Clean Standup Comedy vs. All the Downright Dirty: What's Better?

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The whole purpose of a comedian is to bring out some laughs out of their audience, but we must remember that every person within that audience has their own taste of humor. Clean Standup Comedy can be considered hilarious enough to twist their stomachs into knots, while for someone else it can be considered bland and safe. Depending on the venue, which are usually family-oriented, they won’t hire a dirty jokester with vulgar content, meaning it is much more difficult for you to grow as a comedian without an audience. But then there are those adult comedy clubs that crave the best relatable dirty jokes rather than clean and cheesy. For the most part, if you desire to take the dirty route, you may have to create your own shows in alternative venues to remain true to your art and loose from censorship, which is a whole lot more effort on your part. Now on to more about the actual comical material. What divides the two styles? Dirty comics tend to use harsh and vulgar language while talking about drugs and sex; this can rub their audience the wrong way-- limiting connections between them. A clean comic does the opposite and tries to form a relation, not that a dirty comic doesn’t intend the same, it is just easier to relate with clean and mundane situations rather than snorting cocaine off some cleavage. So coming down to the verdict-- Which one is better? Unfortunately there is no solid answer, as it depends all on the opinion of the audience. To prove how versatile a comedian is, they should be able to write clean and dirty productively and know when and where it is appropriate. But maybe talking about genitals is your only strength which is fine, but be aware that it gives you limitations, while clean is more natural and flexible. Also be aware that if your material is flawless, it may also not get the best response everywhere. It all depends on the setting. Usually, no one wants Clean Standup Comedy in a rowdy bar filled with raging testosterone. If you are a comic that can do both, have two sets prepared: one that is uncensored and one more friendly for everyone.

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