We are going to continue our look at the history of plumbing. West Hollywood plumbing services at Marty’s Plumbing and Heating will not do you wrong. You will only get the top quality service available. Continuing the history of plumbing takes us to the year of 1854 when there was a cholera outbreak due to a well that was contaminated in England. The first large American city to build a proper sewer system was Chicago in the year 1855. “The father of microbiology”, Louis Pasteur uncovers the connection between disease and bacteria. He also invented vaccines. In 1868, The New York Metropolitan Board of Health was formed to respond to a demand for a government study into health outbreaks that threaten lives and the spread of disease rapidly. The studies they performed demonstrated the link between dirty water and the spread of disease. This sped up the process of getting better sanitation in the city. In 1870, private homes started to see installation of water heaters. The guideline for more specific temperatures and more would follow much later. The 1880’s created a high tank water closet that used over 10 gallons of water per flush. That is a ton of water per flush! In 1883 the National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors (PHCC) held their first meeting. The first drinking water treatment center in Massachusetts was built in 1890. The 20’s brought the toilet look we all know today using about 5-7 gallons reducing the water used by 30-50% compared to previous systems. In 1926 The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) gets founded. They began to write code to protect the health of people from poor plumbing practices. 1933 brought with it a horrible outbreak of dysentery with over 100 deaths during the World’s Fair in Chicago. A faulty plumbing system leaked contaminated water. We will continue this story on the next article. If you are interested in getting some plumbing services contact West Hollywood plumbing services at Marty’s Plumbing and Heating.