Annual Report 2021/22

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ANNUAL REPORT June 30, 2022

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Athletics and Activities


Our Community


Financial Report


The International School of Prague is an international, progressive, and innovative school that serves learners from all over the globe. Our mission is to Inspire, Engage, and Empower all learners, and is realized through our compelling student profile where our students are Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers. Changemaking is at the core of who we are and what we do.

FROM THE DIRECTOR At the conclusion of my first year at the International School of Prague, I am profoundly moved by how much I love Prague, love the school, and love living in Europe. It has been a pleasure to serve as the ISP Director and I look forward to what lies ahead.

In the 2021/22 school year, we updated

the school mission statement where we Inspire, Engage, and Empower learners to include the characteristics of students for the future, where students will be Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers. The more robust version of our mission represents what we are working towards in all parts of the school, and how we will align our programs and practices for students as we look to the future. As part of the work in aligning our curriculum to our mission, in December of 2021, we made a strategic decision to become a Full Continuum International Baccalaureate (IB) school. This includes the adoption of the PYP (Primary Years Programme - ECF 3/4 to Grade 5), the MYP (Middle Years Programme - Grades 6 through 10), and the CP (Career-related Programme - Grades 11 and 12). These programs will support our long-standing and reputable IB Diploma Programme, a hallmark of ISP which has been in place for over 20 years. This full continuum IB decision aligns directly with our mission statement and what we believe is best for students.

This year our seniors scored extremely

well on the IB Diploma, as they have for many years in our history. We were able to award the IB Diploma to 98% of our students who applied, with an average score of 35. Of these students, 26% scored over 40, and one of our students scored a perfect score of 45. We are extremely proud of the performance of these students, especially in light of spending their entire 11th grade year learning online, and much of the last year learning while being subject to Covid testing and learning while masked. I am also pleased to report that over the course of the academic year, ISP made a full enrollment recovery from the dip associated with Covid. We began the year with 841 students, and by the end of the year had enrolled 891 students in the school. This June enrollment is consistent with pre-covid enrollment and this spring we had record breaking admission requests. We are anticipating full enrollment for the 2022/23 school year. As Covid restrictions lessened in the spring of 2022, we worked hard to bring families back on campus, hosting the Party in the Park, the International Food Fair, and other school events that allowed our community to re-establish relationships and reconnect with one another. This was extremely important for many of our families who missed the connectedness of our community.


The 2021/22 school year was extraordinary. I am particularly proud of the resilience of our students, families, and staff who delivered an amazing educational experience even in challenging circumstances. I appreciate all of those who have welcomed me personally and professionally to the community and I look forward to what we will achieve ahead. Warm regards,

Dr. Chip Kimball


The ISP Senior Leadership Team represents the senior management of the School, and is led by the Director. They are tasked with bringing all aspects of the School closer to achieving ISP’s mission and strategic goals.


Dr. Chip Kimball Director

Teresa Belisle Director of Learning Research & Development

Sheldon Bradshaw Director of Information Technology

Petr Draxler Director of Human Resources

Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal

Barry Freckmann Director of Finance and Operations

Anthony Hennelly Activities and Athletics Director

Michelle Juhasz Middle School Principal

Monica Stanciu Director of Advancement

Dr. Eric Sturm Upper School Principal

Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal

ISP TO BECOME A FULL INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE® (IB) CONTINUUM SCHOOL In the 2021/22 School Year, ISP decided to begin the process to become a Full International Baccalaureate (IB) Continuum School, in addition to our reputable and long-standing IB Diploma Programme. Full authorization to become an IB Full Continuum School by adding the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the Career-related Programme (CP), is expected in the School Year 2023/24. When we consider our goal of creating Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers, the IB mission is aligned with our school’s mission.

By adopting the Full IB Continuum

framework, ISP will retain the identity, values, and mission that is true to who we are as a school while reaping the tremendous benefits of being a part of this international network. Becoming an IB Full Continuum School provides significant advantages for our students, families, and teachers, including giving us access to experienced IB educators, aligned curricular resources, and guidance from like-minded school leaders about the best practices and programs around the globe. It also provides a “curricular guarantee” that the content and experiences for students are of the highest quality, and with so many international schools using the IB framework, families will

have more ease and portability moving from one country to another.

CURIOSITY AND INQUIRY: PYP (Primary Years Programme) The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is preparing students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. The PYP is designed for students in ECF 3/4 to Grade 5.

The PYP focuses on the development

of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world. The PYP is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. Through these themes, students develop and demonstrate knowledge, the Learner Profile attributes, and the Approaches to Learning (ATL). The Learner Profile attributes and the ATLs provide the foundational skills and dispositions for the development of international-mindedness. The Grade 5 Exhibition is the culminating event in the PYP that is student-initiated, student-designed, and collaborative. Students have the opportunity to investigate a topic, show responsibility for their learning, and capacity to take action. Through the PYP, students become agents of their own learning which will serve them for a lifetime.



LIFELONG SKILLS AND CONCEPTS: MYP (Middle Years Programme) The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is preparing students to be successful in school and to be active, lifelong learners. The MYP is a broad, balanced curriculum designed for students in Grades 6 -10. It provides a framework of learning which focuses on skills development and encourages students to become creative, critical, and reflective thinkers.

The MYP emphasizes intellectual

challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies and the real world. Embedded in the MYP is a focus upon service learning and project-based learning through the Grade 8 Community Project and the Grade 10 Personal Project. The MYP fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding, and global engagement, qualities that are essential in the 21st century.

A WELL-ESTABLISHED HALLMARK OF ISP: DP (Diploma Programme) The Diploma Programme (DP) is already well-established at ISP and has been a hallmark of our Upper School program for 25 years. The DP is an academically challenging and balanced programme with final examinations that prepare

students, Grade 11 and 12, for success at university and life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of students. The programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.

UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY WITH REAL-WORLD ENGAGEMENT: CP (Career-related Programme) The Career-related Programme (CP) incorporates the vision and educational principles of the IB into a unique programme specifically developed for students who wish to engage in more focused career-related learning. The CP’s flexible educational framework allows schools to meet the needs, background, and contexts of students. Deep in the culture of our school is an appreciation for our international diversity, high quality teaching and learning, and a culture of kindness that permeates every part of our school. There is also a deep commitment to our mission that ensures that our students are Inspired, Engaged, and Empowered through their experiences at ISP to be Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers. We are excited to embark on this journey to become an authorized IB Full Continuum School, knowing that the values and mission of ISP will be fulfilled and celebrated throughout this process.


Early Childhood Foundations

Elementary School

Middle School

IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)

IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Ages 3 – 12

Ages 11 – 16

Upper School

IB Career-related Programme (CP)

Ages 16 – 19



“In the 2021/22 Annual Report, you will find strong academics, solid financial standings, and an impressive reputation for teaching and learning in Prague and Europe. Most importantly, you will see that the school is making great strides to make ISP even better.” Staffan Erenmalm, Chair of the ISP Board of Trustees (2018 - 2022)

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD (2018 - 2022) As Chair of the ISP Board, it is my pleasure to present the 2021/22 Annual Report to you. The 2021/22 school year served as my seventh and final year as a Board member at ISP. I had three children who graduated from ISP, and we spent 16 years as parents and community members. This was a year of transition for the school, as one of my primary responsibilities was to help our new director, Dr. Chip Kimball, transition into his role, as well as transition a new Board Chair, Mr. Gabriel Eichler, to the chairmanship. I am proud that the transition on all accounts has gone extraordinarily smoothly. I am confident that Mr. Eichler will do a tremendous job helping to support our Director and helping to steward the long-term vision and direction of ISP. Our board is highly qualified and deeply engaged in the strategic direction and financial wellbeing of our school. In the 2021/22 Annual Report, you will find strong academics, solid financial standings, and an impressive reputation for teaching and learning in Prague and Europe. Most importantly, you will see that the school is making great strides to make ISP even better. I look forward to seeing what is ahead for the International School of Prague. Warm regards,

Staffan Erenmalm Chair of the ISP Board of Trustees (2018 - 2022)


ISP is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees which meets regularly throughout the year. Its members each serve a three-year term with a maximum of two terms. The Board is supported by four Committees: Advancement, Building and Grounds, Finance, and Governance.


Staffan Erenmalm Board Chair

Dave Sturgeon Board Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair

Martin Blecha Board Secretary, Governance Committee Chair

Susanna Bäckman Building & Grounds Committee Chair

Ivo Bárta Member

Dorota Keleher Member

Dena Brownlow Member

Martin Kováč Member

Gary Mazzotti Advancement Committee Chair

Jan Sýkora Honorary member

Gabriel Eichler Vice Chair



Gabriel Eichler Board Chair

Susanna Bäckman Building & Grounds Committee Chair

Martin Blecha Advancement Committee Chair

Dena Brownlow Member

Dorota Keleher Member

Irene Kernkamp-Bloemkolk Board Secretary, Governance Committee Chair

Martin Kováč Member

Brian Wardrop Board Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair

Jean-Pascal Duvieusart Member

Early Childhood Foundations (18-25) Elementary School (26-33)

LEARNING@ISP Teresa Belisle Director of Learning Research & Development

Middle School (34-41) Upper School (42-51)

Our learning program offers students the potential of building life-long understandings, skills, and dispositions to be successful at ISP, and in their educational and professional pursuits in the future. The following learning stories show how this vision comes to life in the classrooms at ISP and beyond.


Early Childhood Foundations

“Our Reggio-Inspired early years‘ learning environment values hands-on experiential learning for all students through play, exploration of materials, and an emergent curriculum. I firmly believe that each child is a unique individual, capable, curious, and full of potential.“ Samira Bello, Early Childhood Foundations 3/4 Teacher

EARLY CHILDHOOD FOUNDATIONS Young children grow their ideas through play, observation, questions, and conversations. Our highly qualified and expert educators leverage a child’s natural curiosity to nurture budding geographers, anthropologists, scientists, readers, writers, and mathematicians. Children learn in Reggio-inspired classrooms, as well as diverse outdoor learning spaces, and the beautiful nature reserve on our doorstep. ISP’s Early Childhood Foundations welcomes children from three years old. LEADERSHIP 2021/22


Dr. Cindy Gause-Vega Elementary Principal

Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal

Jimena Zalba Elementary School Associate Principal

Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal






Data accurate as of June 2022

3 - 5/6






PLAYING TO LEARN At ISP, beginning in Early Childhood Foundations (ECF), children and teachers collaborate as researchers, thinkers, and communicators. Together, they buil a community, and children look after each other as neighbors and friends. ECF is often the beginning of a child‘s social journey when children leave the familiarity of the home environment and join a school community. Constantly on the move, children connect to one another in the welcoming space of our indoor and outdoor learning environments.

Here, children have opportunities to

develop creative minds, caring hearts, and strong bodies throughout the day. Outside, they learn new games through movement and play, enjoying the mud kitchen, riding on tricycles, discovering nature, and adventuring through the yard. In the classroom, they express curiosity as they explore new concepts like the water cycle, and construct meaning through questions, experimentation of materials, and storytelling. They learn to care for themselves by developing independence and building relationships with teachers and friends. In Early Childhood Foundations, children become part of a community where relationships and belonging are the foundation for learning and play.

“Friends are like presents, and I like to open presents.“ Eva, ECF 5


WEAVING CREATIVE EXPRESSION WITH TECHNOLOGY The Atelier, or “the studio,” is a space where new languages of expression are discovered, and children encounter materials and techniques to explore artistically. As part of our visual arts program in Early Childhood Foundations (ECF), children in ECF5 engage in a yearlong creative project in the Atelier with our Atelierista (Art Teacher). In the 2021/22 school year, our brilliant Atelierista, Ms Akshaya Krishnamoorthy, designed a multi-phase project to bring children on a creative journey into the world of weaving. Throughout the year, young artists progressed through a series of experiences with weaving, from manipulating paper looms and learning basic techniques, to working with yarns and textiles on small-scale artworks, to finally, planning a large-scale installation that incorporated technology and storytelling.

This final installation, “The Weaving Giant,“ was designed in collaboration with Upper School Technology and Innovation Coach, Dr. Elizabeth Perry, and used small microcontroller boards called “MaKeyMaKey” and the Scratch programming language to code stories into the weaving. When visitors touched the metal fasteners attached to the yarn, stories the children had recorded would play. These stories ranged from tales of magical snails that turn animals into ballerinas to stories about the world‘s creation.

“One of the highlights of the exhibition

for me was a moment when the ‘talking weavings’ weren’t working properly, and a six-year-old began to troubleshoot and within moments she had found, and fixed, the broken connection.” Dr. Elizabeth Perry Upper School Technology and Innovation Coach

“This exhibition is evidence of children

as capable creators. They can work on a monumental scale with sculptures larger than themselves, or produce delicate handheld pieces of weavings – all while exploring and tinkering with new technology.” Akshaya Krishnamoorthy Atelierista

“The Weaving Giant” was on exhibit in the Learning Innovation Hub from February through March 2022, and was a powerful display of innovation and imagination created by our youngest students. In addition to this local exhibition of innovation and student learning, Ms. Krishnamoorthy and Dr. Perry‘s collaboration has been recognized internationally. Leeds2023 Year of Culture awarded them seed funding to meet and work with artists and early childhood educators in the UK. The two of them taught a workshop at the Tetley Museum of Contemporary Art in April 2022, during ISP‘s spring break.



ENGINEERS, AUTHORS, AND THE WONDERS OF WATER Young children grow their ideas through play, observation, questions, and conversations. In our Reggio-inspired classrooms, expert educators nurture children’s curiosity and learning through Units of Inquiry (UOI) and transdisciplinary themes. Each year in ECF3/4, children investigate four transdisciplinary themes. In the Inquiry Unit, “How the World Works: Dialogue with Water,“ children were particularly interested in learning about different types of water and how water flows from its source. To investigate this phenomenon, the class took many water walks in our forest to investigate the creek and the pond, documenting and discussing our observations along the way.

“This exploration led to a change in

their behavior when using water. They often reminded each other of the value of water and how we can save water to live a sustainable life.” Samira Bello Early Childhood Foundations 3/4 Teacher

Back in the classroom, students used their understanding of scientific principles to create a structure with water pipes that could replicate the water flow. Throughout the construction process, children tested the water speed and often adjusted the pipes to suit their needs, theories, or findings about water. In addition to being engineers, our children were also authors and wrote many fiction and non-fiction books about their water investigations.


ROBOTS AND PLAY: BUILDING COMMUNITY We begin every school year with the theme of “Building Community,” as connecting with students and nurturing a sense of belonging, safety, recognition, and communication is essential for teaching and learning. Extraordinary things happen when children, educators, and families come together to build a learning community.

“We want to discover what each child

is interested in, what they love to do, how they express their identity and individual perspective, and how we can use all of this to work, play, and learn together. ” Debbie Wilenski ISP Reggio Specialist and ECF 5 Teacher


In our first Unit of Inquiry on “Building Community,” we asked children: “What could we build or make that would be useful for our community?” The children immediately decided to work large-scale, experimenting and creating their ideas through creative play and art. Robots were a popular theme, and the fantastic variations included giant robots of paper, metal robots with all sorts of built-in gadgets, helper robots, and even a honeyapple robot!

LEARNING@ISP Elementary School

“The Jazz Dock Orchestra workshops at the ISP campus in October 2021 allowed students to learn firsthand from professional musicians, and experience the music they have studied in class come to life on the stage. Our ISP music program engages and inspires students to make music, as well as to understand and appreciate live music.“ Suzanne Higgins, ES Music Teacher

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Primary age children learn through their investigative and creative powers. When curiosity drives their learning, they flourish as geographers, historians, scientists, readers, writers, and mathematicians. Our highly qualified and experienced educators leverage this curiosity through thoughtfully designed authentic learning experiences. Children thrive in our contemporary and spacious classrooms, engaging in our outdoor learning spaces, and in the beautiful nature reserve on our doorstep. LEADERSHIP 2021/22


Dr. Cindy Gause-Vega Elementary Principal

Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal

Jimena Zalba Elementary School Associate Principal

Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal






Data accurate as of June 2022







UNIT OF INQUIRY: HOW DO SCIENTISTS ANSWER QUESTIONS? At ISP, our Units of Inquiry are centered around key social and physical science conceptual understandings and skills. Literacy and numeracy outcomes are embedded in these units, creating integrated experiences for students where they can explore a topic deeply and learn from all perspectives.

Curiosity is at the heart of science,

and students at ISP love to grapple with the big ideas and questions that are generated during science lessons. In their Unit of Inquiry, “How do scientists answer questions?” fifth grade students had the opportunity to learn from professional scientists who visited ISP and led an experiment about water solubility.


Through this process, our students experienced firsthand the importance of a clear question, precise measurements, and how to collaborate with others in a scientific process. Students also explored the properties of liquid nitrogen, and were filled with wonder as they observed the effects of mixing it with water, and what happens when it comes in contact with air. At the end of this experience, the scientists were able to apply the extreme cold of liquid nitrogen to milk and make ice cream! Understanding how to ask, and answer, questions in science is a complex process that requires students to integrate many different skills, and requires patience and perseverance. Working with science experts from Prague exposed our students to the real world work of scientists, beyond the walls of our campus.

ELEMENTARY OUTDOOR EDUCATION: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING The ISP Elementary Outdoor Education program provides students with incredible experiences to become more connected to the natural world, inspiring them to think deeply about the environment, sustainability, and ways they can become changemakers for our planet. In 2021/22, there have been many opportunities to create meaningful experiences in nature that integrate and support the classroom Units of Inquiry.

Whether it be investigating trees,

habitats, insects and life cycles, or perhaps learning about how to grow a garden and harvest food, these real-world experiences in nature are tremendously beneficial for all our ISP learners. Students love spending time in the forest, and Forest Days have become a highly anticipated event in the Elementary School. On Forest Days, students are fully immersed in nature and have the opportunity to experience a variety of outdoor activities like shelter building with tarpaulins, bungees, and other tools. Students also enjoy exploring insect life with magnifying glasses, and have learned new skills like building a fire and cooking outdoors.

On campus, we have created raised gardening beds, and students are experiencing first-hand the cycle of food production, learning how to plant, nurture, and harvest fruits and vegetables.

“We continuously look to nature

to inspire us and often practice our observation skills by representing the natural world through art projects, creative exercises, or doing mindfulness activities that connect us with the earth.” Kerry Craig Outdoor Learning Teacher

All of these opportunities to learn and play outdoors develop a love of nature that not only promotes wellbeing for our students and a connection with the earth, but also builds their curiosity and compassion for each other and the world around us.



THINK – MAKE – TEST: THE CYCLE OF LEARNING When Mr. Patrick Frape, Elementary Technology Coach, asked students in Grades 2 - 5 to solve a design challenge, students were eager to get in the Idea Lab and start making!

The Idea Lab is a technology and designfocused maker space integrated into the Learning Innovation Hub. The Idea Lab supports students’ curiosity, extending hands-on learning with both traditional and contemporary tools. Students in Elementary School go to the Idea Lab once a week during their “Coding and Design” class.

The challenge was to design a plastic widget to pick up a water bottle with a pencil, without allowing the pencil to directly touch the water bottle. There’s nothing like a creative challenge to inspire student curiosity and motivation!

“Give kids interesting problems to

solve, the tools to do it, and an approach, and they will behave like engineers!” Patrick Frape Elementary Technology Coach


Over the course of three 40-minute sessions, the students learned to engage in a “Think-Make-Test” design cycle. Students used 3D design software to visualize their ideas, printed their widgets with the Idea Lab’s 3D printers, and then tested their creations to consider improvements. This design challenge inspired students to not only think like engineers, but to use and understand a “Think-Make-Test” cycle of learning that will guide them in all types of discoveries, from the design world and beyond.



The Grade 5 Exhibition is a capstone project that celebrates the learning journey and growth of our fifth graders as they finish their Elementary School experience. For this culminating project, 5th graders researched and completed a personal project inspired by their Units Of Inquiry, and addressing one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for the Grade 5 Exhibition projects encouraged our students to conduct deep research and expand their understanding of important world issues.


The projects were an authentic and powerful demonstration of how our students are Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers. During the presentation of the projects in the Landau Theater, students shared their understandings and insights with each other, their parents, and students from across the school. This exchange of ideas sparked curiosity and wonder across our whole community, and was a beautiful way to acknowledge our students as they transition to the next phase of their education.

LEARNING@ISP Middle School

“In addition to academics, Middle School also taught us many important personal skills. We learned to make decisions with the freedom we were given in Middle School. Class of 2026, there is still so much for us to learn about our world, ourselves, and the people around us. So keep going strong in Upper School, continue going strong after Upper School, and throughout your beautiful lives.” Max D, Grade 8 Leavers Ceremony speaker

MIDDLE SCHOOL Students thrive when they feel safe, supported, and are known by teachers and peers. Our highly qualified and experienced educators create an engaging environment where students explore who they are as learners during this key developmental phase. LEADERSHIP 2021/22


Matt Smith Middle School Principal


Michelle Juhasz Middle School Principal







Data accurate as of June 2022



UNCOVERING HISTORY: THE JUNIOR CURATOR CHALLENGE For over a decade, 8th grade students have been invited to the Lobkowicz Palace in Nelahozeves for the Junior Curator Challenge. In this year-long project, students become ‘Junior Curators’ and engage in the process of artifact discovery.

Students learn from professional

museum curators, and engage in research, observation, and reflection to uncover the story of their appointed object, which could be decades to centuries old. Over the course of the year, ‘Junior Curators’ develop a deep understanding of their artifact, finding links between Bohemia, central Europe, and the rest of the world, as well as realizing significant connections between past and present history. This project culminated on May 11, 2022 in the Lobkowicz Palace, Prague Castle, where ‘Junior Curators’ formally presented their findings to their classmates, teachers, parents, museum curators, and the Lobkowicz family.

The Curator Challenge is an

extraordinary opportunity for students to experience the real-world profession of museum curation, and explore the intersection of history, research, and creativity while strengthening their collaboration and communication skills.


SKILLS FOR THE STAGE, AND BEYOND Band at ISP is a unique space where students come together to collaboratively create music and connect the community through this powerful form of expression. Periodically, the ISP Band will also invite professional musicians, local artists, and alumni musicians to the stage, bringing diversity, learning, and life experience to our student musicians and community.

“In Band we use our head, heart, and

hands to reach a common goal of sharing our music with the community. Music makers are changemakers in countless ways.” Lindsey Simondet Middle and Upper School Band Director

Performing in concerts is a joyful way to celebrate the teamwork and collaboration that happens behind the scenes, as students learn to be part of a band and get on stage together. Being in the ISP Band is about the “we” not the “me” and students learn transferable life skills, like how to support one another, work through mistakes and challenges, and celebrate successes. In the spring of 2021, the ISP Band performed two concerts. One concert was in collaboration with Riverside School, and the other one featured Visiting Artists: Andy Schofield, Tomas Mann, Tereza Drvotova, Jakub Svejnar, and alumna Suri Ridder (Class of 2021).


STRETCHING TIME, MINDS, AND CAPACITY Middle and Upper School Stretch Days are thoughtfully scheduled throughout the school year to offer students the space and time to go deeper with their learning. These days support extended activities in the classroom or provide the perfect opportunity to explore outside of the ISP campus, travel the surrounding area, or host guest speakers and industry professionals. Last year, inspired by the work with Inspire Citizens, an organization dedicated to “educating for change,” the 6th grade team developed a unit on “Empathy to Action.” In this unit, students progressed their understanding of climate change, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the lenses of sustainability.


The students investigated sustainable solutions to address global issues associated with climate change and created action plans to mitigate these issues and take action for our future.

On Stretch Day, students celebrated their learning with presentations for their peers, parents, and grade 5 students. D’Arcy Lunn, founder of Teaspoons for Change, served as the keynote speaker for the celebration event.

ECOLOGICAL ART AND ARTISTIC SCIENCE: INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT In the interdisciplinary unit “Ecological Art and Artistic Scientists,” launched by Mr. Ashley Hannam (Middle School Science Teacher) and Mr. Petr Dimitrov (Middle School Art Teacher), Middle School students explored the connection between the skills and understandings they are developing as artists and as scientists. Moved by the tremendous natural beauty in the forests that surround ISP, and curious about the ecological mysteries that lie beneath the forest floor, students were eager to dive into this project and investigate these “unseen” parts of our ecosystem. From investigating the nutrients in plants to studies of leopard slugs, moss, and fungi, students focused on observing and documenting small species that are typically overlooked and often undervalued.

Students experienced a range of learning opportunities in this collaboration, from investigating the cause-and-effect relationships and interactions necessary for the transfer of energy in an ecosystem, to understanding how models of ecosystems represent complex relationships and interactions in a system. Students became skilled at using microscopes and field journals, and capturing their observations through sketches and notes

“In class, we learn that science is

a method used to learn about the world around us, and art provides us with tools to record this world and express our thoughts, emotions and wonderings about it. During our journey into “The Unknown Place,” these two equally important, and very human achievements, have been combined.” Jaden Grade 7


Through this investigation, students began to understand the complexity of our local ecology and determined the environmental message they wanted to share with the community. In translating their message artistically, students considered what visual strategy and medium would best convey their new knowledge, and create a compelling and inspiring piece of art.


This art and science collaboration

culminated in the exhibition “An Unknown World,” in which students brought together their in-depth scientific learning and creative inquiry into a range of unique two-dimensional and threedimensional artworks on display for the community.


The ISP Upper School Theater Arts students worked exceptionally hard on the production of MACBETH 2021. The entire production company was thrilled with their creative accomplishments. The feeling was one of great satisfaction - felt not only by the cast of performers, but also by the audience members and parents. We will never forget MACBETH 2021!

UPPER SCHOOL Upper School students learn to think critically, creatively, and deeply, within and across disciplines, while taking on authentic and real world challenges. Highly qualified and experienced IB Diploma educators guide young adults in gaining expertise in their areas of interest, as they prepare for university and purposeful lives.

Dr. Eric Sturm Upper School Principal








Data accurate as of June 2022



TEDxYouth@ISP: IDEAS WORTH SHARING TEDxYouth@ISPrague is a yearly signature half-day event, curated by, organized by, and featuring our Upper School students and select guests. ISP’s 7th annual TEDxYouth event took place in September 2021 in the Learning Innovation Hub and showcased ten presentations on a vast range of ideas. ISP student Eldar, in Grade 11, was one of our speakers, sharing his 16-year journey of language acquisition. Originally from Kyrgyzstan, Eldar has learned Czech and English, in addition to his mother tongue. Eldar said there were many learnings gleaned from preparing for and delivering this talk, but highlighted that focusing on the audience’s perspective was paramount.

“Knowing how to grab and sustain their attention is something I can use for public speeches but also in day-to-day life conversations. I like public speaking, so hopefully, whether it is at ISP or in any of my future endeavors, I aim to use these skills to share my ideas with others.” Eldar Grade 11


BRANDALISTS: CHANGEMAKERS WITH A MESSAGE Interdisciplinary learning requires students to consider and connect complex ideas from different perspectives, and is key to developing critical and creative thinkers who can use their skills to become positive changemakers.

In the 2020/21 school year, Grade 11 IB

English Language & Literature students engaged in a creative exploration of culture, identity, and language through the “Brandalist” project. Led by Ms. Madeleine Cox, the Upper School English Teacher, and Mr. Petr Dimitrov, the Middle School Visual Arts Teacher, this interdisciplinary project challenged students to create a piece of art using the tools of Bansky’s street art to draw attention to, and convey, a message regarding political and social issues, such as consumerism or environmental concerns.

Students identified and researched

an area of global concern and then brainstormed ways to express this issue in a compelling visual representation. They then spray-painted their “Brandalist”’ works in an outside corridor, encouraging others to consider the meaning and message of the works.



IDEA LAB: A PLACE WHERE IDEAS FLOURISH The Idea Lab is truly a laboratory for exploration and experimentation; a place to discover, formulate, experiment, reject and pursue ideas of all kinds and shapes. It is a creative space where students think with their hands, and tinker to learn. Led by the Technology and Innovation Coaches, Dr. Elizabeth Perry, Patrick Frape, and Lyle Bobyk, the Idea Lab hosts an impressive array of machinery like laser cutters, sewing machines, 3D printers, a vinyl cutter, and a programmable embroidery machine, as well as bins of resources and materials that continually change and evolve in content over time.

The Idea Lab serves as both an open drop-in center for students and teachers, as well as a learning space for classes in Elementary, Middle, and Upper School. Very popular in Upper School is the Interactive Tech Elective where students explore the intersection of creativity and computer science, and learn a wide range of skills encompassing everything from programming to embroidery. From electronic fortune tellers to light-triggered windmills, interactive arcade games, and singing rainbow pigs, the wild and wonderful results of this elective were as impressive as they were innovative.

“Whatever a student imagines, we

can help them model it in the Idea Lab. Working with physical stuff is challenging - but it’s a good challenge. Students persist, and they surprise themselves. We are fortunate to have the tools, materials, and understanding to help them explore, develop, and connect their big ideas.” Dr. Elizabeth Perry Technology and Innovation Coach


CELEBRATING THE CLASS OF 2022 On May 28th, 2022, ISP celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2022, which after two years of non-traditional ceremonies, was held back at the breathtaking Žofín Palace. The seniors were joined by friends, family, and faculty members to recognize their hard work and dedication. The momentous ceremony included addresses from students and faculty, reflecting on the strength, perseverance, and triumphs of the Class of 2022 during their time at ISP.


“Continue to grow, blossom, and

flourish. Use the lessons learned to propel you forward to happiness in whatever endeavor you choose to pursue. Continue to work hard, flexibly, and cooperatively to confront the challenges that you will most certainly encounter. You have succeeded here at ISP and with this, I know you can succeed anywhere and in whatever you choose to do.” Dr. Eric Sturm US Principal


Aalto University (FI) American University of Paris (FR) Anglo-American University (CZ) Berlin International University of Applied Sciences (DE) BIMM (DE) Charles University (CZ) Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ) Delfts University of Technology (DE) Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (CH) Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL) Evangelische Hochschule Berlin (DE) EU Business School Fashion School Instituto Marangoni in Milan (IT) Jacobs University (DE) Johannes Kepler University (DE) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) Leiden University College The Hague (NL) Luiss University (IT) Maastricht University (NL) Škoda Auto University (CZ) Techincal University Munich (DE) The Hague University of Applied Sciences (NL) Tilburg University (NL) Trinity College Dublin (IR) University College Dublin (IR) UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (CZ) University of Amsterdam (NL) University of Groningen (NL) University of Malta (MT) University of New York in Prague (CZ) University Of Twente (NL) Utrecht University (NL)

United Kingdom

Bath Spa University Bournemouth University Brighton & Sussex Medical School City, University of London Hult University King‘s College London LCCM Loughborough University Nottingham Trent University Regent‘s University University College London University for the Creative Arts Univeristy of Aberdeen University of Bath

University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Essex University of Greenwich University of Hull University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Queen Mary in London University of Reading University of Surrey University of Warwick University of York

United States

American University Brigham Young University Boston University Christopher Newport University Coastal Carolina University Drew University Fashion Institute of Technology Fordham University Hendrix College Johns Hopkins University Lynn University New York University Northeastern University Parsons School of Design Penn State University Pepperdine University Pratt Institute Radford University Sacred Heart University Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design Southern Methodist University The New School University of California Davis University of California San Diego University of Chicago University of Colorado Boulder University of Florida University of Massachusetts Boston University of Rochester University of San Diego

University of Utah University of Virginia University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Vassar College Ventura College Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Military Institute


Abu Dhabi International Law School of Sorbonne-Assas New York University: Abu Dhabi


University of Melbourne


McGill University Ryerson University University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Toronto University of Waterloo


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea University Seoul National University


DIPLOMA RESULTS CLASS OF 2020–2022 Points Awarded





40 -45




35 -39




30 -34




24 -29











Total IB Diploma Candidates




Percentage of 12th grade




Average Total Score




World Average




Pass Rate






The ISP experience is far more than what happens in classrooms. We consider our activities, off-campus experiences, and service opportunities to be important aspects of the student experience. Opportunities include after-school activities and athletics, big classroom-based projects, service, student-run clubs, and other activities that contribute to the development of a child.

ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES The purpose of the Athletics and Activities program is to promote the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of our students. We offer programs that meet the diverse needs of students through multiple offerings across each section of the school. Our international education is student-centered, encouraging personal excellence in academics, arts, sports, and a number of activities that interest students. We celebrate diversity and help instill in our students the open-mindedness to think globally. We promote individual responsibility for lifelong learning, service, and achievement. Leaders, coaches, and students display the ideals of teamwork, commitment, sportsmanship, persistence, and fair play. ISP community members show respect to fellow participants, activity leaders, as well as visiting school’s communities and officials. These values of our Athletics and Activities program create an environment of impact for our students and community. LEADERSHIP 2021/22


Joe Monks Activtivities and Athletics Director

Anthony Hennelly Activities and Athletics Director



ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 9 Sports Teams / 45 Clubs MIDDLE SCHOOL 9 Sports Teams / 25 Clubs UPPER SCHOOL 9 Sports Teams / 34 Clubs



Arts and Craft Notebooking Kindess Club Rock Painting Strings Aboard Football Hiking in Nature Ball Games Young Film Set Bollywood Dance Swimming Rugby Free Drawing Cricket Floorball Basic Spanish Song and Games Childrens Book Basketball Ballet Table Tennis Free Drawing Coding Chess Fun with LEGOs Jump Rope Modern Dance Exploring Poetry Investment Club Drawing, Reading and Writing in Nature Woodwind Band Group Crafts Club Falcon News Handball Mindful Mandala Coloring Yoga for kids Board Games&Library Activities Cross Country Botanic Lab French Knitting Free Drawing Breakdance Active Fitness Reading&Writing Graphic Novels Brass Band Group

Time Together

Hiking in Nature

Jewelry Making Fun Falcon Spirit Squad Kung Fu Board, Card Games and Puzzles


Football Singing and Music Production Basketball Volleyball Homework Hub Modern Dance Yoga for Teens Band Festival Club Swimming Czech for beginners Softball Cross Country Floorball Young Film Set Golf course Functional Fitness Break Dance Bollywood Dance ISP Pride Roots & Shoots Robotics Drama Activity Song Writing & Production Study Hall Speech and Debate Student Council Focus on Art Kung Fu Mathcounts Creative Writing Knitting for a Need Tennis Remote control plane building Girls Who Code



Remote control plane building

Biking Club Softball Basketball Model United Nations Football Swimming team Golf course Duke of Edinburgh Deadlift Club Kurandza Cross Country Tennis Spectrum Dungeons & Dragons TEDx National Honor Society Robotics Speech and Debate Mathcounts Between the Pages Student Council Youtheoria Language Week Earth Club Chess Club Community Service Club Happy Caravan Unity Club Deca club Economics Club Latin Club Yearbook Maker‘s Club Poetry Club Science Club Creative Writing Club ISPrint Gainz Club Knowledge Bowl Computer Science Club 3D Printing Club


LEARNING EXPERIENCES BEYOND OUR WALLS When our students and teachers venture out together beyond our campus, and in some cases, beyond Prague, learning takes on a new dimension. These experiences are a priority in our learning program. In 2021/22 we held a mini “Week Without Walls‘‘ for Middle and Upper School. These trips took many forms, from service opportunities to experiences in nature, or arts-based excursions. Our students traveled to farms in the region, learning about gardening, food production, and how to tend animals, as well as engaging in water sports, learning the fundamentals of canoeing and paddle boarding. On the more creative side, our offerings were many and included theater workshops, a photography walking tour, and escape rooms, to name a few. In Elementary School, from our youngest learners in ECF 3/4 through to our Elementary Grade 4 students, trips in the local area included the Prague Zoo, trips to the forest, and opportunities to tour the city, observing and learning about the rich architecture and history of Prague. Grade 5 excursions focused on teaching outdoor survival skills, along with rafting and hiking.

“Experiences and adventures outside

of school bring forward opportunities for self-discovery, connection with the community, and an expanded awareness of our region and the world.” Dr. Chip Kimball ISP Director


UPPER SCHOOL ROBOTICS COMPETITION In April of 2022, the Upper School Robotics team led by Upper School Robotics teachers, Mr. Igor Popstefanija and Mr. Derek Druce, competed in a virtual tri-school robotics competition against the American School of Warsaw and the American International School of Bucharest.

“The event was exciting, with rounds

quickly following each other with little time between. This made us have to be in the right place at the right time when collecting footage and is a useful skill for the future.” Sebastian Grade 11

Competing virtually was a new experience for many on the FalconTech Team and the event was a fast-paced and impressive culmination of the season!

“I’ve been competing in robotics

since 5th grade, and I’ve never had a competition experience like this one! I thoroughly enjoyed documenting the event and supporting my teammates along the way. Thank you to all the people who came to cheer us on in the Loft!” Delanie Grade 11


BOOK BESTIES: SPREADING A LOVE OF BOOKS In 2021/2022, we introduced a new lunchtime Activity for 4th and 5th graders called “Book Besties.” Book Besties has become a wildly popular club, attracting over 30 students to the Library each week to brainstorm and plan ways to cultivate a community-wide love of books.

“I feel like Book Besties is a place where you can share your love of books with others through contests and more.” Zaynab Grade 5

Representatives from Book Besties love getting on stage at Gatherings to share their latest book-related contests, raffles, and events, such as the well-liked Graphic Novel and Bookmark contests.

“Book Besties allows you to fall into a book and never get out.” Laia, Grade 5

Book Besties has become an ISP favorite and an inspiring demonstration of student leadership, creativity, and dedication.

While guided by Ms. Tara Russell Ethridge, Elementary Librarian, Book Besties is entirely student-driven and encourages students to take on leadership roles and practice valuable collaboration, project management, and public speaking skills.


FALCON SPIRIT: THE UPPER SCHOOL BOYS’ SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Athletic events are opportunities for community-building, bringing our whole school together to support our studentathletes and show our ISP Falcon spirit. The Upper School Boys’ Softball tournament in the spring of 2022 was one of these festive events, made even more so because we were finally able to welcome other schools to ISP after a long COVIDinduced break. It was a pleasure to host International schools from Warsaw and Budapest at the Upper School Boys’ Softball Tournament. ISP athletes performed extraordinarily well, finishing in 2nd place, and demonstrated terrific overall sportsmanship and enthusiastic team spirit.

“The ISP Boys’ Softball Team should be

proud of their accomplishments, which resulted in a 2nd place finish. Every single player contributed to what was a fantastic team performance.” Lyle Bobyk US Boys’ Softball Coach


THE SPIRIT OF TOGETHERNESS Community Service at ISP is a volunteer program consisting of students, teachers, and parents who are passionate about service and creating positive change in the Czech Republic and beyond. Our Community Service program takes many forms throughout the year, including fundraising, collecting items for donations, and spreading awareness of important causes.

“Student Clubs, ISP teachers, and the

School Community Association worked very hard on the program for both Party in the Park and Fun day / Veselyy den. All of our guests seemed to really enjoy the events. ” Pavlina Koukalova ISP Community Service Coordinator

“Party in the Park”, held in the spring

of 2022, was one such event that not only celebrated our community and the spirit of togetherness but also raised money for Ukrainian refugees displaced from the war. Stalls were set up by different studentrun organizations, such as Kurandza, Jako Doma, Amity, and ISPrint, and each club planned activities to raise money. From face painting to throwing pies, a total of 70,000 CZK was raised and donated to Dignity and Amity, two partner nonprofit organizations specializing in aiding refugees. This festive event drew many of our families to campus to listen to music, reconnect with friends, enjoy good food, as well as to support our Community Service program. Following the Party in the Park, ISP hosted “Fun day / Veselyy den” for Ukrainian families, hosting more than 50 children plus their family members connected to the ISP Community (ISP Families, Amity, ZŠ Nebušice, Global Pre-School, etc.)




“When we think about the “special sauce” of ISP, it is our caring community. Those who join the International School of Prague don’t just see this as a school; they see it as their family, the center of their relationships, and their own personal community.“ Andrea Koudelková, Admissions Manager

STUDENTS Diversity is a core value at the International School of Prague. Our community draws students from nearly 60 nationalities. Together in the beautiful city of Prague, our students learn and grow in a challenging and nurturing environment.






Data accurate as of June 2022



FACULTY & STAFF The International School of Prague employs over 200 people from 24 nationalities. ISP benefits from exceptionally qualified and experienced educators and support staff who are constantly refining their approaches to Inspire, Engage, and Empower all learners.

“ISP is known for having a warm, welcoming community, and being a place of possibilities.

With a progressive, innovative, and student-centered ethos, ISP has thoughtfully built a learning culture based on an inspiring mission, curious students, expert faculty and staff, an engaged community, and the unrelenting drive to provide an outstanding, future-oriented education. Inquisitive minds are what we look for most when we recruit people to work at ISP. Our enthusiasm for professional development and commitment to innovation in education means that ISP welcomes skilled professionals from around the world.“

Petr Draxler Director of Human Resources









over 75%


Data accurate as of June 2022



FAMILIES When families become a part of ISP, they join an inclusive and diverse community of nearly 60 nationalities. Building a strong sense of community, connection, and inclusion is a priority, and we create various opportunities for parents to participate in school and social activities and build longlasting bonds with other parents.


The SCA (School Community

Association) is one way that parents can choose to get involved at ISP. The SCA is an active, all-volunteer organization that supports ISP life through the efforts of its parent members. The SCA enhances ISP life through exciting community programs, activities, and events, such as our International Food Festival, “Let’s go” trips, New Families Orientation Day, and adult education offerings. All ISP parents and guardians are automatically members of the SCA.

Every August, our Newcomers Committee runs a wonderful Orientation Day to welcome our new families to the ISP community. Additionally, as part of the Family Liaison Program, the team of multi-national parent volunteers connect new ISP families with established ones from their home country or native language.


DECEMBER BAKE SALE Every December, our families come together to share holiday treats and traditional desserts with the community.




The Staff Appreciation Luncheon is a beautiful event held every spring to express gratitude to our incredible team of teachers and staff. The luncheon is organized by the SCA and many parents throughout the community come together to create this impressive and highly anticipated event.

A beloved ISP tradition, “The International Food Festival” is an SCA-organized annual event in June that celebrates the diversity of our community through the sharing of food and culture.

DONORS ISP is a not-for-profit school, which means that 100% of tuition, fees, and donations go back into the school. Similar to other private schools, tuition alone does not cover all we need to achieve for the world-class education that we aspire to provide. We count on the support and involvement of our community to strengthen our mission to Inspire, Engage, and Empower all learners to be Curious, Competent, and Compassionate Changemakers. Thank you to everyone who made a gift to ISP and invested in our people, programs, and student learning. In 2021/22, one in three families made a gift to ISP, and these gifts have enriched the unique ISP learning experience with opportunities that tuition alone cannot provide.

1. THE ISP FUND Our community’s collective contributions greatly impact our learning innovations in the following priority areas.

DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY, AND ROBOTICS STEM Tools for Every Child: Our goal is to build the humantechnology connection and to spread the real-world tools of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into the hands of our students at all grade levels, and across as many classes as possible.

ELEMENTARY OUTDOOR EDUCATION Hands-on Learning in Nature: Our goal is to provide students with incredible experiences to become more connected to the natural world, inspiring them to think deeply about the environment, sustainability, and ways they can become changemakers for our planet.


PERFORMING ARTS Jazz Dock Orchestra @ ISP: The ISP music program engages and challenges learners to maximize their musical abilities and enjoyment, inspiring a lifelong musical journey. To complement making music in the classroom with the experience of live music, the 16-piece professional Jazz Dock Orchestra visited and performed for our students. This opportunity placed our students in front of a professional jazz orchestra, learning from the musicians firsthand as they experience the music they have studied in class coming to life on the stage.

CHANGEMAKER GRANTS From Ideas to Reality: With our ISP Mission to nurture Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers, we are committed to supporting students to contribute responsibly to a more peaceful and sustainable world for all. The Changemaker Student Grants support our students to make an impact on our local or global community through their changemaker projects.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP Cultivating Student Leadership across ISP: Student leadership is a fundamental part of our mission at ISP. We aspire to Inspire, Engage, and Empower students across all sections of our school to develop the skills to confidently and courageously lead.

LEARNING SUPPORT Success for Every Student: A major focus of the ISP educational philosophy is to support students to become successful and independent learners. Our goal is to strengthen the executive functioning skills of learners, ECF to Grade 12, and to offer teacher and parent training to extend Learning Support programs.


DONORS 2. THE ISP DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER FUND The Distinguished Speaker Series brings world-renowned leaders and accomplished professionals to ISP. The speakers may include local and world leaders, Pulitzer Prize winners, best-selling authors, explorers, and celebrated personalities from around the world who can offer profound insights and inspiration. Bringing accomplished professionals to ISP gives our students and families access to expertise and ideas that will help shape their experience and inspire them to go out and change the world. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our donors, we were honored to welcome Petr Sís, worldrenowned author, illustrator, graphic artist, and storyteller to ISP in September 2022, as the first speaker in our Distinguished Speaker Series in honor of Dr. Arnie Bieber, ISP Director for 13 years, and his wife, Marianne.


3. THE ISP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The ISP Scholarship Program provides life-changing opportunities for students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach. These young people of outstanding promise and potential are selected not only based on their academic ability but also their attitude and potential to contribute to the continued development of the ISP community. Since the inception of the ISP Scholarship Program 22 years ago, 32 locally-based students have benefited from receiving ISP scholarships. The majority of our scholars join ISP in Grade 9, and they not only add to the socioeconomic diversity in our school but also bring vitality and excellence to our community. ISP’s unique educational experience will shape these scholars and open doors to opportunities only possible with an ISP education. All of our scholars continue their post-ISP education on another scholarship.



ISP GALA 2022: THE SPIRIT OF GIVING The Gala is ISP’s premier social event and fundraiser of the year, held annually each spring. The 2022 Gala, coordinated by the Gala Organizing Committee, was held at the Petschek Villa, the US Ambassador’s Residence, and was generously co-hosted by the American Embassy.


Tatiana Eichler (Co-chair)

Keren Efrati (Parent)

Alice Lee (Parent)

Roberto Pacelli (Teacher & Parent)

Blanka Smith (Parent)

Dena Brownlow (Parent and Board member)

Springs Pacelli Marketa Schleuter (Teacher & Parent) (Parent)

Katerina Kratina (Parent)

The 2022 Gala was a brilliant success! This one-of-a-kind evening was enhanced by musical performances by ISP teachers, parents, and students, a live auction, and a Latin band that inspired guests to get out on the dance floor! It was truly a night to remember and the ISP community demonstrated their generosity and spirit of giving as they raised 4 million CZK to support the ISP Scholarship Program, which provides life-changing opportunities to academically talented students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach.

Natalie Savic Madi (Alumna)

Vazil Hudak (Co-chair)

Martina Reckziegelova (Advancement Associate)

Marieta Gundova Anna Lukyanova (Parent) (Parent)

Monica Stanciu (Advancment Director & Parent)

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our community, in the 2022/23 school year, we were able to offer 13 scholarships at ISP to students coming from very different socioeconomic backgrounds, including Ukrainian scholars displaced due to the conflict.

Please join us for the

2022 ISP

Gala Ticket sales & Auction for the ISP Scholarship Fund* & Special Auction to support Ukrainian refugees**




Alisa Krotov Antonín Barák & Antonín Barák Jr. Ashe Stoner Cameron Stauch Dale Ethridge Dana Huynh Phuc Dr. Chip Kimball Dr. Elizabeth Perry Emily Kabat Gabriela Perdomo-Mark Giannina Di Leonardo Inna Slivinskaya Jade Clayton


Jakub Voráček Jessica Riches Josef Špaček Kat Janečková Kristina Huynh Phuc Leo Vanyashkin Madeleine Cox Maya Bradshaw Merlin Jahodová Misha Straus Nehoray Saban Nichole Camp Olga Kalacheva

Parsa Shokrollah Pascale Rangoni Pavlína Koukalová Petr Dimitrov Pony Camp Nebušice Radek Kubina Sandra Malinova Tereza Maxová & Burak Oymen The Korean restaurant Bab Ryze Tomáš Necid Valentina Duras & Veronika & Matthew Duras Vypečená Matka William Jalloul

THANK YOU “The best possible way to impact our future is by investing in the education of our children. Gifts from parents, faculty and staff, alumni, and the broader community are transforming the ISP educational experience for all.

The impact of giving takes many forms: from STEM tools and technology to hands-on learning in nature to extending the ISP experience to talented students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach, among the many programs highlighted in the previous pages. Gifts of every size have deepened and extended the unique learning experiences we offer – far beyond what tuition alone can provide. Your generosity and involvement in the life of ISP make us the great school we are today.“

Monica Stanciu Director of Advancement

Please consider including ISP in your giving priorities in 2022/23 QR codes for internet banking The ISP Fund 2022/23

The ISP Scholarship Program

The Distinguished Speaker Fund

Your gift will enhance the experience of our students by strengthening what is best about ISP: exceptional teachers, a challenging and responsive learning program, and unique experiences in and out of the classroom. Of note: Tax-efficient giving is available for tax residents in the Czech Republic and the United States. Please contact Monica Stanciu, Director of Advancement at, if you require more information.


DONOR ROLL 2021/22

ISP would like to thank all the donors that provided vital resources to allow students and educators to take the next steps in learning. You are truly making a difference - thank you.


The Comenius Society (500,000 CZK and above) Anonymous Avast Software Doosan Bobcat EMEA Gabriel Eichler & Tatiana Eichler Leon Tsoukernik & Sandra Tsoukernik The Falcon‘s Society (250,000 to 499,999 CZK) Anonymous Ondřej David Martin Kúšik & Danka Kúšikova Unicredit Bank UPS The Nebušice Society (175,000 to 249,999 CZK) Martin Kováč & Ingrid Kováčová Milan Kratina & Katerina Kratina Černovská Žaneta Nepalová & Pavel Nepala The Gold and Black Society (100,000 to 174,999 CZK) Inéz Cusumano & James Cusumano Renata Kellnerová Otakar Moťka & Jana Moťková Jiří Nováček & Zuzana Nováčková The Supporter‘s Society (1 - 99,999 CZK) 24SAFE Anonymous Anonymous Lenka Audy & Marcel Audy Ivo Bárta & Markéta Bártová Doron Bashan & Anna Bashan Alexandru Belenchi & Anna Lukyanova Teresa Belisle & Stephen Guthrie Yuval Ben Itzhak & Ravit Avidor Kimberly Bianchini & Filippo Bianchini Martin Blecha John Bölts & Petra Bölts Andrey Bondarenko & Elena Bondarenko Beata Borer & Joseph Borer Martin Borovka & Martina Borovková Sheldon Bradshaw & Laura Bradshaw Tiziana Brazzioli & Andrea Vogliazzo Radka Brewer & Emery Ray Brewer Dena Brownlow & Jeffrey Patmore Mariya Chekan & Volodymyr Tereshko Tatiana Chernaya & Alexey Cherny Milan Chovanec & Kateřina Chovancová Valentina Cirella & Matteo Anson Valeri Ronald Dasbach & Rineke Smits Kristyna Diewokova & Christopher Caperton Jitka Dragounová Petr Draxler & Jana Draxlerová Kristyna Driehaus Derek Druce & Renee Druce Matthew Duras & Veronika Duras Jean-Pascal Duvieusart & Chantal Champagne Svitlana Dyrdina & Sergiy Dyrdin Vakhtang Dzhukashvili Dmitry Efremov & Natalia Efremova Christine Eischen Hesham Elnagar

Staffan Erenmalm & Charlotta Erenmalm Sheila Esshaki & Eric Sturm Karen Feldman Hana Fisherová & Paul Fisher Jamie Fly & Jennifer Fly Patrick Frape & Jenny Snively Barry Freckmann & Angeliki Freckmann Guy Gani & Vered Maizner-Gani Kiril Georgiev & Dessislava Georgieva Rowena Gerber & Andrew Gerber Elvira Gilmutdinova & Rustem Gilmutdinov Tatiana Grigoryeva & Ruslan Bayramov Lucia Gruber & Joseph Gruber Petra Guhl & Harry Guhl Helene Harle & Frank Spindelaar Corky Hawkins Rembrandt Heerkens Thijssen & Marieke Antoni Ericka Hernandez Rosales & Jan Sykora Oliver Hill Marieta Horsky Gundova Lawrence Hrubes & Martina Hrubesova Vazil Hudak & Katarina Pochova Sang Ihn Jung & Yoomin Choi Sang Il Kim & Mihee Shin Federico Izzo & Mariangela Del Vecchio William Jalloul Simona Joklová & Martin Dvořák Alexandra Kala & Václav Velkoborský Alexandros Kanaouris & Susanna Backman Karin Karafotas & Paul Karafotas Dorota Keleher & Neil Keleher Rohil Khanna & Surabhi Khanna Valeriy Khegay & Varvara Bantser Chip Kimball & Cheryl Kimball Tom Kindermans Grzegorz Kochman & Izabella Kochman Marek Kollar Andrea Koudelková Marcin Kozak & Izabela Kozak Gerd Uwe Krupp Szymon Kudla & Marta Kudla Tatiana Kulanova & Mikhail Kutuzov Josef Kutil & Šárka Kutil Kyriakos Kyriakou & Jana Kyriakou Ilya Larionov & Liubov Larionova Linda Lawrence Caklová & Tristan Lawrence Kieran Leahy & Hilda Leahy Woojung Lee & Youngil Jung Jan Liška & Šárka Lišková Natalie Madi & Stefan Savic Silvia Majeska & Peter Majesky Brenda Manfredi Jörgen Marqvardsen & Eva Marqvardsen Michael Mathers & Angela Mathers Richard Mccallum & Sarka Mccallum John Keith McDonald Dennis Melka & Petra Melka Andrzej Mielko & Monika Mielko Joseph Monks & Avis Beek Juan Morales & Kathleen Morales Catherine Morrison & Michael Morrison Bram Neervoort & Yolande Neervoort Miluše Němcová & Lyle Bobyk

Thomas Newbold & Vera Newbold Thanh Nguyen & Tuan VU Ireneusz Nogalski & Sabina Koczwara Nogalska Gabriele Pagliuca & Donatella Pagliuca Tiago Palhano & Filipa Ramos Petr Pavlík & Hana Pavlíková Elizabeth Perry & Mark Stroup Timothy Pierson & Nicole Pierson Stanislava Plachá & Karel Plachý Luděk Podola Martin Puchala & Olga Puchalová Lasse Schmidt & Tina Schmidt Sue Rabjohn Martina Reckziegelová Martina Řezníčková & Michal Řezníček Michal Ročeň & Andrea Ročňová Filová Radek Rosa & Kateřina Rosová Radoslaw Rusek & Jennifer Rusek Wolfram Schleuter & Markéta Schleuter Michaela Seewald & Richard Seewald Hana Seifrtová & Ladislav Seifrt Jana Ševčíková Donald Seymour & Amy Seymour Sourav Sharma & Poonam Sharma Timothy Shaw & Eva Shaw Michal Šilhavý Blanka Smith & JR Smith Matthew Smith & Megan McLain Monica Stanciu Anton Stankov & Denitza Petrova-Stankova Ivan Stankovic & Ivana Stankovicova Cameron Stauch & Ayesha Rekhi Graeme Storrar & Robyn Storrar David Sturgeon & Philippa Sturgeon František Sulek & Aneta Sulek Sanjiv Suri Ivona Švrček & Petr Švrček Petr Syrovátko & Eva Syrovátková Petr Syrovátko Jr. Christian Thor-Larsen & Line Thor-Larsen Richard Thornley & Sawsan Manasfi Jaroslava Toutonghi & Michael Toutonghi David Vacek Danielle Valli & Frank Valli Cindy Vega & Juan de Vega Jan Vild & Magdaléna Vildová Jan Vild & Nikola Vild Mitosinkova Ajit Virk & Katerina Virk Nena Vukotic & Darko Vukotic Brian Wardrop & Emilia Wardrop Zuzana West & Mark West Květa Wolff Alexey Zakharov Jimena Zalba & John Esteller Anita Zubak-O‘Connor & Michael O‘Connor GIFTS IN KIND Anonymous donor BTL Medical Technologies s.r.o. FirstBIKE

* Families appear in alphabetical order by donor‘s surname.

A SCHOLARSHIP WITH LIFE-CHANGING IMPACT: THE PATHWAY TO CAMBRIDGE AND BEYOND Each scholar has a unique story and background, and without exception, they all share a sincere appreciation for their scholarships. Bety Pechacova (Class of 2021) received a full scholarship at ISP from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Bety is now in her second year studying Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge and shares here some thoughts and appreciation for her ISP education.

“Being a recipient of the ISP scholarship has been life-changing. The education style at ISP is very different from what I was used to from the Czech schools I had attended, and it opened my eyes to new ways of learning and thinking.

The teachers at ISP undoubtedly played the most significant part in this, and I am very grateful to all of them because I developed many skills and got comfortable with many concepts and types of assignments. In addition, ISP opened a huge variety of new opportunities to me, for example, through support with applications for more scholarships and universities abroad or through opportunities to participate in initiatives and events like TEDx. It’s difficult to say where exactly I’d be now if I hadn’t attended ISP, but I am sure I would be quite a different person. I changed a lot throughout high school, as probably many people do. Thanks to ISP, that meant becoming more confident and knowing a lot more about myself, and the experiences over the three years at ISP shaped a lot of the person I am now. I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to be there for that time, thanks to the scholarship.” Bety Pechacova Class of 2021


ALUMNI ONCE A PART OF ISP, ALWAYS A PART OF ISP One of the many benefits of attending ISP is being a part of our global network of alumni who are working in a multitude of roles across a diverse range of industries. Once a student becomes a part of the ISP community, they remain one for life. We are proud of our phenomenal group of alumni and strive to continue building connections with this group of inspiring professionals.

CHANGEMAKER IN THE DIGITAL ART WORLD Our alumni take the ISP Mission into the world and continue to live by the school’s values. Aleksandra Artamonovskaja (Class of 2009) has lived in the United Kingdom for over a decade, making her way as a changemaker in the art world. Aleksandra Artamonovskaja is the founder of Electric Artefacts, a London-based studio working with digital artists, NGOs, and market players to curate and produce NFT projects. Aleksandra is actively engaged in the creative industry’s dialogue for the evaluation and monetization of art through distributed systems.


“I have great memories – Prague is

beautiful and it was a fantastic place to be a teenager. We had a lot of fun - it was a dear point in time for me. ISP gave me a great foundation for the future, a real wholesome understanding, and helped me stand my ground, be creative, and take risks. I remember being particularly stimulated by a ‘core’ IB course, Theory of Knowledge, and looking back, I can say that economics was my favorite topic. I suppose it is a strange combination but I’ve always looked at the art world through somewhat economic eyes, and that has in part led me to ‘my thing’ – which is art and tech – interests that resulted in my career for .ART, the art world’s digital domain and founding my own art organization.” Aleksandra Artamonovskaja Class of 2021


ISP ended its 73rd year of operations with strong enrollment and a continued healthy financial picture despite the challenges presented during the year by the ongoing pandemic as well as the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT FROM THE BOARD TREASURER & DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & OPERATIONS We are pleased to report that ISP ended its 73rd year of operations with strong enrollment (873 students, calculated as full-time equivalents (FTE), an increase of 18 FTE over the previous year) and a continued healthy financial picture despite the challenges presented during the year by the ongoing pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine. As a response to the war, ISP admitted 28 students on full or partial humanitarian scholarships at the end of the 2021/22 school year to help alleviate the impact on international school students there. Some of these students were extended scholarships into the following school year. Tuition and Capital Assessment Fees accounted for 94.2% of total institutional income for the year. During the 2021/22 fiscal year, tuition income decreased by 3.6 %, to CZK 468,629 thousand despite the higher number of students. This reduction was due to the change in the exchange rate of the Czech Crown (CZK) against the Euro (EUR) as the CZK appreciated by more than 4%, negatively impacting revenues invoiced in EUR. The school‘s decision to reduce tuition fees in the Early Childhood Foundations program for 2021/22 amplified the impact on revenues. Consolidated operating expenses increased by 3.3 % to CZK 437,170 thousand in part as more educational programming became possible despite the ongoing pandemic. As with most schools, salaries and benefits continue to represent the school’s greatest operating expense, at 75.4 % of total operating expenses. The school’s surplus decreased to CZK 29,167 thousand in the fiscal year 2021/22 compared to a positive result of CZK 71,710 thousand in the prior year, reflecting the receipt of earmarked

donations for the acquisition of fixed assets in the prior year. The positive result continues to allow the school to maintain its mandated financial reserve (of 25 % of budgeted expenses) and to ensure the continued growth of resources for the long-term improvement and enhancement of the facilities and campus in line with changes in educational needs and quality improvement. The school began investing surplus funds during the 2021/22 fiscal year, as recognized in the decline in the cashflow statements. While necessarily involving some risk, investment is a proper stewardship of school resources and a responsible thing to do in terms of the long-term future of the school. ISP’s Financial Statements and Annual Report are audited annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT By the nature of its work as an international school, ISP faces a number of market risks. ISP’s focus in this area is to reasonably protect itself from imaginable economic and financial risks (such as currency fluctuations, inflation, and differing enrollment levels). Where possible, the School uses tools, such as currency forward agreements and long-term contracts to minimize the impact these risks have on its operations. From 2022/23 onwards, with the decision that tuition and fees be payable in CZK (as are the salaries of all employees), currency risk issues have been significantly reduced, and the School will no longer enter into forward contracts for mitigating purposes. After a long-term absence, the re-emergence of significant inflationary pressures presents a real ongoing financial challenge to the school, especially in the context of our desire to continuously improve the quality of the education delivered and the need to retain and recruit the best teachers from around


the world. The school is exploring creative approaches to uncover efficiencies that do not materially impact the program, but despite this effort, inflation is likely to carry through to tuition increases if the quality of the educational program is not to suffer.

YOUR FEES AND DONATIONS AT WORK ISP is able to provide its educational model not only through the fees it charges but also thanks to the donations it receives. We hope the information below will provide further clarity about the use of your fees and donations. Fees ISP is a non-profit institution in the form of a Czech corporation (an “s.r.o.” - společnost s ručením omezeným” or in English, Limited Liability Company). Educational regulations in the Czech Republic require that an international school offering a non-Czech curriculum be owned by a non-Czech entity; the non-Czech owner in our case is the International School of Prague Foundation, a U.S. not-for-profit entity (a “501(c)3”). This type of non-profit organization has decades of legal and tax standing in the USA. The foundation document of the Czech s.r.o., for its part, stipulates that no dividends or benefits are to be distributed; all monies the school raises are reinvested in the school, and no profits accrue to any group or individual. Each year, as with any well-run organization, the school endeavors to finish the year with a positive financial result. This is planned as part of the budget process. During budget planning, fees (which include both Tuition and Capital Assessment) are set. Tuition is intended to meet the current costs of educating students. The Capital Assessment, for its part, may be used for current year capital expenditures (investment in infrastructure), to assist in retiring debt incurred for the major capital investments of the School, or be allocated to a capital fund to help in the future funding of major strategic investments in the facility. Although the exact amounts vary annually, payers can expect that most of their overall fees are going towards current-year expenses and


planning for the future. This is essentially “paying it forward”, current families are the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by prior families, just as future families will be the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by current families. Funds that are in excess of the above needs may from time to time be placed by a decision of the Trustees into the School’s Endowment. Donations Donations are generally received and managed through these two entities: · Friends of the International School of Prague (FoISP), z.s. is a not-for-profit association that raises funds in support of the International School of Prague. · The International School of Prague Foundation, Inc. is a US non-profit (501(c)3) organization whose mission is to support education. It is this Foundation that formally owns the School. In 2021/22 donations received totaled 6,705,555 CZK and 26,689 USD. These donations were restricted to one of the following programs: · Capital Campaign: 400,000 CZK donations were received to fund a feasibility study and energy audit for the ISP campus. · ISP Scholarship Program: 4,220,055 CZK donations to support new scholars to join the International School of Prague. · The ISP Fund: 2,085,500 CZK and 26,689 USD donations, which allow targeted spending on programs that enrich ISP‘s unique learning experience.

Barry Freckmann ISP Finance & Operations Director

Dave Sturgeon ISP Board Treasurer 2021/22


30. 6. 2022

30. 6. 2021







1 661 978

(396 579)

1 265 399

1 171 180

Fixed assets

1 037 592

(393 065)

644 527

544 692

2 373

(2 129)



920 467

(390 936)

529 531

544 454

Long-term investments

114 752


114 752


Current Assets

603 024

(3 514)

599 510

613 086







15 750

(3 514)

12 236

9 647

Short-term financial investments

100 000


100 000



486 544


486 544

602 513

Prepayments and accrued income

21 362


21 362

13 402

Intangible Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets

30. 6. 2022

30. 6. 2021


1 265 399

1 171 180


801 371

774 213

Share capital



Share premium and capital contributions

636 239

638 248

Retained earnings / Accumulated losses

135 865

64 155

Profit / (loss) for the current period

29 167

71 710


457 657

395 653


6 854

6 406


450 803

389 247

Long-term liabilities

12 230

13 332

Short-term liabilities

438 573

375 915

Accruals and deferred income

6 371

1 314

Liabilities and Equity


2021 /22


Sales of products and services

468 629

485 619

Sales of goods



Cost of sales

74 993

65 764

Staff costs

329 470

324 971

Value adjustments in operating activities

27 656

29 831

Operating income - other

5 210

34 907

Operating Expenses - other

5 051

2 541

Operating Result

37 023

97 676

Financial Result

(1 282)

(6 710)

Net profit / (loss) before taxation

35 741

90 966

Net profit / (loss) after taxation

29 167

71 710

Net profit / (loss) for the financial period

29 167

71 710

Net turnover for the financial period

497 461

523 931



Net profit on ordinary activities before tax

35 741

90 966

Net cash flow from operating activities before tax and changes in working capital

(37 936)

123 106

Net cash flow from operating activities before tax

23 757

108 123

Net cash flow from operating activities

(13 662)

90 772

Net cash flow from investing activities

(133 851)

(25 596)

Net cash flow from financing activities

2 221


Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

(115 969)

65 176

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year

602 513

537 337

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year

486 544

602 513


Cash flows from operating activities

14 October 2022

Members of the Finance Committee International School of Prague s.r.o. Dear Sirs, 14 2022 WeOctober have completed the audit of the consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared in accordance with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2022. We are going to issue the accompanying report which summarizes the course and results Members ofprocedures the Financeperformed. Committee of the audit International of Prague We value yourSchool feedback and wes.r.o. hope that this document will facilitate two-way communication with you and welcome any suggestions and observations you may have. Dear YoursSirs, very truly, We have completed the audit of the consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared in accordance with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2022. Olga Řehořková Partner We are going to issue the Audit, accompanying report which summarizes the course and results PricewaterhouseCoopers s.r.o. of the audit procedures performed. We value your feedback and we hope that this document will facilitate two-way communication with you and welcome any suggestions and observations you may have. Yours very truly,

Olga Řehořková Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika T: +420 251 151 111, F: +420 252 156 111, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., se sídlem Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, IČ: 40765521, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 3637 a v seznamu auditorských společností u Komory auditorů České republiky pod evidenčním číslem 021.





all learners to be

Curious Competent Compassionate

Changemakers ISP LEARNING PRINCIPLES Learning best happens when… Learners’ curiosity drives what and how they learn Learners know what they’re learning and why it is significant Learners know where they are as learners and how to go further Learners persist with relevant and rich challenges Learners consider and connect complex ideas Learners apply their learning in diverse and challenging contexts Learners feel a sense of safety and belonging

International School of Prague Nebušická 700, 164 04 Prague 6 Tel: +420 220 384 111

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