IHSC Jen April 2015

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Yo Yo Yo We are da J & K crew! We are excited to launch the 1 st issue of Jen -2015, which marks the 50th anniversary of IH. We have been working very hard to get you everything from the Juiciest gossip to the Kraziest photos caught on camera and more. In store for you this issue, we have the wackiest wide array coverage of many IH events. Act I. Scene I. Curtain opens on your lovely general committee. Round two, FIGHT! Jk. Next up, catch a glimpse of all the court/field action from our IH athletes. After that, get a taste of Baggins’ feature article, followed by upcoming events. Get stoked. And get to know your fellow Housies in our never-seenbefore addition to the edition, “Humans of IH” (like “Humans of New York”, but, ya know, not in New York). And who can miss out on the Housie all time favourite, the gossip column. Grab a mate, grab some sunnies, sit out on G-lawn and have a good read. Can you guess who is who? If you can’t, you may need to come out of your room once in a while. We’ve got quite the team bringing you all the goodies. Behind the scenes we’ve got our fearless leader Sully Bholat, our Great Lord of Graphic Design Gabby Mendoza, our Gentle Giant Ben “Baggins” Felix, our Post-Grad Guru Shelley Lin, our fieryhaired Fructose, and our mysterious Gossip Girls (but who are we? That’s a secret we’ll never tell xoxo Gossip Girls). JK Crew Signing Off Peace out, Housies. See ya next month.

What a month, eh? It’s just sort of flown by. But when the seer in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar said, ‘Beware the ides of March,’ he didn’t mention that we’d have to be aware of the rest of the month too, lest we miss it completely… Life at IH has been very busy over this past month, but you could blink and miss it. The efforts of all of our sportsmen and women, as well as the great advances we have made in the fields of culture and sport. Seriously, this last month has been pretty epic. From the very first war-cry at the swimming carnival to the final cheer at the college idol, IH has been excelling, testing and breaking the limits in any way imaginable. From day 1 to day 31, IH has given its all to retain its greatly deserved position as the greatest college ever. From the get-go, IH was off like a cheetah – one that had somehow developed the incredible intellect of a dolphin and a decent pair of wings.

From the very beginning of the month, IH tried its hardest to do the best job possible – and my, what results. From coming 5th/7th in swimming, to doing exceptionally in Tennis, and that’s not even counting the many other sports which IH has excelled at over the month, Housie pride has been at a great height throughout this half of the semester. However, one must also count the amazing efforts which IH has made in the realms of culture. From the fresher dance results of the early month (1st place for the win!) to the debating, Choralfest practices, and the efforts of Inah and Daniel in College Idol, IH has been excelling in its cultural events also. In short, this month has been an excellent example of the class and excellence of IH in all that we do – our house pride has been eminent throughout this month, and has most definitely been fruitful. To all our sportspeople, cultural people and those who represent our college, we give a final shout this month – HOUSIE HOUSIE HOUSIE!!!

Occasionally, we tread water for three days in a row. We woo women with our sensuous and godlike trombone playing, we can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and can cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. We are an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. -Spirit Freshers

Hi everyone! My name is Alison, I am 19 years old (believe it or not) and I am the new Sunday Supper Convenor! My food qualifications include loving chocolate, clearing six jars of Nutella since arriving at IH and last year, eating 41 tins of chocolate wafer sticks by myself in 20 weeks... Yep, I am a glut... And I really like chocolate...

Hi all, your environmental convenor here. A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported earth hour, it was lovely to see you getting involved and turning your lights and electronics off for that hour! Over the rest of the year I'm going to be encouraging things like turning off lights- bathrooms and common rooms are a MASSIVE issue- shorter showers, not using the dryers(use the lovely sun!) and recycling. Super easy things that make a big difference. Have a wonderful Easter break everyone!

My name is Peter Van Roki to most and I have the pleasure of ensuring people have the time of their lives on the 1st of May yes that is the day you get to hear amazing music play at Bandfest!!!!

Hey housies, As your minister for fun without remorse, it is important that I help you out of course. When you need some fun or the going gets tough, remember Phil and I have all sorts of great stuff. We'll be on hand for protection and advice most of the time, but try not to call us between 2am and 9. Plan ahead and visit us before we crash, or perhaps invest in your own secret stash! More advice later but for now spread the word, For contraceptives you need go no further than D 3rd

I'm your pharmacist, which means it's my job to make uncomfortable eye contact and small talk with the IGA checkout chick as she scans 20 boxes of condoms, so YOU don't have to. You can drop me a Facebook message, or drop by my room (D3.2) for supplies of contraceptives, and pregnancy tests, or just to chat about life. It's completely private, and you can come to me or Hamish, whoever you feel most comfortable with. See ya round!

Hey guys! I'm Nikki your charity convenor for 2015! April is a huge month as it is Autism Awareness Month; Bara Khana will be Autism themed with everyone being asked to wear blue to show their support. Stay tuned for tons of activities to raise awareness and funds for Autism this month!

My wish is to create a tasty environment for residents to socialise during meals. I believe eating is not just a biological obligation but a juicy and savoury joy. Join me in this food revolution, visit voiceoffood.tk for weekly menu, feedback, food news and more! -Van #food #convenor #tender #crunchy

The men of international house have been competing on courts and in pools for the first three weeks of the semester. Tennis marked the start of the ICC sports cup as our boys stepped out on to the court just a week after O-week. Our boys took to the court led by self-proclaimed number 1 tennis player at UQ, Kazuki Izumi.All six boys who played gave it their all suffering through broken rackets and the heat in true Housie spirit. We placed 7th overall, unreflective of the amount of fun that both players and supporters had throughout the tournament. In week two, we took part in the ICC swimming carnival. Once again #partyboy led our boys into the pool assisted by Jeremy Nak as joint conveners. We battled valiantly with an unfortunate draw forcing many of our swimmers to double up on consecutive events. Our athletes were supported by a large number of Housies who cheered them on poolside. The highlights include placings by Jeremy Nak and Ryan Burrow, the relay dream team and a masterfully orchestrated Mexican wave by the supporters. In week three, we picked up our paddles and rackets and headed to the gym to compete in table tennis and badminton. Traditionally they are some of our strongest sports so we had high hopes for the weekend. Table tennis was a fiery affair; our boys unfortunately lost a very tight match with St Leos. Finishing 2nd in our pool ,we played Kings for 3rd place. The Kings match was extremely one sided with Fabien Lai Van finishing them with his signature “between the legs shot.� On Sunday of week three, we travelled back to the gym to support Ian Haryono and Aditya Ravi compete in badminton. Both lads played to an exceptionally high level, easily progressing to the final. The final against Emmanuel was a tightly fought match but unfortunately Emmanuel proved too strong for us. The boys finished 2nd overall, making all of us proud with the effort they put in. Overall the first four weeks of sport have showcased the athletic ability of our athletes ,the spirit and passion of our entire college through the huge amount of support that has been shown at all sports events

“It was an exciting experience to play for IH. My partner and I got to see so many great teams and we tried our best to cooperate with each other. Though we didn't win the competition, we still had so much fun.” – Spencer Koo

“This year the swimming was amazing. We had a few trainings before the actual event, where we went to the pool to do a few laps and figure out who could do what. There were so many supporters from IH and the atmosphere was awesome! I personally hadn’t swum for a while so getting in and doing some races felt great, even though it almost killed me (I was so tired). I’ve always loved relays, and our team this year was perfect! We all put in 100% effort and had fun! Everyone who swam did so well” –Gabriella Austin “After finishing fifth in the ICC Swimming Carnival, the IH girls made us proud yet again in the ICC Tennis Competition. The team took on the challenge, starting off strong with wins against Grace and Cromwell. Thinking a Championship was just around the corner, we battled Women’s with confidence, walking away with an average score of 6-0… to Women’s. Bugger! However, in true Housie spirit we charged on. Unfortunately, all games that followed were lost but smiles remained on the faces of all players. Would like to thank the entire team for putting in a great effort! Was an excellent tournament for the IH Ladies!” - Lucy Loannou Female Tennis Convener 2015

“Playing ICC Table Tennis was definitely one of my best experiences in IH. Being the convenor and having no idea how strong the other colleges were, I was quite nervous before the competition.But when I saw so many housies cheering for us, I became more confident and did my best. We only lost by a narrow margin, and I am very proud of my team- Chan Hoi Ching”

“'Humans of IH' is an idea based off of “Humans of New York ”, a project which interviews people off the street to get an idea of exactly who someone is, where they come from, or what makes them tick. We are bringing it to IH and have found these hidden gems within our midst.”

“Make sure you have a goal at the end of the road and that you know what you're doing. Be happy, but have a goal and make sure you're serious about what you do. And whatever you do, shine”

“I used to think about having a foundation back at my hometown to help children/young people with social skill development. I was a shy kid so I know what it's like. I want to help them connect with others. But first I have to get a steady job and I have a younger sister who I must support through University first”

“My Dad is a pilot and as a result I travelled a lot. I have travelled a lot since then. In 2012 I went on exchange to Europe alone at the age of 15. I have always loved languages. I find them very easy to learn and they are some of the most beautiful things in the world. I go by this saying a lot of the time: Speak to someone through their second language and you are speaking to them through their brain, but speak to them through their 1st language and you are speaking to their heart. I don't want to be hurt by the brain, so I'll speak to the heart."

Apparently the Twin and Bull found love like Beauty and the Beast

Wombat: Yo, I have a new mate now.

Old age doesn’t stop this one from participating in wild nocturnal activities.

There has been a lot of social FROTHing going on.

Privacy tips: turn up the volume and use your en suit bathroom.

Our boy from the jungle likes to play monopoly drunk with the Doggies

Lil Lilo loves getting his hunger satisfied by very very late night Dino trips

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