Replacing a toilet can be tricky, but it’s not impossible to do it on your own. Your friends from a Van Nuys plumbing services company have made this step-by-step guide to replacing your toilet in just one day. Let’s get started! Step One: Remove the Caps and Nuts •
Once you’ve shut off the water supply and removed the tank lid, it’s time to pull out the caps from the base of the bowl. Then, by using a wrench, remove the nuts. If you find that the nut is rusted to the bolt, you’re going to need to break it off.
Step Two: Remove the Toilet •
This step might require extra help, but you can do it alone, just remember to remove the tank. Carefully shift the toilet in a back and forth motion to remove it from the flange. Stuff the rag into the drain opening to prevent foul sewer odors from entering.
Step Three: Replace the Bolts and Wax Seal •
With the bolts pointing up, position the new toilet bolts in the flange. Remove the rag from the drain to install the wax seal on the flange. Be sure to use enough deep seat wax to hold the bolts up.
Step Four: Attach the Tank to the Bowl •
Once you’ve set the tank seal in place, place the tank on the bowl. Apply the tank bolts through their corresponding holes. To prevent the tank from wobbling, tighten the bolts until the tank is in place. Don’t over-tighten: you might crack the porcelain.
Step Five: Install the Water Closet •
Carefully place the tank and bowl on the wax seal, aligning the bolts with the holes in the bowl. Tighten the nuts to prevent wobbling. Reconnect the toilet supply valve to the tank. Refill the tank and check for leaks. Attach the seat, and congratulations, you’ve just replaced a toilet!
Replacing a toilet doesn’t require professional work but it does require moderate skill. For assistance replacing your toilet and other plumbing needs, contact your Van Nuys plumbing services company.