Looking For the Best Security Guards in Los Angeles Many big and small companies, property owners, and public service agencies hire security guards in Los Angeles to patrol, protect, and maintain public safety. Some of them are unarmed and armed. They dress in company shirt with patches, black pants, and black shoes. The security officers are required to register with the state so that they can get hired to work. The security officers are required to wear: Company blue shirt with patches Security badge Black pants Black shoes Photo identification card at all times on duty They must carry a flashlight to see better in the dark, radio or walkie-talkie to communicate with each other and their dispatcher, pen and log book to report an incident, and a clock. An unarmed security guard is not allowed to carry a gun without a firearm permit on duty. The unarmed officers are encouraged to take a 14-hour training to receive the permit. The instructors, who can teach and train them, must be approved by the Bureau of Security. The training takes place at a Bureau-approved facility. The training takes eight hours in a classroom and six hours at the firing range. During the training, an instructor covers important topics including: Moral and legal aspects Firearms terminology Weapon handling and shooting fundamental Emergency procedures Range training The security guards learn to defend themselves with and without a firearm. They have to learn the laws about carrying it on duty. The laws explain how to use the gun on duty and when to use it. A Southern California based security guard service company named Allied Nationwide Security, which is one of the best, provides unarmed and armed security guards in Los Angeles. Bilingual officers are also available to serve. The company provides a security vehicle, bicycle, and golf cart to cover a big property so that the guards can go to a situation immediately to resolve or prevent. The security company raises its level to the highest to meet the needs of all clients.