Comedy is born from inspiration as Clinton Jackson Comedian can agree with, or anyone else for that matter. To keep your name alive in the comedy world you must always present new and relatable material. How do we actively think about this material though? We must keep up with modern trends and news and create a connection with the audience. All of this is born with the use of two simple tools. A pen and the mind. Force yourself to write, even if no inspiration is striking you. You shouldn’t write only when you feel like it. Setting up a schedule or a specific time in your day to write, or simply just finding 10 free minutes in your day even if the only 10 free minutes you have includes yourself in a bathroom stall after a huge meal you probably shouldn’t have overly consumed. Even if nothing magnificent comes out of it, write! When you actively write every day, it allows the ideas you’ve made to develop. Maybe in time you can think of something to add, or maybe the thought will just die. Most often the case is, one thought leads to another. If not, link two thoughts that have no relevance together as a fun and creative exercise. Consider the thought “dog” and another “sun”, both completely random words with no relevance. Your goal is to intertwine these two such as the example that the dog chased after his own shadow that the sun created. Exercises like this allow you to think creatively to evolve your ideas. Exercising your mind with thoughts and ideas keeps it active and alive. This is the best time to have the ability to create something memorable and humorous as Clinton Jackson Comedian does. By doing this, he, as well as other comedians keep their name alive.