The United States is a nation that is built on the foundation of security and protection, and especially evident in the past one hundred and twenty years, the amount of people who work in the guard force has increased with the passage of multiple wars, and the nation’s development toward a more capitalistic society, in which people are largely concerned with how much wealth they have and what they are worth, as well as finding ways to protect their assets. San Jose security guard companies are experiencing times of higher levels of employment, as the demand for higher levels of security are added to various aspects of business, including construction, factory, parks, shopping center, and other kinds of security jobs being fulfilled. The capitalist American society is a continual rat race of making money and protecting money, and for those who can afford it, can pay to have others secure their assets for them. While there has been an increase in jobs for those in the security fields, such as private security, police, armed forces, and those who work in jails and prisons, there has also been an increase in the amount of accidents and mishaps that have to do with security guards in the news, such as a popular case right now involving this security guard who discharged his gun at a young man who stole a case of beer and dog food, which would be a misdemeanor crime, and for this situation where the thief posed no threat of death or bodily harm, the shot was unjustified. It is important that your security guards are not like this guy, and potentially causing death over less than $100 worth of merchandise. This is also bad for your business because it causes your other customers to feel unsafe in your place of business, because they will think that your guards shoot anybody who steals, rather than taking the appropriate response. There is another recent case where a mall security guard was hit by a car twice while attempting to capture two shoplifters. San Jose security guard companies need to be wary when hiring individuals to work for their companies, so that the companies who hire them can be safe as well as the wellbeing of all who take their business there. There are cases where the security guard is successful such as the case where an off duty police officer was working a security job at a rental car lot, when he got into a gunfight with a car thief. In certain cases like these, the guard took the right action, and shot back when his life was endangered, and was able to wound the perpetrator, who was later found in a hospital, and captured. Although you do not hear about many cases like these, they do happen, and these guards took the right actions that were called for in their security guard training. With higher standards for security guard training, guards may begin to take better and more responsible actions when handing dire, stressful situations, such as gun fights, or dealing with any troublemaker.