedes screw prototype, there was the continual debate of whether or not to include water in final display. PROS OF INCLUDING WATER: will show that the system actually does work, will add an interesting element to the display. CONS OF INCLUDING WATER: the prototype design will have to be re-considered to make it both watertight, safe and stable with the addition of a container of water. SOLUTION: it was decided that the display of the prototype of the archimedes screw will not include real water. However, the flow of water is still an important aspect that needs to be communicated. As such, an animation depicting the flow of water from the tank, up the screw, onto the plants and back into the tank, will be projected over the top of the prototype and backdrops. This will effectively show the flow of water, without having to deal with REAL water, and still enabling the screw to be interactive.

THE SCREW - Initially, the the screw was intended to be a spiral spring-like structure, as was designed using vectorworks. A test of this initial screw was conducted using a 3D printed version.

PROBLEM # 3 For the working prototype, the printed version would not be strong enough, and would take too long and too much material to produce a screw of the required size on the 3D printer.

1 The oam test an t e ang e p an with grinder part temporarily attached

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ALTERNATIVE TO 3D PRINTING - Alternatives were explored, and a blueprint of an ancient roman archimedes screw was found, which the new design was based off.

NEW SCREW DESIGN - The new design consisted of flexible plastic tubing wrapped around recycled PVC piping.

Tfils was a great find, as the diagram depicts a more upright-angled screw (closer to the one that will be used for this project) and a pipe-like structure, instead of the original springed shaped design.

Assemble pieces

MAKING THE SCREW - In order to bend the piping around the PVC pipe without it kinking, it was placed in a tub of boiling water to make soft, then carefully wrapped around the pipe while it was still hot.

SAFETY - Considering this step involved boiling water, necessary precautions were taken to avoid burning of the skin. This included wearing gloves.

FITTING THE DOWEL TO THE GRINDER PART - The 35mm diameter dowel rod fit perfectly in the cavity of the fork arm, however, there was the issue of how to connect it to the end of the grinder part.

PROBLEM # 5 How to connect the dowel rod the grinder part. SOLUTION: given that the rod already fir perfectly into the cavity of the fork, which is part of the bike frame, another part of the frame was cut and used to fit at the other end, connecting the dowel to the grinder part. PROBLEM # 6 Tightening the bike frame around the grinder part. SOLUTION: a slit was cut in the bike frame part, and the seat clamp was taken from the bike and sueezed around the bike frame, squeezing shut onto the grinder part. However, this posed a new problem. PROBLEM # 7 Squeezing a piece of metal over another piece of metal was extremely difficult, given that both parts were so rigid. SOLUTION: The inner tubing from the bicycle tyre was extracted and slipped over the grinder part, and acted as a soft, squeezable thing so the two parts could stick together

ATTACHING THE SCREW TO THE MODEL - the 'bike fork' was taken from the bike, and coincidentally wedged perfectly into the PVC pipe, creating an 'arm' to attach the pipe, or 'screw', to the rest of the prototype.

JOINING THE FRAME TOGETHER - A series of dowel joints were used to conneu the timber together, and to help build stability. This allowed for strong joints, and meant that the odd angles could be accommodated for, which wouldn't be the case with normal aims/screws. In addition, the joints could be made to any length required, whereas nails could not.

WORKING THE GEARS AND CHAIN - the gears were extracted from the bike, and screwed into the 'main frame' timber in the precise position that enabled maximum tension of the chain. A smaller gear, also from the bike, was screwed onto the grinder part, so that when the chain is turned, so too does the gear, and hence, the archimedes screw that will be attached.

STABILISING THE STRUCTURE / CONSIDERING SAFETY - The structure in its current state, was too unstable, especially considering the amount of strain and movement that it will be facilitating. In addition to this, safety must be considered to ensure the structure doesn't fall onto of the user when rotating the pedal.

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER - The entire prototype was assembled together using a foam mock-up to test that it works, and that it is the right size.

PROBLEM # 4 In the foam mock-up, the structure was very small, and although it used life size materials, it did not portray the actual size that it would be constructed. This posed some issues, as the idea was to print a back-drop to sit behind the prototype, to communicate the rest of the structure. If the prototype was not in the

Foam test

Bucket included to test suitability with water.

right proportions, then it wouldn't fit with the :a backdrops. SOLUTION: the fork 'arm' of the screw was extended, using a dowel rod, to lengthen the screw and make the prototype a closer representation of the actual design.

SAFETY- ADDING THE FEET FOR STABILITY - Feet were added to either side of the structure to ensure it didn't fall over and so that it can stand freely without the use of clamps or pegs. The feet had to be measured carefully to make sure the backdrop could still fit behind the prototype.

Capture the movement of individual parts of the system

Assemble pieces

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THE PEDAL / HANDLE - The pedal was kept as a pedal for purposes of this project, however it is not the most ergonomic solution for the handle. However, it shows the reused nature of the materials included in the design. However, in the real thing, a more ergonomic handle would be developed and made, instead of the pedal, as it doesn't compensate for a human hand, as it is designed for a foot. The pedal / handle

Without protector

With tester protector

With perspex protector

The finished product.

PROBLEM #8 - SAFETY - The gear and chain mechanism is a potential hazard, as the user could get their fingers caught in the rotating chain. SOLUTION: a perspex protector was designed and cut out using the laser cutter. The protector was attached to the structure, covering the gears and chain. Aesthetics were considered when designing the protector, and the two pieces of perspex overlapped to create a leaf shape, which has been iterated throughout the project. This includes the factors of function, safety and aesthetics all in one.


Turn the movement into an animation




Given that the prototype only represents one section of the entire design, that is, the archimedes screw, backdrops were designed to effectively communicate how the prototype fits in with the remainder of the structure. The decision to implement this was due to target market feedback of the display, where the TM concluded that they didn't quite understand how the prototype works with the rest of the design. The issues with designing the backdrop centred around the fact that they had to fit perfectly with the already designed prototype. As such, careful measurements were taken to ensure it all fit together precisely. Illustrator was used to develop the graphics. An animation was developed to work in conjunction with the backdrops and prototype of the archimedes screw, to show the flow of water between the parts of the structure. Given that the backdrops are placed at a 45 degree angle, the projection of the animation may be a little blurry in parts, as the focus changes the deeper the angle gets. However, to ensure the animation is still understandable, it was also included in a short movie. . environmental expeur lot

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interactive, pop-up garden




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Part 3 of product:

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The entire process regarding the set up, duration and pack up of the GREEN UP! initiative was summarised in an infographic, to graphically communicate the system.

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Innovative, interactive, pop-up gardens coming soon to a city near you!




STRUCTURE IS ASEM BLED IN AN URBAN CENTRE using all recycled and reused materials


They gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in doing a selfless deed of helping the environment.

Learn how to plant a garden for themsleves at home

But it's not ALL out of good will! Participants also... Communities can continue to enjoy the plants, and can contribute their own ideas to create a collective arden, unique to their own community

The permanent garden enhances the aesthetics of the overall environment!


Benefit from breaking up their work day and spending time or itSidr

Can return to work energised and in good spirits maximising work-place productivity!




A long-lasting reminder of the project

With the assistance of the public, who can water and watch the plants grow through a fun and interactive activity!


With the hope that participants are inspired to continue their own home growing Plant holders are made of biodegradable old hessian sacks enabling the seedling to be planted directly into soil, without being removed from the holder -


The fun activitity helps to relieve stress, release el dolphins al r, I ( I range up I )eop1( daily r( 1111111 ,

Long enough for the plants to thrive, and become ready for permanent planting


The temporary nature of the structure reflects the non-permanance of nature itslef




IN THIS SECTION: An evaluation of the final design, the process, the impacts on the individual, the environment and society, and the final satisfaction of the need/criteria.



The GREEN UP! interactive environmental experience can have many positive affects on the individual. Given that the aim of this project is to brighten people's breaks from work by providing a fun interactive experience, the project is all about the individual, as well as the environment. The individual participating in the pop-up garden experience is benefitted in the following ways. 1. It gives urban professionals a reason to leave their desk and enjoy the outdoors. 2. In getting outside, it breaks up the TM's day and allows them to return to work energised and more productive. 3. Participating in a public movement such as the GREEN UP! initiative, creates a wider sense of community for an individual, and in doing a selfless deed such as planting a plant, the individual can experience pride and satisfaction from doing something 'good'. 4. After doing something 'good' such as planting a plant, individuals can return to work feeling fulfilled and in a positive mind set, increasing their work motivation and efficiency. 5. The GREEN UP! pop-up gardens promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle, which can be adopted by participating individuals. This can add to the participant's quality of life, and create a heightened sense of social and environmental awareness. In addition to this, if the sustainable practices promoted by the GREEN UP! structure are adopted, the individual can experience ongoing satisfaction in knowing that they are living a healthier, more environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

The GREEN UP! concept is based around the individual's relationship with the environment, inherent in the brief "to provide an interactive, ENVIRONMENTAL experience for urban professionals to partake in". The entire design serves to promote environmentally sustainable practices, such as reusing and recycling old things, as opposed to turning them into waste. This factor is so intrinsic to the design, that there is even a criteria for success that states this: "The design must use as many VISIBLY recycled/reused materials as possible". This criterion is implemented in order to ensure the final design promotes recycling, in a 'lead by example' manner, contributing positively to the environment as more people will adopt such practices. In promoting sustainability, the design itself employs eco-friendly practices, such as using recycled materials, using human energy instead of coal powered energy, and having a closed water system to re-use the water and have little wastage. The final design also contributes positively to the environment through the planting of plants, creating more plants in urban areas and greening up our cities. This also adds to the aesthetics of the surrounding environment, making city/urbanised spaces greener, more beautiful, and more enjoyable places to be.

LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS - BICYCLES The bike was the most important source of materials and parts that made up the design. RAW MATERIALS/EXTRACTION Iron ore is extracted from the earth through intensive mining and drilling into the landscape.

IMPACT ON THE DESIGNER: This project has had a substantial impact on me, as a designer. I have learnt a huge array of new skills, ranging from knowledge in programs such as indesign, Illustrator, vectorworks, google sketchup, and photoshop, and also practical skills in the workshop, such as appropriate use of heavy machinery, safety and simply how to stick two pieces of wood together. However, I have also learnt how to effectively manage my time, and this will stick with me in future project I undertake. My awareness of environmental issues has vastly increased, and I have a new found appreciation for mechanics and engineers (as these are two areas that I have had to explore during the production of my MDP). Overall, this project has benefitted me, as a designer, and I will continue to use and develop the knowledge and skills that I acquired throughout it.

DISPOSAL/WASTAGE Bike is chucked out and goes to landfills/scrap metal yards.

ECO IMPACT damaging of natural environment and habitats

ECO I C t up space or. dM nor decompose

PROCESSING OF RAW MATERIALS The ore is crushed and broken into small pieces. It is then heated in absence of air which results in decomposition of carbonates into oxides and then ferrous oxide is converted into Ferric Oxide. Smelting of the concentrated ore is then done in the Blast Furnace, an the iron ore becomes steel. ECO IMPACT - toxic gases and industrial waste is produced

IMPACT ON SOCIETY: This project has a positive impact on society. The overall wellbeing of individuals in society is increased, creating a happier and more cohesive community as a result. The activity of planting a plant, such that the GREEN UP! pop-up gardens provide, creates a greater sense of community pride and spirit. The left over plants from the pop-up gardens contribute to a community garden, leaving a long lasting impression on society, and allowing the benefits of greener cities to continue to be enjoyed more permanently. Therefore, not only does it raise society's spirits, it creates a meeting place and point of common interest within communities. In addition to this, the GREEN UP! initiative requires people to man the structure, thus creating the potential for employment opportunities.

USE OF PRODUCT - Bikes are ridden, utilising human energy instead of coal/fossil fuel powered energy. ECO IMPACT - eco-friendly alternative to driving

TRANSPORTATION TO MARKET - The bikes are transported by truck/plane to various countries/shops. ECO IMPACT -carbon dioxide emissions produced from petrol

THUS... The process involved in the extraction of raw mafeTiM and production of the bicycle is somewhat harmful to the environment, and given that the bike would just be chucked out at the end of this is even worse for the environment. Therefore, it is a good thing that this project works to elongate a bicycles life, and to get the most out of its function.

MANUFACTURE OF PRODUCT Frame tubes are constructed from solid blocks of steel that are pierced and "drawn" into tubes through several stages. The tubes are assembled into a frame by handbrazing or welding by machine. Additional parts, such as seat, handles etc. are added. ECO IMPACT - coal powered 'dirty' energy is used during production


MARKET FEEDBACK + CRITERIA TO EVALUATE SUCCESS Surveys were completed by 30 members of the target market (urban professionals) and these are the results:





89% said YES!

84% said YES!


Must incorporate an easy and quick gardening activity for urban professionals to partake in.

This criterion is reached, as it does indeed include a quick and easy gardening activity for the target market to partake in, as well as 2 other fun and interactive components adding to the overall 'environmental experience'.

The target market also agree that the gardening activity is quick and easy, with one woman saying "This would be the perfect activity to take my mind of work and do something positive for the environment."

Must create an environment that makes people feel good.

This design succeeds in creating an environment that makes people feel good, through the enterable structure set up and the fact that they TM can do something beneficial foe themselves and for the

Given that the actual entire design wasn't ever fully constructed, this criterion is fairly difficult to get feedback on, as it is all still extremely hypothetical. However, the feedback suggests that 92% of the TM would be willing to participate in he design, an -4 _ experience the environment th ,+ u-cion creates.


SPECIFICATIONS: Design must be appropriate for small/densely populated urban spaces.' Model must fit within a 1m3 area Materials for the MDP must be accessible in a school context -‘,/ Working-part prototypes must be functioning correctly. ,./

Must provide appropriate WHS standards for participation and clean up of gardening activities.

Safety has been aricirpcceci all throughout both the design process, and in tern b ui the final product. Clean-up could have been more closely addressed however.

WHS stal Jual ds nave h.e .

Must have the ability to be transported to various locations with ease.

Admittedly, this is one area of the criteria that hasn't been given as much attention the rest. Easy transportation has been incorporated briefly into the design, with parts being pre-made, such as the pots, the screws and the panels. All that is left to do is put it together, however, the ease of this may be questionable.

Given that only a portion of the design was made, the ease of transportation/relocation is an area that is fairly difficult to test. If there was more time, this is one criterion that would be given more attention.

TEST AESTHETIC CRITERIA Design must use as many visibly recycled materials as possible.

Must contribute positively/ enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding urban environment.

This criterion was certainly achieved, as the entire structure is made of recycled and visibly reused materials. For an example, the original bicycle pedal was kept instead of creating a new, more ergonomic handle. This is one instance, of the many, where the parts and materials used in the construction of the design are visibly reused and recycled.

Market feedback concluded that 84% of those tested said that they could tell that the design was made of reused/recycled parts, effectively proving that this criterion was successfully achieved.

This part of the criteria is rather subjective people have different tastes and preferences. However, it is undeniable (and research also supports this) that the presence of plants in urban spaces positively contributes to the aesthetics of the surrounding environment, no matter what the circumstance is. However, the actual structure itself isn't overly attractive, as the functionality of the design took precedence.

Despite the subjective nature of aesthetics, 89% of the TM tested agreed that the structure will add to the overall aesthetics of urban spaces, effectively deeming this criterion achieved.



oy the final uesign in terms of the production process. This has been visible all

throughout the folio, and helps to create a successful design and one that people can safely participate in.

To design, create and evaluate a relocatable, interactive environmental-experience for urban professionals to partake in during their break times.

WAS THIS A SUCCESS? I believe that the design I developed and produced effectively fulfils this brief. An interesting and fun 'interactive environmental experience' has been created, and according to the market feedback, urban professionals would be willing and eager to participate in such a project given the chace. All in all, this project proved extremely enjoyable and highly successful.


FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHTIC CRITERIA The balance between functional and aesthetic elements of this design is one that was given close attention throughout the development and production stages. Given its function based nature, the challenge for me was to create a product (and in many ways, a system and environment too) that remained aesthetically pleasing and interesting, whilst still maintaining its strong functional purpose. As American architect, Louis Henri Sullivan said in 1896 "form ever follows function", which was definitely the case for this project. This project turned somewhat into an engineering and mechanical task, which was quite daunting at first given I have no knowledge of either field and what is required within them. As such, the majority of my time during pre-production was spent researching and testing functional aspects of the design, as I had no prior knowledge of how any of it worked. This included using basic tools such as a saw and file, to learning about how a bike chain works and the transfer of motion. These functional aspects were vital to the success of the final product, and took precedence as they had to be learned from scratch. Even if the product was extremely beautiful, if it didn't perform functionally, it wouldn't be considered a successful design. As such, the final design tended to favour functional elements over aesthetics. This was partly due to the fact that I already had a pre-existing knowledge of pleasing aesthetics and how to achieve them, so I didn't pay as much attention to it during pre-production. However, aesthetics still played a major role. For instance, although the protector (the perspex guard that sits over the bike chain and gears) plays a functional role within the design — to ensure the user's fingers don't get caught and that the chain doesn't get tampered with — I designed it with aesthetics in mind. The overlap between the two pieces created a leaf shape — the same one that is iterated throughout the entire design. This highlights the careful balance between aesthetics and function, and how the two were addressed throughout the project. Although the prototype of the Archimedes screw was not all that aesthetically pleasing — the functional criteria was favoured in this instance, in order to effectively communicate the function of the entire design - overall project was successful in achieving an attractive structure that fulfilled its functional purpose — to create an interactive environmental experience for urban professionals to partake in during their breaks from work.

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