We are delighted to share with you the 2023/24 Annual Report, which showcases our programmes, financial standing, and strategic growth.
ISP has a bright future ahead. We continue to be the premier international school in Prague, with aspirations to be one of the most innovative and impactful International Baccalaureate (IB) schools in Europe. We are fully enrolled, have outstanding student outcomes, attract extraordinary faculty, and are fiscally sound.
In 2023/24, we proudly achieved several significant milestones, including authorisation as a full IB Continuum School, offering IB programmes across all year groups for all students. Additionally, we were re-licensed by the Czech Ministry of Education and re-accredited by NEASC, reaffirming our commitment to excellence through a rigorous, inquiry-based, and interdisciplinary academic framework. These achievements are a testament to our outstanding academic performance, innovative teaching practices, and the deepening of our culture of care. We remain committed to fostering global citizenship and empowering the next generation of leaders.
Operating a leading school in Europe is not without its challenges. Ongoing wars affect parts of our community, and political and economic shifts are causing more families to face uncertainty. Students are grappling with mental health challenges, often exacerbated by social media, and space on campus is limited. Our Senior Leadership Team and Board
are fully prepared to take on these challenges or others that might be around the corner.
Over the past two years, we have planned important facility upgrades to ensure that students have the resources they need for their learning. Design work for Phase I of the Campus Roadmap Project is well underway, with plans for a new Design and Innovation Centre (STEM) and Elementary Café with anticipated opening in autumn/winter 2026. These projects are an important part of our school’s future, ensuring that students have access to learning tools and resources that support our curricular goals and provide breathing room for our crowded school. During the summer of 2026, we will also renovate the Central Kitchen and Cafeteria as part of our regularly scheduled upgrades.
Above all, I want to emphasise our continued commitment to a culture of care that is central to the ISP experience for students, families, and staff. We know that when students feel safe and supported emotionally, it creates the best conditions for learning. This is at the heart of our school’s identity and a value we hold dearly. We hope you enjoy reading the 2023/24 Annual Report and look forward to seeing you on the ISP campus.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Chip Kimball Director of the International School of Prague
The ISP Senior Leadership Team represents the senior management of the School, and is led by the Director. They are tasked with bringing all aspects of the School together to achieve ISP’s mission and strategic goals.
Dr. Chip Kimball Director
Teresa Belisle Director of Learning, Research and Development
Sheldon Bradshaw Director of Information Technology
Dr. Cal Callaway Deputy Director
Petr Draxler Chief Operating Officer
Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal
Anthony Hennelly Activities and Athletics Director
Michelle Juhasz-Stevens Middle School Principal
Monica Stanciu Director of Advancement
Dr. Eric Sturm Upper School Principal
Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal
ISP is a not-for-profit school and last year celebrated its 75th anniversary of operation. We continue to be proud of our student achievements and our position in the Czech Republic as a premier international school.
From a governance standpoint, the Board is responsible for setting direction, policy, and oversight of the Director. Our task is to ensure, that ISP has a strong financial foundation to serve current and future students. This past year, we spent a great deal of time thinking about the future of the school, supported the transition to - and received accreditation for - the Full International Baccalaureate Continuum programme, as well as NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation and the accreditation of the Czech Ministry of Education.
We were also heavily involved in the planning of the future of our campus by supporting both the thinking and direction of the Campus Roadmap. In the coming years, we plan to support the first phase of the Campus Roadmap, beginning with two key projects: the Elementary Café, and the Design and Innovation Centre. We expect both projects to be completed within the next two to three years.
Financially, the school has a strong position, ensuring that we attract and retain the best faculty, while also supporting activities for students. Our faculty are at the heart of our school, and each year the Senior Leadership Team assesses both the quality of our faculty
and our programmes, as well as ensuring that our compensation systems are in line with our position in the marketplace.
The Board is a volunteer activity and requires many hours of service as we build a strategy for the future of our school. The Board operates on its own, but also uses Standing Committees to do more detailed work. We have four standing committees: Advancement, Building and Grounds, Finance, and Governance. These committees make recommendations to the Board for final decision-making.
I would like to express our appreciation to all parents - volunteers on the Board and its committees, as well as active members of the SCA and other school activities.
One of the most important relationships is between the Board and the Director. We collaborate very closely on ensuring that the “good to great“ journey we have embarked upon is executed in the best possible way. As a Board, we are pleased with the progress the school continues to make in being one of the most progressive and impactful IB schools in Europe.
We look forward to the future as we prepare the students for this dynamic and interesting time in their lives.
Warm Regards,
Gabriel Eichler Board Chair
Irene Kernkamp (Chair)
Gabriel Eichler
Mike Peters
Dorota Keleher
Gabriel Eichler
Building and Grounds
Martin Kováč (Chair)
Gabriel Eichler
Kimberly Bianchini
Neville Parry
Ondřej David
Martin Borovka (March 2024)
Brian Wardrop (Chair)
JP Duvieusart
Gabriel Eichler
Stefan Rasche
Lenka Jarolímová (November 2023)
Jakub Čanda (March 2024)
Anna Lukyanova (Chair)
Dorota Keleher
Gabriel Eichler
Yuval Avidor
Vazil Hudák
Cristina Novotna
Pavlína Rieselová
William Jalloul, Class of 2009
125 101 over 70% over 90% 27
ALUMNI 3,000
65.000 m2 51.000 m2 14.000 m2
At ISP, everything we do is guided by our mission to Inspire, Engage, and Empower all learners to be Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers. We provide a robust, learner-centred IB curriculum for students aged 3 to 19.
Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach and guided by the Primary Years Programme (PYP), our Early Childhood Foundations of ECF 3/4 and ECF 5 foster collaboration between children and adults as researchers, thinkers, and communicators, allowing young learners to explore ideas through play, observation, questions, and conversation.
Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal
Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal
Ashley Eames PYP Coordinator
Kathy Zabinski Literacy Coordinator
Matthew Woodward Elementary School Principal
Laura Jo (LJ) Evans Elementary School Associate Principal
The Elementary School at ISP fosters a dynamic environment where young learners from grades 1 - 5 thrive through inquiry-based learning in the Primary Years Programme (PYP), offering a balanced curriculum in core subjects and specialist instruction in areas like Music, PE, Outdoor Learning, Design/Technology, and Visual Arts.
Ashley Eames PYP Coordinator
Kathy Zabinski Literacy Coordinator
Middle School is a time of great transition, and at ISP, our programme for grades 6-8 supports both the academic and social-emotional development of students. Rooted in the inquiry-based framework of the Middle Years Programme (MYP), our approach nurtures students‘ innate curiosity while fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional growth.
Michelle Juhasz-Stevens Middle School Principal
Matt Eames Advisory and Projects Coordinator
Chris McQuillan MYP Coordinator
6 - 8
Upper School at ISP fosters curiosity and skill development through inquiry-based learning across core subjects and areas like music, arts, and languages. In Grades 9 and 10, students follow the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). For Grades 11 and 12, they can choose between the IB Diploma Programme (DP), the IB Career-related Programme (CP), or the ISP Diploma, each offering a broad range of classes. 93% of our students selected the full IB Diploma and were very successful.
Dr. Eric Sturm Upper School Principal
Matt Eames Advisory and Projects Coordinator
Chris McQuillan MYP Coordinator
Karen Ercolino DP/CP Coordinator
9 - 12
As an inclusive school, every student at ISP has the opportunity to become an International Baccalaureate Diploma candidate if they so choose. IB Diploma recipients at ISP consistently perform significantly above the world average.
Aalto University (FI)
American University of Paris (FR)
Anglo-American University (CZ)
Berlin International University of Applied Sciences (DE)
Bocconi University (IT)
Charles University (CZ)
Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
Delfts University of Technology (DE)
Dublin Business School (IR)
Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (CH)
EDHEC Business School (FR)
Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)
ESADE Business School (SP)
EU Business School
Evangelische Hochschule Berlin (DE)
Forward College (PO)
Franklin University (CH)
IE University (SP)
Johannes Kepler University (DE)
John Cabot University (IT)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
Kassel School of Medicine (DE)
Leiden University (NL)
Luiss University (IT)
Maastricht University (NL)
Marangoni Fashion Institute (IT)
National Film School (IR)
Nord University (NO)
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (NL)
Sciences Po (FR)
Škoda Auto University (CZ)
Technical University Eindhoven (NL)
Techincal University Munich (DE)
UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (CZ)
University of Amsterdam (NL)
University of Chemistry & Technology (CZ)
University of Groningen (NL)
University of Lausanne (CH)
University of Malta (MT)
University of New York in Prague (CZ)
University of Twente (NL)
Vrije University Amsterdam (NL)
Wageningen University & Research (NL)
Abbey Road Institute
Bangor University
Bath Spa University
Durham University
King‘s College London
Imperial College London
London School of Economics
& Political Science
Nottingham Trent University
Oxford Brookes University
University College London
University of the Arts London
University of Cambridge
University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Greenwich
University of Lancaster
University of Leeds
University of Leicester
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
University of Queen Mary in London
University of Reading
University of York
American University
Babson College
Bentley University
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon University
Coastal Carolina University
Drew University
Emory University
Florida State University
Fordham University
George Mason University
Hendrix College
Hofstra University
Lynn University
New York University
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
North Carolina State University
at Raleigh
Parsons School of Design
Pennsylvania State University
Pepperdine University
Pratt Institute
Sacred Heart University
Santa Clara University
Southern Methodist University
The New School
Tufts University
University of California Davis
University of California San Diego
University of Chicago
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Maryland, Baltimore
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Utah State University
Vassar College
Ventura College
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Tech
Western Washington University
City University of Hong Kong
New York University: Abu Dhabi
University of Hong Kong, China
University of Nottingham, Malaysia
University of Melbourne
Georgian College
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Guelph
University of Montreal
University of Toronto
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
York University
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Korea University
Yonsei University-Underwood College
As an IB Full Continuum School, ISP is proud to offer all four IB programmes, providing a cohesive and comprehensive educational framework that spans every stage of learning. These programmes ensure a strong foundation and consistency throughout our curriculum, while also allowing the flexibility to adapt to each student's unique culture and context.
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a globally recognised, inquiry-based, transdisciplinary programme designed for children from ECF to Grade 5. It emphasises conceptual understanding, social-emotional learning, and transferable skills, with a strong focus on international-mindedness.
The Middle Years Programme (MYP), for learners in grades 6 - 10, fosters creative, critical, and reflective thinking. It emphasises intellectual challenge and real-world applications, promoting intercultural communication and understanding — essential qualities for young people becoming future global leaders and changemakers.
The Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous two-year pre-university course for students in grades 11 and 12. It ensures learners are knowledgeable, inquisitive, and compassionate, fostering open-mindedness and intercultural understanding, preparing them to evaluate diverse perspectives.
The Career-related Programme (CP) is an inspiring and dynamic option for students in grades 11 and 12 who want to combine academic rigour with hands-on experience in a career field they are passionate about. It provides a unique blend of practical, career-focused learning and the intellectual challenge of the IB Diploma Programme.
All four of the IB programmes are rooted in the IB Learner Profile, which highlights ten attributes that help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national, and global communities. As IB learners we strive to be:
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
We show empathy, compassion, and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate efectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve wellbeing for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
We invite you to enjoy the following stories from each of the IB programmes across our school levels, each showcasing two of these key learning attributes.
Written by: Deb Wilenski, ECF Atelierista / Pedagogista
In the 2023/2024 School Year, the Atelier served as a full-time resource within Early Childhood Foundations. Since its inception, it has quickly become a well-loved, cross-disciplinary space for over one hundred children aged three to six.
Last spring, a project called ‘Life Forms’ demonstrated the ways in which the Atelier supports and extends classroom learning by bringing together children’s ideas and innovations, contemporary research in arts and sciences, and specific areas of learning within our PYP units of inquiry.
In their classrooms, the three and four-yearolds were exploring co-existence in the natural world, while the five and six-yearolds were investigating daring as a human expression and experience. Together, these ideas appeared in the Atelier as an invitation: How can we discover and represent our relationships with the living world in creatively daring ways?
Some children embraced the daring of micromaking, working with incredible dexterity and dedication to produce tiny life forms using paper, plasticine, and the needle marks of
the sewing machine. These children became RISK-TAKERS, willing to experiment and push the boundaries of their creativity while using their skills and imagination to bring new ideas to life.
Others worked on a huge scale, inspired by the most daring of living environments: the boiling hot waters of the Mariana Trench, its volcanic chimneys, and strange forms of life. Building to heights well over two meters in Kapla, the children extended their knowledge of geometry, engineering, aesthetics, and oceanography. As THINKERS, they applied their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking to create structures that challenged both their understanding and their perception of the world.
Across all of these experiences, there was a big idea at play. Even the most amazing and complex forms of life are made from simple building blocks. This transferable concept, so clear in Kapla building or sewing stitch by stitch, helps inspire complex learning. Taken one step at a time, anything is possible.
This theme of daring fell under the PYP Unit of Inquiry of ʼHow We Express Ourselves.‘ While people often interpret this as creative expression, we wanted to take a more daring approach by exploring how this idea applies across all areas of learning. You can be a daring writer, a daring scientist, or even a daring physical explorer. -
Deb Wilenski, ECF Atelierista/Pedagogista
The PYP Exhibition (PYPx) is the highlight of Grade 5 and the culmination of the Primary Years Programme. It gives students the opportunity to engage in collaborative, in-depth inquiry into real-world issues, showcasing their learning journey and their role as Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers.
PYPx is student-driven, with each student selecting a personal topic tied to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developing inquiries, conducting research, and creating actions to raise awareness. This process empowers students to take ownership of their learning and make a meaningful impact. As INQUIRERS, students are encouraged to ask thoughtful questions and seek deeper understanding, fueling their investigations. Guided by the idea that actions create change, PYPx inspires students to take meaningful action in their community.
Projects in the 2024 PYPx demonstrated extraordinary creativity and compassion. From handmade animations addressing discrimination and public initiatives focused on feeding those experiencing homelessness to “how-to“ guides on upcycling clothing and personalised cookbooks with reduced-sugar recipes, the range of student efforts was impressive.
Throughout their learning journey, students worked closely with mentors and received daily guidance from the dedicated Grade 5 team. Preparing for and presenting their projects to the community was an unforgettable experience for them. Students were also REFLECTIVE, considering how their work could evolve and ensure a lasting impact on the world around them.
The exhibition was really cool, and I think it impacted the community because I spread awareness about weight discrimination and how it could affect us. I think people understood my message.”
Sofiia, Grade 5
The PYP Exhibition celebrates student achievement and highlights the inquiry-based nature of the IB Primary Years Programme. It not only showcases what students have learned but also demonstrates their growth as individuals and learners.
I’ve learned that our innovations can make a real difference when we take action and share our ideas with the world. I built a model of a solar-powered wheelchair as an example of new solar technology. – Beeri, Grade 5
Advisory at ISP is a cornerstone of our community, fostering strong relationships and a sense of belonging. Each Middle and Upper School student is part of a small advisory group that meets regularly with the guidance of a faculty advisor.
Advisory also allows students to connect beyond their immediate peer groups, participating in grade-level activities and meaningful service projects that make a lasting impact. These projects encourage students to be OPEN-MINDED, embracing diverse perspectives and creative ideas. For example, the Grade 6 Call to Action unit empowers students to create solutions based on their research into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while the Grade 10 Personal Project encourages students to make a positive contribution to a community in need. The Grade 12 Students Showcase gives seniors a chance to reflect on their learning journey and share their achievements with the wider school community.
Advisory gives students a safe space for self-discovery while learning important skills for both school and life. From developing organisational skills to fostering healthy relationships, from understanding online and offline safety to preparing for life beyond school, our programme covers a broad spectrum of holistic development."
In addition, Middle and Upper School Community Gatherings come together to celebrate milestones and achievements. These gatherings build camaraderie and highlight the importance of unity within our diverse school community. At the heart of Advisory is the development of CARING individuals who demonstrate empathy and compassion for one another and the wider community. Advisory cultivates individual growth while nurturing a spirit of collaboration and celebration that defines ISP.
I really enjoy being a Grade 6 Advisor, building our small community, playing games, and sharing laughter. The students grow and change so much in their first year of Middle School, and I get to watch them become more independent learners.
I like helping them navigate new systems and improve their selfmanagement skills. Advisory is one of the highlights of my day!
– Sue Rabjohn, Grade 6 Advisor, MYP PHE Curriculum leader
For Robert Ševčík, Class of 2024, the IB Diploma Programme (DP) at ISP wasn’t just an academic challenge - it was a transformative experience that shaped his growth as a student, leader, and individual. Reflecting on his years at ISP, Robert shares how leading the Model United Nations (MUN) club, supporting his peers in their studies, and striving for continuous growth helped him achieve success and secure a Global Scholarship at Babson College.
One of Robert‘s proudest moments was receiving the Griffin Award at graduation, which recognised both his commitment to academics and extracurricular activities while at ISP. In addition to this award, another significant achievement was receiving a remarkable 45 points in the IB Diploma Programme. In addition to dedicating time and effort on his studies, Robert believes this score was due to his practice of helping others grasp the material.
I made it a priority to ensure everyone had the same access to resources, sharing my notes and always being available to answer questions. Doing this also reinforced my own understanding of the content.”
Robert's growth as a learner was significantly shaped by his teachers and while he appreciates all of his teachers, one stood out in particular: Mr. Rops, his mathematics teacher.
Mr. Rops completely changed my view of maths. He helped me become more KNOWLEDGEABLE by helping me see the world of maths from different perspectives. He became my role model, teaching me valuable lessons in organisation, compassion, and candour.”
Outside the classroom, Robert’s leadership role in ISP’s Model United Nations (MUN) club played a key part in his personal development. Serving as General Secretary of the club for three years, Robert honed his leadership and collaboration skills while working to amplify his team’s strengths. The debates and discussions that took place in MUN also helped Robert strengthen his communication skills. By encouraging others to become open, confident COMMUNICATORS, Robert fostered a space where different perspectives could be discussed and valued.
The IB DP Programme is more than just an education, it’s a foundation from which students can grow to be confident, self-motivated, and aware of the world around them.
- Robert, Class of 2024
The Career-related Programme (CP) at ISP is a compelling alternative to the Diploma Programme (DP) for students in grades 11 and 12 who wish to follow a path more closely aligned with their career goals. The CP includes a core component made up of the Reflective Project, Service Learning, Language Development, and the Personal and Professional Skills course. Unlike the theory-based approach of the DP, the CP offers students experiential, hands-on learning opportunities that are both practical and authentic, while encouraging students to be BALANCED in their approach to academics, career aspirations, and personal growth.
The Reflective Project, a key component of the CP, focuses on an ethical dilemma within the student’s chosen career field. Students engage in principled inquiry, starting with an exploration of ethics and key moral frameworks. Through this process, they investigate real-world challenges relevant to their area of study, often discovering unexpected insights and interconnections. This project fosters a deeper understanding of the complexities in their
future professions while emphasising the importance of maintaining integrity and ethical decision-making — core aspects of being a PRINCIPLED learner.
A unique feature of the Reflective Project is that students can choose an alternative format to replace part of the written portion of their research. They have the option to create a film, podcast, or visual presentation—an opportunity that many of our CP students are eager to pursue. For those focused on creative career paths, this offers a fantastic way to merge their passions with academic work. As one student expressed, the Reflective Project allows them to “value both my creativity and humanity.” ISP received authorisation to offer the CP in June 2023, with our first graduates expected in the Class of 2025.
I chose to pursue the Career-related Programme at ISP because I wanted to focus on my development as an artist. I’m happy to be in this programme because I am learning advanced art techniques from a credible art school.
- Rune, Grade 11
Student life at ISP extends well beyond the traditional classroom setting. Our students actively engage in a wide variety of extracurricular activities, clubs and events. Whether they join a sports team, explore artistic passions, or participate in dynamic events like TEDx or MUN, there's something for everyone to discover.
At ISP, we believe that athletics play a crucial role in the development of our students, fostering not only physical fitness but also community spirit, teamwork, and resilience. One of the standout after school activities we offer in Middle School is softball. This programme provides our students with an excellent opportunity to develop their skills, build camaraderie, and engage in healthy competition.
Our Middle School Boys’ Softball team had an exceptional 2023/24 season, culminating in their victory at the SCIS (Sports Council for International Schools) tournament, where they emerged as the 2024 Champions. This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and teamwork displayed by our students and coaches.
It was a great tournament by the team and our coaches! Their playing improved gameby-game and it was really wonderful to see their team unity and joyful celebrations!”
Anthony Hennelly, Activities and Athletics Director
A special thank you goes out to Mr. Fisher and Mr. Findlay for their exceptional coaching. Their guidance and support were instrumental in leading the team to success. We also want to recognise the outstanding contributions of all the boys from grades 6, 7, and 8 who played a part in this incredible victory.
The Girls in Leadership club at ISP is known for its commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where all students can thrive. By addressing important issues such as gender bias and advocating for equity, they are helping to shape a more equitable future.
Through our club’s activities, I learned how to be a collaborative person, share my opinions, and listen actively. I grew so much over the three years in Girls in Leadership.”
A highlight of the 2023/24 School Year was the outstanding Women’s Symposium, organised and hosted by Girls in Leadership. The event focused on addressing gender bias and promoting greater inclusion for women in the workplace.
This student-led initiative featured a series of activities and discussions, all facilitated by the Girls in Leadership students. The evening‘s panel showcased four remarkable speakers from the ISP parent and friend communityClare Sheils, Lucie Mikeska, Shohag Bhargava, and Lydia Warren - who passionately championed women‘s advancement in both their careers and personal lives.
Listening to the stories of notable women pioneers not only inspired us but also reinforced the need for relentless advocacy for gender equality. It‘s a reminder that our collective efforts today will shape a more inclusive and equitable future.”
Along with the incredible speakers and engaging activities, the evening was enhanced by powerful performances by female staff and students. These performances highlighted the strength and talent in our community and brought these messages to life through song and music. The symposium clearly demonstrated the impact of our Girls in Leadership and their ability to lead with passion and purpose, making a positive difference in the lives of those around them.
The ISP community embraces diversity and inclusivity, with nearly 1,000 students from over 60 nationalities and faculty from 20 countries. ISP families actively participate in our School Community Association (SCA), which hosts activities and events that foster unity, community, and belonging. Our alumni network of over 3,000 excels in global industry, supporting and inspiring each other well beyond ISP.
Art is for everyone! Our annual Sketchbook Swap, started by our imaginative Middle School art teacher Petr Dimitrov in 2014, welcomes all adults in our community to join in a year-long creative journey. Participants receive their own sketchbooks, choose a theme, and let their creativity flow. Each month, the sketchbooks circulate, allowing contributors to add their touch to multiple books.
The Sketchbook Swap is a cherished tradition that fosters connections, builds community, and celebrates the diverse talents and creativity of the people at ISP. For many it‘s
not just about art - it‘s a source of inspiration, rejuvenation, and personal growth. Being a part of the Sketchbook Swap provides a space where teachers and staff can express themselves freely, explore new techniques, and collaborate with colleagues from other sections of the school.
At the end of the year, it is incredible to see the evolution of ideas and creativity of our talented adults on campus! The Sketchbook Swap is a fantastic celebration of our collective creativity and our commitment to growth, creative experimentation, and wellbeing.
Parents are an essential part of our school community, and we offer numerous opportunities for them to get involved on campus. Our School Community Association (SCA) hosts a variety of events throughout the year, enhancing our students’ school experience. From class parties and special dances to movie nights and community breakfasts, our dedicated team of parents creates memorable moments and fosters a vibrant school spirit.
In Middle School, one special tradition is the Middle School Breakfast, a celebration of students‘ and teachers‘ hard work throughout the year. This cherished tradition brings everyone together to enjoy delicious food and celebrate the end of the academic year, strengthening the bonds among the school community.
Another highlight is the Winter Dance, where parent volunteers transform the theatre into a magical winter wonderland. This festive evening of music, fun, and celebration is made possible by the creativity and dedication of our parent community.
My favourite event this school year was the Winter Dance. I was inspired to design a snowflake arch, and with another mom making all the snowflakes, plus the help of six amazing moms and the maintenance team, we transformed the Main Theatre and foyer into a true Winter Wonderland! Seeing the students dressed up, and having so much fun, was priceless. Being a class representative is about figuring out what the students want and helping them create great memories!“
Sherieka Mangum, Middle School Parent Representative
We are incredibly grateful to the SCA parents and grade-level representatives who devote their time, energy, and creativity to making these events possible. Our community thrives with the active participation and enthusiasm of our parents, who help make ISP a warm and inclusive environment for our children to grow and learn.
Each year, we are happy to welcome our growing network of ISP alumni back to the ISP campus. With almost 100 alumni in attendance, ranging from the Class of 1993 to the Class of 2024, the 2024 Alumni Reunion was our largest reunion in history!
This annual tradition unites alumni of all ages, providing a meaningful opportunity to reconnect with each other, reminisce with former and current ISP teachers, and build both personal and professional connections. The event continues to strengthen the bond within our global alumni community.
During this reunion, alumni enjoyed each other’s company, had a buffet lunch and drinks, visited classrooms, and learned of ISP’s future plans of expanding the school to include a Design and Innovative Centre building and an Elementary Café, among other improvements and new spaces.
Alumni engagement at ISP extends well beyond reunions. A great example is the return of Julien Mikton, a talented painter and 2013 graduate, who visited the Middle School art room in spring of 2022. Julien collaborated with Mr. Dimitrov to give students hands-on experience in painting, guiding them through the process of creating a mural inspired by ISP’s mission to “Inspire, Engage, Empower.” This project not only honed their artistic skills but also encouraged students to reflect on the deeper values at the heart of ISP’s educational philosophy.
ISP loves to engage with alumni and happily welcomes alumni back to campus to reconnect with ISP and inspire current students with alumni stories. If you would like to get involved at ISP, or are in town and would like to visit, please contact alumni@isp.cz.
As a not-for-profit school ISP directs 100% of tuition, fees, and donations back into our programmes and facilities. However, like many international schools, tuition alone does not cover all the resources required to provide the world-class education we strive to deliver.
Giving is at the heart of our school’s culture, and over the years, the generosity of hundreds of donors has shaped ISP into the institution it is today. Contributions of all sizes have allowed us to extend and enhance our unique learning experience—far beyond what tuition alone can offer.
We are deeply grateful to our donors for their extraordinary generosity. Your ongoing support and involvement are what make ISP the exceptional school it is today.
2019 - 2024 Fundraising Performance*
2023/24 Fundraising Performance
2023/24 Donors by Recognition Societies
4,115,658 CZK 128 DONORS
6,837,743 CZK
The collective generosity of our community plays a pivotal role in enhancing our students’ experience by supporting exceptional programmes and providing cutting-edge resources that distinguish ISP as one of Europe’s leading international schools.
When students enter the Design Studio at ISP, there is a sense of possibility, a feeling of traction, and a structure of support. The Design Studio is a place where ideas and materials are connected.
Creating this kind of opportunity for our students requires a shared vision, constructive design language, and a community that can scaffold its growth. Thanks to contributions to the ISP Fund, the MYP Design Studio now features new tools, including high-end Festool power tools like the TKS 80 Table Saw. These additions enhance the space, helping students gain confidence as they develop crucial design skills.
With the addition of professional-grade tools, the MYP Design Studio aligns with industry standards in prototyping, production, and material transformation.”
In the fall of 2023, Grade 6 participated in two inquiry units: Transformation in Design and With Function and Purpose: Lighting Design. As part of their learning, students created individual table lamps, blending creativity and functionality. Using new tools, they worked with wood, wire, and other materials to build adjustable electric lamps.
Through this hands-on project, students explored hand-building while incorporating movement, balancing style, and purpose in their designs. These experiences are more than just projects—they empower students to think like designers, create with purpose, and transform possibilities into real-world solutions, equipping them with skills that extend far beyond the classroom.
I love using the pliers because they cut, pinch, and twist wire, and working with the drill is also a favourite!“
Matthew Martin, MYP Design Teacher Nico, Grade 6
The ISP Scholarship Programme provides lifechanging opportunities to academically gifted students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be financially out of reach. In 2023/24, we supported 16 scholars, including two new scholars who joined in Grade 9. These students bring diverse interests, valuable contributions to the community, and unique perspectives that enrich our school. We deeply value these scholars and the remarkable impact they have on ISP, just as they value the opportunity to be here.
For Marina, Class of 2024, being an ISP Scholar was an incredible honour that provided not only access to high-quality education but also a supportive environment where she thrived both academically and personally. Coming from a Czech school, Marina was struck by
the personal connections and care from ISP teachers, as well as the welcoming, supportive atmosphere at the school.
For the first time, I experienced an education space where I wasn‘t afraid to raise my hand and talk in class or talk with teachers who were here to help and support us. It‘s so heartwarming, looking back at the journey I‘ve had at ISP with incredible people, friends, and teachers who provided so much fun and encouragement.”
Thanks to the generosity of donors, the ISP Scholarship Programme continues to transform the lives of bright, motivated students, enabling them to pursue their education in an inclusive environment with a community that values their unique talents and potential.
Donors to the ISP Scholarship Fund have impacted my life, and those of other scholars, more than I could express, and we are so grateful for this gift.
- Marina, Class of 2024
The 2024 ISP Gala, held on 11 May, was a spectacular celebration of ISP and the remarkable generosity of our community. This milestone 75th Anniversary Gala, themed “0075 Casino Royale,“ was orchestrated by dedicated parent volunteers from our Gala Organising Committee in collaboration with our Advancement Office.
It was an elegant affair filled with exceptional speakers, incredible performances, and a lively atmosphere that would have impressed even James Bond! Beyond the glamour, the Gala provided our community the opportunity to reflect on 75 years of educational excellence, and to demonstrate our commitment to inclusivity, particularly through the expansion of our Scholarship Programme.
At the heart of the event, Marina and Lucie, two graduating scholars, took centre stage to share the transformative impact of the ISP Scholarship
Programme. They expressed deep gratitude for the invaluable ISP education they have received and shared their sincere desire to give back, ensuring that others can also benefit from this life-changing opportunity.
From an incredible array of silent auction items to the engaging scholarship auction and exciting live auction, our community truly united in support of this important cause.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our corporate sponsors, individual donors, speakers, performers, and all community members who participated in the Gala and Auctions.
Thanks to the collective efforts and overwhelming generosity within the ISP community, this year’s Gala was an extraordinary success, raising over 7 million CZK for the Scholarship Programme.
A few years ago, I was very touched to hear that an ISP Scholar who was accepted into one of the best universities in Europe to study biotechnology… We may think that being here tonight is a small gesture with a small impact, but our presence and generosity has an enormous impact on ISP and our community.
— Anna Lukyanova, Chair of the Gala Organising Committee
ANNA LUKYANOVA/ALEX BELENCHI (for sponsoring the photo booth, flowers and coffee)
OKSANA ARES, ISP parent and volunteer (for designing the invitation)
KRATINA FAMILY (for sponsoring the wines from Obelisk winery)
TSOUKERNIK FAMILY (for sponsoring Casino games)
Absolute Sri Lanka & Mahaweli Reach Hotel
Adi Morun & Microsoft
Advantage Cars
Artěl Glass Llc
Asten Hotels – Hotel Soyka
Asya Meytuv
Canadian Medical
Chateau Mcely
CNSO (Czech National Symphony Orchestra)
Colors of Maldives & Dusit Thani Hotel
Concierge Medicine
CorDees Sports Centre
Dajbych s.r.o.
Dr. Cal Callaway, Deputy Director
Dr. Chip Kimball, ISP Director
Dr. Elizabeth Perry, ISP Teacher
Elite Medical
Elite Voyage
Ericka Bergthold, ISP Teacher
FK Jablonec & Hana Hettiaratchi Sklenářová
Four Seasons Hotel Prague
Fun Arena
Galerie Jakubská – Alexandr Onishenko
Giannina Di Leonardo
Happy Hearts
ISP Students: Sojo, Ziling, Yoonjung, Alisa, Eunchae, Ilya, Dasha
Josef Špaček
KavalierGlass, a.s.
Kovap Náchod s.r.o.
Kratina Family & Jakub Splavec
Kratina Family & Jakub Voráček
Kratina Family & Antonín Barák Jr. & Sr.
Lázně Pramen
Lucia Gruber
Make-Up Institute Prague
Mercuria Laser Game
Michelle Juhasz, Middle School Principal
Moser Karlsbad
Nelly Pacourková
Petr Dimitrov, ISP Teacher
POP Hair Salon
Prochazka & Partners
Rebecca Wood
Rineke & Ronald Dasbach
Václav Noid Bárta & Hana Hettiaratchi
Villa Giardino Bol
VIP Úklid – Cleaning Company
Vypečená matka
Waters’ Sports School
West Ham United
Yuliya Badritdinova & McDonald’s
Zátiší Group
Simona Krainová & Hana Hettiaratchi Sklenářová
Tenis Centrum Mandlik
The Face Place
Thomas International School of Music
ISP would like to thank all donors who provided vital resources to allow students and educators to take the next steps in learning. You are truly making a difference - thank you.
The Comenius Society (500,000 CZK and above)
Ondrej David & Anita Davidová
Martin Kováč & Ingrid Kováčová
Daniel Křetínská & Klára Cetlová
Magdalena Vildová & Jan Vild
The Falcon‘s Society (250,000 to 499,999 CZK)
Tatiana Eichler & Gabriel Eichler
Milan Kratina & Kateřina Kratina Černovská
Martin Kúšik & Danka Kúšikova
Otakar Moťka & Jana Moťková
Oskar Prokopjev & Venera Prokopjeva
UniCredit Bank
The Nebušice Society (175,000 to 249,999 CZK)
Chip Kimball & Cheryl Kimball
The Gold and Black Society (100,000 to 174,999 CZK)
Alexandru Belenchi & Anna Lukyanova
Beata Borer & Joseph Borer
Dajbych s.r.o.
Ronald Dasbach & Rineke Smits (Dasbach)
Jean-Pascal Duvieusart & Chantal
Harry Guhl & Petra Guhl
Ricardo Arturo Martin Beveraggi & Petra
Martin Leštinová
Jiří Nováček & Zuzana Nováčková
Tony Pell & Kitty Pell
Zdeněk Rýzner & Barbora Rýznerová
Anna Symovian & Vagan Simovyan
Diana Trávníčková & Jiří Trávníčkek
Brian Wardrop & Emilia Wardrop
Jeffrey Young & Alexandra Young
Alexey Zakharov
The Supporter‘s Society (1 - 99,999 CZK)
Christina Agor & Mike Peters
Aziz Aliev & Julija Cuhunnikova
Lenka Audy & Marcel Audy
Khiromon Bakoeva & Islam Tekushev
Andrea Bartošová
Kalle Becker & Adina Sali Becker
Teresa Belisle & Steve Guthrie
Yuval Ben Itzhak & Ravit Avidor
Ericka Bergthold
Nancy Bettle
Kimberly Bianchini & Filippo Bianchini
Iryna Bilyk
Martin Blecha
Laura Bradshaw & Sheldon Bradshaw
Allison Bryan & Vicent Ibanez
Cal Callaway & Ligita Callaway
Sebastien Cappelier & Kelli Cappelier
Frida Castillo & Thomas Hadorn
Jan Čermák
Anna Chalova & Jaroslaw Czernek
Mariya Chekan & Volodymyr Tereshko
Minki Cho & Sung Eun Cho
Madeleine Cox
James Cusumano & Inez Cusumano
Callahan Davenport
Dineke de Ruijter - Eldering & Jurgen de Ruijter
Chip Doehring & Sarka Doehring
Jitka Dragounová
Petr Draxler & Jana Draxlerová
Derek Druce & Renee Druce
Veronika Duras & Matthew Duras
Vakhtang Dzhukashvili & Yuliya Khomych
Matthew Eames & Ashley Eames
Mary Engleson & Charles Pascal Fatoma
Laura Jo Evans & Zach Evans
Jake Faucher & Janice Au
Karen Feldman
Hana Fisherová & Paul Fisher
Noah Franske
Akihiro Fushimi & Kati Fushimi
Tetiana Galbmillion
Guy Gani & Vered Maizner-Gani
Amy Garrett & Dax Garrett
Oleg Gavryliak & Yuliia Gavryliak
Linyu Geng & Rebecca Dai
Kiril Georgiev & Dessislava Georgieva
Janna Gibson
Marcin Golebiewski & Anna Golebiewska
Iulia Gorshkova
Thomas Hadorn & Frida Castillo
Helene Harle & Frank Spindelaar
Matthew Hayes & Katerina Hayes
Nathan Heilmann
Julia Held & Volker Schaar
Anthony Hennelly
Hana Hettiaratchi Sklenářová & Priyantha
Suzanne Higgins
Oliver Hill
Lucie Hoffmann & Paul Hoffmann
Anna Holz
Lawrence Hrubeš & Martina Hrubešová
Vazil Hudak & Katarina Pochova
Jana Hviždáková
Vadym Ivanov & Nataliia Ivanova
William Jalloul
Shandana Javed & Arslan Javed
Michelle Juhasz-Stevens & Dan Stevens
Karin Karafotas & Paul Karafotas
Dorota Keleher & Neil Keleher
Elizabeth Kennedy & Chris Larsen
Michiel Kernkamp & Irene Kernkamp
Colleen Knutson & Jan Kabat
Illia Kormilitsyn & Iryna Saienko
Polina Kosharna & Oleksiy Kosharnyy
Monika Kristková
Tatiana Kulanova & Mikhail Kutuzov
Klára Ladmanová
Daniel Lamken & Katerina Lamken
Alexandra Lanouette & Steve Benson
Linda Lawrence Caklová & Tristan Lawrence
Amanda Lenk
Nada Leslie & George Leslie
Solange Lewis & Michael Lewis
Kathryn Lovette
Erik Lundgren & Danny Lundgren
Filip Lutzký
Qi Ma & Xiao Xiao
Katerina Mackovičová
Tomasz Maksymiuk & Monika Maksymiuk
Brenda Manfredi
Jessica Martin & Matthew Martin
Natalia Matveeva & Robert Matveev
Fiona McGowan
Christopher McQuillan
Jennifer Michalsky & Andrea La Rose
Kateřina Minaříková & Steven Rappaport
Oksana Miroshnichenko
Israr Mohmand & Rizwana Mohmand
Natalia Morozova
Catherine Morrison & Michael Morrison
Furugh Nahib
Nilob Nahib
Vladimir Nekhamkin & Ann Shinder
Thanh Nguyen & Tuan VU
Dmytro Nikolayev & Iryna Nikolayeva
Katarína Nováková & Ondřej Novák
Petr Novotný & Cristina Novotny
Solomiya Nykytenko & Yevgen Nykytenko
Serhii Onishchuk & Iryna Buzulutska
Springs Pacelli & Roberto Pacelli
Tiago Palhano & Filipa Ramos
Kirsten Palmer Thompson
PANDA ride
Elizabeth Perry & Mark Stroup
Stanislav Petříček & Petra Petříček
Scott Petrus & Jamie Petrus
Peter Richard Pinard & Elsy Pinard
Luděk Podola
Moira Power
Igor Prerovsky & Zdenka Prerovska
Radek Procházka & Barbora Procházková
Martin Puchala & Olga Puchalová
Gena Rabinowitz & Brad Kane
Sue Rabjohn
Nina Radcliffe & Ian Radcliffe
Kristine Raggio & Jason Raggio
Martina Reckziegelová
Peter Ridder & Carol Coke Sanford
Pavlína Rieselová & Thomas Walther
Josefino Rivera
David Rops & Tracy Rops
Radek Rosa & Katka Rosová
Kim Ruymbeke & Bart Himschoot
Alexey Ryabov & Marina Ryabova
Jan Sadil & Pavla Sadilová
Tina Schmidt & Lasse Raae Wølch Schmidt
Ladislav Seifrt & Hana Seifrtová
Ladislav Sekerka & Zdeňka Sekerka
Bruno Serra & Talita Serra
Sourav Sharma & Poonam Sharma
Maryna Sidorovych & Volodymyr Sidorovych
Jenny Snively & Patrick Frape
Jan Soukup
Monica Stanciu
Sigurdur Arnar Stefnisson & Piia Mettala
Eric Sturm & Sheila Esshaki
Sanjiv Suri & Marketa Zajicova-Suri
Leon Tsoukernik & Sandra Tsoukernik
Jan Vild & Nikola Vild Mitošinková
Nena Vukotic & Darko Vukotic
Molly Wellner & John Wellner
Peter Wells & Iveta Wells
Matthew Woodward & Mariana Garza
Inna Yakovchuk & Serhii Yakovchuk
Katharine Zabinski & Jan Zabinski
Xiaoqing Zhong & Stone Ren
Joseph Borer & Beata Borer
Jeremy Chapman & Emily De Vega
* Families appear in alphabetical order by donor‘s surname.
*Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the donor roll. Should you notice an error, or prefer that we list you differently in the future publications, please email advancement@isp.cz
We are pleased to report that ISP ended its 75th year of operations in a healthy state. Student enrolment reached an end-of-year full-time equivalency (FTE) of 959, which is 5% above the budget, generating a 3% increase over budget in gross tuition/CAF income, while expenses were 1% lower than budgeted. The School continued to support a small number of Humanitarian scholarships to help alleviate the impact on international school students resulting from the war in Ukraine.
Tuition and Capital Assessment Fees (CAF) for the 2023/24 fiscal year exceeded the budget by CZK 18,821K due to the increase in student enrolment from 917 to 959, as measured in fulltime equivalents (FTE). As with most schools, salaries and benefits continue to represent the school’s greatest operating expense, at 76% of total operating expenses.
The School’s surplus increased to CZK 55,912K in the fiscal year 2023/24 compared to CZK 39,632K in the prior year. The positive result continues to allow the school to maintain its mandated financial reserve of 25% of budgeted expenses, and to ensure the continued growth of resources for the longterm improvement and enhancement of the facilities and campus in line with changes in educational needs and quality improvement.
The School began investing surplus funds during the 2021/22 fiscal year. While necessarily involving some modest risk, investment is a proper stewardship of school resources and fiduciary responsibility in terms of the longterm future of the school. The invested Reserve fund in ISP s.r.o. resulted in the accounted
earnings of CZK 4,040K and invested Endowment in both entities (ISP s.r.o. and FoISP) in the total accounted earnings of CZK 575K. The actual value of the Reserve fund in ISP s.r.o. on 30 June 2024 was CZK 149,129K.
ISP’s focus in this area is to reasonably protect itself from imaginable economic and financial risks. Where possible, the School uses relevant tools to minimise the impact of these risks on the School‘s operation.
Persisting inflationary pressures present an ongoing financial challenge to the School, especially in the context of the desire to continuously improve the quality of the education delivered, and the need to retain and recruit high caliber teachers from around the world. The School is exploring creative approaches to uncover efficiencies that do not materially impact the programme, but despite this effort, inflation is likely to carry through to tuition increases to retain the quality of the educational programme.
ISP is able to provide its educational model not only through the fees it charges but also thanks to the donations it receives. We hope the information below will provide further clarity about the use of fees and donations.
ISP is a not-for-profit institution in the form of a Czech corporation (an “s.r.o.” - společnost
s ručením omezeným” or in English, Limited Liability Company). Educational regulations in the Czech Republic require that an international school offering a non-Czech curriculum be owned by a non-Czech entity; the non-Czech owner in our case is the International School of Prague Foundation, a U.S. not-for-profit entity (a “501(c)(3)”). This type of non-profit organisation has decades of legal and tax standing in the USA. The foundation document of ISP, for its part, stipulates that no dividends or benefits are to be distributed; all monies the school raises are reinvested in the school, and no profits accrue to any group or individual.
Each year, as with any well-run organisation, the school endeavours to finish the year with a positive financial result. This is planned as part of the budget process. During budget planning, fees (which include both Tuition and Capital Assessment) are set. Tuition is intended to meet the current costs of educating students. The Capital Assessment, for its part, may be used for current year capital expenditures (investment in infrastructure), to assist in retiring of any future debt incurred for the major capital investments of the School, or be allocated to a capital fund to help in the future funding of major strategic investments in the facility.
Although the exact amounts vary annually, payers can expect that most of their overall fees are going towards current-year expenses and planning for the future. For those fees that are not used this year, fees are rolled forward; current families are the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by prior families, just as future families will be the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by current families. Funds that are in excess of the above needs may from time to time be placed by a decision of the Trustees into the School’s Endowment.
Donations are generally received and managed through two entities: Friends of the International School of Prague, z.s.(FoISP) is a not-for-profit association that raises funds in support of the International School of Prague.
The International School of Prague Foundation, Inc. is a US not-for-profit 501(c)3 organisation whose mission is to support education. It is this Foundation that formally owns the School.
In 2023/24 donations received totaled CZK 10,517,060 and USD 8,600. These donations were restricted to one of the following programmes:
ISP Scholarship Programme: CZK 6,615,100 and USD 8,000 donations to support new scholars to join the International School of Prague.
ISP Fund: CZK 4,100,460 and USD 600 to allow targeted spending on programmes that enrich the ISP‘s unique learning experience.
Distinguished Speaker Fund: CZK 1,500 to bring leaders and accomplished professionals to ISP
ISP’s Financial Statements and Annual Report are audited annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.
Petr Draxler Chief Operating Officer
Brian Wardrop Board Treasurer
International School of Prague s.r.o.
Dear Sirs,
17 October 2024
We have substantially completed the audit of the standalone and consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared in accordance with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2024
Members of the Finance Committee
We are going to issue the accompanying report which summarizes the course and results of the audit procedures performed
International School of Prague s.r.o.
We value your feedback and we hope that this document will facilitate t wo-way communication with you and welcome any suggestion s and observations you may have.
Dear Sirs,
Yours very truly,
We have substantially completed the audit of the standalone and consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared in accordance with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2024 .
Olga Řehořková Partner
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.
We are going to issue the accompanying report which summarizes the course and results of the audit procedures performed .
We value your feedback and we hope that this document will facilitate t wo-way communication with you and welcome any suggestion s and observations you may have.
Yours very truly,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika
T: +420 251 151 111, F: +420 252 156 111, www.pwc.com/cz
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., se sídlem Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, IČ: 40765521, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 3637 a v seznamu auditorských společností u Komory auditorů České republiky pod evidenčním číslem 021.
This Annual Report was printed with environmentally friendly inks and on paper sourced from environmentally friendly, sustainable, and controlled sources.
International School of Prague
Nebušická 700, 164 04 Prague 6
Tel: +420 220 384 111