3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education 2022

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VISION A community of ethical and scholarly publishing practitioners.

MISSION We commit to advance the professional expertise of the scholarly publishers, editors and reviewers; to provide expert services in scholarly journals; to promote publication ethics in scholarly journals; and to support various causes in the promotion, development and advancement of scientific publication.


TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 01 Messages 05 Conference Programme 12 Awards 24 Session Judges 25 Keynote Speaker’s Bionote 27 Plenary Speaker's Bionote 31 Synthesis of Abstracts 34 Paper Presentations 64 IASPER Book of Abstracts

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Dear fellow researchers,


elcome to the 3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCRHE 2022) held on May 11- 13, 2022 via ZOOM. This forum is the symbol of the active intellectuals being insatiable for doing research and publication of the research results.

I am glad today because the theme being chosen is relevant to the research endeavor during the pandemic, “Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges.” There is a good mission behind this theme. As scholars, we cannot solve society’s problems by ourselves especially during the pandemic. We have eye-witnessed how difficult the world was affected and there is no single strategy we can use as a panacea for solving this dilemma. Therefore, multidisciplinary approach is the best way to cope. The theme that we have chosen with multidisciplinary approach reminds us of being aware that the more disciplines of science we have acknowledged, the more effective our strategy will be to solve the current and future problems we will be facing. This academic activity, can lead us to better find the best panacea. It is for obtaining the best result for solving the complicated problems of the world.


It is important for us to expand our knowledge by joining in this kind of event as members of IASPER or by actively engaging with all our organized activities. This gathering will enable us to exchange ideas and share our professional experiences for the betterment one another. We can keep ourselves updated and more adaptable to any changes of strategies and approaches for the improvement of our research and methodologies. We believe that IASPER is essential for scholars like us, as the organization keeps on providing platform in which we could discuss our research findings in different fields. In this, we can crystallize it for the contribution to the improvement of our educational practices. Research and publication can be disseminated for improving our educational process, especially the research results related to education system and development making us globally recognized. Our contribution to higher education is demanded by creating the-state-of-the art strategies and methodologies in research. I would like to express my highest appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Jazidie, M. Eng., the Rector of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA), Prof. Kacung Marijan, Drs., MA., Ph.D and the presenters represented by the lecturers and students of UNUSA. Also to our Resource Speakers and Plenary Speakers. I am indebted to all my colleaugues from UNUSA for their support in this conference. Besides that, we are also glad for the opportunity to be the co-host of this conference. Lastly, I have to thank Dr. Genaro V. Japos, the Board of Directors of IASPER, for his endless endeavor to make this conference sustainable. I would also like to express my highest appreciation to Ms. Gayle T. Salalima, who has kept me updated with the day-to-day organization management and operation. Also, to Mr. Russel B. Obsioma for his great support. Best of luck to all presenters and participants!

DR. DJUWARI International President, International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors, and Reviewers, Inc. Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) Indonesia


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Greetings from Dipolog School of Fisheries, Philippines!


irst of all, I would like to congratulate IASPER for spearheading this event especially in this extraordinary time amidst COVID 19 pandemic. The 3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) co-hosted by the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) of Indonesia with the theme “Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges.” Indeed a timely presentation as we are all survivor in this war against mankind. This global outbreak has created an unprecedented challenge to our society yet it does not break us and still continue with our mission. Kudos! IASPER team who is truly committed with its mission in advancing the professional expertise of scholars, researchers, reviewers, editors and publishers and promote advancement and development of scientific publications from multidisciplinary fields all over the world. As an institutional member it is a pleasure to be well recognized and been taken care of most specially that one of our mandate in the national office is to come up with an innovation and policy research. We are all optimistic and excited for all our future engagement. Time flies so fast and technology keeps evolving in our Technical and Vocational Educational Programs. This one of a lifetime conference is an avenue for us to collaborate and exchange innovative ideas. To the participants and presenters you are on the right platform. Indeed, the privilege of having everyone around beating all the fears and challenges. “No matter what you aspire to, you’ve got to love what you do in order to be successful”. Pursue your passion and everything else will fall into place.


Once again, my snappy salute to the organizers, presenters and participants.

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022

PROF. LICINIO G. LANOJAN Vocational School Administrator IV Dipolog School of Fisheries


Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings hopefully be with you. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, let us express our Praise to Allah, all the mighty, for giving us help and health so that we can get together in this great event. Our blessings and salutations are given to Rasululloh who has shown a clear path to life blessed by Allah SWT The honorable MR. RUSSEL B. OBSIOMA, the Executive Director of Asian Society of Teachers for Research Philippines. The honorable Keynote Speakers, PROFESORA CRISTINA MAURICIO CERDA of Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia del Magisterio Mexico and PROF. KACUNG MARIJAN, Drs., MA., Ph.D, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Students of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) Indonesia. The honorable Plenary Speakers, ASSOC. PROF. DR K.H ALAN KEOY, Director, Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation, UCSI University; DR. ALEXANDER S. ACOSTA, Philippine School Doha; and DR. IMEE COLONIA ACOSTA of Virginia Commonwealth University. The honorable DR. DJUWARI, the International President of International Association of Sholarly Publishers, Editors, and Reviewers, Inc. from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. I would also like to express my gratitute to the honorable DR. GENARO V. JAPOS, President of Philippine Association of Institution for Research, Inc. Philippines, as well as the honorable all the speakers that I cannot mention one by one. I am thanking you, especially the committees who are very helpful to organize this event well. Ladies and gentlemen, I warmly and happily welcome UNUSA’s collaboration with IASPER. After meeting with Dr. Djuwari, the president of IASPER, who is now already becoming one of the lecturers at UNUSA, we are glad to have an opportunity for collaboration to organize the international conference with IASPER.


Hopefully, in the future, IASPER can become a partner for publishing the research articles written by the lecturers and students of UNUSA. We also hope that, in the future, this collaboration can become a liaison between UNUSA and all researchers internationally. We believe that the more relationships, the easier to act in the dynamic of life, either as the researchers or lecturers, especially in this globalization era. In this occasion, let me introduce our University. UNUSA (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya), is a private University that is relatively new, which is officially 9 years. However, we stay at the position of 176 Rank of University from thousands in Indonesia. We realize that it is not easy to get that rank but we are able to reach that achievement. This great endeavor is of course due to the total support by our excellent human resources, the lecturers and administrators, as well as the excellent Technology of Information System. UNUSA has 5 faculties and 20 departments. UNUSA has a beautiful motto that is to develop Rahmatan lil Alamin generation. In English, Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamiin has a meaning of Rahmah (or Grace) to all the universe. In relation to this motto, the UNUSA graduates are expected to be helpful for their environments to build technology of all corners of life according to their respective majors they have taken. Therefore, it is not just a motto but beyond. For that reason, I am really proud of being appointed the rector of UNUSA. In this monumental event, we contribute one Keynote speaker that is represented by PROF. KACUNG MARIJAN, Drs., MA., Ph.D and five presenters represented by the lecturers and students from UNUSA. Besides that, we are also glad for the opportunity to be the co-host of this international conference. Finally, I would also like to express my appreciation to all of you and welcome all the Keynote speakers, the speakers, and participants, good luck and congratulations on your activities at this event, namely 3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education 2022. I hope that a good relation and cooperation will mutually develop sustainably. Wallahul muwaffiq ila aqwamittharieq. Assalamualaikum wr.wb

PROF. DR. IR. ACHMAD JAZIDIE, M. Eng Rector Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) Indonesia


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

Co-Hosted by: Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Theme: “Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges.”

DAY 1 • May 11, 2022 8:30 – 9:00a.m. Online Registration OPENING CEREMONIES 9:01 – 9:25a.m. Invocation National Anthem of Cambodia National Anthem of Mexico National Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines National Anthem of Indonesia NU Shubbanul Wathon Song UNUSA Hymn UNUSA Promotional Video 9:26 – 9:40a.m. Opening Remarks and Declaration of the Opening of the Conference PROF. DR. IR. ACHMAD JAZIDIE, M. ENG. Rector Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia 9:41 – 9:55a.m. Declaration: Synthesis of Abstracts MR. RUSSEL B. OBSIOMA Executive Director Asian Society of Teachers for Research Philippines 9:56 – 10:15a.m. Awarding Ceremonies Best Abstract Award Best Paper Award Article Citation Award

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


10:16 – 10:20a.m. Introduction of Keynote Speaker I 10:21 – 11:05a.m. Keynote Speaker I PROFESORA CRISTINA MAURICIO CERDA Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia del Magisterio Mexico 11:06 – 11:10a.m.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker II

11: 11 – 11:55a.m.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker II PROF. KACUNG MARIJAN, Drs., MA., Ph.D Vice Rector for Academic and Students Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia

11:56 – 1:00p.m.


1:01 – 5:00p.m.

International Paper Presentations

BREAKOUT ROOM 1: DAY 1 (MAY 11, 2022) Time

Title of Paper



1:01 – 1:20pm

Nonverbal Communication and Cultural Features of Highest Grossing Movies among Asean Countries

ED B. BAUTISTA North Eastern Mindanao State University

1:21 – 1:40pm

Demystifying Meta-Categories in Philippine Suicide Notes: A Forensic Discourse Analysis

DR. LEO D. RAYON, JR. Davao del Norte State College/ Gonzaga University, USA

1:41 – 2:00pm

The Lived Experiences of Rido: The Meranao Case

LOTH M. OROZCO North Eastern Mindanao State University

2:01 – 2:20pm

Advocating Martin Heidegger’s notion on Discourse as Social Change at Cebu Technological University Barili Campus, Philippines

2:21 – 2:40pm B.

DR. DANILO L. LIBRADILLA Cebu Technological University – Barili Campus

Open Forum (SET A)


2:41 – 3:00pm

DR. ALAN P. TAGUIAM Probing the Level of Teaching Anxiety of the PreCagayan State University Service Teachers - Piat Campus

3:01 – 3:20pm

Locus of Control, Personality Temperaments, and Coping Strategies of Marine Transportation Students

RIZA M. FERNANDEZ University of Negros OccidentalRecoletos

3:21 – 3:40pm

Tourism and Hospitality Education Academic Perceived Stress during Post-COVID-19 Pandemic and Coping Strategies

DR. DENZIL I. GALON Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Barotac Viejo Campus


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."


Awareness and Practice of Public School Core Values among Junior High School Students

JOVILYN V. GARCIA University of Negros OccidentalRecoletos

4:01 – 4:20pm

Secondary School Guidance Counselors Perceived Self-Efficacy and Strategies in Addressing Bullying

KENITH B. VILLARUEL Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Barotac Viejo Campus

Open Forum (SET B)

4:21 – 4:40pm

BREAKOUT ROOM 2: DAY 1 (MAY 11, 2022) Time

Title of Paper


C. SET A – EDUCATION STRAND IRYN B. DE LOS SANTOS Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Barotac Viejo Campus

1:01 – 1:20pm

Classroom Learning Environment and Academic Performance among Education Students Enrolled in a State College

1:21 – 1:40pm

Instructors’ Competence and Responsiveness in Multimedia in Teaching-Learning Process in the Context of College of Education at Ifugao State University Potia-Campus

DR. MATRONILLO M. MARTIN Ifugao State University-Potia Campus

1:41 – 2:00pm

Performance of Kindergarten Pupils of DepEd Schools in Barobo I District on Seven Learning Domains

VENUS C. LUMAPAC Northeastern Mindanao State University

2:01 – 2:20pm

Computer and Outdoor Games: Effects on High School Students’ Physical Fitness

2:21 – 2:40pm

Oral Reading Difficulties, Level and Comprehension among Elementary Learners in Northern Part of Iloilo, Philippines

DR. MARY ANN S. PILLARDA Polangui Community College ALNI GRACE D. ESPINOSA Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Barotac Viejo Campus

Open Forum (SET A)

2:41 – 3:00pm D. SET B – EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT STRAND 3:00 – 3:20pm

Challenges Encountered by the Public Elementary School Teachers in the Implementation of K to 12 Daily Lesson Logs: Basis for Intervention Plan

MANUEL B. REYES III North Eastern Mindanao State University

3:21 – 3:40pm

Students’ Awareness, Access, Availment, and Satisfaction with Guidance Services in a State University System in the Philippines

DR. SUSIE HOPE R. TOMOL Iloilo Science and Technology University-Miagao Campus

3:41 – 4:00pm

Stakeholders’ Engagement and Implementation of School-Based Management in Public Secondary School

RODANTE I. BARTOLOME San Mateo National High School

4:01 – 4:20pm

Performance of Teachers under the National Competency

JANE C. PADEROG Agusan del Sur College Inc.

4:21 – 4:40pm

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022

Open Forum (SET B)



Title of Paper



1:01 – 1:20pm

Trends, Analysis, and Projections of Licensure Performances

1:21 – 1:40pm

Teacher Education Graduates’ Academic Performance in Relation to Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET): An Analysis

1:41 – 2:00pm

Factors that Influence Senior High School Graduates’ Choice of Career in Minsu-Calapan City Campus

2:01 – 2:20pm

Reaching the Inner Voice of the Graduates: An Online Tracer Study of Davao de Oro State College

2:21 – 2:40pm

2:41 – 3:05pm F.

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) Graduates’ Employability: A Tracer Study

LOLITO M. PONTILLAS North Eastern Mindanao State University DR. WEENA MAE G. AMPO Bohol Island State University

SHERIDAN C. BICALDO Mindoro State University - Calapan City Campus GABRELE D. CUBERO Davao de Oro State College

LIZIEL T. LATOJA North Eastern Mindanao State University

Open Forum (SET A)


3:00 – 3:20pm

Politeness Strategies on Students’ Responses to Teacher’s Online Announcements

GENEVIEVE S. SELGAS Bukidnon State University

3:21 – 3:40pm

Experiences in Flexible Learning of Students under Technology Related Discipline

DINA DC. LIM, Aurora State College of Technology

3:41 – 4:00pm

Students’ Motivation and Perception in Learning Social Science using Distance Learning Modality During Covid-19 Pandemic

CHARLENE GRACE T. BEBOSO University of Negros Occidental Recoletos

4:01 – 4:20pm

User-centered Approach to Developing Mathematics Teaching Plans: Evaluation and Comparison of Outputs in a Performance Task Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

DR. EDUARD M. ALBAY Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

4:21 – 4:40pm

Open Forum (SET B)


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME DAY 2 • May 12, 2022 8:30 – 9:00a.m.


9:01 – 12:00n.n.

International Paper Presentations

BREAKOUT ROOM 1: DAY 2 (MAY 12, 2022 – 9:00AM – 12:00NN) Time

Title of Paper



Select Editorials of Aksyon Balita: A Morpho– Syntactic Analysis

9:21 – 9:40am

Vocatives of Ferdinand E. Marcos in Philippine Newspaper Articles: Forms, Structures, Positions, and Pragmatic Inferences

9:41 – 10:00am

Command and Request in John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars”

GERALDINE V. DARAO North Eastern Mindanao State University DR. RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI Mariano Marcos State University ARIZA FADILLA, MUJAD DIDIEN AFANDI Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya

Open Forum (SET A)

10:01 – 10:20am H. SET B – BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STRAND 10:21 – 10:40am

MINIEN A. CASEÑO Marketing Strategies and Customer Satisfaction Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State Ratings of Selected Hotels in Iloilo City College - Barotac Viejo Campus

10:41 – 11:00am

Examining the Extent of Implementation of the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) of SR Metals Incorporated, Tubay, Agusan Del Norte: An Evaluation Research

11:01 – 11:20am

CHRISTIAN D. DAVID Service Quality and Client Satisfaction of Land Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State Transportation Services in the Province of Capiz College - Barotac Viejo Campus

JACQUELOU G. MODAR Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Open Forum (SET B)

11:21 – 11:40am

BREAKOUT ROOM 2: DAY 2 (MAY 12, 2022 – 9:00AM – 12:00NN) Time I.

Title of Paper



Contextualized Modules on Hypothesis Testing Using Parametric Tests for Basic Statistics Course for Grade 9 Students Under Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program

ALMA R. VELASCO Department of Education

9:21 – 9:40am

Numbo Game: Its Effectiveness on the Mathematical Skills of the Freshmen College Students of IFSU, Potia Campus

JOSEPH B. TANDAS Ifugao State University-Potia Campus

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022



The Efficacy of Game-Aided Instruction II Teaching Mathematics to Grade VII Students

Open Forum (SET A)

10:01 – 10:20am J.

MARIA REMEDIOS CONSORCIA P. BECERIL Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc.


10:21 – 10:40am

Effectiveness of Local Government Units Disaster Response during the Taal Volcano’s Phreatic Eruption in Selected Municipalities of Batangas

DANIELLA M. DECENA Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas

10:41 – 11:00am

Super Typhoon Odette (Rai) in Surigao City, Philippines: Issues on Evacuation Coordination Management in a Public National High School as ‘Temporary Shelter of Last Resort’

RONALD ALLAN A. ARCAYERA North Eastern Mindanao State University

11:01 – 11:20am

Disaster Preparedness Practices of Households in the Coastal Communities of a Congressional District in the Philippines

GREGORIO P. LOPEZ, JR. University of Negros Occidental Recoletos

Open Forum (SET B)

11:21 – 11:40am

12:01 – 1:00p.m.


1:01 – 5:00p.m.

International Paper Presentations

BREAKOUT ROOM 1: DAY 2 (MAY 12, 2022 - 1:00PM-5:00PM) Time K.

Title of Paper



1:01 – 1:20pm

Growth of Trichoderma Harzianum using Costeffective Culture Media from Household Kitchen Waste

DR. RICKY B. ACANTO Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

1:21 – 1:40pm

Yield Optimization and Crude Protein Enhancement of Soybean (Glycine max) in Strongly Acidic Soil Through Integrated Nutrient Application

JOCELYN P. SERRANO North Eastern Mindanao State University – San Miguel Campus

1:41 – 2:00pm

The Utilization of Seashells and Plastics as Partial Replacement for Cement and Sand in the Production of Concrete Bricks

EDUARDO B. ABONG JR. Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Main Campus

2:01 – 2:20pm

A baseline study on the quality and safety of ADRIAN C. PERDIO consumption of a pest species (S. melanotheron) Bataan Peninsula State University in Bataan, Philippines: Basis for its productive Main Campus utilization in the fisheries sector

2:21 – 2:40pm L.

Open Forum (SET C)


2:41 – 3:05pm

Utilization of Cardaba Banana (Musa balbisiana) Flour in Enhanced Nutri-bun

ANNABELLE E. VILLACERAN Northen Negros State College of Science and Technology

3:01 – 3:20pm

From Pest to a Valued Commodity: Black-chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) for the Development of Surimi-based Products

ADRIAN C. PERDIO Bataan Peninsula State University Main Campus

3:21 – 3:40pm

Purple Stripe Garlic (Allium sativum) in 4n1 Garlic Paste: Its Nutrition and A Kitchen Work Simplification

ANNABELLE E. VILLACERAN Northen Negros State College of Science and Technology


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME EXCEL PHILIP B. GUIDANG Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology

3:41 – 4:00pm

Customizing Label_Image.py for Decision TreeBased Classification for Crops

4:01 – 4:20pm

Determinants of Farmers’ Acceptability to Cultivate Moringa oleifera: The Case of Toytoyan, Dipaculao, Aurora, Philippines

4:21 – 4:40pm

Preparedness of the Newly Elected Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the Performance of ESTER M. IGLOPAS, Lyceum of the their Duties and as Mandated by Republic Act Philippines University – Batangas No. 10742

CHARLES R. VELASCO Aurora State College of Technology

Open Forum (SET D)

4:40 – 5:00pm

BREAKOUT ROOM 2: DAY 2 (MAY 12, 2022 – 1:00PM – 5:20PM) Time

Title of Paper



1:01 – 1:20pm

Improving Students’ Satisfaction and Achievement in Science 6 using Collaborative Learning Strategies: A Classroom-based Action Research

1:21 – 1:40pm

The Effectiveness of the Set of Teacher Supported Science Materials (TSSM) Using Computer- Aided Instructional Materials

1:41 – 2:00pm

Determining the Writing Proficiency Level of STEM, HUMSS, and ABM Twelfth Graders through Essay Evaluation

2:01 – 2:20pm

Psychological Humanistic and Educational Character in “The Great Debaters” Movie

NAFA NABILA, NAILUL AUTHAR Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia

2:21 – 2:40pm

An Impact on the use of Flipped Classroom of Teacher Trainers of English at National Institute of Education

LAY NEARY National Institute of Education Cambodia

2:41 – 3:05pm

JAIRAH MAE VASQUEZ SON Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc. DR. RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI Mariano Marcos State University

Open Forum (SET A)


The Use of Picture of Map to Improve Student’s Speaking Competence in Senior High Schools

DELIA RAMADHANI EDI PUJO BASUKI Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia

3:21 – 3:40pm

Farmers’ Awareness of the Uses, Economic Potential, and Suitability of Moringa oleifera for Agroforestry in Casiguran, Aurora

MARIA CRISTINA B. CAÑADA Aurora State College of Technology

3:41 – 4:00pm

The Language Style Perform By Joe Biden in Speech

NUNUK SOFIANTI PUTRI TIYAS SAPUTRI Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia

4:01 – 4:20pm

Implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education BABY LYN A. LUMABAS (IPEdP) in Lower Calanasan District Cagayan State University

4:21 – 4:40pm

Stress-Eating and Obesity amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic among Filipino Adults

4:41 – 5:00pm

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022

CHERRY ANN G. DURANTE Emilio Aguinaldo College – Manila

Open Forum (SET B)


CONFERENCE PROGRAMME DAY 3 • May 13, 2022 8:30 – 9:00a.m.

Online Registration CLOSING CEREMONIES

9:01 – 9:15a.m. Invocation National Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines National Anthem of Indonesia National Anthem of Malaysia UNUSA Promotional Video 9:16 – 9:30a.m. Opening Remarks DR. DJUWARI International President International Association of scholarly Publishers, Editors and Reviewers, Inc. Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia 9:31 – 9:35a.m.

Introduction of Plenary Speaker I

9:36 – 10:15a.m. Plenary Speaker I ASSOC. PROF. DR K.H ALAN KEOY Director, Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation UCSI University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 10:16 – 10:20a.m.

Introduction of Plenary Speakers II

10:21 – 11:00a.m. Plenary Speakers II DR. ALEXANDER S. ACOSTA Philippine School Doha Doha, Qatar DR. IMEE COLONIA ACOSTA Virginia Commonwealth University Doha, Qatar 11:01 – 11:45a.m.

Awarding Ceremonies

11:46 - 12:00n.n. Closing Remarks DR. GENARO V. JAPOS President, Philippine Association of Institution for Research, Inc. Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

BEST ABSTRACT Best Abstract in Qualitative Research (Phenomenology)

LOTH M. OROZCO North Eastern Mindanao State University

Title of Study: “The Lived Experiences of Rido: The Meranao Case”

Best Abstract in Experimental Research

DR. RICKY B. ACANTO Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Title of Study: “Growth of Trichoderma Harzianum using Cost-effective Culture Media from Household Kitchen Waste”

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

BEST ABSTRACT Best Abstract in Descriptive-Quantitative Research

RIZA M. FERNANDEZ University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos

Title of Study: “Locus of Control, Personality Temperaments, and Coping Strategies of Marine Transportation Students”

CRITERIA FOR BEST ABSTRACT AWARD: Compliance to Word Count 15% Abstract Content and Sequence (Title, Intro 25% Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions) Grammarly and Originality 20% Completeness of Keywords 10% Newness of Discovery, Results and Conclusions 30% TOTAL: 100%


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

BEST paper Best Paper in Qualitative Research (Discourse Analysis)


Davao del Norte State College/ Gonzaga University, USA Title of Study: “Demystifying Meta-Categories in Philippine Suicide Notes: A Forensic Discourse Analysis”

Best Paper in Experimental Research

DR. EDUARD M. ALBAY Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

Title of Study: “User-centered Approach to Developing Mathematics Teaching Plans: Evaluation and Comparison of Outputs in a Performance Task Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic”

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2022) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

BEST paper Best Paper in Descriptive-Quantitative Research


University of Negros Occidental Recoletos Title of Study: “Students’ Motivation and Perception in Learning Social Science using Distance Learning Modality During Covid-19 Pandemic”

Best Paper in Entrepreneurial Education

DR. KEOY KAY HOOI UCSI University, Malaysia

Title Study: “Investigating the Impact Technological Enablement on Entrepreneurial Adoption among Students in Higher Education in Philippines”

CRITERIA FOR BEST PAPER AWARD: Contribution to new knowledge Scientific Writing Quality of References Grammar and Originality Adherence to Conference Theme TOTAL:

25% 30% 20% 15% 10% 100%


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

ARTICLE CITATION Award given to researchers whose published articles has been cited by other researchers signifying that the article or articles prove to be an important addition to the growing body of scientific literature. The award is solely based on the researcher’s h-index; h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.

DR. KAY HOOI KEOY, ALAN UCSI University, Malaysia Citations: 492 | H-index: 7


Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Citations: 48 | H-index: 2


Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia Citations: 21 | H-index: 3

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022


DR. MATRONILLO M. MARTIN Ifugao State University-Potia Campus Citations: 9 | H-index: 2


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Citations: 5 | H-index: 2


Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia Citations: 4 | H-index: 1


Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus Citations: 3 | H-index: 1


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022


MUJAD DIDIEN AFANDI Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia Citations: 3 | H-index: 1


Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia Citations: 6 | H-index: 1

CHARLES R. VELASCO Aurora State College of Technology Citations: 1 | H-index: 1

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

ARTICLE CITATION DR. MATRONILLO M. MARTIN Ifugao State University-Potia Campus Citations: 4 | H-index: 1

MARIA CRISTINA B. CAÑADA Aurora State College of Technology Citations: 3 | H-index: 1

JOSEPH B. TANDAS Ifugao State University-Potia Campus Citations: 4 | H-index: 1


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022



Davao del Norte State College/ Gonzaga University, USA Title of Study: “Demystifying Meta-Categories in Philippine Suicide Notes: A Forensic Discourse Analysis”


University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Title of Study: “Awareness and Practice of Public School Core Values among Junior High School Students”

DR. MATRONILLO M. MARTIN Ifugao State University-Potia Campus

Title of Study: “Instructors’ Competence and Responsiveness in Multimedia in Teaching-Learning Process in the Context of College of Education at Ifugao State University Potia-Campus”


Iloilo Science and Technology University-Miagao Campus Title of Study: “Students’ Awareness, Access, Availment, and Satisfaction with Guidance Services in a State University System in the Philippines”

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2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022


LOLITO M. PONTILLAS North Eastern Mindanao State University

Title of Study: “Trends, Analysis, and Projections of Licensure Performances”


Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Title of Study: “User-centered Approach to Developing Mathematics Teaching Plans: Evaluation and Comparison of Outputs in a Performance Task Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic”

DR. RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI Mariano Marcos State University

Title of Study: “Vocatives of Ferdinand E. Marcos in Philippine Newspaper Articles: Forms, Structures, Positions, and Pragmatic Inferences”

JACQUELOU G. MODAR Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Title of Study: “Examining the Extent of Implementation of the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) of SR Metals Incorporated, Tubay, Agusan Del Norte: An Evaluation Research”


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022



Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus Title of Study: “A Baseline Study on the Quality and Safety of Consumption of a Pest Species (S. melanotheron) in Bataan, Philippines: Basis for itsPproductive Utilization in the Fisheries Sector”


Northen Negros State College of Science and Technology Title of Study: “Utilization of Cardaba Banana (Musa balbisiana) Flour in Enhanced Nutri-bun”

ALMA R. VELASCO Department of Education

Title of Study: “Contextualized Modules on Hypothesis Testing Using Parametric Tests for Basic Statistics Course for Grade 9 Students Under Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program”

RONALD ALLAN A. ARCAYERA North Eastern Mindanao State University

Title of Study: “Super Typhoon Odette (Rai) in Surigao City, Philippines: Issues on Evacuation Coordination Management in a Public National High School as ‘Temporary Shelter of Last Resort’”

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022


DR. RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI Mariano Marcos State University

Title of Study: “Determining the Writing Proficiency Level of STEM, HUMSS, and ABM Twelfth Graders through Essay Evaluation”

CHERRY ANN G. DURANTE Emilio Aguinaldo College – Manila

Title of Study: “Stress-Eating and Obesity amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic among Filipino Adults”


Content of Presentation Methodology Presentation Skills Q&A


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Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

2nd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2021) ZOOM VIDEO TELECONFERENCING • May 11-13, 2022

SESSION JUDGES MARK E. PATALINGHUG J.H. Cerilles State College ENGR. JOHN JOSHUA F. MONTAÑEZ Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology DR. ANALIZA GRUSPE TABERDO Philippine Merchant Marine Academy DR. TICHIE ANN E. BAENA St. Paul University Dumaguete JOSEPH ENGOJO PADILLA Visayas State University DR. SAIDAMIN P. BAGOLONG Cotabato State University PROF. MINSOWARE S. BACOLOD National University-MOA Pasay City DR. NATHANIEL G. GIDO Tagoloan Community College DR. CYNTHIA D. DILAG Iloilo Science and Technology UniversityBarotac Campus DR. VINCENT LL. PADILLA Tagoloan Community College, Lourdes College, Liceo de Cagayan University JAYSI TANGUILAN CORPUZ Cavite State University

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022

ALVIN M. MAHAWAN Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology DR. JOSEPH D. REYES Division of Pampanga, Department of Education DR. ROMEL AMISTAD PASCUA Mariano Marcos State University College of Teacher Education PROF. JIMMY B. DILLO JR. De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Antipolo Campus PROF. ARJUNE A. LUMAYNO St. Paul University Surigao DR. WEENA MAE G. AMPO Bohol Island State University-Candijay DR. FELJONE G. RAGMA Schools Division of Candon City, Department of Education DR. ABDULSAMAD SHAIK Cotabato State University DR. ADRIAN C. GUINTO Camarines Norte State College BILLY JOEL B. RAMOS Polytechnic University of the Philippines



Bionote PROFESORA CRISTINA MAURICIO CERDA cristinam@isiom.my Instituto Superior de Investigacion y Docencia del Magisterio (ISIDM) Mexico PROF. MAURICIO CERDA is currently affiliated as English Language Specialist with the Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia del Magisterio, the Higher Institute of Research and Teaching for Education in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México for master students. A language teacher for more than 20 years, she serves in various capacities as EFL & ESL teacher, pronunciation coach, teachers´ trainer, writer, co-author, researcher, international speaker, oratory coach, philanthropist, EduTuber, and developer of specialized ESL and EFL courses and editorial projects. She runs a K12 Global Educators project on Youtube where thousands of children in México, The USA, and LATAM learn English during this pandemic. Her research expertise are centered on the benefits of the IPA in the teachinglearning process, practical methodologies to address grammar, and the systematic use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance learning.


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

KEYNOTE SPEECH PROF. KACUNG MARIJAN, Drs., MA., Ph.D kacung.marihan@unusa.ac.id Vice Rector for Academic and Students Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia

“Research During Pandemic: Gains and Challenges” It is a great honour for me to have an opportunity to talk to you in this conference. I was asked to discuss about research during pandemic: gains and challenges. For about two and half years, all of us all over the world, have experienced catastrophises situation because of Covid-19 pandemic. There is no single country in the world that can avoid the pandemic. It is recorded that in end of April 2022, a total of 517.30 million people were infected of covid-19 all over the world and 6.28 million among them were dead. In addition, its impacts to social and economic aspects have been so obvious. Millions of people lost their jobs. The economic situation was even worse compared to what happened during the great depression in 1930s. Obviously, this is because the pandemic hindered physical mobility. Therefore, manufacturing and other business processes were suddenly stopped. During the fast spreading of the virus, a number of governments or local governments issued lock-down policies to stop it. But, consequently, this economic growth dropped dramatically. Academicians, like us, were also impacted by the pandemic. During the last two years, many of us has conducted learning process mostly through online. Fortunately, prior to the pandemic, a number of online communication platforms, such as zoom, google meet, and webex, have been invented. I could not imagine what would happened if there were no such platforms. Through these platforms social interactions, including leaning process that are usually conducted physically, can be substituted through virtual interactions. As men of thinking, we have been able to adapt our life activities into the new normal relatively fast. In addition to the use of those platforms of communication technology for learning process and other interactions, we have continued our limited physical interactions through wearing masks and observing social distancing in public space. These were the ways to avoid more severe social and economic impacts of the pandemic. Our research activities has also significantly been hampered by the pandemic, especially for those who usually need to gather data directly in the fields through having conversations or interview with informants or respondents. Therefore, in the early time of the pandemic, some of us delayed or even cancelled their research. In addition to the technical problems of gathering the data, many cases also happened because of difficulties in obtaining funding. Many counties in the world, for example, has reallocated their budgets from other sector to fight for the pandemic. But, again, we are men of thinking. We have been able to adapt the way we conduct our research. A number of social scientists have introduced to nethnography prior to the pandemic. It is a type of method in social science, especially in media studies. It has been

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


adopted from ethnography, a method that usually applied by cultural anthropologists to describe socio-cultural processes in societies. Nethnography then have been applied to understand and describe social interactions and process within and about social media. After the pandemic, netnoghapy method has been more popular among scientiest, not only for those interested in social media studies but also for other social scientist. In addition to make gathering data easier during the pandemic, the application of such nethnography method is based on reality that in fact, out there in the clouds, there have been lots of data for our study. Within social media, for example, has provided a lots of conversations in many issues from which we can take for our research. In a broader context, social scientist have also used big data from which it make us possible to mining data for research purposes. Shortly, during pandemic, indeed we suffered a lot at the beginning, but finally we have been able to survive and continue our life activities. We have continued our research activities in dreadful condition during pandemic. It can be seen from publications. While many economic activities drop dramatically during the pandemic, journals have continued their publications. Moreover, covid-19 pandemic itself has been popular theme in our research. When we open google scholar, for example, and put keywords ‘covid-19 pandemic,’ we will find thousands of publications that discuss about it. The topics vary from health issues to educational issues. In this case, somehow, pandemic has been a kind of blessing for researchers. Initially, only researchers whose interested in medication involved in finding the virus, the cause of the virus, and the way how to inhibit the spread of the virus, etc, conducting their research on this issue. After that, other researchers have involved in issues dealing with covid-19 pandemic. For example, economists are interested in analysing the impact of pandemic to the growth of poverty. Social scientist are interested in understanding the implication of the pandemic on social interactions, criminal behaviour, etc. Now, the pandemic seems to be in slow-down process. Some people, being so optimistic, suggest that we are now in the process of endemic. Whatever will happened, pandemic has resulted a new normal, new habits, and even a new culture. Perhaps, it could not be vanished as endemic happen. This is probably, one of our future research then. As pandemic has stimulated more new methods in our research, it is good practice for us to discuss further deeply dealing with the new methods and how to apply them in our research. For this, I hope the conference will discuss more about this issue. Here, I also want to ask more research and publication collaborations, especially among us, researchers from the Philippines and UNUSA.


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."



ASSOC. PROF. DR K.H ALAN KEOY keoykh@ucsiuniversity.edu.my Director, Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation UCSI University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. KEOY KAY HOOI is currently working as a Director at Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation, UCSI University, Malaysia. He has completed PhD degree at Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom in 2006. He completed his BSc. in Computer Science with Cum Laude Award from University of Campbell, USA. Dr. Keoy Kay Hooi is a professional member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His current research interests include machine Learning, block chain technology & management information system. He published more than 30 papers in international journals and conferences. He works as an editor and reviewer for many international conferences as well as journals.

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022




DR. ALEXANDER S. ACOSTA alexander.acosta@psdqatar.com Philippine School Doha Doha, Qatar

With such academic background and equally impressive skills to boot, DR. ALEXANDER S. ACOSTA has been the Principal for the Philippine School of Doha for more than 15 years. An indemand speaker, his speakership engagements are centered on topics about leadership and education. His research interests are in the qualitative and mixed-methods research design in the field of corporate and educational leadership as well as pedagogical approaches in education. Publications he authored and co-authored are published in Elsevier, Sage Publications and WIEGO, among others. Graduated Cum Laude with the degree of Bachelor in Elementary Education, major in English at the University of the Visayas, Cebu, Philippines in 1990. He finished his Master’s Degree program majoring in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) at Cebu Normal University, Cebu, Philippines in 2000. A Doctor of Philosophy Major in Educational Management graduate in 2010 at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines and got the highest award of his dissertation as Summa Cum Laude.


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."



DR. IMEE COLONIA ACOSTA icacosta@vcu.edu Virginia Commonwealth University Doha, Qatar

DR. IMEE C. ACOSTA is an Ed. D. graduate of the Technological University of the Philippines Graduate School Program, Middle East Extension. She also holds a Master of Business Administration from Philippine Christian University, in addition to a Bachelor of Elementary Education major in Social Science from Cebu Normal University, Philippines. A prolific author, researcher and speaker, among others, Dr. Acosta’s numerous endeavors reflects her penchant to research specifically the qualitative and mixed method kind. Currently, an Adjunct Instructor of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Arts, her paper on the effects of workplace abuses of migrant workers was published by WIEGO and awarded the Best Manuscript in the International Conference in Business and Social Sciences 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. She is also an advocate for research dissemination and practice. She has published and co-authored scholarly articles and researches that were accepted for international publications and presented in international conferences. She also believes that collaborative and participatory research projects are developing interdisciplinary teaching and learning which serve as the primary reasons of her current co-authorships in research projects in the oil and gas industries in Doha, Qatar.

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022



3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education 2022 Research during the Pandemic: Gains and Challenges MR. RUSSEL B. OBSIOMA Executive Director Asian Society of Teachers for Research Philippines To Dr. Djuwari Sarkawi, International President of the International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors, and Reviewers, Prof Dr. Achmad Jazidie, Rector of the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, keynote speakers Profesora Cristina Mauricio Cerda of the Instituto Superior de Investigacion y Docencia del Magisterio Mexico and Prof. Kacung Marijan, Drs. MA Ph.D. of the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, virtual presenters, observers and guests to this 3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education 2022, a pleasant morning to all of you! The greatest force of disruption as well as an impetus for innovation in modern history, the COVID-19 pandemic and its rippling effects extend to all corners of the society: infected cases overwhelming public health facilities, business and industries shutting down operations, significant contraction of global economy affecting job security, spending, and production of goods and services, and governments scrambling to formulate virus containment strategies. Such unprecedented drawbacks paint the picture of the COVID-19 pandemic in its onset. The education sector also suffered the brunt of the forced lockdowns, quarantines, and strict countermeasures to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The pandemic has led to changes in learning set-up due to the closure of schools, colleges, universities and educational institutions. From conventional face-to-face education to flexible and blended learning, such shift widened the equity gaps which serve as challenges to the education of vulnerable groups and marginalized peoples. The pandemic and its associated disruptions also alter how the global research enterprise and research culture go about which impacted not just the professional researchers and scientists’ research endeavors and grants but also, undergraduate and graduate students’ academic research. In conducting basic and experimental research in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty, students, and research staff adapted to working remotely while others do laboratory work in shifts. For researchers doing descriptivequantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods design research, innovations


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

due to pandemic restrictions pointed towards the digitalization of the research process: actual face-toface interviews were replaced by interviews via videoconferencing platforms such as ZOOM and Google Meet while physical survey questionnaires migrated into Google Forms and Survey Monkeys, among others. From the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic to researchers, scientists, and students came opportunities for reinvention; making stepping stones of ingenuity out of the stumbling blocks of uncertainty. The International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors, & Reviewers, Inc. and the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, recognizes both the opportunities and drawbacks of research in the face of the COVID pandemic as it stage the International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research 2022 on May 11-13, 2022 via Zoom Teleconferencing. Themed “Research during the Pandemic: Gains and Challenges,” this virtual conference provides an avenue for presentation for research outputs on interdisciplinary research in higher education in the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bulk of the research outputs to be presented in the Conference belong the Education Strand. The study on the impact of flipped classroom of teacher trainers in English, collaborative learning studies in Science 6, determining the writing proficiency level of students through essay evaluation provide insights on pedagogy, the method and practice of teaching. Moreover, the morpho-syntactic analysis on select editorials of a certain tabloid, command and request in John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars,” the language style perform by Joe Biden in his speeches and the mother tongue-based multilingual education of a certain district contribute to the greatly to the advancement of the language education field. On the other hand, studies on the contextualized modules on hypothesis testing using parametric tests for basic statistics, the effectiveness of Numbo Game to the mathematical skills of freshmen college students, efficacy of game-aided instruction II teaching Mathematics, and user- centered approach to developing Mathematics teaching plans, provide both teacher-learner insights in the Mathematics Education field. The Conference also welcomes studies which looked into educational institutions outside the usual teacher-learner synergy. The study on the challenges encountered by the public primarily school teachers in the implementation of the K-12 daily lesson logs, students’ awareness, access, availment, and satisfaction with guidance services in a state university in the Philippines, and stakeholders’ engagement and implementation of school-based management in public secondary school gave information for policy formulation and utilization of research findings to the respective institutions. Sensitive to the call of the times, research outputs on education and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic will be presented and discussed in the three-day conference. The studies on the politeness strategies on student’s responses to teacher’s online announcements, virtualization in the new normal and educational outcomes among students in a state university, students’ motivation and perception in learning Social Science using Distance Modality, and experiences in Flexible Learning of students under technology-related discipline are some of the students which tackle flexible and blended learning as an educational adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Business research outputs would also be highlighted in this international forum. The study on the service quality and client satisfaction of land transportation services in the province of Capiz, Philippines revealed that there is high correlation between service quality and client satisfaction. The research on marketing strategies and customer satisfaction ratings of selected hotels in Iloilo City, Philippines revealed that hotels in Iloilo City have highly employed marketing strategies and guests were very satisfied with their services. The investigation on the extent of implementation of the Social Development and Management Program of a mining company has shown that the social development and management program is highly implemented. Research and development of food products are well-represented in the IVCIRHE 2022. The production of a purple stripe garlic (Allium sativum) paste, utilization of cardaba banana (Musa balbisiana) in enhance nutribun, and development of surimi-based products from black-chin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) are studies on food science and technology that will be presented in the three-day forum. Disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation studies will also highlight the interdisciplinary nature of this international conference. The study on the effectiveness of local government units disaster response during the Taal Volcano’s phreatic eruption proposed a plan of action to enhance the effectiveness of the local government unit’s disaster responses. Proposals were also recommended for the local government unit as a result of the study on the issues on evacuation coordination management for Super Typhoon Odette (Rai). An Enhanced Community Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan was materialized from the findings of the study on the disaster preparedness practices of households in the coastal communities of a congressional district in the Philippines to strengthen the participation of households in disaster preparedness. The study on the effectiveness of the response of the provincial government of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic, legislative capabilities of local legislators in Batangas Province, effectiveness of the provincial information office in promoting the programs of the provincial government, and preparedness of the newly elected youth council officials in the performance of their duties highlighted interesting findings on the governance and public administration strand. The qualitative studies on the forensic discourse analysis demystifying meta-categories in Philippine suicide notes, lived experiences of rido: the Meranao case, and nonverbal communication and cultural features of highest grossing movies among ASEAN countries are welcome addition of research outputs in the IVCIRHEEE 2022 saturated by descriptive-quantitative research studies. These studies and more that will be presented in this three-day 3rd International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education 2022 prove that despite the deterrents and complications brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the global research enterprise, research continues to adapt and innovate pushing the frontiers of research to greater heights. I congratulate the International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors and Reviewers, Inc. headed by its President Dr. Djuwari Sarkawi at the helm and its Executive Director, Miss Gayle Salalima, for gathering this spectrum of research outputs which are timely and relevant to the current times. Thank you and please keep safe!


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Nonverbal Communication and Cultural Features of Highest Grossing Movies among Asean Countries ED B. BAUTISTA

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6725-5049 edbautista0807@gmail.com North Eastern Mindanao State University Philippines This paper analyzes the nonverbal communication and cultural features of the Highest-Grossing Movies among Selected ASEAN Countries. There are two approaches used in this study. First, it sought to identify the nonverbal communication features through semiotic analysis of the most important movie scenes, and second, it determined the cultural features of the movies through a readers-oriented approach. Through the analysis of the cultural features, ASEAN nations such as the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand share the same values such as the strong family ties. Also, the belief in the supernatural and superstition is evident in the stories. The non-verbal communication features analysis established that all of these movies portrayed different signs or symbols that can be traced and interpreted as part of their culture or norm. Thus, culture plays a significant element among the selected highestgrossing ASEAN films. Keywords: Nonverbal communication, cultural features, semiotic analysis, readers-oriented approach, ASEAN.

Demystifying Meta-Categories in Philippine Suicide Notes: A Forensic Discourse Analysis LEO D. RAYON, JR.

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2595-4962 leo.rayon@dnsc.edu.ph/rayon@gonzaga.edu.ph Davao del Norte State College, Philippines Gonzaga University, United States of America As suicide notes are considered severity markers of suicide acts, they often convince the survivors that the act committed, or about to commit, is justifiable. While numerous studies were conducted on suicide notes across research disciplines, most were meant for psychological and psychiatric interpretations. This research examined the distinctive features and functions of meta-categories in suicide notes written in the Philippines. As qualitative research, this study employed forensic discourse analysis as a method of analysis through Shapero’s (2011) metacategories framework. The notes were collected from the Philippine National Police and Philippine newspapers. The findings revealed that Filipino note-writers wrote their suicide notes with reasons for committing suicide, references to the happenings in the past, instructions of command or request to survivors, statements of who they are, memory or remembrances, and attempts for humour. No meta-categories were found for the note-writers’ methods of suicide, specifications on the location of suicide, and details about essential responsibilities. As far as meta-categories are concerned, the study concluded that the primary meta-categorical function of a suicide note in the Philippines is to provide reasons for suicide. The study recommends embarking on larger Filipino suicide corpora for a broader scope, analysis, and interpretation, characterizing meta-categories in terms of gender, and distinguishing the similarities and differences of meta-categories in suicide notes written by suicide-completers and attempters in the Philippines. Keywords: forensic linguistics, suicide notes, suicide-completers, meta-categories, forensic discourse analysis, qualitative research, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


The Lived Experiences of Rido: The Meranao Case LOTH M. OROZCO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0503-7633 lothorozcomap@gmail.com North Eastern Mindanao State University Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, Philippines “Rido” (clan feud) among Meranaos has been classified as one of the most recurring problems that hinder individual and social development. Parents and children vary in their experiences and the consequences they faced. This study aims to investigate the nature of rido and its causes; describe the impact of rido on parents and children in their mental health and physical health; and identify their coping mechanisms. The study is qualitativephenomenological research that employed key-informant interviews. Twenty respondents were selected through snowball sampling from rido high-risk municipalities in Lanao del Sur. Findings revealed that the most common cause of rido experienced by the respondents is politics. Political rivalry fueled by the social group’s concept of honor and maratabat (pride) aggravated the problem. Eventually, they suffered from grief, anxiety, and depression from traumatic turmoil and hiding. Children lost a sense of belongingness and interest from frequent changes of residence and school. Respondents’ families suffered from a common physical ailment which varies from mild to severe illness. Both parents and children are coping through pangni (prayers), but children are more likely to resort to retaliation. Trained psychosocial support that is culture-sensitive should be available to address the needs of the victims of rido particularly in especially in areas where it is mostly observed. Keywords: rido, clan feud, mental health, violence, psychosocial support, trauma, Lanao del Sur, Philippines

Advocating Martin Heidegger’s notion on Discourse as Social Change at Cebu Technological University Barili Campus, Philippines DANILO L. LIBRADILLA

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7862-9808 danilo.libradilla@ctu.edu.ph Cebu Technological University Barili Campus Philippines This paper aims to determine the connection of Martin Heidegger’s discourse by emphasizing the daily experience to promote social change. There are four major parts in this paper to wit: First, the concept of discourse which possibly leads to an understanding of Being-in-the–world. The concept of discourse emphasizes the relation to human experience. Second, the importance of language to our daily practice as human beings. Language is understood on how useful it is in resolving issues in the community. Third, the emphasis of communication and how it is interpreted from one person to another. Fourth, the importance of keeping silent. Keeping silent is another form of discourse. This study utilized an expository technique as a method of research. Upon careful understanding from Heidegger’s notion of discourse, the actual experience of human existence is achieved by relating to the communicative action of Jurgen Habermas. Thus, the noble doctrine of Jurgen Habermas regarding the “communicative action theory,” which emphasizes the concept of discourse or dialogue achieve the prime purpose of human existence in this practical world. Keywords: Discourse, Language, Communication, Keeping Silent, Cebu Technological University, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Probing the Level of Teaching Anxiety of the Pre-Service Teachers ALAN P. TAGUIAM

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6907-5479 alanptaguiam@gmail.com Cagayan State University, Piat Campus Philippines The foremost step to teacher professional development is pre-service training. It is said that the initial taste and experience of teaching as a career happens in the pre-service training or in the teacher education. The study is basically a quantitative research utilizing the descriptive-correlational method. The descriptive component of the study was the determination of the profile of pre-service teachers and their level of teaching anxiety. Results of the study imply that moderate evaluation anxiety of the respondents implies that they have nervousness and worries about being observed, evaluated, and assessed by their supervising instructor and cooperating teacher while teaching. The moderate class control anxiety of the pre-service teachers relative to this dimension indicates that they experience average anxiety or feelings of inadequacy in managing and maintaining discipline in the classroom and dealing decisively with the students who misbehave. Keywords: Teaching anxiety, pre-service teachers, professional development, evaluation anxiety

Locus of Control, Personality Temperaments, and Coping Strategies of Marine Transportation Students RIZA M. FERNANDEZ

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2942-7425 reesfernandez@gmail.com University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Philippines The globalization of the shipping industry necessitates improving maritime students’ ability to operate under pressure. This descriptive-comparative-correlational study aims to determine 239 marine students’ locus of control, personality temperaments, and stress-coping strategies. It examines correlations among the aforementioned variables, and differences in coping in terms of year level, family structure, religion, locus of control (LOC), and temperament. The findings indicate that there is a plenitude of externals and phlegmatics among maritime students. They used coping strategies moderately across all three coping categories, namely avoidance, emotion-oriented, and task-oriented approach, which is most preferred. Family structure, religion, and LOC do not affect their coping abilities. Choleric students coped better than sanguine and melancholic students; second-year students coped better than first-year students. Moreover, there is a link between temperament and coping, but not between temperament and LOC, nor between LOC and coping. As for externals, students tend to believe that circumstances or outcomes in school or elsewhere are influenced by external forces. As restrained and sensitive phlegmatics, suppressing feelings of stress leads to more susceptibility to physical and mental stress, requiring effective coping techniques. Thus, recognizing and understanding their locus of control and temperaments will help them cope with stress more successfully. Keywords: Guidance and counseling, descriptive-comparative-correlational study, personality temperament, locus of control, coping strategies, year level, family structure, religion, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Tourism and Hospitality Education Academic Perceived Stress during Post-COVID-19 Pandemic and Coping Strategies DENZIL I. GALON

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9154-9060 denzilgalon@nipsc.edu.ph Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Barotac Viejo Campus Tourism and hospitality education of 195 participants have “average” perceived stress to the daily stressors encountered during the post-covid-19 pandemic of academic modalities. The present study investigated the perceived stress sources among colleges and universities in Iloilo. The results suggested that problem-solving & innovation (M=2.50, SD=0.71) have “high” description and health concerns as perceived by the respondents, feeling “angry”, on management skills (M=2.90, SD=1.17) respondents are on “average” and feeling “frustrated” and lastly on interpersonal skills (M=2.57, SD=1.14) they are on “average” and feeling “frustrated” both colleges and universities as perceived to the stress of tourism and hospitality education. Religious coping strategy (71.0%) both male and female coping strategies during the post-covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Keywords: Problem-solving and innovation skills, management skills, interpersonal skills, perceived stress, postcovid-19 pandemic, coping strategies, tourism, and hospitality education

Awareness and Practice of Public School Core Values among Junior High School Students JOVILYN V. GARCIA

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1076-9417 jovievargasgarcia@gmail.com University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, Philippines Core Values is essential in establishing the relationship within educational institutions. Also, they guide the conduct of school programs in achieving their institutional objectives. However, most students nowadays have unclear grasp of the schools’ core values due to complex responsibilities. Likewise, most are compromised by the secularistic and modernistic mindsets, which slowly depreciate their values. Not to mention the effect of the shift in instructional modality. Thus, this study determined the students’ awareness and practice of the core values of maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, and makabansa. Using the descriptive-comparative and correlational design, the study was assessed by 221 stratified randomly sampled students. The instruments used were validated and reliability tested researcher-made questionnaires. In data analyses, mean, standard deviation, Kruskal Wallis, and Spearman Rank Correlation were employed. Generally, the students’ awareness was rated very high while practice was rated very great extent. Further, there was a difference in their awareness when grouped according to sex, while there was no difference on religion and family structure. In practice, there was no difference when grouped according to all demographics. Lastly, there was a relationship between their awareness and practice. These imply the importance of establishing the students’ awareness for them to consistently demonstrate these core values. Keywords: Core Values, Awareness, Practice, Descriptive-Comparative and correlational, Public School *Co-Author: Joel M. Bual1 1University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Secondary School Guidance Counselors Perceived Self-Efficacy and Strategies in Addressing Bullying KENITH B. VILLARUEL

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2403-8252 villaruel.rgc@nipsc.edu.ph Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Barotac Viejo Campus, Philippines This descriptive study was conducted to determine the school counselors’ self -efficacy and practices in addressing bullying in public and private secondary schools in Iloilo City. The respondents of the study were 73 secondary school guidance counselors. A one-shot survey research design was used. The data were processed and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results of the study showed that guidance counselors in Iloilo City are generally females, middle-aged, married, have earned units in the master’s program in guidance and counseling, have attended or participated to relevant trainings related to bullying, are non-registered guidance counselors, and have low perceived self – efficacy. It also showed that guidance counselors strongly endorsed three strategies in dealing with bullying such as working with the bully, enlisting other adults, and working with the victim. There was also a difference in their practices as male guidance counselors tend to deal with victims of bullying as compared to females. Guidance counselors perceived that they can deal effectively with the victims of bullying. Keywords: School Guidance and Counseling, Counselor Strategies, Anti-Bullying Interventions, Descriptive Research, Philippines

Classroom Learning Environment and Academic Performance among Education Students Enrolled in a State College IRYN B. DE LOS SANTOS

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0985-5737 irynd10@gmail.com Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Barotac Viejo Campus, Philippines Classroom learning environment is one of the factors which could affect students’ academic performance. This descriptive study was conducted to determine the students’ academic performance as influenced by their classroom learning environment (CLE). Utilized as participants of the study were the 132 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students of Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College-Barotac Viejo Campus (NIPSC-BVC) chosen through stratified random sampling. The CLE data were obtained using the instrument on “What is Happening in this Class” questionnaire adapted from Poh (2000), modified by the researchers to suit the types of the respondents. The general point average was used to measure the students’ academic performance. Descriptive statistics employed were means, frequency count and percentage, and standard deviations, while for inferential statistics, ANOVA was used. The BEED CLE at NIPSC-BVC was task-oriented, and most teachers who are teaching BEED students used task-oriented activities during their classes. Generally, the students had an average academic performance. No significant difference was noted in CLE when the respondents were grouped according to year level. Significant differences were revealed in the academic performance of BEED students when grouped according to year level. The type of CLE to which the students were exposed was found to have no significant influence on their academic performance. Keywords: Education, classroom learning environment, academic performance, descriptive study, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Instructors’ Competence and Responsiveness in Multimedia in Teaching-Learning Process in the Context of College of Education at Ifugao State University Potia-Campus MATRONILLO M. MARTIN

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7411-1526 matt_martin122680@yahoo.com Ifugao State University-Potia Campus Potia, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao, Philippines This study aimed to ascertain the instructors’ competence and the responsiveness of the instructors in utilizing multimedia in the teaching-learning process, benefits, issues, and the extended support by the administrator among College of Education instructors of Ifugao State University Potia Campus. Descriptive research was used in this study. There were 41 respondents in this study using the total enumeration technique. Weighted mean was utilized to determine the extent of responsiveness of the instructors in terms of the utilization of multimedia. The findings of the study underscore with instructors’ role in the educative process in the 21st century, because integrating multimedia is indeed challenging. With the shift of major emphasis from the instructors as a source of knowledge in ICT, a new set of competencies can be identified as components of the personality of the instructors, all of which epitomize the whole range of the instructors’ roles and functions by knowing the benefits of computer and technology in teaching. In the performance of their functions as techno-savvy in teaching, instructors look forward to enhancing their skills in computer and technology. Hence, instructors should be motivated and encouraged to pursue their studies in the graduate studies program to further gain insights, knowledge, and other new trends in coping with the difficult concerns they encounter in the performance of their functions. Programs and innovations are needed to enhance the competence of the instructors in utilizing multimedia in pedagogical praxis. Keywords: Education, multimedia, utilization, responsiveness, benefits, teaching-learning process, descriptive research design, Philippines

Performance of Kindergarten Pupils of DepEd Schools on Seven Learning Domains VENUS C. LUMAPAC

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8149-3120 venuslumapac1991@gmail.com Northeastern Mindanao State University Philippines Kindergarten is an integral part of basic education system. This study was conducted to ascertain the performance of kindergarten pupils of nine DepEd Schools on seven learning domains: receptive language, expressive language gross-motor, fine-motor, self-help, cognitive and socio-emotional domain for three consecutive years. A descriptive research design which made used of simple random sampling. Among the seven domains, the cognitive domain displayed the highest pupil’s performance progress. It was followed by self-help domain, receptive language domain and socio-emotional domain respectively. While, gross-motor, fine motor and, expressive language domains were the least displayed performance of the kindergarten pupils. It was also revealed that there is no significant difference of the seven domains on pupils’ performances across the three consecutive school years. It implies that the Kindergarten pupils maintained their performances (the domains) for three years. Furthermore, Tukey’s Pairwise Comparison test detected that the cognitive and gross motor domains have significant value (p 0.04< 0.05). It connotes that the gross motor has a lesser extent of pupil’s performances. Kindergarten teachers may not focus their activities on basic literacy and numeracy skills rather with play-based instruction that could also develop their gross motor, fine motor, and expressive language domain which is essential in the 21st century skills. Keywords: ECCD, performance, kindergarten, learning domains, intervention program, descriptive research design, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Computer and Outdoor Games: Effects on High School Students’ Physical Fitness MARY ANN S. PILLARDA

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1636-965X mspillarda14@gmail.com Polangui Community College Alnay, Polangui, Albay, Philippines The proliferation of and application of technology such as online computer games have directly and indirectly influenced the youth, particularly the personality of high school students toward the conduct of physical fitness. This study dealt with the effects of computer and outdoor games on high school students’ physical fitness at Libon AgroIndustrial High School. It started identifying the profile referring to age, sex, access to a computer, computer games played, hours/week the students played computer games, outdoor games played, and hours the students played outdoor games; the computer and outdoor games, effects on students’ physical fitness, and strategies to address the negative effects of which on the physical fitness of the respondents. Data and information were obtained through the descriptive method using a questionnaire checklist, interview, and documentary analysis. Research findings show that computer and outdoor games are both educational, interactive, and develop motivational engagement. This research proposed an action plan meant to minimize the negative effects of computer and outdoor games and provides significant insights into the crafting of the school improvement plan (SIP). Keywords: Physical Fitness, Physical Education, Computer Games, Outdoor Games, Strategy Games, Sports games, Fighting Games, Shooting Games, Brain Trainers, Yourself! Fitness, Eye Toy, Dance, Dance Revolution, Wii Sports, WarCraft, Descriptive design, Edutainment, Philippines, Asia

Oral Reading Difficulties, Level and Comprehension among Elementary Learners in Northern Part of Iloilo, Philippines ALNI GRACE D. ESPINOSA

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0892-9589 alni_espinosa@yahoo.com Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Barotac Viejo Campus, Philippines Reading is one of the important skills which learners need to learn. This descriptive study was conducted to determine the oral reading difficulties, reading level and reading comprehension of the Grade VI pupils of Ugasan Elementary School in the northern part of Iloilo, Philippines. Twenty-five Grade VI pupils were purposively chosen to serve as respondents of the study. The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI) Oral test was used to assess the reading level and reading comprehension of the respondents. All data gathered were tabulated and statistically analyzed using the appropriate statistical tools with alpha set at .05 level. Results showed that the most common difficulty was mispronunciation while the least was reversal. The males incurred the most number of difficulties with mispronunciation as the common error. As a whole group, pupils had reading level and comprehension of “frustration” level. When categorized according to gender, females had reading comprehension as” frustration” while males had “independent.” There was a significant difference in the mean frequency of difficulties among the pupils when classified according to gender. There was a significant difference in reading comprehension when the pupils were grouped according to reading level. Keywords: Education, oral reading difficulties, reading level, reading comprehension descriptive study, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Challenges Encountered by the Public Elementary School Teachers in the Implementation of K to 12 Daily Lesson Logs: Basis for Intervention Plan MANUEL B. REYES III

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1770-0882 manuel.reyes001@deped.gov.ph North Eastern Mindanao State University Tandag Campus, Philippines The adoption of the daily lesson log (DLL), as mandated by several DepEd Orders is one of the most significant improvements in teaching. Despite the rigorous training, some teachers find it hard to implement this due to the insufficiencies of facilities, instructional materials, and less financial resources. This study determined the challenges on how the teachers implement the K to 12 daily lesson logs in one of the districts of Surigao del Sur Division, Caraga Region, Philippines. This study used the mixed-method research design with 99 teacher participants. Based on the results of the study, teachers oftentimes used the curriculum guides, teachers’ guides, learning materials, the utilization of instructional materials, and the assessment of learning. The most pressing challenges are spending their own money to reproduce teachers guide, and daily lesson logs. Preparing the said lesson logs was perceived and experienced as time-consuming due to complexities in its format, difficulty in acquiring copies of teachers’ guides and learning materials in some subjects. The intervention scheme aimed to systematize the activities that would address the identified problems, time frame, resources needed, and success indicators. The overall result of the study served as the basis for the administration’s policy formulation. Keywords: Educational administration, challenges, daily lesson logs, intervention plan, k to 12, mixed-method, Philippines

Students’ Awareness, Access, Availment, and Satisfaction with Guidance Services in a State University System in the Philippines SUSIE HOPE R. TOMOL

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8668-4874 susiehopetomol1234@gmail.com ISAT U Miagao Campus Philippines Higher Education Institutions must ensure that student affairs and services, wherein the Guidance Services is one among them, should be utilized by students so that they can attain holistic development. Hence, this study was conducted to describe the status of the guidance program in the five campuses of a state university for the School Year 2018–2019. It determined the awareness, access to, availment and satisfaction with the guidance services among students in a university. It also sought to determine the relationships between respondents’ characteristics such as sex, year level, and course to their awareness, access to, and availment of the guidance services. The escriptive-relational method was used. Results revealed that the majority of the respondents are aware, have access to, availed and are satisfied with the guidance services. Of the variables considered, year level and course have significant relationship with the awareness, access to, availment, and satisfaction with the guidance services. Moreover, respondents’ awareness, access, and availment have a significant relationship with the satisfaction of guidance services. Keywords: Awareness, access, availment, satisfaction, guidance services, descriptive-relational research design, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Stakeholders’ Engagement and Implementation of School-Based Management in Public Secondary School RODANTE I. BARTOLOME

http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-0856 Rodante.bartolome@deped.gov.ph San Mateo National High School Sinamar Norte, San Mateo, Isabela Philippines


http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7411-1526 matt_martin122680@yahoo.com Ifugao State University-Potia Potia, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao, Philippines

The study aimed to determine the relationship between stakeholders’ engagement and implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) in San Mateo National High School during the school year 2021-2022. Mixed-method was utilized in the conduct of the study. Quantitative research method was used to determine the level of stakeholders’ engagement in terms of school programs, projects, and activities, the level of implementation of SBM in terms of leadership and governance, curriculum and learning, accountability and continuous improvement, and management of resources, as well as to determine if there is a significant relationship between the two variables: stakeholders’ engagement and implementation of SBM. On the other hand, qualitative research method, through an interview, was employed to gather the views of the stakeholders on what to include in a program to improve stakeholders’ engagement in school programs, projects, and activities and in an intervention to improve the implementation of SBM. Mean and Pearson r were used to determine the levels of engagement of the stakeholders in school programs, projects, and activities, the implementation of the SBM, and the significant relation between them. The findings of the study show that the stakeholders’ engagement is on the level where stakeholders engage in a productive working relationship. The level of the implementation of SBM is collaboratively developed by the school community. Further, findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between stakeholders’ engagement in school programs, projects, and activities and the implementation of School-Based Management. To improve this study, it is recommended that there should be a promotion of advocacy that supports the sustainability of school programs, projects, and activities, further orientation on the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, and enrichment activities like benchmarking and brainstorming, wide dissemination and implementation of the proposed programs. Keywords: Monitoring and evaluation, school projects and activities, stakeholders’ participation, descriptive research, Philippines

Performance of Teachers under the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards and the Psychometric Qualities of Performance Appraisal System JANE C. PADEROG

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5473-4857 paderogjc@gmail.com Agusan del Sur College Inc, Bayugan City Philippines The purpose of the study was to determine the level of performance of teachers in the seven domains of the NCBTS in the implementing unit schools and non-implementing unit schools Division of Agusan del Sur, Philippines, namely: Social Regard for Learning, Learning Environment, Diversity of Learners, Curriculum, Planning, Assessing and Reporting, Community Linkages, and Personal and Professional Development. The descriptive comparative and descriptive analytic methodologies of research design were used in this study. The mean t-test and Cronbach alpha were utilized as statistical approaches. Results revealed that teachers’ performance among implementing and nonimplementing units was fair and statistically significant in all seven domains. Based on the study’s findings, it can be said that the teachers among implementing and non-implementing units have more to learn and improve their competence in these seven domains. Hence, they can bring a practical teaching-learning situation to substantially achieve the different 15 learning goals in the curriculum and use NCBTS to formulate its hiring, promotion, supervision, and other policies related to the teaching profession. Considering that both teachers in all units differ significantly in their ratings, they have different opinions, views and observations, and levels of competence assessment. Keywords: Education, National Competency-Based system, descriptive analysis, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022



Standards, teachers, performance appraisal

Trends, Analysis, and Projections of Licensure Performances LOLITO M. PONTILLAS

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8772-5535 lollyponti@gmail.com Northeastern Mindanao State University Philippines The study investigated the trends, analysis, and projections of the Licensure Performances of the board programs offered by the school. This study made use of the descriptive-correlational design to analyse the data gathered. Findings of this study revealed that Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) program of the college attain a better performance as it explicitly nearer to the National Passing Rate. On the other hand, Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd), first-timers perform better than the repeaters. Criminal Justice Education showed up significant differences against the National Passing Rate between first timers and repeaters. Over the years, first-timers are consistently performing well, where repeaters beat the first-timers’ performance. Overall impression does not show any significant difference because its performance is higher compared to the National Passing Rate. Accountancy’s performance is different, since repeaters perform better compared to the first timers. To increase licensure performance, English proficiency enhancement is highly recommended before taking any licensure examinations and retention and admission policy should be implemented. Incorporating and monitoring to the review classes for areas where most takers failed, should be given more attention for teacher education. Revisiting the curriculum and retooling using different articulations be designed to cater the needs of the students. A mock board or comprehensive examination should be given as part of the review class, and regular assessment should be considered. Keywords: Education, licensure examination, performance, descriptive correlational design, Philippines

Teacher Education Graduates’ Academic Performance in Relation to Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET): An Analysis WEENA MAE G. AMPO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1526-0257 weenamaeampo@gmail.com Bohol Island State University Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol, Philippines Licensure tests are usually one of the several criteria necessary to qualify an entry into the teaching profession. This government examination is designed to identify professionals who have the desired level of competency to teach basic education. The study investigates the correlation between teacher education graduate’s academic performance and Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) rating in the Academic Year 2014-2015. The study employs a descriptive design. Data on academic performance was retrieved from the Registrar’s office while the LET ratings were obtained from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Cebu City office. The researcher used Mean and Percentages in describing the performance, Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation in determining the significant of the relationship between academic and LET rating. The study revealed that the Physical Science and Filipino Graduates’ Academic Performance did not correlate with their LET Performance Rating while English and Filipino graduates obtained significant results. Hence, the graduates’ academic performance do not indicate graduates’ success in the LET. Keywords: Academic Performance, General Education, Licensure Examination for Teachers, Major, Professional Education, descriptive design, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Factors that Influence Senior High School Graduates’ Choice of Career in MinSU-Calapan City Campus SHERIDAN C. BICALDO

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8117-8887 sheridan.bicaldo@minsu.edu.ph College of Teacher Education, Mindoro State University - Calapan City Campus Philippines Making a career decision is a watershed moment in every student’s life. Before making a decision, students must consider a number of factors. This study aimed to establish exploratory data by assessing the factors that influence senior high school graduates’ choice of career at Mindoro State University in Calapan City Campus. Specifically, it determines the profile of senior high school graduates such as the age, gender, interest, ability, chosen strand or track, general weighted average (GWA), and the average family income. Likewise, the study identifies the academic experience, peer influence, and family influence of senior high school graduates that affect their decision of what course to take in college. A survey questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument for the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and weighted mean was also used, and fifty respondents through purposive random sampling technique were drawn from the senior high school graduates who are currently enrolled as college students in MinSU Calapan City Campus in the academic year 2020-2021. Results revealed that academic experience and educational aspirations appear to have a great impact on SHS graduates choice of career. It can be concluded that students choose their career based on their passion and not by ensuing what his/her friends like to take in college. Likewise, parents have a significant influence on their children’s job growth and career decisions. Keywords: Senior high school graduates, choice of career, average family monthly income, general weighted average, academic experience, peer influence, and family influence *Co-Author: Emelinda E. Rivera, Mindoro State University-Calapan City Campus

Reaching the Inner Voice of the Graduates: An Online Tracer Study of Davao de Oro State College GABRELE D. CUBERO https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4339-2465 gabrele.cubero@ddos.edu.ph Davao de Oro State College Davao de Oro, Philippines Davao De Oro State College aims to provide its stakeholders with a golden opportunity to produce globally competent graduates anchored on good governance. The institution needs to know what career trajectories can expect and what sort of guidance and development will best equip them to deal with life beyond college. Thus, the study embarked to explore the experiences and trace the graduates of the Davao de Oro State College New Bataan from the academic year 2013 – 2018. The study aimed to describe graduates’ demographic profile, perceptions on course program, training, job, and employment status of graduates. In this study, the researcher used the mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, which signifies collecting and analysing qualitative data in two consecutive phases within one study. The study reveals that the alumni preferred to work their first job related to their course because of the salaries and benefits, career challenges, and special skills. The graduates need more professional skills because they can benefit from nearly all job positions, industries, and work environments. Graduates are just receiving enough salary for their basic needs. They have chosen their course because of the availability of the course in the institution, intense passion for the profession. However, most graduates did not pursue their advanced studies because they focused more on work or severe financial commitment. Also, the study discovered that the graduates lack permanent opportunities in public and private organizations, most respondents work on a contractual or temporary basis. Indeed, this study recommended that the institution should provide more facilities, resources, holistic development, personal and professional development, such as webinars, training, and workshops for better instructions, and hire more teachers with highly competitive and diverse qualifications. Moreover, the curriculum must be reviewed and updated to fulfil their recent graduate’s required skills and competencies. Keywords: Graduates, Inner Voice, Tracer study, mixed method sequential exploratory design, Philippines *Co-Author: Steff De Los Reyes, Davao de Oro State College, Davao de Oro

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) Graduates’ Employability: A Tracer Study LIZIEL T. LATOJA

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8604-819X ltlatoja@sdssu.edu.ph North Eastern Mindanao State University Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, Philippines Graduate Tracer Study is deemed necessary to evaluate the outcomes of a certain institution’s education and training with its main purpose to assess college graduates’ employability. Thus, this study evaluates the Surigao del State University-Cantilan Campus BSIT graduates’ employability status. A quantitative descriptive research design engaging survey approach was employed to the 147 total graduates on the BSIT program with eight fields of specialization. One hundred and one graduates participated in the study through the online and in-person survey. There is evidence that BSIT graduates can find work in a variety of industries across the country on permanent or regular status. The curriculum is relevant to the needs of the work market. Graduates were hired within a year or less after graduation. In addition, the graduates have employability skills that benefit them in their careers. The study recommends more training and skills enhancement, particularly in the areas of Electrical and Electronics, as well as machine troubleshooting. For practical demonstration in shop laboratory classes, more exposure to actual or hands-on operation on machines or equipment with more upgraded of these equipment is required. The school must provide access to the latest technologies, tools, and equipment. Keywords: employability, tracer study, skills acquired, employment, BSIT, field of specialization, Surigao del Sur, Philippines

Politeness Strategies on Students’ Responses to Teacher’s Online Announcements GENEVIEVE S. SELGAS

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9919-6984 genevieveselgas@buksu.edu.ph Bukidnon State University Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines The shift of the usual operations in education due to the COVID-19 pandemic has made the Google classroom one of the online learning modalities teachers and students use. The sudden shift has challenged every student and teacher to create a comfortable online learning environment through politeness strategies. The study aims to identify the politeness strategies employed in the responses of the Bukidnon State University students to the teacher’s Google classroom announcement within the First Semester of the SY. 2020-2021 to the First Semester of the SY. 2021-2022. The researcher also explores the significant difference between male and female students in employing politeness strategies using a mixed-method research design through the lens of discourse analysis. The research findings show that the students employ the four politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson (1987), namely: Positive, Negative, Bald OnRecord, and Off-Record Strategies. Moreover, there is a significant difference in politeness strategies between male and female students. The difference in politeness strategies employed by male and female students depends on the context, motives, and situations. These findings significantly contribute to future research on student and teachers’ politeness in online classroom interaction and the understanding of using politeness strategies among employees to avoid conflict in the workplace. Keywords: Politeness strategies, students’ responses, online announcement, google classroom, mixed method research design, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Experiences in Flexible Learning of Students under Technology Related Discipline DINA DC. LIM

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6125-5363 lim.dina@yahoo.com Aurora State College of Technology Zabali, Baler, Aurora, Philippines In the pursuit of sustaining the educational needs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible learning was adopted worldwide in the educational system. With this learning approach, students’ learning largely depends on the online platforms and applications. To ascertain its consequences particularly, in technology-related discipline, experiences of sample students from a state college in the province of Aurora were explored through focus group discussion via google meet. Thematic analysis generated 15 themes such as increased independence, lower coping ability, awareness of responsibilities, improved time management, difficulty to understand the lesson, limited acquisition of knowledge, induced malpractice in learning, increased productivity, dissatisfaction, lower self-esteem, enhanced sense of curiosity, lack of interest, deterioration in physical health, economically expensive, and distraction in the learning setting. With these themes, impact assessment instrument for flexible learning was developed for implementation and validation. Keywords: Flexible learning, learning experiences, technology-related discipline, focus group discussion, thematic analysis, state college, Aurora *Co-Authors: Reychiel T. Belmonte1, Jeremie P. Cabasal1, Myrene B. Mulato1, Catline Joy B. Nidoy1, Rod Q. Yadao1, Rufina I. Talavera1 1 Aurora State College of Technology, Baler, Aurora, Philippines

Students’ Motivation and Perception in Learning Social Science using Distance Learning Modality during Covid-19 Pandemic CHARLENE GRACE T. BEBOSO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1076-9417 charlenegrace.beboso@deped.gov.ph University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos Philippines Social science is essential in providing the students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to become effective citizens. With this, their motivation and perception of the subject should be established. However, some factors affect their disposition due to their complex tasks. Not to mention, the pandemic effect shifted the teaching and learning modality. Thus, this paper assessed the motivation and perception of Grade 12 public school students in learning social science during the pandemic. It also investigated the difference in their motivation and perception. Using a descriptive-comparative design, the study was assessed by 436 stratified randomly sampled students. The assessments were gathered using the modified motivation and perception questionnaires. In analyzing the data, mean, standard deviation, Mann Whitney, and Kruskal Wallis were employed. Generally, their motivation was rated agreeable result with extrinsic goal orientation as highest and social engagement as lowest. Meanwhile, their perception was rated agreeable with perceived value as highest and perceived teachers’ attitude as lowest. Moreover, there was no difference in their motivation and perception in terms of sex and track while a significant difference was found in academic performance. This implies the need to address issues in terms of the students’ academic performance to ensure their general motivation and perception of learning social science. Keywords: Social Science, Motivation, Perception, Descriptive-Comparative, Public School, Negros Occidental, descriptive-comparative research design, Philippines *Co-Author: Joel M. Bual, University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


User-centered Approach to Developing Mathematics Teaching Plans: Evaluation and Comparison of Outputs in a Performance Task Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic EDUARD M. ALBAY

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6087-1340 ealbay@dmmmsu.edu.ph Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, La Union, Philippines Educators are increasingly challenged to attain better student learning outcomes by employing instructional methodologies that go beyond knowledge acquisition and foster constructivist learning. Operating on these concepts, this study was conducted utilizing the posttest-only true experimental research design to determine the effects of design thinking on the quality of teaching plans of pre-service teachers as an output of a performance task. It determined and compared the performances of the experimental and control groups in lesson planning using a rubric. As a result of the normality and statistical assumptions checking, the Welch t-test was used to report the findings on the differences in the performances of the respondents. Results show that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in all the indicators of evaluation. The study concluded that the design thinking process as applied to performance task assessment enabled the experimental group to develop professionally-designed teaching plans. Thus, educators are encouraged to widen the research-based literature on the multi-faceted applications of the design thinking process and performance task assessment at all levels of education across disciplines and their integration to various learning modalities for a more flexible, adaptive, and inclusive education during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: Education, design thinking, performance task assessment, post-pandemic instruction, pre-service teachers, teaching plans, true experimental research, Philippines

Select Editorials of Aksyon Balita: A Morpho–Syntactic Analysis GERALDINE V. DARAO

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2329-549X geraldinevdarao18@gmail.com North Eastern Mindanao State University Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, Philippines The purpose of this linguistic research is to investigate analytically the syntactic and morphemic linearity of the introductory paragraph of the three select editorials in AKSYON BALITA. Specifically, it seeks the immediate constituents to construct each sentence in every editorial discourse; morphemic structures constitute the content words in the sentences in each editorial; and design a learning guide as output (monograph) on Morphosyntax features. This linguistic research employs the qualitative research method of linguistic analytical description is used in the segmentation of the smallest categories or units of immediate constituents in the linear succession of words in each sentence and of the morphemes (roots and affixations) in each content word. Findings revealed that the introductory paragraph of the three select editorials from the Aksyon Balita displays the morpheme linearity focuses on the morphemic accounting of all the content words (N, V, ADJ, ADV) through their affixation analysis Morphemic Structures of Content Words surface and deep structures in morpho-syntactic approach. The following recommendations are made based on the findings and conclusions: Surigaonon Professional Teachers and People in the Media must be aware of the accuracy of morpho-syntactic features of the language; English language teachers should craft learning activities that relate to morphologic and syntactic features. Students will engage in a fun phase; Language English teachers should employ teaching methods that pique students’ attention, making learning more relevant and useful; Language English teachers should be well-versed in language rules, particularly in terms of grammar. The ability to recognize proper/correct sentence structure may be mastered by English language teachers. Keywords: syntactic, morphemic linearity, constituents construct, morphosyntax, qualitative research design, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Vocatives of Ferdinand E. Marcos in Philippine Newspaper Articles: Forms, Structures, Positions, and Pragmatic Inferences RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4480-0128 rsagbayani@mmsu.edu.ph Mariano Marcos State University Department of Languages and Literature City of Batac, Philippines Former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos (FEM) became the country’s blistering issue because of his sudden interment at the heroes’ graveyard in 2016. Relative thereto, the Philippine newspapers execute an indispensable part in the ongoing discourse about him. Thus, this paper intends to provide details with regard to the forms, structures, positions and pragmatic implications of vocatives prevalently utilized by writers to address FEM in news articles of the three leading Philippine newspapers (Philippine Daily Inquirer, The Philippine Star, and Manila Bulletin). A descriptive-quantitative design was used and a total of 90 news article samples were collected and pragmatically analyzed. Results revealed that Filipino news article writers favored the use of single- word and phrase forms of vocatives. As regards the vocatives structures, one – word noun (N) structure, Adj. + N + N, Det + Adj. + N, and Det + N phrasal structures are predominant in the top three dailies. Also, medial is the most preferred vocative position, followed by initial then final position. Since vocatives have pragmatic implications, the employment of address forms (e.g. dictator, strongman, the author of Martial Law, and tyrant) to refer to FEM suggests negativity as these terms indicate inappropriateness in the context of use. Consequently, it can be inferred that while writers’ presentation of FEM in their articles exhibits fairness, there is a general lack of sensitivity and awareness regarding the suitable usage of some vocatives in Philippine culture. Keywords: forms, Ferdinand E. Marcos, Philippine newspapers, pragmatic inferences, positions, structures, vocatives

Command and Request in John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars” ARIZA FADILLA


http://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 arisafadila33@gmail.com Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8759-4646 dinosetro74@unusa.ac.id Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Indonesia

Command and request which are often involved in daily conversations are used to ask someone to do something. In fact, many English learners find difficulties to use and understand them correctly. Consequently, the communication will not run smoothly and even create a misunderstanding. Therefore, this study analyzed the types of command and request found in a novel entitled “The Fault in Our Stars” written by John Green using a pragmatic approach. This qualitative study analyzed the data collected from the novel and discussed the results and provided explanation descriptively. To analyze the data, this study used Yule’s Speech Acts Theory. The results showed 24 data in which 20 data were classified into commands and four data were classified into requests. All of the commands and requests uttered by the characters in the novel to ask someone to do something were classified into directive speech acts because they function to give commands or orders. Those directive speech acts occurred in three forms, namely declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentences. Fourteen data were categorized into direct speech acts because there is a direct relationship between the structure and the function. Conversely, ten indirect speech acts were found in this novel because the structure correlates with the function indirectly. In conclusion, to classify an utterance into direct or indirect speech act, an analysis of the correlation between the structure and the function should be conducted. Keywords: Command, Request, Speech Act, qualitative research design, Indonesia

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Content Validity and Acceptability of the Developed Course Module for Teaching Social Studies in the Intermediate Grades (Geography and Culture) GEREMY GALLETO SANCHEZ

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7196-833X geremy.sanchez@deped.gov.ph Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College Philippines This developmental study aimed to determine the content validity and acceptability of the developed Course Module in Teaching Social Studies in the Intermediate (Geography and Culture). This was undertaken to develop a validated and acceptable Course Module for the Bachelor of Elementary Education students of the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Philippines. Through criterion sampling, ten experts from Cervantes District and all two instructors of the College teaching the subject were identified and served as validators. Findings reveal that the developed Course Module is Very Satisfactory in content validity and acceptability with weighted means of 3.83 and 3.91, respectively. In general, the Course Module has an overall weighted mean of 3.87 or Very Satisfactory as perceived by the pool of validators. So, the paper claimed that the developed Course Module is valid and acceptable to be utilized by its intended users. With these, the paper recommends the utilization of the developed Course Module in the College. While utilizing, the perceptions of students to the developed Course Module in terms of the same criteria may be considered. Its effect and impact on the performance of the students are likewise recommended to be tested. Keywords: Course Module in Teaching Social Studies in the Intermediate, acceptability, content validity, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Philippines

Marketing Strategies and Customer Satisfaction Ratings of Selected Hotels in Iloilo City MINIEN A. CASEÑO

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9832-7674 macaseno.sttmtcclf@gmail.com Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Barotac Viejo Campus, Philippines Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction are just some of the most influential concepts in the hospitality industry. This survey-correlational study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies and customer satisfaction in selected hotels in Iloilo City. The Helsinki (2016) instrument on the extent of employment of marketing strategies and the hotel industry practitioner’s was utilized for this purpose. Mean and standard deviation were employed for the descriptive statistics while t-test and Pearson’s r were utilized for inferential analysis. The results of the study revealed that the most important marketing strategies in selected hotels in Iloilo City were core product, general facilities, and marketing loyalty while the three least important on customer satisfaction were service, security, and facilities. Generally, hotels in Iloilo City have highly employed marketing strategies and guests were very satisfied with their services. There was a significant difference in the participants’ assessment on the extent of employment of marketing strategies when classified according to sex, age, and civil status. Positive but no significant difference existed in the participants’ assessment of their customer satisfaction when participants were grouped according to sex, age, and civil status. Also, the extent of ratings of marketing strategies and customer satisfaction of hotels were positively but not significantly related. Keywords: Business and management, marketing strategies, customer satisfaction, survey-correlational, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Examining the Extent of Implementation of the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) of SR Metals Incorporated, Tubay, Agusan Del Norte: An Evaluation Research JACQUELOU G. MODAR

https://orcid.org/000-0003-1847-7731 jurisalexia@gmail.com Saint Joseph Institute of Technology Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, Philippines This study was conducted to examine the results of the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) of SR Metals, Incorporated in Tubay, Agusan del Norte, in the five hosts and neighboring barangays and SRMI site. This study employed a case study design using a structured questionnaire distributed to purposively- sampled 150 household beneficiaries as respondents. The questionnaire used a rating scale with open-ended questions to determine the positive and negative impacts of SDMP activities, including the sustainability and mitigating mechanisms to its SDMP components namely, health, education, livelihood, public utility, and sociocultural. Descriptive statistics was used to treat the data. The findings demonstrate that the extent of the implementation of the program components of SDMP of SRMI is very high. Respondents have identified various positive impacts of the SDMP but none for its negative impacts. Multiple sustainability mechanisms generated through themes are acknowledged by the respondents. This result also infers that SDMP should address its indicators which received a high extent rating to intensify its corporate social responsibility efforts. Further, SRMI should develop a database of the health status of the beneficiaries, a tracer study for college graduates, and profiling of recipients of the human resource skills development training for recordkeeping. The same study may be explored with multisectoral sampling, identification if the SDMP Activities if philanthropic or more strategic, a case study that will look into the living conditions of the recipients of the SDMP activities, and study that would focus on the social implications brought about the existence of the mining company. Keywords: Implementation, SDMP, Positive Impacts, Sustainability Mechanisms, case study, Philippines

Service Quality and Client Satisfaction of Land Transportation Services in the Province of Capiz CHRISTIAN D. DAVID

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4841-263X shantie_72@yahoo.com Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College - Barotac Viejo Campus, Philippines Service quality and client satisfaction are very important factors to be considered in the delivery of services. This survey-correlational study aimed to determine the service quality and client satisfaction of Land Transportation Services in the Province of Capiz during the calendar year 2019-2020. This study adopted the standardized service quality questionnaire of Wong, Ong, and Kuek (2012) and Best Companies Group (2018) clients’ satisfaction questionnaire. The study revealed that the level of service quality of LTO in terms of Public Assistance and Complaints Reinforcement, Licensing Registration, and Service Quality was very high. Also, the levels of client satisfaction was also found to be highly satisfied. This high satisfaction of the clients was brought about by the loyalty and commitment of LTO personnel to their work in performing their tasks to the higher level as expected by their clients. Clients were also satisfied with the services rendered by the LTO personnel due to positive attitude towards their work. Further, the study revealed that there was high correlation between service quality and client satisfaction. There was significant relationship between service quality and client satisfaction. The findings of the study indicated that LTO services quality and client satisfaction affected each other and a connection was established between them. Keywords: Social science, service quality, client satisfaction, survey-correlational, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Contextualized Modules on Hypothesis Testing Using Parametric Tests for Basic Statistics Course for Grade 9 Students Under Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program ALMA R. VELASCO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6546-7512 alma.velasco001@deped.gov.ph Department of Education Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte Students in Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE), a special program in Junior High School, are required to conduct research. The success of the statistical treatment of the research projects required students’ knowledge and skills in statistical tools. Learning these tools are enhanced by the availability of appropriate and adequate contextualized and localized instructional materials. Thus, this research aimed to develop contextualized modules on hypothesis testing using parametric tests. The descriptive-developmental research design was utilized in the study. The module development followed the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. The participants of the study were four content experts, two teacher experts, and 72 student participants from Cabadabaran City National High School and Agay National High School. The validated researcher-made instruments were used to evaluate the content and usability validity index of the developed modules. A Five-Point Likert Scale was employed in quantifying the responses. Mean scale rating was used in analyzing the data. Results revealed that the modules were highly valid in terms of content as rated by the content experts, and highly usable as rated by the teacher experts and student-participants. The modules are appropriate, useful and relevant. Hence, are recommended to be used in the classroom and that action research be conducted. Keywords: Statistics, Statistical Tools, Hypothesis Testing, Contextualized, Modules, Descriptive-Developmental, Science, Technology and Engineering, Cabadbaran City, Philippines

Numbo Game: Its Effectiveness on the Mathematical Skills of the Freshmen College Students of IFSU, Potia Campus JOSEPH B. TANDAS

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8526-0359 tandjose063@gmail.com Ifugao State University-Potia Campus Philippines The Mathematical Numbo game served as the basis for students to assess themselves in their capabilities and try their best to learn basic mathematics. Moreover, it may also help mathematics teachers or instructors improve their teaching effectiveness through integrating Numbo games in their mathematics subject, particularly basic mathematics and algebras. Hence, this research study desires to find out the effectiveness of integrating mathematical numbo game in teaching mathematics subjects among freshmen college students. It also aims as a basis to strengthen the learning of mathematics at the Ifugao State University (IFSU) Potia Campus, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao. The study utilized a quantitative method of research specifically examining the effectiveness and skills enhancement in basic mathematics and algebras among the freshmen college students. The pre-test survey and post-test survey questionnaire were used to collect data from the respondents of the study. The frequency count and percentages, weighted mean, paired sample t-test, total and rank are the statistical used in the study. The majority of the freshmen college students of Ifugao State University Potia Campus were females, belonged to a similar age bracket, came from public schools. The student respondents perceived that numbo game has a great impact on the learning of mathematics, specifically algebra subjects, as shown in the difference between pretest and posttest scores. They perceived that the effectiveness of numbo game made them appreciate Mathematics and could help improve their mathematical skills. Thus, they can apply the theories of algebra subjects. The respondents also perceived that they are fully developed into skills of addition, and they obtained value of honesty while playing the numbo game. Keywords: Mathematical Numbo Game, Algebra, Basic Mathematics, Teaching Effectiveness, quantitative research design


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

The Efficacy of Game-Aided Instruction II Teaching Mathematics to Grade VII Students MARIA REMEDIOS CONSORCIA P. BECERIL https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3068-5648 mrc.beceril@normi.edu.ph Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc. Philippines

Students find it hard to comprehend Mathematics. Most teachers work hard to find strategies that may best suit their teaching techniques. This study aims to determine the efficacy of game-aided instruction in teaching mathematics in Grade VII by comparing their pretest and post-test scores. The study used a quasi-experimental research design using a random sampling technique where one section was selected out of eight (8) sections. A questionnaire was used in gathering data and the students’ scores were used in the paired t-test to determine the significance of the pretest and post-test. The mean scores on the pretest and post-test showed a highly significant result. The gameaided instruction was effective since it showed a highly significant improvement in the student’s performance upon conducting the post-test. Students have low mathematical performance in the Mathematics subject since concepts and techniques were not yet introduced before the experiment. The study concludes that the utilization of GameAided instruction has influenced students’ performance in Mathematics. The study recommended that in-service training should be conducted to orient/refresh teachers on the construction and utilization of game-aided instruction to improve students’ learning. Keywords: Game-aided instruction, game-based learning, Mathematics performance, quasi- experimental, Philippines

Effectiveness of Local Government Units Disaster Response during the Taal Volcano’s Phreatic Eruption in Selected Municipalities of Batangas DANIELLA M. DECENA

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5511-5249 danielladecena89@gmail.com Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas City, Philippines On January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano spewed an outsized amount of ashes that reached the northern part of Luzon resulting to immediate evacuation of individuals in high-risk areas The escalation of volcanic activities prompted the declaration of Alert Level 4 by the DOST-PHILVOLCS indicating that hazardous eruption is possible at any given time. According to the 2010 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, disaster response is the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately following a disaster in order to save lives, minimize health impacts, ensure public safety, and meet the basic subsistence needs of the affected population. The study sought to assess the effectiveness of the disaster response of the affected Local Government Units during the Taal Volcano eruption with regards to rescue operations, evacuation and humanitarian aid, and rehabilitation and resettlement. Moreover, the study employed a descriptive method of research and utilized the PASW version 26 statistical software to interpret the study’s results. Furthermore, the study revealed that the disaster responses of the affected Local Government Units during the Taal Volcano eruption were effective in terms of rescue operations, evacuation, and humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, rehabilitation and resettlement responses were found to be less effective. Keywords: Local Government Units, Disaster Response, Rescue Operations, Evacuation and Humanitarian Aid, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, descriptive research design, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Super Typhoon Odette (Rai) in Surigao City, Philippines: Issues on Evacuation Coordination Management in a Public National High School as ‘Temporary Shelter of Last Resort’ RONALD ALLAN A. ARCAYERA

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8855-909X ronald.arcayera26@gmail.com North Eastern Mindanao State University Philippines This paper examined the issues of evacuation coordination management in Surigao City National High School as a temporary shelter of last resort due to Super Typhoon Odette. This research was conducted in school to address the issues and concerns brought by the Super Typhoon Odette, in particular to the evacuees who temporarily housed from pre-emptive evacuation to termination. The coordination and its corresponding challenges were presented in this paper with the primary intention to highlight issues and concerns of the school used as a long term temporary shelter and the proposed recommendations with the support of the government and other agencies. Surigao City National High School, along with the teaching and non-teaching staff, is worried about the shelter’s capacity, learning environment, and the effects of long term evacuation stay to the educational continuity during the time of the pandemic. Clarifying the concerns of the school helps to establish a message that addresses coordination mechanisms. Based on the past experiences of accommodating these affected families, local government unit should do its function to resolve issues and concerns of the school. Resolving concerns may improve the quality of shelters and make residents feel closer to shelters. Keywords: Super Typhoon Odette, Evacuation Management, Coordination, case analysis, Philippines

Disaster Preparedness Practices of Households in the Coastal Communities of a Congressional District in the Philippines GREGORIO P. LOPEZ, JR.

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6413-2956 greglopez264@gmail.com University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Bacolod City, Philippines Disaster preparedness has played a vital role in mitigating disaster risks. A well-planned disaster risk reduction program is effective in minimizing hazards and casualties. The study determined the extent of disaster preparedness practices of households in the coastal communities of a congressional district in the Philippines, particularly on typhoons in terms of disaster preparedness literacy, participation in community disaster preparedness, and disaster preparedness on supplies and kit contents. A descriptive-comparative research design was utilized using a researcher-made survey instrument administered to 341 coastal household members. Statistical techniques such as Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis, Mean, and Standard Deviation were used in the study. Using descriptive and inferential analyses, the findings revealed a great extent of disaster preparedness practices with significant differences when respondents were grouped according to household income and educational attainment of the household members. However, there were no significant differences when grouped according to household size, type of housing unit, and type of housing structure. Household income is very minimal to purchase food/kit supplies were identified as the most significant challenge experienced by the households. The study recommends an enhanced Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management (BDRRM) Plan to strengthen the participation of households in disaster preparedness. Keywords: Social Science, Disaster Preparedness Practices, Descriptive-Comparative Research, Philippines *Co-Author: Maria Nove A. Mejica, University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Growth of Trichoderma harzianum using Cost-effective Culture Media from Household Kitchen Waste RICKY B. ACANTO

http://orcid.orh/0000-0003-3508-6847 ricky.acanto@chmsc.edu.ph Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Talisay City, Negros Occidental Household kitchen wastes (HKW) are escalating due to the rapid growth of population and urbanization. To address the negative impact of throwing the HKW, the utilization and conversion of these wastes into possible valuable products potentially bioresourced for farmers is crucial. The study aimed to determine the growth of Trichoderma harzianum using discarded cassava, taro, sweet potato, and arrowroot peelings collected from households. The oven-dried wastes were extracted in vacuo to obtain the starch, used as the culture media, and compared with potato dextrose agar (PDA). The result showed that the formulated culture media had similar surface color characteristics in the colony with PDA. Variations in texture and hyphal thickness occurred among culture media: cassava peelings have slightly compact with concentric rings, and taro and sweet potato peelings have close with concentric rings. At the same time, arrowroot and PDA produced puffy and concentric rings. Thin hyphal thickness was observed in both PDA and arrowroot, while the three media have moderately thick to thick characteristics. The linear growth of different culture media formulated from HKW is comparable to PDA, used as the standard culture medium for T. harzianum. The result suggests that the different starch-based HKW can be used as an alternative culture media for the commercial production of T. harzianum, which can support the production yield of farmers. Keywords: Science and Environment, modified culture media, household kitchen waste, starch-based, Trichoderma harzianum, Philippines *Co-Authors: Mary Rose T. Escalante1,2, Mary Grace F. Langcoy3, Julie Ann B. Mario3, Susan V. Lirazan3 Faculty, Negros Occidental High School, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental 2 Graduate Student, College of Education, CHMSC, Talisay City, Negros Occidental 3 Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences, CHMSC Talisay, Negros Occidental 1

Yield Optimization and Crude Protein Enhancement of Soybean (Glycine max) in Strongly Acidic Soil through Integrated Nutrient Application JOCELYN P. SERRANO

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4072-8544 jpserrano@sdssu.edu.ph North Eastern Mindanao State University – San Miguel Campus Philippines The effects of integrated nutrient application on the growth, nutrient uptake, crude protein content, and yield of soybeans grown in strongly acidic soil were assessed in a field experiment. The experiment was laid out in two factors using RCBD split-plot design seven treatments and three Sub-plot. Application FT6 significantly increased soil extractable P after harvest. Similarly, plant height, number of pods, number of seeds per pod, the weight of seeds, and tissue N were enhanced with combined fertilizer application. In contrast, the crude protein content in soybean was comparable among fertilizer treatments. The highest yield at 1.32 t ha-1 and net income were recorded in FT6, followed by CF100% and CM100%. The control and VC100% treatments on the other hand recorded a negative profit. Also, sulfur application significantly increased the yield and profit of soybean, with the highest productivity and profitability recorded at 30 kg S ha-1 application. Among all treatments evaluated, CF50% + CM50% had the most superior and leading effects on the growth, yield, and profitability of soybeans. Keywords: Vermicast, Chicken Manure, Complete Fertilizer, and Strongly Acid Soil

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


The Utilization of Seashells and Plastics as Partial Replacement for Cement and Sand in the Production of Concrete Bricks EDUARDO B. ABONG, JR.

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2386-2773 edabong@nipsc.edu.ph Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Main Campus, Estancia, Iloilo, Philippines This experimental research described the utilization of discarded seashells and plastics as partial replacement for cement and sand in making concrete bricks in three replications. It aimed to determine the acceptability and significant difference between pulverized shells and shredded plastic in developing concrete bricks regarding water absorbency and compressive strength. The experimental method was employed to produce concrete bricks using recyclable materials. Based on the water absorbency test result, all specimens were on the acceptable standard, for they belonged to the specified maximum average of 15%. The highest percentage of Absorption mixture was the concrete bricks with pulverized shells and shredded plastic mixed with Philippine Horse Mussel Shells. Based on the UTM compressive strength test, all specimens did not meet the minimum required standard of 7 MPa of NSCP and 10 MPa of ASTM after the curing period of 28 days. The said result could be attributed to improvised materials or not standardized machines. Furthermore, no significant differences existed in concrete bricks’ water absorbency and compressive strength with pulverized shells and shredded plastics as a partial replacement for cement and sand. All treatments have similarities in terms of those two qualities. Keywords: bricks, water absorbency, compressive strength, development, experimental research design, Philippines

A baseline study on the quality and safety of consumption of a pest species (S. melanotheron) in Bataan, Philippines: Basis for its productive utilization in the fisheries sector ADRIAN C. PERDIO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1576-2361 adcperdio@bpsu.edu.ph Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus, Bataan, Philippines The baseline study profiled Black-chin Tilapia (S. melanotheron), a fish farm pest species in Bataan, Philippines, in terms of yield (processing and fillet), proximate composition (moisture, ash, crude fat, and crude protein), heavy metal load (cadmium [Cd], lead [Pb], arsenic [As], and mercury [Hg]), and microbial count (aerobic plate, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus counts). The purpose was to establish the species’ safety and quality for consumption and potential utilization in the processing of higher value fishery products. A completely randomized experiment using two factors, fish size (standard and small sizes) and collection season (dry and wet seasons), was employed. The collected data were also compared against food consumption and processing standards and/or previous reports on more valuable species. The results showed that the species has a comparable yield and mineral load with the more popular farmed Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus). It has high moisture and protein compositions. It is a lean fish that can serve as a cheaper functional raw material for processed fishery products. Moreover, the results showed that the species have no As, Cd, and Pb contamination, although traces of Hg, far below the permissible limits, were detected. The Hg load varies across collection season and fish maturity suggesting its manageability. For the microbial contents, the species’ aerobic plate, E. coli, and S. aureus counts were far below the standard limits, although best post-capture practices are still suggested due to the kind of microbial parameters measured. It was concluded that the S. melanotheron infesting Bataan farm ponds can be consumed safely and has the quality of potential raw material for processed fishery products. However, further information is still needed to establish the best post-capture handling of the species. Also, more studies must be done to determine the impact of storage and processing on its stability. Keywords: Tilapia, Black-chin Tilapia, S. melanotheron, proximate composition, heavy metal load, microbiological quality, Bataan


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Determinants of Farmers’ Acceptability to Cultivate Moringa oleifera: The Case of Toytoyan, Dipaculao, Aurora, Philippines CHARLES R. VELASCO

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0636-1782 charlesrvelasco@ascot.edu.ph Aurora State College of Technology Philippines The Moringa oleifera, commonly known as “malunggay” or “marunggay” in the Philippines, is a native tree considered a miracle plant due to its multipurpose uses, especially in medicine. However, despite its proven usage and adaptability to different climates, the species is still underutilized. This paper aims to provide evidence about the dominant perceptions and willingness to cultivate moringa, especially among those working in the agriculture sector. A descriptive research design was utilized for this study. Data gathered from farmers of Dipaculao, Aurora, using a self-made questionnaire were processed and analyzed using SPSS Version 23. This research found out that the majority of the farmers have positive perceptions and willingness to cultivate moringa. It was also found that the age, sex, farm size, years engaged in farming, and the number of household members have no relationship to their willingness to cultivate moringa. Furthermore, farmers considered knowledge and skills in moringa cultivation and management, capital needed for planting materials, and equipment and facilities for cultivation and processing as factors that might affect their decision in cultivating moringa. Therefore, this study recommends that the concerned agencies provide training and seminars, financial loans, machinery/tools, and farm inputs to the farmers. Keywords: Social Sciences, Moringa, Quantitative, Philippines *Co-Author: Maria Cristina B. Cañada, Aurora State College of Technology

Utilization of Cardaba Banana (Musa balbisiana) Flour in Enhanced Nutri-bun ANABELLE E. VILLACERAN

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0226-1082 anvillaceran@nonescost.edu.ph Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines Nutri-bun is a type of bread commercially designed at an affordable price. This study aimed to produce a nutritionally balanced enhanced Nutri – bun utilizing cardaba banana (Musa balbisiana) flour as the main ingredient. Furthermore, this study aimed to determine the microbiological content; physical and chemical content; shelf life and acceptability using organoleptic properties. An optimization using Design of Experiment (DoE) 3x3 factorial was used in product development. Tastes’ test was done by 9 food experts using Latin Square William Design and Nine-point Hedonic Scale. Systematic sampling was used to determine the 50 mothers as consumers. After a thorough selection, experts had decided on the 3 high-value samples with 45%, 35% and25% content for consumers’ acceptability. A sample with 45 % cardaba banana flour was rated as Liked Slightly, 35% of cardaba banana flour as Liked Moderately, and 25 % of cardaba banana flour as Liked Very Much. This study revealed that the product samples developed were under the food safety level with the highest content of Vitamin C and Magnesium. Shelf life lasted up to 168 hours. Less cardaba banana flour content was Like Very Much by consumers and despite this, this sample answers the needed nutritional requirement of the intended beneficiary. Keywords: Food science and nutrition, nutritionally balance, optimization, Camantigue-b Sagay City, Negros Occidental, Region VI-Western Visayas, Philippines

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


From Pest to a Valued Commodity: Black-chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) for the Development of Surimi-based Products ADRIAN C. PERDIO

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1576-2361 adcperdio@bpsu.edu.ph Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus, Bataan, Philippines The study worked on developing Black-chin Tilapia (S. melanotheron), a prolific fish farm pest in the Philippines’s Bataan province, into a surimi-based product and then assessed its quality. Using standard methods, the developed product’s initial nutritional and sensorial attributes were ascertained and compared against a leading commercial counterpart. Its sensorial and freshness attributes were evaluated across frozen storage length and packaging type. Its water-holding properties were tested across repeated freeze-thaw cycles with different thawing methods. popularization. Results showed that the developed product exhibited a brownish color slightly darker than that of typical commercial meatloaves. It has a firm texture, minimal crusting when cooked, and an umami flavor. It has better acceptability than its commercial counterpart due to its more pleasant odor and taste. In terms of nutritional quality, the developed fish loaf had better moisture, protein, sodium, and total sugars compared to the commercial product. The former was also lower in terms of total dietary fiber, saturated fat, and cholesterol. The developed product had stable sensorial and microbial qualities after four months of frozen storage. Moreover, the developed product’s pH and water-holding properties were stable even after repeated freeze-thaw cycles for one month of frozen storage. It is concluded that the developed product has the potential for industrial popularization. Keywords: Food technology, Food processing, Black-chin tilapia, Surimi, Fish loaf, Nutritional assessment, Sensory evaluation, Freeze-thaw testing, Bataan

Purple Stripe Garlic (Allium sativum) in 4n1 Garlic Paste: Its Nutrition and A Kitchen Work Simplification ANABELLE E. VILLACERAN

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0226-1082 anvillaceran@nonescost.edu.ph Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines A kitchen work simplification is a cost-cutting management where budgeting time, energy and money is a must. This study aimed to produce a 4n1 garlic (Allium sativum) paste that is nutritious and cost-cutting friendly. Furthermore, this study aimed to determine the following: physical and chemical properties; shelf life and acceptability using organoleptic properties and cost-cutting evaluation. A complete randomized design (CRD) in a 4x3 factorial design of experiment (DoE) was used. Latin Square William Design with 12 super tasters identified the high and lowvalue treatments and 3 Treatments were chosen for acceptability. Nine-Point Hedonic and Likert Scales were the instruments used for organoleptic and cost-cutting evaluations. Systematic sampling was used to determine the 50 consumers’ tasters and audiences for cost-cutting satisfaction evaluation. This food product contained enough macronutrients as a functional food that suits the tastes of new generation mothers. This study revealed that this food product has strong antioxidant properties which contribute to its long shelf life. Treatments 4, 8, and 12 were the samples accepted as Liked Extremely. Cost-cutting in cooking preparation was rated as Strongly Agreed. Shelf life lasted up to 13 months with green bell pepper as the contributor of moulds and yeasts. This product was strong and extremely accepted by the chosen consumers. Keywords: Food science and nutrition, antioxidant, garlic paste, functional food, young mothers, 4x3 factorial design of experiment, Sagay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Customizing Label_Image.py for Decision Tree-Based Classification for Crops EXCEL PHILIP B. GUIDANG

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7080-8230 rieann12@gmail.com Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines Labels are key to an accurate image prediction. Correct labels do more than its purpose when combined with decision tree classifier. This study combines image classification with decision tree classification to reduce soil identification period and solidify soil analysis result identification and help farmers to identify the appropriate crop to grow on specific soil pH level. To determine the recommended pH levels for the major crops grown in Abra, Philippines, and to determine the logical sequence of label-image.py, the study used the University of West Florida guide on conducting and writing a literature review. To develop a decision-tree based classification system for crops, the study used the principle of splitting criteria. The idea is to partition the predictor space to such a degree that the standards of the reply variable are alike. Out of the 19 crops, 32% grows within 5.5-6.5 range like Taro, Palay, Eggplant, Melon, Rambutan and Yams, while 5% each thrive on 4.7-5.7 range, 6.5-7.5 range and 6.5-8.0 range like Sugarcane, Gourd, Beans respectively. Crops have different soil pH level requirements to grow. Predictions of label_image.py are sorted. Thus the predictions are easily understood. Tree-based classification can be easily set up with image classifier. It helps in determining the appropriate crop to be planted on a specific pH level. Keywords: Label Image, Decision Tree, Decision Tree-Based Classifier, Customized Label Image, Crops

Improving Students’ Satisfaction and Achievement in Science 6 using Collaborative Learning Strategies: A Classroom-based Action Research CARL JOEL L. TILOS

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6424-5539 tiloscarljoel@gmail.com St. Paul University-Dumaguete Dumaguete, Philippines 6200 The challenges that students face at the start of the pandemic have caused several academic and social concerns. For this reason, this study wanted to assess and determine how Collaborative Learning strategies, as intervention, improve the Grade 6 students at St. Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) in learning Science: satisfaction (as a customer) and achievement (as a student). The study employed a Classroom-Based Action Research design in a case study approach participated by 29 students. It utilizes SPUD’s Customer Satisfaction Survey and teachermade pre and post-tests, semi-structured interviews, and reflective journal prompts as sources of qualitative and quantitative data. Results showed that the student’s satisfaction has an overall average mean of 4.45 interpreted as “very satisfied” with the teacher’s delivery of instruction. Moreover, there are significant differences yielded in the students’ pre and post-test scores at 95% level of confidence: {[Q1 (W-value: 0, n=26, SD: 39.7)]; [Q2 (W-value:0, n=18, SD: 22.96)]; [Q3 (W-value:2, n=27, SD: 41.62)]; [Q4 (W-value:0, n=26, SD: 39.37)]; and [Q5 (W-value:0, n=24, SD: 35)]}. Based on these results, Collaborative Learning strategies can truly help improve students’ satisfaction and achievement in learning Science, which should be integrated in an inclusive and engaging virtual classroom environment. Keywords: science education, satisfaction & achievement, collaborative learning strategies, Philippines/Asia

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


The Effectiveness of the Set of Teacher Supported Science Materials (TSSM) Using Computer- Aided Instructional Materials JAIRAH MAE VASQUEZ SON

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6761-0151 sonjairah@gmail.com Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc. Philippines The pre-test achievement of the respondents showed that students have a satisfactory performance that ranges 38% while 11% of the respondents are outstanding in the pre-test which bears the least percentage. For the posttest, it showed impi percentage. This study used a quasi- experimental design utilizing pre-test and post-test examinations in gathering the data. The total population of the respondents is 150, and respondents were selected based on stratified random sampling. The findings showed that most of the respondents’ ages 12 years old with 58% and 15 years old gives the least percentage of 6%. Most respondents are male with a percentage of 56% and female having a percentage of 44%. The pre-test achievement of the respondents showed that students have a satisfactory performance that this ranges 38% while 11% of the respondents were outstanding in the pre-test which bears the least percentage. For the posttest, it showed improvement in the students’ posttest achievement, students had satisfactorily increased from 38% to 45%, and only 10% of the respondents are outstanding and this bears the least percentage. The findings also showed that the pre-test mean is 28.65, while the posttest has a mean of 37.87. The correlation analysis of the significant difference between the students’ pre-test and posttest showed a correlational value of 0.189 and a p-value of 0.0001, which is why the decision for the hypothesis is rejected and that it is significant. Keywords: Computer-aided materials, Teacher Supported Science Materials, Effectiveness, quasi-experimental research design, Philippines

Determining the Writing Proficiency Level of STEM, HUMSS, and ABM Twelfth Graders through Essay Evaluation RICHARD SAMBAJON AGBAYANI

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4480-0128 rsagbayani@mmsu.edu.ph Mariano Marcos State University Department of Languages and Literature City of Batac, Philippines Writing effectively is one pressing challenge still being faced by students at all academic levels. Since committing errors

when writing is inevitable, identifying such is deemed crucial to serve as a basis for determining their writing proficiency level. This study, which is descriptive-quantitative in nature, is attached to the beliefs about the writing of Fernandez (2000), as well as the process and product approach. Its ultimate aim is to identify students’ writing proficiency level enrolled in three K-12 tracks, namely; STEM, HUMSS, and ABM. Significant differences among the three groups were also ascertained. In doing so, 75 Grade 12 students with 25 students from each of the three tracks took part. Participants were tasked to come up with an essay based on a given topic. Foci of the evaluation revolved on five components which include content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics guided by the rubrics introduced by Robitaille and Connelly (2002). Participation of two inter- raters was also solicited. Results of the written outputs assessment revealed that with regard to content and organization, the three groups recorded a good to average writing proficiency level. The vocabulary proficiency noted down a fair to poor remark for STEM students, whereas good to average description was obtained by HUMSS and ABM students. Further, concerning their adeptness regarding language use, both STEM and ABM students were fair to poor while the HUMSS group was good to average. As to the mechanics component, HUMSS students documented an excellent to very good proficiency while STEM and ABM students’ status is fair to poor. Overall, there is a significant difference among or within the three groups. Keywords: content, essays, evaluation, Grade 12 students, language use, mechanics, organization, vocabulary, writing proficiency level


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Psychological Humanistic and Educational Character in “The Great Debaters” Movie NAFA NABILA

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5716-0791 nafanabila2307@gmail.com Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, Indonesia


http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7784-3880 nailulauthar@unusa.ac.id Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya Indonesia

Based on the premilinary analysis that have done, the research was conducted to find out the main character’s personality as well as character education in “The Great Debaters” movie. The purpose of this research was (1) to find out the personality of the main character in “The Great Debaters” movie, (2) to find out educational character in “The Great Debaters” movie. The approach used is descriptive qualitative with data taken from the script of “The Great Debaters” by categorizing to be descriptively interpreted. This research found four main character personalities, namely (1) maintaining a warm relationship with others, (2) teaching trust, acceptance, awareness (3) understanding the feeling of others, (4) interpersonal honesty and knowledge, with eight character education, namely (1) religious, (2) honesty, (3) tolerance, (4) discipline, (5) hard work, (6) friendly, (7) responsibility. The personality and character education in the film is presented in the form of the main character’s words and actions. Keywords: Psychological humanistic, personality, educational character, the great debaters, descriptive research design, Indonesia

An impact on the use of flipped classroom of teacher trainer of Teacher Trainers of English at National Institute of Education LAY NEARY

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8329-5956 nearycutee@gmail.com National Institute of Education Phnom Penh, Cambodia Getting students involved in learning worried most teachers, as learners are mix levels of both cognition and attitude. They get easily disconnected and struggle the most; especially slow learners who learn passively in class will not ask any questions. Flipping the class would allow them to work harder and better at their own pace. Doing so will enable the teacher to manage a class effectively during the teaching session. On the contrary, the result showed introducing new teaching skill via flipping the class was not motivated. Designing content takes much more time than direct the teaching method, where students practice and produce the knowledge learned and teacher can provide feedback immediately without waiting for the next meet up. Moreover, students got hard time to find a convenient place to be online in order to complete the assigned task. The assessment was not accurate, as students could copy each other’s work with a minor change to their profile. Last but not least, it was an extra expense to their living cost, as they were already financially poor. Flipping the class will not activate their learning, but tiring and careless. Keywords: Education, flipped classroom, impact descriptive research design, Cambodia

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Farmers’ Awareness of the Uses, Economic Potential, and Suitability of Moringa oleifera for Agroforestry in Casiguran, Aurora MARIA CRISTINA B. CAÑADA

http://orcid.org/:0000-0002-3354-8270 mariacristinacanada@ascot.edu.ph Aurora State College of Technology Philippines In Aurora province, moringa is a less preferred species for agroforestry that can offer economic benefits to upland farmers while helping resilient landscapes. However, despite the availability of land for moringa plantation, this tree is only commonly planted as a fence and as a source of vegetables in particular households, less common as a source of income. This study, therefore, was conducted to obtain information on the awareness level of the farmers with regards to the uses, economic potential, and suitability of Moringa oleifera for agroforestry. The research used a mixed-method with triangulation for data validation. Respondents were obtained through snowball sampling and interviewed using a structured questionnaire with open-ended questions. Based on the result of the study, most of the respondents were between the age of 41-50 years old (29.2%), female (60%), secondary level graduates (27.7%), married (75.4%), self-employed (83.1%), cultivating a farm with land area 1 to 1.9 hectares (44.6%), and had less than ten years of farming experience (26.9%). The crops planted mainly were coconuts (36.9%), bananas (52.3%), and taro (26.1%), while fruit trees were mostly mango (35.4) and jackfruit (35.4%), while the most common forest tree planted was narra (15.4%). Only 6.15% of the respondents grew moringa on the farm, while 49.23% planted moringa in the backyard. In terms of awareness of the uses of moringa for human consumption, most of the respondents were moderately aware that a young pod can be utilized as the main ingredient in soup (4.02). However, some were not aware that the roots could be dried and grounded for use as a seasoning (1.66), seeds can be roasted and eaten like a peanut (1.62), and flowers can be fried in butter and eaten as a snack (1.71). In terms of medicinal value, most of the respondents were aware that leaves can be applied as a poultice to sores (3.43), and the bark extract can be placed in a tooth cavity as a pain killer (3.42). As for the nutritional value, most respondents were moderately aware that the leaves are a good source of vitamins A, B, and C (3.85). Most respondents were aware that the leaf powder could be capsulated and used as a food supplement (3.78). For the economical use of moringa, most respondents were slightly aware that organic moringa bags, at 4 grams per bag, can be sold at Php10.00 (2.26). For the suitability of moringa for agroforestry, most respondents were moderately aware that moringa is a highly nutritious food crop along with favorable characteristics like rapid growth and drought resistance (4.12). Statistically, at a 5 percent level of significance, results revealed a significant difference in the level of awareness of the use of moringa depending on the marital status of the respondents (.017*), economic potential (0.020*), and suitability of moringa (0.017*) with the age of the respondents. It is recommended that training and seminars be conducted to increase the farmers’ level of awareness on the uses, economic potential, and suitability of Moringa oleifera for agroforestry. Keywords: Social Science, Farmers’ Awareness, Uses, Economic Potential, Moringa oleifera, Agroforestry, Mixed Method Approach, Philippines *Co-Author: Charles R. Velasco, Aurora State College of Technology

The Language Style Perform By Joe Biden in Speech TIYAS SAPUTRI


http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4672-9935 tiyass@unusa.ac.id Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya Indonesia

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6791-0493 sofiantiputri15@gmail.com Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya Indonesia

This study aims to determine the description of the language style on the research subject of speeches delivered by Joe Biden in 2020 on three YouTube Channels, namely, English Speeches, ABC-News, and C-SPAN. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study using listening, reading and note-taking techniques in data collection. The research procedures included: (1) Understanding the types of language styles, (2) Listening to Joe Biden’s speech video. (3) Collect data in the form of expressions in Biden’s speech, (4) Classify the data obtained, (5) Describe the language style obtained (conclude the results of the analysis). The result of this research found that there are 24 language styles performed as a whole. The first, personification, has three languages style. The second, hyperbole, has six languages style. The third, allusion, has one language style. The fourth, which is occupation, has two languages style. The fifth, repetition, has ten languages style. The sixth is climax which has one language style. The seventh, symmetry, has one language style. The research conclusion indicate that the dominant language style used in Biden’s speech is affirmative language style, namely the repetition of ten language styles. Keywords: Language Style, Speech, descriptive research design, Indonesia


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

Implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education Program (IPEdP) in Lower Calanasan District BABY LYN A. LUMABAS

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2808-5543 blumabas1773@gmail.com Cagayan State University Sta. Marial, Lal-lo, Cagaya, Philippines The implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Education Program (IPEdP) responds to addressing learners’ diversified nature and culture. The implementation of the IPEd Program is in support of the Mother Tongue Based and Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) Program of the DepEd, which aims to build a good foundation in such a way that it starts where the learners are and from what they already knew proceeding from the known to the unknown. The IPEd Program teachers are not properly trained and are incapable of addressing the special needs of these indigenous peoples. As a result, very few indigenous learners perform well in the education methods that do not consider the uniqueness of indigenous culture, disregarding the distinctive nature of indigenous learners’ cultural orientation, preservation of their cultural identity and the right to learn through the use of their own language. The researcher aware of the insufficiencies of the Indigenous Peoples Education Program investigated the level and quality of the present implementation for better learners’ achievement. The study aimed to assess the implementation of the Indigenous People Education (IPEd) Program and its relationship to the learners’ scholastic achievement at the District of Lower Calanasan, Division of Apayao, school year 2021-2022. The researcher conducted internet and library research. After downloading copies of related unpublished theses and dissertations, including research journals, he found out that the most appropriate design to be employed in this study is the descriptivecorrelational design. It is descriptive because it investigated the level and quality of the present implementation of the IPEd Program in the District of Calanasan, Division of Apayao, Philippines. On the other hand, the study employed correlational technique, as it investigated the relationship of the independent variables with the dependent variables. It also investigated a significant relationship between the respondents’ perceptions and best practices with their profiles and the learners’ scholastic achievement. The study found out that the level of implementation of the IPED Program particularly the indicators such as Pedagogy and Methodology; and Curriculum Content and Planning are both significantly related to the learners’ level of performance in their core subjects. In light of the finding of the study, the following conclusion have been drawn. That the level of Indigenous Education program of implementation is 4.07 with a descriptive value of Implemented. More so, the General Weighted Average of the learners is 85.62 which is Very Satisfactory. Furthermore, Pedagogy and Methodology and Curriculum and Content Planning is related to the learners’ performance in support to Vygotsky’s Social Cultural Theory. Keywords: Education/Implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education Program/Method/Lower Apayao,Philippines

Stress-Eating and Obesity amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic among Filipino Adults CHERRY ANN G. DURANTE

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-94331083 cherryann.durante@eac.edu.ph Emilio Aguinaldo College – Manila Philippines There exists a double-burden of malnutrition in the Philippines. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of overweight and obesity, making it a public health concern. The most recent Philippine National Nutrition Survey revealed that three out of ten Filipinos are overweight or obese. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of obesity and presence of stress eating during the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. This study utilized a cross-sectional quantitative research design with data gathered through an online, adapted version of the Eating and Appraisal Due to Emotions and Stress (EADES) questionnaire. Two hundred fifty-seven adults ages 21-62 from Binan, Laguna, participated in the study. Data collection was during the lockdown restriction implementation in the country from September to December 2020. Among the participants, 63.8% experienced weight gain during the pandemic; with 20% gaining 5-10 kilograms and 8% gaining more than 10 kilograms. Obesity prevalence was 30% among the participants, while underweight prevalence was 17.51%. Prevalence of stress eating was 86.77%, with low (41.25%), moderate (41.25%), and high (4.28%) levels. Furthermore, it was found that stress eating has a positive, moderately strong correlation with external stressors (r=0.35, p-value <0.001) and higher coping resources (r=0.42, p-value <0.001). Higher external stressors were also positively correlated with higher coping appraisal (r=0.3990, p-value <0.001). Based on the results of the study, 6 out of 10 experienced weight gain during the pandemic. The prevalence of stress eating was also very high during the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. There was a significant relationship between stress eating and external stressors and coping skills. The higher the external stressors, the higher the stress eating. Also, the higher the stress eating level, the higher the coping skill utilized by the participants. Many participants (86.77%) used stress-eating as a coping resource during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the increase in BMI and obesity prevalence. Keywords: public health, obesity, nutrition, stress-eating, COVID-19, cross-sectional quantitative research design, Philippines, EADES

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


Preparedness of the Newly Elected Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the Performance of their Duties and as Mandated by Republic Act No. 10742 ESTER M. IGLOPAS

http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3502-6342 quest.iglopas@gmail.com Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas City, Philippines This study generally aimed to assess the level of preparedness of the newly-elected Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the performance of their duties and functions as mandated by Republic Act No. 10742. The study utilized descriptive method utilizing 478 participants through an adapted and modified questionnaire. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents belong to the age 21 - 23 years old bracket, male, single, college graduates and holding the position as SK Kagawad. They are prepared in terms of local legislation, barangay fiscal administration, program/project implementation, linkages and partnership, committee participation, and formulation of barangay youth development plan. There is significant difference in terms of linkages and partnership when grouped according to age; project and program implementation, linkages and partnership, committee participation, and formulation of barangay youth development plan when grouped according to educational attainment; and formulation of barangay youth development plan when grouped according to position. On the other hand, there is no significant difference when grouped according to sex and civil status; local legislation, barangay fiscal administration, program/project implementation, committee participation, and formulation of barangay youth development plan when grouped according to age; local legislation and program/project implementation when grouped according to educational attainment; and local legislation, barangay fiscal administration, program/project implementation, linkages and partnership and committee participation when grouped according to position; and lastly a plan of action is proposed to improve the level of preparedness of the Sangguniang Kabataan in Lipa City. Keyword: Sangguniang Kabataan, Preparedness of Newly-Elected, Sangguniang Kabataan Officials


Theme: "Research during Pandemic: Gains and Challenges."

IASPER Book of Abstracts

IVCIRHE 2022 • May 11-13, 2022


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