Leica M Catalogus 2013_Eng

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LEICA M - SYSTEM the most advanced generation ever.




Leica Camera AG


LEICA REPORTAGE Unknown Kyrgysztan.

Home is where the yurt is.

10 12 28 42 52 64 74 86





















Happy anniversary, Bishkek. Country life – far from idyllic. Feathered hunting aids. Haggling, Kyrgyz-Style. An ancient craft with a long tradition.

Dear friend of Leica,

Unlike any other camera, the Leica M embodies a uniquely individual approach to photography. It is and always has been an exquisite instrument that enables you to experience a unique view of life. A Leica M gives photo­g­raphers complete creative freedom, while also maximising their options to achieve their own vision of the perfect picture. For ­photographs that have the capacity to capture the otherwise hidden or unnoticed aspects of life. Since the introduction of the rangefinder principle in 1954, photojournalists and photographic artists have ­influenced our image of the world with their discreet, fast Leica M-Cameras. Rangefinder cameras are ideal for ­taking vibrant, authentic images of events as they happen, and many photographers have benefited from this, including those from the world’s first independent photo agency, Magnum, founded in 1947 by legendary photog­rapher Henri CartierBresson and others. Then as now, members of Magnum believed that photographers must have a perspective in their imagery that transcends a simple, clichéd recording of reality. We are therefore particularly pleased that it is once again a Magnum photographer, Jean Gaumy, who added the new Leica M, the latest milestone in the history of Leica M-Cameras, to his luggage on his most recent trip. His unusual destination fulfilled the promise of unusual pictures. Look forward to seeing an example of documentary photography that shows how individual moments can become chapters in a living story: absolute authenticity, straight from the heart of life itself. Yours, Leica Camera AG Top: Bishkek, Ala-Too Square in March 2000. Under the eyes of Lenin – preparations for the 122nd anniversary of the city’s foundation. Bottom: Bishkek, Ala-Too Square, 12 years later – preparations for the 134th birthday of the capital city around the new monument to Manas, the Kyrgyz national hero. LEICA EDITORIAL I 05

l Eica CAMERA AG Passionate about photography.

1913/14 oskar Barnack constructs the Ur-Leica.

oskar Barnack (1879–1936).

1925 Leica I with a fi xed lens is presented at the leipzig Spring Fair.



the fi rst leica with interchangeable thread-mount lenses appears on the market.

Sketched construction diagram by oskar Barnack.


Leica II: the fi rst camera with a coupled rangefi nder.


Leica M3 with combined bright-line viewfi nder/ rangefi nder and bayonet lens mount.

the leitz optics building, Wetzlar.

Leica S2




Leica M8: the fi rst digital rangefi nder camera.

Leica Noctilux-M 50 mm f/0.95 ASPH.: the world’s fastest ever aspherical lens.

Leica S2: the professional digital camera sets new standards in medium-format photography.

Leica M9

06 i lEica camEra aG

Leica Noctilux-M  50 mm f/1.2: the first lens with an aspherical element.

Leica X1

Leica S

Leica M5: the fi rst rangefi nder camera with selective metering through the lens.

Leica S1: the fi rst digital camera with 75-megapixel resolution.

installation of the control board on the rear shell of the leica S2.

‘Kissing in the rearview mirror,’ by magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt, 1955.

Leica M

lens element and assembled lens testing.

Leica X2

2012 Leica M9: the smallest digital system camera with a full-frame sensor.

Leica X1: the fi rst compact camera with an aPS-format sensor.

leica camera shares something with countless people around the world: a love of, and a passion for, photography. it’s the fascination of capturing a moment in time; shaping it, transforming it into something timeless, and experi encing it again and again as a unique photograph. this is what has driven leica for almost 100 years. We create cameras using the highest quality materials and assemble them meticulously by hand, so that every leica delivers unwavering reliability and quality over a lifetime. Whether it’s used professionally, artistically or simply out of the

Leicafl ex: the fi rst leica single lens refl ex camera goes into production.




Leica S: medium format – reduced to the maximum.

Leica M: the new m generation with a leica max 24 mP sensor, live View, and video.

Leica X2: the trailblazer in its class for image quality.

joy of documenting life, one thing connects all leica cameras: they all help the photographer to concentrate on the essentials – a great photograph. Each device is a small masterpiece. leica cameras are compact, ageless, elegant, easy to use and yet uncompromising in their optical, mechanical and technical quality. they are the perfect tools for anyone who understands the fascination of photography and who appreciates a unique photograph.

lEica camEra aG i 07

LEICA CAMERA AG From an idea to a legend.

‘Felix, Gladys, and Rover’ is one of the best-known pictures by the Magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt. It was captured during a fashion shoot for the New York Times Magazine in 1974. Copyright by Elliott Erwitt, 1974, Magnum Photos.

Photography cannot stop the course of time, but it can capture, document and interpret its fleeting moments, preserving memories of those poignant seconds for eternity. Indeed, the transformation of the transitory into the eternal is one of the main reasons we take pictures. And thanks in part to the pioneering spirit of Leica, it is now possible for everyone to record their memories conveniently as they happen. It all began around a ­century ago, when Oskar Barnack changed photography with a stroke of genius – designing the first Leica, a small, ­robust, easy-to-use 24 × 36 mm format camera that paved the way for photography as we know it today. In 1954, the launch of the Leica M-System, with its brilliant combined viewfinder and coupled rangefinder, opened up vast new horizons in reportage and artistic photography. In the eyes of photographers, a Leica M has always been the perfect tool for capturing the fascination of a moment discreetly, silently, without hesitation, and with perfect image quality. Indeed, unsurpassed image quality was, is, and always will be the key founding principle of Leica. Every


innovation and development since then has been measured against this strict criterion. With the launch of the Leica M8 in 2006, a new era in the history of rangefinder cameras began: the M-System turned digital. Then, in 2009, Leica set a further milestone in digital photography with the Leica M9. It is the world’s first rangefinder camera with a full-size, 35 mm format sensor (24 × 36 mm). In 2012, the latest digital generation continued the evolution of the legendary M-System and its unique benefits: this generation includes the Leica M Monochrom, the world’s first 35 mm digital camera exclusively for black-and-white photography, followed by the Leica M-E, a camera that embodies the philosophy of the system in its purest form. However, only the new Leica M can truly lay a claim to the title of ‘a new milestone’ in the M-Family. Featuring Live View, video capability, and new, additional focusing methods, it is the most innovative and versatile M-Camera of all time.



Mountain steppe on the way from Kochkor to the mountain lake Song Kul and its ‘jailoos’ (Kyrgyz for ‘summer pastures’).

LEICA REPORTAGE Unknown Kyrgyzstan.

Kirghizia, Kirghiz Republic, or Kyrgyzstan? For most people from the western hemisphere, confusion begins on hearing the different names of the country. Not many know that all three names have been used over the years or that the Kyrgyz people prefer to say ‘Kyrgyzstan’ to emphasize their Turkic heritage. Many would also have difficulty trying to locate the country on a map, let alone be versed in the culture or history of the former Soviet republic. The same could be said for the prominent, multiple-award-winning Magnum photographer Jean Gaumy in 2000 when his agency asked him if he would like to work in one of the states of the former USSR as part of a cultural project. Looking through a list, his eye was caught by the name ‘Kyrgyzstan’ that, in his own words, was ‘about as unknown to me as the planet Mars’ and, for precisely this reason, awakened his curiosity and passion for adventure. So, the beginning of the new millennium found Jean Gaumy in the then still young Kyrgyz Republic, as it is officially known. Exactly ten years later, a French radio programme described Kyrgyzstan and its capital city of Bishkek as ‘probably the least known places on Earth,’ which inspired Jean Gaumy to revisit the central Asian republic. With a new Leica M in his luggage, Gaumy set out in the fall of 2012 to bring back impressions from the ‘terra incognita’ of Kyrgyzstan and its people. The outcome is a multi-faceted portrait of a country that has been in turmoil since declaring its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Ancient nomadic traditions, clan interests, and the common legacy of the Soviet era clash with the dreams and hopes of a young generation who increasingly join the migration from rural areas to the cities and begin to embrace Western culture ahead of their recent Russian heritage: it is a nation that dreams of a better future while still struggling to establish a national identity. Top: The Jayma bazaar in Osh is one of central Asia’s largest bazaars. Bottom: Two women cross the road in the provincial capital of Naryn.


In recent years, the search for unity and national identity has been characterised at a political level by attempts to emphasise the majority of the Kyrgyz peoples’ nomadic roots. During his first visit to the country’s capital city of Bishkek, Jean Gaumy recalls that the main square was dominated by a monumental statue of Lenin, which can be seen in one of his earlier photos. In 2003, the Communist leader had to go to make room for the Erkindik statue of liberty, a winged female figure standing on a globe and holding out a flaming tunduk (the frame of the smoke hole of a Kyrgyz yurt). Nevertheless, the Lenin statue was not destroyed after its removal; it was merely relocated to the back of the Kyrgyz national museum. The statue of liberty was removed on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the nation’s independence in August 2011 and replaced by a statue of Manas, the Kyrgyz national hero who, according to legend, united the 40 Kyrgyz tribal clans and led their battle against the Uighurs. The 40 rays of the sun around a yurt viewed from above on the flag of Kyrgyzstan symbolise these 40 clans. The mountainous country of Kyrgyzstan is around half the size of Germany. It shares borders in the north and northeast with Kazakhstan, in the west and northwest with Uzbekistan, in the south and southwest with Tajikistan, and in the south and southeast with China. Bishkek, the capital city in the north, is the political and commercial centre of the nation. The ancient pilgrim city of Osh, founded over 2,000 years ago and often described as the capital city of the south, lies on the edge of the fertile Fergana valley and is famous for the cotton grown in the region. With 40 % of the country at an altitude over 3,000 metres, the topography of Kyrgyzstan is characterised by the massive mountain chains of the Tien Shan and the northern foothills of the Pamirs. At a height of 7,439 metres, Jengish Chokusu, on the border with China, is the country’s highest mountain. Even the pastures around Lake Song Kul, used for centuries as grazing land by the nomadic tribes and visited by Jean Gaumy and his team, are situated at the unbelievable altitude of 3,016 metres. Let us take you to on a journey to a country that could not be more fascinating – a country of extremes between tradition and the modern age, between the cultures of the East and West. Top: Women in prayer on Solomon’s Throne, the holy mountain close to the ancient trading centre of Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s second-largest city. Bottom: Typical Kyrgyz cattle market near Osh, in the southeastern part of the country. LEICA REPORTAGE I 15


Preparations for the 134th anniversary of the founding in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek. The Leica Reportage continues on page 28: Happy anniversary, Bishkek.

l Eica M - SYSTEM m as in ‘messsucher’.

What you see through the viewfi nder of an m-camera. the inner bright-line frame shows the image boundaries for a 90 mm lens, while the outer frame shows the boundaries for a 28 mm lens. the grey rectangle in the centre is the rangefi nder focusing area.

leica m-cameras are a living legend. the m stands for messsucher, the German term for a combined rangefi nder and viewfi nder, and for an individual style of photography. this system, generally described in abbreviated form as a rangefi nder, has particular merits that enable photographers to develop an unmistakable visual language that transforms their uniquely personal, subjective visual concepts into photographic realities. at the same time, the leica m has intuitive controls and is simple to use – even for photographers who have previously only used Slr cameras. With a leica m, there are no superfl uous functions and no overcomplicated menus. Photographers are given the opportunity to concentrate on the essential: creating memorable pictures. the rangefi nder system, above all others, enables photographers to capture authentic, natural images, taken from real life. in a way, leica m-Photographers become part of the action in framing whatever they wish to capture in the viewfinder – a scene, a mood, a special moment. at the same time, the photographer still perceives what is going on outside the viewfi nder frame. the decisive moment thus becomes more predictable, and it can be captured at precisely the right time. the clear view of the subject remains visible even during the exposure and even under the most diffi cult lighting conditions. the bright, high-contrast viewfi nder combined with the worldrenowned m-System rangefinder, ensures extremely fast and precise focusing. the minimal delay between releasing the shutter and capturing the shot makes the leica m-camera the fastest, most responsive in the world. along with the legendary mP and m7 35 mm cameras, the m8 and the m8.2 – the first digital leica m models – advanced the noble heritage of the leica m-System. the leica m9 already set a new milestone as the world’s smallest system camera with a full-format 24 × 36 mm sensor in 2009. it was followed by an even more discreet version, the leica m9-P. With the launch of the leica m monochrom, the leica m-E, and the new leica m in 2012, a new generation of digital cameras now paves the way for the future of the m-System.

18 i lEica m - SYStEm


an optical masterpiece created for the best in photography. compared to Slr photography, where focusing takes place through the lens, and lens focal length and aperture set limits on focusing accuracy, the rangefinder base of the leica m remains precisely the same regardless of the lens being used, and therefore allows extraordinarily precise focusing with all lenses. this is the fundamental reason why the focusing precision of the m-System is far superior to that of Slr cameras, particularly with short focal length lenses. the high-contrast rangefi nder rectangle in the centre of the viewfi nder guarantees fast, precise, and pin-sharp focusing, even under the most adverse lighting conditions. Since the position of the six different bright-line frames is automatically corrected for parallax at all focusing distances, they show the image boundaries for the selected focal length. the bright-line viewfi nder shows all information relevant to the capture of a perfect image including the peripheral area around the main subject, thus providing significant advantages when creating spontaneous photographs. Unobtrusively and with absolute discretion.

lEica m - SYStEm i 19


No other professional camera is as compact as a leica m. Because the camera needs no mirror box, it can be constructed with a depth of less than 42 mm, as in the case of the new leica m. the m-lenses also benefi t from the short distance between the mount and the image plane, which permits the construction of lenses with extremely small dimensions and low weights. the extraordinary compactness of m-cameras and m-lenses also makes them the ideal camera system for travel and reportage photography. mirror slap and related shake effects in captured images are problems never encountered by m-Photographers.


Unobtrusiveness, clarity of design, and a barely audible shutter also play a signifi cant role in creating the unique charisma of leica m images. time and again, photographers working with m-cameras in areas of social and political tension around the world report that they are not perceived as journalists, and can capture images that remain unattainable for users of other camera systems. the fast m-lenses also make handheld shooting possible for a long time in failing light, without the need for a tripod or fl ash unit. Portraits appear more relaxed because the camera does not hide the photo grapher’s face, and eye contact with the subject is maintained. an even more discreet approach to photography is now opened up by the live View monitor of the new leica m. this offers an alternative to the conspicuous act of raising the viewfi nder to the eye.


Everything newly designed or further developed in the evolutionary process of the leica m-System satisfi es a genuine photographic need. this principle was also constantly kept in mind throughout the development of the latest m-Generation – the leica m monochrom, the leica m-E, and the leica m. the outcome is three digital rangefi nder cameras that quite intentionally do not offer everything made possible by modern technology, but limit themselves exclusively to what makes real sense in terms of photography. these essentials include the m-typical rapid manual focusing with the viewfi nder/ rangefi nder and the focusing ring of the lens, but also the option of selecting automatically determined or manually set shutter speeds. Even in automatic mode, corrections can be made manually with the aperture ring to ensure that photographers are constantly in control of ‘their picture.’ a special role in the new digital leica m-Family is played by the leica m. Just like the leica m monochrom and the leica m-E, the latest milestone in the m-System naturally offers all manual setting options. in addition to these, it also features live View, full-Hd video, and new, additional focusing methods for those who don’t want to miss out on contemporary camera technologies. in this way, it successfully expands the possibilities of the m-System while remaining true to its traditional values.

top and bottom: Preparations for the 134th anniversary of its founding in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek.

lEica m - SYStEm i 21


People who take photography seriously usually live their lives at the edge; in searing heat or bitter cold, pouring rain or swirling dust. the m is built to be consistent, dependable, and tough under almost any imaginable conditions. this is why resilience and endurance are always prime concerns in the design and construction of every m-camera. it also explains why the body is manufactured exclusively from only the best materials: brass for the top and baseplates and high-impact magnesium alloy for the body. the new leica m also features the extra protection of a monitor cover glass in particularly tough and scratch-resistant corning® Gorilla® glass. Specially designed rubber seals offer the body of the new m additional protection against dust and splashes. the digital components of all leica m-cameras are carefully selected for endurance and reliability in everyday use. Elaborate manufacturing and assembly processes guarantee functional reliability for decades to come.

UNiQUE cUStomEr commitmENt

Precision is the be-all and end-all in the construction of any leica product. No product ever leaves the leica factory before all critical manufacturing phases have been rigorously checked. Products that can still be serviced and repaired decades after they were built are extremely rare in these times of planned obsolescence and disposable products. But the customer Service department at leica still services and repairs all m-cameras – from the fi rst one built in 1954 to the very latest models! top: market scene in the capital. Bottom: Wedding photo in front of Bishkek’s wedding palace, where on some days, up to 100 marriages take place.

22 i lEica m-SYStEm

UNriVallEd PErFormaNcE

the construction of the extremely compact leica m-lenses is focused on one single aim: delivering imaging excellence in film and digital photography. leica engineers continuously invest enormous effort and innovative ingenuity in their quest for perfect optical solutions. the outcome: lenses with unrivalled performance. they often have fewer optical elements in order to reduce the number of air-glass surfaces that light rays must pass through to a minimum. this design concept, made possible by the use of the highest quality glass and precision manufacturing techniques, creates the basis for images endowed with an unmistakable character – not only in contrast and resolution, but also in structure and tonal richness. they have a uniquely natural signature that’s particularly noticeable in images shot under adverse lighting conditions. this is further enhanced by the sheer pleasure of a silky-smooth focusing action without a trace of play. this outstanding quality is ensured for every single lens we produce by the experienced hands of our factory’s precision optical and mechanical engineers. Yet another reason why leica lenses are considered by many veteran photographers and imaging experts to be the best in the world.

modErN tEcHNoloGY at YoUr SErVicE

the superior performance of leica lenses is based on the most modern technologies: aspherical elements enable the construction of highly compact lenses that provide breathtaking performance. the use of fl oating elements (differentially movable optical groups) ensures superb resolution at close focusing distances. apochromatic correction in the optical systems of telephoto lenses guarantees brilliant reproduction without any colour fringing effects. Sophisticated solutions for the suppression of internal refl ections enhance contrast and shadow detail. it is safe to say that every leica lens delivers superb performance even at its maximum aperture. Stopping down serves mainly to increase the depth of fi eld.


leica engineers created a timeless standard when they designed the leica m bayonet in the 1950s. this lens mount ensures system compatibility to the present day and the latest, digital generation of m-cameras. almost all m-lenses are suitable for use in combination with the digital m-cameras. However, system compatibility is decidedly forward-looking, and not a sign of stagnation. thanks to 6-bit coding, the leica m monochrom, the leica m-E, and the leica m recognize the characteristics of the attached lens and employ this information for internal processing. Uncoded leica lenses can also be used on the new digital m-cameras with their advanced m-Bayonet mount. Similarly, the new, 6-bit coded lenses are also perfectly at home on any of the earlier m fi lm cameras. Even greater compatibility for the leica m is provided by the leica radapter. When the 6-bit coded adapter is mounted on the camera, users may choose from more than 20 different r-lenses that also offer both a calibrated image work fl ow and Exif lens recognition. With a wide range of wide-angle, telephoto, zoom, and macro lenses, r-lenses offer attractive opportunities for leica m-Photographers to expand the capabilities of their camera.

top: in the amusement park in the capital city of Bishkek. Bottom: Kyrgyz ‘art’ on sale in Bishkek’s market.

lEica m - SYStEm i 25

l Eica M - SYSTEM Everything at a glance.

lEica m - camEraS

lEica m available in black paint or silver chrome.

lEica m-E available in anthracite-grey paint.

lEica m monochrom available in black chrome fi nish.

lEica mP available in silver chrome and black paint fi nish.

lEica m7 available in silver chrome and black chrome.


lEica SUmmilUX - m 21 mm f/1.4 aSPH.


lEica SUmmilUX - m 24 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

lEica SUmmicroN - m 28 mm f/2 aSPH.

lEica SUmmilUX - m 35 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

lEica NoctilUX - m 50 mm f/0.95 aSPH.

lEica SUmmilUX - m 50 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

lEica aPo-SUmmicroN - m 50 mm f/2 aSPH.

FaSt aNd comPact lENSES

lEica SUPEr- Elmar - m 18 mm f/3.8 aSPH.

26 i lEica m - SYStEm

lEica SUPEr-Elmar - m 21 mm F/3.4 aSPH.

lEica aPo - SUmmicroN - m 75 mm f/2 aSPH.

lEica aPo - SUmmicroN - m 90 mm f/2 aSPH.

lEica tri - Elmar - m 16-18-21 mm f/4 aSPH.

SUmmarit lENSES

lEica Elmar - m 24 mm f/3.8 aSPH.

lEica Elmarit - m 28 mm f/2.8 aSPH.

lEica SUmmicroN - m 35 mm f/2 aSPH.

lEica SUmmicroN - m 50 mm f/2

lEica macro - Elmar - m 90 mm f/4

lEica aPo - tElYt - m 135 mm f/3.4

lEica SUmmarit - m 35 mm f/2.5

lEica SUmmarit - m 50 mm f/2.5

lEica SUmmarit - m 75 mm f/2.5

lEica SUmmarit - m 90 mm f/2.5

lEica m - SYStEm i 27

LEICA REPORTAGE Happy anniversary, Bishkek.

As luck would have it, Jean Gaumy arrived just in time for the festivities for 134th anniversary of the founding of the capital. This was an amazingly bright and colourful spectacle in which the traditional elements of nomadic heritage combine with those of a more modern age in scenes more reminiscent of Soviet propaganda events of the 1970s or early 1980s. Instead of the portraits of former communist revolutionaries, Manas, the Kyrgyz national hero, looks down from enormous posters – he is still portrayed in socialist realist style, but today with traditional ethnic trappings. The weddings so typical for today’s young citizens of the capital stand in clear contrast. For any selfrespecting happy couple, the dreams of a better future begin in Bishkek’s Wedding Palace. The ceremony is brief. The next couples are already standing in line. Anyone hoping to see traditional wedding costume will certainly be disappointed: much like in the Western world, the bride wears white and the groom a black suit. Bunches of roses wrapped in plastic foil are everywhere, and at the end, the bride and groom drive away in a white limousine bearing the emblem of a prominent German automobile brand. Top: People in the crowd under a monumental banner showing national hero Manas at Bishkek’s 134th anniversary festivities. Bottom: Among the favorite pastimes of the Kyrgyz people are equestrian sports, for instance horse racing, as seen here in Bishkek. LEICA REPORTAGE I 29


The hay harvest between Bishkek and Kochkor. The Leica Reportage continues on page 42: Country life – far from idyllic.

lEica M the future of the m-System.

leica m, full-size view, available in black paint or silver chrome.

the new leica m is the most innovative and versatile m-camera – in every respect. its consistent preservation of the philosophy of the system is what makes it a particularly signifi cant milestone. the new leica m reaps the benefi ts of more than 50 years of experience with the rangefi nder system. at the same time, it exploits forwardlooking digital technologies: it features a new high-resolution, full-format cmoS sensor that, in combination with its high-performance processor and legendary m-lenses, delivers outstanding image results – in fact, it is a typical m. But with live View, video recording, and new focusing methods, it is also the m for photographers looking for the ultimate in modern digital technology. the new m successfully expands the scope of the m-System while remaining true to its fundamental principles.

32 i lEica m

leica m, full-size view.

1 a trUE m

6 SimPlE aNd PrEciSE FocUSiNG

2 lEica maX 24-mP SENSor

7 SPlaSH-ProoF camEra BodY

3 lEica maEStro imaGE ProcESSor

8 loNG BattErY liFE

4 liVE ViEW aNd tHE ViSoFlEX

9 ErGoNomic HaNdliNG 10 comPatiBilitY WitH lEica r-lENSES

ElEctroNic ViEWFiNdEr 5 FUll-Hd VidEo WitH lEica lENSES

discover the fascination of leica m www.m.leica-camera.com

lEica m i 33

lEica M m for maximum image quality.

1 a trUE m

the new leica m unites more than 50 years of experience developing the rangefi nder system with the innovative potential offered by the digital age. as the latest milestone in the current m family, it is one of the most compact full-format system cameras currently available. For example, its new 24 × 36 mm cmoS sensor delivers full 35 mm format without compromise. System compatibility has always been a characteristic feature of the leica m-System, and the new m is no exception: it benefi ts from access to the entire portfolio of m-lenses, recognised as the world’s best lens system. introduced in 1954, it has been continuously advanced and improved over time. and today, almost every m-lens ever built is compatible for use with the digital m. But that’s not all: with the new leica r-adapter, almost every leica r-lens can also be used with the leica m, expanding its options into the world of leica r-Photography, too. the successful story of the leica m-System continues.

2 lEica maX 24-mP SENSor

the leica m features a newly-designed high-resolution, 24-megapixel cmoS sensor in full 35 mm format. in combination with the leica maestro image processor, originally featured only in the leica S-System, the leica max 24-mP sensor generates the outstanding image quality of the leica m. For the fi rst time in the history of the digital m-System, every component in the image creation fl ow, from lens to image fi le, are leica in-house developments. as a result, our team of engineers has successfully perfected the entire image creation chain for use with m- and r-lenses without compromise, in order to exploit the full potential of these lenses. the consequence of this is images with superior sharpness and the fi nest reproduction of detail. the new m delivers extremely low-noise and richly detailed images, even at higher sensitivities of up to iSo 6400. in combination with fast leica lenses, this low noise performance makes the camera an ideal tool for available-light photography. the integrated imaging electronics of the leica maestro processor also allow particularly fast response times and an almost instantaneous start-up time – and ensure that the photographer is always ready to shoot.

3 lEica maEStro imaGE ProcESSor

the combination of new sensor and leica maestro processor sets entirely new standards in terms of image-processing speed. it processes the image data arriving from the sensor and transforms it into visible images at very high speed. this meticulously designed and developed sensor ensures high speed performance, as well as other useful benefits. the maestro processor contains several independent segments that allow it, for example, to process an incoming image while it is still writing the previous image to the memory card. it can also perform complex processing steps at extremely high speed. at the same time, its particularly low power consumption has a positive effect on battery life. thanks to its powerful image processor, and despite the high-resolution sensor, the leica m can simultaneously generate a high-quality JPEG fi le in the camera at the same time as the dNG raw data fi le destined for fi nal post-production on a computer, if required.

leica m, full-size view, available in black paint or silver chrome.

Uncompromising image quality has been the most important factor in the development of the leica m-System since the very fi rst model. Every innovation and improvement over time has been measured by this principle. it is not surprising, then, that the new leica m is the fi rst digital leica m in which every component involved in image creation – from the lens to the image fi le – has been developed in-house at leica. this was the only way to ensure the perfect co-ordination of sensor and processor performance, as well as interaction with the unique characteristics of leica lenses, resulting in outstanding performance and images of unique quality.

34 i lEica m

lEica m i 35

lEica M timeless and pioneering.

leica m, full-size view, available in black paint or silver chrome.

the new leica m is also the fi rst m to feature full-Hd video and two new focusing methods as additional alternatives to conventional rangefi nder focusing. it therefore exploits the opportunities offered by modern camera technology in a logical expansion of the leica m-System. in particular, its full-Hd video recording capability opens up new creative horizons for the m-System photographer that go far beyond classic photography. However, the new leica m would not have been a true ‘m’ without the dedication of leica’s design engineers to address the most important issue of image quality – translating the characteristic look of m images to the new medium without compromise.

36 i lEica m

4 liVE ViEW aNd tHE ViSoFlEX ElEctroNic V iEWFiNdEr

the new leica m is the fi rst ever m to feature live View and live View Focusing. this means that, for the fi rst time, m-System images can be composed using the actual image produced by the lens – with complete control over depth of fi eld, exposure, precise framing and focusing. its large, high-resolution 3" monitor with 920,000 pixels allows precise assessment of each potential image with regard to sharpness, correct exposure and colour. this opens up entirely new opportunities for m-Photographers that previously lay beyond the possibilities of viewfi nder-controlled photography, in particular, when shooting macro or telephoto exposures. it also allows the photographer to shoot even more discreetly, using the monitor instead of the traditional viewfi nder. the new live View function can be used to its full extent with both m- and r-lenses. indirectly, the live View option offers an additional benefi t for r-lens owners. it enables the use of an optional Visofl ex EVF2 electronic viewfi nder with live View. this means that a leica m with an r-adapter, r-lenses, and a viewfi nder can be used exactly like an Slr, without using the monitor.

5 FUll-Hd VidEo WitH lEica lENSES

leica lenses are famous for their superior resolution, high speeds and attractive bokeh. and now, the unique quality of leica lenses can be exploited with the 1080 pixel, full-Hd video recording feature of the leica m. recording can be started directly with a separate release button. complete control over exposure and capture settings enables photographers to complement their still images with professional video recordings, with the same look and quality so well known in leica m-Photography. the leica m offers the option of recording images as motion JPEGs, i.e. as true, individual full frames, which brings enormous advantages for video editing. as with still images, the new leica r-adapter also allows video recording with r-lenses mounted on the leica m with full functionality. Perfect sound is ensured by an optional leica microphone adapter set, comprising an adapter and a stereo microphone. other brands of microphone can also be attached using the adapter.

6 SimPlE aNd PrEciSE F ocUSiNG

the classic rangefinder system guarantees fast, precise and crystal-clear focusing with superior accuracy, whichever lens is used, but particularly with wide-angle lenses. the new leica m now offers two additional focusing methods, which can be activated quickly and easily with the new focus button. the new ‘live View Zoom’ enables up to 10 × magnification of the live View display for complete control and precise focusing on fine details or at the close focusing range. another highlight is ‘live View Focus Peaking’: here, automatic highlighting of contours in red provides convenient focus control. this contour display enables precise assessment of focusing accuracy. depending on the situation or the photographer’s preferences, m users can now choose from several options for guaranteeing outstandingly sharp images.

lEica m i 37

LEICA M The perfect tool to experience the fascination of photography.


Robust and enduring, it is not rare for a Leica to become its owner’s lifelong companion. This applies particularly in the case of the new M. Thanks to the many years of experience gained by our engineers in the construction of camera bodies, not only the M-System, but also the R- and S-Systems are built for maximum stability and perfect sealing. Its top and base plates are machined from solid brass blanks and its full-metal body is created in one piece from high-strength magnesium alloy. The glass covering plate of its high-resolution monitor screen is manufactured from particularly tough and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass. ­Specially designed rubber seals protect its body against splashes, moisture and dust, making the Leica M a pleasure to use in any weather conditions.


The new lithium-ion battery (1800 mAh) in the Leica M means even extremely long shooting sessions can be achieved without having to recharge or change over battery. Thanks to the high-performance rechargeable battery, energy-saving exposure metering electronics, the imaging electronics of the Leica Maestro image processor and the new sensor, a single charge guarantees an extremely large number of exposures, which is particularly useful when shooting in remote locations.


Intuitive handling, direct manual setting options, and rapid access to all the important photo­ graphic functions were essential ingredients of the digital M-System philosophy right from the beginning. The new and attractive features of the Leica M have changed nothing in this respect. In addition to manual focusing and direct aperture and shutter speed setting options, the combination of an ergonomically-positioned control wheel on the top plate and intuitive menu navigation are at the heart of the Leica M operating concept. The newly-designed and user-friendly menu interface displayed on the large rear monitor guarantees a clear overview of all camera settings at all times. And this guarantees that M-Camera owners can always concentrate on what’s essential – their pictures. True to the principles of the M-Philosophy, the video and Live View features, and the new focus functions, each have their own controls. The new focus button on the front of the camera allows selection of Live View Zoom and Live View Focus Peaking, as well as fast and easy exposure corrections in combination with the control wheel. ISO sensitivity settings are also controlled by a dedicated button. The Set button provides direct access to white balance, image file compression, resolution, exposure compensation, bracketing, and user profiles. In user profiles, any camera and exposure settings can be saved under a user-selected name and rapidly retrieved whenever required. For added convenience, these profiles can be saved to an SD card. The new Leica M now also features an ergonomically formed thumb rest at the top-right end of the top plate, for improved handling. This ensures ideal grip and stability in even the most demanding shooting situations. In addition to this, the new, generously dimensioned 3" monitor guarantees maximum ease of use.


The new Leica R-Adapter allows almost all Leica R-Lenses to be mounted on the new Leica M. The extensive range of R-Lenses, from various wide-angles, telephoto, and macro lenses to a selection of zooms, offers almost limitless new opportunities for expanding the capabilities of the Leica M-System. Additional support for the use of R-Lenses is provided by the optional Visoflex EVF2 electronic accessory viewfinder. Top: With the Kylich family on the long trip from Bishkek to Kochkor. Bottom: Bokonbayevo on the southern shores of the mountain lake Issyk Kul.


l Eica M technical details.

incoming light 1

ensor architecture of a  S standard CMOS sensor (schematic diagram)




colour filter

colour filter

colour filter

1 m icrolens design with normal radius. 2 r elatively large distance between colour filter and photodiode.


in conjunction with the high-performance leica maestro processor, the leica max 24-mP high-resolution, full-format (35 mm) sensor ensures the maximum image quality and speed of the leica m. the new sensor is an innovative, high-tech product developed by leica in collaboration with cmoSiS especially for the new leica m and for use with m- and r-lenses. this development has successfully transferred the characteristic advantages of ccd sensors to a cmoS sensor, and preserves the natural, brilliant colour rendition and impressive detail resolution associated with ccd sensors. But that is by no means the only impressive feature of this energy-saving sensor. its particularly fl at pixel architecture enables the positioning of the light-sensitive area of each pixel much further forward. this means that each individual pixel can capture light from all directions and large angles of incidence. an additional micro-lens array gathers even more light. thanks to the intelligent sensor design, more space is also available for each individual pixel. the end result of this complex sensor development is impressive dynamic range and excellent contrast rendition, which ensure noise-free and brilliant image results.


Fast and simple focusing is also offered by the new ‘live View Focus Peaking’ function. it automatically highlights all contours in the focused image in red. this line display indicates when a subject is sharply focused or whether a focusing adjustment should be applied. in addition to live View Zoom and classic focusing with the rangefi nder, this gives users a third, alternative option for precise focusing.

lENSES WitH SiX-Bit codiNG

the extremely high-performance image sensor of the new leica m demands a particularly high spatial resolution that is, above all, offered by the latest m-lenses. the excellent correction of optical aberrations and the high resolution make them all the more suitable for digital use. current m-lenses are supplied with six-bit coding on the bayonet mount, which is scanned optically by the leica m as soon as the lens is mounted. if required, the leica m can compensate for extremely low system-inherent vignetting effects on the basis of this coded information. in addition, the lens type is recorded in the Exif data of the image fi les and, when using modern fl ash units like the leica SF 58, the refl ector is automatically adjusted to match the focal length of the lens attached. on request, leica’s customer care department can retrofi t six-bit coding to the mounts of existing m-lenses.








With some cmoS sensors, rays of incoming light at large angles of incidence can fail to reach the photodiode of the corresponding pixel and reach only the adjacent pixel. or they are shadowed or reflected on the way to the pixel with the effect that the overall amount of light received by the pixels is less than the amount arriving through the microlenses.

incoming light 1

ensor architecture of the  S Leica Max 24 MP sensor (schematic diagram) 1 m icrolens design with normal radius. 2 r educed distance b etween the colour filter and the photodiode.




colour filter

colour filter

colour filter








in the case of the leica max 24 mP sensor, and in contrast to standard cmoS sensors, even light rays with large angles of incidence, e.g. from wide-angle lenses or large apertures, are captured precisely by the photodiodes of the sensor. this is enabled by the special microlens design and the smaller distance between the colour filter and photodiode, which allows more light to enter the system, and ensures that it falls more directly on the respective photodiodes.

(not illustrated)

image processing at maximum speed with the leica maestro processor.

40 i lEica m

the leica max 24 mP sensor with intelligent sensor design for brilliant image results

lEica m i 41

LEICA REPORTAGE Country life – far from idyllic.

Many city-dwelling Kyrgyz keep a small piece of land in the surrounding rural areas for growing crops or raising cattle as an additional source of income or subsistence farming. As means of transport – with the exception of pack animals – are rather rare in Kyrgyzstan, it was hardly surprising that a Kyrgyz family in Bishkek approached Jean Gaumy and his team to ask for a lift out into the country. This turned out to be an excellent opportunity to find out more about rural life in Kyrgyzstan first hand. With all their baggage, the whole family along with some of their friends set out with Gaumy on the way to their countryside home several miles out of the capital. Not a traditional yurt, but a modest wooden cabin. Life in the country in Kyrgyzstan is simple. Most of the work is done by hand, and everyone lends a hand when it’s time to bring in the hay or harvest potatoes. At mealtimes, young and old gather around a long table to enjoy local dishes such as ‘qurut’ – a kind of cheese usually made from drained sour sheep’s milk. ‘Qurut’ is a typical snack in central Asia that the Kyrgyz like to serve rolled into small balls. Top: The region around Bokonbayevo, on the southern shores of the mountain lake Issyk Kul. Bottom: A break from the hard work and a typical Kyrgyz snack of homemade ‘qurut’ cheese.



Hunting meet at the 100th anniversary festivities in Bokonbayevo. The Leica Reportage continues on page 52: Feathered hunting aids.

lEica M-E the quintessence of rangefi nder photography.

leica m-E, full-size view, in anthracite-grey paint.

With the introduction of the rangefi nder system in 1954, leica m fi lm cameras became, for many photographers, the perfect tools for capturing the fascination of a moment - discreetly, silently and without hesitation. Naturally, in uncompromising quality. the fi rst digital m-cameras began a new chapter in this success story. today, it is the leica m-E that continues the story, together with the leica m and the leica m monochrom. However, it is the leica m-E in particular that embodies the m-System philosophy in its purest form: the camera concentrates exclusively on essential photographic functions, ensuring simple and intuitive operation. at the same time, it is a part of the most compact full-format camera system available and enjoys access to lenses acknowledged as the best in the world. a camera designed to allow the world to discover the fascination of m-Photography.

46 i lEica m-E

leica m-E, full-size view.


4 claSSic m-dESiGN 5 SilENt, diScrEEt, comPact

raNGEFiNdEr PHotoGraPHY 2 m For mESSSUcHEr

6 coNcENtratioN oN ESSENtialS

3 UNcomPromiSiNG imaGE QUalitY discover the sheer fascination of rangefi nder photography at www.m-e.leica-camera.com

lEica m-E i 47

lEica M-E the fascination of the rangefi nder.

leica m-E, full-size view, in anthracite-grey paint.


48 i lEica m-E

leica cameras were the fi rst ever successful 35 mm cameras. an homage to this tradition, the digital leica m-E features a sensor with the capability of precisely reproducing the full 35 mm frame format of 24 × 36 mm. thanks to the compact construction of the rangefi nder system, it is the smallest full-format system camera of all time. the leica m-Bayonet also has an impressive, long history. First constructed in 1954, it still ensures full system compatibility today, which means that almost all m-lenses ever built can be used with the digital leica m-E. and, as with all other m-cameras, the leica m-E concentrates purely on photographic functions. manual focusing based on the combined viewfi nder and rangefi nder principle and an automatic aperture priority exposure mode ensure full photographic creative freedom.

2 m For m ESSSUcHEr

the ‘m’ in the name of the leica m-E also stands for a rather special kind of photography. Because, in contrast to Slr photography, where focusing takes place through the lens, the rangefi nder (messsucher in German) baseline of the leica m remains the same, regardless of the lens in use. this is the reason why its focusing precision is immensely superior to that of Slr cameras for short focal lengths. the high-contrast rangefi nder rectangle in the centre of the viewfi nder guarantees fast, precise and crystal-clear focusing, even under particularly adverse lighting conditions. mirror slap and related shake effects in captured images are problems never encountered by m-Photographers.

3 UNcomPromiSiNG imaGE QUalitY

the leica m-E features an 18-megapixel high-resolution ccd sensor in full 35 mm format. a characteristic property of ccd sensors is their particularly high sensitivity to light. the sensor is perfectly attuned to its role in the very compact m-System and the superior performance of m-lenses. the special layout of the micro lens makes it tolerant of oblique light rays impinging on its surface, and guarantees uniform exposure and maximum sharpness from corner to corner in every image. the optimised signal to noise ratio of the sensor reduces the need for digital post-processing and ensures that images possess a particularly natural visual impact.

4 claSSic m-dESiGN

it is obvious at first glance that the leica m-E is a member of the leica m-System family. distinctively functional styling lends the camera an absolutely timeless character. the quintessence of the m-System is also expressed by its design. the top and base plates are discreetly and unobtrusively fi nished in anthracite-grey paint. the design of its body is intensely focused and expresses clarity, and its leather trim offers superior grip. the familiar, almost inaudible mechanical signature sound, greatly appreciated by many lovers of leica cameras, remains as a reminder that this m, too, is a masterpiece of unparalleled craftsmanship.

5 SilENt, diScrEEt, comPact

discretion and unobtrusiveness are particular strengths of the m-System. For instance, the shutter action of the leica m-E is extremely quiet. a sophisticated, almost noiseless motor/ gear-train system tensions the shutter – in discreet mode only after the camera is returned to its hiding place, for instance under a jacket, and the photographer’s fi nger is taken from the release button. at the same time, the combination of camera and lens is more compact than any other full-format camera system: a reason why m-Photographers often go unnoticed and simply become a part of the scene.

6 coNcENtratioN oN ESSENtialS

Everything developed in the evolutionary process of the leica m-System satisfi es a genuine photographic need. this also applies to the leica m-E: a digital rangefinder camera that consciously declines to offer everything that is technically possible, but rather limits itself to what is essential to photography. these essentials include the typical rapid manual focusing with the viewfinder/rangefinder and the focusing ring of the lens, but also the option of selecting automatically determined or manually set shutter speeds.

lEica m-E i 49

LEICA M-E Technical details.



1 2

1 3

1 Pixel diagram 2 Centered micro lens in the middle of the sensor 3 Laterally displaced micro lens at the edge of the sensor

LENS WITH 6-BIT CODING (not illustrated)



The extremely high-performance image sensor of the Leica M-E demands a particularly high spatial resolution that is, above all, offered by the latest M-Lenses. The excellent correction of optical aberrations and the high resolution make them all the more suitable for digital use. The current M-Lenses are supplied with 6-bit coding on the bayonet mount that is scanned optically by the Leica M as soon as the lens is mounted. If required, the Leica M-E can compensate for the extremely low system-inherent vignetting effects on the basis of this coded information. In addition, the lens type is recorded in the Exif data of the image files and, when using modern flash units like the Leica SF 58, the reflector is automatically adjusted to match the focal length of the lens attached. Typically Leica: on request, Customer Care can retrofit 6-bit coding to the mounts of existing M-Lenses.

Micro lenses are employed to ensure that more light reaches each individual pixel of the sensor. As a consequence of the extremely compact design of Leica M-E cameras, rays of light at the edges of the image impinge obliquely on the sensor and would be only inadequately captured by conventional micro lenses. Therefore, the image sensor of the M-E employs even more advanced and meticulously designed micro lenses with a low refractive index. The micro lenses at the sensor edges are laterally displaced towards the image center to precisely match the characteristics of M-Lenses. This optimized micro-lens design, based on many years of experience, captures and concentrates even oblique rays of light on the sensor and thus reliably prevents image brightness fall-off at the edges of the image. This ensures that all existing Leica M-Lenses also maintain their full performance when used for digital photography.

Leica M-E customers can download the digital workflow solution Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 free of charge.


Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 is a professional workflow solution for Apple Mac® OS X, Microsoft Windows® Vista, and Microsoft® Windows 7*. The software is available as a free online download for all Leica M-E customers. It offers a wide range of functions for the management, processing, and exporting of digital images. The latest release now enables the creation of simple print layouts, slide shows, and photo books. In addition, many of its functions, including its processing speed, have been improved. If the images from the M-E are saved as raw data in the standardized and future-proof Adobe® Digital Negative Format (DNG), Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4, with its sophisticated and precise processing options, guarantees direct and extremely high-quality image processing with maximized image quality. *As Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 no longer supports Windows® XP, XP users may download version 3.6 online.

TONAL VALUE HISTOGRAM (not illustrated)

The Leica M-E can display a precise RGB tonal value histogram of the captured image after each shot, and offer optional integration of the histogram in the automatic image view display. The clipping warning display shows the over- and under-exposed zones, and warns the photographer of potentially unusable images. The histogram is recalculated every time a new part of the image is viewed, thus enabling a precise quality assessment of small areas and even the finest image details.


LEICA REPORTAGE Feathered hunting aids.

The region around the Kyrgyz town of Bokonbayevo, on the southern shores of the mountain lake Issyk Kul, is considered to be the centre of the ancient art of falconry, or hunting with birds of prey. During their visit to the town on the 100th anniversary of its founding, Jean Gaumy and his team found themselves in the midst of an event dedicated to this form of hunting, which was once widespread in central Asia and considered to be a fine art. Falconers from every corner of Kyrgyzstan have travelled here with their birds. Many of the men wear traditional dress and the typical Kyrgyz ‘kalpak’, a felt hat. They proudly display their eagles, hawks, and buzzards on leather-gloved fists. Two days before the actual contest, Gaumy enjoyed a rare opportunity to watch the falconers preparing and training their birds for the contest. In one training method, a rider drags a dead rabbit on a rope behind his horse. At precisely the right moment, the raptor is thrown onto the prey by the falconer and must seize it in its talons as quickly as possible. At least that is the idea. A participant at the hunting meet with his eagle.


LEICA M Monochrom

Every Sunday, At-Bashy is the scene of a big cattle market. The Leica Reportage continues on page 64: Haggling, Kyrgyz-Style.

lEica M MOnOChROM the fascination of monochrome photography enters the digital age.

leica m monochrom, full-size view, black chrome fi nish.

the leica m monochrom perpetuates the tradition of its legendary fi lm predecessors that made history with their numerous groundbreaking innovations: it is the world’s fi rst 35 mm digital camera exclusively for black-and-white photography. it does more than transform analogue black-and-white photography into digital: it sets a new benchmark in state-of-the-art photographic technology. thanks to its full-format sensor and the absence of colour fi lters, it achieves unique image results with outstanding clarity and unmatched dynamics. that makes it the perfect camera for contemporary fi ne-art photography, and all who share a fascination for black and white.

56 i lEica m moNocHrom

leica m monochrom, full-size view.

1 UNcomPromiSiNG imaGE QUalitY

6  c   omPlEtE coNtrol oF all imaGE ParamEtErS

2 comPatiBilitY aS a mattEr oF PriNciPlE

7 FUll FramE 24 × 36 – WitHoUt comPromiSE

3 ENdUriNG PErFormaNcE aNd ValUE


4 SilENcE aNd diScrEtioN

9 iNtUitiVE coNtrolS

5 SPEEd aNd FlEXiBilitY

10    FUll iNFormatioN at tHE PUSH oF a BUttoN

discover the fascination of the leica m monochrom at www.m-monochrom.leica-camera.com

lEica m moNocHrom i 57

lEica M MOnOChROM Sharpness redefi ned.

1 UNcomPromiSiNG imaGE QUalitY

the m monochrom features a new full-frame, 35 mm format sensor developed especially for black-and-white photography. in contrast to conventional sensors, it has no need for colour fi lters for individual pixels, and therefore requires no interpolation for the calculation of lumi- nance values. this means that raw data and even JPEG image fi les from the m monochrom can be used directly and without any further processing. this enables photographers to capture images with greater brilliance, superior sharpness and contrast resolution that can equal the quality of medium format. due to their low compression rate, JPEG fi les from the camera also satisfy professional demands.

2 comPatiBilitY aS a mattEr oF PriNciPlE

the m monochrom offers access to the complete range of leica m-lenses, long since recognised as being the best in the world. the fi rst m-camera was built in 1954, and the system has been continuously developed and improved ever since. the high-resolution, full-format image sensor fully exploits the performance of the lenses from corner to corner in every image.

3 ENdUriNG PErFormaNcE aNd ValUE

it is not rare for a leica to become its owner’s lifelong companion. this applies particularly to the digital leica m monochrom: its top and base plates are machined from solid brass. its fullmetal housing is manufactured in one piece from high-strength magnesium alloy, and offers perfect protection for its precious inner mechanisms. the digital components and shutter assembly of the m monochrom are similarly constructed with a lifetime of endurance in mind. in short: an m monochrom is a long-term investment.

4 SilENcE aNd diScrEtioN

discretion and unobtrusiveness are particular strengths of the m-System. the shutter of the m monochrom is also extremely quiet. the very low noise level when cocking the shutter is ensured by a sophisticated motor gearing system. in discreet mode, the shutter is only cocked after the photographer’s fi nger is taken from the shutter release button, when, for instance, the camera is concealed under a jacket. then again, when longer exposure times requiring a steady camera stance are essential, even slight pressure on the shutter release button in ‘soft’ release mode is suffi cient. at the same time, the combination of camera and lens is signifi cantly more compact than any other full-frame camera system: this contributes to the fact that m-Photographers frequently go unnoticed and often simply melt into the background.

5 SPEEd aNd FlEXiBilitY

the leica m monochrom adapts fl exibly to its intended use. its sensitivity range extends from iSo 320 to iSo 10000. at the same time, very low image noise and fi nest resolution of details in shadows and highlights are achieved throughout the sensitivity range, even at the highest settings: the m monochrom delivers razor-sharp images with the fi nest grain, even at iSo 10000. Very low image noise characteristics, a bright viewfinder/rangefinder, low-vibration shutter release and fast lenses make the m monochrom the perfect camera for available-light photography.

6 comPlEtE coNtrol oF all imaGE ParamEtErS

the leica m monochrom aids photographers with automatic functions whenever required, but it never dictates how to shoot. depending on the lighting situation, the automatic iSo shift function increases the sensitivity of the camera as soon as a defi ned shutter speed is exceeded. at the same time, it also limits the shift to a maximum value set by the photographer. this means that correct exposure without camera shake and the lowest possible sensitivity is always available to guarantee the best possible image quality in all situations. in addition, the m monochrom also offers automatic exposure bracketing with a user-select able number of shots and incremental exposure values. this function ensures that even high-contrast subjects are captured perfectly.

leica m monochrom, full-size view, black chrome fi nish.

at fi rst glance, the leica m monochrom is almost indistinguishable from other m-cameras. its top plate, leather trim and carrying strap in perfect matt black maintain a discreetly low profi le. the camera type is engraved unobtrusively on its accessory shoe. and, just like every other m-camera, the design of the leica m monochrom concentrates purely on the essential photographic functions. its manual focusing, based on the combined viewfi nder and rangefi nder concept and aperture priority exposure mode, is an aid to photographers rather than imposing undesired limitations on their creative freedom. in combination with the lcd monitor on the back of the body, the simple and intuitive menu navigation, managed by only a few control elements, ensures rapid access to all the camera functions.

58 i lEica m moNocHrom

lEica m moNocHrom i 59

l Eica M MOnOChROM the ultimate in rangefi nder precision meets cutting-edge digital technology.

7 FUll FramE 24 × 36 – WitHoUt comPromiSE

the ccd image sensor specifi cally designed and developed for the leica m monochrom offers full 35 mm fi lm format without compromise. all m-lenses mounted on the m monochrom offer the angle of view they had when using fi lm and are therefore used to optimum effect. in other words: all the outstanding characteristics of the lenses are now fully maintained for digital photography, too. Because of its high resolution and superior image quality, the m monochrom has the ability to fully exploit the enormous potential of m-lenses.


When leica created the m monochrom, it wasn’t a matter of modifying the lenses to match the image sensor, but rather the other way around: the monochrome sensor was perfectly attuned to its role in the compact m-System, and the superior performance of m-lenses, during its development. the omission of the colour fi lter signifi cantly increases the basic sensitivity of each individual pixel. it also means that the m monochrom captures images with signifi cantly greater contrast and clarity at all iSo settings. the special layout of the microlenses found only in the digital m-camera sensor makes it tolerant of oblique light rays impinging on its surface, and guarantees uniform exposure and extreme sharpness from corner to corner in every image. therefore, future lenses can be designed and optimised with uncompromising dedication to achieve both high performance and compact construction. a special glass sensor cover ensures the suppression of infrared light. the intentional decision to dispense with a moiré fi lter, a cause of image deterioration through loss of resolution, ensures maximum resolution of details.

9 i NtUitiVE coNtrolS

the key control element of the m monochrom is an intuitive four-way switch and dial combination used in conjunction with the large lcd screen on the back. Setting the sensitivity requires only continued pressure on the iSo button while simultaneously turning the dial to select the required setting. all other functions important for everyday situations are quickly and easily accessible by pressing the ‘Set’ button: these include image-data compression, resolution, exposure correction, exposure bracketing and programmable user profiles. User profi les can be programmed with any camera and shooting settings, stored under a specifi c name and accessed quickly whenever required for a particular situation. all other functions, from automatic lens recognition and six-bit lens-mount coding to sensor cleaning, are easy to fi nd in the clearly laid-out main camera menu.

leica m monochrom, full-size view.

the leica m monochrom embodies the heritage and amassed experience of more than fi ve decades of the m-System. at the same time, it is a digital system camera at the cutting edge of contemporary technology. For leica designers, the photographic image has always been their prime concern – no matter whether fi lm or digital, in black-and-white or in colour. the combination of an extremely effi cient black and white image sensor, the latest digital components and the classic viewfinder/rangefinder principle, consistently optimised over many years, make the leica m monochrom absolutely unique.

60 i lEica m moNocHrom

10 FUll iNFormatioN at tHE PUSH oF a BUttoN

When the ‘info’ button is pressed in shooting mode, the monitor on the back of the camera displays the precise charge level of the battery, the remaining capacity on the memory card and the most important basic shooting settings, for example the shutter speed. in review mode, users can toggle between an image-only view, with a zoom option up to single-pixel level operated by turning the dial, and other image information. this includes, for instance, information on the sensitivity setting, the shutter speed and a precise histogram display.

lEica m moNocHrom i 61

LEICA M MONOCHROM Technical details.



Colour filter

Sensor pixel

To allow an image sensor to ‘see in colour’, colour filters in the basic colours – red, green and blue – are allocated to individual pixels. However, before a visible image can be created, the colour information recorded by neighbouring pixels must be combined – an additive process that naturally reduces the native sharpness.

Leica M Monochrom customers can take advantage of a free download of the digital workflow solution Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4.

Sensor pixel

M Monochrom customers are also entitled to a free download of the Nik Software Silver Efex Pro™ software package.

The sensor of the Leica M Monochrom does not see colours. As a result, each individual pixel records true luminance values from which a truly monochrome image, characterised by a native and incomparable sharpness, can be created without any additional processing.


With a full native resolution of 18 megapixels, the Leica M Monochrom delivers 100 % sharper images than a colour sensor. As its sensor does not ‘see’ colours, every single pixel records true luminance values. This means that the M Monochrom delivers a ‘true’ black-and-white image straight from the sensor. The combination of the brilliant imaging qualities of Leica lenses and perfect harmonisation of the sensor with the M-System results in images with outstanding sharpness and natural brilliance, without the need for sharpening in post-processing software. The result is an incomparable image quality that would normally be expected only from a medium-format camera.


The impressive quality of the native raw data from the M Monochrom not only enables images to be used directly, but also allows them to be stored in JPEG format with identical resolution. Thanks to the choice of a low compression rate, the quality of the JPEG files is even comparable with that of professionally processed TIFF files.

RAW DATA HISTOGRAM (not illustrated)

USEFUL EFFECTS (not illustrated)


The Leica M Monochrom more than satisfies the expectations of discerning users and fine-art photographers, with a raw data histogram for the precise assessment of tonal values. The difference compared to conventional histograms is that it displays original, unprocessed and unmodified raw data. The combin­ ation of this, with a configurable clipping display in particular, allows precise correction or optimisation of exposures. The subdivision of the raw data histogram into stops enables dedicated black-and-white photographers to employ a digital interpretation of the zone system.

With the Leica M Monochrom, photographers can apply characteristic toning effects from analogue black- and-white photography, such as sepia, cold or selenium toning to their images, at the touch of a button. The user saves the image in JPEG format and selects the desired toning effect – simply and conveniently, and without the need for post-processing.

Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 is a professional workflow solution for Apple Mac® OS X, Microsoft Windows® Vista and Microsoft Windows 7*. The software is available as an online download for all new Leica M Monochrom customers, after online camera registration. It offers a wide range of functions for the management, processing and exporting of digital images. The latest release now enables the creation of simple print layouts, slide shows and photo books. In addition, many of its functions, including its processing speed, have been improved. If the images from the M Monochrom are saved as raw data in the standardised and future-proof Adobe® Digital Negative Format (DNG), Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4, with its sophisticated and precise processing options, guarantees direct and extremely high-quality image processing with maximum image quality. In addition to this, the package also includes a plug-in version of the Nik Silver Efex Pro™ software, con- sidered to be the most powerful tool for the creation of high-quality digital black-and-white images. For pictures that perfectly recreate the look of analogue exposures, Silver Efex Pro™ offers selective control of tonal values and contrast and an extensive collection of profiles for the simulation of black-and-white film types, grain structures and much more.

LENSES WITH SIX-BIT CODING (not illustrated)

The high-performance image sensor of the M Monochrom demands a particularly high spatial resolution that is, above all, offered by the latest M-Lenses. The excellent correction of optical aberrations and high resolution makes them all the more suitable for digital use. The current M-Lenses are supplied with a six-bit code on the bayonet mount that is scanned optically by the M Monochrom as soon as the lens is mounted. If required, the M Monochrom can compensate for extremely minor, system-inherent vignetting effects on the basis of this coded information. In addition, the lens type is recorded in the Exif data of the image files and, when using the latest flash units such as the Leica SF 58, automatically adjusts the reflector to match the focal length of the lens attached. In most cases, Leica Customer Care can, on request, retrofit six-bit coding to the mounts of existing M-Lenses.

* As Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 no longer supports Windows® XP, Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3.6 is also available as a free download for XP users.

LEICA REPORTAGE Haggling, Kyrgyz-Style.

Even today, big and seemingly archaic cattle markets are still a common sight in many Kyrgyz towns and cities. Neither quiet nor squeamish, the dealers and buyers haggle at the tops of their voices – above all over goats, sheep, pigs, horses, cattle, and yaks. Today more than ever, cattle-breeding plays an important role in Kyrgyzstan. Because, following the collapse of the Soviet Union and their withdrawal from the country, many non-agricultural jobs simply disappeared. In addition to this, the mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan are much more suitable for grazing than for the production of cash crops. Since gaining their independence, increasing numbers of Kyrgyz attempt to secure an existence, or at least earn a little on the side, with animal husbandry. Of equal importance is that cattle in particular are seen as a safe investment in times of economic insecurity. So the intensity of the haggling at Kyrgyz cattle markets is by no means surprising. And it takes time. Haggling over a single beast can take at least 10 to 15 minutes. In contrast to Western customs, the process here begins with a handshake. While dealers and buyers argue over the price, they maintain a strong grip on each others’ hands and begin to shake them theatrically. The handshaking stops as soon as the price is settled to the satisfaction of both parties, and the bargain is sealed. Top: At a cattle market near Osh. Bottom: Goats in Kyrgyzstan can also be pretty stubborn.



Private house in Naryn, where Kyrgyz felt carpets known as ‘shyrdaks’ are made. The Leica Reportage continues on page 74: An ancient craft with a long tradition.

l Eica M7 the crowning glory of classic leica m photography.

classics are works that have a curious relationship with the present. they are never reformulated with respect to their essential character, but rather reinterpreted on the basis of a changed world. the leica m7 fi lm camera is just such a classic. like every other leica m-camera, the m7 is primarily a mechanical and optical precision instrument. However, because of the intelligent use of the latest electronics, it is simultaneously the most versatile and most precise leica m fi lm camera ever built. For example, leica m7 photographers can select a continuously variable aperture priority exposure mode – leaving the photographer free to concentrate on the creative essentials of focusing and framing the subject.

leica m7, full-size view.

leica m7, full-size view; available in silver chrome and black chrome.

68 i lEica m7

ENHaNcEd PrEciSioN PlUS maNUal BacKUP

the legendary leica horizontal cloth focal plane shutter incorporated in all previous m-Series fi lm cameras was fundamentally revised for the m7. it’s barely audible when controlling the shutter speeds electronically, and constitutes an essential element of the aperture priority exposure system. the commonly used shutter speeds of 1/60 sec and 1/125 sec function without battery power.

aUtomatic EXPoSUrE altErNatiVES

as an alternative to the familiar manual exposure metering of other m-cameras – which, of course, is still an option with the m7 – the camera offers a convenient, continuously variable aperture priority exposure mode with aE lock that is activated by lightly depressing the shutter release.

crEatiVE FlaSH oPtioNS

in combination with a special dedicated fl ash unit, the m7 also offers second-curtain fl ash synchronisation. the advantage: a more natural look to captured images of moving subjects including time exposures with fill-in flash. in addition to the standard synchronisation speed of 1/50 sec, the m7 also synchronises at a speed of up to 1/1000 sec when used in combination with certain Sca-dedicated metz fl ash units.

rEadY to Go ... or StoW

the oN/oFF switch, ergonomically located directly next to the shutter release, has two important functions: fi rstly, it activates the electronics of the leica m7 and, secondly, it locks the shutter release when the camera is turned off.

aVoidiNG iNcorrEct EXPoSUrES

the leica m7 offers photographers the choice of setting the film speed (iSo) manually or by using the contactless automatic fi lm-speed detection built into the camera body (dX coding). this effectively avoids incorrect exposures due to wrongly set iSo fi lm speeds. as a further option, in automatic exposure mode, photographers can input exposure corrections of up to ±2 stops.

PictUrE ParamEtErS at a GlaNcE

a system unique to leica rangefi nder cameras clearly displays all relevant information in the brilliant viewfi nder of the leica m7: the shutter speed determined by the aperture priority exposure system, over- and underexposure values in manual metering mode, a flash-ready signal when a flash unit is attached and ready to fi re, and a warning icon when the camera batteries are low.

lEica m7 i 69

l Eica MP a masterpiece of mechanical precision.

it is noteworthy to mention that even in this increasingly electronic age, the leica mP is a purely mechanical camera that transforms the act of capturing compelling images into something indescribably exciting and sensual. more than 80 years of experience and expertise in the design and construction of exclusively mechanical rangefinder cameras has culminated in the current leica mP. this timeless classic embodies the essence of fi ne mechanical precision. it is a veritable masterpiece possessing an instinctive and emotional quality that captivates any photographer at the very fi rst touch. in this era of accelerating transition, the leica mP stands supreme as a camera for a lifetime.

leica mP, full-size view; available in silver chrome and black paint fi nish.



70 i lEica mP

By definition, photography is writing with light. But leica m-Photo g raphy means something more – the ability to create images that articulate a recognizable and distinctive character even with the bare minimum of available light. the leica mP empowers the photographer to master even the most diffi cult lighting situations, because the camera never tries to think on its own. its selective ttl metering system merely provides precise and comprehensible data to support photographers in their selection of the ideal exposure parameters, ensuring complete creative control.

the leica mP is built for long life and lasting value. this is guaranteed by leica’s commitment to using only the fi nest materials and the highest precision manufacturing techniques. time and time again, the leica mP has proven its robustness and dependability under the most adverse conditions. it has been used in sub-freezing environments where cameras relying on batteries cannot function reliably — all whilst delivering a number of shutter release cycles that other camera simply could not match. this unparalleled quality is also the underlying reason why leica is prepared to offer an extraordinarily long warranty period of fi ve years for registered users who purchase their camera at an authorised leica dealer.

leica mP, full-size view.

maXimUm rEliaBiltY

the construction of the leica mP is so uncompromising that it is always dependable. its incredibly strong and rugged body will withstand the worst conditions without a whimper. all its crucial control elements are crafted exclusively in metal. Yes, the mP depends on the skills of the user – but it certainly doesn’t depend on batteries. they are needed solely for metering. indeed, anyone skilled in estimating shutter speeds and apertures can completely ignore the electronics.

iNdiVidUaliSm tHat imProVES WitH aGE

the leica mP is available in two different body fi nishes: silver chrome and black paint. after years of hard use, when a little brass begins to show through the black or silver at the corners and edges, it’s a sure sign to savvy photographers that the camera and its owner have shared many memorable experiences.


it is well known that most professionals just love the red leica dot on their cameras, but for the sake of maintaining a low profi le, many mask the tell-tale dot with tape. this is why the leica mP was manufactured without this iconic emblem right from the start. of course, knowledgeable owners and afi cionados can identify a leica anywhere without the need for special branding. the leica inscription on the top plate is identifi cation enough.

lEica mP i 71

l Eica À LA CARTE Handcrafted and one of a kind. lEatHEr trim m7/mP Performance, precision and reliability – these are attributes that all leica m-cameras have in common. Nevertheless, the design of m7 and mP fi lm cameras can be changed in a variety of unique ways to express your individual tastes. Even technical details can be modifi ed to match any photographer’s personal use profi le. this is how a fully personalised leica m-camera is born. a choice of the fi nest materials*, different styles and colours, and a multitude of variable elements and functional details open up almost endless creative opportunities – from an unobtrusive professional street-shooter’s tool to an extravagant and eye-catching lifestyle icon. the individual components are assembled by hand. Up to and including final quality control, each à la carte leica m7 or mP is custom-crafted according to the precise specifi cations of each individual order.




lizard style embossed leather, black

Saddle leather, black

ostrich style embossed leather, black

*all real-leather options offered here are exclusively premium-quality full-grain cowhides. real leather is not employed for the standard trim of leica m7 and leica mP models, or for vulcanite trim options.

Nappa leather, racing green

calf leather, smooth, blue

calf leather, smooth, mocha

calf leather, smooth, red

Naturally-tanned leather, cognac

ostrich style embossed leather, chestnut

FiNiSHES m7/mP


Personalised engraving, signature illustrated here: leica mP, black paint.

illustrated here: leica mP, black chrome.

illustrated here: leica mP, silver chrome.

  

  

illustrated here: leica mP, black paint.

FUNctioNal oPtioNS

illustrated here: leica mP, black chrome.

Personalised engraving, signature

Personalised engraving, name

illustrated here: leica mP, silver chrome.

Personalised engraving, name

Viewfinder frames and magnification can be custom-ordered to meet the requirements of the lenses you prefer. the à la carte program offers a choice of universal viewfi nder magnifi cations: the standard 0.72 x version, the wide-angle and eyeglasses-wearer’s version with 0.58 x magnifi cation, and the telephoto version with 0.85 x.


more than 4,000 different confi guration options fulfi l even the most unusual wishes. Visit www.leica-a-la-carte.com to fi nd out more about the wide variety of combination options.

the choice of control elements allows you to tailor the camera precisely to your shooting requirements, for example to favour ruggedness or faster operation.

aEStHEtic oPtioNS

a selection of top plate colours and body coverings in a wide range of organically tanned leathers in various textures and colours is available to complement the body fi nish. camera bags, cases and carrying straps are also available in matching leathers. and, last but not least, personalised engraving in the form of signatures, monograms, graphic elements, or family crests make any leica a truly unique and unmistakable work of art.

discover our range of exclusive leica à la carte accessories on page 108. 0,58 x

72 i lEica À la cartE

0,72 x

0,85 x

lEica À la cartE i 73

LEICA REPORTAGE An ancient craft with a long tradition.

Naryn, the capital of Kyrgyzstan’s administrative province of the same name, is situated at an altitude of 2,000 metres above sea level. It is the last large city in Kyrgyzstan before reaching the border with China at the Torugat Pass. The city is a familiar starting point for all travelers taking the pass route – and is also famous for its carpets. It is said the best ‘shyrdaks’ are made in Naryn. These special, double-layered, felted-wool carpets with stitched patterns are made completely by hand by local women. The ‘wet-felting’ technique they use is one of the world’s most ancient textile working methods there is. Since time immemorial, shyrdaks have been used for carpeting and insulating their yurts. The extreme natural temperature fluctuations that the wool in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan is subjected to endow it with rather special qualities. The graphical, modern-looking patterns of the carpets are predominantly modeled on animal and plant motifs from the natural world. Many families have their own traditional patterns that are passed down from generation to generation. The simple beauty of these Shyrdaks stands in intense contrast to the textile decorations or pictures that can be encountered, for example, in the city’s restaurants. Top an bottom: In a restaurant in the provincial capital of Naryn.

LEICA Reportage I 75


The construction of traditional yurts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the town of Bokonbayevo. The Leica Reportage continues on page 86: Home is where the yurt is.

l Eica nOCTILUX - M 50 mm f/0.95 aSPH. King of the night.


all views of lenses full-size (unless otherwise indicated).

in 2008, leica proudly announced the fastest aspherical lens the world had ever seen: the remarkable leica Noctilux-m 50 mm f/0.95 aSPH., a replacement for the legendary leica Noctilux-m 50 mm f/1, which had been a highlight of the leica m-lens range since 1975. the combination of cutting-edge optical and mechanical technologies has made it possible to achieve a marked improvement in its performance compared to its illustrious predecessor. although its dimensions are almost identical, a significantly higher speed has been successfully attained. at full aperture, its extremely shallow depth of fi eld allows the photographer to create compelling portraits and scenic impressions characterised by an incomparably naturallooking play of sharpness and softness. Stop down a little and the lens delivers outstanding image quality comparable to that of the leica Summilux-m 50 mm f/1.4 aSPH., the lens generally considered to be the reference standard for all other normal lenses. When used for available light photography, the Noctilux-m actually exceeds the resolving power of the human eye. the use of a fl oating element ensures that this lens provides top performance down to its closest focusing distance. Vignetting and distortion have also been noticeably improved compared to the 50 mm f/1.

in an abstracted form, the ‘tunduk’, the crowning point of every Kyrgyz yurt, is also a key element in the national fl ag.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 79

l Eica APO - SUMMICROn - M 50 mm f/2 aSPH. anything but a standard lens.

the enormous speed of developments in the fi eld of digital photography in recent years has brought cameras with ever increasing resolution and, correspondingly, constantly increasing demands on lens quality. So the time was ripe for a lens constructed on the basis of optical calculations refi ned and perfected over many years. and now, our engineers have impressively redefi ned the limits of the technically possible, and have set entirely new standards in image quality, in the form of the leica aPo-Summicron-m 50 mm f/2 aSPH. lens. the challenge they set themselves was to explore the limits of what is possible within standard specifications when a fast aperture, an extreme angle of view and the effort to be invested are not taken into account. this situation made it possible to concentrate entirely on achieving ultimate perfection in image quality from the beginning. the result is a lens that, for the fi rst time ever, exploits the immense potential of contemporary high-resolution camera systems without compromise. the aPo-Summicron-m 50 mm f/2 aSPH. features a total of eight lens elements. the design of the optical group in front of the diaphragm is based on that of the outstanding leica Summilux-m 50 mm f/1.4 aSPH. the group behind it is similar to that of the Summilux-m 35 mm f/1.4 aSPH. as in the case of the Summilux, this is a fl oating element that ensures excellent image quality from infi nity to the closest focusing range. Furthermore, the lens employs extremely complex and elaborate apochromatic correction, to correct chromatic aberrations. this minimises colour fringing on sharp edges to ensure natural rendition of every detail. this is achieved, for instance, by the ingenious incorporation of glass with anomalous partial dispersion in its optical design. consequently, photographers benefi t from the best possible image quality for prints in any format. top and bottom: the summer months see numerous herders on the mountain pastures – like here at lake Song Kul. the grazing season ends in September when herders drive their animals to lower altitudes.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 81

lEica SUMMILUX - M 21 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

lEica SUMMILUX - M 35 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

the leica Summilux-m 21 mm f/1.4 aSPH. is the world’s first and only 21 mm lens for 35 mm format photography with this exceptional maximum aperture. the outstanding image quality, wide angle of view, and compact size of both the leica Summilux-m 21 mm f/1.4 aSPH. and the leica Summilux-m 24 mm f/1.4 aSPH. make these lenses almost indispensable for many applications in the world of professional photography. they provide extremely shallow depth of fi eld at full aperture for maximum aesthetic control. in close-up photography, for instance, a foreground subject can be effectively isolated from the background to create expressive and uniquely natural photographic effects. Stopped down to medium apertures, their depth of fi eld is so great that all elements in an expansive scene, from closest distances to infinity, will be in sharp focus. the use of a fl oating element ensures that their high resolving power is maintained even at the closest focusing distance. Vignetting and distortion are extremely well corrected for wide-angle lenses with such large maximum apertures. a patented rectangular lens hood permits the use of Series Viii fi lters.

lEica SUMMILUX - M 24 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

the leica Summilux-m 35 mm f/1.4 aSPH. is the successor to the extremely popular previous version of the lens. thanks to the further development of its optical and mechanical systems, it now sets standards in the world of fast, wide-angle lenses. in contrast to its predecessor, the new leica Summilux-m 35 mm f/1.4 aSPH. features a fl oating element that ensures excellent imaging quality in the close-up range. the lens reveals its outstanding performance characteristics at maximum aperture. thanks to its extraordinary qualities, this 35 mm lens is a universal tool for every photographer. its moderate wide-angle characteristics, on the one hand, and its natural reproduction of perspectives, on the other, make it ideal for a particularly broad spectrum of photographic uses ranging from portraiture to landscapes. it is ideal as a fi rst lens when beginning to build a leica m-System.

lEica SUMMILUX - M 50 mm f/1.4 aSPH.

the super-speed leica Summilux-m 24 mm f/1.4 aSPH. is the ideal photographic tool for professional photojournalists. indeed, it was virtually predestined for use in available light situations. like the 21 mm f/1.4, its optical system consists of ten elements in eight groups. Prior to the introduction of aspherical blank moulding technology for optical elements, creating lenses of the speed and quality of the Summilux-m series would have been impossible. Extreme attention has been paid to correcting chromatic aberration, and to this end, the optical design of the 24 mm lens contains no less than fi ve elements with anomalous partial dispersion. Vignetting and distortion are so superbly corrected that they are, for practical purposes, non-existent. Even at the relatively wide aperture of f/ 2.8, only natural vignetting due to the laws of physics remains. the image quality of the lens is equal in every way to the performance of the leica Summilux-m 21 mm f/ 1.4 aSPH. a patented rectangular lens hood permits the use of Series Vii fi lters.

82 i m - SYStEm lENSES

thanks to this fl oating element, this outstanding standard lens is perfect for highly expressive available-light shots and high-contrast images with superb resolution of fine structures, even at its maximum aperture and closest focusing distance. Precise color separation, almost complete correction of coma, and excellently controlled internal reflection characteristics make it ideal for natural compositions in the low light of evening. in addition to the use of glasses with a high refractive index, two additional elements with anomalous partial dispersion guarantee consistently high imaging performance across the entire image fi eld. Portraits are particularly effective thanks to the shallow depth of field at maximum aperture and a subtle contrast gradation. also available in silver chrome.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 83

lEica APO - SUMMICROn - M 75 mm f/2 aSPH.

this fast, short, and compact telephoto lens already delivers excellent image quality at maximum aperture from infinity to its closest focusing distance. it unites every capability offered by today’s high-performance optical technologies, and its construction includes aspherical surfaces, special glasses with anomalous partial dispersion, and floating elements. an integrated, extendable lens hood provides protection against stray light and dirt and, thanks to its balanced proportions, it is comfortable to use for longer periods of time. a photographic tool that represents the absolute peak of optical excellence. ideal for available-light portraits and for emphasizing details in reportage photography.

Naryn in southern Kyrgyzstan is considered to be one of the most important centers for the production of ‘Shyrdaks’, the traditional Kyrgyz felt carpets.

lEica SUMMICROn - M 28 mm f/2 aSPH.

lEica APO – SUMMICROn – M 90mm f/2 aSPH.

this lens sets new standards in its class in terms of image quality. this is the fi rst time ever that apochromatic correction and an aspherical lens surface have been combined. Even wide open, the quality of its brilliance and resolution guarantees superlative images and makes it the perfect lens for portraits, reportage, and studio photography. the distortion is so low as to be almost invisible in even the most critical images. maximum optical performance is already achieved at moderate distances and is maintained to a great extent at the closest focusing distances. its compact construction and high speed make it ideal for handheld shooting.

this compact wide-angle lens is extremely fast and therefore particularly recommendable for available-light photography. thanks to an angle of view of 75°, the wide fi eld it covers also makes it ideal for vivid reportage photography. it offers uncompromising imaging quality and high contrast even at maximum aperture. the reproduction of even the fi nest details guarantees images with extraordinary depth and brilliance. Even in critical lighting situations, for instance shooting against the light, refl ections and fl are are almost completely eliminated. its large maximum aperture of f2 also enables the use of selective focus in wide-angle photography.

84 i m - SYStEm lENSES

m - SYStEm lENSES i 85

LEICA REPORTAGE Home is where the yurt is.

Yurts have been used as transportable homes by the nomadic peoples of central Asia for centuries. The term ‘yurt’ has Turkish origins and means ‘home.’ In the Kyrgyz language however, the yurt is called a ‘ger’. The principles of yurt construction have changed very little over the centuries, and the differences in the construction of Mongolian, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz yurts are practically unnoticeable. Common to all is the wooden framework constructed in a circular form and covered with camel-hair or sheep’s wool felt and the smoke-hole opening at the crown. A particular feature of Kyrgyz yurts is the domed roof. It is constructed from thin wooden poles that are still damp and are bent while under the influence of heat. Each pole, or ‘uuk’, is attached to the tunduk before the felt roof cladding is applied to the framework of the yurt. Setting up a yurt takes only a couple of hours and transportation presents few problems. During their journey, Jean Gaumy and his team had an opportunity to spend a night in a yurt. Juan, Gaumy’s assistant, was fascinated by the warmth and comfort of Kyrgyz yurts – at least as long as the stove was burning … Top: The roof construction of a Kyrgyz yurt, showing the typical crown, the tunduk. Bottom: A yurt being clad with felt.


Top: It is said that all Kyrgyz can ride before they can walk. Bottom: A herder’s hut near Song Kul.

Top: ‘The Wild East’, close to Lake Song Kul. Bottom: Traditional hunting meet during the anniversary festivities in Bokonbayevo.

l Eica SUPER-ELMAR-M 18 mm f/3.8 aSPH. discover new horizons.


Seldom before has the optimum use of space been so perfectly achieved as with the leica Super-Elmar-m 18 mm f/3.8 aSPH. With an impressive angle of view of 100 degrees, this super-wide lens delivers truly outstanding image quality. this opens up new potential, not only in the fi elds of architectural and landscape photography, but also for street shooting and environmental portraiture. amazingly, it is only nominally larger than a standard lens, which is partially attributable to its patented, space-saving, but extremely effective, lens hood. despite its enormous angle of view and compact dimensions, the leica Super-Elmar-m 18 mm f/3.8 aSPH. is a paragon of optical excellence thanks to its innovative retrofocus design consisting of eight optical elements, one of which has two aspherical surfaces. indeed, it provides phenomenal image quality even at its widest aperture.

Setting up a yurt in Bokonbayevo during the 100th anniversary celebrations.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 91

lEica SUPER - ELMAR - M 21 mm f/3.4 aSPH.

lEica ELMARIT- M 28 mm f/ 2.8 aSPH.

the Super-Elmar-m 21 mm f/3.4 aSPH. is distinguished by outstanding imaging performance and astoundingly compact dimensions. the lens already reveals its excellent reproduction of details and superior contrast at maximum aperture. thanks to its wide angle of view, it is an excellent lens for architectural and landscape photography and capturing the vibrancy of life in reportage photography. its elaborate eight-element optical design guarantees excellent image quality. the use of one lens element with two aspherical surfaces and four lenses with anomalous partial dispersion plays an essential role in reducing distortion and vignetting to a minimum. a screw-in lens hood prevents the effects of stray light. the leica Super-Elmar-m 21 mm f/3.4 aSPH. is a compact high-performance lens for versatile, superwideangle photography.

lEica ELMAR - M 24 mm f/ 3.8 aSPH.

a versatile lens is an absolute must for street photography. requirements that the compact size and fl exibility of the Elmarit-m 28 mm f/2.8 aSPH fulfi ll to perfection. the classic focal length of 28 mm enables the capture of images characterized by a wide, natural angle of view, which explains the outstanding popularity of the lens among street photographers and photojournalists. at the same time, no other m-lens is as compact as the leica Elmarit-m 28 mm f/2.8 aSPH. Highest imaging performance is achieved through the use of an aspherical element. the lens is practically free of distortion from infi nity to its closest focus of 0.7 meters. its light weight of only 180 g is unrivaled, and makes it the ideal lens to take along wherever you go.

lEica SUMMICROn - M 35 mm f/2 mm aSPH.

the lens is characterized by compact dimensions and extremely high imaging performance in combination with a very wide angle of view, all of which makes it a particularly practical wide-angle lens. its range of uses is also wide; from in-your-face photography of people in their personal spheres to landscapes and architectural photography. contrast and detail rendition are already excellent at the maximum aperture of f3.8. Stopped down to medium apertures, the depth of field is so great that entire scenarios can be captured in perfect focus. as stopping down makes critical focusing unnecessary, leica m-cameras are then faster than any autofocus model.

92 i m - SYStEm lENSES

Because of its excellent contrast characteristics, outstanding resolution throughout the entire focusing range, and almost perfect elimination of distortion, this renowned lens is one of the world’s best high-speed 35 mm lenses. it is also amazingly compact despite its large aperture and high imaging performance. in combination with this lens, any leica m-camera becomes a compact and elegant system in itself. in this way, it enables photographers to work in a particularly discreet and unobtrusive way without attracting undue attention. the leica Summicron-m 35 mm f/2 is also available in a silver chrome fi nish.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 93

lEica MACRO - ELMAR - M 90 mm f/4

in a set with lEica 1  aNGlE FiNdEr m 2  macro - adaPtEr m

this is the most compact telephoto lens ever offered by leica. it is a versatile, high-performance lens that is also supremely portable. in combination with the leica macro-adapter m, it allows macro photography at distances as close as 55 cm and a reproduction ratio of up to 1:3. despite its diminutive size, the macro-Elmar delivers outstanding image quality in both normal distance and macro applications. in combination with a 28 mm or 35 mm wide-angle lens, this lens offers a compact, comprehensive system that is perfect for travelling, or in other situations where low weight and volume are essential.

Yurts at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters / 9,850 feet, on the shores of Song Kul, Kyrgyzstan’s second largest lake.

lEica SUMMICROn - M 50 mm f/2

lEica APO - TELYT- M 135 mm f/3.4

this compact universal lens has long been acclaimed as the best normal lens in its aperture class. it delivers extremely low distortion and outstanding image quality, even at close distances and from corner to corner. this makes the Summicron an ideal standard lens for all photographers seeking an unsurpassed combination of high performance and refinement in a handy, lightweight package. the Summicron-m 50 mm f/2 offers such impressive contrast performance from beginning to end of its aperture scale that stopping down to f 2.8 or f 4 only minimally increases image contrast. its perfectly balanced construction makes this ideal standard lens an outstanding choice in all important categories like performance, size, weight, and price.

the longest focal length in the m-System is an uncompromising telephoto lens in outstanding leica aPo quality. resolution and contrast are perfect at every aperture. Even the smallest details are reproduced with perfect clarity and contrast. the leica aPo-telyt-m 135 mm f/3.4 allows the capture of distinctive landscape images with optical compression of foreground and background perspectives as well as full-format candid portraits captured unobtrusively from a discreet distance. thanks to its apochromatic correction of color aberrations, minimal distortion, and hardly perceptible vignetting – even at maximum aperture – the lens delivers imaging results that are able to satisfy demands at the highest professional levels. lenses shown reduced in size.

94 i m - SYStEm lENSES

m - SYStEm lENSES i 95

l Eica SUMMARIT- M 35 mm f/2.5 Extremely compact, extremely good.


the leica Summarit-m 35 mm f/2.5’s small, handy and stylish design is matched by its impressive performance. it produces excellent contrast and outstanding resolution across the entire image fi eld. the relatively short focal length and wide depth of fi eld this lens provides means that at medium apertures there is often no need for precise focusing. this makes it easy to take spontaneous and lifelike unposed pictures. as a genuine all-rounder, it is indispensable choice whenever you are putting together a new equipment confi guration since it can deal effectively with all photographic situations – from vivid shots of people at medium range all the way to dramatic landscapes. the leica Summarit-m 35 mm f/2.5 has six lens elements in four groups, arranged symmetrically with respect to the diaphragm. three elements are made of special high refractive index glass with anomalous partial dispersion. this improves the image results and provides outstanding color correction that could never be achieved with normal glass.

Herdsman in his yurt near Song Kul.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 97

lEica SUMMARIT- M 50 mm f/2.5

Powerful, lightweight and designed to be easy to operate, the leica Summarit-m 50 mm f/2.5’s applications are as varied as life itself. it corresponds closely to the fi eld of vision and viewing patterns of the human eye and offers an impressively neutral and natural perspective. Even at full aperture, the lens offers outstanding results with excellent contrast over almost the entire image fi eld. Not just benefi cial for portraits, but for all shots at full aperture, the shallow depth of fi eld of this lens makes the main subject stand out from the background. this results in pictures with enhanced impact and out-of-focus areas that have a pleasant, natural smoothness. the leica Summarit-m 50 mm f/2.5 has a traditional doubleGauss construction made up of six lens elements in four groups, arranged symmetrically. as a result, it provides an outstandingly fl at image fi eld and excellent correction for chromatic aberrations and distortion.

a small settlement of yurts, not far from lake Song Kul.

lEica SUMMARIT- M 75 mm f/2.5

the leica Summarit-m 75 mm f/2.5 is a new ‘short telephoto’ lens that is significantly smaller and lighter than Summicron lenses with the same focal length, but still offers the image quality that is the hallmark of leica m lenses. the natural perspective provided by this focal length means that portrait shots have a lovely plasticity with well-differentiated contours without the subject losing any of its lifelike and natural appearance. in reportage, for example, the critical elements of the subject can be selectively emphasized without losing the overall context. the leica Summarit-m 75 mm f/2.5 is a double-Gauss type with six lens elements in four groups – three in front of and three behind the diaphragm, with the last lens positioned slightly closer to the focal plane to reduce bulging of the image fi eld. Four elements are made of special glass with anomalous partial dispersion and two of them are also high index glass.

98 i m - SYStEm lENSES

lEica SUMMARIT- M 90 mm f/2.5

the leica Summarit-m 90 mm f/2.5 is a versatile telephoto lens that rounds off the new lens speed class of Summaritm lenses. despite being much more handy and lighter than the comparable 90 mm Summicron lens, it offers outstanding optical and mechanical quality. the 90 mm telephoto lens is a perfect demonstration of how leica’s Summarit-m class is setting new standards in spherical lens design. a leica m camera with a leica Summarit-m 90 mm f/2.5 fi tted is an extremely compact and handy unit. compared to other 90 mm focal length lenses, there is hardly any intrusion into the viewfi nder image. Even at full aperture, this lens demonstrates excellent imaging capability with outstanding contrast over the entire image fi eld. the leica Summarit-m 90 mm f/2.5 has fi ve lens elements in four groups, one of which is made of a type of optical glass that not only has anomalous partial dispersion but also has extremely low dispersion overall.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 99

l Eica TRI - ELMAR - M 16-18-21 mm f/4 aSPH. the superwide-angle with three focal lengths.


in a set with the lEica UNiVErSal WidE-aNGlE ViEWFiNdEr m

thanks to its impressive 107° angle of view, the tri-Elmar conquers 16 mm superwide-angle photography in perfect leica m quality. its minimal distortion and hardly perceptible image fi eld curvature even at the 16 mm setting make this lens suitable for extremely demanding architectural photographers. the tri-Elmar unites three superwide-angle focal lengths in one extremely compact lens. its compact construction is made possible by the use of two aspherical elements. a new construction concept for its internal focusing, based on the fl oating-elements principle, considerably increases imaging quality at closer focusing distances. Hyperfocal focusing therefore allows the use of superb depth of fi eld from distances as short as 33 cm/1.1 ft. only available in a set with the leica Universal Wide-angle Viewfi nder m. September 2012 – during the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the city of Bokonbayevo on the southern shores of lake issyk Kul.

m - SYStEm lENSES i 101


Rehearsal in the municipal theater in Naryn.




M - SYSTEM ACCESSORIES Step out in style.

01 PROTECTOR M The camera protector for the M digital cameras has been optimally designed to house your M-Camera, even in rough reportage photography situations. Made of high-quality soft black leather, the protector features grips on the back and front to aid ergonomic camera handling. 02 NEOPRENE CASE M This protective black case, with a strap, has handy Velcro fasteners as well as two compartments for memory cards. With a short front, it holds a Leica M-Camera with a lens of up to 65 mm diameter/60 mm length. With a long front, it holds a Leica M-Camera with a lens of up to 65 mm diameter/80 mm length. The neoprene case M can be safely stowed in any piece of baggage. 03 SYSTEM CASE ‘BILLINGHAM’ The most flexible bag for Leica M equipment holds two M bodies with two lenses or one M body with three lenses and is waterproof. Even large lenses and a mounted Leicavit M or Leica Motor M can be comfortably and compactly carried. The zipper compartment holds the Leica SF 24D flash as well as film and additional accessories.







The ever-ready case M was designed specifically for the new Leica M. It protects the camera during transport and can remain connected to the camera for an impromptu shot. For good protection during a more intensive shoot, the front part of the case can be removed; the remaining part continues to act as a camera protector.

The new ever-ready case M has been optimised for fit, ease of use, and with high-grade leather. Enhanced seams and Nappa leather provide ideal protection while two distinctly contoured grip bulges at the front and rear of the base also provide ergonomic support when holding the camera. Compatible with all analogue models, except for the Leica M5 and Leica M3 from the first series.


(not illustrated)

08 COMFORT CARRYING STRAP M Made of premium black Nappa leather, this ever-ready case offers perfect and elegant protection for the Leica M-E and M Monochrom with a lens up to a length of 70 mm (from the bayonet flange) attached. The lower part can be turned, easily allowing the battery and memory card to be changed without removing the camera from the case. 06 EVER - READY CASE MP The robust black saddle leather ever-ready case MP accommodates a Leica MP with a rewind crank and a Leicavit M. The camera is optimally protected, in a style befitting its quality, and is always ready for shooting a rapid series of exposures.


(not illustrated)

The black saddle leather carrying strap, featuring an extra-wide, easycarry neck section, is ideal for lengthy photographic excursions.




09 EVER - READY CASE M À LA CARTE This case is handcrafted and provides secure protection for an MP or M7 with one of the following lenses: 2.8/21 mm without lens hood; 2.8/24 mm without lens hood; 2/28 mm with lens hood; 1.4/35 mm without lens hood; 2/35 mm with lens hood; 2.8/50 mm extended; 1.4/50 mm, 2/50 mm, 4/90 mm retracted. All colour and leather variants from the Leica à la carte range are available. 10 CARRYING STRAPS M À LA CARTE Choose a strap to your liking in the classic narrow design matching the individually produced M-Camera à la carte. Select from saddle, Nappa, calf, or ostrich style embossed leather and various textures and colours.








04 LENS HOLDER FOR MP UND M7 (not illustrated)



With this lens holder, photographers only need a camera and two lenses to take a great picture. The holder is screwed into the tripod bushing, so the second lens serves as a handle or even as a miniature tripod.


Expand your options.

The Leica handgrip M ensures improved safe and steady camera handling, especially when shooting with heavier M-Lenses. The optional Leica finger loop in various sizes (S, M, and L) can enhance your grip even further. These loops are quickly and easily attached to the handgrip. 02 MULTIFUNCTIONAL HANDGRIP M The Leica multifunctional handgrip M includes geotagging and permits the use of a separate flash unit when an accessory viewfinder is mounted. It has an SCA port that is similar to the sockets for external power supply and studio flash systems. It can easily be directly connected to a computer via USB. 03 HANDGRIP M FOR MP AND M7 (not illustrated) There are situations in which you only have one free hand to hold the camera and press the shutter release. For those cases, this handgrip keeps the camera stable and safely in your hand. It is simply screwed into the tripod bushing on the camera. Changing film is also not a problem with the handgrip – the hinged lever that unlocks the base plate remains freely accessible.


05 R - ADAPTER M For the first time, the new Leica R-Adapter M enables the use of almost all Leica R-Lenses ever built on the new Leica M. This extensive portfolio of lenses now opens up new creative horizons for Leica M-Photographers, for instance, video recording with Leica R-Zoom lenses. 06 FINGER LOOPS FOR HANDGRIP M The optional Leica finger loop in various sizes (S, M, and L) can enhance the safe and steady handling of the Leica M and its lenses. The loop can be used with either the Leica handgrip M or the Leica multifunctional handgrip M and can significantly improve camera handling when shooting – especially with heavier R-Lenses.

(not illustrated)

The charger unit is very compact and equipped with a quick-charger function. So if the full capacity of about 500 exposures is not required, the camera can always be recharged in a very short time. EU and US power cords and a car charging cable for 12 –24 Volts are included. UK and AUS power cords are supplied as separate accessories. 08 AC ADAPTER FOR MULTIFUNCTIONAL HANDGRIP M

(not illustrated)

For permanent stationary operation of the camera in professional studios or industrial applications, the new Leica M can be equipped with an AC adapter to supply the multifunctional handgrip M directly from the main power supply.



12 13



(not illustrated)

To provide a major aid in framing the subject at focal lengths of 50 mm or more, the M 1.25 × magnifies the viewfinder image by one-quarter. This greatly enhances focusing accuracy, especially when shooting at telephoto focal lengths.


15 Visoflex Electronic Viewfinder (EVF 2)


The universal wide-angle viewfinder M enables precise cropping of the subject with the Leica Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21 mm f/4 ASPH. It is insensitive to stray light and features high resolution, resulting in brilliant pictures and vivid colours. This viewfinder is fit for both analogue and digital Leica M-Cameras.

This electronic viewfinder is available as an optional accessory for the Leica M-Camera. With a resolution of 1.4 megapixels and 90° swivel action for capturing images from unusual angles, it displays all of the significant exposure parameters. It therefore enables precise compo- sition control – particularly in very bright light. Allows photographers to efficiently focus R-Lenses fixed to the camera with the R-Adapter.


(not illustrated)

The Leicavit M fast winder is mounted in place of the base cover. It allows experienced photographers to shoot up to two frames per second without taking the camera from their eye. Just unfold the lever, pull it back to its limit to wind the film, and take the picture. The Leicavit M fits the Leica MP/M7.


Enlarging the viewfinder image by two-fifths, this viewfinder magnifier is recommended for focal lengths of 75 mm or more. It also turns into magnification of 1 × (0.95 × with M8 models) – a combination that allows for comfortable viewing of the subject with both eyes. Both viewfinder magnifiers are simply screwed into the viewfinder ocular of the Leica M. A small chain attached to the Leica M’s carrying strap eyelet prevents it from being lost or damaged. A leather pouch is supplied for safekeeping when it’s not attached.

Due to a concave mirror in the optics, part of the incoming light is used to illuminate the picture outline as a bright frame. It works in the same way as in the viewfinder of Leica M-Cameras. The entire optics system is given a high-quality multi-layer coating to guarantee optimum viewing through the finder in all conditions. The finders have parallax compensation markings for distances less than 2 m that make them ideal for both analogue and digital photography. Each viewfinder is milled from solid brass in line with the latest technologies. It then receives a silver chrome or black paint finish. The eyepiece side is rubberised to protect spectacles.



(not illustrated)

The Leica correction lenses M enable an optimum eye-to-camera match and make composing images in the viewfinder more comfortable. They are available in grades of +/– 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 diopters. Please note that the Leica M-Viewfinder has a default setting of – 0.5 diopters, so anyone wearing glasses of 1 diopter strength would require a + 1.5 diopter correction lens.


(not illustrated)


(not illustrated)

The Leica M motor is placed on the base cover of the camera. The ergono- mically styled handle houses two 3 - Volt 123 A lithium batteries, providing a capacity for shooting a minimum of 100 36-exposure rolls (at 20° C). It is just 18.5 mm high, and without batteries weighs 225 grams.

Thanks to the Leica angle viewfinder M, exploring objects close to the ground with the Macro-Elmar-M 90 mm f/4 is twice as much fun. Screwed onto the ocular of the Leica M, it can be turned freely at a 45-degree angle. This allows relaxed picture taking without holding the camera direct- ly in front of your eyes.







the Leica SF 58 flash’s secondary reflector can be used to lighten up the darks and generate brilliant results.

18 SF 24D





The Leica microphone adapter set, consisting of an adapter and a stereo microphone, is available as a special optional accessory to complement the 1080-pixel full-HD video capability of the Leica M. To use the adapter, simply plug it into the multifunctional accessory socket. The use of other microphones is also possible.

With the Leica M, sharp handheld shots down to 1/15 of a second are no problem. For all other situations, the portable Leica tabletop tripod provides effective stability. It has three robust extending legs that can be locked in any position. For even more creativity the flexible unit can be braced against a wall, a tree, or the photographer’s own shoulder.

20 SCA ADAPTER SET FOR MULTIFUNCTIONAL HANDGRIP M   This electronic flash unit is designed to provide maximum distance between the flash reflector and the camera lens. The light output is controlled either by its TTL flash exposure meter or by the automatic flash itself. All the information is displayed on an illuminated LCD including an exposure confirmation indication and flash ready light. The ISO film speed range of the Leica SF 24D flash unit extends from 12 to 3600 in the M/TTL range and from 25 to 800 in A mode. The illumination angle corresponds to a focal length range of 35 to 85 mm, and can be extended with the two diffusers supplied. Flash exposure with wide-angle lenses down to 24 mm and telephoto lenses up to 135 mm focal length is therefore made possible. 19 SF 58

(not illustrated)

The Leica SF 58 flash features sensitive controls that allow you to subtly brighten a subject or turn the dead of night into living day. Everything is up to you and your creative desires. Thanks to ample power reserves, extreme speed, comprehensive features, and simple handling, this flash unit is cut out for any challenge. This flash unit is a creative light with great potential. With the Leica SF 58 flash you will achieve anything from subtle fill-in to indirect flash light or decoupled flash operation. It enables you to concentrate fully on the subject while leaving the exposure up to the camera. While the main reflector is responsible for the indirect flash,


The Leica SCA adapter set for the multifunctional handgrip M. The multifunctional handgrip M expands the camera’s functional capabilities with an additional SCA-dedicated interface to allow the simultaneous use of a separate flash unit and an accessory viewfinder on the camera. The SCA adapter set – comprising a high-quality flash-bar and an off-camera hot shoe with a spiral cable – is required to use the additional interface. The SCA adapter set can either be used as an integrated unit to attach the flash unit to the camera, or without the flash-bar to allow off-camera flash.



(not illustrated)

The UVa filter minimizes bluishness in distant scenes, protects the front element of the lens, and can be permanently attached. The polarisation filters eliminate many disturbing reflections and enhance colour saturation, effects that can be assessed by holding the filter in front of the viewfinder. These Leica M-Filters are made of optically pure glass, parallel plane ground, and are precisely annealed. The full performance of the Leica M-Lenses is thus retained even with a filter attached.

(not illustrated)

It is well known that the Leica M’s focal-plane shutter causes little vibration when it shoots. But for lengthy exposure times, a tripod and cable release are essential. The remote release, featuring a conical thread, is screwed into the shutter release bushing. A locking screw allows long exposure times on the B setting.


M-SYSTEM Extras.


M (Type 240) M-E





M (Type 240) M-E





Saddle leather, black






Order no. 14454

Naturally-tanned leather, cognac






Order no. 14456

Nappa leather, racing green







Order no. 14457

Calf leather, smooth, red









Order no. 14880



Order no. 14458

Calf leather, smooth, mocha






Order no. 14881



Order no. 14465

Lizard style embossed leather, black






Order no. 14466

Ostrich style embossed leather, black






Order no. 14467

Ostrich style embossed leather, chestnut






Order no. 14468

Nappa leather, bordeaux red






Order no. 14469

Calf leather, smooth, blue












02 NEOPRENE CASE M Order no. 14867

With short front section






Order no. 14868

With long front section






03 SYSTEM CASE ‘BILLINGHAM’ Order no. 14854







Order no. 14855








04 EVER - READY CASE M Order no. 14547

Ever-ready case with short front section, black


Order no. 14548

Ever-ready case with long front section, black


Order no. 14549

Ever-ready case with short front section, cognac


Order no. 14550

Ever-ready case with long front section, cognac





Black paint



Order no. 14495


Order no. 14875

With short front section



Order no. 14876

With long front section



Black paint

03 HANDGRIP FOR MP AND M7 Order no. 14405



04 LENS HOLDER M Order no. 14404 05 R - ADAPTER M


Black chrome

Order no. 14496



06 EVER - READY CASE MP Order no. 14856

Order no. 14399






Order no. 14642

Black paint






Order no. 14647



Order no. 14648



Order no. 14494


Order no. 14470

Order no. 14857

Naturally-tanned leather, cognac



Order no. 14858

Nappa leather, racing green



Order no. 14859

Calf leather, smooth, red




Order no. 14860

Calf leather, smooth, mocha




Order no. 14861

Lizard style embossed leather, black



Order no. 14862

Ostrich style embossed leather, black



Order no. 14863

Ostrich style embossed leather, chestnut



Order no. 14864

Nappa leather, bordeaux red




Order no. 14865

Calf leather, smooth, blue



Order no. 14497







M (Type 240) M-E





M (Type 240) M-E






18 SF 24D

Order no. 12004

1.25 x






Order no. 12006

1.4 x







Order no. 14444







Order no. 14445

Replacement diffuser screen 24/28 mm

Order no. 14446

Replacement diffuser screen 85 mm











19 SF 58

Order no. 14350

+ 0.5






Order no. 14351

+ 1.0






Order no. 14488







Order no. 14352

+ 1.5






Order no. 14489

Diffuser for exceptionally soft lighting






Order no. 14353

+ 2.0






Order no. 14354

+ 3.0






Order no. 14355

- 0.5








Order no. 14356

- 1.0






Order no. 14357

- 1.5






Order no. 14358

- 2.0






Order no. 14359

- 3.0






Order no. 12011










13 BRIGHT - LINE VIEWFINDER M Order no. 12022

18 mm, black paint







Order no. 12023

18 mm, silver chrome






Order no. 13131

E39 UVa in black mount






Order no. 12024

21 mm, black paint






Order no. 13132

E39 UVa in silver mount






Order no. 12025

21 mm, silver chrome






Order no. 13004

E46 UVa in black mount






Order no. 12026

24 mm, black paint






Order no. 13005

E46 UVa in silver mount






Order no. 12027

24 mm, silver chrome






Order no. 13328

E49 UVa in black mount






Order no. 13373

E55 UVa in black mount






Order no. 13374

E55 UVa in silver mount






Order no. 13381

E60 UVa in black mount






Order no. 13356

Universal-Polfilter M











14 ANGLEFINDER M Order no. 12531








For further order numbers, please visit www.leica-camera.com





Order no. 14009

Black paint



Order no. 14100

Tabletop tripod






Order no. 14450

Black chrome



Order no. 14110

Ball head






Order no. 14008

Silver chrome










17 MOTOR M Order no. 14408



24 REMOTE CABLE RELEASE Order no. 14076

50 cm long



Fabrics on sale at the bazaar in Osh.

LEICA M Technical data.


Leica M (Type 240) Black paint Silver chrome

Order no.

10 770 10 771

Camera type

Compact digital rangefinder system camera for still picture photography and video recording.

Lens mount

Leica M-Bayonet with additional sensor for 6-bit coding.

Viewfinder type

Large, bright, combined bright-line viewfinder/rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation, bright-line frames with LED illumination. Split and superimposed image rangefinder, shown as a bright field in the centre of the viewfinder.

Viewfinder magnification Viewfinder coverage

Exposure metering methods

Centre-weighted, selective metering (spot) or multi-segment metering.

Exposure compensation

–3 EV to +3 EV, one-third stop increments.

Exposure bracketing

3/5 exposures, 0.5/1/2/3 stop increments.

Exposure modes

M (manual), A (aperture priority), B.


Video formats

Full-frame recording with individual frame compression (Motion JPG), QuickTime format (.mov).

At a focusing distance of 2 metres, the size of the bright-line frame corresponds to the sensor size of approx. 23.9 × 35.8 mm. Focused at infinity, and depending on the focal length, the sensor captures a greater area than that indicated by the bright-line frame. At distances of less than 2 metres, the area captured is a little less than that indicated by the bright-line frame.

Video resolution/ frame rate

1080 pixels, 720 pixels, 640 × 480 (VGA)/25 fps, 24 fps.

Audio recording

Automatic level adjustment, manual level adjustment (also during recording), concert setting.

Eyepiece/ dioptre compensation

Adjusted to –0.5 dioptres. Correction lenses available for –3 to +3 dioptres.


Mono, stereo microphone adapter available as an optional accessory.

Menu languages

German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Russian.

Sensor type

Leica Max 24-MP CMOS sensor.


Dual focal plane shutter for classical image capture and Live View.

Sensor size

24 × 36 mm.

Shutter speeds

1/4000 s to 60 s (in bulb mode), 1/180 s flash sync speed.


DNGTM: 5976 × 3992 pixels. JPG: 5952 × 3976 pixels (24 megapixels), 4256 × 2832 pixels (12 megapixels), 2976 × 1984 pixels (6 megapixels), 1600 × 1080 pixels (1.7 megapixels).

Shutter release

Two stage: 1 power on + hold metered value (in aperture priority mode) – 2 shutter release. Standard internal threading for remote release.

Flash exposure control

Control with centre-weighted TTL pre-flash metering (with SCA-3501/3502 adapter or SCA-3000 standard flash units, e.g. Leica SF 24D/Leica SF 58). HSS flash synchronisation.

Flash synchronisation

=1/180 s. Optional synchronisation on first or second shutter curtain, faster sync speeds possible with HSS-compatible flash units.


3-inch TFT monitor (921,600 pixels) with scratch-resistant cover in Corning® Gorilla® glass.

Colour depth


Image processor

Leica Maestro® image processor.

Image data formats

DNGTM (uncompressed RAW data or with lossless compression), JPEG, DNG + JPEG.

Working colour space (JPEG)

sRGB, Adobe®RGB.

Capture settings (JPEG)

Contrast, sharpness, film modes.

Levelling aid


ISO sensitivity

ISO 200–ISO Push 6400, in 1/3-ISO steps, ISO 100 as additional pull function.

Storage media

SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards.

White balance

Automatic, daylight, cloudy, shade, tungsten, warm fluorescent, cool fluorescent, flash, manual (grey card), colour temperature 2,000–13,100 K.

Power supply

Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (included), nominal voltage 7.4 V, capacity 1800 mAh.


Optional electronic viewfinder available

Yes (EVF-2).

Full metal body in magnesium alloy with artificial leather trim. Top plate and base plate in brass. Black paint or silver chrome finish, splash-proof.

Tripod thread

A 1/4 (1/4") DIN, stainless steel, integrated in the camera body.

Shooting modes

Single frame, continuous, self-timer 2 s, self-timer 12 s.

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Approx. 139 × 42 × 80 mm.

Maximum burst rate

Approx. 3 fps.

Weight (including battery)

680 g.

Focusing modes

Manual focusing based on the combined viewfinder and rangefinder principle, Live View, 100% Live View Zoom, Live View Focus Peaking.

Operating conditions


Exposure metering principle

In classical rangefinder mode: through-the-lens (TTL) metering, centre-weighted with variable working aperture by metering sensor. In Live View and extended viewfinder mode: exposure metering by the image sensor. Centre-weighted TTL metering for flash exposure with system-compatible SCA-3000/2 standard flash units.


Data interface for the multifunctional handgrip M (optional accessory).

Package includes

Battery, battery charger with mains cables (EU, USA, may differ in some export markets), 12 V charging cable, carrying strap, connector cover, body cap, Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® as download option.



LEICA M-E Technical data.


Leica M-E (Type 220) Anthracite-grey paint

Order no.

10 759

Camera type

Compact digital rangefinder system camera for still pictures.

Lens mount

Leica M-Bayonet with additional sensor for 6-bit coding.

Viewfinder type

Large, bright, combined bright-line viewfinder/rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and optically illuminated bright-line frames. Split and superimposed image rangefinder, shown as a bright field in the centre of the viewfinder.

Viewfinder magnification Viewfinder coverage

Exposure metering methods


Exposure compensation

–3 EV to +3 EV, one-third stop increments.

Exposure bracketing

3/5 exposures, 0.5/1/1.5/2 stop increments.

Exposure modes

M (manual), A (aperture priority), B.


Video formats

At a focusing distance of 1 metre, the size of the bright-line frame corresponds to the sensor size of approx. 23.9 × 35.8 mm. Focused at infinity, and depending on the focal length, the sensor captures a greater area than that indicated by the bright-line frame. At distances of less than 1 metre, the area captured is a little less than that indicated by the bright-line frame.

Video resolution/ frame rate

Audio recording


Menu languages

German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Russian.

Eyepiece/ dioptre compensation

Adjusted to –0.5 dioptres. Correction lenses available for –3 to +3 dioptres.

Sensor type

KAF-18500 CCD sensor with 18 million pixels (18 MP).


Focal plane shutter with external cocking, for classical exposure.

Sensor size

Approx. 35.8 × 23.9 mm.

Shutter speeds

Between 1/4000 s and 240 s (in bulb mode), 1/180 s flash sync speed.


JPEG: 5212 × 3472 pixels (18 megapixels), 3840 × 2592 pixels (10 megapixels), 2592 × 1728 pixels (4.5 megapixels), 1728 × 1152 pixels (2 megapixels), 1280 × 846 pixels (1 megapixel).

Shutter release

Three stages: 1 power on – 2 hold metered value (in aperture priority mode) – 3 shutter release. Standard internal threading for remote release.

Colour depth


Flash exposure control

Image processor

DSP-based imaging electronics.

Control with centre-weighted TTL pre-flash metering (with SCA-3501/3502 adapter or SCA-3000 standard flash units, e.g. Leica SF 24D/Leica SF 58).

Image data formats

DNGTM (uncompressed RAW data or data with non-linear, lossless compression), JPEG.

Working colour space (JPEG)

sRGB, Adobe®RGB.

Capture settings (JPEG)

Flash synchronisation

=1/180 s. Optional synchronisation on first or second shutter curtain.


2.5-inch TFT monitor (230,000 pixels).

Levelling aid

Saturation, contrast, sharpness.

Storage media

SD and SDHC memory cards.

ISO sensitivity

ISO 200–ISO 2500, with additional ISO 80 pull function.

Power supply

Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (included), nominal voltage 3.7 V, capacity 1860 mAh.

White balance

Automatic, daylight, cloudy, shade, tungsten, fluorescent 1, fluorescent 2, flash, manual, colour temperature 2,000–12,800 K.


Full metal body in magnesium alloy with artificial leather trim. Top plate and base plate in brass.

Optional electronic viewfinder available

Tripod thread

A 1/4 (1/4") DIN, stainless steel, integrated in base plate.

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Approx. 139 × 42 × 80 mm.

Shooting modes

Single frame, continuous, self-timer 2 s, self-timer 12 s.

Weight (including battery)

585 g.

Maximum burst rate

Approx. 2 fps.

Operating conditions


Focusing modes

Manual focusing based on the combined viewfinder and rangefinder principle.


5-pin, high-speed mini USB 2.0 socket for fast data transfer.

Exposure metering principle

Through-the-lens (TTL) metering, centre-weighted with variable working aperture by metering sensor; centre-weighted TTL pre-flash metering with system-compatible SCA-3000/2 standard flash units.

Package includes

Battery, battery charger with mains cables (EU, USA, may differ in some export markets), 12 V charging cable, carrying strap, connector cover, body cap, Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® as download option.



LEICA M MONOCHROM Technical data.


Leica M Monochrom

Order no.

10 760

Exposure compensation

–3 EV to +3 EV, one-third stop increments.

Camera type

Compact digital rangefinder system camera with a dedicated black-and-white image sensor.

Exposure bracketing

3/5 exposures, 0.5/1/1.5/2 stop increments.

Lens mount

Leica M-Bayonet with additional sensor for 6-bit coding.

Exposure modes

M (manual), A (aperture priority), B.

Viewfinder type

Large, bright, combined bright-line viewfinder/rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and optically illuminated bright-line frames. Split and superimposed image rangefinder, shown as a bright field in the centre of the viewfinder.

Video formats

Video resolution/ frame rate

Audio recording


Menu languages

German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Russian.


Focal plane shutter with external cocking, for classical exposure.

Shutter speeds

1/4000 s to 240 s (in bulb mode), 1/180 s flash sync speed.

Shutter release

Three stages: 1 power on – 2 hold metered value (in aperture priority mode) – 3 shutter release. Standard internal threading for remote release. Control with centre-weighted TTL pre-flash metering (with SCA-3501/3502 adapter or SCA-3000 standard flash units, e.g. Leica SF 24D/Leica SF 58).

Viewfinder magnification


Viewfinder coverage

At a focusing distance of 1 metre, the size of the bright-line frame corresponds to the sensor size of approx. 23.9 × 35.8 mm. Focused at infinity, and depending on the focal length, the sensor captures a greater area than that indicated by the bright-line frame. At distances of less than 1 metre, the area captured is a little less than that indicated by the bright-line frame.

Eyepiece/ dioptre compensation

Adjusted to –0.5 dioptres. Correction lenses available for –3 to +3 dioptres.

Sensor type

CCD sensor with 18 million pixels (18 MP).

Sensor size

Approx. 35.8 × 23.9 mm.


DNGTM: 5212 × 3468 pixels. JPEG: 5216 × 3472 (18 megapixels), 3840 × 2592 (10 megapixels), 2592 × 1728 (4.5 megapixels), 1728 × 1152 (2 megapixels), 1280 × 864 (1 megapixel).

Flash exposure control

Colour depth


Flash synchronisation

Image processor

DSP-based imaging electronics.


2.5-inch monitor (colour-TFT LCD) with 230,000 pixels.

Image data formats

DNGTM (uncompressed RAW data), JPEG (with quality-oriented compression).

Levelling aid

Working colour space (JPEG)

sRGB hardwired.

Storage media

SD and SDHC memory cards.

Power supply

Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (included), nominal voltage 3.7 V, capacity 1860 mAh.

Capture settings (JPEG)

Contrast, sharpness.


ISO sensitivity

ISO 320/26° to ISO 10000/41°, selectable in 1/3 ISO increments. ISO 160 also available as a pull function.

Full metal body in magnesium alloy with artificial leather trim. Top plate and base plate in brass. Black chrome finish, sapphire glass protective cover for the monitor screen.

White balance

Tripod thread

A 1/4 (1/4") DIN, stainless steel, integrated in base plate.

Optional electronic viewfinder available

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Approx. 139 × 42 × 80 mm.

Weight (including battery)

585 g.

Shooting modes

Single frame, continuous, self-timer 2 s, self-timer 12 s.

Operating conditions


Maximum burst rate

Approx. 2 fps.


5-pin, high-speed mini USB 2.0 socket for fast data transfer.

Focusing modes

Manual focusing based on the combined viewfinder and rangefinder principle.

Package includes

Exposure metering principle

Through-the-lens (TTL) metering, centre-weighted at working aperture by metering sensor. Centre-weighted TTL metering for flash exposure with system-compatible SCA-3000/2 standard flash units.

100–240 V battery charger with two mains cables (EU, USA, may differ in some export markets), a car charger, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, USB cable, real leather carrying strap, original Leica M Monochrom print of an image from the campaign, instruction manual, information on registration and software downloads, Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom®, Nik Silver Efex ProTM, as download versions.

Exposure metering methods



=1/180 s; longer shutter speeds may be used. Optional synchronisation on first or second shutter curtain.




Technical data.

Technical data.


Leica M7 Black chrome Silver chrome


Leica MP Black paint Silver chrome

Order no.

10 503  10 504

Order no.

10 302 10 301

Camera type

Compact rangefinder system camera for 35 mm film photography with electronically controlled shutter plus two mechanically controlled shutter speeds.

Camera type

Compact rangefinder system camera for 35 mm film photography with electronically controlled shutter.

Lens mount

Leica M-Bayonet.

Lens mount

Leica M-Bayonet.

Viewfinder type

Large, bright, combined bright-line viewfinder/rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and optically illuminated bright-line frames. Split and superimposed image rangefinder, shown as a bright field in the centre of the viewfinder.

Viewfinder type

Large, bright, combined bright-line viewfinder/rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and optically illuminated bright-line frames. Split and superimposed image rangefinder, shown as a bright field in the centre of the viewfinder.

Viewfinder magnification

0.72×. The Leica à la carte programme offers alternative choices of 0.85× or 0.58× viewfinder magnification.

Viewfinder magnification

0.72×. The Leica à la carte programme offers alternative choices of 0.85× or 0.58× viewfinder magnification.

Viewfinder coverage

The bright-line frame size corresponds to an image size of approx. 23 × 35 mm at the minimum focusing distance for all focal lengths. Focused at infinity, and depending on the focal length, approx. 9 % (28 mm) to 23 % (135 mm) more will be captured on the film than is shown in the corresponding bright-line frame.

Viewfinder coverage

The bright-line frame size corresponds to an image size of approx. 23 × 35 mm at the minimum focusing distance for all focal lengths. Focused at infinity, and depending on the focal length, approx. 9 % (28 mm) to 23 % (135 mm) more will be captured on the film than is shown in the corresponding bright-line frame.

Eyepiece/ dioptre compensation

Adjusted to –0.5 dioptres. Correction lenses available for –3 to +3 dioptres.

Eyepiece/ dioptre compensation

Adjusted to –0.5 dioptres. Correction lenses available for –3 to +3 dioptres.

ISO sensitivity

Choice of automatic setting from ISO 25/15° to ISO 5000/38° for DX-coded films, or manual setting from ISO 6/9° to ISO 6400/39°.

ISO sensitivity

Manual settings from ISO 6/9° to ISO 6400/39°.

Shooting modes

Single shots.

Shooting modes

Single shots.

Focusing modes

Manual focusing based on the combined viewfinder and rangefinder principle.

Focusing modes

Manual focusing based on the combined viewfinder and rangefinder principle.

Exposure metering principle

Selective through-the-lens exposure metering (TTL with metering sensor) at working aperture.

Exposure metering principle

Selective through-the-lens exposure metering (TTL with metering sensor) at working aperture.

Exposure metering methods


Exposure metering methods


Exposure compensation

–2 EV to +2 EV, one-third stop increments.

Exposure compensation

Exposure modes

M (manual), A (aperture priority), B.

Exposure modes

M (manual), B.


Horizontal, rubberised cloth focal plane shutter with extremely low noise characteristics. Electronically controlled, plus two mechanically controlled shutter speeds, 1/60 s and 1/125 s.


Horizontal, rubberised cloth focal plane shutter with extremely low noise characteristics. Mechanically controlled.

Shutter speeds

In aperture priority mode (AUTO), continuous from 32 s to 1/1000 s. In manual mode, settings from 4 s to 1/1000 s in single stop increments. B for exposure times of arbitrary length, 1/50 s flash sync speed.

Shutter speeds

From 1 s to 1/1000 s in one stop increments. B for exposures times of arbitrary length, 1/50 s flash sync speed.

Shutter release

Three stages: 1 power on – 2 hold metered value (in aperture priority mode) – 3 shutter release. Standard internal threading for remote release.

Shutter release

Two stage: 1 power on – 2 shutter release. Standard internal threading for remote release.

Flash exposure control

TTL control with centre-weighted integral metering (with SCA-3501/3502 adapter or SCA-3000 standard flash units, e.g. Leica SF 24D/Leica SF 58). HSS flash synchronisation.

Flash exposure control

Computer control by the flash unit or guide number calculation and manual setting of the required aperture.

Flash synchronisation

Flash synchronisation

Power supply

6 V/2× DL 1/3 N lithium cells.

Power supply

3 V/2× PX 76/SR 44 silver oxide button cells or 1 DL 1/3 N lithium button cell (only required for exposure metering and viewfinder displays).


One-piece, full metal body with back door. Top plate and base plate in brass. Silver or black chrome finish.


One-piece, full metal body with back door. Top plate and base plate in brass. Silver or black chrome finish.

Tripod thread

A 1/4 (1/4") DIN, integrated in base plate.

Tripod thread

A 1/4 (1/4") DIN, integrated in base plate.

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Approx. 138 × 38 × 79.5 mm.

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Approx. 138 × 38 × 77 mm.

Weight (including battery)

Approx. 610 g.

Weight (including battery)

Approx. 585 g.

Operating conditions


Operating conditions


Package includes

Carrying strap with non-slip pad, M-Bayonet camera body cap, flash sync socket protector and battery/batteries.

Package includes

Carrying strap with non-slip pad, M-Bayonet camera body cap, flash sync socket protector and battery/batteries.


= 1/50 s and all longer shutter speeds, first curtain synchronisation.


LEICA M-LENSES Technical data.

Leica M-Lens

No. of lenses Elements/ groups

Angle of view Diagonal, in °

Leica Tri-Elmar-M 16 –18 – 21 mm f/4 ASPH.


107/100/ E67 (14473 92 adapter)

Leica Super-Elmar-M 18 mm f/3.8 ASPH.


Leica Summilux-M 21 mm f/1.4 ASPH.

Dimen-  sions Ø × L from bayonet flange, in mm

Weight Black/ silver, in g

Min. focusing  distance From film plane, in cm

Smallest  object  field in mm

58 × 72



725 × 1087 1:30



E77 (14484 61 × 58 adapter)



827 × 1241




Series VIII

69.5 × 77



685 × 1027 1:29


Leica Super-Elmar-M 21 mm f/3.4 ASPH.




43 × 55



706 × 1059 1:29.4


Leica Summilux-M 24 mm f/1.4 ASPH.



Series VII

61 × 76



615 × 922



Leica Elmar-M 24 mm f/3.8 ASPH.




53 × 57



615 × 922



Leica Summicron-M 28 mm f/2 ASPH.




53 × 40.8



533 × 800



Leica Elmarit-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH.




52 × 46



533 × 800



Leica Summilux-M 35 mm 1.4 ASPH.




53 × 46.2



419 × 627



Leica Summicron-M 35 mm f/2 ASPH.




53 × 34.5



419 × 627



Leica Summarit-M 35 mm f/2.5




51 × 34



490 × 735



Leica Noctilux-M 50 mm f/0.95 ASPH.




73 × 75



406 × 608



Leica Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH.




53.5 × 52.5 335/465


271 × 407



Leica APO-Summicron-M 50 mm f/2 ASPH.




53 × 47

Approx. 300 70

271 × 407



Leica Summicron-M 50 mm f/2




53 × 43.5



271 × 407



Leica Summarit-M 50 mm f/2.5




52 × 33



338 × 508



Leica APO-Summicron-M 75 mm f/2 ASPH.




58 × 67



169 × 254



Leica Summarit-M 75 mm f/2.5




55 × 61



238 × 357



Leica APO-Summicron-M 90 mm f/2 ASPH.




64 × 78



220 × 330



Leica Summarit-M 90 mm f/2.5




55 × 67



213 × 320



Leica APO-Telyt-M 135 mm f/3.4




58.5 × 104.7





Leica Macro-Elmar-M 90 mm f/4




52 × 59/ 41**



* With Leica macro-adapter M. ** Collapsed.

Filter   thread Ø in mm


220 × 330

Largest  repro-  duction  ratio


Number  of iris  blades

161 × 241/ 1:6.7/1:3* 10 72 × 108*

Top and bottom: Cotton picking near the city of Osh in southern Kyrgyzstan.


Kyrgyz ‘eagle huntsman’ in traditional dress at the 100th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the town of Bokonbayevo.

l Eica CAMERAS the fascination with perfect pictures.

lEica S With the leica S, leica has established an entirely new reference class in the world of professional digital photography. the leica S-System breaks down the traditional barriers between 35 mm and medium-format photography. it combines the handling and size of a 35 mm camera with a performance and quality that sets new standards in medium-format photography – for supreme image quality and maximized creative potential.

lEica X2 the leica X2 makes each moment captured something truly special – in brilliant picture quality. its aPS-c image sensor, its fast, high-precision autofocus, and the ability to switch between automatic and manual in a fl ash make the German-manufactured X2 the perfect companion for camera users with a passion for ambitious photography. another reason why X2 owners will never want to put it down: the ‘leica á la carte’ program offers fascinating options for personalising the look and feel of their leica X2. the program offers a choice of three different body fi nishes in anodised silver, black, or titanium and a collection of ten leather trim options in many different colours.

lEica d-lUX 6 its outstanding lens and the versatile opportunities it offers for creative photography make the leica d-lux 6 the perfect camera for capturing inspiring moments – in the typically brilliant image quality you expect from leica. its extremely fast (f1.4) leica dc Vario-Summilux lens makes it particularly suitable for availablelight photography and creative experimentation with planes of focus and depth of field. its full-Hd video recording capability and numerous manual setting options offer even more creative freedom.

leica camera is a name that stands for the best in German precision engineering and craftsmanship – and for a very special pictorial culture. consider the eyes, the sense organs that make the most signifi cant contribution to our perception and understanding of the world around us. leica has been acclaimed as a specialist on the subject of perception for many years, and has designed and manufactured many innovative instruments capable of creating distinctive visual experiences. this applies equally to both the legendary cameras and their lenses. one all-embracing aspect stands out above all – the unmistakable leica quality of their optical performance for both film and digital photography. all are expandable systems – intuitive in use and elegant in design – that retain enduring value while guaranteeing superior imaging results and boundless creative freedom.

134 i lEica camEraS aNd SPort oPticS

lEica V-lUX 4 the leica V-lux 4 is so versatile that it simply takes every situation in its stride. its fast (f/2.8) lens enables sharp exposures even in poor light and throughout the entire zoom range of 25 to 600 mm (equivalent in 35 mm format). thanks to its electronic viewfi nder, photographers now always have a perfect view of their subjects, even in bright surroundings. its free-angle 3" lcd monitor screen makes it easy to take shots from the most unusual angles. in addition, the leica V-lux 4 also features fast sequential shooting capability and masters full-Hd video recording at up to 60 frames per second – all in all, a camera that transforms every day trip into a journey of discovery.

lEica camEraS aNd SPort oPticS i 135

l Eica SPORT OPTICS the fascination with the world of nature. BiNocUlarS leica has been the name for excellence and quality in the construction of binoculars for over 100 years. With the Ultravid Hd, duovid, trinovid, and the compact Ultravid Bl/Br and trinovid Bca models, leica Sport optics offers a range of high-quality binoculars for every situation – with precise detail rendition, outstanding low-light performance, absolute colour fi delity, and high contrast. leica developments set new standards for incomparable visual experiences. these include innovations such as fl uoride lenses for perfect colour fi delity and superior contrast, or water and dirt repellent aquadura® coating. Fig.: lEica UltraVid 10 x 42 Hd

raNGEFiNdErS in the early 1980s, leica became the fi rst optical systems specialist to successfully integrate a laser rangefinder into a pair of high-performance binoculars. a leica innovation that set standards that are still unrivalled today. Nevertheless, leica has since created a revolution in the perfect combination of observation and rangefi nding technologies: the new Geovid Hd-B rangefi nder binoculars feature a global fi rst – the unique aBc® ballistics system and an integrated microSd memory card reader. rangefi nding is now more precise than ever before – for every kind of hunting. Fig.: lEica GEoVid 10 x 42 Hd-B

SPottiNG ScoPES leica clearly leads the fi eld with the aPo-televid series of high-performance spotting scopes. Both the aPo-televid 82 with outstanding light-gathering performance and the compact aPo-televid 65 deliver impressive performance due to their sophisticated apochromatic optics and the use of the latest fl uoride glass formulations – for perfect resolving power with maximum colour fi delity, even at long distances. Both spotting scopes are available in versions for straight or angled viewing. Fig.: lEica aPo – tElEVid 82 with lEica Zoom EYEPiEcE 25–50 x WW aSPH.


all products manufactured by leica are characterised by an uncompromising dedication to quality and outstanding optical performance. this, of course, also applies to the leica Sport optics division, where new standards are set time and time again – with a commitment to bringing the world of nature closer to fi eld sports enthusiasts and lovers of the great outdoors with unrivaled authenticity. leica Sport optics designs and manufactures superior quality binoculars, spotting scopes, and rangefi nders that guarantee that every special moment becomes a truly memorable visual experience. Each one of them embodies something special and unique in its own way – just like the world of nature.

136 i lEica camEraS aNd SPort oPticS

leica is the only premium optical systems manufacturer to offer a complete professional system from one single source. all system components, like the spotting scope, digital camera, adapter, tripod, and tripod head are perfectly matched and ensure fast and simple mounting. Just like leica binoculars and spotting scopes, all the digital camera models and matching adapters are manufactured with extreme attention to quality and reliability and from only the finest materials. For spontaneously captured moments of fascination, precise identifi cation, or documentation – or simply for the joy of unforgettable moments. aFig.: lEica X2 with diGiScoPiNG adaPtEr lEica aPo – tElEVid 82 with lEica Zoom EYEPiEcE 25–50 x WW aSPH. lEica dH1 triPod HEad with a lEica trica 1 triPod

lEica camEraS aNd SPort oPticS i 137

A trademark of Leica Camera Group ‘Leica’ and product names = ® registered trademarks © 2013 Leica Camera AG We reserve the right to make changes in the construction, features and ranges without advance notice. Concept and design: G2 Germany, Frankfurt Product photography: Alexander Göhr and berndEBSEN photography Author’s photography: Jean Gaumy / MAGNUM Photos Brochure order numbers: German 91 740 I English (US) 91 741, English (UK) 91 742 I French 91 743 I Italian 91 744, (03/2013) Leica Camera AG I Oskar-Barnack-Strasse 11 I 35606 SOLMS I Germany Phone +49 (0)6442 208 0 I Fax +49 (0)6442 208 333 I www.leica-camera.com

Leica Camera AG I Oskar-Barnack-Strasse 11 I 35606 SOLMS I GERMANY Phone +49 (0)6442 208 0 I Fax +49 (0)6442 208 333 I www.leica-camera.com

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