2007 ICF Annual Report

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International Coach Federation

Published May 2008.

a n n ua l r e p o rt

Advancing the Art, Science and Practice of Professional Coaching

Letter from the 2007 ICF President Moving in ALL the Right Directions! Dear ICF Members and Friends,

Last year was truly a landmark year for the ICF. As your elected president in 2007, I watched as we reached a record in membership and credentialing levels in addition to the release of groundbreaking research. It was truly thrilling to be a part of these wonderful accomplishments with you.

In the pages of this inaugural annual report, you will find an overview of the association’s accomplishments during 2007. However, it must be noted, this outstanding progress reflects more than a decade of continual growth and success as the ICF has matured into today’s leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession.

The details contained within this annual report demonstrate the association’s solid commitment to our core purpose of advancing the art, science and practice of professional coaching. Please know that the ICF is committed more than ever to this mantra and work continues to support it. The association experienced a significant boost in membership as well as in the number of ICF Credentialed coaches. In fact, a record number of ICF Credential applications, some 1,400, were received during 2007! At the end of the year, the ICF had more than 13,000 members in over 80 countries, an increase of more than 1,000 members from the previous year.

The ICF was also excited to be at the forefront of industry research in 2007 and provide the world with the first comprehensive global study of coaches, the ICF Global Coaching Study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers. As a result of this important research, work is already underway to complete a companion client study in early 2009. During my year as president, coaching in general, as well as the ICF, gained an impressive amount of global media attention as the value of professional coaching became more widely recognized. Millions of people from diverse backgrounds and countries were exposed to coaching and the ICF through major media outlets, from well-respected newspapers to online news sources. Coaching was mentioned in nearly 2,000 articles in 2007, reaching a potential 420 million readers, while the ICF was specifically noted in more than 700 of those articles.


The ICF enjoyed unprecedented success in 2007. I am confident that together, with a strategic knowledge-based approach, we can advance the art, science and practice of the coaching profession and reach ever-higher levels of accomplishment in 2008. Thank you for an incredible year!


Warm regards,

Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC 2007 ICF President

Letter from the Executive Director The Challenges Ahead Dear ICF Members and Friends,

While a substantial amount of progress was made during 2007, a significant number of areas demand the focused attention of our organization in the year ahead and beyond. Some are of a more urgent nature while others require definitive action with varying degrees of immediacy.

It most often comes down to available resources, both financial and human, in the prioritization of strategic imperatives.

The ICF must continue to make knowledge-based decisions in order to proactively address undertakings of key importance and capitalize on opportunities in a timely manner while ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is in place to support a truly global organization.

In terms of credentialing, interim solutions are required to provide the capacity to satisfy ever increasing demand. In the longer term, the movement toward International Organization for Standardization (ISO) compliance will provide definitive direction for the program’s future development while enhancing its overall value. Program accreditation is another endeavor in need of streamlining in order to maximize efficiencies and effectiveness. The global Board of Directors has identified this concern as a mega issue in 2008 and directed staff to prepare a white paper to inform its deliberations in June.

Other topics for serious consideration and further cultivation include expanded chapter support, development of branded global events, marketing and public relations efforts focusing on the importance of ICF Credentials and greater consumer awareness of the coaching profession, creation of non-dues revenue streams, more compelling communication tools, advocacy on behalf of the profession, engagement in cooperative relationships and providing innovative educational and networking activities for the membership.

This by no means represents the complete agenda of the ICF. As the organization continues to evolve, there will be new additions to be considered as well as the continuous improvement and refinement of our already identified program of work.

Collectively, ICF volunteer leaders on Committees, the Board of Directors and at the chapter level have the inherent ability, talent and dedication to transform each and every challenge into opportunities which advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching. The staff is committed to supporting the leadership at every juncture. It is now time to strategically confront the challenges of 2008. Our passionate community remains engaged in the avid pursuit of new benchmarks. Cordially,

Gary E. Boyler Executive Director


The celebration of accomplishments in 2007 needs to be brief. We cannot afford the luxury of simply commemorating the level of success achieved last year. It is well deserved and yet never enough. A great deal of work remains to be done and innumerable decisions need to be made. Our sights are consistently set on reaching the next plateau.



International Coach Federation




2007 Annual Report

Table of Contents 2007 ICF Board of Directors

Page 6

A Strategic Overview of the ICF

Page 9

2007 Global Committees

Page 8

Prioritized Strategies and Accomplishments of 2007

Page 10

Building Greater Awareness Through Media Relations

Page 14

Credentialing Enhancements

Page 18

Global Growth

Organizational Task Force

Research to Advance the Profession

2007 ICF Annual International Conference Global Outreach

Additional Milestones of Note ICF Financial Overview

Our Global Journey Continues

Your Partners in Progress - The ICF Staff

Page 12 Page 16 Page 19 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 26 Page 28 Page 28



International Coach Federation

Knowledge-based Leadership 2007 Board of Directors

During the course of 2007, the global Board of Directors convened at three in-person meetings and held five teleconferences, approved the strategic plan, selected three priorities for the year, approved the association’s move to make the credentialing program compliant with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and endorsed the sweeping recommendations of the Organizational Task Force (OTF). Drafted in 2006, the strategic plan was adopted by the Board in January at a meeting in Washington, D.C. The plan detailed five goal areas for the association to work toward in the years ahead.

Out of these goals, the Board selected three priorities for the organization to specifically focus on during 2007. These were: • Increasing the competitive advantage the ICF Credential offers; • Increasing ICF members’ business development, including promotional education and networking opportunities; and • Increase research on the coaching impact delivered by ICF Credentialed coaches. Levels of accomplishment in each of these specific regards can be found beginning on page 10.

As the global demand for ICF Credentials continues to grow, the Board began to immediately refine processes during the last calendar year. It also voted to make the credentialing program fully compliant with ISO standards for bodies providing certification for individuals. When all of the enhancements have been finalized and are fully operational, the ICF’s Credentials will gain further global credibility and deepen the overall value of the program. Additional information on these efforts can be found on page 18. Early in the year, the Board impaneled the OTF to recommend an association-wide approach that provided a high level of engagement with ICF Chapters, regions, organizations and individuals, which was both exceptionally valuable and mutually beneficial. The task force was composed of eleven individuals from five continents who held various leadership roles in the ICF. An overview of the results of this far reaching effort is detailed starting on page 16.

The leadership demonstrated by the Board in 2007 was instrumental in further strengthening the position of the ICF around the world. The overall recognition of coaching as a valuable and indispensable profession continues to expand globally, and the Board of Directors has been a key advocate of that increased acknowledgement resulting in ever-broadening influence.


2007 Annual Report

President Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC United States

Vice President Ginger Cockerham, MCC United States

President-Elect Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC United States

Vice President Søren Holm, PCC Sweden

Past President Pamela Richarde, MCC United States

Vice President David Matthew Prior, MCC United States

Secretary/Treasurer Karen Tweedie, PCC Australia

Director Eva Wong, MCC China

Director Vickie Escudé, MCC United States

Director Ira Dressner, PCC United States

Director Pauline Fleming, MCC Canada

Director Michelle Payne, MCC United States

Director Garry Schleifer, PCC Canada

Director Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC United States

Director Daniele Darmouni, MCC France


Director Richard Bentley, PCC United Kingdom



International Coach Federation

Creating a Greater Sense of Community 2007 Global Committees

Nearly 100 volunteers, diverse in their coaching specialities, gender, education, experience and

geography, served on Committees in 2007, leveraging vast resources of knowledge and expertise

which nurtures the membership while supporting the awareness, as well as the advancement of the coaching profession around the world. ICF would like to take the opportunity to specifically recognize the leadership of these important entities. Conference Education Steering Committee

Steering Committee Chair - Margaret Krigbaum, MCC, United States Honorary Chair - Julio Olalla, MCC, Chile/United States

Credentialing and Program Accreditation Committee Chair - Tracy Stevens, MCC, United States

Co-Chair - Sara Boas, MCC, United Kingdom Ethics and Standards Committee

Co-Chair - Azaria Akashi, MCC, United States

Co-Chair - Sue McMahon, PCC, United States Finance Committee INTERNATIONAL COACH FEDERATION

Chair - Karen Tweedie, PCC, Australia Marketing Committee

Chair - Chrissy Carew, MCC, United States Membership and Community Committee

Chair - Patricia Obuchowski, ACC, United States Nominating Committee

Chair - Pam Richarde, MCC, United States Regulatory Committee

Co-Chair - Edward Modell, PCC, United States

Co-Chair - Claire Palmer, ACC, United Kingdom Research and Education Committee

Co-Chair - Margaret Krigbaum, MCC, United States 8

Co-Chair - Don Morrow, Canada

2007 Annual Report

A Strategic Overview of the ICF The ICF is the largest worldwide

ICF Core Purpose

ICF Definition of Coaching

al coaches, and the source for

practice of professional coaching.

nering with clients in a thought-

resource for business and personthose who are seeking a coach. We are a nonprofit, individual

To advance the art, science and

membership organization formed

Big Audacious Goal

practice business and personal

society and ICF members repre-

by professionals worldwide who coaching.

Coaching is an integral part of

sent the highest quality in professional coaching.

ICF Core Values

The ICF defines coaching as partprovoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize

their personal and professional potential.

Coaching is an ongoing relation-

ship which focuses on clients tak-

ing action toward the realization of their visions, goals or desires.

• Integrity: We uphold the highest

Coaching uses a process of

profession and our organization.

build the client's level of aware-

standards both for the coaching

• Excellence: We set and demon-

strate standards of excellence for

professional coach quality, qualifi-

inquiry and personal discovery to ness and responsibility and

provides the client with structure, support and feedback.

The coaching process helps

• Collaboration: We value the

professional and personal goals

social connection and community building that occurs through collaborative partnership and co-created achievement.

• Respect: We are inclusive and

value the diversity and richness of our global stakeholders. We put

people first, without compromising standards, policies and quality.

clients both define and achieve

faster and with more ease than would be possible otherwise.


cation and competence.



International Coach Federation

Prioritized Strategies and Accomplishments of 2007

The ICF began operating as a knowledge-based organization in accordance with a comprehensive strategic plan in 2007. The global ICF Board of Directors with the assistance of an association

expert worked, over the course of several months, to complete the plan in late 2006. The Board

reviewed member surveys and other input, as well as current and future trends while working on this outline. From their work, the Board developed a comprehensive long-range strategic plan to help guide the ICF.

In 2007, the ICF focused on three prioritized strategies, taken from the strategic plan and selected by the global ICF Board of Directors. These included:

• Increase the competitive brand advantage that the ICF Credential offers; • Increase ICF members’ business development, including promotional, education and networking opportunities; and

• Increase research on the coaching impact delivered by ICF Credentialed coaches.


2007 Annual Report

Increase the competitive brand

have been implemented to contin-

Credential offers.

business level.

advantage that the ICF

Significant progress was made on

ue impacting the membership on a

- The ICF Online Community

this priority in 2007; a great deal

was introduced and regular webi-

to meet the growing demand for

and members to assist them with

of ongoing work has been initiated the ICF Credential and to ensure

the effectiveness of the credentialing process.

- Record number of credentialing

applications received: 1,411 were received in 2007 and 1,118 cre-

nars were held for both leaders

becoming better familiar with the program.

- Professional liability insurance

was offered to membership.

- Initial installments of the chapter

dentials were awarded; total

and member toolkits were made

passed 3,100 by December.

will continually be enhanced by

coaches with ICF Credentials sur-

- A Role Delineation Task Force

toward ISO compliancy.

- Outreach and communication

with all involved in the credentialing process was increased.

the addition of best practices and additional materials.

Toolkits added to the collection: • ICF Chapter Toolkit;

• ICF Chapter Toolkit – Marketing and PR; and

• ICF Member Toolkit.

Increase ICF members’ busi-

PowerPoint presentations

promotional, education and net-

• ICF Strategic Plan for Chapters;

ness development, including working opportunities.

Progress on this ambitious priority was substantial in 2007 and steps


• Road to Credentialing;

• Realizing a Bright Future for Coaching with the ICF; and • A Visionary ICF.

chapter leaders in November –

once a month, chapter leaders call in to discuss topics such as mar-

keting and public relations to run-

ning an efficient Board of Directors and the roles of chapter leaders,

and they share best practices with one another as well.

Increase research on the coaching impact delivered by ICF Credentialed coaches.

Progress remained on target with all strategies and tactics and this

goal will be finalized within the first quarter of 2008.

- Work began on the ICF

Research Portal – part of the ICF Web site.

- The increase in credentialing

applications was attributed, in

part, to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) findings; all four modules and the final report of the PwC study were released in 2007.

- Requests for proposals for the

2008 client study were sent to ten global research firms.


was appointed as the first step

available. These living documents

- Began webinar series with



International Coach Federation

Global Growth

The ICF has enjoyed 600 percent

• Mexico, the Caribbean, Central

• ICF Chapter Bulgaria, Bulgaria;

eight years.

• North America – 63 percent

• ICF Switzerland–Bern,

growth in membership in the last

In January 2007, the ICF member-

Members from several new coun-

December, the membership had

2007, including Nepal, French

ship stood at just over 11,000. By surpassed the 13,000 mark. An

average of 300 to 400 new members joined the ICF worldwide each month of 2007.

There are more than 80 countries that our members call home, and this number continues to steadily rise.

Regional Breakdown: • Africa – 1 percent


• Asia-Pacific – 10 percent

• Europe, Middle East – 25 percent

Members by Region

As of December 2007.


and South America – 1 percent

tries joined our association in Guiana and Uruguay.

In line with the increasing membership roll, numerous chapters

and special interest groups (SIGs) were created in 2007.

• ICF India, India; Switzerland;

• ICF Switzerland (Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland - Svizzera Italiana), Switzerland;

• South Western Mexico, Mexico; • Slovak ICF Chapter, Slovak Republic; and

• Heartland ICF Chapter (Omaha

Nebraska & Council Bluffs Iowa), United States.

These lists include:

ICF Special Interest Groups

ICF Chapters

• Self-Care for Coach and Client;

• Baltic Coaching Center, Lithuania;

• ICF of Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois, United States;

• Pittsburgh Coaches Association, United States;

• Integrative Coaching; and

2007 Annual Report

ICF Members Around the World



Membership Total

ICF Membership Growth



International Coach Federation

Building Greater Awareness Through Media Relations

Every month, millions of people

• Wall Street Journal Europe;

coaching and to the ICF through

• NewsProNet;

around the world are exposed to the media. In 2007, 1,614 clips that mentioned coaching were

captured from around the world; the ICF was specifically men-

tioned in 726 of those articles. The combined circulation of each of

the publications that mentioned

the ICF was well over 420 million. The ICF is increasingly more readily recognized as an important

resource for global media outlets

• National Post in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and

• Manager Seminare Magazine in Germany.

Total media impressions continue

bers in promotional efforts, ICF Headquarters updated two

brochures during 2007: A Leader

in Coaching Professionalism and A Guide to Choosing a Professional Coach.

to climb dramatically, expressly in

A monthly ICF fact sheet was also

the ICF and our credentials, up 35

ment included membership and

terms of both specific mentions of percent from 2006.

posted each month. This docu-

ICF Credentialing information, in addition to ICF messages and

Just over 700 clips, or 45 percent

mediums, including mentions in:

specifically referenced the ICF.

As part of the ICF Library of

• Wall Street Journal;

Of the 726 clips that mentioned

relations and marketing toolkit,

• Washington Post;

cent) specifically mentioned the

• New York Times;


• Smartmoney.com;

To assist ICF Chapters and mem-

and enjoys increased exposure in prestigious print and electronic

• Jerusalem Post; • USA Today;

• London Financial Times;

of the total clips captured in 2007,

the ICF in 2007, 307 (or 42 perICF Credential.

• Newsday;

*Of the 726 clips that mentioned

• Forbes;

specifically mentioned the ICF

• Credit Swisse Bulletin; • Wall Street Journal Asia;

the ICF in 2007, 24 (or 3 percent) Global Coaching Study conducted

• Executive Travel magazine;

by PricewaterhouseCoopers. *ICF

• Globe and Mail;

the PwC mentions until July 2007.

• Training & Development;

• CBS – Sunday Morning (cover story);

• CNN; 14

• ConsultingNewsline;

Media Relations Tools

Headquarters did not begin recording

other association information.

Presentations, an updated public containing templates, sample

press releases and more, was

also made available to the membership.

2007 Annual Report

Clips that Mentioned Coaching in 2007

Clips that Mentioned the ICF in 2007


Credentialing Mentions in 2007



International Coach Federation

A Globally Inclusive Culture Organizational Task Force

For over a year, the ICF Board

ing diversity of the ICF member-

best enable ICF Chapters,

affiliation options needed to be

has been in discussion on how to

Membership Structure

ways that would offer the most

To assist with this review, the ICF

include two revised membership

its visibility as a global organiza-

was formed. This group worked to

uals to affiliate with the ICF in

value and allow the ICF to retain tion. Early in this discussion, it

became clear that the association first needed clear direction–a strategic plan–before it could

determine how to best serve and

affiliate with members. So the ICF Board of Directors postponed this discussion until ICF’s strategic plan was complete.

At its January 2007 strategic plan-



reviewed and perhaps revised.

regions, organizations and individ-

Organizational Task Force (OTF)

and plans to offer an equitable

tial—Associate Certified Coach

development of options, policies and flexible choice of affiliation

models to meet the needs of individual members, entities and

alliances within a clear framework

affiliation models to meet the

needs of individual members, entities and alliances within a clear

framework of policies, structures and accountabilities.

In the past, there were three offi-

(ACC), Professional Certified

Coach (PCC) or Master Certified Coach (MCC).

• An ICF Member is an individual

operating environment.

coaching, coach teaching or

accountabilities in the ICF global

of leadership roles, experience

equitable and flexible choice of

an individual holding a creden-

of policies, structures and

stating that it adopted an organizational approach that offers an


• An ICF Credentialed Member is

The OTF was composed of 11 ICF

Directors approved a resolution

The OTF’s recommendations

assist the Board and staff in the

ning meeting, the ICF Board of

members representing a diversity

who is involved in professional

coaching research and committed to ongoing professional development as a coach.

and geographic locations.

Membership requirements include:

Chapter leaders and Board mem-

to the ICF Core Coaching

Included in the task force were

bers from Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Canada and the

United States. The task force was

lead by ICF President-Elect, Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC.

cial ways to affiliate with ICF–indi-

The final recommendations of this

chartered chapter. With the grow-

membership, administrative, struc-

vidual member only, chapter and


ship, the Board agreed that the

ture, finances and a transition

work had four distinct elements:

paying an annual fee, subscribing Competencies and abiding by the ICF Code of Ethics.

Members in developing countries

(as defined by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and

Development (OECD) and World Bank) would pay a reduced

annual fee (that represents a per-

2007 Annual Report

centage of the regular fee).

agreements in place.

Regional Service Centers

Chapter Structure

ICF Partners

developed in key geographic

in positioning coach-related pro-

were also established. These part-

ICF Chapters are the pivotal force grams and events as a key strategic component of an organization’s success in the city area.

Four categories of ICF Partners

ners are not ICF Membership categories. Partner categories include:

• They are critical vehicles for pro-

• Alliances: Coaching organiza-

value to members.

tions of related professions that

viding services and delivering

• They hold strong recruitment

Regional Service Centers will be regions and will support chapters

and individuals not affiliated with a chapter. ICF Headquarters will be financially responsible for the

operations of Regional Service Centers.

tions and associations/organiza-

The operation of a Regional

support coaching.

administrative services to the

Service Center is to provide basic chapters and members in specific languages and time zones.


• Resource/Industry Partners:

• They help to increase awareness

products or services at a discount-

Additionally, the centers will allow

tisers, suppliers/vendors and train-

duplication of efforts, provide wide

about coaching to the public on the local and regional levels.

ed rate, such as exhibitors, advering schools.

eration the chapter journey and

• Affiliates: Individuals interested in

categories. These categories are

skills in their non-coaching profes-

included revisions to ICF Chapter as follows:

coaching and/or using coaching sions.

• ICF Chapters (developing chap-

• Organizational Partners:


government institutions utilizing

ters): have between five and 50

• ICF Chartered Chapters (developed chapters): have more than

Corporations, organizations and and promoting coaching.

for uniform branding, prevent

economies of scale by consolidating certain functions and provide continuity of service in the environment of changing volunteer leadership.

The proposed service centers will

be stationed throughout the world.

The OTF has a goal of having two Regional Service Centers up and running by the end of 2008.


The OTF’s work took into consid-

Those who provide coaches with

51 members and are formally

structured entities of the ICF with 17


International Coach Federation

Credentialing Enhancements

According to data from the 2006

ICF Global Coaching Study, more

than half (52 percent) of all coaches indicate their clients expect them to be credentialed.

• Operates utilizing globally recognized standards for objectivity,

more immediate improvements to

both the credentialing and accreditation programs:

• A revised process for training

al needs for the ICF Credential,

The enhanced credentialing pro-

and several coaches began

its credentialing system. These

regard to efficiency, capacity,

the ICF has begun to further refine enhancements will be fully compliant with the International

Organization for Standardization

(ISO) standards for bodies operating certification of persons.

This initiative will increase the

ICF’s capacity to satisfy demands while streamlining processes to a much more customer-centric and INTERNATIONAL COACH FEDERATION

ly manner; and

But we have also made even

validity, reliability and security.

In order to meet the growing glob-

gram will be state of the art in

ination processes that are objec-

136 trained assessors were con-

ism. Likewise, it will contain examtive, valid, reliable, and secure

and it will be a true and authentic measure of coaching competen-


• Continues to truly hold global

credibility and provides permanent value;

• Is a cutting-edge, competitive

ducting training exams in 12 languages.

• An invitation sent to MCCs offer-

analysis study.

of training programs for accredita-

ed from a role delineation/job task

ISO standard serves as a frame-

will offer a credentialing program

sors added to the volunteer force,

cies based on information collect-

Enhancing the Current ICF By enhancing the system, the ICF


• In 2007, with additional asses-

Expanding Global Credibility

Credentialing System

assessors has been introduced

responsiveness, and professional-

less labor-intensive.

and robust system capable of han18

dling a growing demand in a time-

For the purposes of the ICF, the

ing CCEUs for conducting reviews tion resulted in more than 70

expressions of interest to serve in this capacity.

work for a credentialing program

These are further indications of

standards and procedures of oper-

processes and procedures to be

that meets globally recognized

ation. It does not dictate the specific content or prerequisites

ICF’s commitment to streamlining more customer-centric.

required to be granted a creden-

ICF Credentialing Statistics

which promotes the operation of a

tialing applications were received

tial; rather it provides guidance

consistent, objective and credible program.

A record number of 1,411 credenin 2007. By December, 1,118 of

these coaches were awarded ICF Credentials.

2007 Annual Report

This included: 807 Associate

Number of ICF Credentials Per Year

Professional Certified Coaches

and 12 Master Certified Coaches. We have experienced a 585

percent growth in credentials awarded from 2004 to 2007.

Visionary Research to Advance the Profession In late 2006, the ICF identified the need to commission a global survey of the coaching profession. The association commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to

Number of ICF Credentials Holders

Certified Coaches, 299

The four modules that compose

An Important Next Step

were released throughout 2007

Study complete, ICF began plan-

the ICF Global Coaching Study and concluded with the Final

Report which was released in October 2007.

• Module 1: Profile of Coaching

respondents from 73 countries

• Module 2: Revenue (May 2007)


This study surveyed professional coaches in various categories,

including: demographics, coaching

Industry (March 2007)

• Module 3: Client Profile (July 2007)

• Module 4: Industry Issues and Trends (September 2007)

With the ICF Global Coaching

ning for a companion client study.

Requests for proposals were sent

to ten global research firms in late 2007. Submitted proposals were

reviewed and budgetary planning

began. The ICF then began strategizing on how to compile the

largest and most globally representative sample of individuals

who have experienced coaching in their lives.

specialties, and estimates of

All individual modules and the

ICF Research Portal

establish who uses coaching and

through the shopping cart function

research portal to be included on

coaching revenue, as well as to to identify future trends of the profession.

Final Report are available for sale on Coachferdation.org.

Work continued work on a

the ICF Web site. The portal will

act as a gateway to resources of

knowledge and will include coach-


undertake the ICF Global

Coaching Study in which 5,415


ing research in numerous formats. 19


International Coach Federation

Knowledge - Diversity - Community

2007 ICF Annual International Conference

The 2007 Annual International ICF

Center, presenting views from five

Beach, California, USA, October

included Julio Olalla, MCC, Zainab

Conference was held in Long

31–November 3, 2007. The global nature of this conference was

In conjunction with the confer-

Hall of Nations opening event to

took place for chapter leaders

the variety of international speak-

ers, had a distinctively global feel. More than 1,600 individuals from over 40 countries were in attendance at this international conclave, including 86 individuals

from Japan. With such a large

number, the ICF was able to offer

Japanese translation services dur-

ing the keynote sessions—another historical first in ICF Conference INTERNATIONAL COACH FEDERATION

Salbi and Kjell Nordstrom.

greater than any conference in

ICF history. Every aspect, from the


continents. Keynote speakers


Speakers from 20 countries

graced the educational sessions at the Long Beach Convention

Representatives for Prism Award Recipient Deloitte and Touche

ence, a Global Leadership Forum from all over the world. The forum consisted of an “Ask the

President” Town Hall-style meeting

2007 Award Winners ICF International Prism Award

Two organizations were awarded

the ICF International Prism Award in Long Beach: NASA, the

National Aeronautics and Space

Administration, and Deloitte and

Touche, an audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services company.

where leaders had the opportunity

The ICF International Prism Award

Pam Richarde, MCC; and Diane

have enhanced excellence and

to ask Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC; Brennan, MBA, MCC, various

questions, as well as a media

training session with Peter Kerr.

During the session, Kerr instructed global leaders on how to present

recognizes organizations that

business achievement through

their commitment to coaching as a leadership strategy with documented return on investment.

themselves to the media. Kerr’s

ICF President’s Award

edge-base continues to make him

the ICF President’s Award.

extensive experience and knowlthe number one choice for ICF media training.

Representative for Prism Award Recipient NASA

Also awarded at conference was Cannon presented Sir John Whitmore with this

Kay Cannon with President’s Award Recipient, Sir John Whitmore

2007 Annual Report

annual award. Whitmore was chosen based upon the work he is doing to promote coaching throughout the world.

ICF Chapter Awards

Six chapters were awarded ICF

Chapter Awards in two categories: the Local Spirit, Global

Presence—Community Activism

Award (recognizes chapters that

• Vancouver ICF

Post-Conference Education

coaching presence in their com-

their “Helping Women in Work”

January, the Conference

have established a significant munities) and the Finding our

Voice—Marketing/PR Award (rec-

Chapter–Vancouver, Canada—for program.

ognizes chapters that have creat-

Recipients of the Finding our

relations campaign within their

• ICF Orange County

ed a successful marketing/public

communities). Chapter representatives were honored at a special

Recipients of the Local Spirit,

Global Presence—Community Activism Award:

• Richmond Area Coaches

Association–Virginia, USA—for

their work with the United Way; • Andean Region and Central

America ICF Chapter–Bogota, Colombia—for their support of

women with breast cancer; and

Chapter–Orange County,

California, USA—for their

International Coaching Week event;

• ICF New York City Chapter–New York City, New York, USA—for

their work with coaching at Club

Getaway, Fitness Magazine’s “You Can Do It! Challenge,” and “Life Coach TV”; and

• ICF United Kingdom

Chapter–United Kingdom

National Chapter—for their work

on two events for corporate con-

Education Steering Committee

offered special hour-long calls for

MCC conference attendees—complete with CCEU core competency credits. The sessions continued

conversations, connections and

learning initiated at the 2007 conference.


dinner during the conference.

Voice—Marketing/PR Award:

For four weeks in December and

sumers of coaching.



International Coach Federation

Global Outreach

ICF leadership and staff traveled


meetings and conferences, repre-

Alexandria, Virginia for the first

the globe in 2007 for various

• Cannon traveled to London, UK

These trips are very important for


tions on the benefits and advan-

association at numerous events

gathered in Utrecht, Netherlands

on behalf of its many members. they allow representation of the

worldwide and they give opportunities for the ICF to continue to

advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching.

Included in the travel agenda of

2007 were three face-to-face global Board of Directors’ meetings–

• European leaders of the ICF

to discuss the future of the coaching profession, with representa-

tives from more than 11 countries. President-Elect Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC, and Assistant

Executive Director Magdalena

Mook were also in attendance.

held each year for the Board to

• An Organizational Task Force

association; an assortment of trips

Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

make executive decisions for the to Europe–for ICF leadership to INTERNATIONAL COACH FEDERATION

in Washington D.C.

meeting of 2007.

senting the coaching profession

represent the association at various events; and ICF representatives attended the Australasian

Conference in 2007–where the

ICF President Kay Cannon, MBA,

MCC, participated in various activities.

(OTF) meeting was held in

Brennan was Chair of the OTF and Cannon was also in attendance along with Mook and

Executive Director Gary Boyler. June

• The global Board met in

Cincinnati, Ohio for the second

face-to-face meeting of the year.

• New Board member

Garry Schleifer, PCC, Kay Cannon with Sir John Whitmore and Pam Richarde in UK


• The global Board met in

D.C. Capital Coaches Conference

represented the association at the ICF Metro

to confer with several organiza-

tages of using professional coaching at a meeting sponsored by the UK Chapter. Additionally, she

attended a meeting on coaching standards and ethics in Oxford where Past President Pam

Richarde, MCC, addressed attendees.

• The European Mentoring and

Coaching Council (EMCC) Annual Meeting was held in Helsinki, Finland, with Cannon and

Brennan representing the ICF. • Cannon and Secretary/

Treasurer Karen Tweedie, PCC,

visited China to promote profes-

sional coaching and the ICF at the International Coaching and Corporate Responsibility

Conference/Fourth Annual

Professional Coaching Awards,

sponsored by Top Human and the China Coaches Association.

2007 Annual Report


• Cannon and Boyler traveled to

Melbourne, Australia to attend the

2007 ICF Australasia Conference.

Cannon participated in a live coach-

Gary Boyler, Karen Tweedie and Kay Cannon in Australia

ing and credentialing session enti-

tled, “Inside the Assessor’s Head,”

and made remarks during the opening general session.

• Brennan and Mook traveled through Europe for various conferences,

meetings and presentations. Stops

included the Corporate Conference in the United Kingdom; the European Mentoring and Coaching Council

(EMCC) in Sweden; the European

Leaders’ Meeting in Bratislava; and the ICF Netherlands meeting in the Netherlands.

ICF Annual International Conference

Kay Cannon and Diane Brennan with European Leaders in the Netherlands

in Long Beach, California for the final face-to-face meeting of the year.

2007 Global Board in Long Beach, California, USA


• The global Board met before the

Karen Tweedie in China



International Coach Federation

Additional Milestones of Note

Elections for the 2008 ICF

Gary Boyler was announced as

These successes included the:

A record number of candidates

March 2007. Boyler has more than


Board of Directors

submitted applications in 2007, a

total of 21 credentialed members.

The candidate pool reflected ICF’s global nature with skilled and

accomplished individuals from

three continents and more specifically 12 countries.

Following a month of intense

deliberation, the ICF Nominating Committee proposed a slate of

officers and directors composed of an Australian, five Europeans, a

Canadian and one individual from the United States. The slate,


30 years of association, marketing and hospitality experience at companies such as the Project

Management Institute (PMI), International Association of

Holiday Inns, Inc. (IAHI), Meeting Professionals International (MPI)

With the promotion of Lisa Simon, ICF's Executive Director for the

past two years, to executive vice

ing, advertising, editorial writing,

creativity and publications. Boyler

was a strong global addition to the ICF staff.

Regulatory Issues

appoint a regulatory liaison to

serve as a point of contact and

local guard, monitoring any local regulatory issues with the assistance of the ICF Regulatory

Committee and ICF Headquarters.

president of Host

ICF Online Enhancements

management division, the ICF

accomplishments relating to the

Communications’ association began interviewing for a new executive director.

• work on the ICF Research Portal ; and

• a usability audit of


age length of these visits was

ICF Chapters were encouraged to

New ICF Executive Director

Presidents page;

more than 60 awards in market-

Corporation. He is the recipient of

first non-North American candidate tion of ICF President.

• introduction of an ICF Past

In 2007, there were 1,012,744 vis-

ICF Chapter Assistance with

for the chief elected officer posi-

• launch of the ICF Online

and Servico Management

which was accepted by the ICF membership, also included the


the new ICF Executive Director in

During 2007, the ICF had several ICF Web site and systems available through the Web site.

its to the ICF Web site. The avereight minutes, 15 seconds. ICF Credential Logos Redesigned

Revised ICF Credential logos were made available to ICF

Credentialed coaches. These

logos were redesigned in order to be in closer alignment with the

overall ICF brand. Consistency in

displaying all ICF logos is the key toward ensuring strong brand

recognition and projecting a consistent image of the association.

2007 Annual Report

International Coaching Week 2007

As part of the communication

strategy for International Coaching Week, ICF Headquarters encour-

aged ICF Chapters and members to promote the ICF Global

Coaching Study during February

4-10, 2007. Key findings from the study along with regional and

country-specific information for

those areas from which the necessary sample sizes were received

and sample press materials were

provided to the membership prior

ICF Mourns Key Contributor The coaching profession lost a beloved friend and respected colleague with the passing of Laura Whitworth, MCC, on February 28, 2007. Laura was a long-time member and key contributor to the International Coach Federation.

to International Coaching Week.

As a founder of the Professional and Personal Coaches Association

New Member Kit Introduced

ciation of coaches whose mission was to promote the ever wider use of

In 2007, a new member kit

ments that outline member benefits, basic ICF

information, and the ICFstrategic plan was created for new ICF

coaching and the principles upon which it is based, stimulate the growth and development of coaching theory and application, provide a global

forum for the education and the free exchange of ideas, and set standards of ethics, qualification and quality. That mission, as well as the ground-

breaking work and heart of the PPCA, were woven into the fabric of the International Coach Federation when the PPCA merged with the ICF in 1998.

members. This kit can be

A special memoir tribute was held during the ICF Annual International

both the ICF Web site and the file

November 3. ICF President Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC, presented a $500

accessed and downloaded from library of the ICF Online Community.

Conference in Long Beach, California during the final Super Session on contribution to the Laura Whitworth Foundation on behalf of the ICF Foundation.


containing docu-

(PPCA) in 1995, Laura spearheaded the formation of an international asso-


2007 Annual Report

ICF Financial Overview

Fiscal Year 2008 (ending March 31, 2008) Pending Audit

All figures shown are in USD.

For Fiscal Year 2008, the ICF realized net income of $491,789 which becomes the annual contribution to reserves.

Other points of interest include the following: • Net income for FY 2008 was $30,000 more than FY 2007.

• Although the results for the Annual International Conference were down versus budget, the shortfall was made up by membership and credentialing.

• With net income projected to be $491K, the reserve balance will be approximately $1,295,026. This is pending any changes resulting from the audit.

To insure financial stability and be appropriately prudent, the ICF needs to achieve a reserve

equal to six months operating expenses. The assoication has a way to go in order to achieve this amount, currently equivalent to $2 million.

On the next page are charts depicting FY 2008 revenues and expenses by source as well as percentage, prior to the audit.


Fiscal 2008 Annual Report

Financial Charts


All figures shown are in USD.



International Coach Federation

Our Global Journey Continues The ICF moved in a multitude of appropriate directions during 2007 and is poised to reach many additional milestones in the future.

There are any number of remaining challenges and opportunities to address within the ICF global coaching community. Our passionate and engaged membership

will continue to make an ever increasing number of valuable contributions to both the profession and the world.

Collectively, with a strategic knowledge-based approach,

we are committed to advancing the art, science and practice of the coaching profession in order to reach ever higher levels of accomplishment.

We have already embarked on the next segments of a mutually beneficial ICF global membership journey to


ensure that coaching is truly an integral part of society.


Your Partners in Progress - The ICF Staff Gary Boyler, Executive Director

Denise Stenzel, Director of Meetings & Events

Jessica Belsky, Administrative Assistant

George Rogers, Director of Credentialing & Program Accreditation

Magdalena Mook, Assistant Executive Director Don Whittle, Director of Membership

Mark Ruth, Research & Education Manager Ann Belcher, Marketing Manager

Kristin Hogue, Marketing Coordinator

Amy Richardson, Marketing Coordinator

Jackie Burton, Event Coordinator

Wesley Bullock, Credentialing and Program Accreditation Coordinator Meaghan Thomas, Credentialing Coordinator Josh Casey, Sales Account Executive

Sherrie Harvey, Credentialing Assistant

INTERNATIONAL COACH FEDERATION 2365 Harrodsburg Rd, Suite A325 Lexington, KY 40504

Ph: 888.423.3131




F: +1.859.226.4411


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