Are you afraid of going to the dentist? You’re not alone. About 5% to 8% of Americans admit going to the dentist out of fear while 20% of adults concede that they go to the dentist only when it is absolutely necessary. That might explain why, of the approximately 91% of American adults who have cavities, about 25% of them leave their teeth untreated. If you don’t want your fear of the dentist to compromise your oral health, hypnotherapy can help. Top dentists are beginning to employ hypnosis because they believe it can help patients who are facing their dental phobias. Dental Hypnotherapy works in various ways. However, the most common approach is encouraging a trance-like state. This is usually achieved by talking to the patient in a soft, calming voice. Reaching a trance can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Hypnotherapy is accompanied by an anesthetic to ease the patient’s anxiety. Most of us have encountered hypnosis but in an entertaining context. For those of you who are unsure of how a stage performance can be related to a dental procedure, it is important to remember that hypnosis is a well-regarded therapeutic practice. Hypnosis unlocks the subconscious through a state of deep relaxation. During that state, the hypnotist will offer suggestions for the subconscious to make positive associations. Although everyone responds differently after being hypnotized, many patients feel a sense of confidence and empowerment. Patients who struggle with odontophobia (or dentophobia) can benefit from hypnosis in numerous ways. Not only can they visit the dentist without the anxiety that typically comes with it, but they can also stop the occurrences of gagging and bruxism (habitual grinding of the teeth). Migraines and insomnia can also be treated for dentophobes. The frequency of hypnotherapy sessions depends on the conditions being treated. Consult with a hypnotherapist to see if hypnosis is right for you.