Itunes comedy

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Find Your Favorite Comedians’ Albums in the iTunes Comedy Section Looking for something new to listen to on your iPhone or mobile device? Get on iTunes comedy store and find your favorite comedians’ greatest laugh tracks.

The way in which comedy is delivered has not much changed since its beginnings, but the way that it is received and perceived has changed to include many different ways. Standup comedians have always performed in front of an audience, such as at a show or a bar, sometimes in a studio, but generally always in front of an audience. However, comedy has been received by the listener or watcher in many different ways since its beginnings. With so many changes and advances in technology, the way in which comedy has been watched has gone from live shows to on the television, to on video tapes and other recorded means, and the internet. With the internet and with audio recordings, the way comedy was heard and watched has drastically changed with iTunes comedy being a source for immediately accessible comedy. While standup comedy started on the stage for live audiences, the genre has spread to the recorded medium, in which it has been recorded for both visual and audio mediums. With television and music players, comedy was then transmitted to the screen and into sound waves on the stereo, where it experienced a greater boom. With these advances in technology, comedy has boomed in popularity and has spread to other mediums, from the live performance medium. With comedy more available to listen to, more people will be laughing and smiling. Especially with television and channels like Comedy Central, many comedians were given the opportunity to make a name for themselves as well as having fostered the growth of the entire genre of comedy. Television comedy is still one of the most common ways to receive standup comedy. With comedy being recorded for tapes and CDs, it has also spread to the online music market industry, being on all of the electronic music stores like Amazon, Google Play, and iTunes. Now at the click of a button, you can receive audio tracks of comedy or watch it on a device at any time in almost any place. Technological advancements have always changed the game for various industries and especially in the recording industry, it has allowed for many changes in the way that it is heard as well as how much reach and exposure it can get. Now with online marketplaces selling and streaming comedy tracks and videos, the way in which comedy is taken in by the general person has changed and is still continuing to evolve.

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