2008 ICF Annual Report

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2008 Annual Report

Advancing the Art, Science, and Practice of Professional Coaching

International Coach Federation Message from the 2008 ICF President Dear ICF Members and Friends,

• The ICF Code of Ethics was reviewed and updated for approval in 2009.

It has always been rewarding to be a coach, but there

• Work began on five-year membership growth and other ICF

has never been a more exciting time than the present. The

branded events strategies.

increase in awareness around the value and contribution

• Virtual Education offerings were expanded for a total of 17 sessions in 2008.

of professional coaching, the various levels of growth our

• Nearly 30 Chapter Leadership Webinars were conducted.

association has experienced in the last year and the path

• The ICF granted 1,043 Credentials for a total of 4,598 credential

we are on as we move forward support an even brighter future. Within the confines of this annual report, you will have the opportunity to review our collective accomplishments of 2008 firsthand. Despite the uncertain-

holders for the year. • Launched the ICF Research Portal on the ICF Web site, which became the most visited section.

ties of the global economy, the coaching profession appears to be on the rise. Our membership numbers reinforce that, as does the ever-increasing number of

Also in 2008, huge strides were made in our contribution to coaching research with the ICF Global Coaching Client Study. More than 2,100 past and present

coaches who hold an ICF Credential. As you read this annual report, you will notice the association’s strong

coaching clients from over 60 countries responded to this study. In addition, the

commitment to our core purpose of advancing the art, science and practice of

ICF introduced the much anticipated Research Portal on its Web site to serve as

professional coaching. Reinforcing the core purpose is of the utmost importance

a public resource for coaching research.

to our association and work continues to support it in all that we do. In 2008, many efforts were made to continue to make our association, of

Substantial accomplishments were also made toward enhancing our credentialing system using the International Organization Standardization (ISO)

currently more than 17,000 professional coaches in 94 countries, a truly interna-

standard as a framework including the formation and work of a Role Delineation

tional association.

Task Force and distribution of a job analysis survey which was completed by 2,028 individuals. Recommendations from a Test Specifications Task Force as

• The ICF opened two Regional Service Centres in Brussels and Sydney.

well as the Item Writing Task Force resulted in the creation of over 300 draft test

• Three micro Web sites of Coachfederation.org launched in French,

questions for assessing coaching which are currently undergoing review. All of

German and Spanish.

this was accomplished by 50 volunteers who participated on these various task

• The first in-person official Board meeting and Leadership event to take

forces as subject matter experts.

place outside of North America convened in Switzerland in June 2008.

As president, I had the distinct privilege of working with members, volun-

• More than 1,500 individuals from 51 countries attended the ICF Annual

teers, leaders and staff throughout the past year. We are a committed, caring and

International Conference in Montréal.

creative community of professionals that make a difference in the world. Looking

• Seven international chapters of the ICF were awarded with an ICF Chapter

toward the future, I am secure in the knowledge that we will continue to reach

Award including chapters from Korea, Italy, Turkey, and the United States.

higher levels of achievement and success as this profession continues to grow.

• Two international businesses in the United Kingdom and Canada were honored with the ICF International Prism Award.

Thank you for all that you have done, and will continue to do, to further advance the art, science, and practice of professional coaching throughout our world.

• Members of the ICF Board of Directors attended Chapter meetings around the world.

Kind regards, Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC 2008 ICF President

• Outreach and dialogue continued with other associations to advance professional coaching, including a joint meeting with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Executive Committee in Geneva. • The ICF continued to see more recognition in some of the world’s most prestigious news outlets including Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes.com, European CEO, European Business Review and New European Economy. • The ICF attracted, on average, 400 new members per month and achieved a retention rate of over 76 percent. • An additional 37 new coaching programs were accredited. 1



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www.coachfederation.org Observations from the ICF Executive Director Evolving Despite Uncertain Times Despite today’s somewhat daunting economic climate,

Leaders of the ICF willingly accept accountability for change and have

the ICF continues to make substantial progress in terms of

the courage to act accordingly. Together, as an association community, we will

established strategic goals and 2008 was not by any means

dramatically illustrate the infinite power of professional coaching.

an exception to the rule in terms of maintaining a clear


focus on the future.

Gary E. Boyler ICF Executive Director

The organization is well positioned to make even more of a difference in these challenging times by consistently demonstrating flexibility that promotes both creativity and innovation. Our coaching community is faced with an enormous amount of change. In


order to constantly and effectively respond to new situations, the ICF must be

Global Leadership................................................ 3

exceptionally pliant to satisfy developing needs based on the appropriate alloca-

2008 ICF Board of Directors

tion of resources while moving well beyond established comfort zones.

Continuing the Tradition................................. 5

Innovation that arises from flexibility includes active listening to the experiences of both the current and past volunteer leadership. In a majority of instances, these individuals have personally benefited from interacting with our diverse, global membership. Each has enjoyed the shared, practical knowledge of peers and colleagues as well as the harmony which results from working in tandem to advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching. According to the Jim Kane, author of The Loyalty Switch, in the current environment where people have more choices than ever before where to spend their time, money and effort, organizations must nurture virtually unbreakable relationships in order to remain strong, relevant and effective. When an organization is able to understand and demonstrate those loyalty building behaviors, lifelong relationships result with unwavering, enthusiastic and boundless support, Kane unequivocally states. Loyalty is based on relationships, whether human or virtual. The six factors which affect loyalty include integrity, competency, recognition, proactivity, savvy and chemistry. While the ICF achieved a number of benchmarks in 2008, it must marshal all of the passion of its worldwide body of affiliates to continue advocating on

ICF Past Presidents

2008 ICF Global Committees............................... 6 Committee Highlights

Strategic Overview of ICF.................................. 7 Prioritized Strategies and Accomplishments

Tremendous Growth on a Global Scale................................................ 10 Membership and More

Growing Global Demand for the Credential............................................. 13 Enhancing the ICF Credential

Expanding Our Knowledge on Coaching.......................................................... 14 Work in Research

Diversity, Knowledge & Community at 2008 ICF Conference...................................... 15 Moments from MontrĂŠal

behalf of the profession, underscoring its value and the beneficial contributions

2008 Award Winners............................................ 16

made to society through coaching.

Honoring Their Dedication to Coaching

The existing member value equation remains viable but we need to be open to new audiences and ways of doing things to further enhance the benefits of our

ICF Leaders Outreach Around the Globe............................................... 18

growing global constituency.

Highlights from 2008 Travel

Exercising the ability to be flexible will generate new ideas, unleash creativity and tap into a whole new world of innovation. The end result will be increased stakeholder loyalty and an especially vibrant fellowship of coaches. The new calendar year is well underway. Working collectively, shoulder to shoulder, we can continue to make strategic inroads not only in 2009 but the years ahead as well, in both favorable and more demanding periods of time. w


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Additional Milestones of the Year 2008........................................................ 20 Financial Overview............................................ 22 Working Toward Our Envisioned Goal . ................................................ 24

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International Coach Federation Global Leadership 2008 ICF Board of Directors Using a knowledge-based leadership approach, the global Board of Directors serves as the governing body of the ICF.

Brennan recognizes exiting Board members.

The 2008 global Board was made up of a diverse group of 16 coaching professionals from eight countries, including: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States. The global perspective of the Board was reflected in the actions they took throughout 2008 to continue to advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching. Early in the year, the Board selected three priorities from our strategic plan for the association to focus on in 2008. These were: Group; approved the creation of a brand development task

Increase the competitive brand advantage that the ICF Credential offers; Increase ICF members’ professional development including educational and networking opportunities; and Acquire ISO 17024 compliance for the credentialing program.

force; made the ACC credential renewable; approved changes to the Ethical Conduct Review Process; and approved the recommendations of the global Ethics & Standards Committee of the three year review of the ICF Code of Ethics. Board members also participated in multicultural training; began work on an overall growth strategy for the organization; initiated dialogue on the future of ICF Branded Events, appointing a task force; and had a joint meeting with the EMCC

You can read more about the levels of accomplishment

executive committee. There were also many firsts in 2008 for the global Board:

of each of these priorities on page 7.

the association’s first non-North American President-Elect, Karen Tweedie, PCC, took office; the initial annual review of the strategic plan was conducted in January 2008; and the inaugural international face-to-face Board meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland in conjunction with the ICF European Coaches Conference in June. The leadership exhibited by the 2008 Board was especially noteworthy; the result of this Board’s strategically oriented work will continue to direct our association for many years to Brennan welcomes 2009 incoming ICF President.

come. The ICF would like to take a moment to thank the following Board members whose terms expired in 2008 for their continued dedication and support of the ICF:

With these priorities in mind, much was accomplished during the eight Board meetings that took place in 2008 (three

• Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC

in-person and five via teleconference): the Board authorized

• Ginger Cockerham, MCC

the ICF Global Coaching Client Study; funded next steps to

• Pauline Fleming, MCC

enhance our globally independent credentialing system;

• Michelle Payne, MCC

approved changes to the by-laws; approved the concept of the Organizational Partner Council and Education Advisory 3



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www.coachfederation.org 2008 Global Board of Directors Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC

Giovanna D’Alessio, MCC

Pauline Fleming, MCC

United States, President

Italy, Secretary/Treasurer

Canada, Director

Karen Tweedie, PCC

John Annesley, PCC

Tom Hatton, PCC

Australia, President-Elect

Australia, Director

Ireland, Director

Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC

Philip Brew, MCC

Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC

United States, Past President

United Kingdom, Director

United States, Director

Ginger Cockerham, MCC

Sylviane Cannio, PCC

Michelle Payne, MCC

United States, Vice President

Belgium, Director

United States, Director *Not pictured below.

Daniele Darmouni, MCC

Ira Dressner, PCC

France, Vice President

United States, Director

Lene Rønning-Arnesen, PCC Norway, Director

Garry Schleifer, PCC Canada, Vice President

2008 ICF Board of Directors



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International Coach Federation Continuing the Tradition The rich history of the ICF is kept alive through the association’s former leaders, especially its past presidents. Since the organization was established in 1995, 12 coaching professionals have served as president of the ICF. The work of these dedicated individuals will continue to reverberate long after they are gone. Thank you for your continued support of the coaching profession!

Kay Cannon, MBA, MCC

darelyn “dJ” mitsch, MCC

pam richarde, MCC

dr. marcia reynolds, MCC

Steve Mitten, MCC

john seiffer, MCC

United States ICF President // 2001

United States ICF President // 2007

United States ICF President // 1999-2001

United States ICF President // 2006

Canada ICF President // 2005

United States ICF President // 1998

barbara walton, MCC

jeff raim

judy feld, MCC

cheryl richardson, MCC

United States ICF President // 2003

United States ICF President // 1996

bobette reeder, MCC

sandy vilas, MCC

United States ICF President // 1997

United States ICF President // 2004

United States ICF President // Jan. 1996 - July 1996

United States ICF President // 2001-2003




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www.coachfederation.org 2008 Global ICF Committees Nearly 100 volunteers from diverse backgrounds and 26

2008 Committee Highlights • Regulatory chapter liaison: The ICF Regulatory Com-

countries joined together in 2008 to form nine global ICF

mittee continued to monitor activity around the world that

Committees. These dedicated individuals selflessly gave sig-

could impact the regulation of the coaching profession. The

nificant amounts of time and energy to move the association

Committee established a network of 48 ICF Regulatory Liai-

forward and to further advance the art, science and practice of

sons, with 23 appointed by ICF Chapters outside United States

professional coaching throughout the world. The output of the

and 25 liaisons appointed by chapters in the United States.

2008 ICF Committees is immeasurable. The ICF would like to take this opportunity to thank each

• Consolidation of credentialing processes:

individual who was a part of a 2008 ICF Committee and more

The Credentialing and Program Accreditation Committee

specially recognize the leadership of these important entities.

began a comprehensive review and reorganization of ICF Credentialing policy language to create a document that is

Conference Education Steering Committee Chair – Jeff Staggs, MCC, United States

up-to-date, comprehensive, and organized in such a way that it becomes useful for staff, members, leadership, and the public.

Credentialing and Program Accreditation Committee

• Updated ICF Code of Ethics: The Ethics and Standards

Chair – Tracy Stevens, MCC, United States

Committee finalized its review of the ICF Code of Ethics and

Vice Chair – Patricia Mathews, MCC, United States

presented a revised code to the ICF Board of Directors for approval.

Ethics and Standards Committee Chair – Jeanne Erikson, PCC, United States

• New overall financial strategy: The Finance Committee

Vice Chair – Philip Potdevin, PCC, Colombia

developed an overall financial strategy in support of the ICF long-term strategic plan and for the well-being of the ICF.

Finance Committee Chair – Giovanna D’Alessio, MCC, Italy

This strategy included building the reserves to meet the level of 6-months of operating expenses by 2012, building capital

Marketing Committee

reserves for special projects to $50,000, the annual interna-

Chair – Joan Cook, MCC, United States

tional conference to realize 15 percent profit by 2014, reach

Vice Chair – Michael Weitz, PCC, Israel

a 40/60 percent split of revenues coming from membership dues and other revenue sources by fiscal 2015, and non-dues

Membership and Community Committee

revenue producing projects capable of delivering a return on

Chair – Pat Obuchowski, PCC, United States

investment of at least 10 percent within two years and a recur-

Vice Chair – Jerry Wistrom, PCC, United States

ring surplus thereafter of at least 15 percent per annum.

Nominating Committee

• Work begun on chapter leadership forum: Two

Chair – Kay Cannon, MCC, United States

Global Leadership Forums, one during the European Coaches Conference in Geneva and another during the ICF Annual In-

Regulatory Committee

ternational Conference in Montreal, were held during 2008 for

Chair – Ed Modell, PCC, United States

ICF Chapter leaders. The Membership and Community Committee began preparing a recommended to create an annual

Research and Education Committee

ICF Global Leadership Forum for chartered chapter leaders

Chair – Krissy Jackson, ACC, Switzerland

whereby they would attend a two-day best practices seminar.

Vice Chair – Sue Zablud, ACC, Australia w


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International Coach Federation 2008 Committee Highlights (cont.) • Research and Education work: The Research and

ICF Definition of Coaching The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a

Education Committee created a Peer Review Template which

thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to

would allow them to review ICF Research Portal item submis-

maximize their personal and professional potential.

sions more efficiently. With the assistance of the ICF Regional

Coaching is an ongoing relationship which focuses on

Service Centres, ICF Virtual Education sessions began being

clients taking action toward the realization of their visions,

offered in local time zones for both Europe and Asia-Pacific.

goals or desires. Coaching uses a process of inquiry and personal discovery

Strategic Overview of ICF

to build the client’s level of awareness and responsibility and provides the client with structure, support and feedback. The coaching process helps clients both define and achieve major goal areas, both professional and personal, faster and

The ICF is the largest worldwide resource for business and

with more ease than would be possible otherwise.

personal coaches, and the source for those who are seeking a coach. We are a nonprofit, individual membership organization formed by professionals worldwide who practice business

Prioritized Strategies and Accomplishments of 2008 As a knowledge-based organization, the ICF continues to be guided by the strategic plan that was developed in late 2006.

and personal coaching.

Following a review of the strategic plan, three prioritized

ICF Core Purpose

strategies were selected for focus in 2008. These strategies,

To advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching.

taken directly from the strategic plan, were selected by the global ICF Board of Directors in January 2008. The strategies

Big Audacious Goal


Coaching is an integral part of society and ICF members rep-

Increase the competitive brand advantage

resent the highest quality in professional coaching.

that the ICF Credential offers; Increase ICF members’ professional

ICF Core Values

development including educational and

• Integrity: We uphold the highest standards both

networking opportunities; and

for the coaching profession and our organization.

Acquire ISO 17024 compliance for credentialing program.

• Excellence: We set and demonstrate standards

Increase the competitive brand advantage that the ICF Credential offers

of excellence for professional coach quality, qualification and competence.

While a substantial amount of progress has been made on • Collaboration: We value the social connection

this key goal, a great deal of ongoing work has been initiated

and community building that occurs through

to not only increase and meet the growing demand for ICF

collaborative partnership and co-created achievement.

Credentials but further ensure the effectiveness of the process so it is readily recognized as both globally credible and cutting

• Respect: We are inclusive and value the diversity and richness of our global stakeholders. We put

edge. A great deal remains to be done. By December 31, 2008: 1,472 of 1,487 credentialing ap-

people first, without compromising standards,

plications have been processed (99 percent), with 1,043 (70

policies and quality.

percent) granted a credential. Some 601 press clips, with a circulation of over 192 million, specifically mentioning the ICF Credentials were captured in




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www.coachfederation.org Cockerham with members of the Montréal Chapter Best Practices Panel.

2008, an increase of 95.8 percent over 2007. Of the 1,102 clips,

ent time zones. Topics included fundraising, recruitment and

with a circulation of over 335 million, mentioning ICF from

retention and leadership development.

January through December 2008, 54 percent made reference to ICF Credentials.

A Global Leadership Forum was held in Geneva, Switzerland with 33 chapter leaders in attendance followed by another

Increase ICF members’ professional development including educational and networking opportunities.

one in Montréal preceding the Annual Conference which attracted 68 chapter leaders from more than 20 countries.

A number of objectives were completed over the course of

These forums allowed for leaders to network and listen to

2008 in terms of increasing the value of ICF member educa-

presentations on coaching practices from ICF leaders from

tional and networking opportunities.

around the world.

Since its introduction in March, 2008, the ICF Research

In Geneva, ICF 2008 President Diane Brennan, MBA,

Portal was viewed an incredible 60,379 times, with the Case

MCC, and 2008 ICF President–Elect Karen Tweedie, PCC,

Study section of the portal receiving 54,449 visits through

briefed the group about the opening of Regional Service

December 2008.

Centres in Europe and Asia Pacific, efforts to enhance the

A total of 807 CCEU applications for new educational

credibility and value of the credentialing program and an

sessions were approved in 2008, representing an average of 68

overview of expanded chapter leadership support. John

additional offerings per month. This volume represents a 30

Blakey, ACC, Director of Brand Development for the UK ICF

percent increase over the 2007 calendar year.

Chapter, shared best practices concerning successful self-

With the previous Virtual Community transitioned to

funding activities which have not only increased financial

ICF Virtual Education at the beginning of 2008, a total of 17

resources but invigorated his chapter. A contingency of 10 new

sessions have been delivered to 562 attendees, averaging 33

ICF members from India, led by Satya Murty Dharanipragada,

participants per call. Topics varied from presentations on the

ACC, presented their colleagues with “The Vision of ICF

impact of credentialing which looked at results of the ICF

Indian Chapters and Challenges to Indian Coaching,” which

Global Coaching Study to presentations on Emotional Intel-

showed the impressive growth of ICF in terms of membership

ligence, coaching teams and groups, leadership, and business

and new chapters in India.


In Montréal, Ginger Cockerham, MCC, facilitated a

Nearly 30 Chapter Leadership Webinars were offered in

Chapter Best Practices Panel which included Jerry Wistrom,

during 2008 with attendance documented at between 12 to 20

PCC; Bernie Siegel, PCC; Colleen Bracken, PCC; and Pauline

chapters per session. Presentations were scheduled for differ-

Fleming, MCC. The panel spoke to attendees on several topics



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International Coach Federation Strategic Overview of ICF (cont.) including leadership development, member retention and

The number of visits to Coachfederation.org totaled 1,191,754

non-dues chapter revenue. Neil Scotton, ACC; Kathryn Pope,

in 2008 with an average visit time of six minutes, two seconds,

PCC; and Kish Modasia, ACC, of the UK ICF Chapter, pre-

compared to 1,012,744 visits in 2007. Translated microsites proved

sented Coaching as an Integral Part of Society. Dharanipragada

popular in their introductory year with 28,404 visits to the Spanish

offered an update on the Vision of ICF Indian Chapters which

site; 28,574 to the French site; and 27,273 to the German site.

he presented earlier in Geneva. Substantial changes were made to Coaching World to enhance the overall design and content of the monthly member

Acquire ISO 17024 compliance for credentialing program In order to meet the growing global need for the ICF Credential, the ICF continued in 2008 to further refine its credentialing system and work toward compliancy with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for bodies operating certification of persons. This initiative will increase the ICF’s capacity to satisfy demands for our credentials while streamlining processes to be much more customer-centric and less labor-intensive. For the purposes of the ICF, the ISO standard serves as a framework for a credentialing program that meets globally recognized standards and procedures of operation. ISO compliance does not dictate the specific content or prerequisites

Blakey shares selffunding practices on behalf of the UK ICF Chapter.

required to be granted a credential; rather it provides guidance which promotes the operation of a consistent, objective and credible program. During 2008, substantial progress was made in this important area, including the work of the Role Delineation

newsletter. Over 10 bylined articles were introduced along

Task Force, distribution of a job analysis survey which was

with top rated 2007 conference presenters in addition to an

completed by 2,028 individuals, recommendations from the

Ask the Board feature and regular human interest features.

Test Specifications as well as the Item Writing Task Forces

Readership of the newsletter increased 30 to 50 percent per

which resulted in the creation of over 300 draft test questions

issue in comparison to 2007, an 18 percent increase.

currently undergoing review.

Attendance at the ICF Annual International Conference

Along with the work of the various task forces, conversa-

was 1,511 individuals from 51 countries who had 66 differ-

tions and learning were also taking place with other groups

ent breakout sessions from which to choose. The three Super

who are interested in the path that ICF is taking toward

Sessions were simultaneously translated into both French and

enhancing the credential. This includes meetings with ACTO

Japanese. Education sessions were centered on seven areas of

and GSAEC, the ICF Assessor Team, credential applicants, the

focus: Coaching & Leadership; Coaching & Organizations;

ICF Credentialing Committee and input and direction from

Science & Coaching; Mind, Body, Spirit Connection; Impact

the ICF global Board of Directors.

in the World; Wisdom Circles for Core Competencies; and Wisdom Circles for Marketing, Branding and Building Your Own Business. Presenters of the highest rated educational sessions were invited to submit an overview of their presentation to be featured in Coaching World newsletter throughout 2009. 9



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www.coachfederation.org Tremendous Growth on a Global Scale Here is a summary of progress in 2008:

The ICF has experienced a 645 percent increase in

• Engaged more than 50 volunteers to

membership since 1999. Over the last four years, the ICF has

assist as subject matter experts;

increased its membership by 16 to 18 percent per year. Throughout 2008, an average of 400 new members world-

• Conducted a global job analysis survey of the work that

wide joined the ICF each month. In January, ICF membership

coaches do with 2,028 responses;

stood at just over 13,400 members. By December, membership had surpassed the 16,000 member mark in over 90 countries.

• Verified that the Core Competencies

The retention rate for the year was over 76 percent.

still serve as the basis for the work of coaches;

The countries represented by ICF members are located all over the world, from Argentina to Vietnam. In 2008, members

• Began the creation of a formal body of knowledge;

from several new countries joined our association, including Belarus, the Congo, Estonia, Malawi, Paraguay and Togo.

• Engaged a wide global audience of individuals,

ICF Membership by Region

organizations, and subject matter experts to provide input;

Africa 1%

• Initiated the construction of a psychometrically sound set of questions to be used to assess coaching; and

Asia Pacific 12%

Europe/Middle East 26%

Canada 11%

Mexico/Caribbean/ Central-South America 2%

• Creation/use of a credible and legally defensible process for creating a credential. In addition, the Credentialing Committee began work on updating, revising, and collating overall credential policy United States 48%

documents into a single manual. Great progress has been made, however several decisions are pending regarding the future of the credentialing program.

To support the continual growth of the ICF membership, 11

As these deliberations are finalized the association will con-

new chapters and 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) were cre-

tinue moving toward the destination that has been set by the

ated in 2008.

ICF Board; having a credentialing program that truly holds

New ICF Chapters:

global credibility and provides permanent value; that is a cut-

• Alaska Chapter;

ting edge, competitive and robust system capable of handling

• Davangere, India Chapter;

a growing demand; and operate utilizing globally recognized

• ICF Gauteng Chapter (RSA);

standards for objectivity, validity, reliability and security.

• ICF Indian Coaches Association Chapter; • ICF Latvia; • ICF Mexico Centro Chapter; • ICF Nepal Chapter. • Midlands, South Carolina Chapter; • Ranebeenur, India Chapter; • Shimoga, India Chapter; and • Tokyo Chapter.



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International Coach Federation

New ICF SIGs: • Business Development and Marketing SIG; • Conflict Coaching SIG; • Equine Experiential Coaching SIG; • Gestion D’Enterprise Personnelle (Francophone)/Management of Personal Business; • Global Health Care Coaching Alliance SIG; • Japanese Speaking Coaches SIG; • Leadership Coaching SIG; • Quarterlifers SIG; • Sales Skills for Coaches; and • Wellness Coaching SIG.

Informing the World About Coaching The word continues to spread about coaching in all facets of the media. In fact, nearly 14,000 articles on the subject were published in 2008 alone, with a potential reach of more than one billion people!


total) mentioned ICF Program Accreditation.

The ICF was specifically mentioned in 1,102 clips in

New tools and services were utilized by the ICF marketing

2008. This number is up 52 percent over 2007. The combined

staff to further outreach to publications around the world. Seven-

circulation of each of the publications that mentioned the ICF

teen press releases were sent to media outlets worldwide in 2008.

in 2008 surpassed 335 million. Of those clips: 601 (55 percent)

In addition to press releases, the ICF reached out through

mentioned the ICF Credential with a potential reach of nearly

personalized media pitches to specific members of the media

200 million readers. This number is also up from 2007—at an

on a global scale. A special effort was made in creating contact

astonishing 96 percent! Seventeen percent of the clips (183 in

with non-North American entities.



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A larger advertising budget in fiscal year 2009 resulted in increased advertising in a number of publications, especially

OTF Recommendations Realized In 2007, the Organizational Task Force was formed to

in European countries. Some of the publications the ICF

assist the ICF Board and staff in the development of options,

advertised in include:

policies and plans to offer an equitable and flexible choice of affiliation models to meet the needs of individual members,

• European Business Review: (circulation–over 64,400)

entities, and alliances with a clear framework of policies,

this journal is targeted for senior strategic managers, research-

structures and accountabilities in the ICF global operating

ers, academics, libraries, public policy makers, and senior

environment. The final recommendations of the task force that

government and industry consultants.

year included many changes and initiatives addressing membership and chapter structure, ICF Partners, and the creation

• European CEO: (circulation– over 45,200) this publication

of Regional Service Centres.

is tailored for CEOs and other decision-making executives who serve on the boards of Europe’s leading companies; and

Regional Service Centres Meeting its goal of launching two ICF Regional Service

• New European Economy: (circulation– over 38,000) this

Centres by the end 2008, the ICF opened virtual Regional

periodical provides in-depth coverage of strategic commercial

Service Centres (RSCs) in EMEA (Europe, Middle East,

management decisions and their impact on corporate bottom

Africa) and in Asia-Pacific on October 1, 2008. These popular

lines across Europe.

centres are greatly improving the level of customer service for chapters and members in these regions while expanding the

• choice: (circulation–over 2,500 ) this magazine is dedicated

ICF’s global presence. Both centres are operating with enhanced outreach in

to the coaching industry.

their respective regions. Shortly, after they opened, they The ICF continues to enjoy exposure in some of the

became involved in the recruitment, promotion and facilita-

world’s most prestigious publications as it continues to be

tion of Virtual Education calls in times zones which are more

increasingly recognized as an important resource for global

convenient to members in Asia-Pacific and EMEA. Further, these centres will help

media outlets.

satisfy the unique needs of potential • Business Day (South Africa);

new ICF members who now have the

• CNN.com (United States);

opportunity to speak with an ICF repre-

• The Daily Telegraph (UK);

sentative in their own time zone during

• Diario Expreso (Peru);

their own business hours.

• European Business Review (Europe);

Isabelle Maes

• Financial Times: New Delhi (India);

Isabelle Maes operates the RSCEMEA based in Brussels. Fiona Toy

• Forbes.com (United States);

heads the RSC-Asia-Pacific in New

• Franchise Wire (New Zealand);

South Wales, Australia. Both Maes

• New Straits Times (Malaysia);

and Toy visited ICF Headquarters in

• Philippine Daily Inquirer (The Philippines);

September 2008 for a weeklong orienta-

• The New York Times (United States);

tion with staff. As part of ICF global

• USA Today (United States);

Fiona Toy

• The Wall Street Journal (United States);

outreach, Maes met with ICF European leaders in Prague in December.

• Washington Post (United States); and • Yahoo! Canada (Canada); etc. w


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International Coach Federation Growing Global Demand for the Credential

ICF Role Delineation/Job Analysis Task Force members and ICF staff.

According to data from the ICF Global Coaching Study

applicants was initiated on a three-week cycle to inform each

conducted in late 2006, more than half (52 percent) of all

of current status.

coaches indicated their clients expect them to be credentialed.

• A total of 19 new assessors were added to the roster with an

In 2008, nearly two-thirds (62.5 percent) of coaching clients

additional 62 still in training.

throughout the world indicated that they had awareness of

• Significant progress was made in streamlining the program

their coach’s level of coach specific certification or credential

accreditation process and the backlog of programs was elimi-

prior to entering into a formal coaching relationship, accord-

nated in 2008.

ing to the ICF Global Coaching Client Study. Among all ICF coaches, 32.6 percent indicated that they are currently pursuing an ICF Credential (2008 ICF Marketing Survey). Credentials have grown by 113 percent over the past two years to 4,598 credentials in 2008, up from 2,158 in 2006. Some 601 media clips specifically mentioning ICF Creden-

ICF Credentialing Program Enhancement Work In order to meet the growing global need for the ICF Credential, the ICF continued in 2008 to further refine its credentialing system and work toward compliancy with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

tials were captured in 2008, an increase of 95.8 percent over

standards for bodies operating certification of persons. This

2007. Of the 1,102 clips mentioning ICF from January through

initiative will increase the ICF’s capacity to satisfy demands for

December 2008, 54 percent made reference to ICF Credentials.

our credentials while streamlining processes to be much more customer-centric and less labor-intensive.

Enhancements made to credentialing program in 2008:

For the purposes of the ICF, the ISO standard serves as

• All credential applications are now accepted year-round.

a framework for a credentialing program that meets globally

• The ACC credential was determined to be valid for

recognized standards and procedures of operation. ISO com-

three years and renewable, with

ICF Test Specification Task Force members and ICF staff.

additional requirements. • ACC applicants (submitting a portfolio application) are now required to document 10 hours of work with a qualified mentor coach. • A full inventory of all credentialing tasks was completed and staff responsibilities reassigned to maximize efficiencies, productivity and improve overall customer service. • Communication with all credential 13



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www.coachfederation.org Expanding Our Knowledge on Coaching pliance does not dictate the specific content or prerequisites required to be granted a credential; rather it provides guidance

ICF Global Coaching Client Study In 2008, the ICF conducted a companion study to the

which promotes the operation of a consistent, objective and

landmark 2007 ICF Global Coaching Study. Two global firms

credible program.

conducted the research for the ICF Global Coaching Client

During 2008, substantial steps were made toward ISO compliance, including the work of the Role Delineation Task Force, distribution of a job analysis survey which was

Study: PricewaterhouseCoopers’ International Survey Unit (ISU) and the Association Resource Centre, Inc. ICF member coaches and non-ICF coaches all over the

completed by 2,028 individuals, recommendations from the

world contributed to this important research endeavor by in-

Test Specifications Task Force as well as the Item Writing Task

viting their clients to participate. Initially, PwC completed five

Force which resulted in the creation of over 300 draft test

focus groups attended by a total of 40 actual coaching clients

questions which are currently undergoing review.

in New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Sydney and London. The

Additionally, the Credentialing Committee began work on

information obtained from these groups contributed greatly

updating, revising and collating overall credential policy docu-

to the implementation of a global online survey of coaching

ments into a single manual, communication levels between ICF

clients. A total 2,165 clients from 64 countries participated in

Headquarters and credentialing applicants improved through

online survey which was offered in English, French, German,

the implementation of regular three-week status updates.

and Spanish for maximum global participation. We intend for the 2008 study to produce relevant data,


such as region specific and/or country specific data, for chap-

For 2008, 1,472 of 1,487 (99 percent) applications received

ter and member use.

were processed, with 1,043 (70 percent) granted a credential

Initial findings from the study were released during

and 35 (2 percent) denied. The total number of 2008 applica-

the Annual Business Meeting held during the International

tions received represents a 5 percent increase over 2007.

Conference in Montréal. Geoff Thacker (Association Resource

The total number of ICF Credential holders by December

Centre) attended the conference and helped promote the study to coaches on site. The Final Report is scheduled to be released

31, 2008 was 4,598 including:

during the first quarter of 2009.

• 2,539 ACCs (55 percent); • 1,426 PCCs (31 percent); and • 633 MCCs (14 percent). Credential testimonies gathered throughout 2008 for Web site, Coaching World. The ICF Marketing Department reached

ICF Research Portal — A Much Anticipated Member Benefit In March 2008, the ICF launched its much anticipated ICF

out to members who renewed their credentials in 2008. Testi-

Research Portal on Coachfederation.org. The portal houses a

monials were collected from 142 ICF Credentialed members

growing collection of research and studies on coaching in one

and then displayed on the ICF Web site and in Coaching World

central location for ICF members and the public.

to encourage others to renew or apply for a credential.

The ICF Research Portal contains both ICF produced and non-ICF produced items, including: articles, case studies, journals, reports and industry links. Response to the portal was especially enthusiastic among members. From its debut through December 31, 2008, the main page of the ICF Research Portal was viewed 60,379 times. During this same time period, the Case Study section proved to be the most popular section of the portal; as it was viewed 54,449 times. The ICF will continue to develop and supplement the con-



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International Coach Federation Expanding Our Knowledge on Coaching (cont.) tent available in the Research Portal, adding documents, espe-

Diversity, Knowledge & Community at 2008 ICF Conference More than 1,500 coaches from 51 countries came to

cially non-English language items, to make even more research

experience four days of exciting networking opportuni-

available to ICF members and the public. Prior to being consid-

ties, world-renowned speakers, a wide range of educational

ered for possible inclusion in the ICF Research Portal, all items

sessions, and multicultural cuisine and entertainment at the

are first evaluated by the Research Reviewing Subcommittee

ICF Annual International Conference in Montréal, Québec,

(RRS), a group whose composition is chosen by the leadership

Canada, November 12–15.

of the ICF Research and Education Committee (R&E).

Coaches from all backgrounds, educational levels, and specialties gathered at the colorful Palais des congrés de

What People said about the Popular ICF Research Portal

Montréal in the city’s center to learn, grow and ultimately deepen the impact of professional coaching around the world.

“The opening of the ICF Research Portal was much an-

The 2008 conference was unmatched in global reach, with 79

ticipated – many coaches and potential clients are interested in

speakers from 16 countries presenting views from five conti-

documented cases. Now there is a central place where coach-

nents—Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North America.

ing research can be located and utilized by interested parties,”

Super sessions, translated in both French and Japanese, were

said Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC, 2008 President of the ICF.

led by world-renowned keynote speakers Dr. Vandana Shiva,

“It is a fantastic repository of coaching research that makes a big step towards the strategic goal that states - ICF will be the

Dr. Peter Senge, and Matthieu Ricard. The second day’s super session included the ICF Annual

source of the most credible and trusted industry information,”

Business Meeting during which 2008 ICF President Diane

said John Blakey, ACC, 2008 Director of Brand Development

Brennan, MBA, MCC, gave a “year in review” presentation

UK ICF Chapter.

highlighting ICF accomplishments for the year, including

Brennan addresses attendees before the keynote presentation.




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www.coachfederation.org 2008 Award Winners Conference attendees dance at the closing Gala event.

The following individuals, chapters, and organizations were honored with ICF Awards during the Montréal conference.

International ICF Prism Award

Brennan with Liz Macann of the BBC.

The prestigious strong growth in members and credential holders. ICF Trea-

International ICF Prism

surer Giovanna D’Alessio, MCC, presented the 2008 Treasurer’s

Award recognizes

Report in which she outlined ICF’s fiscal successes and future

organizations that have

challenges. Also during the Annual Business Meeting 2008

enhanced excellence and

ICF award winners were recognized for their work to move the

business achievement

profession of coaching forward in their part of the world.

through their commit-

Chapter leaders from over 20 countries joined together

Brennan with Andrew Miller and Cassandra Gierden of SYSCO Food Services of Canada

ment to coaching as a

November 12 for the ICF Global Leadership Forum which pre-

leadership strategy.

ceded the ICF Conference’s official opening. The forum allowed

• British Broadcasting

for leaders to network and listen to presentations on coaching

Corporation (BBC)

practices from leaders like them from around the world.

• SYSCO Food Services of Canada

From the whimsical “Le Magie du Canada” opening reception to the sophisticated “Global Rendezvous” closing gala and everything in between, the 2008 ICF Conference gave unparal-

ICF President’s Award Each year, the ICF

leled opportunities for coaches to receive the level of expanded

President selects an

education and conversation they need to develop and grow in

individual for this award

the profession. And as always, the ICF Annual International

based on his/her exem-

Conference set the stage for meaningful and powerful con-

plary work to promote

nections between dedicated coaches who are committed to


advancing the art, science, and practice of professional coach-

• Neil Scotton, ACC,

ing on a global scale.

2008 UK ICF Chapter

Conference attendees provided strong positive feedback

ICF President’s Award recipient Neil Scotton.


on the evaluation survey for both the Super Sessions and the Educational Breakout Sessions. Eighty percent of conference attendees were “satisfied” (either somewhat or extremely) with

ICF Chapter Awards Seven international chapters of the International Coach

their conference experience. Seventy-two percent of conference

Federation were awarded with an ICF Chapter Award during

attendees said they would attend a future ICF Annual Interna-

the Global Leadership Forum in Montréal.

tional Conference based on the educational programming.

The winning chapters were awarded in two categories: Local Spirit, Global Presence–Community Activism Award and Finding Our Voice—Marketing/PR Award.



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International Coach Federation 2008 Award Winners (cont.) Coaches from this chapter assisted in preparing entrepreneur candidates through coaching sessions. This partnership became an example for Endeavor Global and will be replicated in 11 other country offices; and • (Small Chapter) Heartland Coaches ICF Chapter— Kansas City, Missouri, USA: this chapter focused on raising the awareness and visibility of their chapter and the coaching profession as a whole. They contributed to an article in the Kansas City Star, had a panel of three coaches on a local radio ICF Chapter Leaders at the Global Leadership Luncheon in Montréal.

talk show and awarded a $5,000 service grant to a local HIV/ AIDS service provider during International Coaching Week.

Local Spirit, Global Presence– Community Activism Award

Finding Our Voice—Marketing/PR Award

Recipients of the Local Spirit, Global Presence–Commu-

Recipients of the Finding Our Voice—Marketing/PR Award

nity Activism Award have established a significant coaching

have created a successful marketing/PR campaign in their

presence in their communities. Each award category presents


three awards, depending on chapter size (small, medium and large). In 2008, there was a tie for the large chapter category

• (Large Chapter) ICF Chicago Chapter—Chicago, Illi-

for this award.

nois, USA: this chapter expanded the awareness of coaching in Chicago through various printed publications (members were

• (Large Chapter) ICF Metro D.C. Chapter—Wash-

featured in various publications, like Crain’s Chicago Busi-

ington, D.C., USA: this chapter offered pro bono coaching

ness magazine and Chicago Wellness), radio programs (a local

opportunities to community-based nonprofit groups (such as

radio show regularly mentions the chapter’s scheduled events),

Leadership Arlington, A Wider Circle, Greater DC Cares, and

alliances (with various local professional organizations) and

Operation Homefront) and provided innovative and engag-

networking (members attended various networking meetings

ing coaching awareness programs (aimed at the corporate and

and events to introduce people to the CCF);

association/nonprofit markets) that show the return on invest• (Medium Chapter) Federazione Italiana Coach—It-

ment (ROI) of professional coaching;

aly: in 2007, this chapter organized and implemented the first • (Large Chapter) ICF NYC Chapter—New York City,

“Coaching Equality Week” as a week of training, meetings,

New York, USA: this chapter provided various community

and conversations between FIC coaches and local institutions,

outreach and services in New York during 2008. Some of their

associations, universities and schools. This event developed

largest projects this year included: the “Out to Work” Career

a culture around coaching and has created an innovative

Fair, E-Book for American soldiers overseas, career coaching

network of parties willing to provide pro bono coaching with

for students, and career counseling at the Hispanic Alliance

other parties; and

for Career Enhancement (HACE). As a result of these events, plans for future collaborative events are in the works;

• (Small Chapter) ICF Korea Seoul—Seoul, South Korea: this chapter promoted coaching in Korea through various activi-


• (Medium Chapter) ICF Turkey Chapter—Turkey: this

ties, including weekly coaching columns in Joong Ang (a Korean

chapter established a coaching presence and provided pro

newspaper); filmed various nationwide television shows about

bono coaching to a global nonprofit organization, Endeavor.

coaching; as well as various volunteer coaching initiatives.



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www.coachfederation.org ICF Leaders Outreach Around the Globe ICF leaders and staff members traveled all over the world in 2008 for various meetings and conferences, representing the coaching profession on behalf of the association and its many members. These travels were of great importance, allowing the ICF to reach out to its members and the public in a meaningful and personal way while telling the world about coaching and the ICF. Included in the travel agenda were three face-to-face global Board of Directors’ meetings; the first ICF Global Leadership Forum outside North America; and conferences and events in Australia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Peru, Slovakia, the UK and the US.


Brennan and Tweedie meet with ICF European Leaders.

• The global ICF Board of Directors met in Miami, Florida, USA, January 17–19 for the initial annual strategic plan review

tions (ACTO) in San Diego, California, USA. They partici-

and first director’s meeting of 2008.

pated in roundtable discussions with representatives from 17 coach training programs from Canada, Europe and the US.

April • 2008 ICF President Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC, President-


Elect Karen Tweedie, PCC, and ICF Assistant Executive Direc-

• The ICF hosted the first Global Leadership Forum outside

tor Magdalena Mook met with the ICF European Leaders

of North America in conjunction with the ICF European

group in Copenhagen, Denmark. While there, they were also

Coaching Conference (ECC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Chapter

part of an open meeting held by the local chapter for all area

leadership representatives from 20 countries attended this

ICF members and coaches in the surrounding communities.

event. The global Board held its second face-to-face Board

Board member Lene Rønning-Arnesen, PCC, joined them

meeting of the year in Geneva prior to the ECC. Brennan,

for one day in Denmark. While in Copenhagen, Brennan also

Tweedie, Boyler, Mook and other members of the ICF Board

spoke at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Coach-

attended the ECC.

ing Center and the Danish Nurses Organization. • Brennan traveled throughout Europe visiting the United • Tweedie attended the ICF Victoria Chapter’s 300th Member

Kingdom, Czech Republic and Switzerland. Her European

Celebration and professional development event. Tweedie

travels began with a speaking engagement in Oxford for

participated in a panel discussion addressing key points about

the OCM Conference sponsored by the Oxford School of

integrating coaching into the corporate world; what corpo-

Coaching and Mentoring. There she presented a case study on

rate clients are looking for from a coach; and mega trends in

coaching with a chief executive of a hospital organization in


the United States. In London Brennan met with 2008 ICF UK Chapter President Neil Scotton, ACC. She went on to Prague


to a ICF Prague/Czech Republic Chapter meeting arranged by

• Brennan along with ICF Executive Director Gary Boyler and

Marta Anna Petrasova, PCC, ICF Chapter President, with the

Director of Credentialing and Program Accreditation George

chapter leaders, members and individuals interested in learn-

Rogers attended the Coach Training Schools’ Conference

ing more about coaching and ICF as a community.

sponsored by the Association of Coach Training Organizaw


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International Coach Federation ICF Leaders Outreach Around the Globe (cont.) UK ICF Chapter event Make a Difference that focused on how coaches can make a difference in areas of local community, global community, education and sustainability. Sir John Whitmore, 2007 ICF President’s Award winner, was the keynote speaker.


Cannio with ICF Peru members.

• The global ICF Board held their final face-to-face meeting

• Ginger Cockerham, MCC, ICF Vice President, and Boyler

prior to the ICF Annual International Conference in Montréal,

were special guests at the ICF Washington DC/Metro Chapter

Québec, Canada. Brennan, Tweedie, Mook, Boyler and 2008

annual meeting with over 200 attendees.

ICF Secretary/Treasurer Giovanna D’Alessio, MCC, had meetings with representatives of ACTO, GSAEC and the EMCC

• Boyler attended the initial focus group for the ICF Coach-

during the Annual Conference.

ing Client Study held in the New York offices of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

• D’Alessio spoke at the third Conference about Coaching in Slovakia, a joint effort of the Slovak Association of Coaches

• Mook traveled to the United Kingdom for the UK Chapter’s

and the ICF Chapter in Slovakia.

Corporate Day which focused on coaching in organizations. She also attended the final client focus group for the ICF

• Global ICF Board Member Ira Dressner, PCC, addressed

Coaching Client Study with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

attendees at the first ICF Norway Conference in Oslo.


• Brennan spoke at the OD Coaching Corner, held by the

• Brennan participated as a workgroup facilitator at the Global

University of Pennsylvania, on the topic of coaching and

Convention of Coaching (GCC) in Dublin, Ireland. Over 60

behavioral change.

coaches from 16 countries engaged in an intense weeklong process and in conclusion created a declaration for coaching


along with summaries for each workgroup topic. The declara-

• Brennan, Tweedie and Mook met with the ICF European

tion aligns with ICF’s strategic mission and our effort to

Leaders group in Prague, Czech Republic. Mook and Brennan

outreach to other organizations as we work toward advancing

presented a session on ethics in coaching during the EMCC

coaching as a profession. While in Dublin, Brennan also con-

meeting. While in Prague, Brennan and Tweedie held a ses-

nected with the ICF Ireland Chapter.

sion on trends in organizational coaching for HR specialists. The event was organized by the ICF Czech Chapter.

August • Global ICF Board Member Sylviane Cannio, PCC, spoke about Coaching Cases at the launch celebration of ICF Peru.

October • Brennan attended the first McLean Hospital /Harvard Medical School Conference, a two-day event that put evidence-based coaching and a call for coaching research on the world map. • Global ICF Board member Philip Brew, MCC, attended the 19



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D’Alessio addresses coaches in Slovakia.

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www.coachfederation.org Additional Milestones of the Year 2008 Elections for 2009 ICF Board of Directors

3–9, 2008. During this annual celebration of the coaching pro-

In March 2008, ICF bylaws were updated to reflect several

fession, ICF Chapters and members across the world hosted

changes, including a change in the selection of officers for the

special events to create awareness and demonstrate the value

organization. According to the revised bylaws, officers—three

of working with a Personal, Business or Executive Coach.

vice-presidents and secretary/treasurer—were elected by eligible Board members from their peers.

Coaches offered a variety of activities and pro-bono services in their communities during the week, including free

ICF Credentialed members continued to enjoy the privi-

coaching sessions, lectures and workshops. This was the tenth

lege of voting for future ICF leaders on the Board including

year International Coaching Week has been celebrated, origi-

the President-Elect and Directors.

nating in 1999 by Coach Jerri N. Udelson, MCC, from Santa

Seventeen candidates from five countries submitted applications to serve on the Board of Directors in 2009, reflective of the great international make up of ICF’s membership. After

Fe, New Mexico, USA. International Coaching Week is celebrated the first week of February each year.

a month of intense deliberation, the 2008 ICF Nominating Committee proposed a slate of six ICF Credentialed coaches from three countries to fill the open president-elect and director positions on the 2009 global ICF Board of Directors. For the first time in ICF history, a European candidate,

Coaching World Updates The ICF made its monthly e-newsletter Coaching World available to the public in April, displaying a link to each new issue prominently on the home page of Coachfederation.org

Giovanna D’Alessio, MCC, was elected as ICF President-Elect

and no longer requiring members to enter login/password

to serve as the organization’s president in 2010.

information to access the newsletter.

Coachfederation.org Enhancements

articles from members, an Ask the Board column, and more

In addition to going public, features such as more bylined The ICF continued to enhance its online presence in 2008

photographs and graphics were included. All the while, staff

with improvements to its official Web site, Coachfederation.

looked ahead working on further redesign and enhancement

org, while preparing for a major site redesign in early 2009.

for 2009.

Web site enhancements were largely directed by member feedback to the ICF Marketing Survey in early 2008. To honor their commitment and contributions of former

Marketing Survey The in-house ICF Marketing Survey was conducted dur-

ICF leaders, a Past President’s page was added in March, which

ing a 21-day period in February and March, resulting in 692

lists a history of the organization’s presidents with photo-

responses from ICF members. The survey polled members on

graphs, brief bios, contact information, lessons learned, words

their usage of various ICF marketing materials and services.

of wisdom and more for each former president.

Results guided many initiatives throughout the year such as

To better serve our global membership, three language

the three new language microsites of Coachfederation.org and

microsites of Coachfederation.org were developed in French,

user-friendly enhancements to the ICF Online Community,

German, and Spanish. These were the greatest language prefer-

Coaching World, and more.

ences indicated by the ICF Marketing Survey. These microsites, which launched in August, provide translation of key documents and information and will be expanded in the future. During 2008, each microsite received over 27,000 visits

Organizational Partner Council In 2008, the ICF began first-stage development of the ICF Organizational Partner Council, a unique group to be com-

each – Spanish: 28,404; French: 28,574; German: 27,273.

prised of corporations, organizations and government institu-

International Coaching Week 2008

By serving on this council, organizations will have the distinct

tions utilizing and promoting coaching everyday. The ICF celebrated International Coaching Week February w


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opportunity to influence Business and Executive Coaching and d e r

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International Coach Federation Additional Milestones of the Year 2008 (cont.) offer direction, insight, and creativity to enhance the coach-

ethical choices, and addresses concerns of coaches working

ing culture of the future. Through this assembly, the ICF will

within organizations. One specific improvement is the addi-

expand communications and outreach to top tier business and

tion of definitions for client, sponsor, coaching, professional

organizational outlets to build ICF’s corporate reputation and

coaching, and ICF professional coaching. The revised version

elevate the practice of coaching into the mainstream by show-

of the Code truly reflects the complexity of our profession.

casing best practices with documented return on investment.

The 2008 Ethics and Standards Committee was made up of a team of coaches from all over the world including Europe,

ICF Foundation

Asia, North America and Latin America.

In January 2008, the ICF Board authorized the Executive Committee to work with staff to establish the first formal Board of Trustees for the Foundation, including developing

European Communication Audit Conducted In an effort to evaluate how effective communications

the job descriptions and charge for the Board. The Foundation

from the ICF are in certain geographic areas, an outside

exists as a separate nonprofit entity from the ICF and exists

vendor was hired to review materials and provide recommen-

exclusively for education, research and charitable purposes in


professional coaching.

The 2008 Board of Trustees included: Kay Cannon, MCC – President Karen Tweedie, PCC – Treasurer

In Memoriam

Ginger Cockerham, MCC – Vice President Barbara Walton, MCC – Vice President

Michael R. Goldstein, MCC

Increased Chapter Webinars In 2008, the ICF offered 29 Webinars to Chapter Leaders.

President and Founder

These best practice Webinars helped assist chapter leaders with

of COACH2000 Inc.

retention, recruitment, strategic planning, knowledge-based

Died April 15, 2008.

decisions, revenue generation and leadership skills. Plans are in place to include the Regional Service Centres in facilitating more chapter leader Webinars and Virtual Education calls that

Susan Race, PCC

are scheduled during their region’s business hours. Webinars

Founding member of the

are archived on the ICF Web site in the Virtual Education sec-

Philadelphia Area Coaches

tion. Audio recordings are provided for most calls.

Alliance (PACA) ICF Chapter

Code of Ethics revised

Died August 5, 2008.

To remain fair and objective, the ICF must maintain a Code of Ethics that not only protects the public, but also clarifies and educates both the public and coaches about the ethical implications of coaching. In 2008, the Ethics and Standards Committee completed the scheduled three-year review and update to the 2005 ICF Code of Ethics. The 2008 Code, approved by the ICF Board of Directors, effectively reflects our global membership, clarifies 21



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www.coachfederation.org Financial Overview FY09 YTD Revenue by Source

Fiscal Year 2009 (ending March 31, 2009) Pending Audit All figures shown are in USD.

Programs 509,082 FY09 12%

For Fiscal Year 2009, the ICF realized net income of $533,595

Programs 509,082 12%

which becomes the annual contribution to reserves.

Conference 2008 1,205,468 28%

Other points of interest include the following:

Conference 2008 1,205,468 28%

Administrative (Interest)

YTD Revenue by Source 24,896

2% Administrative (Interest) 24,896 2%

Membership 2,636,551 59%

Net income for FY 2009

Membership 2,636,551 59%

was $41,806 more than FY 2008. Total Revenue for FY09: $4,380,144.22

Although the results for the Annual International Conference revenue were down ($67,407) versus budget, the shortfall was

Total Revenue for FY09: $4,380,144.22

FY09 YTD Expense by Source

made up by savings on budget Conference expenses such as Food and Beverage, Speaker Honorarium and Expenses, and


Web/Tech Relations by Source FY09 YTD Expense Administrative 89,943

Regional Service 69,561 2%

Exhibit Sales Commissions, and the overall gain from the Conference was $88,170.

Service Research &Regional Development 206,53369,561 2% 5%

Membership Income


Web/Tech 89,943 2%

364,749 9% Public Relations 364,749 9%

Research & Development Programs 206,533 5%485,017 13%

exceeded budget by $295,268. Program Income

499,530 13%

Administrative 499,530 13% Committees 451,274 12% Committees 451,274 12%

Programs 485,017 13%

exceeded budget by $24,065. With net income projected to be $533,595, the reserve balance

Membership 562,650 15%

Conference 1,117,299 29%

will be approximately $1,860,414. This is pending any changes resulting from the audit.

Membership 562,650 15%

Conference 1,117,299 29%

Total Expenses for FY09: $3,846,594.68

To insure financial stability and be appropriately prudent, the

Total Expenses for FY09: $3,846,594.68

ICF needs to achieve a reserve equal to six months operating expenses. The association has yet to achieve this amount,

All figures shown are in USD.

All figures shown are in USD.

currently equivalent to $2 million, and requiring an additional contribution of $139, 586.



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International Coach Federation Working Toward Our Envisioned Goal In 2008, the ICF continued to expand our global reach and achieve unprecedented growth and recognition in all regions of the world.

Many milestones were reached this year due to our dedicated and talented members and volunteer leaders. As we look toward the future, there are still a number of challenges and opportunities to address through our global coaching community. Our passionate and engaged membership will continue to meet those challenges and seize opportunities to make coaching an integral part of society.

Collectively, with a strategic knowledge-based approach, we can continue to advance the art, science and practice of the coaching profession and reach ever higher levels of accomplishment and success.




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www.coachfederation.org Your ICF Staff Gary E. Boyler

Executive Director

Magdalena Mook

Assistant Executive Director

Jessica Gentry

Administrative Assistant

Credentialing and Program Accreditation George Rogers

Director of Credentialing & Program Accreditation

Wesley Bullock

Credentialing and Program Accreditation Coordinator

Brittany Clark

Credentialing and Programs Training Coordinator

Sherrie Harvey

Credentialing Coordinator

Meaghan Thomas

Credentialing Coordinator

Marketing/Public Relations Ann Belcher Marketing Manager

Kristin Hogue

Marketing Coordinator

Amy W. Richardson Marketing Coordinator

Meetings and Events Denise Stenzel

Director of Meetings and Events

Jackie Burton

Event Coordinator

Membership Don Whittle

Director of Membership

Regional service centre managers Isabelle Maes Fiena Toy Research and Education Mark Ruth

Research and Education Manager

Sales Josh Casey

Sales Account Executive Annual report designed by Adam Martin Martin Design Studio, LLC // www.amartindesign.com



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International Coach Federation Headquarters 2365 Harrodsburg Rd, Suite A325 Lexington, KY 40504 Phone: 888.423.3131 (toll-free) +1.859.219.3580 Fax: +1.859.226.4411 E-mail: icfheadquarters@coachfederation.org ICF Regional Service Centres (RSCs) Asia-Pacific

Phone (within Australia): 02 4340 8848 Phone (outside Australia): +61 2 4340 8848 Fax (within Australia): 02 4340 2122 Fax (outside Australia): +61 2 4340 2122 E-mail: ICFRSCAsiaPacific@coachfederation.org EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

Tel: +32 53 39 34 52 Fax: +32 53 39 37 19 E-mail: ICFRSCEurope@coachfederation.org

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