A glimps e at manufacturing in Apulia
A glimpse at manufacturing in Apulia
Via delle Dalie, angolo Via delle Petunie Zona Industriale – 70026 Modugno (BA) Italia Ph. +39 080 5498811 sprint@regione.puglia.it
FOR INFORMATION ON APULIAN BIOTECH TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER (H-BIO) ACTIVITIES Distretto H-BIO Puglia S.c.r.l Piazza Umberto I, Palazzo Ateneo 70121 Bari Italy Ph. 080 / 5714615 Fax 080 / 5443388 distrettobiotech-safa@dardre.uniba.it
The biotechnology sector 8
Biotech: meta-sector for the future
Apulia is biotech
‘Technological trajectories’ in apulian biotechnology
Apulian biotech technological cluster (h-bio)
Apulian h-bio pilot projects
Apulian universities in biotech
Public and private research centres
Networks of biotech laboratories
Apulian biotech firms
Investing in Apulia
Apulia’s strengths
The infrastructure in place
Entrepreneurial network and exports
Universities and research centres
Incentives for development
A glimpse at manufacturing in Apulia
The biotechnology sector With this brief publication for the international markets and national and international actors, the Region of Apulia presents Apulian biotech: a meta-sector that is strategic in the push towards innovation, bringing advancement in all production sectors. Today in Apulia, the excellences of the regional research system work together – on the one hand to offer services and technological innovation to the high-tech sectors; on the other to support the traditional sectors to innovate production and management processes and achieve new products. The Region of Apulia recognises the fact that research is the true motor of innovation and economic growth. With this, it continues to enact the instruments needed for resurgence in the entrepreneurial system, particularly through technological transfer from the actors in research to the companies. This is the origin of the Apulian technological clusters, laboratory networks, and public-private consortia for research, as well as of a series of specific initiatives and programmes. The success of the regional government’s actions is demonstrated by the growing numbers in university spin-offs and registration of patents. 4
In Apulia there are roughly 50 organisations dedicated to research on biotechnology: active in strategic directions identified by the Region of Apulia, serving in response to social challenges, and in the creation of a new model of responsible, inclusive development. Today, Apulian biotech firms work with success in the field of advanced diagnostics, for the development of new materials and production processes, medicines and personalised therapies. This research and development of new technological solutions contributes to important innovation in regional production sectors such as agrifoods, mechatronics, textiles and aerospace – to name only a few. In this era of human history and in the current economic climate, biotechnologies represent a great opportunity to create a model of responsible and inclusive development. Biotechnologies permit better care of the individual, reduced environmental impact from production processes, and the provision of healthful, secure and curative foods. Apulia presents itself on the international markets and to the actors in the sector as a reliable partner: seen in the points of excellence achieved in the research system, available to firms; and in the youthful, animated, and vigorous entrepreneurial system, which continues to show important indicators of growth. 5
In Apulia, a wide range of institutions, firms and organisations are active in biotechnology, and achieve levels of both qualitative and quantitative excellence. This is a spectrum in development, bringing growth to the entire region. Important initiatives and competencies in the research and entrepreneurial spheres, backed by the commitments of the regional government, make Apulia an ideal place to grow biotech over the near future.
BIOTECH: “Biotechnologies� first appeared almost unknowingly, when humans first modified raw foods, bringing about the earliest breads, beverages and cheeses. Today they are a driver for research and the overall economy. Following centuries of discoveries, most notably those in genetics, they are in fact a source of innovation and development in all sectors. Biotechnologies have important benefits not only for human health, but also at the broadest social level. As shown by a recent study, every unit of new personnel in the biotech sector generates five jobs in the input sectors. Given effects such as this, biotechnologies represent a meta-sector in continuous growth, broadening the field of research action, with profound effects on human life.
“Apulian biotech� means advanced diagnostics and cures, for the health of our own citizens.
Action in Apulian biotech engages diverse fields, from health to industrial processes. However it is in biomedicine and diagnostics that Apulian research and enterprise reach true points of excellence. In fact for the regional government, personal health is the top policy objective: it is for this that we see the study, testing, and production of innovative systems of diagnosis, and for cures to the principle human pathologies.
APULIA IS BIOTECH Apulian biotech is already a reality in strong growth, featuring rich and dynamic research systems and an ever more assertive entrepreneurial side. The regional government’s precise strategies have led to a system of flourishing networks of consortia, centres and private laboratories, integrated with public research and enterprise, that bring about development and innovation throughout the territory. Thanks to the excellence of Apulian research and the presence of two major multinational pharmaceutics firms, an entire system of smaller companies is growing, which operates in the biotechnologies sector. The Apulian biotechnology enterprises are almost always small and medium sized: choosing specialisations in highly specific market niches, they have also reached top levels in in the international markets. 12
Other than in human health, Apulian biotech also operates in the development of new materials and production processes, bio-informatics, and animal and environmental health and protection. Major lines of biotech experimenting and research concern the agrifoods sector, which is strategic in Apulia’s overall economy. There is research in healthful foods, achieving higher safety and goodness; in traditional food production, achieving better expression of aromas, structures and colours. In some cases, research is driving towards new production, such as juices and purées from table grapes, one of Apulia’s typical fruit crops. 13
Foods produced in Apulia are safety and quality-controlled through microbiological testing.
Apulian biotechnologies show significant points of excellence, particularly in the basic research conducted by universities, research centres, and by public and private laboratories. The region demonstrates important activity in multiple interests, from human health to agriculture, to industrial processes and environmental concerns. Within this range there are certain specialisations that represent the future of Apulian biotech.
The technological trajectories of Apulian biotechnology Polymeric materials and bio-based composites
Personalised medicine
Advanced therapies
Molecular diagnostics and advanced diagnostics
IN APULIAN BIOTECHNOLOGY New production processes
The regional government has in fact identified “technological trajectories” that will be the focal areas of development for Apulian production sectors, as well as instruments that respond to the territory’s social challenges. These are lines of research and tech transfer identified by the technological clusters and regional public-private aggregations, which serve in the construction of a new model of responsible economic development. In keeping with the broadest strategic vision, the model is for the creation of the necessary dialogue and interconnections between different capacities and areas, for use of technologies that are intelligent, inclusive and sustainable. 16
Gene therapy
Tissue engineering for regenerative medicine
Innovative food products, through biotechnological, processing plant and technological solutions
Biotechnologies basic research
Biotechnologies applied to bio-informatics
Firms in Apulia extract lycopene biological antioxidants from tomatoes, using CO2 - Galatina (province of Lecce).
The Apulian Technological Clusters are non-profit public-private agglomerations, acting for the support and development of applied research. Their programme aims are to optimise the excellence of the regional scientific organisations, thus applying knowledge development and diffusion for social and economic development in Apulia. Apulia H-BIO is the reference technological cluster for human health and biotechnologies. It operates in the creation of synergies between the research and entrepreneurial spheres, for the development of the sector and the attraction of professionals and larger actors.
The activities of the H-BIO cluster respond to the needs of the citizens and their rights to advanced, innovative cures and therapies. Two other technological clusters also participate in projects relevant to their sectors: the Apulian High-Tech Technological Cluster (DHITECH) and the Regional Agrifoods Cluster (DARE).
The Apulian H-BIO cluster operates in the areas of four technological trajectories: l
Personalised medicine (biomarkers)
Advanced therapies
Molecular diagnostics and advanced diagnostics
New production processes 21
Application of “omics� technologies in development of new processes and innovative products for diagnosis, therapy and therapeutic monitoring New cellular and therapeutic approaches included cellular and tissue engineering, oriented towards high social-impact pathologies Development of biosensors, micro-arrays, biochips, and other systems for advanced diagnosis of industrial interest, such as diagnostic imaging Development, evaluation, and quality control of pharmaceutics, vaccines, diagnostics, or therapeutic supports, based on biotechnological innovation
The H-BIO cluster in numbers
20 companies 4 universities, 10 research centres, 3 hospitalisation/health-care research centres (IRCSSs)
1 foundation, 1 related association
New production processes based on technological/biotechnological innovation Source: Apulian Biotech Technological Cluster (H-BIO), 2014 data 22
Apulia’s hospitals and major clinical centres also participate in biotech research for human health.
UNIVERSITIES In Apulia, biotech research is concentrated in the universities, with direct involvement from 32 departments. Besides their research activity, these institutions represent centres for the birth and stimulus of start-ups, that carry on the successes at the entrepreneurial level. In recent years, academic research has been ever more oriented towards exploiting the core research for concrete benefits in spin-offs and patents. For this, the regional government has allocated funds to further develop Apulian academic research at the entrepreneurial level. Biology, veterinary and agro-foods sciences have been the major research areas in Apulian universities. Today, these areas show a wide variety of researcher competencies and specific lines of activity, branching into pharmacology, microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics.
The University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ is a centre of excellence in the areas of clinical-applied research in biology and comparative genomics, highly active in international joint projects with other universities and research centres. This has led to the birth of a University of Bari centre dedicated to molecular and genetics research, and for development of new, advanced diagnostics and molecular modelling techniques. The Polytechnic University of Bari is a further centre of international excellence in the same city, operating in advanced science and technological knowledge transfer for social and territorial development.
BIOTECH At Foggia, academic research in biotechnology is concentrated in four university departments, primarily engaged in projects in the sectors of health, environment and agro-foods. The city of Lecce benefits from the presence of several research centres specialised in materials and nanotechnologies. Biotech research at the University of Lecce thus naturally concentrates in three departments dealing with technologies for biological applications. The university faculties cooperate in particular with the National Nanotechnology Laboratory, where some of the major research lines are in synthesis and fabrication of nanostructures and nanosystems, and their properties, functions, interfaces and integration with complex production systems. 27
The University of Bari is one of the Apulican biotech research centres.
Apulia benefits from a number of major research centres (both public and private) active in the biotech meta-sector. The National Research Council (CNR) is present in the region with 10 institutions for research, ranging from food sciences to biomedical and bioenergy fields, to new bio-based materials. Apulia’s three Healthcare and Research Centres (IRCSSs) also serve in leading roles. The Tumour Institute ‘John-Paul II’ is active in the development of biological tests and biomarkers in personalised medicine. The Shelter-Hospital for Suffering, in Foggia, specialises in research on genetic diseases, innovative therapies and regenerative medicine. Finally, the Specialised Hospital ‘Saverio De Bellis’ participates in a range of projects on molecular biology, particularly on regulatory mechanisms in liver tumours, and the ‘Gianni Benzi’ Pharmacological Foundation operates for advanced education in biology and medicine, as well in biotech research.
There are also two biotech research consortia operating in Apulia: the CARSO Centre for Oncological Research and Education, and the Consortium for Biological and Pharmacological Evaluation, active respectively in the areas of pathology and pharmaceutics. The Euro-Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute, based at Bari, has the stated mission of promoting and catalysing joint biomedical and health research throughout the Mediterranean area.
RESEARCH CENTRES Apulia has also seen the birth of specialised centres that operate in technological research and transfer in the industrial sectors: the Regional Centre for Agrifoods Technologies (CeRTA) works in the field of applied microbiology and molecular biology for the agro-foods sector; DAISY-Net is a consortium serving as a point of reference for IC technologies, particularly active in bioinformatics applied to medicine. Finally there is the PST Technopolis Science Park, which provides support to companies in a number of areas, including logistics, lab services and start-up incubation. 31
Agro-foods and agro-environmental analytical laboratory - Locorotondo (Province of Bari).
BioBOP – Apulian Oncological Bio-Bank Network for the monitoring and use of oncological tissues, directed to development of new diagnostic, pharmacological and biomedical approaches Target sectors Advanced diagnostics, biomedicine, pharmacology
The Apulian Laboratory Networks, promoted by the regional government, serve as true territorial distribution nodes, providing companies with access to their advanced technological specialisations. They consist of the top Apulian universities and research centres, working together on the different lines of research. The aim of the networks is generate diversified and specialised production within the region, and to respond to specific social needs. The laboratory networks active in biotechnologies serve enterprise in a range of production sectors, from agro-foods to pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy to mechatronics.
BISIMANE Regional network of laboratories for biological approaches to human disease systems Target sectors Agro-foods, pharmacology
LABORATORIES NaBiDiT Nano-biotechnologies for diagnostics and development of innovative therapies Target sectors Nano-medicine, advanced diagnostics, nanotheranostics, new pharmaceutics development SELGE Regional network of laboratories for the selection, characterisation and preservation of germplasms, and against diffusion of harmful organisms with economic and quarantine implications Target sectors Agro-foods, floriculture, environment
TEGUVA Use of genomic technologies for development of new varieties of Vitis apirena table grapes, with enhanced with nutraceutic functions Target sectors Agro-foods, pharmaceutics, environment BioNet - PTP Biodiversity for evaluation and security in traditional Apulian food production Target sectors Agro-foods PHOEBUS Plastic technologies for the realisation of organic solar cells and high efficiency, bright and uniform sources Target sectors Illumino-technics, photovoltaics, bio-construction LIPP Apulian public research lab for plasmas Target sectors Textiles-furnishings-footwear (TAC) Agro-foods, mechatronics, micro-electronics, aerospace, biomedicine, jewellery
MITT Innovative nanocomposite materials and processing technologies for structural and functional applications Target sectors Aerospace, transport, manufacturing, bio-construction SINTESI Regional laboratory for synthesis and characterisation of new organic materials and nano-structures for electronics, photonics and advanced technologies Target sectors Electronics, photonics, renewable energies, illumino-technics, environment, cultural heritage, human health WAFITECH Regional laboratory for new nano and biotechnologies for water filtration: design and construction of bio-mimetic membranes for industrial, commercial and environmental applications Target sectors Environment, renewable energy, biomedicine
Development and production lab for diagnostic testing kits for plant viruses - Valenzano (Province of Bari).
One of the unique Apulian enterprises is a company that markets innovative health and cosmetics products, based on ozonised Salento olive oil as the raw material. Other Apulian companies are producing self-assembling polypeptide structures for research, medical systems for regenerative therapy, low-toxicity hydrogels for surgery, and instruments for early diagnosis of osteoporosis. A final fascinating area is the production of experimental radiopharmaceutics and radiotherapies for adrotherapy, the new frontier for tumour cures. The health sector also features the presence of major manufacturers, who have adapted their advanced mechatronics experience for applications in biotech.
APULIAN BIOTECH FIRMS Apulia is witnessing the emergence of an important system of firms active in the biotechnologies meta-sector, flanking the laboratory networks and research centres. The presence of two large chemicalpharmaceutical multinationals is a further asset, driving the entire meta-sector. Alongside the largest firms are an ever increasing number of small to medium enterprises working in research and production of biotechnologies solutions. Over the past four years the number of Apulian biotech firms has in fact doubled. While the overall enterprise population is still small, this is still an indicator of sectorial growth: one that is bringing innovation and development to the entire regional industrial system. The enterprises enter in many other sectors, in addition to the core area of human health: there are important entrepreneurial successes in bio-informatics, and transverse cooperation brings innovation to all the Apulian production sectors. 40
The agro-foods sector has always been strategic in the Apulian economy, and this too is becoming “biotech”. For example there are now companies producing diagnostic kits for the “virus-free” certification of food products, based on Apulian research. In the genetics area, a number of local enterprises produce instruments for the study of human, animal and plant genomes. Apulian biotech is changing the approach to heavy manufacturing, as seen in firms that work on low-temperature plasma processes, with important, positive benefits in different sectors: biomaterials, textiles, paper, food products, extending to design and fine arts sectors, and still more.
Apulian firms have developed work stations for molecular diagnostics laboratories and for forensic genetics research - Modugno (provincia di Bari).
Apulia is one of Southern Italy’s most dynamic regions. The development model to promote new synergies between businesses and research to improve infrastructure and the availability of a qualified workforce has proved to be a winning strategy for all manufacturing sectors.
The regional government ensures high standards in the management of international relations, as well as support for new foreign operations arriving in the territory.
INVESTING IN APULIA The great strength of the “Apulian model” is the guarantee of clear guidelines for economic operators, including the creation of incentive packages for all types of Apulian businesses that are dynamic, proactive leaders in their respective sectors, operating at an international level, open to experimentation, but also custodians of a heritage of rich artisanal traditions.
Apulia’s strategic geographic position, its commitment to environmental sustainability, an avant-garde social welfare system, and the wealth of its social capital are also factors that make Apulia a region of beauty and also of interest, both for investment and as a place to live.
A regional government attentive to the needs of companies that invest in local economic development. A positive business climate with a dynamic entrepreneurial system.
APULIA’S An excellent network of research centers and universities.
A high quality of life the “Apulian lifestyle”. 46
A strategic geographic position with optimal infrastructure systems.
A highly qualified labor force operating in an effective labor market.
STRENGTHS An ATTRACTIVE system of incentives, aimed both at new and foreign investment and at promoting the entrepreneurial development of the existing regional productive system.
Apulian laboratories for biotechnologies research are equipped with the latest-generation equipment.
entrepreneurial NETWORK AND
2 International and 2 domestic airports
billion euro in exports for the first half of 2014 **** ( over the same period in 2013)
to BROADband (Italian average: 96,5%) *
* SOURCE: Data from Invitalia, December 2013 50
4 Universities (3 public, 1 private) 1 Polytechnic institute 30 networks of public research laboratories 6
Technological clusters, recognized by the National Ministry for Research and Education
5 Public-private aggregations
Apulian institutions and firms conduct genetic research for the development of new therapies, made available to the region’s citizens.
Overall the Apulia Region Government has activated investments of over 3 billion euro in its own territories, which is triple the base funds accessed from the public sector, at 865 million euro. For the next program of ERDF funds the regional government will provide allocations to the productive system of more than 2.4 billion euro, representing 44.36% of the entire regional ERDF Programme budget.
INCENTIVES The strategic push towards synergies in the spheres of enterprise and production has created experimentation, innovation and transfers of knowledge and know-how. At the same time, the Regional Government has made available notable resources for the promotion and support of Apulia’s different economic sectors. The resources originate in large part from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and are directed towards firms of different sizes, present in the various productive sectors active in Apulia.
Regional programme contracts for large enterprises 292 million euro were awarded to manufacturing firms for the development of activities and projects that have reinforced the competitiveness, the draw of investment and the development of employment in the region.
Regional programme contractS for the tourism sector With allocations of 50 million euro, this program has favored further growth in sustained off-peak tourism.
AID for medium-sized companies and consortia of small-to-medium sized businesses (Integrated Incentives Packages) 201 million euro were allocated for activities in manufacturing, service industries, agro-food processing and commercialization, to create employment, social stability and economic dynamism.
AID for medium and consortia of small-TO-medium enterprises active in tourism SECTOR (Integrated Incentives Packages for the Tourism Sector) Applying a budget of 54 million euro, this intervention has further raised the standards of quality and classification in the Apulian tourism offer.
Aid packages for micro & small business (Title II) Total allocations of 107 million euro have strengthened the economic activities of small and very small businesses, particularly through improved access to credit.
Aid packages for small Businesses for touristic sector (Title II – Tourism) This instrument provided 25 million euro in aid to small and medium enterprises active in the tourism and lodging sectors, in management of tourist port and beach services, and to small and medium businesses that undertook new tourism and hotel initiatives, including the restorationrenovation of architecturally significant and historical properties.
Aid packages for innovative small businessES in early development This program, applying a total of 15 million euro, has stimulated the birth of micro and small enterprises based on productive applications of recent research results in the industrial sectors strategic to Apulia’s regional development (new materials, advanced logistics, advanced ICT manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental enhancement,
Aid packages for setting up or moving to SUBurban areas The Regional Government provided 10 million euro in support to business consortia and networks engaged in transferring their existing production systems away from cities with a population of over 40,000, towards extra-urban industrial areas and production parks.
public health, agro-food systems).
Call for proposals: Internationalization Aid packages for OPERATIVE innovative small businessES With a budget of 15 million euro, this initiative has supported the consolidation and growth of innovative micro and small enterprise active in the strategic industrial sectors identified by the Apulia Region Government (new materials, advanced logistics, advanced ICT manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental enhancement, public health, agro-food systems). The program supported investment projects proposed by businesses already in operation.
Integrated incentive packages for small businessES Over 49 million euro were allocated to the most dynamic of small Apulian businesses, for consolidation, innovative restructuring and expansion.
The current call represents the first regional incentive program for business internationalization. With a budget of 20 million euro, the objective is to increase the number of exporters operating in Apulia.
New enterprise initiatives (NIDI) This initiative of the Apulia Region Government is directed at women, youth, the unemployed, persons subject to layoff, contract staff and the self-employed, who wish to begin a new business. The program provides 54 million euro in forgivable loans and mortgage financing, with investment insurance of up to 80% or 100%.
Regional technological clusters for innovation With a budget of 30 million euro, this instrument strengthens activities in industrial research, experimental development and innovation in micro, small, medium and large business, in the thematic sectors identified under the SmartPuglia2020 Strategy: Sustainable manufacturing; Environmental and personal health; Inclusive, creative and digital communities.
A glimpse at manufacturing in Apulia
Via delle Dalie, angolo Via delle Petunie Zona Industriale – 70026 Modugno (BA) Italia Ph. +39 080 5498811 sprint@regione.puglia.it
FOR INFORMATION ON APULIAN BIOTECH TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER (H-BIO) ACTIVITIES Distretto H-BIO Puglia S.c.r.l Piazza Umberto I, Palazzo Ateneo 70121 Bari Italy Ph. 080 / 5714615 Fax 080 / 5443388 distrettobiotech-safa@dardre.uniba.it
© REGION OF APULIA Translation by: PAROLE S.a.s. (Rome) Printed December 2014 Stampa Sud S.p.A. - Mottola (TA)
Project co-financed by the E.U., in accordance with the Operational Programme E.R.D.F. European Regional Development Fund Puglia 2007-2013 – Line 6.3., Action 6.3.2 “Initiatives in support of local business internationalisation”
APULIA REGION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYMENT AND INNOVATION POLICY DEPARTMENT International Business Promotion Office Corso Sonnino 177 70121 Bari Italy Ph. +39 080 540 47 47 Fax +39 080 540 47 43 servizio.internazionalizzazione@regione.puglia.it www.internazionalizzazione.regione.puglia.it www.regione.puglia.it www.sistema.puglia.it