In an ideal world, things would be fair for everybody, meaning that there would be no prejudice and every person would be treated fairly and equally and although we would wish to live in a world like this, it is not how people actually function, as we make judgments about nearly everything that we come in contact with, whether or not it is with ill intent or any other feelings. When we see somebody dressed well and in nice clothes, taken for dry cleaning Sherman Oaks, there are certain ideas that flow through your head, which are judgments, and as causal beings, we generally relate certain ideas together, like seeing a man in a dress suit, and assuming that he works for a company and holds a corporate job, and makes a certain amount of money. With these ideas in place, we have made a judgment about a person, simply based on the appearance of their attire. While it is unfair to make these types of judgments, it happens all of the time to anybody who is perceived by others. By simply being seen, somebody can make assumptions about you based on the way that you look. On these grounds, it is important to appear presentable so that you can make a good impression, which can help you to get further in life and to get to places. In many situations, people will have to make a decision about you which will affect your life. An example of this may be a job interview. You want to go into an interview and make the best impression so that you can be selected for the job. Because you are aware that the person interviewing you does not know you personally, you will have to make the best impression through articulate speaking and with clean, presentable attire. By dressing formally for your interview, you convey the message that you are treating the meeting seriously and that you are coming in respectfully. This is similar to when you are going to court for a trial. If you are speaking in court and your testimony has any bearing on the case, you should expect to make a good appearance if you want to be taken seriously and treated with respect, as it could affect the outcome of your situation. Another situation where dressing nicely can help by impressing people is when you are trying to get the attention of a romantic interest. There are numerous situations in which making the proper impression through your appearance can have a big effect. By taking your clothes in for dry cleaning Sherman Oaks, you can make a good impression with important people and gain more respect from everyone around you, with your clean, presentable formal attire.