Snow Camp 2014/15

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Welcome to the launch edition of Snow-

and want to be part of it.

ski industry, they become potentially

Camp Magazine!

Looking back on Snow-Camp’s journey

life changing for the young people we

It’s been a surprisingly enjoyable

from a small youth project in Stockwell

support. It is always exciting for us to

process researching all the different

in 2003 to where we are today, it

find others, both within the world of

stories, collating the editorial and

is clear there have already been

snow sports and outside it, who really

having the opportunity to catch up

so many people who have helped,

get how Snow-Camp programmes

with young people, supporters and

supported and promoted our work

aim to motivate young people to

friends of the charity discussing their

along the way, generously giving their

make positive changes in their lives,

contributions to the magazine.

time, energy, money and enthusiasm

to aspire to achieve more and to fulfil

And it has shown once again the

to help us achieve our goals. When

their potential through opportunities

breadth of support we are so grateful

we needed them most, the right

for employment and training.

to receive at Snow-Camp. In fact,

people, companies, youth projects,

Exciting times are ahead as we seek

if there is one thing that has come

ambassadors, funders and friends

to expand our programmes in London

across from the process of putting

have said, “Yes, we will get behind

and Glasgow to Cardiff, Yorkshire,

the magazine together, it is the

this,” and we are extremely grateful for

Bristol and beyond, and new supporters

concept of partnership. I don’t think

such fantastic support.

and partnerships will be even more

there is a story in the magazine that

By themselves, snow sports are hugely

essential. So if anything in the magazine

doesn’t feature partnerships of some

enjoyable, engaging, confidence

sparks your interest to get involved –

kind, and this is so important – for if

building and attractive to young

and there are many ways you can help

we are to succeed with the vision we

people. But when combined with

and be part of our work – the team

have set ourselves at Snow-Camp,

accreditation, qualifications, mentoring,

would love to hear from you.

we are going to need the support of

work placements, apprenticeships

Enjoy the magazine and have a great

many others who also ‘get’ this vision

and vocational opportunities in the

winter season!


Dan Charlish FOUNDER & Director

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 03







“I’m delighted to support the important work that Snow-Camp carries out, and I’m completely behind their goal to bring skiing to more young people and to make the sport more socially inclusive. I think Snow-Camp’s an important charity because we can get accused of being an elitist sports and I don’t think it’s actually the case; and I think going out to the mountains is such a wonderful experience it should be open to all.”

“For me it’s sad when people have never seen proper snow before in London. It’s so accessible for us, and for Snow-Camp to come along and bring this amazing sport to more people, it’s awesome. I just love that Snow-Camp brings winter sports to a whole new audience of kids who never thought that they would have the opportunity! I have always strived to make skiing available to all, and Snow-Camp is really achieving that.”

“The mountains are one of the most impressive landscapes on earth and have an immense power to both humble and inspire people. The idea behind Snow-Camp is very simple: to share the mountains with people who would normally never get to experience them, but who need them most. The project has huge potential to help people.”


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“I’ve watched Snow-Camp evolve over the years and have always loved their approach to helping others less fortunate and in difficult circumstances. We’ve always had a really positive experience with everyone we’ve worked with on Snow-Camp projects and will continue to develop ideas with them and offer their students opportunities in skiing.”

“I am hugely excited by the prospect of being patron for Snow-Camp in Scotland. Snow-Camp gives young people the chance to learn fantastic lessons in an enjoyable environment, and I’ve seen the benefit they have already had on many people. I hope I can help to build this and give more and more young people across Glasgow this fantastic opportunity!”

I’m stoked to be coming on board as a patron in this key time in the charity’s life, as the Snow-Camp team seek to expand their programmes to other cities in the UK. I hope I can play a positive role in this next phase, as I am committed to seeing positive opportunities for young people in snow sports, especially after snowboarding was given such a great platform at the recent Winter Olympics. In my new role as patron, I’m looking forward to working with Snow-Camp to make this happen!

Snow-Camp are delighted to have six fantastic snow-sport celebrities as our patrons. Their profiles and ability to communicate Snow-Camp’s work have had a hugely positive influence on the growth of the charity. The team are also supported by three dedicated ambassadors including: Jasmin Taylor (World Cup Telemark Ski Racer, British Champion and Personal Trainer), Jack Gower (British Junior Alpine Ski Team member and Junior One World Champion in Giant Slalom) and Jamie Barrow, Britain’s Fastest Snowboarder.

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Founded in 2003, Snow-Camp

listening, overcoming fear, team work,

programme was developed in 2007,

recognised the need to offer inner-city

patience and determination, all of which

the Graduate Programme in 2008, the

youth-at-risk an activity that re-engages

are essential skills needed to deal with

Excel Programme in 2010 and finally

them with learning, during secondary

the problems disadvantaged youth face

the Apprenticeship Programme in 2013

education years, in order to help them

in their everyday lives.

which completes the current Snow-

realise their potential and increase their

Since 2003, demand for Snow-Camp’s

Camp programme journey.

motivation and aspirations. 11 years ago,

programmes has increased and, as

Many funders and supporter have

13 young people from the St John’s

funding allowed, programmes have

helped to make this possible, including

Community Development Project in

grown to meet the need, overcoming

the Skiers Trust, Snow-Camp’s first

Stockwell attended a week-long snow

geographical and financial barriers

funder, granting £1,000 to enable Snow-

sports programme in Les 2 Alpes and

faced by young people who would not

Camp to pilot the residential trip back in

Snow-Camp was established.

otherwise have access, to experience

2003. We are grateful for the confidence

Today, Snow-Camp is the UK’s only

snow sports for the first time. Today,

they showed in us and their continued

registered charity delivering a unique

more than 500 young people per year,

support of Snow-Camp year after year.

combination of snow sports and life-skills

aged between 13 and 19, are referred by

In 2013, Snow-Camp was awarded the

programmes to support inner-city young

their youth project to attend our courses

Freedom of the City of London for its

people living in areas with high levels of

ranging from a 2-day introduction to

work with young people.

deprivation, crime and gang activity. The

skiing and snowboarding through to

process of learning to ski or snowboard

training young people to be Level 1

requires perseverance, commitment,

instructors. Snow-Camp’s First Tracks

06 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


Recent innovations in technology means ski equipment is better than it’s ever been before. Ski boots are much more customizable, as plastic shells can now be heat moulded and shaped to the lumps and bumps in your feet. Have you improved since you bought your current boots? Are they still comfortable making you reluctant to upgrade them? A pair of custom fitted boots will be more comfortable than you can possibly imagine and give better performance than your old ski boots ever could. Have your skis seen better days? Can you ski everything you want to? Skis have now become much more versatile and user friendly helping you to ski in all snow conditions. If you choose the correct ski shape and ability level, you will see huge changes in your progression and enjoyment. Come and visit us today to ensure you have the correct advice from experienced equipment specialists before you invest in your next pair of boots and skis. Bringing you the largest specialist range of skis & boots in the UK and advice and expertise since 1965. We’ll always be here to help and advise you on the correct equipment for wherever your passions and dreams take you. Custom boot fitting specialists. Ski Industries Of Great Britain official ski testers. “WINNER OF THE WORLD SNOW AWARDS - BEST UK SPECIALIST RETAILER”

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First Tracks

after each slope session expose young

to achieve the qualification – and then

For a young person, the Snow-Camp

people to the many opportunities

a week in the Italian mountains with

journey starts on one of our 2-day

in the wider world of skiing and

Interski, shadowing instructors and

Snow-Camp First Tracks courses. This

snowboarding, including talks from

gaining valuable experience.

programme provides young people

partners across the ski industry.


with their first experience of snow sports and life skills, using Hemel


The Apprenticeship Programme is

Snow Centre as a base, and provides

The Excel Programme is for young

designed for young people who wish

an AQA award in Basic Snowsports.

people who aim to complete the full

to pursue a career in the snow sports

Snow-Camp journey and leave with a

industry. Snow-Camp Apprentices gain


Snowsport England Level 1 Instructor

valuable experience from working

The Graduate Programme offers

certificate. Excel is split into two sections:

on all our programmes, alongside

young people the opportunity to

8 days at Hemel where the young people

work placements across the industry

further develop their skiing and

go through a full training programme

over the 12-month period of the

snowboarding, through a structured

covering all aspects of teaching snow

apprenticeship. They also get paid

6-day programme offering an ASDAN

sports, alongside the essential first aid

while studying for an NVQ Level 2

Accreditation. Group sessions held

and child protection courses required

Activity Leadership qualification.

08 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

oung people the opportunity to progress from beginner skiers and d instructors. Since 2003, we have been delivering innovative and ne the continuous development of skiing and snowboarding skills with s sessions. Young people also gain a recognised accredited outcome from

Course Length: 10 sessions and 1 week residential Course Venue: Hemel Snow Centre, Chatham Ski & Snowboard Centre and The Alps Accreditation: Snowsport England Level 1 Trainee Instructor / Instructor, First Aid qualification, Safeguard Training & CRB Level: Intermediate / Advanced UK Dates: February to April 2015 Cost: £499*

n partnership with over 200 youth organisations since we started Snowmall independent youth projects and from national youth programmes to meet you, explain the programmes and discuss all your specific needs. you need as your young people progress through each course, and will nt to build solid relationships with youth programmes so that Snowamme. Snow-Camp programmes can be a life changing experience for ou very soon!

Residential Dates: April 2015 Cost: £499*


rogramme providing the first experience of snowsports for young people el Snow Centre. and instruction in skiing and snowboarding with qualified instructors. g and developing as individuals through the Life-Skills programme g sessions on independence, responsibility, confidence and self-esteem. o areas outside of London, providing new sporting experiences. e to other youth groups and young people from across London, ng territorial bias in young people. and certificates - Lasting record of achievement and experience. ted outcome via AQA. amp staff team management, full risk assessment available. unity to progress to the Snow-Camp Graduate Programme.

* Prices do not include Snow-Camp costs which are covered by our own fundraising. Some bursaries exist for these courses - please call to discuss.


✻ Advanced training and instructio Instructor or Trainee Instructor q ✻ 7 day programme at Hemel Snow focus on teaching snowsports to ✻ 1 day snowsports programme at on riding a new surface ✻ Life-Skills programme includes si fundraising, working with young snowsports teaching. ✻ Experience of a beautiful and dra and travel overseas in a week’s lo ✻ 20 hours shadowing qualified ins ✻ Final peer to peer lesson assessm ✻ 3 Star hotel accommodation. ✻ Exposure to other youth groups addressing territorial bias in youn ✻ Significant time away from inner on the future. ✻ Final Awards Event – Level 1 Train ✻ Snow-Camp staff team managem ✻ Opportunities for employment w students on Snow-Camp London ✻ Opportunities to progress onto t well as work placements in the s

Course Length: 12 months fulltime (30 hrs a week) Course Venue: Hemel Snow Centre A P P ER EXNC T I EC ELS H I P and various London based work placements ✻ Snow-Camp Apprentices will be a Accreditation: NVQ 2 in Activity activities and placements and ge A D UAT E Expansion Youth Forum Leadership, BASI 1, Ski justTechnician consumers of qualification. our services. The Experience of links working alongside rogrammeSnow-Camp’s at a Hemel Snow Centre developing qualification vision is to expand snowsports skills The Snow-Camp Youth Forum (SCYF) SCYF develops✻and maintains snowsports sessions during all Sno alified instructors. Level: programmes across cities in the UK. provides young people with an Advanced between Snow-Camp’s management SC Graduate, SC Excel). kills sessions focusing on vocational opportunities within the ski Dates: July 2015 Various staff work etc) experience placemen beenabout running since opportunity in 2014 / July team (Board of ✻ Trustees, y – workingGlasgow a season,has learning being a ski2012, technician, working at ski to get more involved ✻ Experience of working at nationa 5 available and the young people slopes in the andUK. recent pilots in Cardiff and Leeds/ Snow-Camp’s work. We arePlaces: passionate Snow-Camp Show, Freeze Festival and others. o areas outside of London, new sporting experiences. Completed Excel Bradford have been very successful. about giving young peopleRequirements: a voice supports. It is run by its technician quali ✻ entirely A ski/snowboard exposure to other youth groups and young people from across London, & Aged 16-20 ✻ Skills and learning and committed to empowering young members, with Snow-Camp staff for employabilit ng territorial bias in young people, developing cross borough friendships. financial planning, health and saf National Apprenticeship and certificates - Lasting record of achievement and experience. people to become creatorsSalary: and not attending for support. ✻ A BASI (British Association of Sno ted outcome via ASDAN. wage structure applies Snowboarding qualification. amp staff team management, full risk assessment available. ✻ Designed for individuals who wish unity to progress onto the Snow-Camp Excel progamme. career in the snowports industry. JUN















Opportunities for Work Experience Placements




Employment with Snow-Camp Programmes


SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 09




Snow-Camp Glasgow entered the

programmes and in the Youth Forum.

is also now employed by our industry

2013/14 programme year with a lot to

This year four young people travelled

partners Ellis Brigham, at their Glasgow

live up to after the maiden-year success

out to Aosta and have returned

store, as he builds on his ambitions.

of Snow-Camp’s second city! However,

with a hunger for more snow sports

This year we hope to see more

all involved worked hard to make the

and a potential career in the future.

instructor qualifications being obtained

past 12 months even bigger and better,

Michael, a Snow-Camp Glasgow

with some extremely dedicated young

as well as managing to accomplish

Ambassador, has already made major

people going above and beyond

some major milestones along the way.

strides towards forging a career in the

to work towards their dreams of

A total of 205 young people came

industry by obtaining a PSIA Level 1 Ski

instructing in Canada and Japan in

along to our 2-day Beginner Prog-

Instructor’s qualification in Aviemore

years to come. Both Conner McKee and

ramme at Bearsden Ski & Snowboard

this spring, after which he spent 3

Kirsty McCallum have shown impressive

Club with 35 of these young people

weeks working with the Aviemore

commitment to their causes and are

moving onto the Graduate Programme.

School of Snowsports. He returned

making strong positive impressions

Again, young people from the Glasgow

with glowing reports of his attitude and

in the snow-sports industry and the

operation were invited onto the Italy

professionalism, and all at Snow-Camp

third sector to bolster their efforts.

trip, alongside the London group,

look forward to seeing his snow-sports

We also look forward to building the

based on their efforts within the two

career flourish in the future. Michael

programmes on offer further, with

010 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015





potential to expand opportunities for

Dougie Crawford Race fundraiser back

imagined and twice as busy! Our

work experience with key industry

in October along with Project Manager

young people are really showing their

partners as well as running our first

Will and, although they weren’t among

potential, and with the support and

Scottish residential course.

the fastest, they did the charity proud!

interest from local youth groups we can

Snow-Camp Glasgow now has its

We hope to be naming more patrons

only hope for further success and more

very own office premises! The second

for the Scottish operation this year.

talented individuals being discovered.

Snow-Camp office to open in the UK

Snow-Camp Glasgow would like to

Hopefully now with a base to work from

is located in Cumbernauld and acts as

thank the Big Lottery Awards for All

our operations can continue to go from

a hub for the project’s administration,

Fund, The Robertson Trust, Ross &

strength to strength, and we will really

a meeting place for the Youth Forum

Liddell, East Dunbartonshire Council and

see a positive impact on the lives of

and an equipment store and workshop.

all who have helped us over the year.

young people in Glasgow.”

Please pop in to see us sometime and

Will would also like to thank the Youth

Our work relies on the support of

get more info on the work we do!

Forum members for their support over

many individuals and organisations in

Finally we were honoured to welcome

the last year and all volunteers who

Scotland who believe in what we do. If

Dougie Crawford as the first patron for

have given up their time for Snow-

you feel you can help or want to know

Snow-Camp in Scotland. Some of the

Camp. Will said, “This year has been

more, please get in touch with Will at

Glasgow Ambassadors took part in the

more successful than we could have

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 011

Snow-Camp strives to ensure our

that have been hard, but Snow-Camp

Kieran and Conor both graduated

programmes are accessible to as

has shown me that if I don’t give

in 2014 and gained their Level 1

many young people as possible. Our

up I can achieve new qualifications

Snowboard Instructor qualification.

Bursary Fund covers the full cost of

and experiences. Going to Italy was

They both returned to Snow-Camp

participation on our programmes and

amazing and has shown me what

this summer to teach our new cohort

is made available to youth projects

it is like to get out of London. I also

of young people starting out learning

with very low funding capacity and to

feel more confident, as I have been

to ski and snowboard with Snow-

inner-city young people who through

standing in front of groups instructing,

Camp and have joined the Snow-

their own initiative have found out

which I didn’t think I would be that

Camp Youth Forum. Kieron and Conor

about Snow-Camp.

good at at the start. Thank you again!”

have proven to be excellent role

Each bursary of £2,000 enables one

Kieron Roberts, Age 17

models for the charity.

young person to complete the Snow-

Streatham Youth Centre, Lambeth

Camp programme journey over one

“In my local area there is not much to

life-changing year, enabling them to

“This experience has changed me as

do. I am lucky to have my youth club

gain an accredited Ski or Snowboard

a person. Being out on the mountains

who put a small amount of activities on.

Instructor qualification and make positive

makes me feel free and is so different

There are gangs around my area but I

decisions about their relationships,

to anything at home. Snow-Camp

try to avoid them, which is hard. This is

further education and employment.

has made me motivated to pass the

why it is so great to have Snow-Camp,

course, and I can use this to help me

and it gives me a focus and something

sort out other areas of my life that

to do. Snow-Camp is my first experience

aren’t going too well. Thank you for

of snowboarding and I love it so much! I

giving me this opportunity and giving

have learnt a lot on the courses like how

“Thank you for supporting me through

me something positive to look forward

to snowboard regular and goofy. I know

this course. I have learnt so much

to each week.”

how to use the ski drag lift and tried

about myself from Snow-Camp. In the

Conor Russell, Age 19

“the box” which I fell off! It was still fun. I

past I have given up on many things

St Andrews, Westminster

have also made some new friends from


012 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

Bursaries 2014/15 Bursaries for 2014/15 have generously been granted by: Armajaro Asset Management different

Dare 2B

the year Deana

areas of

Myles Robinson Memorial Trust

will be working


SIGB – Snowsport Industries GB


which is

Ski Safari


different to

Miles Kemp Trust

staff planning

what I am

The Salters Company

and instructing

used to.

Jock Russell Memorial Fund

our snow-

Samworth Foundation

sports sessions

“I want to

Snow-Camp Board of Trustees

say a big

in addition to working

thank you

at national

to Ski Safari,


as without this bursary I wouldn’t

events and undertaking various

be able to complete the course.

work placements within the

I will be able to become a Level 1

industry. Deana is an outstanding

Snowboard Instructor which would

ambassador for the charity as a

be amazing! It has been the most

result of the support she received

positive experience for me!”

via the Bursary Fund.

Deana Irwin, Age 16 Castlehaven Youth Project, Camden

To find out more about the SnowCamp Bursary Fund or if you

Deana is now employed by

would like to support a young

Snow-Camp as part of our full-time

person, please email Rachel Cruz

Apprenticeship Programme and is

at or

working towards her NVQ Level 2

phone the Snow-Camp team on

in Activity Leadership. Throughout

01273 241 383. Thank you.

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 013

Having been inspired to launch an apprenticeship programme by SkillsActive, and with a solid partner in Youth Force supporting the initiative, Snow-Camp launched its very own Snowsports Apprenticeship Programme in 2013 which enabled four young graduates from the Snow-Camp programmes to join our team in a full-time role for a year. The lucky candidates – Charlie, Aaron, Stephanie and Chloe – spent varying lengths of time with some of our key partners including Ellis Brigham, Skiworld, Skiweekends, Pure Powder and The Snow Centre; gaining invaluable work experience whilst studying for an NVQ Level 2 Activity Leadership Qualification and supporting the delivery of all SnowCamp programmes. Now well into its second year, the new apprentices – Jonjoe, Deana, Wesley, Jasmine & Nadir – are currently enjoying placements both in resort and in the UK with our key industry partners, so be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates! We sat down with Chloe Lincoln-Todd to ask her about her experiences on the 2013/14 Apprenticeship Programme:

014 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

Q: How did you feel when you found

Q: And you worked for Skiweekends

could offer me work to continue with

out you were on the Apprenticeship

during your placement also?

the company. I was successful in

Programme with Snow-Camp?

A: Luckily enough, I got the opportunity

securing a full-time role working in

A: Once I found out I’d got a place on

to go do a 2-week mini-season in

the HR department as a Recruitment

the Apprenticeship Programme, I was

Méribel with Skiweekends. I had to

Administrator. It was sad to finish the

really surprised! It was really exciting

cover every job in the hotel from being

year on the Apprentice Programme

and I just couldn’t wait to get started!

a chef, cleaner and waitress. It was a

and continue by myself, but I’m

great experience, and it helped me

extremely thankful for all Snow-

Q: Did you help with the running of

get a better image of what season life

Camp’s support.

the Snow-Camp programmes?

was like. I learnt that it isn’t all fun and

A: All Apprentices helped with the

games; there is a lot of hard work and

Q: Do you feel you changed as a

running of the programmes, such as

you must stay focused if you want to

person during your time on the

assisting on the slopes and running

do well. Going to a different country for

Apprenticeship Programme?

the life-skills sessions – although there

two weeks, by myself and not knowing

A: Yeah, I do feel like I have changed

were times that I ran the whole day by

anyone, was a difficult experience but it

as a person. I feel like I grew up and

myself with Lara’s support. I enjoyed

helped me gain more confidence

became wiser and more responsible.

when I had to run the programmes, as I

and responsibility.

I feel that Snow-Camp has helped me

liked being in charge, and I was proud

learn the real meaning of a work ethic Q: How has the Apprenticeship

and the standards of work. I honestly

Programme benefited you?

couldn’t imagine myself and how I

Q: What did you get up to during your

A: I have learnt how to conduct

would be if I never got involved.

work placement at Skiworld?

myself in the world or work, and it

A: During my time at Skiworld, I learnt

has taught me to have faith and stay

Q: What would be your top tips for

much more than I expected. I worked

determined when wanting to achieve.

future Snow-Camp Apprentices?

in HR and Marketing. I had a lot of

I have gained skills that I can adapt

A: Don’t come out of the

responsibilities, such as liaising with

and use in the future, and I have

Apprenticeship in the same position

employees, updating the website

finally got a plan of where I would

you went in. The harder you work, the

and databases and attending coach

like my life to go!

more you achieve! If you put in 100%,

of myself for actually doing so.

departures to send off employees for the

then you’ll get it back; don’t expect

coming season. I also helped with the

Q: What have you been up to

opportunities to pop up if you haven’t

new 2014/15 Skiworld brochure. It was

since finishing the Apprenticeship

worked for them.

a long process, but both departments


taught me a lot about the snow sports

A: Towards the end of my placement,

Remember everything you learn, and

industry and what jobs are available.

I approached Skiworld to see if they

put it into PRACTICE!

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 015

Snow-Camp Patron Warren Smith is

about being chosen for his academy.

one of Britain’s leading professional

First Tracks beginner programme in July 2013. I had never put skis

free skiers and an internationally

WS: I support Snow-Camp because

on before or even thought of trying

qualified Performance Coach and

it brings new opportunities to people

skiing. I was really lucky and thankful

Instructor. Warren has offered a once-

that would not normally have access to

to receive a bursary from the Myles

in-a-lifetime placement for Snow-

snow sports. I feel very lucky to have

Robinson Memorial Trust who paid for

Camp Apprentice Jonjoe Boulter from

gotten into skiing growing up, and if

my training with Snow-Camp, which

Hackney, to train with the Warren

I can provide opportunities through

took me from a beginner skier all the

Smith Ski Academy in January 2015.

what we do for other people, then that

way through to a Snowsport England

The course is for 9 weeks with

to me is a really good reason as to why

Level 1 Instructor.

residence in the prestigious resort

we would want to be involved.

I had never been to the mountains

of Verbier, Switzerland. Here Jonjoe

Jonjoe, so I remember meeting you

before the Snow-Camp Italy residential

will complete his BASI Level 1 and

last year at Hemel on the Snow-Camp

in April 2014. This is when I saw the

Level 2 programmes to become a fully

Graduate course. How did you first

mountains for the first time and I knew

qualified ski instructor.

get involved with skiing?

straight away that this is where I want

Warren met up with Jonjoe in London to find out more about him and to talk

016 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

to be! I then applied for the SnowJJ: I’d started skiing on Snow-Camp’s

Camp Apprenticeship Programme

snow and the start of the course in January 2015. I’m really excited! Have you got any questions? JJ: Yeah, I have a few questions. What would a normal day out in Verbier, Switzerland, be like for me? WS: Very different to being in London! We get up early and head onto the mountains. On the course you will do a lot of technical and teacher training, along with video analysis with a lot of team building within the group. Over the course of the winter you will understand the key principles of teaching skiing and becoming a ski instructor. JJ: Cool! What draws you to the mountains? WS: Being at altitude and having that perspective to look across the mountains; there is something incredible about it, and it’s an amazing thing to be part of. In terms of being one with nature, it can really motivate you to achieve more. So what are the main aims you want to get out of this experience? where I have been studying for an NVQ

I am so excited and thankful for this,

in Activity Leadership, working as part

as I would have never had this chance

JJ: With Snow-Camp I have not only

of the staff team on the Snow-Camp

without you or Snow-Camp. What are the

found a hobby but a passion and a new

programmes and undertaking a work

next steps for me after today?

lifestyle. I am really looking forward to

placement at SkiPlex.

the challenges and new experiences WS: I am going to get you along to the

ahead with the Ski Academy! My dream

WS: So as you know, what I want to do

Telegraph London Ski and Snowboard

is to be able to gain a BASI Instructor

is offer a place up at my Ski Academy

Show. You will be involved in

Qualification so that I can travel the

and for you to train with us on our BASI

shadowing some of our teaching and

world and see new places.

Level 1 and Level 2 courses to become

you will sit in on our video analysis

Thank you! I am really looking forward

a ski instructor. So you will be living in

centre. And then let’s go back to my

to this whole experience – I can’t wait!

the resort of Verbier, Switzerland, for

home town and get some skiing in

9 weeks during January 2015. How

together at Hemel Snow Centre where

If you want to get involved and support

does that sound?

I learnt to ski; it’s a fantastic indoor

Warren in this initiative, or if you

snow centre. I will also talk to you

happen to be in Verbier and can offer

JJ: When Lara told me I couldn’t believe

about physiology and biomechanics

accommodation or donations, please

it! To have this opportunity is so amazing!

to get you tuned up and ready for the


SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 017

WORKING IN PARTNERSH “In an increasingly urban society, it is

personal responsibility and leadership

snow slopes, play an increasing part in

imperative to offer young people an

qualities are the benefits of the mountain

the provision of sports facilities in urban

activity that develops their initiative,

experience. Thus, skiing fulfils a need

areas, opening up opportunities to

individuality and courage. In the

which is fundamental, and the importance

many more children which were almost

mountains, the skill and determination

of such a challenge has never been so

unattainable in the past.� The Skiers Trust

of the individual are pitted against the

urgent as it is today. Skiing is no longer

elements, and therein lies the attraction

restricted to snow-rich areas. Artificial

A long-term partner to the charity

and challenge. Aspects of self-discipline,

ski slopes, and more recently indoor

has been The Snow Centre at Hemel

018 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

HIP WITH Hempstead. Based just outside of

Apprentices Aaron and Charlie. With

Ian Brown, Managing Director at The

London, the dedicated indoor Snow

The Snow Centre’s excellent location

Snow Centre, says, “We are delighted to

Centre has offered the perfect base to

based just 45 minutes from our pick-up

support the Snow-Camp programmes,

run Snow-Camp’s London programmes

in London, the slope serves as a perfect

and it has been a pleasure to watch

including their First Tracks course,

base to run our London programmes and

many of the participants graduate and

Graduate Programme and Excel

also serves as the base for one of our

indeed go on to become instructors here

Programme. The Centre has also offered

key fundraising events of the year, the

at the centre.”

work placements for two of the 2013/14

Snow-Camp Rally.

See our work with BASI overleaf >>

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 019

Supporting Young People With >> Continued from previous page.

Now well into the 2014/15

directly, but it also brings BASI’s

Since 2013, BASI (British Association

programmes year, new apprentices

name and activities to the attention of

of Snowsport Instructors) have been

Jonjoe Boulter, Nadir Chentoufi,

Snow-Camp’s own extensive network

supporting the charity by sponsoring

Wesley Monteiro, Deana Irwin and

of stakeholders, increasing awareness

four young people through their BASI

Jasmine Jones will receive the BASI-

for BASI. So it’s a great mutually

Level 1 qualifications. Working closely

sponsored Level 1 course places in

beneficial relationship which we are

with Pete Gillespie at the Hemel

either Snowboarding or Alpine Skiing,

proud to be part of.”

Snow Centre, BASI sponsored the

and like the apprentices that have

Snow-Camp continually benefits from

Level 1 course places, and The Snow

gone before them, Snow-Camp will

some incredible support from a wide-

Centre supported the young people

keep you regularly up to date with

ranging list of partners from across

with free slope access and class

their progress via their website and

the snow-sports industry including

shadowing hours. Aaron Minto and

social media channels.

SIGB (Snowsports Industry of Great

Stacey Pender (who both now play

Tania Alliod, BASI’s Membership &

Britain), Ellis Brigham, Skiworld,

key roles in the Snow-Camp Youth

Marketing Manager, commented:

Ski Safari, Ski Weekends, Dare 2B,

Forum) were the first Snow-Camp

“BASI is delighted to be working

Pure Powder, Snow Chateaux,

young people to secure their Level

with Snow-Camp to deliver this

Salomon and many more. Each

1 course places, followed by Charlie

development opportunity for young

organisation plays a huge part in

Barfoot and Aaron Kallo-Rose, two of

people. BASI’s sponsorship of Level

promoting the charity’s activities and

Snow-Camp’s first Apprentices in the

1 course places helps support the

in particular their key fundraising

2013/14 programme year.

Snow-Camp youth programme

events throughout the year.

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OUR Apprentices take on a Chalet cooking course Skiweekends are delighted to continue

chalet maintenance and budgeting

Skiweekends is also supporting Snow-

their support of Snow-Camp, and last

while also getting to experience

Camp’s Alpine Challenge by providing

month six members of the Snow-

shopping in French supermarkets!

a booking service for all participants,

Camp apprentice scheme joined

Most of the apprentices will do

and assisting with logistics at the event.

the Skiweekends Chalet Host and

a 2-week work placement with

Skiweekends provides flexible short-

Cookery Course. They spent a week

Skiweekends during the coming winter,

break ski holidays in 23 resorts in

in Skiweekends’ Chalet Gourmets in

in their hotels and chalets.

Europe with flights from 17 UK airports.

Morzine, learning everything you need

Dan Fox, Managing Director of

They offer something for everyone,

to know to be a ski chalet host.

Skiweekends, said: “It is great to

from catered chalets to luxury 5

The comprehensive course teaches

provide an opportunity for these

hotels, providing a tailor-made service

participants essential catering skills,

youngsters to learn something new

for individuals or groups. For more

giving them a repertoire of three-

as well as experience life in the

details visit

course menus to prepare and serve

mountains. We know from experience

for groups of up to 20 guests. As well

that the Snow-Camp apprentices are

as this course participants study for

hard-working and dedicated, so we

a qualification in food hygiene, and

benefit greatly from their input on

receive training in house-keeping,

work experience.”

022 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


Photo of CMH Gothics by Topher Donahue

CMH pioneered heli skiing in 1965 and are celebrating their 50th anniversary this winter. With CMH Heli Skiing you can explore the interior of British Columbia Canada – the mecca of heli skiing – with the most experienced heli ski operator on the planet.

Book in confidence with the experts Pure Powder – the UK’s largest heli skiing specialist with over 36 years of experience.

For more info visit

At Snow-Camp we are committed to being able to effectively demonstrate the positive impact of our programmes on the young people we support. Since we started Snow-Camp, we have worked in partnership with more than 200 youth organisations, from youth services to small independent youth projects and from national youth programmes to inner-city schools. Motivating young people to engage is half the battle with successful youth work. Snow-Camp has proven that snow sports have a strong enough appeal to ensure “hard to reach� young people want to engage with our programmes, enabling us to support more than 4120 youth-at-risk on a constructive journey of programmes to date.

024 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


Snow-Camp Patron Jenny Jones sat

and seeing all the crowds of support.

What are some of the crazier things

down with the team recently to reflect

It really felt like a special moment and

you’ve been asked to get involved in

on the past 12 months and to chat

brought home to me that whatever

since the Games?

through what’s in store this winter.

happened in that following week, I had

JJ: Racing around a track on mini

made it this far and should be proud

motorbikes with James Corden and

of that.

co. on A League of Their Own. I was

What were some of your best memories from Sochi? Besides the obvious medal-

also asked to cook on MasterChef,

winning moment, of course!

How has life been since the Games?

which I politely declined as cooking is

JJ: The opening ceremony was

JJ: The following 4 months were a

not my forte!

awesome. I was really excited by this

total roller-coaster. It was an amazing

as it is quite a major part of the Games,

but quite a crazy experience – lots

What are your career plans for the

and we potentially weren’t going to

of TV appearances and meeting tons

next year or so? Are you still looking

be able to attend as our training day

of new people both in front of the

to compete?

was the next day. However, the Team

TV and behind the scenes, as well

JJ: I hope to enjoy a winter of riding

GB organisers made it happen for

as very accomplished athletes from

powder and collecting some nice

which we were so grateful. It was such

other sports. Visiting lots of schools

action shots and a few video clips. I

a cool experience walking into this

and meeting children who had been

also will still do some competitions,

huge stadium with fellow members of

inspired by the slopestyle at the

but not as many as the past few years.

the team from all of the winter sports

Games was awesome.

Although the Olympics has come

026 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

We’re delighted to have you involved

given such a great platform at the

as a Patron. How long have you been

recent Winter Olympics. In my new

a supporter of Snow-Camp?

role as Patron, I’m looking forward

JJ: I have been a supporter of

to working with Snow-Camp to make

Snow-Camp for around 5 years so far,

this happen!

and have enjoyed seeing the charity develop and expand its fantastic work.

We heard you were keen to get a

As a snowboarder I love the way

Snow-Camp Bristol off the ground –

Snow-Camp uses my sport to support

why is that important to you?

young people who wouldn’t ever get

JJ: This is massively important to

the chance to get involved in snow

me as I can see how Snow-Camp has

sports – and beyond that, to enable

been such a positive influence on

them to gain access to employment in

those in London and Glasgow, and I

the snow-sports industry. It is a great

think it could do the same thing for

vehicle for developing confidence

young people in Bristol. We have some

and life experiences, showing that life

great dry-slope facilities nearby, and

has a lot to offer and it’s theirs for the

it will be great to introduce young

taking; you have the ability to go out

people to snowboarding and also grow

there and be successful.

participation in sport in Bristol.

What do you hope to bring to the

Any advice for the young people that

charity in your role as Patron?

Snow-Camp support?

JJ: I’m stoked to be coming on

JJ: Above all else, enjoy every

board as a Patron at this key time

second you’re on the snow! Snow

in the charity’s life, as the Snow-

sports offer so much more than just

Camp team seek to expand their

a sport. Snowboarding for me is a

programmes to other cities in the

lifestyle choice, and the industry is so

UK. I hope I can play a positive role

well connected in the UK that there’s

in this next phase, as I am committed

so much to offer young people just

and gone it doesn’t mean I want to

to seeing positive opportunities

getting into the sport in terms of job

suddenly finish, as snowboarding is so

for young people in snow sports,

opportunities and courses to help with

much than the Olympics. after11:54 snowboarding now Camp 80more x 170 Landscape:Layout 1 especially 25/9/14 Pagewas 1 follow us on

personal growth. Enjoy every second!


SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 027

028 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

Jamie Barrow has recently been inspiring rounds of young people coming through the Snow-Camp London programmes. We caught up with Jamie to chat about his life in the fast lane.

What have you been up to recently?

What appealed to you about

JB: In January 2014 I went to the

becoming involved in Snow-Camp?

frozen lake in St Moritz, Switzerland,

JB: I chose to support Snow-Camp as

to test out some electric jet engines

snowboarding changed my life, and

to see how fast we could go with

the London Programme uses skiing

them. No one had ever tried it on a

and snowboarding to help change the

snowboard, but I wanted to give it a

lives of other young people. Being only

go. We set a speed of 80.6kph, which

22 myself and the achievements I have

was very impressive coming from just

made, I will hopefully be able to inspire

electric-powered fans.

the kids to push themselves in the

During the downtime, I also broke the

sport and in their career.

world record for begin towed behind a vehicle. With the one and only run we

What’s in store for you for the

did we set a speed of 111kph.

2014/15 winter season?

How did you get into your specialism of

Most recently over the summer I have

JB: This year is going to be a busy

being Britain’s fastest snowboarder?

been training a lot in the gym and

one for me, as on top of being towed

JB: After I had a very serious

having physiotherapy to strengthen

behind a plane I am hopefully going to

back injury during a boardercross

up my back to be in the best possible

be breaking the British record again

competition, I had to unfortunately

shape I can be for my future stunts.

and will hopefully break the 100mph

drop out of the British team. The

barrier. As well as this I am hoping to

doctors told me that I would not be

We hear you’re planning to be towed

do another video with the jet engines

able to snowboard again, which was

behind a plane! Are the rumours true?

showing what you can do with them,

devastating to me. After a few weeks

JB: Yes, the rumours are true. I will be

for example riding powder and even

of not being allowed to do anything

towed on my snowboard by a plane

going up-hill to access new areas. I will

I decided I wanted to find a way that

towards the end of January. The plan is

also be continuously trying to find new

I could go back to doing what I love,

to have a wakeboard-like rope attached

ways of pushing myself.

and push myself to a high level. I

to the plane and I’ll hold onto it as it takes

therefore decided I would set the

off and until it needs to fly away. No one

And lastly, what tips would you give

British snowboard speed record. The

has ever tried it before on a snowboard,

to the young people coming through

reason for this was that all I would be

but I am sure it will be good fun.

Snow-Camp’s programmes?

doing is going straight down a smooth

JB: The tip I would give to young

track and it was only going to last 20

What do you do when you’re not

people coming through the Snow-

seconds or so. I knew it was going

breaking new records?

Camp programme is stick at it.

to be painful but as it was over such

JB: When I’m not breaking records,

Snowboarding and skiing I find is the

a short period of time I knew I could

as well as working with Snow-Camp,

most fun sport out there, and to be part

put up with the pain. So, in April 2013,

I work as an Athlete Mentor with

of it is truly amazing. It’s not all as easy

I went and set the British snowboard

Sky Sports Living For Sport. I go into

going as it may seem, there will be

speed record of 151.6kph (94.2mph).

schools all round the UK telling them

hurdles in your way, but if you love it

After this I was hooked and wanted to

my story, showing them my stunts and

and stick at it you won’t regret it.

find other ways of pushing myself and

working with them to increase their

to prove that despite what the doctors

confidence and do what they love. I

said I am still able to do it, even if I am

love what I do as it allows me to inspire

in a bit of pain.

the younger generation.

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 029

JET POWER SNOW BOARD SPEED RECORDS Snow-Camp ambassador Jamie Barrow (, Britain’s fastest snowboarder, set his most recent record for the fastest speed on a snowboard while being propelled by electric jet engines (as you do) on the picturesque frozen lake at St Moritz in January. The jet engine record attempt was

we could even start a new sport!”

As Britain’s fastest snowboarder

carefully planned for months after

“I’m really happy with how it went. We

he was the perfect person for the

Jamie was contacted by Adam

were aiming to hit 80kph with the jet

challenge and it was the most

Contoret from DreamScience, the

pack so it was great to achieve that,”

extreme test yet for our new Yeti

inventor of the jet engines. Adam had

said Jamie. “Everything was perfect on

GPS Snowsports Wristop,” said Arron

seen videos of Jamie’s previous speed

the day. The weather was very cold but

Duddin, Co-Founder of Delazify.

records and thought Jamie would be

clear first thing in the morning, which

While waiting for the electric jet engine

the ideal person to test the jet engines

helps as it makes the snow faster and

batteries to recharge, Jamie mentioned

out to their full potential.

keeps the jet engines cool.”

that there was a world record for being

“When I first came up with the idea for

Jamie’s efforts are supported by relevant

towed by a vehicle. Christiano Luminati,

the jets I knew Jamie would be perfect

sponsors including Delazify, who

head of pisting in St Moritz, said he had

for testing it out, and we had to find out

manufacture a recently released snow

a Mitsubishi Evo that he could use to

how fast someone could go with them,”

sports wristop which can tell you where

tow Jamie with. Within a few minutes,

said Adam. “There are still further

and when you are on the mountain.

they had tied a rope to the back of

developments that I can do to improve

“When Jamie first floated the idea of

the car and had given it a go. Jamie

them moving forward, and they can

him being strapped to a jet engine to

reached a top speed of 111.8kph on the

then be used for other sports. Perhaps

go snowboarding, I had to be involved.

first and only run.

030 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

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19/09/2014 09:39


Morzine is one of the top resorts

The first area links the resort over

traditional chalet-style architecture,

in the Alps for a reason. It is one of

to neighbouring Les Gets on the

Morzine has a great selection of

the longest-established resorts in

slopes of Mount Ranfolly, between

accommodation, with nearly 50 hotels,

the French Alps, and it sits at the

the two villages. The trails here are

and a reputation for excellent dining in

very heart of the giant Portes du

largely easy or intermediate level,

its many restaurants along with great

Soleil region which brings together

down through the densely forested

après-ski and partying. At the end of a

a dozen ski centres on each side of

slopes. The second sector consists of

day on the slopes, the terraces fill with

the French/Swiss border, all on one

Super Morzine and Avoriaz. Rising to

party people kicking back with a glass

lift pass. For Brits it’s also one of the

2466m, it is known for its long slopes

of vin chaud while the resident DJs

easiest resorts to reach from the

and areas of splendid isolation. Two

provide a killer soundtrack!

Channel or from Geneva.

new high-speed chairlifts have been

The resort’s “Paradis” après-ski bar and

Morzine’s skiing is spread across two

installed in this sector ready for the

club will be reborn this winter under

similar-sized sectors which together

coming season making getting up the

the new ownership of Rude Chalets,

offer almost 300km (nearly 200m)

slopes faster still.

promising rockin’ après-ski parties with

of trails served by nearly 100 lifts.

Rich in French ambience, with

live bands and Ibiza-anthem-style club

032 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

New Chocolate Boutique

nights with resident DJs. The Paradis

descent across

club with its legendary boogie nights

the pistes.

dance floor has a colourful history, as

Or you can try

it was previously run by a 70-year-old

ski-joëring –

lady who made her fortune dancing in

when you’re

the Moulin Rouge!

towed behind a horse on your

This winter Morzine will open a chocolate boutique promising chocolatey aromas which will waft into the street. Eric, the master chocolatier who will be running this new attraction, says that the quality and tradition of his products is of the utmost importance. All of his ingredients are sourced from fair-trade-producing artisans, and everything is hand-made in-house. In short, it will be a paradise for chocolate lovers and foodies in general! For children aged five and over, Eric will run two workshops in his shop. The first will allow children to see him in action and taste his chocolates; the other will teach them about the process of making chocolate, and how to become a master chocolatier themselves. They will even have the chance to leave with what they’ve made.

Haute-Savoie (after Lac Leman and Lake Annecy) is a novel experience in an exceptional

Not Just Skiing And Boarding

skis (don’t worry,

There’s plenty to do off the slopes.

they don’t go

Tobogganing takes place in the

that fast). There

evening, once the skiers have

are two courses

deserted the pistes. Participants

for adults, one

head to the summit of the Pleney

from Morzine to Dérêches, the other on

Mobilboard Morzine is a Segway tours

gondola equipped with toboggans and

the plateau of Seraussaix.

centre that offers winter tours on the

headlamps, and set off down a thrilling

Ice diving at the third biggest lake in

famous two-wheeled machines.

spot with a stunning landscape – or for a more leisurely pace,

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 033


and raised over £40,000 for Snow-

first time, we are able to offer a range

Camp’s work which meant Snow-

of flight, hotel and transfer options to

Camp were able to employ five young

suit everyone – making it as easy as

For over 6 years now, Snow-Camp

people through the Apprenticeship

possible for you to attend.

have been setting the Portes du Soleil

Programme for a full year – training

To find out more about this year’s

ski area alight with our unique 2-day

them for future employment across the

Alpine Challenge, and to register

Alpine Challenge endurance event

snow-sports industry at the end of their

your team, head on over to www.

designed to give your team a skiing


and snowboarding experience you will

Snow-Camp Director, Dan Charlish,

never forget!

said, “This unique event has been

Held in Morzine each year, the event

a huge success year-on-year. We

challenges your team of four riders to

added even more checkpoints last

clock up 150km+ of GPS-tracked skiing

year, and on top of the mountain

or boarding over 2 non-stop days

hike, a sledge relay ensured the 2014

On 15 September 2013 the first ever

across the 15 resorts of the massive

Challenge was the toughest yet! As

Virgin Kitesurfing Armada (VKSA) set

Portes du Soleil ski area, navigating

always, the atmosphere was fantastic

a new world record for the “Largest

to 25 checkpoints across each of the

with all the teams enjoying the level

Parade of Kitesurfers” ever, with 318

15 ski resorts! The team that clocks up

of competition and experience of

kitesurfers – including Sir Richard

the most kilometres and successfully

navigating around 15 resorts and

Branson himself – completing the

visits the most checkpoints wins! It’s all

hundreds of kilometres of pistes.”

mile course at Hayling Island on

about strategy, stamina, teamwork and

The Alpine Challenge returns on 12–15

the south coast. After setting the

good fun!

March 2015, and this year is benefiting

record, kitesurfers set off on an epic

With over 80 participants last year, the

from our new partnership with Ski

downwinder from Hayling Island to

2014 challenge broke record distances

Weekends. This means that for the

Lancing 46 miles away, to raise as

034 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


much money for Snow-Camp, the RNLI

an international event with a second

ever! With a whole heap of snow-

and Virgin Unite as possible! The event

world record in the bag set in Tarifa

sports prizes to be won, plus the

raised over £70,000 for charity, an

(Spain) in August 2014, we want to see

chance to attend the official après-ski-

unbelievable result for the first attempt!

Kitesurfing Armadas running in other

themed after-party as part of the event,

With the successful format now in place,

locations around the globe – get in

you don’t want to miss this!

the VKSA is reaching for new heights

touch if you can help, and see you at

With almost 350 miles of tarmac standing

from 2014 and beyond. With more riders

the next Armada!

in your way, five slopes to ride in total

set to break the world record once

For more info, check out www.

and 30 minutes maximum at each slope

again plus an action-packed weekend

to ride as many runs as possible (totalling

festival of kitesurfing now set to take

up to 2 hrs 30 mins of FREE slope time),

place every year, the event offers

this is no easy challenge!


All five of the country’s indoor snow

live tracking of the kitesurfing and kite

Have you ever thought about

to themselves at the crack of dawn,

movie screenings, pro kiter demos,

completing an epic road trip to ski or

before moving on to Snozone MK,

taster sessions, a family area and on-site

board the five indoor snow centres

Snozone Castleford, Chill Factore

camping facilities.

in England in a full-on 12 hours … for

Manchester and finishing at The

The Virgin Kitesurfing Armada aims

FREE?! Here’s your chance!

Snowdome Tamworth where prizes

to bring together the kitesurfing

Described by Ed Leigh as “the closest

and awards were given out.

community to ride together, raise funds

thing you’ll get to the Gumball Rally in

The Rally is open to any teams of four

for a range of charities including Snow-

the UK”, the Snow-Camp Rally returns

who fancy taking on the challenge.

Camp and positively promote the

once again in 2015, and this year it’s

Check out

amazing sport of kitesurfing. Already

going to be bigger and better than

rally for more info.

music, entertainment, international kite brands exhibiting the latest gear, pro kiter Q & A sessions, a big screen with

centres took part in 2013 with teams having the Hemel Snow Centre slope

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 035

This winter season, Snow-Camp are

in the challenge. Every mile you ski is

seeking the support of thousands of

tracked by the app and then combined

passionate skiers and snowboarders

with everybody else’s miles in pursuit

to create history by being part of

of our target – the Moon – 240,000

the biggest snow-sports event ever

miles away.

launched – The Ski 2 the Moon

Snow-Camp Director Dan Charlish


said, “Over the years we have

The challenge is unique in that

developed a number of snow-sports

moustache, raise some funds and

wherever you are skiing or

events at Snow-Camp, such as the

support a charity. Fun, simple, genius.”

snowboarding in the world, you can

Alpine Challenge and the Snow-Camp

Snow-Camp developed the Ski 2 the

set yourself a personal goal and join

Rally, which are great fun and have

Moon idea after approaching Core

in. From Swadlincote Ski Slope to

helped raise some fantastic funds for

Coders, the developers of the popular

the Swiss Alps, from the Andes to

our work. However, these events will

Ski Tracks app now used by over 1.4

the Antarctic, from Hintertux to the

always be limited to a set location,

million skiers and snowboarders.

Himalayan foothills – the Ski 2 the

on certain dates and with specified

Charlish said, “I use Ski Tracks a

Moon App enables everyone with

targets – all of which restricts people

lot, and was wondering about the

access to a smartphone to participate

getting involved. We were inspired by

possibilities of using apps as a way of

036 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

the ethos around Movember – that wherever you are in the world you can grow a

enabling large numbers of people to

the Moon app will provide participants

Just Giving page for their personal Ski

join in a huge snow-sports challenge,

with the very best Ski Tracks features

2 the Moon challenge, which they can

wherever they were skiing. We wrote

in terms of measuring your speed, total

easily share with friends and family.

to the developers, explained the idea,

distance, vertical drop and providing

All funds raised are going directly to

and asked them if it was possible to

GPS tracking which maps your route

support Snow-Camp’s work with inner-

deliver an app of this kind, utilising

on Google Maps.

city young people.

their GPS tracking technology. They

It will also be fun! The team have

“This event could make a massive

wrote back the same day saying they

developed cartoon characters Jenny

difference. If we can get thousands

loved the concept and their office

(a lady hare) and James (a cool

of people involved, Ski 2 the Moon

happened to be 5 minutes down the

tortoise), named after Olympians

could be a huge support in achieving

road from Snow-Camp! They could

Jenny Jones and James Woods, which

our vision of expanding Snow-Camp’s

have been anywhere in the world – I

pop up at various times during your

work to support young people in cities

started thinking this was meant to be.”

challenge, encouraging you to keep

across the UK,” said Charlish.

The Ski 2 the Moon app is free to

going, congratulating you on reaching

The event begins on the 20th December

download and available to everyone

milestones towards your target or

2014 and will continue until the end of the

with a smartphone. The concept is

awarding various other achievements.

season – or until we reach the Moon!

There will be a range of awards and

To find out more and to

before you go skiing, you

cups to collect as part of the app which

download the app, check out

set your own personal ski

keeps it really interactive, and of course

target in miles / kilometres

everything is easily sharable across all

Thanks to: Gompels

social media, helping spread awareness

HealthCare Ltd

simple: you download the app

and the timeframe you are giving yourself to achieve this distance. When you want to start

to other snow-sports enthusiasts. Alongside the Hare and the Tortoise,

your challenge, you hit “Go” and the

other graphics within the app enable

app starts to track your skiing – and

participants to see their own personal

your miles start helping towards the

contribution towards the Moon

collective goal of reaching the Moon.

target and also

“What I like about the idea is it


can engage everyone who skis or


snowboards, whatever their level,”

of the

says Charlish. “If you are out in Les 2

whole event

Alpes for a week with your mates –

each combined mile skied by

set a 200-mile target and do it over

participants around the world

a week. If you are spending a day

is recorded – shown on

at Chatham Snow Centre – go for

a “totaliser” screen

20 miles in a day. If you are doing a

alongside an

season in Whistler – set a target of


3000 miles skiing and a timeframe of


the whole season. But the key is that

making its

the event brings everyone together

way from Earth

to achieve one shared goal – and we

to the Moon 240,000

hope the snow-sports community will

miles away.

get behind the idea.

The app is free, but as a charity event

Being powered by Ski Tracks, the Ski 2

everyone will also get a prepopulated

the live


SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 037

For many winter-sports fans, the

easier to get really big air.

question of whether there is water

However, such plans may be

anywhere in our galaxy or beyond to

considered fanciful by mainstream

sustain life comes secondary to the

lips – leading space snowfall experts

scientists who instead highlight the best

deeper question – is there water that

to speculate that Martians may risk

powder stashes on planets and moons

can sustain snow?

skiing and boarding off-piste on a

further away from the sun than we are.

Over the decades as NASA has sent

regular basis.

The following are some of the best bets

ever more probes closer to our solar

The data shows that as the planet

this season.

system’s planets and their moons, and

warms up in the morning, thin clouds

while Virgin Galactic have moved ever

are formed and liquid taken from the

closer to developing space tourism, the

ice caps falls back to Mars as frost or

hopes that one day we will be skiing

snow. “This is clearly evidence that it

and snowboarding on other worlds

snows on Mars,” said David Smith, a

Although Jupiter itself has a gassy

have moved ever closer to reality.

researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space

surface, you’d sink through faster

Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

than Utah powder, and several of the

Further spacecraft have added to the

planet’s moons seem to be a very

weight of evidence that Mars will make

good bet for some sort of futuristic

a great ski destination. The fact that

winter sports. In April 1999 the Hubble

Early in 2000 space scientists reported

its highest peak, Olympus Mons, at

Space Telescope helped confirm that

on the first signs of “Martian snowfall

nearly 22km high, is more than five

volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io spew

and avalanches” after studying images

times bigger than Everest means the

plumes of “sulphur-dioxide snow” into

from the Mars Orbiter’s cameras. The

long trip there should be worth it for

space at incredible speeds – putting

spacecraft’s images showed what

the skiable vertical alone, and the low

even the most advanced snowmaking

appeared to be avalanches on crater

gravity also means that it will be much

systems on earth to shame with their


038 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


30-miles-a-minute output speed.

could have the answer, including

scientists because it “has atmosphere”,

The telescope photographed Io’s

hopefully the first upper- and lower-

was visited first by Voyager then by the

volcano Pillan ejecting a hot plume

slope snow-depth reports. NASA’s

Cassini Orbiter which landed a probe

of sulphur dioxide – about 2,240oF –

project envisages a “Hydro Bot” being

on Titan in 2004 that sent back a few

into space. The scorching gas cools

dropped on to the surface of Europa

pictures of some unexciting-looking

quickly in the chilly emptiness of

to report these vital facts, along with

rocks before it broke.

space, freezing into snow, researchers

details about primitive life which might

However, back in 1994, a group of

believe. Images showed sulphur-

be encouraged to evolve and join us

scientists working with the Hubble

dioxide “snow” in green, whilst

on Europa’s virgin slopes.

Space Telescope first noticed a

sulphur-dioxide frost is a nice shade of

Ganymede is the largest moon in the

“bright spot” on the moon which

blue when recorded as an ultraviolet

solar system, bigger than Mercury or

they calculate is “about the size of

image (light you can’t see with your

Pluto and with distinct North and South

Australia”. Their “best guess” for this

own eyes).

Pole ice caps, so it’s another promising

phenomenon is that it’s actually a vast

“Other observations have inferred

choice; definitely worth scheduling

range of ice mountains, and who are

sulphur-dioxide ‘snow’ in Io’s

a day out of your 6-day multi-space-

we to argue?

plumes, but this image offers direct

ski-resort Jupiter lift pass, even if

“My favoured picture of Titan’s surface

observational evidence for sulphur-

you spend most of the week in your

is an exotic place with methane-snow-

dioxide ‘snow’ in a Io plume,” said John

slopeside condo on Europa.

covered mountains, a few hydrocarbon

R. Spencer of Lowell Observatory in

lakes, lots of water-ice chunks and some

Flagstaff, Arizona. Another moon, Europa, is seen as one

rocks,” said one



of the few other bodies in our solar system that could sustain winter sports.

Saturn has those cool rings which

Similar in size to our own moon, Europa

would obviously be great for cosmic

seems to contain a vast ocean of ice or

figures liked the Silver Surfer to ride on.

liquid (depending on which scientific

But sadly such characters are

theory you believe) beneath its cloudcovered surface. Europa has a surface temperature of -260° F so probably a one-piece suit would be best rather than jacket and ski trousers, for maximum insulation. Whilst some scientists believe Europa

just fantasy, and Saturn

is a deep freeze, others theorise that

itself probably wouldn’t be a good base

warmth generated by Jupiter’s tug on

for a ski centre.

its inner core could turn the frozen

However, once again the planet’s

material to liquid. It’s possible both

moons do look ripe for a resort village

are half right and that it’s actually

development – no doubt taking into


covered in snow.

consideration the history, local culture

is a lot of water

If NASA’s proposed Europa Ice

and natural light on a moon like Titan,

ice on Titan, and at minus 298 degrees

Clipper probe, or the European Space

Saturn’s biggest and the solar system’s

Fahrenheit, ice is as strong as granite

Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer,

second largest.

– so you can make big mountains out

ever get off the ground (literally), we

Titan, a place that excites space

of it,” he continued enthusiastically.

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 039

Snow-Camp are committed to bringing

a meaningful and lasting relationship

year? Or the Ski 2 the Moon event? The

our unique programmes to even more

that delivers your goals and helps us to

Snow-Camp Rally? Or indeed an event of

young inner-city people, working with

help more young inner-city people. The

your own? We’re behind you all the way!

individuals and corporate partners

five key areas that we are particularly

who are passionate about social

keen to explore, developing on existing

4. Would there be opportunities to offer

responsibility and supporting the team

partnerships with a wide range of

cause-related marketing through your

to achieving this goal.

individuals and organisations, are:

in-house channels?

Whether you’re an individual looking to 5. Would you be able to support Snow-

get involved in our unique fundraising events (or indeed a fundraising event

Camp’s young people either through

of your own) or an organisation who

1. Do you have a dedicated charity

the bursary programme or offering work

can offer a company-wide commitment

partner/charity of the year and would

experience to Snow-Camp’s apprentices?

to fundraising, cause-related

you consider Snow-Camp?

marketing, sponsoring Snow-Camp programmes and events or something

2. Could there be possibilities to

different altogether, we will put your

explore offering bespoke auction items

We are really flexible about how we

requirements and objectives at the

for Snow-Camp’s future fundraising

work with individuals and companies

heart of the partnership.

events in return for an agreed

and would love to discuss any ideas you

In the first instance we are looking to

sponsorship package?

may have for a potential partnership.

open a dialogue with yourselves so

Thank you for considering to support

that we can learn a bit more about you

3. Could your staff get involved in Snow-

our work and please do not hesitate

or your organisation and your CSR

Camp’s Alpine Challenge endurance

to call the team on 01273 241383 or

objectives, with a view to establishing

fundraising event held in Morzine each


040 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015

Visit our website for special offers

Why Wax & Edge Your Skis or SNOWBoard?



Well-maintained kit makes your

sharper, but won’t last as long.

skiing or boarding easier, less tiring

Waxing is easy. “Rub-on” wax is

and lots more fun.

good but it is always best to iron

Maintaining your kit is very simple

on a wax. Universal wax is great

and can save money.

for most conditions, although

DataWax (

there are many different specialist

supplies all the products you need

waxes for different conditions. Use

and has a helpful and detailed

a waxing iron (you can’t use it on

“How To” section (written by Snow-

clothes afterwards!). Gently drip the

Camp patron and British Champion

wax onto the base and then iron it

Dougie Crawford) to help make it

smooth. Once it has cooled (wait

straightforward for you to service

at least 30 minutes) scrape off the

your equipment.

excess wax – remember, it is the

Sharp edges make it easier to grip

wax IN the base that is important.

while skiing or boarding. This is

That is it – you are set to go!

especially important for difficult

DataWax stock starter kits

conditions like hard snow or ice;

containing all the equipment you

however, whatever the conditions,

need to maintain your gear.

sharp edges are always helpful for

Use DataWax products to keep

enjoyable, safe, effective skiing

your gear in top condition,

or boarding. A 90o angle is sharp

extending its life and making

enough for almost all conditions

your skiing or snowboarding

and stays sharp for a long time. If

manoeuvres easier, safer, more

it’s really hard snow or you need

effective and more fun.

extra grip, then go for 88o – it’s

SNOW CAMP MAG 2015 // 041







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The Snow-Camp team, based in Hove, East Sussex, will be delighted to hear from you if you feel you can support our work. Please feel free to call us anytime on 01273 241383 or catch us on the email addresses below:


















042 // SNOW CAMP MAG 2015


HOW CAN WE HELP? By offering skiers and snowboarders Grants and by providing a Bespoke Fund System for sponsors. 00 44 (0)208 123 2307

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